Technological map of ecology "people's work in autumn", middle group. Ecological lesson in the senior group on the topic “Autumn chores of man”

Integration educational activities:

— Communication;

— Cognition;

- Physical Culture.

Pedagogical technologies:

— Gaming;

- Health-saving.



- Expand and enrich children’s understanding of the seasons (Golden Autumn), using visual aids, coherently, in a logical sequence;

— To teach to understand and see the signs and signs of autumn, “golden autumn”;

— Generalization of ideas about the connection between living and inanimate nature V autumn period, about human adaptation to seasonal changes in nature ( appearance, behavior, rest, ways to satisfy needs);

— About the rules of behavior in extreme or dangerous situations in autumn (fog, rain, wind, frost, etc.)


— Continue to expand and activate lexicon children;

— Develop the ability to describe natural events using symbols, icons of the nature calendar, observation diary, phenological calendar.


- Bring up good relations to nature, to take care of it, to encourage emotional responsiveness children - to pity, console, give;

— Accustom children to follow the basic rules of a culture of behavior.

Materials and equipment:

Magnetic board, visual aids (illustrations, reproductions), books on fiction, picture cards, leaves - ready-made forms, glue brush, glue, gouache paints, drawing brush, large Whatman paper of white paper, CD with a recording of an autumn song .

Preliminary work:

— Reading fiction;

— A walk in the park (in the forest), on summer cottages etc.;

- Memorizing poems and reading riddles.

Cooperative activity:

The teacher reads A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Autumn.”

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up.

And they make a sad noise

Bare bushes.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,

The rain is drizzling.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

It's just turning green

Winter in the fields.

The waters began to rustle

Fast Stream

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

Educator: Guys, I read a poem and I want to talk a little about what I read to you about.

The teacher asks the children questions:

— What time of year is the poem talking about?

—What is the sky like in autumn?

— What kind of grass is it like in autumn?

-What do the bushes look like?

— Where and why do birds fly in the fall?

The teacher invites the children to choose a picture card with the season “Autumn” (spring, summer and winter are also on the magnetic board).

Game d/i ​​“Right and Wrong”. Children must find the season “Autumn” and tell why the child thinks it is “Autumn” in the picture.

Physical minute.

We are autumn leaves.

We are sitting on branches.

The wind blew and they flew.

They flew, flew and landed on the ground.

The wind came again and lifted all the leaves.

He turned them over, spun them around and lowered them to the ground.

Educator: Guys, you rested a little, and now we will solve riddles. Be careful.


In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain.

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...(Autumn)

I tried all summer,

Dressed, dressed...

And when autumn came,

She gave us some clothes.

A hundred clothes

We'll put it in a barrel.(Cabbage)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose.(Carrot)

Riddles with rhymes:

Makes everyone around you cry

Although he is not a fighter, but...(Onion)

Dried out in the hot sun

And bursts from the pods...(Peas)

We fry it in oil

We simmer and cook in its jacket,

When I grow up a little,

I'll dig myself...(Potatoes)

Educator: Well done boys. You have solved the riddles. As you already guessed, all the riddles were about vegetables, which ripen when?(Children's answer).

The teacher offers D/i “Wonderful bag”.

The teacher calls the children one by one. The bag contains vegetables (potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, beets, cucumber, tomato). The called child selects one item by touch and, without removing his hand from the bag, reports what he found. If the vegetable was named correctly, the child puts it on the plate; if not, then the vegetable is put back in the bag.

Educator: Guys, now I suggest you draw. Now I will give you leaves (maple, birch, oak, aspen), and you, using a brush and paints, will turn these leaves into beautiful autumn leaves.

The teacher reads poetry:

The aspen tree is colored by autumn.

I like Aspen very much.

She shines with gold,

The only pity is that it flies around. V. Lunin

The forest looks like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson.

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing. I. Bunin

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year is called autumn. M. Khodyakova

Educator: Guys, let's see your autumn leaves. Beautiful. Now we will make an autumn carpet from these leaves. I'll help you a little.

The teacher together with the children glues autumn beautiful leaves on whatman paper, you get a beautiful autumn picture - an autumn carpet.

Educator: Look what a wonderful drawing we got. Multi-colored leaves completely covered the entire White list paper This is how we all together made a beautiful autumn carpet that will decorate our group.

The teacher sings a song about autumn with the children.

Music by M. Eremeeva, words by S. Eremeeva “Autumn, dear, rustle.”

Educator: Guys, you did great today, let's remember:

— What games did we play?

—What were we guessing riddles about?

- What time of year are we talking about today?

-What song did we all sing together today?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, everything is correct. Today you learned and remembered a lot of new things. Our lesson has come to an end.

Lesson on the world around us

Subject: "Autumn chores person"

Target: give children an idea of ​​a person’s autumn preparations for winter in the garden; introduce the planting of trees, shrubs, flowers in the autumn, and the preparation of seeds; cultivate a desire to help adults prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter; develop an aesthetic perception of the environment.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures depicting vegetables of various groups, sheets of paper. Colored pencils, paints, colored paper.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, story, visual, practical.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, let's imagine that after summer winter comes immediately?

What would be?

(Birds will not have time to fly south, animals will not have time to prepare for the cold and will die, insects will not have time to hide and will not wake up in winter, people will not be able to harvest crops from fields, orchards, orchards, fruits and grain will die, etc.)

That's right, guys, in nature everything goes according to plan. Hot summer gives way to cool autumn, frosts gradually intensify, and only then does winter begin.

Autumn is a very important period of the year. In the fall, everyone works: birds, insects, animals, and we humans also work hard to prepare for the harsh winter.

How do people prepare for winter? (children's answers)

That's right, first of all, this is harvesting.

(Children look at illustrations depicting grain harvesting)

On hot summer days, farmers harvest precious grain from the fields. In the fall they will have to put this grain into storage. Scientists are developing modern methods combating grain diseases.

The granaries of the Russian land are rich; all winter long the people will eat healthy and tasty cereals, semolina and millet, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat and barley flakes. If you need flour, buy it in the store for every taste: wheat, rye, corn. (show show).

If grain is stored in winter, there will be flour; if there is flour, there will be pasta and noodles, horns and spaghetti.

There will be bread, rolls, gingerbread, cookies, and pies.

What vegetables are harvested in the fields?

(Tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, beets and carrots, cabbage, garlic, peas, beans, peppers, pumpkin, radishes, etc.)

Examination of pictures and children's stories about what vegetables were collected in the village and at the dacha.

How does your family store vegetables in winter?

(Potatoes are poured into cellars, carrots and beets are stored in sand, onions and garlic are woven into braids, cucumbers and tomatoes are pickled in jars, cabbage is salted in barrels, etc.)

One day I went to see my grandmother in the village, and I saw that she had a lot of different bunches of herbs hanging in her house to dry, and there was such a wonderful herbal aroma in the house.

Who guessed what kind of grass grandma dried for the winter? (children's answers)

That's right, these are medicinal herbs and fruits that are very useful in winter.

The teacher's story about medicinal herbs(thyme, St. John's wort, oregano, linden, rowan fruits, hawthorn, nettle)

It's nice to sit outside on a frosty day warm stove, and drink a decoction of fragrant herbs with fragrant honey.

Does your family harvest medicinal plants?

In autumn, a person still has a lot of different things to do.

In the garden, people remove dry tops, remove leaves, fertilize the soil with ash, apply fertilizers, dig up the ground, and trim branches.

Today, during our walk, we will plant plants and decorate our site with new trees.

What needs to be done to prepare your house and apartment for winter?

Animals change their coats for winter, but what does a person need?

(Buy a warm coat, knit a hat, mittens, etc.)

Well done boys! We are well prepared for winter.

Thank you, mother earth, for your generous gifts! People are not afraid of severe winter.

IIh. Applied activities

And now I suggest making preparations for the winter, preserving whatever you want - berries, vegetables, fruits. The teacher gives a template of the jar and the children, as desired, (draw vegetables, stick on fruits, jam, etc.)

Organized technological map educational activities for middle group children

Educational area: "Society"

Chapter: OOM

Subject: People's work in autumn.

Target: have an idea about people's work in the fall.

Tasks: Form generalized ideas about the work of adults in the fall. Strengthen children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in autumn. Foster love and respect for nature.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of harvesting in the garden, vegetable garden, field.

Vocabulary work: harvest, combine, fertilizer.

Bilingual component: harvest - egin, labor - enbek.



Teacher's actions

Children's actions



Asks a riddle:

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I strip the trees

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees. I... (autumn)

What happens to trees and shrubs?

What clothes do people wear in the fall?

Where do migratory birds fly?

Informs the topic of the lesson.

Guess the riddle

answer questions.

They are listening.

Organizational and search

The story is accompanied by showing pictures about harvesting.

Vocabulary work.

Harvesting continues in the fall. Bread is harvested with special machines - combines.
In the fall, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are harvested.
Farmers know how important it is to apply fertilizer to a harvested field.
But autumn is not only harvest time. Seeds of rye and wheat are sown in plowed fields, and carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.
There is also a lot of work in city parks and squares in the fall. At this time, young trees and shrubs are planted. The lower parts of the trees are painted with lime to kill insects. Whitened tree trunks will not be chewed by hares.
Autumn in the gardens fruit trees well watered. This helps the trees survive winter frosts and give a good harvest next year.


Ivan, Ivan, pull out the weeds

So that the radishes grow,

So that carrots grow,

The onion turned green.

Don't be lazy my friend!

Bilingual component

Introduces proverbs about work:

« The field loves work.”

“Work feeds, but laziness spoils”

Offers to explain their meaning.

D/i “Guess the profession”»

Target:clarify children's knowledge about professions.

Field - field farmer

Bread - grain grower

Garden - gardener

Flowers - florist

Combine - combine harvester

Vegetables - vegetable grower

They listen, look at the pictures, remember.

They bend down and with both hands “pull out the weeds” and throw them away from themselves.

They imitate sowing seeds and working with a rake.

Listen, repeat, remember.

They listen, remember, reason.

They name professions.

Reflexive - corrective

Summarizes the lesson: What do people do in the garden in the fall?

What do you do in the garden in the fall?

In field?

Evaluates children's activities.

They answer


Expected Result:

know: autumn phenomena.

have: an idea of ​​people’s work in the fall in the field, in the garden, in the garden.

be able to : answer questions, distinguish between professions.

Subject:"Autumn concerns of animals and birds."

Target: clarify children’s knowledge about autumn changes in nature, about the difficult and important concerns of animals and birds before a long winter; develop interest in patterns in living nature; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals and birds in the autumn.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children a riddle.

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The day is waning

When does this happen? (Autumn)

So the beautiful autumn has come into its own.

Four Artists (excerpt)

For her work she took the most bright colors and first of all I went to the forest... Autumn covered the birch and maple trees with lemon yellow. And the aspen leaves turned red, as if ripe apples. The entire aspen tree became bright red, as if it were burning.

Autumn has wandered into a forest clearing. There stands in the middle of it a hundred-year-old oak tree, a hero, standing there, shaking its thick foliage. “The mighty hero must be dressed in forged copper armor.” So she gave the old man a ceremony.

He looks - and nearby, at the edge of the clearings, thick, spreading linden trees have gathered in a circle, their branches lowered down. “A heavy robe of gold brocade will suit them best.”

Autumn decorated all the trees and even the bushes in its own way, in the autumn way: some in a yellow outfit, some in a bright red one... She didn’t know how to decorate only the pine and spruce trees. They don’t have leaves on their branches, but needles; you can’t paint them. Let them remain as they were in the summer. So the pines and spruce trees remained dark green in summer. And this made the forest even brighter, even more elegant in its colorful autumn attire.

Autumn has gone from the forest to the fields, to the meadows. She removed the golden grain from the fields, took it to the threshing floor, and in the meadows swept the fragrant haystacks into haystacks high, like towers.

The fields and meadows became empty, even wider and more spacious. And schools of migratory birds stretched above them in the autumn sky: cranes, geese, ducks...

Birds fly away to warm countries. And the animals, in their own animal way, prepare for the cold...

(G. Skrebitsky)

Let's take a look into the autumn forest and see what all the living creatures are doing there.

Guys, why don’t butterflies, beetles fly in the forest, ladybugs can’t be seen, aren’t mosquitoes buzzing overhead?

Having sensed the autumn cold, most adult insects in our area do not survive until winter. Their lifespan is one to two warm months. Many of them, having laid eggs, die immediately. And May beetles burrow deep into the ground in the fall. The larvae and pupae of mosquitoes and flies fall into deep sleep under the bark of trees, in dry stems and leaves.

In the fall, ants gather in a dense ball at a depth of one and a half meters in the ground. The ground never freezes that deep.

Beautiful butterflies, having turned into pupae, like in cradles, will sleep until the warm spring.

Guys, before, in warm weather, you could see a lizard or a frog on the path. How do they prepare for winter?

As soon as it gets colder, frogs burrow into the mud at the bottom of reservoirs, lizards and snakes crawl under the roots of old trees or under rotten stumps to sleep there for the whole winter.

If we could penetrate deep underground and see how the life of a mole proceeds, we would be surprised at what deep passages it has dug. The mole is very fond of earthworms, and in cold weather they go deep underground.

The hedgehog can barely move, where are his speed and agility gone, he sleeps on the move. He has already prepared a nest for himself under a pile of leaves and brushwood. This nest is carefully lined with grass and leaves. With the onset of frost, the hedgehog burrows deep into its hole and falls asleep for the entire winter.

Guys, what other animals do you know that fall into hibernation? (Marmots, gophers, bears, etc.)

The gopher, having accumulated a warming apron of fat over the summer, goes into the deep labyrinth of its holes, chooses a warmer nook and falls into a light sleep.

Somewhere in the rocky outcrops a marmot had already fallen asleep.

Guys, it turns out that in the fall you need to walk through the forest carefully, quietly, so as not to wake up the already asleep animals.

Where does the bear spend the winter? Does he also dig a deep hole for himself in the fall?

The bear has been preparing for winter since the summer, storing fat, preparing a cozy den for itself. With its sharp claws, the bear tears strips of bark from pine and spruce and mixes them with moss. And he prepared such a soft bed for himself in the pit. And the fir trees that grew along the edges of that pit were gnawed - they bent over and turned into a fluffy tent. The bear decides to go to bed, spreads its paws through the pine window, curls up and falls asleep until spring.

Guys, look at the picture. What does a squirrel do on cool autumn days?

The squirrel dries mushrooms, collects cones, nuts and acorns - everything will come in handy in winter. The squirrel is very economical. She has storage rooms in the forest. He will find a nut and bury it in a hole under a tree. He finds more and puts them in the same hole. In such storage rooms different trees The squirrel makes so many reserves that it doesn’t eat itself during the winter. A very hardworking squirrel.

But the badger, guys, doesn’t need to stock up. During the fall the badger eats so much! He becomes so fat that he can barely move. But he builds the hole diligently, dragging leaves, dry twigs, and moss. The bed should be soft - sleep for several months until spring.

But animals that do not hibernate and do not make provisions for themselves prepare for the cold in the fall in a completely different way.

What animals are these? (Fox, hare, wolf, elk, wild boar, sable, lynx, arctic fox, deer, etc.)

The generous autumn gives all these animals warm, fluffy, beautiful coats. You can survive frosts in such fur coats.

The hare loves to change clothes from a gray coat to a white one. Why?

That's right, the hare has too many enemies, and on white snow in winter it will not be noticed.

While we were walking through the autumn forest, less and less bird voices began to be heard. Why?

Birds fly away to warmer regions. Do all birds fly to warmer climes? What birds fly away? (Swallows, starlings, nightingales, orioles, swifts, blackbirds, cranes, swans, etc.)

What are the names of birds that leave their native land and fly away? (Migratory.)

Why can't they spend the winter with us? ( Migratory birds- insectivores. In winter, insects hide and sleep, so the birds have no food.)

The farewell crowing of flying cranes can be heard in the sky, and swallows gather in flocks on the wires. The flight of birds takes a long time to prepare. The birds fly away slowly. It's a pity to part with my native land. Birds know that the path is very long and lies through mountains, forests, rivers, meadows, and seas. And many birds die along the way. They cannot withstand such difficulties.

- Listen to the story of L. Tolstoy “Swans”.

The swans flew in a herd from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day, and another night they flew, without resting, over the water. There was a full month in the sky, and the swans saw blue water far below them. All the swans were exhausted, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, and those who were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly any further. Then he spread his wings and went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his comrades grew whiter and whiter in the monthly light. The swan sank onto the water and folded its wings... When the flock of swans was completely out of sight, the swan bent its neck back and closed its eyes. He did not move... Before dawn, a light breeze began to sway the sea. The swan opened his eyes, sighed, stretched his neck and flapped his wings, rose up and flew, catching his wings on the water. He rose higher and higher and flew alone above the secret, stirring waves.

Guys, what would you wish for a swan on its way?

Do you think he will catch up with the flock of swans?

How will he feel? How will the other swans feel?

Guys, you and I will wait for them and take care of those birds that will stay with us for the long, cold winter.