This colorful rodent is slightly larger than a rat. Bristle rats are a large family. The physical abilities of gray rats, or how these animals have taken over the whole world...

1. Creating a certain lyrical mood

2. Correspondence tour of the Tretyakov Gallery:

a) Paintings by Russian artists about winter (Savrasov, Krymov, Solomatin, Grabar, Plastov, Tsyplakov, Korovin, Gerasimov and others)

b) Reporting information about the life and work of the artist V.G. Tsyplakova as a student guide

3. Appeal to the reproduction of Tsyplakov’s painting “Frost and Sun”:

a) Conversation based on the picture. General perception

b) Finding by students figurative and expressive means from quatrains of Russian poets about winter

c) Lexical work describing snow, trees, sky, village by students

d) Students reading out the entry options

e) Verbal description of the picture

e) Impression of the picture

4. Summing up:

a) What beauty does the artist glorify with his painting? Is he only talking about the external transformation of nature and the world with the help of paints?

b) Was V.G.’s plan a success? Tsyplakova?

5. Referring to the description essay memo: “How to read a picture”

Homework: writing a descriptive essay based on a painting by V.G. Tsyplakova “Frost and Sun”.








Developed by:

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 85 named after Hero of the Russian Federation G.P. Lyachina

Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd

Stretelnikova S.G.

Goals: 1. teach a verbal description of a picture, the ability to “read” it,

2. develop students’ coherent speech using complex sentences and figurative - expressive means, develop the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings vividly and figuratively, to promote enrichment vocabulary teenagers

3. cultivate a love for art and native nature, for winter as a wonderful time of year, and develop a sense of beauty.

Methods and techniques: teacher’s word, conversation on questions, expressive reading

Poems, vocabulary work, student reports,

Working with excerpts from literary works.

Equipment: reproduction of Tsyplakov’s painting “Frost and Sun”, portrait

Artist Tsyplakov, presentation “Winter in the depiction of poets and

Material, computer, multimedia projector, screen, recording on


During the classes:

1. Org. moment. – Clean up the tables. In front of you should be a textbook (with a reproduction of the painting), a notebook with your work, extracts, and a memo “How to “read” a painting,” which we will refer to during the lesson.

  1. Communicate the topic and purpose. Our topic: “Preparation for a descriptive essay based on a painting by Tsyplakov V.G. "Frost and Sun."

I want to see you thinking, feeling deeply, emotional, empathizing.

3. introduction teachers.

To understand and appreciate art, you need to be prepared to perceive it. Art requires the ability to fantasize, “unravel,” see vigilantly, and feel subtly. A talented work of art encourages us to think, analyze life, speculate, imagine something, imagine, look for an echo of our feelings, experiences, mood, penetrate into the author’s intention, the world of his feelings and thoughts. Value visual arts(painting) is that through the depiction of objects and phenomena, their inner essence, aesthetic content is revealed to us.

Appeal to the epigraph: Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language...

F.I. Tyutchev.

The artist’s talent lies in the ability to convey the “feeling” of nature, to capture the life, the mood of nature, which penetrates the artist and touches his elusive spiritual strings. Today we will try to make sure of this.

4. Creating a lyrical atmosphere, mood (on a winter theme).

Our meeting today is dedicated to the most amazing, most beautiful time of the year - winter. Everyone loves the fabulous Russian winter: both adults and children. Transparent frosty air, flakes of fluffy snow, snowdrifts, crystal patterns on the windows, creaking sleighs. Artists glorify it in their paintings, poets compose songs and poems about it. And all this is because nature in winter is special, it is somehow solemn, majestic, shining with purity and freshness, winter is a very beautiful time of year. And today we will be convinced of this once again. And artists, poets and writers will help us with this.

So, imagine that you are in the Tretyakov Gallery.

To the screen using multimedia projector the slide “Paintings by Russian artists about winter” is projected.

Savrasov, Krymov, Solomatin, Grabar, Plastov, Tsyplakov, Korovin, Gerasimov and many other artists depicted winter on their canvases.

  1. Next, a portrait of the artist V.G. is projected. Tsyplakova with brief information about his biography.

The student makes a report about the life and work of the artist.

Viktor Grigorievich Tsyplakov was born in 1915 in Moscow, into a simple peasant family. Soon the Tsyplakov family returned to their homeland, to the village of Burminki in the former Ryazan province. Vivid village impressions were enough for Victor for many years of his life. They couldn't just be joyful, these were years civil war, post-war famine. After graduating from the Isotechnicum, he entered the Moscow Art Institute (1936). Many teachers influenced the artist big influence. But the main school for him was the Tretyakov Gallery. Studied from the works of V. Surikov, I. Repin, I. Levitan.

Mine creative path Viktor Grigorievich began at a difficult time for the country, the Great Patriotic War. (His diploma work in 1942 was the painting “Chapaev”). Then the graduate was left at the institute for 2 years to improve his skills.

Tsyplakov was very fond of Korovin’s work. In his passion for the Korovin movement, he became close to his older contemporary S.V. Gerasimov. Almost at the same time, they created portrait images of peasants and depicted winter. Both artists, one might say, breathed the Russian village.

Landscape and genre composition are inseparable for him. This is also connected with the traditions of the Moscow school. In this regard, “Spring Day” (1943) is especially interesting. In 1945, Tsyplakov wrote his famous painting“Gorky on the Volga,” where the Russian writer is depicted in great thought.

Tsyplakov worked a lot and persistently from life, developing the same motives. He often has repeated terraces with different types- in the garden, on the street or in the forest, a terrace in winter, in summer. This is an independent poetic cycle, covering all seasons, the eternal cycle of nature. In the paintings of spring renewal, he manages to penetrate into the depths of the hidden, inner life nature. Particularly interesting are the spring landscapes “The Last Snow”, “The Snow Has Gone”, in which the state of the thawed earth awaiting warmth is poetically and soulfully conveyed. The Russian origin is expressed in the artist’s constant attraction to a unique musicality in his motives. This is one of the secrets of the aesthetic charm of the paintings. Tsyplakov was especially clear about the ancient poetic image of the “singing” sun. "Frost and Sun". The closeness to Russian poetry and music (Russian romance) is felt even in the names of paintings and sketches: " Last days autumn", "Zimushka-winter", "March-bokogrey".

In winter landscapes, the artist’s virtuoso skill is especially noteworthy - the varied laying of the paint layer, sometimes denser and weightier, sometimes, on the contrary, blurred by air, almost watercolor. It is no coincidence that the sketch “Frost and Sun,” which is now in the Tretyakov Gallery, aroused the intense admiration of I. Grabar.

A special place in Tsyplakov’s paintings is occupied by self-portraits and portraits of loved ones.

Tsyplakov devoted many years to teaching work with young people in Surikovsky. He is a People's Artist of the RSFSR, a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts, and a Laureate of the USSR State Prize.

A large personal exhibition in 1986 at the Academy of Arts became a genuine new discovery of the artist. Tsyplakov was really looking forward to this exhibition, prepared for it, but never saw it. The exhibition was the best confirmation that his work was not outdated, but, on the contrary, turned out to be completely modern and larger-scale.

Let's turn to the reproduction of Tsyplakov's painting “Frost and Sun”.

6. Conversation on the picture: (stage 1 – holistic coverage of the work: direct

The impression of looking at the picture as a whole).

The painting is called “Frost and Sun”. Consider a reproduction of this painting.

Do you have a desire to continue its title with the poetic lines of A.S. Pushkin?

Expressive reading of poetry " Winter morning».

What thoughts and feelings does the painting evoke in you? What's your mood?

(feeling of joy, delight, high spirits, cheerfulness)

What did the artist want to tell us with his painting?

What did you want to “make” you think about?

(no matter how difficult the circumstances of life are, there is no need to lose hope for the best, try to receive from nature a charge of vivacity, consolation from worries, inspiration, creative strength).

Teacher: - we found out the general impression of the picture.

Tsyplakov writes full-bloodedly, boldly, with a dashing scope. He admiringly conveys the pink light on the snow, traces the movement of running shadows along the ground, and admires the bright and light colors. His landscape is painted hotly and passionately, as if in one breath. The freshness and spontaneity of sketch perception emanates from all the artist’s paintings, which have absorbed the eternal beauty of the earth.

Stage 2 – meaningful examination of the details of the picture with their explanations.

Conversation on questions:

What is the main idea of ​​the picture? What do you think the artist wanted to capture in his painting?

(Beautiful winter sunny day. Magnificent winter landscape after snowfall).

What is most expressed in the picture?

(the endless Russian steppe with its open spaces).

What do you think attracted the artist to this corner of nature? What poetic did he see in this landscape?

(Outskirts rural areas, which is closest to nature, in contrast to the city. The steppe expanses are endless, “There are places to roam in the wild...”. The ground is covered with a magnificent snow-white carpet. The trees covered with frost are beautiful in their attire, reminiscent of some kind of animals, unusual creatures. All this looks like a winter fairy tale, which you just want to “enter”).

Now let's turn to the lyrical sketches of pen artists - poets. Let's see how poets describe winter.

Slides with poetic lines - sketches of winter.

Reading quatrains followed by lexical work.

What techniques do poets use to describe winter so vividly and colorfully? How do they humanize her?

(by figurative and expressive means: personifications, metaphors, epithets, comparisons).

Let's name and write out figurative and expressive means from each quatrain, so that you can then use them in your writings.

Find visual and expressive means:

Hello, Russian young lady,

Beautiful soul

Snow-white winch,

Hello, mother winter!

P. Vyazemsky. (Metaphor: pullet, beautiful soul,

winch, mother winter and appeals).

Winter song

Now the silvery winter has come,

The clear field was covered with white snow. ( ABOUT personification: “winter” has come, swept away,

During the day, with children, everyone skates, skates, scatters, writes, knocks).

At night it crumbles into snowy lights. E petites: silvery winter, white snow,

In the windows he writes a pattern with needle ice, a clean field, snowy lights, fresh

And a fresh Christmas tree is knocking on our yard. Christmas tree

G. Galina M metaphors: crumbles in the snow

Lights, writes with an ice needle,

The first winter snow is knocking on the Christmas tree.

Flies like white fluff;

First light frost ( Epithets : winter, white, light.

Cheerful and invigorating. Personification: the frost is cheerful and invigorating)

A.S. Pushkin

Snowy blizzard, blizzard, ( Personification: strain, whip, blizzard.

Spin some yarn for us, Metaphor: yarn, fluff (snow.

Whip up the fluffy snow, Epithets: snowy, fluffy, swan).

Like swan fluff...

S. Marshak

On fluffy branches Epithets: on fluffy branches,

Snow border, snow border, white fringe.

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

S. Yesenin

First snow. Metaphors:a world of silver, lights,

Silver, lights and sparkles - sparkle. Birch trees burn in pearls.

A whole world made of silver!

Birch trees burn in pearls,

Black and naked yesterday.

V.Ya. Bryusov

Describe the snow, trees, sky, houses. (Vocabulary work is carried out at the same time. Interesting phrases are written on the board and in notebooks)

(First the guys read out their descriptions)

You have received the task of turning to the texts of fiction. liters. What descriptions did you find and copy from various writers? Read it.

The guys are reading.

“Wonderful sunny days have arrived February days. In the morning, as always, I went out to wander around the estate and observe. Something extraordinary was happening in nature. It seemed that she was celebrating some unprecedented holiday of the azure sky, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on the lilac snow.” (I.E. Grabar).

“I wake up and go to the window. Frosty sunny morning. Huge blue sky overhead. Everything is covered with snow. It sparkles dazzlingly on the ground, reflecting the sun. The trunks of birch trees shine silver in the blue sky, and the crystals of snow on the branches of the trees shine brightly. The walls of the houses and iron roofs sparkle with snowy whiteness, and the icicles hanging from the roofs sparkle in the sun. It is impossible to take your eyes off this fantastic beauty of a clear winter morning. “Hurry to the forest! Go skiing! - I think and instantly jump out into the street.)"

“the earth was elegant, looking like a shy bride.” (K.G. Paustovsky.)

Describe the man in the sleigh. What's his mood? Why is his hand raised up?

What combination of colors did the artist use to create a bright, joyful mood?

(white, blue, bluish, dark blue, lilac, gray and shades of these colors).

Did the artist manage to express and convey to us, the audience, the idea of ​​the painting?

What (what) do you really want when looking at her? Why?

(I would like the real Russian winter to come sooner, with frost and snow. To walk on a snow-white carpet, breathe in fresh frosty air. To skate, ski or sled, make a snow woman, play snowballs. And, of course, meet your favorite ones winter holidays: New Year and Christmas.)

What do our people, writers and poets call winter?

(With tenderness and love: Zimushka-winter, sorceress-winter, sorceress-winter).

2nd version of the essay - “View from the window.”

Imagine that you live in one of the houses depicted in the picture. You went to the window and saw... Describe what you saw.

Possible start:

“I woke up quite early. The house was warm and the sun was shining. I ran to the window..."

Some of you have been given a definition. task: write what you saw when you looked out the window). 2 people read out.

For example: “I ran to the window and froze in amazement. Round dances of snowflakes swirled in the air, sparkled and sparkled on the roofs of houses and wires. And the familiar street became completely different, covered with a continuous snow-white carpet. Frost decorated the tree branches with its fancy laces. It seems that Santa Claus himself wandered here at night, touching them with his magic staff. And unfamiliar fairy-tale creatures appeared. Motionless strange white figures settled on stumps, twigs and bushes. Then a small gnome in a huge fluffy hat crawled out of a snowdrift. And there are unusual animal figurines. It feels like the Snow Queen will fly into her palace any minute now. It’s so beautiful and unusual all around, like in a fairy tale!”

7. Summarizing.

What beauty does the artist glorify with his painting? Is he only talking about the external transformation of nature and the world (with the help of paints)?

(He shows external beauty, the transformation of nature and the world. But with this he wants to tell us that under the influence of the snow-white attire of the earth, trees and a dazzling palette, human thoughts, thoughts and feelings become and should become just as pure and bright. People become kinder and more merciful, getting younger at heart.)

To each You have been given a memo “How to write an essay based on a picture”, which you can use as a plan when writing an essay.



1 . Introduction. Information about the artist.

2. Description painting (its content).

Title of the painting. Why is it named like that? (Very often the title tells us

about the artist’s plan, about what he considered the most important thing in his painting).

Who is depicted in the picture (or what is depicted?)

In what years, at what time of year and day does the event take place? What details indicate this? Where does the action take place? (description of the situation, nature).

Who or what occupies a central place in the picture? Describe the main character (portrait, pose, clothes).

Are there any other characters?

3. Conclusion. What did the artist want to say with his painting? (idea). What thoughts and feelings are they expressing?

What impression did the picture make on you? Express your attitude towards her.

Homework:write a descriptive essay on the painting “Frost and Sun”

Tsyplakova V.G.

The famous artist V. Tsyplakov took great pleasure in depicting the beauty of Russian nature on his canvases. He painted all landscapes from life, observing the seasons, the change of day and night.

My favorite painting is “Frost and Sun”. Looking at her, I seem to be transported to that street that is completely covered with snow. It is everywhere - on the roofs of houses and on trees. I think quite recently there was a snowstorm here, which left behind so many snowdrifts.

On one side of the picture you can see the corner of the house, which is also covered with snow. Also, the viewer draws Special attention on a team of horses that pull a sleigh. They are coming from the forest, with a full load of firewood. Most likely standing on the street severe frost, so the person who sits in the harness drives the horses faster and faster. He wants to go in warm house and get warmer faster. Yes, and fast horses would not refuse food and a cozy barn.

In the background of the painting, the snow-covered landscape evenly connects with the sky, which is covered with lush clouds. Because of them, the bright rays of the sun penetrate the earth. They do not warm everything around at all, however, they flood houses, fields and meadows with light. Snow, under the sun's rays, shimmers and sparkles.

The picture is filled with blue shadows. They make it softer and distract from the cold and frozen landscape. In the distance, on the horizon, we see a dark stripe. This is a thick and mighty forest, which is also covered with snow after the passing snowstorm.

The painting “Frost and Sun” evokes peace and quiet in my soul. I imagine how one can enjoy such a magnificent landscape while looking out the window. It's warm and comfortable inside, and the real winter elements triumph outside.

Tsyplakov - Frost and sun

Viktor Tsyplakov is one of the famous Russian artists of the last century. His painting “Frost and Sun” is recognized as a masterpiece; it is filled with warmth and goodness, despite the fact that it depicts the cold season. Winter is magical time when all nature freezes when snow envelops trees and roads, and the atmosphere is filled with magic. In the picture we see a horse, it is calmly and smoothly carrying its owner.

The painting depicts a small piece of a village street, everything around is white, snowdrifts and a small road are visible. Very beautiful and fabulous view. It can be assumed that the painting depicts one of the coldest periods of winter. A horse walks along the road, and behind it is controlled by a man sitting in a sleigh. You can feel the flavor of a real Russian village.

Also, the outskirts of the houses are visible, they are all different, one is larger, the other is a little smaller, but they are united by the fact that they are covered with snow. The longer you look at the picture, the more you feel yourself there, surrounded by such wonderful nature. Trees are also important; they complement the picture perfectly. The artist depicted the sky in blue tones, which gives the impression that it is a sea that has no end. This work exudes calm and balance; there is nothing superfluous here that could distract the viewer’s eye. The painting makes it possible to imagine ourselves in the village, to feel the warmth of the stove in the house, the artist gives the opportunity to our imagination to work.

The picture is filled with calm tones that do not catch the eye, the color scheme is chosen in such a way that there is a sense of reality. Thanks to the efforts of the artist, the atmosphere of a winter village is accurately conveyed. Even a person far from such topics this work will not leave you indifferent. Nature and its components have become the main theme of Viktor Tsyplakov’s works.

Option 2

The painting “Frost and Sun” fully corresponds to the poem by A.S. Pushkin. After all, the artist painted this picture based on a poem by this well-known Russian poet.

The painting depicts a real Russian winter, with huge snowdrifts. Severe frost and a village shrouded in snow convey the essence of Russian winter.

The snow sparkles in the rays of the sun, this confirms that it is severely frosty outside. In addition, warmly dressed people and slowly moving horses. All this suggests that winter is very cold and snowy.

But this makes your soul feel somehow joyful and warm, because this is a real beauty of winter. The picture does not evoke sad thoughts, but on the contrary conveys all the beauty and peculiarity of Russian winter landscapes, and the way of life of people in Russian villages.

It is clear from the man in the sleigh that he wants to get home as soon as possible so that he can go into the house and warm himself near the stove. The horse also tries to quickly cover the distance to the house in order to quickly warm up in its stall and quickly get its portion of food.

One person is riding on a sleigh, and behind him a horse with a sleigh is still visible. High snowdrifts, sleeping houses covered in snow, trees covered in snow and everything around is white.

People in sleighs are apparently coming from the forest. Most likely, they went for firewood. The forest is clearly visible in the background of the picture. The picture conveys the joyful mood and winter cold of the Russian winter.

Everything around is covered with snow, houses, trees and the road. The snowdrifts are very high, the snow-white snow shimmers in the pink shades of the sun. And high above your head there is a clear blue sky.

This landscape conveys a winter mood. Looking at the picture for a long time, you feel the freshness of the frosty air. And you completely find yourself in a kingdom where the harsh beauty of winter reigns.

The picture fully conveys the essence of a winter village in the past. The only thing that prevents you from plunging headlong into the past. These are power lines that run along houses. Looking at them you feel in the present, but with a minimal amount of progress and civilization.

This is a very sincere and joyful picture, painted by the artist with his characteristic skill and sincerity. Due to this, this painting remains famous and recognizable for a long time.

Many generations have seen this picture and many more will see it. Thanks to the sincerity and accuracy of the embodiment of a real Russian winter on canvas. This picture has many fans.

And true art connoisseurs do not remain indifferent when viewing this magical winter landscape.

Description of the painting Frost and the Sun by Tsyplakov

Tsyplakov V.G. Most of his paintings were based on beautiful Russian landscapes, creating wonderful canvases depicting the seasons, weather and wonderful nature.

When I look at one of his creations, “Frost and Sun,” I get the impression that I am there, in the path of the horses on that road poorly cleared of snow. For some reason she has pink tint, probably because of the red sun foreshadowing even greater frost. All around, lush heaps of snow magically lie in uneven mounds, covering the entire village as if with a blanket. Trees, roofs, paths - everything is covered with a snow-white blanket, and on the horizon it merges into one with the sky. It seems that there was a snowstorm just recently, but now it has subsided. The weather is calm, but frosty, and people driving horses are in a hurry to get home into the warmth, not wanting to spend a long time in the fresh air.

A small, old house with small windows and silence behind the glass is somewhat similar to a landowner's house.
The quiet picturesque village seems to be sleeping among broad daylight. And only two horses, harnessed to a sleigh, are running along a snowy path, most likely from the forest. Mighty trees grow proudly along the side of the road, crushed by snow, and by the way their tops are tilted, you can understand that the wind has not yet completely died down and is blowing slightly.

The bright light from the sun is another proof of the great frost inherent in a fierce winter. But, despite the cold, the picture exudes joy, celebration and fun. The blue shadows falling on the snow-covered ground from houses and trees add special beauty, and somewhere in the distance a dark strip of forest can be seen.

It's hard to take your eyes off and take a breath from such beauty. The author depicted the play of light with tints of pink, blue and blue tones in such a realistic manner that it can easily be confused with a photograph.

Essay 4

Tsyplakov’s painting depicts a wonderful time of year - winter. Morning frost and bright sun rays, thick blankets of snow are depicted in the painting, which dominate the village. Winter time is depicted in the picture far from civilization, where fresh frosty air lives. On it you can see the bustle of the village, where someone on a horse-drawn team is carrying heavy firewood to light the stove so as not to freeze in severe frosts, someone is carrying large barrels of water to wash themselves after village bathhouse, having a good steam.

Prevails in the village Fresh air, there are no cars and factories clogging it and there is no city bustle, where everyone is always in a hurry somewhere. Snowy roofs of houses, trees, roads covered with snow, this is real winter. Somewhere in the distance you can see a forest, perhaps among it there is a small narrow river, where fishermen sit on the already thick ice and wait for a bite. On the left side of the picture you can see pillars with stretched electrical wires, perhaps there is television in this village. One can see well-trodden paths among the high snowdrifts. Perhaps the paths were trodden by fishermen who went early in the morning to get their catch, or someone went to a clean spring to fetch water early in the morning, or students from a village school woke up early in the morning and were rushing to their lessons.

Looking at this picture, you can feel and plunge into the atmosphere of a real rural winter season. When some of the village residents go fishing or hunting early in the morning for their next catch or prey, when residents clear the snow in their yard, where the snowdrifts reach a height of almost human height, because there was heavy snowfall that night. Many residents are busy sawing firewood, while their children happily roll around in the snow, slide down slides, build snowmen, and play snowballs. And after hard work and winter fun, everyone goes to their warm houses and drink tea at a large wide table.

Looking at this picture, you feel calm, quiet and peace. There is a certain dose of coldness and grayness here, but in fact it does not repel you and does not let you die from the frost, but, on the contrary, allows you to warm up with the warmth of what you see. This is probably why the author called the painting “frost and sun.” Perhaps he wanted us to pay attention to winter nature and felt all its charms. The author makes us understand that even at this time we can feel all the delights of this nature that surrounds us.

  • Kuindzhi A.I.

    Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi was born on January 15, 1942. Even in his youth, Arkhip began to get involved in painting. A little later, he began working as a town hall manager in different cities of the country. In 1872, he was awarded the title of class artist for his painting “Autumn Thrush.”

    Plastov in his painting Harvest depicts an old man surrounded by young children who took a break from work to have a snack. Perhaps they are from the same family or simply from the same village and the children help an adult mow.

Essay based on Tsyplakov’s painting Frost and the Sun for grade 9


1.The creative path of a great genius

2. General description of the picture

3.Web analysis

4. Summary conclusion

Viktor Tsyplakov is a Soviet painter, known as a master of large thematic paintings. Fame literally fell upon him after his defense thesis. He worked in the direction of realism, and his painting technique tends towards impressionism.

His work is inextricably linked with plein air painting, where the entire range of colors is transmitted through sunlight and air, and also strives for a truthful depiction of the riches of nature. His favorite genre of painting was landscape. A large number of The canvases are dedicated to Russian nature, where Tsyplakov accurately conveyed its vitality, which was reflected in the color scheme.

One of the master’s outstanding paintings is “Frost and Sun”. In it the artist expressed his ability to combine color shades with light. Tsyplakov was inspired to create this masterpiece by A. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”, the lines of which glorify the beauty of the winter season.

The painting depicts a frosty day in a rural village. The entire surface of the earth is covered with snow. The canvas is light, but cold. The artist used White color, and added colors to it - pink, yellow, gray, blue. The whole picture glows in various shades, but the coldness in it is precisely permeated with white.

The sky in the picture is light blue, but darkened in some places, the emphasis was placed on the fact that it could snow at any moment. It is interesting that the master did not draw the sun. But the fact that it is displayed on the canvas is clear thanks to the play of light and shadow. With the help of contrast and richness of strokes, the artist showed a sunny day, as well as a feeling of frost.

The earth is covered with such a snow-white blanket that it gives off a blue color. The central action is slightly shifted to the right. This is the road along which a horse harnessed to a sleigh enters the village, and is driven by a man. He waves his hand, most likely he saw someone from his family, and strives to quickly get into a warm house, to warm up from the frost.

Tsyplakov created a composition in which calm and serenity were disrupted by movement. When painting the compositional center, the artist used dark and pink colors, which immediately attract attention. These few spots of color created a harmony of color, despite most of the monochrome of the landscape.

The integrity of the canvas is achieved by the fact that the artist placed the point of perspective connection in the center of the picture. Several houses are visible on the left side of the road. The shadows of the trees, which are visible in the snow near the house, “speak” that the picture depicts the second half of the day. Their roofs are covered with snow. The entire street is in a state of deep sleep until the horses appear.

Light brown poles are visible with electricity wires running through them. On the right you can see tall birch trees that cover part of the horizon with snow-covered branches. In the distance a dense strip of forest is visible, separating sky and earth. This canvas fascinates with the play of light and shadow, transitions of blue and pink, which imperceptibly pours into blue tones, and then dissipates in white. It’s amazing how an ordinary everyday landscape could encode so much information.

When you look at the canvas, you want to be transported to this winter miracle and enjoy bright colors, ride in a sleigh, feeling the “taste”, smell and color real winter. Viktor Tsyplakov worked all his life to convey every detail with realistic accuracy, paying special attention to light. He believed that the transmission of light in space is difficult task, which not every artist can perform. But Tsyplakov himself managed it, and not only this painting, but many other works of the artist can serve as an example.

Tsyplakov is a talented artist whose brush produced magnificent works. In many of them, the artist depicted the nature of our country, while his paintings are like poetry - you look at them, and mentally begin to repeat the lines of poems by famous writers. This happened with Tsyplakov’s painting Frost and the Sun.

Painting Frost and sun

Painting Frost and sun, her good name, her image, reminded me of Pushkin’s lines: and the picture fully corresponds to these lines. And to make sure of this even more, I will make a description of the picture in my .

Description of the painting Frost and the sun

And so, looking at the picture and working on an essay on the painting Frost and Sun, I immediately notice large snowdrifts and snow glistening in the sun. The snow is so white that it almost looks blue. It’s frosty outside and you just feel it, because this frosty spirit just emanates from the painting. What is most interesting is that the artist does not depict the sun itself, but its light is felt and we see how brightly the houses are illuminated by the sun, and how blinding the light is that bounces off the snow. But at the same time, you realize that it’s not warm outside at all, the frost immediately begins to pinch your hands, cheeks, and nose. Frost has silvered everything around, so now the trees stand in frost. Everything around is white, and only the horse that pulls the sleigh stands out in brown.

A man is sitting on a sleigh; perhaps he went to the forest to get firewood. But now he quickly heads to the village to warm up in the house. A man is driving along a road that is already well-rolled, which means that the snow fell a long time ago, but thanks to the severe frosts, it does not melt. Well-trodden paths branch off from the main road and lead to houses, and we can see just the corner of the first house. It turns out that the village is just beginning, and the horse is just entering the street.

In my essay on the painting Frost and the Sun, I would like to once again draw attention to its title. Frost and sun - this means the artist wanted to draw our attention precisely to the winter beauty that surrounds us, specifically to nature in the harsh winter. At this time, the earth is completely covered with a layer of snow, and the blue and gray of the sky merges with the earth, and even the air seems blue from the abundance of fallen snow and frost that stands harsh winters. This is beautiful in its own way, even in winter the nature of our country is beautiful.