Wormwood - magical properties. Wormwood in the house. The magical and healing properties of wormwood...

In Europe and Asia, wormwood is recognized as one of the most powerful magical plants allowing to resist evil spirits and establish contact with the subtle world. U different nations This discreet herb is very popular and therefore has received many names: Chernobyl, sea tobacco, artemisia (Artemis's grass), witch's or criminal herb.

House signs

For magical rites Wormwood is used only by experienced sorcerers who are not afraid of communicating with otherworldly entities, and unprepared ordinary people can experience its “talents” at the everyday level.

  • If you want to protect your home from the penetration of ill-wishers and dark entities, then just hang a bunch of twigs above the entrance to your home or put a few blades of grass under the threshold.
  • A wreath of witch grass, woven on the night of Ivan Kupala, will protect the family from quarrels and various sorrows, you just have to fasten it above the door. If the product suddenly crumbles for no apparent reason, then the omen means that a big disaster is approaching the family.
  • To clear your home of negative energy and protect from fire, it is useful to fumigate rooms with Chernobyl before Christmas, but it is safer to simply place fragrant branches in the corners of the room. After all, susceptible people in the magical haze can see creatures subtle world, which is sometimes not safe for the psyche.
  • If your home has been robbed by swindlers, then to quickly detect them it is useful to burn a bunch of artemisia on the threshold. This ritual will make it easier for law enforcement agencies to catch criminals and return the stolen property.
  • It is important to remember that the plant collected during the waning moon on August 28 (on the Assumption) has special mystical abilities. You should pluck off the parts that have the greatest strength - the very tops of the shoots, covered with buds.

Wormwood and man

Witch's grass is useful not only for protecting the home, but also as a talisman for people. It protects from various evil entities, gives strength and reveals the talent of clairvoyance.

  • Wormwood “works” most effectively against the evil spirits of reservoirs: mermaids, kikimoras, merman and devils. Before bathing, our ancestors always dipped a sprig of artemisia into the water so that otherworldly underwater inhabitants did not drag them to the bottom. This ritual was especially relevant during Trinity Week, when these creatures are most active.
  • Chernobyl is indispensable for people going on a long journey. Placed in shoes, the leaves of the plant will give strength and endurance. If you store them in your bosom, then you will be protected from attacks by wild animals, bites poisonous insects and reptiles, you will overcome dangerous places without any problems, and you will not suffer from an accident or other accident.
  • Those suffering from unrequited love must touch the object of their passion with grass, and then mutual attraction will awaken in him. In addition, such an amulet helps to inflame passion in women and enhances male abilities.
  • Peasants in Europe used wormwood to protect livestock and crops from witchcraft. To do this, artemisia was placed in small stacks around the allotment or animal walking area. Nowadays, with the help of a bright aroma, herbs repel rodents and insect pests.
  • The magical properties of wormwood smoke are used for treatment by fumigating a sick person with it. It is believed that essential oils Chernobyl effectively kills pathogenic microbes, its aroma increases immunity and vitality, fights depression and fatigue, and accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Anyone who sleeps on a pillow made of sea tobacco will definitely have a great rest at night, and in addition, will definitely see prophetic dreams. After all, the ability of artemisia to open the “third eye” has long been recognized by leading adherents of magical art.

Today we’ll talk about plants in magic rituals. Since ancient times, flowers and herbs have been widely used in witchcraft. Magicians, using their properties, perform both rituals aimed at protection and positivity, and rituals for destructive purposes. What kind of damage can there be through plants, and how can damage be done using flowers? There is a powerful ritual called growing corruption. It is not for beginners, but I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will introduce you to it. In addition, let's talk about herbs that remove damage. And in particular, about the beneficial magical properties of such a seemingly simple herb as wormwood.

Wormwood herb against the evil eye and energy negativity

The seemingly ordinary herb was used and, of course, is still used to this day, for a variety of witchcraft purposes. It is used to summon and retain Dark spirits, to protect against curses and black witchcraft. This herb can be found in amulets to protect against the evil eye, damage and negative thoughts that are hostile to you.

Wormwood grass serves as a talisman for children, mothers and fathers. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you more about the magical properties of wormwood as a talisman against the evil eye and damage a little later. And now about magical influence through a flower, about what it is all about – growing corruption.

How they can cause damage to flowers and herbs - growing damage

Growing corruption is old rite, based on natural laws. Any influences associated with the dark energy of demons are fleeting. Black damage caused by the power of the world of the dead lasts longer, but one day the power of the given program weakens. But, in the growing corruption, the algorithm of natural reproduction is taken as a basis - natural, powerful and irreversible. They work on this principle strongdamage to flowersand herbs, and protection. These rituals have been developed over centuries.

Growing is one of the most dangerous types of damage to human health.

It is difficult to clean, and, moreover, it has the property of being restored. Sometimes it is called "weed". They make their own spoilage through grass seeds. This effect lives up to its name. The only time the sorcerer’s hand will take a seed on the waning moon, the only time during the full moon it will plant weed seedlings with a spell, with witchcraft words, and it will be damage was done using flowers and witchcraft herbs.

The life of the target will begin to change. If the damned one was rich, he will become poor. If he had a sharp mind, he will become weak-minded. If he had good health, he will know what painful pain is. If you were lucky and successful, you will become an outsider. Through blood this black corruption passes on to other generations. Just as grass grows in a field year after year, so the descendants of the one who was originally its victim suffer from black corruption.

A sorcerer, in order to make damage through a flower and grass, does not just throw seeds, and not just any random ones. Seeds are taken depending on the task. They are soaked with the victim tied, planted in the ground, watered, and cared for. Then the grown, strengthened, strong seedlings, charged with the black energy of corruption, are planted closer to the enemy. If, in this way, personal witchcraft protection is done, then the magician plants grass against the evil eye and damage near his house. But there are different conspiracies read there.

In the same way you can indoor flowers do damage and give a flower in a pot to your offender. You need to know which seeds to use. Because grass is different from grass. If health is cursed, seeds will do poisonous plants, such as hogweed, hemlock.

To ruin the enemy and bring disaster, it would be good to take quinoa seeds. Fescue is suitable, as well as ragwort seeds. This grass is incredibly tenacious, it is not afraid of drought or frost, it is a ubiquitous, indestructible weed. Thus, the damage renews itself, and after removal it grows and manifests itself again and again.

Seeds for spoilage are taken on the waning moon or on the full moon. By soaking flower seeds, they are enchanted. Different conspiracies are read independently, in accordance with the meaning and purpose of the damage. And they read on the water. Water stores information and will transmit it to grass sprouts. Into the water for guidance powerful damage Bindings of the victim are placed on flowers and herbs. On the day chosen by the magician, he plants the sprouts in the ground. And at this stage, when transplanting plants, soil taken from special places is added.
So, if they spoil diseases, they conspire to take land from a hospital, for example, from an oncology clinic. If the magician sets the goal of causing damage to flowers, and such damage is caused by disasters, madness or death, then they add earth from a cemetery crossroads, or from the site of massacres. They pay for the land taken from such places - they give a blood sacrifice. And part of the sacrificial blood along with the soil - into the same soil, along with a plant that brings horror, disease and destruction to the enemy.

Thus, the spirits of an extreme, dangerous place, a place of Power, are bound through the earth. And into the same soil along with the weed - the object is attached. Using this algorithm and principle of operation, you can direct a growing damage to indoor flowers as a gift to the enemy. Such things are not for beginners, that’s what you need to understand! A beginner will not cope with such a task, he will definitely harm himself and that’s all. If we are talking about the protective resources of the “growing” method described by me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, then we should take herbs such as St. John’s wort, basil, elderberry, verbena, and elecampane.

What flowers help against the evil eye - plants that protect against negative energies

Each plant has unique energy. If the energy of some plants is good for causing disease and destruction, then other plants come to the defense of humans.

About house flowers that protect against the evil eye and energy negativity.

  • Cactus. standing at front door, the cactus protects the house from damage, gossip, and envious slander. This plant protects the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye, blocking negativity, preventing it from penetrating and spreading into the home.
  • Tradescantia. This unpretentious plant will drive away imaginary friends, protect you from evil tongues and evil intentions of enemies. In addition, Tradescantia cleanses and renews the energy of the home. This one is best flower from the evil eye keep in the kitchen or living room.
  • Geranium. One of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and ritual damage. Neutralizes negative impacts, aimed at home and family. In general, anyone can save you from the evil eye indoor flower, blooming with red flowers.
  • Roses. Create an atmosphere of well-being and love. The rose has strong energy, it is a very useful functional flower against the evil eye and damage. But a beautiful rose also has thorns - a formidable weapon against evil words and harmful actions of ill-wishers.
  • Ficus. It is recommended to have at home - this is a plant against the evil eye. It neutralizes adverse radiation and cleanses the aura of the house.

All plants are sensitive to energies - negative and positive. Is it capable indoor plant protect a person from the evil eye and damage? Of course, it can, otherwise, on what would the magic of plants, which has existed for many centuries, be based?

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Removing damage using magical herbs

In witchcraft rituals there are many effective cleansing rituals that are widely used by magicians. For a long time in village witchcraft Plants are used against the evil eye and damage. And, I must say, with great efficiency. But all cleansing is so individual that each practicing magician has to select his own methods.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of the negative, the character traits and energy of the client from whom the negative is removed. And many more nuances. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, use various rituals in my practice to cleanse a person from the evil eye and black negativity. They are effective, but for each special occasion. In one case, I, Sergey Artgrom, use herbs that remove damage, in another I remove black energy with wax, in other cases I use knives, water, and anneal with fire.

In witchcraft everything is very individual. There are real magicians who have only been pouring wax for many years. And they have such a close and strong connection with this material that they even cast it. But wax is not a panacea, although the method itself is very good. Each practicing magician has his own experience and preferences. And if you use herbs for spoilage and get the desired result, then such methods are good for you.

Wormwood grass will protect from damage - a magical crown for the king

Wormwood is the number one herb against the evil eye. To take off negative energy, which came from people, you need to wash yourself with a decoction of wormwood. You can add it to your bath. This flushing method is good for children. People call wormwood a crown for a king. The main magical properties of the Wormwood plant are foresight, human protection from evil forces. This herb is used in incense to promote clairvoyance, as well as in mixtures for cleansing and protection from Dark spirits.

The herb Wormwood helps against damage, but it can be successfully used to restore personal energy, vitality and physical health. So, warm bath with wormwood relieves fatigue from the body and restores lost strength. It will perfectly wash away the negativity accumulated during the day. However, in the water this herb that removes damage, loses part of his magical power, and therefore magicians often use it in the form of incense.

Great way to give back healthy sleep, having completely gotten rid of insomnia, fill your pillow with dry Wormwood and sleep on it. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that in this way you can not only normalize sleep, but also get rid of nightmares. And with proper practice, you can see prophetic dreams.

The herb Wormwood is one of the the best means For protection from the evil eye, energy negativity envy and evil of people, aimed at destroying the family nest, illness and loneliness. Its smell expels evil spirits from the house, keeps a person from accidents and other serious and not very serious troubles. Small twigs and dried wormwood flowers in a bag, worn at the level of the solar plexus, will be your shield against any negative energies.

Wormwood is a complex herb, it has many amazing properties that you need to know and be able to use.

With a strong concentration of wormwood smoke, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world. Therefore, wormwood is used in magic. Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers and shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities. And now it’s mostly incense... almost no one knows about wormwood...

Wormwood has long been revered as amulet plant.

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood. Therefore, wormwood brooms have long been used for cleaning the house.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

The simplest and best thing is to hang a small bunch of this herb in your house. The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess their future fate.

Wormwood for home protection

a bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse away evil

burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves (in China, wormwood is hung above the door for this purpose)

Wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning

protects children in the house

amulets made from wormwood will contribute to a safe returnfrom travel, trip

Wormwood for health

During a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes

a pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the sleeper prophetic dreams

Chernobyl (wormwood) is useful to carry with you: it is believed that then you will not be poisoned, you will not be attacked by wild animals, or you will not get sunstroke

Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

it is used for insanity

Wormwood is worn to evoke passion and enhance potency.

Wormwood in magic

the plant is used in predictions, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions

wormwood (Chernobyl) is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers

For successful work wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror

in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to conjure spirits of illness; it is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl

Wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral travel

Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divinatory instruments, especially those made of silver

wormwood has strong connection with a crystal ball and a magic mirror, so magicians use an infusion of the plant to wash them


Taking large doses of drugs with wormwood can be applied significant harm body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, lead to disorder nervous system. Do not use wormwood preparations during pregnancy and do not give them to small children. For some people, wormwood is an allergen.

Wormwood thickets near the path to the lake. Photo – Doris Ershova

In ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits
* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes
* promotes fertility.

Thickets of wormwood. Photo – Doris Ershova

In ancient times, priestesses of the goddess of fertility and motherhood, Isis, wore wreaths made of wormwood, and decorated the temple with its branches.

In many religions, the fragrant smoke of smoldering wormwood was used during religious activities.

The magical properties of wormwood

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet.

They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?”
If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her.
If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!”

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Always answer the mermaid: “Wormwood” 😉 Wormwood among the herbs and reeds by the lake. Photo – Doris Ershova

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

Wormwood is most often used in the form of incense.

A dry bunch of wormwood in the bedroom. Photo – Doris Ershova

Absolutely safe method Its application is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess their future fate.

A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.

There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes. We did this at the end of August on Assumption.

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect your home

* a bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse you of all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces, protect the house from evil spirits and elves. In China, the plant is hung above the door for this purpose.

* wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protects children in the house

* wormwood amulets will protect lovers from all troubles during trips and will contribute to a safe return

For health and healing

* to gain strength during a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the person sleeping on it prophetic dreams

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not get poisoned, be attacked by wild animals, or get sunstroke

* Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

* from madness

* wear it to arouse passion and enhance potency.

For home magic

* the plant is used in predictions; for this, an infusion of wormwood with honey is prepared and drunk before predictions

* Chernobyl wormwood is burned along with sandalwood during the ritual of awakening psychic powers

* for successful work, wormwood leaves are placed around or under the magic mirror

* in Japan, sorcerers use a bunch of wormwood to spell the spirits of illness; It is believed that these spirits are afraid of the smell of Chernobyl.

* wormwood placed next to the bed will help with astral projection

* Wormwood oil is used to consecrate crystal balls, prisms, magic mirrors and other divination instruments, especially those made of silver

* Wormwood has a strong connection with the crystal ball and the magic mirror, so magicians use an infusion of the plant to wash them. Prepare a not very strong infusion. Gently wipe the mirror with a clean rag using a circular, rotating motion. Adherents of various faiths - Christians, Buddhists, Hindus - can say a daily mantra or prayer.

* Chernobyl attracts the power of the Moon to the magic glass and helps it to be more fully realized.

Common wormwood.
Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887


However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled use of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, cause convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and lead to nervous system disorders!

Do not use wormwood preparations during pregnancy and do not give them to small children!

Remember that wormwood is an allergen for some people.

Without pre-treatment, wormwood is used to treat wounds, ulcers, abscesses, fistulas, and skin inflammations. To do this, compresses with crushed grass or tampons with wormwood juice are applied to the affected areas of the skin. Fresh Juice wormwood is used both in medicinal purposes and to stimulate appetite. In oriental medicine, specially made wormwood sticks are used to cauterize active points (reflexogenic zones) on the skin. But more often, wormwood preparations (infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils, ointments), which are made from fresh or dried herbs, are used for medicinal purposes.

The most widespread are infusions. To prepare them, you usually take a tablespoon of fresh herbs or half a spoon of dry herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave for at least half an hour in a tightly closed container. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day

30 minutes before meals for the treatment of female diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as a diuretic, expectorant and tonic. Infusions of wormwood with thyme are used to treat alcoholism.

To prepare decoctions, take wormwood and water in the same ratio as for infusions, but bring to a boil over low heat or in a water bath and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Tinctures made with alcohol, vodka or dry wine are usually used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. In addition, it is believed that they help remove toxins and excess fat from the body. I have come across information about the use of wormwood (usually not bitter, but ordinary) for the treatment of cancer, but I cannot judge the effectiveness.

But the effectiveness of treating respiratory diseases with wormwood oil has been tested in practice. For many years I have been using it for inhalation for colds, and mixed with olive oil I put it in my nose when I have a runny nose. I also use it to treat cuts, scratches, and abrasions. By the way, the oil can also be taken orally, but for this it is advisable to use 1-2 drops on a piece of sugar, bread, or cookies.

Wormwood is traditionally used in cooking and for household purposes. Wormwood powder is used as an aromatic seasoning for fish, vegetable dishes. A small amount of wormwood is added to herbal teas to give them a bitter taste. Previously, wormwood oil was widely used in the distillery industry for the production of absinthe and flavoring of vermouth. However, the systematic use of even small doses of absinthe “for appetite” over time led to “wormwood epilepsy” and serious damage to the nervous system. Therefore, the production of absinthe was sharply reduced, and now it is not often found on sale.

In villages, wormwood has always been widely used for economic purposes. Dyes for fabric were obtained from it, and they were sprayed with infusions or decoctions. garden plants from pests, they were used for veterinary purposes.

You can find in the reference books various descriptions formulations of drugs with wormwood and methods of treating many diseases with them. When using wormwood as a medicine, we should not forget that it can not only cure diseases, but also cause significant harm if used in excessive quantities and without consulting a doctor.

How wormwood helps drive evil spirits out of the house

Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature.

And with a strong concentration of its smoke, susceptible people can even begin to see beings of the subtle world.

Is this why almost no one uses this wonderful and powerful plant in their work now?

Wormwood today is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

Since ancient times, sorcerers, sorcerers, and shamans have used wormwood in various ceremonies and rituals, making potions, amulets and amulets.

* wormwood drives away evil spirits

* protects people from the evil eye, damage, misfortunes

Wormwood has long been revered as a plant-amulet. They say, for example, that when a mermaid meets a person, she always asks him: “Wormwood or parsley?”

If a person answers: “Parsley,” then the mermaid, with the words: “You are my darling,” will drag him away with her.

If he says: “Wormwood,” then the mermaid will run away from him shouting: “Come on, you, perish!”

Evil spirits are afraid of the bitter smell of wormwood.

Wormwood is one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs that affects the energy of the whole body.

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to the water evil spirits that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present.

Ritual wreaths from wormwood were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess their future fate.

A secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or was torn - this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family.

The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase during the waning moon.

There was even a special day when wormwood could be collected for these purposes. We did this at the end of August...

Wormwood collected at this time was considered the most healing. But for medicinal purposes it could be harvested throughout the summer.

To protect your home

* a bath to which wormwood is added will cleanse you of all evil

* burning wormwood will drive away evil forces and protect the house from evil spirits.

* wormwood burning or thrown into a cauldron will protect the house from storms and lightning

* protects children in the house

For health and healing

* to gain strength during a long walk or jog, put wormwood leaves in your shoes

* a pillow stuffed with wormwood will give the person sleeping on it prophetic dreams

* Chernobyl (or wormwood) is useful to carry with you: in this case you will not get poisoned, be attacked by wild animals, or get sunstroke

* Wormwood is carried with you to protect against back pain and other diseases

* from madness

However, it is worth remembering that this plant is far from harmless.

Uncontrolled use of large doses of drugs with wormwood can cause significant harm to the body, causing convulsions, vomiting, fainting, and leading to nervous system disorders.