How often should planted trees be watered? How to properly water fruit trees. Useful video - how to care for young grape seedlings

If 500-700 mm of precipitation falls per year, then the garden does not need to be watered. Those who are unlucky with the climate have to water the trees - and this must be done correctly.

Unfortunately, precipitation is not subject to human will and does not fall at will. It turns out that when the trees need maximum water, it rarely rains - so the gardens have to be watered.

Timely watering not only enriches the soil with moisture, but also reduces its temperature and increases the humidity of the surrounding air. This is especially important in the south. In addition, thanks to watering, fertilizers are more effective.

When and how to water the garden

It all depends on the weather, drying out of the soil and the needs of the plants themselves.


Remember that although a lack of moisture has a harmful effect on trees, excess water is even more harmful.

Many gardeners make the mistake of watering little but often. Such watering does not bring any benefit. Trees need infrequent watering, but such that the soil is soaked to a depth of 60-70 cm (for stone fruits and berry crops requests are slightly less)

  • For 4-5 year old trees, you need to pour six to eight buckets of water under the crown.
  • For 8-10 year olds, 12-16 buckets of water will be required.

What depends on the soil

On sandy soils The garden is watered frequently and in small amounts, but in clay gardens, on the contrary, it is watered rarely and abundantly.

Watering methods

There are three ways to water trees:

  • sprinkling watering,
  • surface,
  • subsoil

Most varieties surface irrigation. Let's consider only those that are used on personal plots.

Irrigation in furrows– several furrows are cut in the garden, one or two spade widths wide. Water is supplied to these furrows from a hose.

The inconvenience of this method is that you periodically have to move the hose from one furrow to another.

Watering in bowls- the most common method. A bowl-shaped recess is made under the crown of the tree: it should be no less than the projection of the crown. A roll 20-25 cm high is formed along the edges of the bowl. The bowls are connected by a common groove. When feeding water along the furrow, irrigate immediately whole line trees.

More and more popular mechanical method watering - using sprinkling. At the same time, the soil is moistened, air humidity increases and the air temperature drops significantly. For sprinkling, you don’t need to dig any furrows or bowls, but you still need to prepare the soil - add fertilizer and loosen it.

The disadvantage of this method is that the risk of fungal diseases increases slightly.

The most expensive way– subsoil irrigation. Through a system of polyethylene pipes, through pores and holes, water enters the soil and moistens the root layer.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost and the need to remove the pipes every three to four years and clean the holes from the roots that clog them.

Drip irrigation is also carried out according to polyethylene pipes, but they are easier to install - two or three droppers are installed under one tree. This method somewhat reduces water consumption, which is useful for those who have water meters installed.

The disadvantage of this method is that the pipes are expensive and they often become clogged.

Spring watering

In the spring, the garden especially needs moisture during bud break.

Therefore, we cannot wait. Water the trees without waiting for the leaves to appear.

The second watering is carried out two weeks after the end of flowering, since at this time, due to dry soil, the ovaries may fall off.

15-20 days before harvesting the fruits, the garden is watered for the third time.

This is only the basic watering of the garden, without which you cannot get a good harvest. In the south, intermediate sprinklings are also carried out.

Young fruit trees water less often than adults, especially in the second half of summer, so that shoot growth stops in time, otherwise they will not ripen and freeze in winter.

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Most summer residents and gardeners often argue about whether apple trees need to be watered in the summer.

Indeed, in a natural environment, they have enough water that falls in the form of precipitation and that which the roots of trees can lift from the depths.

IN modern world The weather changes dramatically and frequently, and areas not previously classified as dry regions may suffer from lack of moisture. That's why yield indicators with “natural watering” they are difficult to predict, and for the southern territories they are completely impossible.

As a result, making a profit from a garden is closely related to its provision of moisture, especially during the hot period.

The amount of cubic meters of water required for irrigation varies greatly depending on the composition of the soil and the depth of its horizons, the season, the weather, the age of the trees and their size. This publication discusses all these factors that make it easy to determine what and when to water apple trees.

Watch a video from an expert on how to care for and water fruit trees:

How often should apple trees be watered?

A gardener who wants to water his garden correctly must check every time after watering, and to what depth did the soil get wet?.

To do this, you don’t need to poke your finger into the soil, because... the root layer begins at a depth of 11 cm. For this you need a stick, the length of which is 14 cm or more, and its surface is ribbed.

By pressing the stick, they find optimal volume irrigation water for each specific area for irrigation throughout the year. The more mud the stick is covered in, the deeper the soil is soaked.

The best timing and methods of irrigation seed orchards are considered:

  • 1st - half a month after full flowering;
  • 2nd - when increased growth of new apples becomes noticeable;
  • 3rd - when the buds on the shoots of the current year are almost completely separated;
  • 4th - immediately after picking fruits from apple trees of “summer varieties” or when filling “winter apples”;
  • 5th - when the tree has dropped all its leaves or “pre-winter moisture-recharging watering”.

At the moment of flowering or immediately after It is not customary to water it, since an excess amount of water negatively affects the percentage of fruit set and contributes to a sharp increase in mold and rot.

If the site is located in the steppe zone or if the spring was too dry, then the lack of water under the roots during flowering will result in a meager harvest in September.

Summer is hot and dry?

It is important to understand how often to water apple trees in the summer. It is necessary to do a couple or three additional waterings.

Time, when to water apple trees in summer:

  • One or two waterings are done at the end of June or in July;
  • One when pouring and coloring apples.

Volume of water poured at a time:

  • For an apple tree from 6 to 15 years old it is 6-9 buckets;
  • Up to 35 years - up to 40 liters for each quarter of the circumferential irrigation ditch under the crown;
  • And over 50 years old - up to 7 buckets of the same length.

Such watering is done once every 2-3 weeks.

ADVICE. Watering only in the right and “useful” place is beneficial for the roots of the apple tree!

How to properly irrigate apple tree seedlings after planting?

The very first watering after planting are carried out directly on the day of landing events. If there are problems with water, then within 30 hours from the moment the apple trees are planted.

Is spring wet and does the mud last a long time? The volume of irrigation water is minimal - no more than a seven-liter bucket on the tree at the time of planting.

Watch a useful video on how to increase the survival rate of a seedling:

In the first summer you need to water three to five times.. This amount is related both to the composition of the soil in the garden and to whether the planting hole was dug in advance and prepared according to the rules. When to water apple trees in the summer, depending on the area?

  • When everything is done “according to science” and the area is not replete with hot periods, then water is poured three times.
  • If sandy soils, the area is windy, and the summer is hot and dry, then five times will not be enough.

That's why the second watering is carried out after 25 days from the first, if there is enough rain, or after 14 days, if the spring is dry.

And the fifth time is watered in August, if hot days come.

Sometimes in steppe regions there is a very dry autumn, and if this happens, it is better to water the tree and then remove all unripe tips of branches, than an overdried soil layer will worsen overwintering.

If the year turns out to be abnormally hot, then one-year-old apple trees are watered once every 10 days while the heat continues.

Each time they pour into a circular groove 15 cm deep, made a meter from the trunk of the apple tree.

The volume of irrigation water is from 7 to 15 liters for loams and chernozems, and up to 17-20 liters for sandstones.

Heat is dangerous to wood, and especially critical days The apple tree should get relief from watering. Watering apple trees in hot weather is divided in half. The first part is poured along the furrows until absorption stops completely.

The second portion is poured over branches or in a layer 1.5 meters from the ground. This way, the entire volume of soil covered by the roots will be evenly saturated with water and the ground air will cool and become moist. This event is held at sunset.

If there are few trees and there are no sprinklers, then the volume of watering for the apple tree will be as follows:

  • Up to 35 years = 40 liters,
  • And older = 50 liters.

And early in the morning they repeat, the volume of water is the same. At the same time, they pour it into a hole under the crown, a quarter of a meter deep.

Watch a video on how to properly water an apple tree in the summer:

If watering an apple tree in the heat only with “rain”, then such watering will bring little benefit. It will only moisten the surface of the earth, and there are no suction roots there, plus a crust may form on the surface of the earth, which will further impede the flow of water to the roots. And the roots were still thirsty.

ADVICE. The root neck of the tree should be above ground level and not wet!

Drip watering of apple trees

This method, most common in commercial dwarf and palmetto apple orchards, is very effective because it soaks the soil directly above the roots of each tree with water.

Drip irrigation system requires good, pre-filtered water to prevent clogging of irrigation drippers with debris and sediment.

Watch the video how to do it drip irrigation for garden trees:

The flow rate is adjusted from a barely open line - for slow penetration of water into the soil, and to completely open - for quickly watering apple trees.

The water itself to the dropper, buried in the soil, comes from the feeder reservoir under low pressure, then along the main pipe, then along the sleeve in a row, and then into the dropper.

Irrigation hoses are installed in new gardens with a distance of about 40-90 cm from the trunks, a row of hoses from a row is 2 meters. As trees grow, they require more water and their root zone becomes larger.

After 5 or 8 years, a new sleeve is pulled again on the other side, which puts second drip 50 cm from the trunk. Additional droppers are added as needed.

How to properly water apple trees in spring?

CAREFULLY! Don’t try to follow the “advice” to pour out as many buckets as the apple tree is old: you’ll end up hurting yourself and ruining the tree!

Is spring often accompanied by rain and downpours? Additional polive oil will even be harmful.

But if the garden is planted in an area with a predominance of hot and dry days, then watering is carried out before flowering begins, and the best moment is the separation of the buds in the inflorescences.

The watering period is associated with the formation of apple tree buds.

If it’s hot when the flowers are blooming and the ground is dry, then by nightfall the garden is watered along the furrows or at least 5 buckets are poured onto one mature tree.

The most suitable irrigation is in furrows, in ring holes around trunks and drip irrigation. Sprinkling and watering the soil from above with a hose are the most unacceptable forms of watering in gardening.

Watering rules in different seasons:

How to properly water apple trees in summer?

It is necessary to carefully monitor the water supply to the garden in the midst of the summer heat.

So, how to water apple trees in the summer? Watering is especially valuable in the first half of summer after the ovary falls (mid-June).

The second time it is necessary to water after 15-19 days.

If the weather is dry and sunny during the summer - there are frequent guests and their presence greatly harms the garden, then the frequency of watering is increased, but the volume of watering is not changed.

IMPORTANT! Watering with a hose and sprinklers is the least suitable!

How often to water apple trees in the fall?

In autumn, you should not pour water, when frequent rains already saturate the soil with water. Especially watering in September in warm weather is dangerous, this puts the tree into a state of rapid vegetative growth and its branches do not have time to accumulate enough sugars and in the frosty winter they die from freezing.

Watering before winter

In late autumn they perform one water-recharging irrigation preparing the garden for winter. On average, they pour as much water as will be absorbed: from 12 buckets per tree or more. The purpose of winter watering is to reduce the threat of freezing and drying out. This is also a guarantee against the plant drying out in winter.

How to water an apple tree in the heat?

The bottom of the hole is 4 bayonets deep, 2 bayonets are filled with sawdust and shavings, and then filled with slurry, after filling is completed, the layer of soil is returned to its place, the excess topsoil is temporarily scattered under the trees. In spring and summer, after the pit has settled, the soil is returned to its place.

Chicken droppings

It is possible, but be careful, because this super-concentrated “fertilizer” can “burn” the trees. To avoid burns, 1 bucket of bird droppings iron barrel liquefy with 10-15 buckets cold water, stir thoroughly, let it brew for 1-2 days.

Apply this fertilizer into a circular ditch near the trunk, a full bucket for a fruit-bearing apple tree, and a third of the bucket for young apple trees. This will be great.

The accumulation of nitrites in chicken litter is minimal, therefore it is good to use when digging up the soil and for spring mulching. Volume: one bucket for apple trees up to 15 years old and two buckets for adult apple trees.

Soapy water

If it was a pure solution of fatty soap, then it is possible.

But the fact of the matter is that often it’s slop, leftovers from swimming, and then parabens, laurrets and laurites of sodium sulfate. These compounds are very different from soap and are extremely dangerous for living creatures in the soil. Because until every molecule of this “byaka” connects with the fat base, it will not disappear.

Therefore, from such watering, not only fungi and bacteria will die out (and they are not always enemies of apple trees), but also beneficial bugs with worms.

Potassium permangantsovka

You can spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for the prevention and disinfection of land. Or, for example, to destroy earthworms that accidentally ended up in containers with dwarf apple trees, because they can destroy the roots.

But if a gardener is bothered by worms in a “big” garden, then he can safely listen to “tyrnet experts” and ruin the garden.

Important! But seriously, potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, and in large quantities and concentrations it can destroy a lot of necessary and valuable things in the soil. That's why he use when watering apple trees is unacceptable!


Dry, in packs, no. And not because for a noticeable effect you will need several kilos of them per average garden. But because they are effective in the presence of sugars, and the more sweetness, the better for the yeast.

Well, where did summer residents see sweet soil? That’s why they apply already fermented bottom sediments from mash, wine, kvass, beer, diluted 1 to 6 with water, onto the leaves, like element of the fight against microbial putrefactive infection.

But such a trick will not work in the soil; there is so much biota there that the number of beneficial microbes cannot be increased in this way. This the method “works” only in greenhouses, greenhouses, and containers, and only in the form of pan yeast sediments.

Boiling water

It is possible if the gardener wishes death to his apple trees. After all, this method was brought into the garden by summer residents growing berry bushes, and in order for the method to be “brighter”, the name was given "fight with boiling water".

In real life, none living tree, the bush, the shoot will not survive temperatures above 50, that’s why they do everything so that the water that has already reached the branches on the bushes is not hotter than +47, otherwise the branches would be spoiled by pests. For greater insurance, such a reception is carried out by people only in winter.

Yes, that's the problem the composition of tree and shrub branches varies greatly. That's why it makes no sense to copy. Moreover, many apple trees are tall and sometimes even small shoots cannot be reached with a stepladder.

And it is not advisable to do this on dwarfs with palmettes. There is no serious confirmation from scientists about the safety of such processing, much less about its necessity and usefulness.

Watering with boiling water is only possible for bushes.


Although the apple tree is highly resistant to all sorts of natural unfavorable conditions, remember that if it is hot or dry, it must be watered, despite the development of apples and the warmth of the water.

By watering apple trees “according to the rules,” gardeners will receive a large number of apples, also tasty and healthy.

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Fruit trees at different periods of their existence in the garden require different approaches to watering. So, when and how much to water to Orchard pleased you with your harvest every year?

Watering fruit trees in the year of planting

Sooner or later, a gardener has to plant new fruit trees in his garden. Naturally, after planting, the seedling must be watered. It doesn’t matter when you planted it: in the spring in moisture-saturated soil, in the summer, planted from a container, or in the fall. Watering is still necessary.

The first watering not only makes it possible to saturate the seedling with water, but is largely required to compact the soil around the root system. Therefore, you should not just pour 2 buckets of water under the seedling, watching how it spreads throughout the entire area, eroding the loose soil around the seedling. It is better to install a sprinkler, making the water pressure low so that the splashes do not fly further than the tree trunk circle.

If there is no running water on the site, it is better to do the first watering from a watering can. By pouring the same 2 buckets of water under the seedling using a watering can, you will spend it much more efficiently.

So, the seedling is planted and watered. If the season is not very rainy, watering the seedling will be necessary regularly throughout the summer and autumn. At first, until the soil in the planting hole is compacted, you will have to water it using a sprinkler or watering can, as at the time of planting the seedling. Then you can simply place the hose in the circle around the trunk and turn on a small pressure of water.

If the summer is moderately rainy, then watering is carried out only when the soil is very dry. In rainy summers, watering may not be necessary at all. In case of a dry summer, you will have to water the seedling often and abundantly, otherwise you will simply lose it.

For seedlings in the first year of planting, watering should be carried out at least once a week. If you water with a sprinkler, watch the time. You will have to water for about 2 hours (this mode applies to the average summer; during drought you will have to water more often).

Watering trees in the second year after planting

In the second year of a tree’s life on your site, watering is no longer as necessary as in the first season. Now you will water the tree only when necessary: ​​in extreme heat or in the absence of rain for a long time. At the beginning of spring there is already enough water. Irrigation methods also do not depend on the timing of crop ripening.

You should start watering if there is no rain for a long time, if the soil is dry when you dig it with a shovel. In this case, the tree should be watered. The time and mode of watering may coincide with the watering mode of the first year seedling.

However, in these situations you should not be too zealous. The fact is that over the previous season the tree has already developed an extensive root system, which needs not only moisture, but also breathing. If water is constantly spilled around the tree, then there will be practically no air flow into the soil. As a result root system may rot and the tree may die.

The first sign of problems with the root system may be the drying out of newly opened leaves. If you notice this phenomenon, try loosening the soil in the tree trunk circle. If the problem is excess moisture, then this event will increase air access to the roots and the tree will gradually recover.

Watering a tree aged 3 to 15 years

Trees over 3 years old are no longer so demanding when it comes to watering. As a rule, they are watered only in very dry summers or during the period of fruit ripening.

Abundant and regular watering is also required. autumn period. This allows the tree to better prepare for winter and largely avoid frost damage.

Especially useful is abundant autumn watering for plums and cherries. Stone fruits are vulnerable in the winter cold, but if you give them good water in the fall, then the winter will pass without much damage.

Pre-winter watering is carried out after the leaves have fallen from the trees. Please note, however, that different breeds and varieties shed leaves in different time Therefore, watering in the fall is individual for each tree. If possible, water once a day, 2 buckets per tree, for a week. In most cases this is enough.

Sprinkling the crown

Sprinkling can be used for seedlings and young trees during hot, dry summers. However, you need to remember that this should be done in cloudy weather, and preferably in the evening at sunset or after sunset. If you use waiting during the day, the water droplets will focus sunlight and the leaves will get burned.

Sprinkling of adult fruit-bearing trees is carried out for preventive purposes before possible return frosts. This treatment increases the stability of the leaf crown against sudden temperature changes. In this case, sprinkling is carried out throughout the night and ends before dawn.

How to water a tree older than 15 years

Watering trees older than 15 years can be combined with fertilizing. However, it must be borne in mind that simply sprinkling mineral fertilizers on the surface or watering them diluted in water nutrients leads to high consumption chemicals with minimal effect. For feeding mineral fertilizers make 5-6 indentations around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle, for example, drive a crowbar to a depth of 25 cm into the ground and pull it out.

A handful of complex fertilizer is poured into each such hole and covered with earth. After this, a sprinkler is placed under the tree so that the water is evenly distributed throughout the entire circle around the trunk, covering the places where fertilizers are applied. This feeding will be enough for 2-3 years.

If they contribute organic fertilizers, a trench is made around the tree along the perimeter of the trunk circle, into which manure is placed and covered with earth. Watering after this is carried out in the same way as when fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Thus, watering a seedling or mature tree is an important factor on which the health of your garden pet may depend.

We have seen from our own experience how important it is to properly water the trees in the garden! When and how to water fruit trees: not often, but wisely. During the season they require only 3 - 4 waterings, but very abundant. They are most important for young seedlings. Let's look at how to water correctly and how often. And also, when to do it correctly and how much water trees of different ages need.

Let's start with young seedlings.

How to water fruit tree seedlings

In the first year after planting, seedlings are watered 4-5 times per season, using 2-3 buckets of water for apple and pear trees, and 1-2 buckets of water for plum and cherry trees. In the next 2-3 years, the number of waterings can be slightly reduced, but the amount of water poured under each tree can be increased by one and a half to two times.

Watering an adult garden

Mature fruit trees are watered, depending on weather conditions, several times a season. Spring and autumn watering is required, and in summer - in case of dry weather. Apple and plum trees are the most moisture-loving; they need more frequent and deep soil moisture. So an apple tree under the age of 7 years needs 5-6 buckets of water, and an older one - up to 15. How to calculate how much water a tree needs: calculate how many square meters. meters is the projection of its crown on the ground and multiply this number by 3. This will be the number of buckets of water that need to be poured into the tree trunk circle. In general, it is better to overwater the garden than to underwater it, since plants cannot absorb more water than they need.

When to water trees

The first and very important time that should not be missed is in the spring. When to water trees in the spring - during flowering and ovary growth. If there is a lack of moisture at this time, the trees shed their ovaries.

Autumn watering is also very important. He prepares the garden for winter, sufficient quantity moisture in the soil helps increase the winter hardiness of trees and prevents their roots from freezing. It is also necessary for the formation of fruit buds, and therefore a good harvest in next year. Autumn watering is carried out at the end of September - mid-October, after harvesting.

In the summer, only young seedlings are watered, and an adult garden is watered only in case of severe drought.

How to properly water fruit trees

Two main methods are used:

  1. Several buckets of water slowly wiggle into the tree trunk circle, and after it is all absorbed, a few more.
  2. A hose is placed in the tree trunk circle, the water is turned on under low pressure, so that it is slowly sucked into the ground. The hose is left for half an hour, with the expectation that it will pour out required quantity water.

It is very important that the water is evenly distributed throughout the entire near-trunk part of the soil, but it should not be poured directly onto the root collar of the trees. To prevent water from spilling, small curbs or grooves can be made around the trunk. The diameter of such a fence should be slightly smaller than the size of the crown, because it is in this perimeter that the roots with suction roots are located.

If the ground in the garden is covered with a lawn, make punctures with a wooden or iron stake along the perimeter of the crown; through these punctures, moisture will flow to the roots.

It is necessary that moisture penetrate deep into the ground - up to a meter for an apple tree, up to 70 cm for cherries and plums.

If after watering the roots are exposed, they must be covered - mulched with earth, peat or humus. In general, after each watering the tree trunk circle is better, especially for young seedlings.

  • The amount of water applied depends not only on age, but also on the composition of the soil and its moisture.

A garden on sandy soils is watered more often, but with less water, and on clay soils - less often, but more abundantly.

Before adding water, take a little soil and squeeze it: if the soil is moist and does not crumble in your fist, reduce the volume of water.

In the first years after planting, trees really need water. They definitely need to be watered. In areas with sufficient precipitation during spring and the first half of summer, trees are watered three to four times, and in dry areas six to eight times.

Watering fruit trees should be abundant, capable of soaking the soil to a depth of at least 50-60 centimeters. In areas of sufficient moisture within one watering for one newly planted tree spend two or three buckets water , and in dry conditions - three to four buckets. For seven to ten year olds tree watering rate increases to ten to fifteen buckets. Average water norm per 1 square meter trunk circle amounts to two or three buckets, and sometimes four to five buckets.

Irrigation in ring grooves

For better preservation moisture and bringing water closer to the bulk of the roots watering produce not superficially, but into the annular grooves who do according to trunk circle in the amount of two or three. On heavy soils ring grooves do depth 10-15 centimeters, 20 centimeters wide at a distance of no closer than 1 meter from the trunk. After the water is absorbed into the soil, ring grooves fall asleep and tree trunk circles level.

In irrigated areas it is best to carry out furrow irrigation .

For Polive and fruit trees in a young garden it is enough to arrange one furrow on each side of the row at a distance of approximately 60-80 centimeters from the trees. In home gardens it is quite justified "cup" watering , directly to tree trunk circles ("). After watering, the soil in the garden is loosened.

Video: How to properly care for fruit trees

How to properly care for fruit trees

When caring for a young garden, it is necessary to ensure the survival rate of all planted fruit trees, to create conditions for good growth seedlings and building the correct tree crown, as well as ensuring the early entry of trees into the fruiting season.