An effective ritual to fulfill a wish. Technique for making wishes correctly

Unlike other technologies of materialization, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of wishes are distinguished by the ability to come up with the rules of the game yourself and magically influence the development of a life scenario. We will discuss some of them in more detail.

The principle of the “Appear” technique

The simoron method is based on visualization and mental work with specific images. To develop a skill, it is better to practice on small things. For example, to find a lost item you should:

Formulate and make a wish.
Close your eyes and focus your gaze upward.
Visualize the desired item in detail and say the phrase: “Keys (any item), appear!” or “Documents, sign!”

It is worth paying attention to internal sensations. When pronouncing words in a state of drive, an exciting feeling is noted. It can be regarded as the reaction of the Universe to a request.

Although this Simoron ritual is designed for modest requests, no one forbids testing the technique on global desires. Who knows what will happen if you repeat every day “Darling, appear!”, imagining a male image in front of you.

Bath leaf magnetism

The meaning of a stable expression regarding the ability of a leaf to stick to a causal place is clear to everyone. Why not turn this property to your advantage?
a sheet is cut out of thin paper;
the goal is clearly written;
the fragment is attached to the specified point;

In the alternative Simoron version, a birch or oak original is taken, where the words are written with a marker. The creative “tattoo” is worn for several hours.

If you use another part of the body, located closer to the brain, the creative results will also not disappoint. An eyeliner pencil (lipstick) on your forehead in one word captures the result of what you are striving for: to become a wife, a politician, a loved one. The reflection in the mirror will periodically remind you of your goal.

Happiness is on the edge

The basis for this psychotechnics of wish fulfillment according to Simoron in this ritual is taken from Ostap Bender’s phrase about a saucer with a blue border. A dream symbol is placed on the bottom of the corresponding plate:

whoever wants to get married leaves a ring;
money - throws a bill;
children - a pacifier;
own house - puts up a toy model;

It must be presented as a gift at your request. To enhance the effect of the ritual, you can cut out a shiny star (from foil) and hang it in the area where you spend the most time (on the kitchen chandelier). Life becomes easier under a lucky star.

Simoron birthday ritual

The technique of fulfilling desires according to Simoron is as follows. On your birthday you get raspberry jam. Since the berry is considered a panacea for 7 ailments and is associated with the sweet life, a jar with dessert will become a guide to the world of fulfilled hopes. WITH outside a sticker “Neither a chef, but a raspberry” or similar allegories is pasted.

After 27 days ( magic number in Simoron) the contents must be eaten. Now we are freezing in anticipation of pleasant changes.

Magic mirror

A powder compact with a mirror is in use. First, rinse it with water and salt to remove unnecessary information. After manipulation, the magical object is appointed as the main tool for transforming thoughts into happy events. A short statement like “I am loved” or “I am healthy” is written on the glass with a cosmetic pencil. Those. you need to briefly and succinctly describe your request to the Universe.

While admiring the reflection, you should say a sacramental phrase out loud. And so on every time you open the accessory. At this moment, being in a bad mood and not believing in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

Simoronsky ritual for the fulfillment of a wish: 25 dreams.

Mandatory condition: all “wants” are registered twice in the specified quantity (25 wishes, 2 times each). Then the magic words are whispered
“All wishes come true on their own. It will be the way I want!”

In the next 10 days, you need to pamper yourself: buy expensive lipstick, update your wardrobe, forget about the diet, and attach importance to the little things that lift your spirits. Experts have noticed that the Universe is more willing to fulfill dreams for those who are positive and please themselves in every possible way.

Magic ritual “Leaping Tiger”

Winnie the Pooh, in a foreign interpretation of the cartoon, was bouncing on his tail with happiness. It's time to draw conclusions and:
Look in your wardrobe for something striped (borrow a vest from your husband) or buy knee socks and panties with a horizontal print.
In the absence of things and the desire to purchase new things, hand-made body art (with a cosmetic pencil) is allowed.
To complement the outfit, the hair is fluffed and styled into an appropriate “updo.”

The actions performed match the image and storyline. High jumps are accompanied by rhyming text like
“I’ll fly to the sky on my tail, and on the way I’ll grab a lot of money.”

To fulfill each new desire, its own rhyme is composed.

It is required to perform 27 ritual jumps (27 is the magic number in simoron). Riding with a support group is more fun and effective because the collective energy works wonders.

Simoron technique “Magic Potion”

Place a pan (preferably red) with water on the stove. Spices, garlic and herbs are placed nearby. The magic session begins. When adding magical ingredients to the container one by one, you need to think about your desires, and when adding a new portion, pronounce them. To avoid losing your mind, it is better to write them down in advance. Each phrase should end something like this: “I agree to any positive result.” The more seasonings, the more often the voicing.

The secret of this Simoron ritual to fulfill a wish in that vocal vibrations create a certain energy field (as in conspiracies), which contributes to the realization of what has been said. It is important to feel the moment and not miss the little things.

The finished “soup” can be flavored with sauce, sour cream, lemon and other ingredients, but we must not forget that it must be edible. At this stage, all desires are repeated again. Then the brew is poured into a plate with a golden rim, and 3 spoons are put into the mouth. The process is necessary to activate a given program, which is best secured later with another portion of broth.

Simoron knot magic

Many people are delighted with the results of “tied” desires. For a simple ceremony you will need laces (black ones are excluded). The technique is simple: holding the accessory in your hands, pronounce a wish. The words “I want”, wording in the present tense, negative particles are ignored. The proposal must be written succinctly and specifically. After the dominant phrase, the following phrase is pronounced: “just as I tie a shoelace, I tie a desire to myself.” The knot is tightened. Then the rope is hooked so that it hangs down ( door handles, back of the chair). As many wishes as there are so many stitches to knit.

Doors of desires or dreams come true in a matter of days

Let's check it in practice? You will need to find about 20 minutes of free time. You should:
Make a goal and write it on a piece of paper.
Go to next room, close the doors and secure the post with adhesive tape to the wooden sheet.
Read the text with inspiration and proudly walk out the door.
Then go back and duplicate the process. And so...27 times.

The goal is to create a relaxed atmosphere where laughter, play, and ease are encouraged. The door portal will become a guide to new life where goals materialize.

Ritual with assistants

Virtual assistants can also help make your dreams come true. First you need to prepare a photo famous people who have created financial empires or distinguished themselves in certain areas. Moreover, with their participation it is allowed different problems, even love ones. The actors' personalities are not considered, since almost all of them have scandalous stories. Images can be cut out from magazines or printed.

The photo of one millionaire is placed in a wallet, the second is sprinkled with semolina, the third is placed in a safe with papers or attached to the workplace. Once a week, all posters are placed in a container with cereal overnight. At the same time, you should monitor the processes and praise or scold them as deserved.

Spiritual and personal development, a charge of motivation and good mood. Get answers to your questions from experts

We hope that this site really helps you, charges you with positive energy and gives you faith that your wishes really do come true. Therefore, in this article we will look at another concept of wish fulfillment. This is, so to speak, another important component that allows wishes to come true. But not everyone knows about it. Perhaps they know, but they don’t realize it. This article is dedicated to wish fulfillment techniques.

IN Lately The theme of wish fulfillment is gaining momentum. Why? Because finally, the mystery is revealed. The secret of making wishes come true. Some people won’t believe this, but as they say: “To each his own” . You and I believe that wishes can come true if you find special equipment!!! Each person has his own. Still, every person thought and asked the question: “Why is that person more successful than me if he doesn’t even have a secondary education?”

There are people who are worse than you. Worse in intelligence, talent, skills (depending on which ones, of course). Well, they are worse than you and have much less experience than you. But they live better. And it seems that they were born that way. But is it?

Why is this happening?

We will not talk here about the power of thought and the laws of extension. You should have known this a long time ago. Why is this happening my answer is this : They are doing something right and they are doing it unconsciously. They think correctly. They feel right. They believe until the end. And so they do correct actions. They go to the events that are true and necessary for them. Events do not fall on our heads. We are the ones going to them. And it depends on how our brain is configured. And our brain is a kind of compass. Whatever wave he is tuned to, that’s what he will follow throughout his life. Therefore, it is important to properly tune your brain. And not just for one day, but for the rest of your life. You won't get your first results tomorrow. Perhaps in a year. But this does not mean that you need to “hold out” for a year in order to get results immediately, as time passes. Of course not. Miracles will happen to you all the time!!! But only if you begin to turn your helm towards another life. And while you are wrapping, everything happens to you, as it happened before. So have the conscience to be constant. Agreed?

I described how to tune your brain to the desired wavelength in the book " Rainbow of Happiness." There are clever techniques that allow you to do this as quickly as possible. Although if you are not new to such matters, then you will still learn something new. This is not available anywhere on the Internet. Now about one component that we will reveal here.

The technique of wish fulfillment is an important component

Personally, I understood how wishes come true. I want you to understand too. If you really want to learn how to make your desires come true, then you can check out the course " Technique for making wishes come true from BC Chance." There you will learn about one more Very important component, which will allow you to fulfill your wishes. If you take this information seriously, the effect is guaranteed. Many have already done this, so do you, dear readers.

What kind of component is this that allows wishes to come true? It’s difficult to describe it in words or give it a name, but you must literally with your desire "soak up" What does it mean to be soaked? This means that you must (again, it’s difficult to explain in words), let’s say, see and feel your desire in everything. If you want to attract love, then you must feel it every day and see your love in everything. Here you are watching a romantic film, what happens there, all this is love, it happens to you (only positive moments). You are watching a video with your favorite singer, and this singer is your love.

You have to feel it every minute. Every thought you have should be connected to your desire. This happened to me, and my wish came true after 7 months and in an amazing way. I hope you understand what I mean.

Unfortunately, our words are the most primitive way we express anything. And yet I will still give an example. Do you want to attract into your life more money. You should also be imbued with this desire. Whatever you look at, listen to - it’s all connected with your desire - attract more money. You really live it.

Usually in such situations, when a person is really saturated with his desire, a filter of information occurs. You begin to notice everything related to your desire. If you wanted a Porsche 911, you even begin to notice them. On TV, for example. And, of course, you begin to notice your desire even where it is not there at all. For example, with the same car Porsche 911. You just notice something similar to it, like a sports car. And as soon as you saw it, another sports car, you thought about Porsche 911.

In addition, all your thoughts about what you want are positive. In other words, you don't have it, but you think you have it. You even felt it so plausibly that you are no longer particularly interested in it. You've had this for a long time and you're tired of it.

Every thought, every focus is directed towards your desire. You walk and feel joy at the same time. This can be compared to being told that you have won the car of your dreams and it will be delivered to you soon. How would you feel in moments of anticipation? That you already really have it. You would feel joy within yourself. It's the same here. You don’t have this, but you think differently!!! Why? Because our brain, as has been said more than once, does not distinguish the difference between the real world and the imaginary world. If you have replayed something in your head many times, then at the moment of realizing it, you no longer feel that it is something too special. Or that it was so scary to do it. For example, have you imagined how many times you went on stage and experienced (real) fear and nerves? You have done this so many times in your head that at the moment of this event, it seems that not everything turned out to be so scary.


For some time you will live your desire and see her in everything. You will be haunted by a feeling of inspiration and joy that this is truly yours. This is such a special feeling and difficult to describe. You can speed up this process if you use special techniques for this. You can also sign up for training 3-week training in wish fulfillment techniques. This is very powerful training.

In this article, we talked about one component that makes wishes come true. You can develop such a state—the state of “impregnation”—through meditation and by doing through it special technicians. Actually, in this article I gave you all the recommendations. Then everything depends on you. So it was, so it is and so it will always be.

I wish you that your wishes really come true. So that you feel some kind of magical state. And, of course, may you always be lucky!!!

If you have a dream that you can’t even imagine how to fulfill, then magic is exactly what you need.

In fact wish fulfillment ritual You can do it at least every day.

In principle, this is exactly what real magicians do.

Why bother fooling yourself in vain by coming up with methods of influencing people when your powers help them?

Do you want to learn this too? Then let's see how it's done.

Rituals should not be performed in high spirits.

Then a person’s energy is cleaner, therefore, efficiency increases.

But don't get hung up on the result. That is, don’t think about him every minute.

You need to do a ritual and take a break. Preferably something interesting and useful.

For example, work for a change. Then the desire will come true faster.

Energy, without every second control from attention, creates more efficiently.

Oddly enough, modern rituals have proven themselves.

However, more young people turn to them. But older people have already begun to master fun magic.

It is necessary to note in a few words the principle of Simoron’s work.

It arose quite recently compared to other magics.

Its power lies in the human aura.

And this magic began to work because we moved into the era of Aquarius. Time has changed, and with it the energy of space.

Remember this when you start casting a spell.

Kindness and positivity are the forces that will help you.

Let's return to our Simoron ritual.


  • paper;
  • red felt-tip pen or pen.
  1. Think about how to formulate your desire in the present tense. Write affirmatively. Try to avoid the “not” part. That is, you should get a statement in a positive way. Type: “I get a lot of money!”
  2. Go to any door.
  3. Attach your wish sheet to its surface.
  4. Stand opposite.
  5. Read out loud and with feeling what is written.
  6. Open the door and step through the threshold.

You have moved to another reality, where what you dreamed will definitely come true.

Fulfillment of desires 100% - is there such a ritual?

To have no doubt at all that your wish will come true, perform such a ritual.

  1. You need to draw a maple leaf on paper, like a natural one. Color it green.
  2. On back side write what you want.
  3. Strip naked.
  4. Glue the sheet to the fifth point.
  5. Walk around the apartment like this, repeating loudly:
“Stuck like a bath leaf!”

Try to do everything emotionally and cheerfully. If you wish, turn on the music.

When you get used to the sheet, remove it from the butt and attach it in a place so that you can bump into it more often.

This ritual works 100%.

Your wish will definitely come true if you do everything as it should. That is, put energy into the ritual.

Rite of wish fulfillment with bay leaf

Let's move on to classical magic. After all, not everyone masters fun magic.

To fulfill your wish you need to buy:

  • a pack of bay leaves;
  1. Go where the water flows. Better than a river or stream. But keep in mind that the more powerful the flow, the faster your desire will come true.
  2. Sit on the shore.
  3. State in an affirmative form what you want.
  4. Take out three leaves. Choose intact ones, not damaged.
  5. Tie them by the cuttings with a cord.
  6. Say out loud what you want.
  7. Throw the leaves into the water with the words:
“It will come true just as I want! Amen!"

Go home.

Try not to remember what you wished for anymore.

And also, in order for it to materialize faster, grounding is necessary. This is physical activity.

So, it’s better to go for a run home or do some squats there on the shore.

And keep yourself busy with some kind of work.

You won’t notice how what you dreamed of will come.

Exactly this best time to attract the help of a Guardian Angel into your life. You know, he is always nearby.

But on your birthday, he always comes closer and pays all his attention only to you. This is the date when the Angel makes plans for the next year.

Naturally, it can be adjusted in the direction you wish. You just need to tell the Angel about your dream.

  1. Wake up at dawn on your birthday (then sleep through).
  2. Stand by the window to see the rising sun.
  3. Turn to your Angel with words of gratitude for protecting you and accompanying you through life.
    • Then, in your own words, express what you dream about. You should speak in detail, substantively and out loud. It is very important to formulate thoughts so that there is no “not” in them. Higher power she is not perceived as children. Therefore, if you say “I don’t want,” the words will be perceived as “I want.”
  4. When you finish speaking, .
  5. Look at the fire and imagine how you will feel when your dream comes true.

An angel perceives emotions better, not words. Show him exactly what you want.

Believe me, he is nearby, standing behind you and carefully delving into your wishes.

What matters to him is your state when your plans come true.

Put out the candle and sleep some more if you want.

To make your wish come true in a short time

If there is no time, then the method must be exceptional.

  1. Turn on a fan or create a strong draft in the room.
  2. Take a piece of paper and write down your wish.
  3. Formulate it in an affirmative form.
  4. Read it out loud. Tell:
"Let it be so!"
  1. Now take a box of matches.
  2. In the wind, try to light the leaf without sheltering from the air currents.
  3. Focus on this process. You will notice that thoughts of desire disappear from your mind. The task of starting a fire from a leaf comes forward. You should definitely burn it without avoiding the wind.
  4. Finish, throw the ashes outside and go about your business. You yourself won’t notice how everything you dreamed will come true.

And, you know, this ritual is suitable for those desires that are not real at all. Only they take longer to incarnate.

But only if you are able to correctly make the transition from concentrating on desire to concentrating on lighting the leaf.

In this article you will find 3 effective and efficient techniques for making wishes, and also learn how to choose “your” technique.

How to choose a technique for making wishes?

Making wishes is a fascinating and creative process. Some techniques for fulfilling desires are more suitable for some, others are more suitable for others.

You need to choose your technique. Why? Because it should make you feel positive emotions, and this is already half the success in making your dreams come true.

Techniques for making wishes - choose yours!


Buy yourself a notebook or notebook and write down everything for which you can be grateful to the Universe every day. After just a month of daily writing, you will notice how much your life will change.

“Letter to the Future”

Sit down and write down everything you want to have in the future. This is very effective technique for making wishes. Write down your wishes as if they have already come true. Put the date at the bottom and keep what you wrote down until your plan comes true.

List of seven wishes”

For this wish-making technique, you will need paper and pen. Write 7 of your wishes on a piece of paper. Include as many details as possible - this is the main point in making wishes.

Also indicate the time frame for when your wishes should be fulfilled. In the evening, put this piece of paper under your pillow, and in the morning, burn it and write 7 wishes again. This must be done daily.

If some of your wishes come true, cross them out and write new ones. Don't forget to thank the Universe for your dreams come true.

And now an important moment for any technique of fulfilling desires!

For a wish to come true, you need to invest strong energy and emotions into it!

Desires made at the peak of passions materialize much faster.

You can try to evoke these emotions (this can be done through a movie, a book, communication...) or wait until bright emotions¹ will arise on their own. At this moment, think about your desire, imagine it in detail, and then just let it go.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Emotion is a mental process of medium duration, reflecting a subjective evaluative attitude towards existing or possible situations (

There is hardly a person on earth who dreams of absolutely nothing. Each of us has at least one cherished dream, which today seems to us something incredible and unattainable. But it is quite difficult to believe that its implementation is quite real and feasible. But let's try anyway.

1. Wish card

One of the most common techniques for fulfilling wishes is the well-known wish card. It has been proven more than once that with its help you can turn your life in the right direction and make your dreams come true. How to achieve this? Very simple. On a large piece of cardboard, paste cutouts from magazines or postcards that you associate with your dreams. It could be children, love, a desired job, travel or good health. It is better to glue the clippings in accordance with the Feng Shui sectors, that is, the wallet is in the wealth zone, and baby booties in the family zone, and so on.

2. 27 happy days

This little-known technique not only helps you fulfill your desire, but also improves your mood and well-being. The secret of the technique is to delight and pamper yourself for 27 days. At first glance, this seems incredibly difficult. But don't be afraid. You'll get hooked quickly. Start pampering yourself with little things: manicure, pedicure, brighter makeup, your favorite tasty dish for dinner and end with more impressive pleasant pleasures: buying clothes, cosmetics and jewelry, renovating or rearranging the house, and maybe even changing your image. Why exactly 27 days? 27 is a magical and mystical number. There is a lot to write about this, but you can find information about the number on the Internet.

3. Visualization

This also known technique has proven itself well among people different ages and nations. It is done quite simply. You just need to find a painting depicting your dreams and place it in the most visible place in your home. Better above the bed or desk. Look at the picture in any free moment and imagine yourself as the owner of your dreams. For greater efficiency, you can put a dream picture on home page on your phone, tablet or computer.

4. Letter of gratitude

The following technique for making wishes come true is done using a piece of paper and a pen. Sit back, relax and begin to consistently put your thoughts and dreams on paper. There is no need to write a letter in the style of “I want to have a bag of dollars and euros” or “I dream of being a winner in life and being liked by everyone around me.” Be specific and describe your dreams as if they are already present in your life. For example, “I am grateful to the Universe and my life for the fact that I have a hobby, a favorite profitable job, a friendly family and charming children,” and so on.

5. Charged glass of water

This technique appears to have been proposed modern writer Zealand. She gained wide popularity among the masses and has repeatedly confirmed her effectiveness in fulfilling desires. Perform the ritual of materializing a desire better in the morning after waking up or, conversely, before going to bed. Take a glass clean running water and place a wish written down in advance on a piece of paper under it. Place your hands together over a glass and try for a moment to imagine that energy is circulating between them. Happened? Do not hurry. The more clearly you feel the ball of energy in your hands, the sooner your plan will come true. When you have more than enough energy, drink a glass of water with the thought that you have already become the owner of what you dreamed of.

6. Lunar energy

We all have moments of “doing nothing” and “dreaming nothing” from time to time. During such periods, you want to lie on the couch, eat and sleep. If you are currently experiencing just such a period, then you absolutely need to recharge yourself with lunar energy. To do this, on the eve of the full moon, write on a piece of paper what exactly you lack in the present, for example, energy, strength or inspiration. You can add your cherished dreams to this list. On a full moon, place a piece of paper with notes on the windowsill and, standing at the window, imagine yourself as the owner of everything you dream of. Next, dispose of the sheet as your intuition tells you.

7. Talisman that grants wishes

You can also turn your plans into reality with the help of a talisman you created yourself. Why with your own hands? Because while creating a talisman, it is filled with your energy and positive thoughts. Stroke your talisman every day and “communicate” with it. Tell him what a good helper he is and how you want him to fulfill your blue dream. It is important that you have one wish for a specific talisman, otherwise the energy will be spent for other purposes.

And remember that dreams materialize only when we know and believe that this will happen sooner or later.