What does the population size mean, taking into account the nsk. The population of Novosibirsk. What nationalities live in this locality

Is the largest city in Siberia and the third largest city in Russia. It is famous for its constructivist architecture and unusual museums dedicated to happiness or the sun. The city is called "impetuous" and "uncontrollably rushing forward", because it was built on a grand scale. Among the striking evidence of this is the metro bridge, which is 2 kilometers long. Even the Opera and Ballet Theater, nicknamed the Siberian Colosseum, conquers with its scope. This is a complex structure with amazing acoustics, night vision cameras and non-standard technology for overlapping the dome.

Novosibirsk is ready to surprise not only with its dynamics. Amusing monuments to a sausage, a traffic light, a business woman speak about the sense of humor and the original approach of the city residents.

Video: Novosibirsk

History of Novosibirsk

You can find out details about the history of the city in the local history museum, where objects of religious worship and everyday life of the peoples of Siberia are kept. The first settlements on the territory began to arise in the 16th century, when the Russians began to develop the land. At the beginning of the 18th century, different villages existed on the site of modern Novosibirsk: Krivoshchekovo, Erestnaya, Bugrinskaya, Yeltsovskaya. At the end of the 18th century, they were united into the Krivoshchekovskaya volost. Already in the 19th century, it included 37 villages. Later, the population increased significantly due to emigrants from the Urals.

Much in the life of settlements was changed by the construction of the railway, initiated by Emperor Alexander III. The route was supposed to unite Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok, but the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire decided to build a railway across the Ob - near the settlement of Krivoshchekovo. In 1983, a horse train and a detachment of bridge builders arrived at the site. From this moment the history of Novosibirsk begins.

The emergence of Novonikolaevsk, and this is how the city was first called, coincided with industrialization. Its importance as a transport hub grew, which positively influenced the prosperity of the settlement. Soon the shipping company began to develop on the Ob. The city did not extract or process raw materials. The emphasis in the development of Novonikolaevsk was placed on three areas: transport, communications and trade. The settlement turned into a cooperative capital of Russia. Among the active public figures were initiative people from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Warsaw. Part of this active force was made up of natives of other countries: Great Britain, Finland, China. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the flour-grinding industry began to develop. It was one of the most influential strata of the city.

The period after the revolution and before the start of World War II in the history of Novosibirsk is distinguished as a separate stage. Active industrialization of the city took place, the first airfield was built, the first university was opened. The administrative and managerial function fell on Novosibirsk - it became the center of the district. During the war, about 35 thousand people died here. The city soon turned into a major industrial center. But in recent years, the share of those employed in industry has declined and shifted to trade.


Today's megalopolis is notable for its "Siberian" scale. The main street is straight, it is called Krasny Prospekt and stretches for 7 km. It will take two hours to pass it, so Novosibirsk will not let the guest go quickly. And yet on the way there are some interesting monuments, near which you want to linger.

In the center, at the intersection of Sibrevkoma and Serebrennikovskaya streets, you will definitely see a composition of a frozen guard near a slender traffic light. This funny couple reminds of the distant 40s. It was here that one of the first traffic lights in the city was installed. It was operated manually, but was necessary due to the presence of a nearby school. True, the locals call a remarkable place in their own way - "Monument to the traffic cop" or "Policeman".

Self-realization of women is welcomed in Novosibirsk - this is eloquently testified by the sculpture, which is popularly nicknamed the “Monument to a career woman”. It is located on a quiet Michurin street. The sculpture of a businesswoman was installed by a local printing company. On the figure's face there is a slight smile and a gaze directed at the city.

Despite the business rhythm, the lyrics are not alien to Novosibirsk. This is confirmed by the monument to Vysotsky, erected in 2005. The height of the building is 6 meters. The monument in Montenegro was taken as a basis. The freedom-loving Vysotsky seems to be walking along the edge of a knife: he holds a guitar in one hand, the other froze in a welcoming wave.

Such a variety of sculptures amazes tourists, but they pay the most attention to the sausage monument. The three-meter delicacy sets people up for a culinary mood before entering the Severo-Chem market. The monument has been erected since the 90s and is supplemented with a funny inscription: "Hey, don't hang your noses, eat more sausage!"

Although the monuments stand out especially against the urban background, the local architecture also deserves attention. On Sovetskaya Street, you can find the first stone building of Novosibirsk - the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The construction is over a hundred years old. During the fight against religious objects, they even wanted to blow it up, but dynamite was not enough. They did not dare to increase the "dose" because of the neighborhood - Sibrevkom could have suffered. For some time the temple was a storage for grain, later it was used as a newsreel studio. After perestroika, it was returned to the Orthodox Church. The luxurious Ascension Cathedral is more modern, but not less interesting. It is hard to imagine that in the 40s it was a small wooden temple. Today the cathedral is distinguished by its grace. Inside there are many shrines and an iconostasis of amazing beauty.

The famous building of Novosibirsk is considered to be the Officers' House on Krasniy Prospekt. It is a historical monument and honors the heroes of the First World War. Another building worth looking for is the Stokvartirny House. It has no analogues in the world. This is the creation of Andrei Kryachkov, who in the 30s received a medal for it in Paris at an exhibition of technology and art. Near the house, you can find a monument to the author.

Local residents try to show tourists the most beautiful street in the city, affectionately nicknamed "Bogdashka". Captive Germans were still working on its creation. A special atmosphere reigns on Bohdan Khmelnitsky Street - greenery and pretty buildings contribute to it. Among others, it also stands out for its original metal sculptures placed on poster pillars. Each is tied to some object. The crow with cheese is at the market, Aibolit is near the pharmacy, Harlequin is near the house of culture.

If you get tired of walking, you should take a ride on the local metro. Siberians joke: "Our metro is small, but proud!" It is worth getting off at the Sibirskaya station, where a stone panel with sketches from the life of this region has been preserved. They even wanted to buy a mosaic creation for crazy money, but the masterpiece of local craftsmen remained in their homeland. Rechnoy Vokzal will surprise you with ten unique stained-glass windows dedicated to Siberian cities.

Nature corners in the city

The itinerary of the trip should definitely include a visit to the botanical garden - the largest in the Asian part of Russia. It was created immediately after the Second World War. Here you can visit the arboretum, forest park area, the Botanical Museum of Siberia. The Novosibirsk Garden is divided into compositions: "Waltz of Flowers", "Rocky Garden" and others. If you don't want to part with natural beauty, you can buy seedlings, but you need to agree on the purchase in advance. A winter trip can be enhanced by visiting the Botanical Garden's greenhouse with tropical plants.

Introduce bighorn sheep, Persian leopards, argali. In total, 10 thousand animals (more than 600 species) live here. The surname of the creator of this zoo is speaking - Zverev. The zoo has the Tropical World and Night World pavilions. There are also marine and freshwater aquariums here.

Another place in Novosibirsk where nature reigns is the arboretum. It is located at 100 Zhukovskogo Street. Once it was a continuation of the botanical garden, but now it belongs to forestry. True, the locals are not used to this. The people also call it a botanical garden, confusing visitors. There are 350 species of different plants growing on the territory of the arboretum. You can find representatives of the flora characteristic of China or Japan. There are plants here from America and Europe.

In the center of the bustling metropolis, you can also find an oasis - the Pervomaisky square. Once upon a time there was a Fairground on this place. Later it was transformed into a park, ennobling the space with flower beds and graceful paths. Later, unusual marble sculptures dedicated to peace and love appeared. Pervomaisky Square has become a favorite place for the townspeople, who often hold events here. In the mornings in the park, groups of people under the guidance of a trainer or on their own do exercises and do yoga. The Snow Sculpture Festival is organized here every winter.

Where to go in Novosibirsk

If the weather is bad or you are tired of looking at urban architecture, you can go to the local planetarium. It is located at the Klyuch-Kamyshenskoye Plateau street, 1/1. The Musical Comedy Theater is also worth a visit. There are several interesting museums in Novosibirsk that will not let you get bored either.

To get a good mood is in the Museum of Happiness. Climbing the spiral staircase, you can see the drawings of children about this wonderful feeling. There are thousands of items in the collection, and each of them has its own story. Among them you can see a horseshoe and an umbrella with 800 buttons. All things can be touched with your hands - for luck. Numerous exhibits are collected from different parts of the world.

You can get no less positive emotions in the Museum of the Sun. Here are more than 2 thousand items dedicated to the heavenly body. Many of the exhibits are images of solar gods. Once a year, the museum hosts the Children Paint the Sun festival. On other days, you can simply learn the history of the Sun and buy a souvenir as a keepsake.

With children, you can visit the Children's Railway, located between the zoo and Zaeltsovsky Park. Its length is just over 5 km. Each train is called affectionately: "Fairy Tale", "Dream", "Youth". It takes about 1.5 hours to travel there and back. You can drive half the way to the zoo, but then you have to take a ticket (there is no other way to get to the city).

Another place associated with the railway is the Museum of Railway Technology. Novosibirsk flourished thanks to its connections with other settlements, and local residents do not forget about it. The collection of the museum contains steam locomotives of the Tsarist times and miniature trains. Visitors will be amazed by the post-war locomotives, where only the wheels are larger than human height. A separate object is a site with retro cars. Examining the exhibits, you can quietly spend the whole day in the museum. Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk

What to try

Local cuisine will complement the pleasant experience of Novosibirsk. From ancient times, Kalmyk tribes lived on the territory, which mixed with the Russian population. Their influence is still noticeable. Meat predominated in the diet of the ancestors of modern inhabitants, since the Kalmyks were a nomadic people and raised livestock. Pork is almost never used here, with an emphasis on beef and lamb. Meat is rarely minced or minced. Usually this product is eaten whole - boiled or fried.

Soups are not very popular here, preferring broths. Spices are handled with care - they are almost not felt in the dishes. Sometimes housewives make noodles with meat and onions or bereki - this dish is very similar to traditional dumplings. Gourmets should try milk drinks - kumis and chigyan. Various products are made from milk, for example, yogurt or cheese. Bread is by all means served with the meal, and after its completion they drink tea with sweets. It will be interesting for tourists to taste jomba - Kalmyk tea with milk, butter and salt.

Souvenirs for memory

You can bring birch bark products as a souvenir in Novosibirsk. This is not a curiosity for Russia, but Siberian craftsmen are considered the most famous in the field of their manufacture. In the city, you can buy a painting that will especially successfully decorate a wooden house or a terrace. Another creation of local craftsmen is a canvas made of stone chips in a frame made of baguettes. Tourists bring onyx figurines, porcelain items, souvenirs from mineral stones from Novosibirsk. And if you want something completely amazing, pay attention to the Zlatoust engraving.

Shopping in Novosibirsk

The city will not disappoint shopping enthusiasts either. There are several popular shopping centers: Kalina Center, Mega, Versailles, Crystal, Golden Park, Gallery Novosibirsk. The shopping center in Akademgorodok is well known - it is quite large in size. You can buy a lot here: from furniture to food. Omega Plaza has a hypermarket of household appliances, sporting goods, fast food points of sale and restaurants. In the "Continent" you can buy shoes, clothes, perfumes and cosmetics.

You can combine entertainment with shopping in Sun City. It has a fitness club, swimming pool, cinema, sushi bar, entertainment center. Shopping can be done at a sporting goods store, household appliances, children's clothing. About 140 fashion boutiques are united under one roof by the Siberian Mall.


There are hotels of different levels in Novosibirsk - from elite to budget. Interest in the city does not subside, so here they are used to focusing on the comfort of travelers. There are 5-6 high-status hotels in Novosibirsk, three of which are international brands. In total, there are 278 organizations providing hotel services in the city. Most of it is located on the right bank of the Ob - in the center of Novosibirsk. There are about 40 large hotels with a total capacity of 20 thousand rooms. It is interesting that there are many business people among those who come to Novosibirsk. This affects the pricing - on weekdays, room rates are higher than on weekends. On average, hotels are filled by 55-60%. Promotions are often held in July - you can get discounts up to 20-30%.


Public transport in Novosibirsk is buses, trolleybuses and trams. The city also has a subway, consisting of two lines. There are 13 stations on them. This is the first and only metro that operates in Siberia Novokuznetsk. The city has an international airport Tolmachevo. Planes from different air carriers fly from Moscow. The duration of the air journey is from 3 to 5 hours. People are transported from St. Petersburg by Transaero, Aeroflot and other airlines. The flight takes 3.5 to 5 hours.

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Transport network

General information about Novosibirsk

  • Novosibirsk is the largest municipal entity in the Russian Federation

    Novosibirsk is the largest municipal entity in the Russian Federation. The third most populous city in Russia. Resident population as of January 1, 2018. - 1612.8 thousand people (57.8% of the population of the Novosibirsk region). The territory of the city as of 01.01.2018 is 502.7 km. The population density is 3.2 thousand people per 1 km2.

    Novosibirsk is located at the junction of the forest-steppe and forest natural zones, on the Priobskoye plateau, adjacent to the valley of the Ob River, at the intersection of the most important transport corridors, along which economic ties of Russian regions are traditionally carried out, both in the direction "west-east" (federal highway M-51 " Baikal "), and" north-south "(federal highway M-52" Chuisky tract ", navigable river Ob). The distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow is 3191 km.

    Natural factors for the development of the city are favorable. The city is adjacent to natural forests, the Ob reservoir, small rivers, lakes, which together represent a diverse complex of recreational resources.

    The climate of Novosibirsk and its suburbs is continental. According to agroclimatic zoning, Novosibirsk is classified as a moderately warm, insufficiently humid agroclimatic subregion. Average annual air temperature: +0.2 degrees Celsius. Average July temperature: +19 degrees Celsius. Average January temperature: -19 degrees Celsius.

    Novosibirsk was founded in 1893. It was originally a settlement for the builders of a railway bridge across the Ob River. The impetus for the development of the city was the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In less than 70 years, Novosibirsk has achieved the status of a millionaire city and was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest growing city in the world. Since 09/28/1937 - the administrative center of the Novosibirsk region. Since 05/13/2000 - the center of the Siberian Federal District.

    Modern Novosibirsk is a business, trade and financial, scientific, industrial and cultural center of the Asian part of Russia. The residence of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District is located in Novosibirsk, the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Siberian Customs Administration, representative offices of other federal bodies and departments, and the headquarters of interregional organizations are located.

    The city is divided into eight administrative territories - Dzerzhinsky, Kirovsky, Kalininsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Sovetsky districts and the Central District. The largest of them in terms of population are the Leninsky District - 303.5 thousand people and the Central District - 292.9 thousand people; in terms of occupied area - the Soviet District (89.2 sq. km) and the Central District (84.2 sq. km).

    Novosibirsk is the center of the Novosibirsk agglomeration, which includes settlements that are economically, socially and geographically closely interconnected with the city, located within an hour and a half from its center. The population of the agglomeration exceeds 2 million people, and its share in the gross regional product of the Novosibirsk region is more than 3/4 and almost entirely determines the development trends of the regional economy. On an economic basis, the agglomeration includes cities of regional significance: Berdsk, Ob, urban-type settlements: Koltsovo and Krasnoobsk, Novosibirsk district, as well as a number of other districts of the region close to Novosibirsk, including Iskitimsky, Kolyvansky, Ordynsky, Toguchinsky.

    The social aspect of interaction between settlements in the Novosibirsk urban agglomeration is determined by weak territorial segmentation of the labor market and objective trends in the formation of a single labor market in adjacent territories. At the same time, pendulum migration between the regional center and the agglomeration settlements, caused by both labor and cultural, trade, household, educational and other ties, is of great importance. Due to commuting, the permanent population of Novosibirsk is growing daily by at least 80-100 thousand people.

    Representatives of over 120 nationalities live in Novosibirsk. The majority of the population is Russian (about 93%). The most numerous ethnic groups of the population are Ukrainian, Uzbek, Tatar, German, Tajik. In addition, Armenians, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Koreans, Yezidis, Jews, Chinese, Gypsies, Tuvans, Buryats, Chuvashs, Georgians and representatives of other nationalities live in the city. There are more than forty registered national and cultural autonomies and organizations.

    The city has a stable political situation. Close interaction of the city government bodies with the business community and the entire city community has been established.

  • Economy

    The economy of Novosibirsk is characterized by a high degree of diversification, which ensures its sustainability and high efficiency. The main sectors of the economy are industry, construction, science and scientific services, transport, communications, trade and services, including a developed financial sector. The city is successfully developing in the absence of large resource-extracting enterprises in the region, which distinguishes it from most large cities in Siberia.

    According to the mayor's office of the city of Novosibirsk, the number of labor resources in 2017 amounted to more than 1,078 thousand people (66.9% of the population of Novosibirsk), the number of people employed in the city's economy - 806.9 thousand people. In the structure of the employed population, the share of those employed in the sphere of wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles accounts for about 24%, in industrial production - 15.5%, in the sphere of transportation and storage - 8.5%.

    The economic resources for the development of Novosibirsk as a municipal entity are property, land and financial resources. The main task of managing and disposing of municipal property and urban lands is to increase the efficiency of use, attract revenues to the city budget, develop and implement a unified policy in the field of land and property relations aimed at solving local issues and at the future development of the city.

  • Industry

    Industrial production is one of the leading sectors of the economy of the city of Novosibirsk and one of the main factors of its development, contributes to increasing the competitive advantages of the city and the formation of an innovative infrastructure.

    Today, more than 215 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises operate in Novosibirsk, the main activities of which are manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

    In manufacturing industries, the basic activities include the production of food products, the production of vehicles and equipment, the production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, metallurgical production and the production of finished metal products, and other non-metallic mineral products.

    Over five years (from 2014 to 2019), industrial production in Novosibirsk increased in value terms by an average of 30%. Among the enterprises with positive dynamics are JSC Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant, JSC NMZ Iskra, JSC Electroagregat, JSC Scientific Research Institute of Electronic Devices, PJSC NZHK, JSC NovosibARZ, LLC S2GRUPP, etc. Industrial organizations are also engaged in the creation of new, expansion of existing industries. As a result, about three thousand new jobs have been created in five years.

  • Transport

    Novosibirsk is the largest transport hub in Western Siberia, located at the intersection of transport routes, including the Trans-Siberian. There is a railway exit to Central Asia.

    There are 4 railway stations in the city, of which the Novosibirsk-Glavny railway station is the largest beyond the Urals. Novosibirsk is home to Russia's largest sorting railway station, which allows receiving and processing a record amount of cargo.

    Novosibirsk is connected by air lines with more than 100 cities in Russia, the CIS and the world. Within the urban agglomeration
    (17 km from the center of Novosibirsk, on the territory of the Ob town of the Novosibirsk region) there is one of the largest in the country and the largest in Siberia airport "Tolmachevo", which, according to its technical capabilities, can serve all types of modern aircraft of domestic and foreign production of passenger and cargo destination.

    Highways lead from the city in the following directions: Omsk (federal highway Р254); Kolyvan, Tomsk, Kolpashevo (50K12); Krasnoyarsk (federal highway "Siberia" Р255); Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Novokuznetsk (Р384); Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaysk (Р256); Ordynskoe, Stone on the Ob, Pavlodar (Р380).

    Urban passenger transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, fixed-route taxis and the metro. On all types of public passenger transport, an automated system of accounting and non-cash fare payment has been introduced. Regular passenger traffic in Novosibirsk is carried out on 158 routes (the total length of the city's route network is more than 3000 km). In accordance with the Register of regular routes of the municipal route network of the city of Novosibirsk, the movement of 11 trams (95 units of equipment operate on the lines), 14 trolleybus (210 units of equipment), 79 bus routes (600 units of equipment) and 54 route taxi routes (600 units of equipment) ...

    The Novosibirsk Metro, the first and so far the only one in the eastern part of the country, opened at the end of 1985, currently has 2 operating lines with a total length of 15.9 km and 13 stations. The Metro Bridge is the longest of its kind in the world. The rolling stock includes 104 metro cars. In 2018, the metro carried 83 million passengers. All metro stations have coverage of all cellular operators.

  • Construction

    In 2007, the General Plan of the city and local standards for urban planning were approved, thanks to which it was possible to significantly increase the efficiency of using urban areas. In 2009, the Rules for Land Use and Development of the City were approved.

    In Novosibirsk, the construction of public and administrative, sports and recreation, cultural and entertainment facilities, shopping centers is underway. In terms of housing construction, Novosibirsk is one of the leaders in Russia, providing the largest volumes of housing commissioning. Over 10 years (2009-2018) in Novosibirsk, 12 million square meters were commissioned. meters of housing, including in 2018 - more than 1 million square meters. meters.

    In Novosibirsk, work is underway to resettle the emergency housing stock. During the implementation of programs for resettlement of the city's emergency housing stock, 484 emergency houses were resettled in Novosibirsk (total financial costs amounted to more than 8 billion rubles). In 2019-2023, this work will continue in accordance with the municipal program "Creating conditions for citizens to exercise their right to housing in the city of Novosibirsk" and with the use of federal budget funds within the framework of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment".

  • Trade and services

    Trade occupies one of the leading places in the sectoral structure of the economy of Novosibirsk. In May 1993, the city was admitted to the World Association of World Trade Centers.

    The consumer market of Novosibirsk is one of the key segments of the city's life support, significantly affects the formation of the foundations of economic stability, plays a significant role in the sphere of employment.

    The retail network of Novosibirsk includes more than 10 thousand subjects of wholesale and retail trade. The total number of stationary retail outlets is more than 4.6 thousand (excluding stores located in shopping centers), non-stationary trade facilities - 3.2 thousand, universal retail markets - three. More than 93 thousand people are employed in trade. The volume of retail trade turnover for large and medium-sized enterprises, according to Novosibirskstat for 2018, amounted to 216.6 billion rubles.

    Various formats of retail trade enterprises are represented in the city's consumer market. Along with the traditional formats, which are still in demand by the townspeople, new shopping, shopping and entertainment, multi-format centers are actively developing. Modern trade enterprises with a wide range of goods, high service culture, various forms of services and settlements are opening in Novosibirsk.

    International retail chains such as Ikea, Leroy Merlin, Auchan, Metro Cash & Carey have been operating in Novosibirsk for several years. Average urban provision of the population with retail space - 2211.36 sq. m per thousand inhabitants. The active development of large supermarket chains “Yarche!”, “Maria-Ra”, “Pyaterochka”, “Magnit”, “Gorozhanka”, “Lenta” continues. The number of branded trade enterprises of local and domestic producers is growing: Torgovaya Ploschad, Karasuk, Oktyabrskaya Poultry Farm, Novosibirsk Poultry Farm, Kochenevskaya Poultry Farm, Novosibirskaya Chocolate Factory, Pleasure, Dudnik Trading House, TD "Prize", "Westfalica".

    To solve the problem of stabilizing retail prices and providing the population with high-quality food products of local suppliers, city social food fairs are successfully operating in Novosibirsk, located at the addresses: st. Bolshevik, 131 and st. Petukhova, 69.

    International and Russian industry exhibitions and forums are held on the premises of the Novosibirsk Expocentre, the largest exhibition complex in Siberia.

    An industrial and logistics park with a total area of ​​2,000 hectares has been created 12 kilometers from the city. Among the large trade and logistics complexes: the NORDMALL wholesale and retail center, the Vostok shopping center, the Foodsib wholesale and retail center, focused primarily on retailers, medium and large wholesalers.

    Public catering occupies a significant share in the sectoral economy of the city, the services of which are provided by more than two thousand enterprises for 114 thousand seats. The public catering market in Novosibirsk has a stable growth trend. The turnover of public catering in 2018, according to Novosibirskstat, for large and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 5.2 billion rubles, the growth rate was 102.3%.

    As of January 1, 2019, the city catering network has 2,209 enterprises (stationary and non-stationary) for 114 thousand seats. The catering sector employs about 20 thousand people. The provision of the city's population with catering facilities is 71 seats per 1000 residents. The public catering network is represented by 1604 enterprises with 69.8 thousand seats.

    Much attention is paid to improving the professional skills of workers in the consumer market. In 2014, the Novosibirsk culinary team won silver medals at the Culinary Arts World Cup in Luxembourg. In 2016, Novosibirsk took bronze at the World Culinary Olympiad in Germany. In 2018, as part of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the founding of the city, a large-scale culinary show was held - the production of a record sweet Siberian pie in Russia, 125 meters long. More than 70 confectioners from Novosibirsk took part in the event.

    The market of consumer services in Novosibirsk as of January 1, 2019 is 3436 enterprises with a reception network and branches of various organizational and legal forms. Consumer service enterprises employ 19.3 thousand people.

    In the structure of consumer services enterprises, the largest share falls on hairdressing services - 981 objects, repair and maintenance services for vehicles - 387 objects, services for repair and sewing shoes - 216 objects.

    Vehicle maintenance services have reached a new level. In addition to traditional service stations, there are official dealerships of auto concerns operating in Novosibirsk, specializing both in the sale of cars and in maintenance and repair.

    In 2017, on the territory of the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk, a unique for the city object Aquamir water park with an area of ​​35 thousand square meters was opened. m. The complex includes a water park with a thermoblock, spa centers, cafes, bars, restaurants.

  • The science

    Novosibirsk is the largest center of academic and industrial science in the Asian part of Russia. The scientific and technological complex of the city is the third largest in Russia and includes 43 academic institutes, seven international research centers, 39 higher educational institutions, JSC Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok, JSC Innovative Medical and Technological Center (Medical Technopark).

    Since 2001, Novosibirsk has been a full member of the international organization World Association of Technopolises.

    The Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS is the largest in the Siberian Branch of the RAS; about half of the scientific potential of the department is located here. Leading scientific schools are represented in the institutions of academic science, which make it possible to conduct applied research on the majority of technological platforms existing in Russia, including world-class technologies: catalysts, accelerators, lasers and devices based on them, nanopowders, nanofibers, nanotubes, thermal imagers, night vision devices , software, etc.

    Research and development in Novosibirsk is carried out by 113 organizations (93.4% of the number of institutions carrying out research and development in the Novosibirsk region), 49 of which operate in the Soviet district of the city.

    In the rating of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia in 2017, the Novosibirsk Region took fifth place, entering the group of regions "strong innovators": the highest positions were noted in terms of research and development (fourth place) and innovative activity of the region (third place).

    A modern infrastructure for supporting innovative activities has been formed in Novosibirsk. The Technopark of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok (Academpark) houses 354 resident companies, employing 9817 people. More than 130 resident start-up companies work in the business incubators of the Academpark, operating in the areas of "instrument engineering", "IT-technologies", "nanotechnology", "biotechnology".

  • Education

    Novosibirsk has an extensive network of educational institutions. There are about four dozen higher educational institutions in the city, including branches of nonresident universities, and more than 30 organizations of secondary vocational education.

    The municipal branch "Education" has 507 institutions (205 budgetary, 42 autonomous, 260 state-owned), including 244 preschool educational institutions, 44 institutions of additional education, 4 other institutions, 215 educational institutions: 129 secondary schools, 17 gymnasiums, 21 lyceums, 16 schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, 2 educational centers, 2 institutions "Primary school - kindergarten", 1 boarding school, 12 evening schools, 15 special (correctional) schools. As of 01.09.2018, 176 857 schoolchildren study in city educational institutions, 87 652 young Novosibirsk residents attend preschool institutions.

    To ensure an integrated approach to the development of a network of educational institutions, the creation of safe and accessible conditions for preschool, general and additional education, contributing to the improvement of the quality of the provision of municipal educational services, the municipal program "Development of the education sector of the city of Novosibirsk" is being implemented in Novosibirsk for 2018-2021.

  • Health care

    The city has a powerful network of health care institutions. These are, first of all, 63 hospital institutions with 18 thousand hospital beds, about 140 outpatient clinics with a capacity of 38 thousand visits per shift. About 12 thousand doctors of all specialties and more than 18 thousand paramedical personnel provide medical care to residents of the city.

    A number of federal and departmental healthcare institutions are located in the city, including the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.I. Ya. L. Tsivyan ”of the Ministry of Health of Russia (with a clinic) - one of the leading sectoral research centers in the country, providing highly specialized care for patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system; Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin of the Ministry of Health of Russia (with a clinic) - one of the largest federal cardiac surgery institutions in the country; Novosibirsk branch of FGAU "NMITs" MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" them. Academician SN Fedorov "; NUZ" Road clinical hospital at the station Novosibirsk-Glavny "Russian Railways" and others.

  • Culture

    Novosibirsk is considered the cultural center of Siberia and is recognized as one of the cultural centers of Russia. Numerous creative unions and associations are active in the city, a network of cultural institutions is developed. Among them - 15 professional theaters, including the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater - a historical and architectural symbol and a visiting card not only of Novosibirsk, but of Siberia as a whole, Novosibirsk State Academic of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Drama Theater "Red Torch", Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus", Novosibirsk City Drama Theater under the direction of Sergei Afanasyev, Novosibirsk Musical Theater, which turned 60 on February 2, 2019, and others.

    The leader of the city's musical life - the Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society - has been operating since 1937 and unites about twenty groups known far beyond the borders of Russia: the Novosibirsk Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Russian Academic Orchestra, the Novosibirsk Choir Capella, the Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, "Filarmonica" - a quartet, a vocal ensemble Pavel Sharomova, the early music ensemble Insula Magica, the Markellovy Voices ensemble, the concert brass band, the Siberian Dixieland jazz orchestra, Vladimir Tolkachev's Big Band and others. The Arnold Katz State Concert Hall, opened in Novosibirsk in 2013, is the main concert and rehearsal venue for the Philharmonic. The total area of ​​the concert hall is 21.5 thousand square meters. m, the hall is designed for 1080 spectators.

    The Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka has trained several thousand musicians in its 63-year history: performers, composers, musicologists. Today it is one of the leading conservatories in the country and has an international reputation.

    The cultural attractions of the city include the Novosibirsk Zoo named after R. A. Shilo, located on the territory of the Zaeltsovsky forest park. The Novosibirsk Zoo is the largest in Russia, it covers an area of ​​60 hectares, it contains more than 11,500 animals of 797 species, including rare and endangered ones listed in the Red Book (more than 350 species).

    The Zoo has a unique facility for Siberia - the Center for Oceanography and Marine Biology "Dolphinia". The area of ​​the halls of the complex is over 8,000 sq. m., they can simultaneously accommodate up to 650 spectators. There is an Oceanarium with a tunnel that goes through the aquarium, where more than 300 species of fish and marine animals live.

    Also among the sights of the city there are more than a dozen museums, including the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, the Novosibirsk Museum, the Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore, the N.K.

    The City Center of Fine Arts organizes all year round exhibition projects with the participation of artists from Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul and other countries. An exhibition of works by the People's Artist of Russia, war veteran Veniamin Karpovich Chebanov has been organized in the Siberian Memorial Picture Gallery "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

    Also in Novosibirsk there is a Botanical Garden, two planetariums, the City Cultural Center, the Siberia-Hokkaido Center, and 17 cinemas. In 2016, the Aquamir water park was opened in Novosibirsk - the largest indoor water park in Russia.

    For lovers of reading, there are 87 public libraries (municipal, regional, departmental) with a library fund of about 5 million copies in the city. In addition, Novosibirsk hosts one of the largest book depositories beyond the Urals - State Public Library for Science and Technology SB RAS - with a collection of about 14 million copies.

    The municipal branch "Culture" is represented by: 20 children's art schools, 10 children's music schools, 3 children's art schools. The network of municipal cultural and leisure institutions includes: 13 club-type institutions, including 3 palaces of culture, 2 children's houses of culture; children's film studio "Poisk"; 6 houses of culture; 9 parks of culture and recreation; concert complex named after V.V. Mayakovsky; Novosibirsk Drama Theater "On the Left Bank", Novosibirsk City Drama Theater under the direction of Sergei Afanasyev.

    More than 13.3 thousand children and adolescents study in 33 institutions of additional education for children in the field of culture (children's music schools, children's art schools, children's art schools). About 530 creative groups work in houses and palaces of culture, including: 101 choreographic, 104 choral, 21 theater, 4 orchestras of folk instruments, 3 orchestras of wind instruments, 13 folklore, 30 circles of fine and applied art, more than 250 clubs of interest.

    Currently, the city is implementing the program "Development of the cultural sphere of the city of Novosibirsk" for 2017 - 2020.

The European part of Russia is associated with two capitals, while many people associate Siberia with Novosibirsk. This city is the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District. It is considered the capital of innovative technologies and is a very prosperous city.

The history of this city begins relatively recently. Only at the end of the 19th century, first a churchyard appeared here, then a countyless city (by decree of the emperor), and in 1912 the construction of a station began here. Thanks to this event and the laying of a new railway line between Siberia and Altai, the city began to develop actively.

Until 1925, the name Novo-Nikolaevsk was used. After that, the modern name appears - Novosibirsk. The opening here in 1957 of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a significant event. For about 20 years, the city has been in secrecy.

Population of Novosibirsk

Almost from the very beginning to this day, Novosibirsk has been a city with a steadily growing population. For this period it is the third in terms of the number of residents.

Although the story began literally with 685 inhabitants of a small village in 1893. By 1920 Novo-Nikolaevsk was a large workers' settlement with a population of about 20 thousand inhabitants. After just 20 years, more than 400 thousand inhabitants live here thanks to the active construction of enterprises, the presence of a railway to Semipalatinsk.

Further, the active demographic boom was facilitated by the evacuation of many citizens during the Second World War. On the territory of the city, many enterprises were based that supplied products for the front. Largely thanks to the evacuated citizens in 1962, a millionth inhabitant appeared here.

Some decline was periodically observed in the post-perestroika period (a decline after 1990 from 1427 thousand people. To 1398 thousand people. In 2000), and in the 2000s, although the overall number of residents remained close to 1 million 400 thousand inhabitants. In the previous 5-7 years, demography had a purely positive trend. In 2017, 1,602,915 people live in the city.

The phase of increasing the number of people in the city begins (in the current period) in 2012. At that time 1,498,921 people lived in the city. Since then, every year the number of residents has increased by 20-40 thousand people.

By ethnicity, the overwhelming majority of Novosibirsk residents are Russians. In addition, a small number should be noted: Ukrainians; Uzbeks; Tatars; Germans; Tajiks.

(SEC "Gallery Novosibirsk")

From the total number of representatives of each of these nationalities from 1 to 0.5%, while the Russians from the total number of about 93%.

Novosibirsk is often called the third capital of the country, and indeed this city attracts significant migration flows. Largely thanks to visitors from other territories of Siberia and Central Asia, the total number of citizens is increasing, although the demography in the city has a positive trend due to the high birth rate.

The largest number of city dwellers are the able-bodied population, there are just less than 900 thousand of them. People of retirement age - a little more than 300 thousand. By gender, women predominate, 4% more than men.

Industry of Novosibirsk

The general investment attractiveness of the city should be noted. According to the authoritative world rating, Novosibirsk is one of the 600 cities on the planet that produce 60% of the total GDP of the planet. The city is incredibly economically developed and promising.

The main industries are:

  • gas supply,
  • energy,
  • water supply,
  • metalworking and metallurgy,
  • mechanical engineering.

About 420 thousand people are involved in these areas. In total, more than 130 thousand enterprises operate in the city.

The active development of the city in the previous decade should be noted. The city has become much more attractive for business and, according to this parameter, occupies a leading position in Russia. Of the most significant enterprises, it should be noted:

  • OJSC SibEko is the largest company in Siberia that supplies and produces heat and electricity;
  • JSC NPO Sibselmash - produces mining and agricultural equipment, is the largest in the region;
  • Center for Financial Technologies CJSC - the creator of the Zolotaya Korona money transfer system, which is actively used in Russia and not only, a large company in the field of information technology;
  • Alawar Entertainment - a major developer of computer games;
  • Net is a large manufacturer and supplier of clothing in the Urals and Siberia.

(Novosibirsk plant "Ekran")

It is possible to indicate many other enterprises, but this list allows you to understand the huge range in which the city's industry is developing.

Culture of the city of Novosibirsk

(Akademgorodok of innovative technologies)

Concerning the culture of Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok is of particular interest, which is located almost on the outskirts. Many research institutes and similar institutions are based on the territory of this partially separate village. Throughout the history of their existence, many scientists who worked in this territory have made a tangible contribution to the general progress of mankind and the understanding of the universe.

The symbol of the city is the Opera House, which was completed by 1945. Since then, the building of this opera house has been the largest in the country. In addition, there are about ten municipal theaters and many independent theaters, including theater studios, in the city.

We also note a significant number of city museums, a considerable number of cinemas. The city has its own zoo, two planetariums, two philharmonic societies. The city is notable for the large number of annual festivals: film, music and other arts.

Novosibirsk is the capital of the Siberian Federal District. But, of course, this is far from the only thing that this city is remarkable for. Novosibirsk boasts quite a few things in which it is the best.

Population of Novosibirsk

  1. The population of Novosibirsk is 1.6 million people. It is the most populous city in the Asian part of Russia. On a national scale, Novosibirsk is the third largest population after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

2. During the day, when people come to work, the population of the suburb of Novosibirsk increases by 100 thousand people.

3. Novosibirsk is the first regional city in Russia (that is, excluding the historical capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg), which has reached a population of 1.5 million people.

4. Novosibirsk entered the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest growing city with a population of one million. It was founded in 1893 in the form of a small village, and received the status of a city just 10 years later. And just 60 years later, Novosibirsk became a millionaire city.

6. Novosibirsk is the largest municipality in Russia in terms of population (Moscow and St. Petersburg are separate subjects of the Russian Federation and are not municipalities).

Bridges and streets of Novosibirsk

7. Ranking 3rd in terms of population, Novosibirsk is only 13th in Russia in terms of area. This is because there is a very high population density in Novosibirsk - over 3 thousand people per square kilometer.

8. In Novosibirsk there is the longest straight (no turns) street in the world - Krasny Prospekt. Length - almost 7 kilometers.

9. In Novosibirsk there is the shortest street in Russia - Sibstroyput street. It is only 40 meters long. There are only 3 houses on it.

10. The world's longest covered metro bridge is located here. Its length is 2145 meters. It consists of 7 spans. By the way, the components of this bridge have special rollers, due to which they become movable. This is because, due to temperature changes, the length of the bridge can vary up to half a meter.

11. Automobile bridge with the world's largest channel arch span - Bugrinsky bridge in Novosibirsk. By the way, this arch is made in red and visually resembles a bow - one of the elements of the coat of arms of Novosibirsk.

The largest institutions in Novosibirsk

12. The Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater is the largest theater building in Russia. The area of ​​all premises is 40.6 thousand square meters. The volume of the building is almost 300 thousand cubic meters. The large hall is designed for 1,774 spectators.

13. The Novosibirsk Planetarium is the largest planetarium in the Asian part of Russia. The dome diameter is 16 meters. The hall has 114 seats.

14. Novosibirsk International Airport Tolmachevo is the largest airport in Siberia in terms of passenger traffic and the 6th in Russia. The annual passenger traffic exceeds 4 million people.

15. Novosibirsk-Glavny station has the largest building in Siberia among the stations. It is also one of the largest in Russia. The area of ​​the station premises is about 30 thousand square meters. It can simultaneously accommodate 4 thousand people. It is also one of the largest railway stations with 14 platforms.

16. The Novosibirsk Zoo is the largest zoo in the Asian part of Russia. Moreover, not only in terms of area (60 hectares), but also in terms of the number of animals (11 thousand individuals). About 1.5 million people visit it annually.

City Day records in Novosibirsk

17. In 2013, during the celebration of City Day in Novosibirsk, the world's longest soufflé cake was prepared. It turned out to be 90 meters long and 52 centimeters long. It was prepared simultaneously by 30 best Novosibirsk confectioners. When the record was fixed, everyone was treated to this cake.

18. In 2007, the largest postal item was registered in Novosibirsk for the City Day. A postcard 250 meters long and 1.6 meters high was placed on the central square, on which everyone could leave a wish for their beloved city. The weight of the postcard was about 120 kilograms.

Scientific records of Novosibirsk

19. Novosibirsk in 1912 became the first city in Russia to introduce universal primary education.

20. Novosibirsk Lavrentiev Avenue is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest street in the world. There are over 20 scientific institutions along this street.

21. The State Scientific and Technical Public Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is located in Novosibirsk, is the largest universal library in all of Asia. More than 15 million books are stored here. This library is designed to serve the inhabitants of all Siberia.

Unique Novosibirsk

22. During its history, Novosibirsk has changed its names many times. At the time of its foundation, this settlement had the name Nikolsky Pogost. A little later it became the village of Krivoshchekovo. For a time, when the residents had to make room for the Trans-Siberian Railway, there was the name of Novaya Derevnya. When the road was built, the station was called Ob. The new village and the Ob grew and soon merged - a city arose with the name Novo-Nikolaevsk. And only after the Revolution and the Civil War the city received the name Novo-Sibirsk. But the hyphen in the name did not take root and soon the name changed to Novosibirsk. There are 7 names in total.

23. In tsarist times, it was believed that Novosibirsk was located in the very center of the Russian Empire. And on the site, which was supposed to be the most prestigious center of the country, the chapel of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of Emperor Nicholas II, was installed. Today the chapel has been restored, although it is located slightly away from that very historical place.

Novosibirsk has a lot of remarkable features that distinguish it from the background of other cities. And for Novosibirsk residents there is one more feature that makes Novosibirsk the best city in the world - this is their favorite city and small homeland, which will forever occupy the main place in their hearts.

Materials used from sites:

The area of ​​the settlement is 505 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

The first settlement on the site of the modern city was the Nikolsky Pogost, which later became known as Krivoshchekovo.

In 1893, the population of the Krivoshchekovskaya Sloboda was about 700 people. After a while, to the north of the Krivoshchekovsky settlement, the construction of the Ob railway station and the station settlement began.

In 1903, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II, the village at the Ob station received the status of a county town and the name Novo-Nikolaevsk.

In 1912, universal primary education was introduced in Novo-Nikolaevsk.

In 1915, the construction of the Novo-Nikolaevsk - Semipalatinsk railway was completed, the chapel of St. Nicholas was opened.

At the beginning of 1918, Soviet power was established in the city. In 1926, by order of the country's authorities, Novo-Nikolaevsk was renamed Novosibirsk.

In the 1930s, the Palace of Culture, the Sibmashstroy plant, and the Valery Chkalov plant were built in Novosibirsk.

In 1937, the Novosibirsk region was formed with the administrative center in Novosibirsk.

During the Great Patriotic War, 550 regiments of military aircraft were produced in the city. At this time, the workers of the enterprises received a ration of 700 grams of bread per day.

In the 1940s, the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions withdrew from the Novosibirsk region.

In 1948, near Novosibirsk, construction began on a secret chemical plant for the production of uranium products.

In the 1950s, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was opened in the city, and the Novosibirsk Academgorodok was built.

In the 1960s, the West Siberian Railway was modernized, the secrecy regime was removed from Novosibirsk, and active housing construction began.

In 1986, the Novosibirsk metro was commissioned with the longest metro bridge in the world.

In 1990, Novosibirsk received the title of a historical city as a center of science and culture in Siberia.

In 2000, the Siberian Federal District was created with the administrative center in Novosibirsk. In 2015, the city was awarded the honorary title "City of Military and Labor Glory".

The city has Krasnoyarsk time. The difference with Moscow time is +4 hours msk + 4.

The telephone code of Novosibirsk is 383. The postal code is 630000.

Climate and weather

The continental climate prevails in Novosibirsk. Winters are long and cold. The average temperature in January is -16.5 degrees.

Summer is warm enough and short-lived. The average temperature in July is +19.4 degrees.

The total population of Novosibirsk for 2018-2019

Population data were obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total population for 2018 is 1.61 million.

The data on the graph shows a steady population growth from 1,391,900 people in 2007 to 1,612,833 people in 2018.

The following nationalities live in the city: Russians - 92.8%, Ukrainians - 1%, Uzbeks - 0.8%, Tatars - 0.7%, Germans - 0.6%, Tajiks - 0.6%, Armenians - 0, 5%, Kyrgyz - 0.4%, the rest - 2%.

As of January 2018, according to the number of inhabitants, Novosibirsk took 3rd place out of 1113 cities in the Russian Federation.


1.Novosibirsk Zoo- this institution was founded in 1933. 11 thousand individuals of 702 species live on 60 hectares of the zoo's territory.

2.State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater- a cultural institution was founded in 1931. The theater consists of 6 kopuses. The large hall of the institution is designed for 1800 spectators.

3.Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky- the Orthodox church was built in the neo-Byzantine style in 1899. In May 1991, the cathedral was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II.

4.Central park- the city garden with an area of ​​8 hectares was opened in 1925. Nowadays, more than 50 attractions and summer cafes function in the park.


Tolmachevo international airport and Yeltsovka airfield are located in the city.

In Novosibirsk there are several railway stations connecting the city with Yurga, Iskitim, Barnaul, Kamen-na-Obi, Novoaltayskiy, Kemerovo.

Intra-city transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, metro and minibuses.

From the bus station of the city, buses regularly leave for Biysk,