DIY New Year's interior: ideas, tips, photos. Thematic photos: New Year's interior or DIY creativity Design project for New Year's home decoration

New Year is always a magical holiday. No matter how old you are, someone is still waiting for a miracle, and someone creates it with their own hands for loved ones. It is simply impossible to imagine this whole fabulous atmosphere without a decorated and elegant apartment. Of course, you can come up with decor ideas yourself, but if you don’t have enough time or imagination for this, then a great option is to use ready-made ones!

The symbol of the coming 2020 is the White Metal Rat. Therefore, when choosing some New Year’s elements to decorate an apartment or house, you need not only to fit them into the interior, but also to please this animal. And then luck will certainly be with you and those who are dear to you for the next 365 days.

It all starts with an idea!

Any project, be it decorating an apartment or some super business task, begins with an idea and a plan for its implementation! The first thing you need to do when organizing New Year's decor is to assess the size of the room. If your room is large and not cluttered with furniture, then you can come up with something large-scale. If there is not much space, then it is best to lean toward the “minimalism” style.

By the way, the latter does not mean that the New Year’s decor will turn out bad. What is important here is not so much the space as the soul invested in this difficult but pleasant task.

Once the main direction has been chosen, you can start looking for ideas! Surely both you and your family members, if you involve them in the process, will have many options. But don't delude yourself. In practice, it is not always possible to implement everything that is planned. And it often turns out much worse than in the imagination, and at the last moment it seems that something is missing. After all, in order for the idea and the result to coincide, you need at least a design education.

Not everyone has it, so when planning the New Year's decoration of an apartment, some resort to the help of specialists. If this option is not feasible from a financial point of view, then you can look finished projects, magazines and choose something that suits you.

New Year's decor is not just an element. It will help create a festive mood for the whole family. If you do something with your own hands, then the “warm” details will remind you of the positive aspects of preparation throughout the holidays. It is better to start it in advance, at the end of November - beginning of December. After all, in this case there will be enough time to redo, correct or complete something.

Color scheme is everything

After the plan has been drawn up and all the ideas have been written down, you can choose the color scheme in which the New Year's decoration will be implemented. Here, of course, it is worth taking into account not only your preferences, but also the taste of the White Rat. And she loves white, gray and its shades most of all, as well as black, pale red and metallic. The latter should be “handled” as carefully as possible, otherwise even great idea risks turning into complete bad taste.

These colors are usually used to decorate the background. But in order to dilute them, you can take some other, unusual, contrasting and spectacular ones. The main thing is not to overdo it.

The above palette is, of course, desirable, but not at all mandatory. Rules are there to be broken. If you manage to skillfully and tastefully incorporate other colors into the interior of your apartment, the rat will not be offended at all. Moreover, designers are out of step with it and call purple and lilac the most fashionable.

In order to please the Rat, you can choose not only a color that is pleasant to her, but also more wooden elements. Cones, clothespins, figurines and other little things will add warmth and comfort to your New Year's interior, which is never superfluous.

Little things rule the interior

It doesn't matter how big your apartment is. In any case, New Year's little things will add comfort, warmth and create a festive mood. Of course, making them is not an easy task, but the game is worth the candle.

Many people think that the most important thing is to place cute things in the right places. In fact, this is not so important - you can simply “scatter” them around the apartment in any order. It is much more important that they harmoniously combine with each other in terms of color and create a single picture.

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The Christmas candle holder that we will make today can be made in two ways: 1. The city template is cut out from dark paper and glued with outside banks. 2. The city template is printed on a separate white sheet, placed inside the jar and outlined with black paint. It’s up to you to decide which option to choose, but we’ll look at both. You will need: Glass jar […]

If you are seriously thinking about creating a fairytale atmosphere in your home with the help of candles, then it’s time to make them cute and cozy. In this article we will make a wonderful New Year's candlestick from an old sweater and other unnecessary things that should have been thrown away a long time ago, but haven’t gotten around to it yet! You will need: A glass jar An old sweater (or rather its sleeve) Red thread […]

What can be used as New Year's trifles? Small boxes decorated with stickers and bows, candies in colorful wrappers, pine cones, candlesticks and even tangerines. Particular attention should be paid to window sills. You can place themed bouquets made from balls, Christmas tree branches and other New Year's attributes, or simply create a fruit and gingerbread composition, the perfect addition to which will be cinnamon sticks.

And, of course, we can’t forget about the ceiling. Snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations and even candies, as well as traditional garlands will be a wonderful addition to any New Year's interior. By the way, if you don’t have it yet, we know where to buy it in Minsk.

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New Year is the most favorite holiday, associated with miracles and magic. Celebration of the new year is characterized by folk festivals and joyful meetings. It is impossible not to love this time of year, when everything around is transformed, and every house or storefront becomes like the scenery of a fairy tale. Everyone wants to participate in this transformation, and therefore they try to decorate their homes […]

What you can do with your own hands

Many details of the New Year's interior can be made with your own hands. For example, traditional and very attractive socks for gifts. Patterns and step-by-step descriptions You can find . But let everyone decide for themselves how to decorate their “gift bag”. The main thing is not to forget to write the names so that Santa Claus does not confuse who receives which surprise.

As a rule, socks are hung on the fireplace, because this tradition came to us from the West, where the vast majority of people live in private houses. Fireplaces somehow didn’t take root in our apartments: the areas are not the same, and there’s no need to, central heating does its job perfectly on cold winter days. But if you really want to hang socks for gifts on the fireplace, then you can make it yourself! You should definitely involve everyone at home in this activity, especially children!

Another traditional one new year element, which you can easily make with your own hands is a wreath. Of course, there are quite a lot of them sold in stores. But still, hand-made is always warmer and more pleasant. The decor of the wreath depends solely on your imagination. You can use cones, tinsel, small toys, candies, and so on.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

The rat loves Christmas trees. For decoration fluffy beauty she is not picky - you can use the standard set, supplemented with sweets, tangerines and even cookies.

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How to create New Year's interior with your own hands? On the eve of the holiday, many people ask this question. When decorating a house, it is worth involving everyone in the household, starting from the smallest ones, in the process.

New Year's interior and description of ideas

What can you decorate for an unforgettable meeting? Let's start with the doors. Of course, the entrance is the first thing that catches the eye of guests who come to the holiday. And the owners themselves will be pleased to feel it as soon as they cross the threshold. When creating a New Year's interior with your own hands, you can use the ideas presented in craft magazines.

For example, a New Year's wreath woven from various materials looks beautiful on a door. For such decoration, you can take dry flexible branches or wire. The material is fixed in the form of a circle, then decorated with balls, mistletoe sprigs, and bunches of bright berries (viburnum or rowan). You can wrap a wreath around an LED garland - the lights enhance the feeling of the holiday. In specialized decorative stores you can purchase a foam base for a New Year's wreath. Fasten various material You can use tape or pins. Only superglue is not suitable - it burns through the foam.

Bunches of balls

Small clusters of unbreakable balls look very nice, tied together with a beautiful ribbon and attached to a door or door handle. In this case, it is better to use two colors - white and blue, green and red, gold and red or silver and blue.

Let the balls be one color and the ribbons another. Such stylistic consistency will add elegance to the interior.


A Christmas tree made from paper palms can easily decorate doors, and can also serve as New Year's greetings to your guests - when leaving, everyone will take a little warmth with them. This craft is very easy to make. To do this, cut out of paper along the contour of the palm different sizes and are mounted on a door or wall in the form of a Christmas tree.

We decorate the windows

What kind of interior decoration can you make on windows with your own hands? You can decorate a room in different ways.

  • Silhouettes of houses and snowmen, Santa Claus flying across the sky, trees and snowdrifts are cut out of white paper. On one side, the cut out designs are smeared with soap and glued to the glass. Openwork snowflakes will complement the picture. Such a window can be seen even from the street and attracts attention.

  • Fluffy garlands located along the curtain rod bring a New Year's mood to any interior. To further decorate the window, you can hang unbreakable balls on long ribbons. You can also entwine a fluffy one. However, it is worth remembering that a variety of colors is undesirable here; it is better to use two, maximum three shades. Instead of fluffy shiny ones, you can take garlands of glass beads.
  • To quickly create a New Year's interior with your own hands, you can simply hang it on the window LED garlands. Moreover, the selection of these products is extensive. On sale there are garlands with “dripping” lights, with running and blinking, different colors and light intensity.
  • Looks very nice small composition on the windowsill. This DIY New Year's interior decoration can be done very quickly and easily. Even kids can help with this. On the windowsill there is a set of twigs painted in White color and decorated with balls. Nearby is a hand-made Santa Claus or snowman. You can also put a self-made Christmas tree on the window. It can be made from paper in the quilling style, then it will turn out delicate and intricate. Foam bases are useful in this matter. You can attach anything to them - lots of small balls. Then wrap it in a garland of beads and decorate with candies and small toys. Christmas trees painted golden or green color. A bay leaf tree will look unusual.

  • Traditionally, many people like to draw New Year's scenes on windows and mirrors, trying themselves in the role of Moroz Ivanovich. To do this, you can purchase ready-made stencils. You can also make them yourself by cutting them out of thick cardboard. The stencil is applied to the glass, pressed tightly, and either ready-made spray snow or a toothpaste solution is sprayed on top.

Decorating chandeliers

It’s interesting to create a New Year’s interior with your own hands. Ideas here may vary. You can arrange chandeliers into a single design space.

  • To do this, you can again use garlands. They are very suitable for New Year's decor. A garland wraps around the entire chandelier; you can hang small balls or small toys from it.
  • Paper pendants look very beautiful and delicate. Carved silhouettes of dancing ballerinas, attached by a thread to the chandelier, will sway slightly with the movement of air and create the feeling of dancing under the ceiling. You can fold a narrow beautiful paper tape snake and stitch through, alternating paper and beads - you get an interesting flat Christmas tree.
  • Christmas trees hanging upside down from a chandelier look interesting and unusual. This is possible, of course, if the ceiling height allows.

Decorating the Christmas tree

When creating a New Year's interior design with your own hands, you cannot forget about the main decorative element - the Christmas tree. It doesn’t matter whether an artificial or real beauty will decorate the house and the holiday, the main thing is that it is there. But in order for the Christmas tree to stand out in the interior, you should determine a place for it and decorate it. Wherever the green beauty is placed, you can put a special New Year's rug under it. Such products are most often round shape, with a diameter from one to two meters. You can buy a rug in a store, or you can make it yourself - it won’t require a lot of labor or special sewing skills.

Two circles of the required diameter are cut out of dense plain fabric (white or blue), and a hole is cut in the middle of each of them for the trunk of the Christmas tree. The fabric is cut from the middle of the circle to the edge. This is where the fastening will be located, connecting the mat after installing the Christmas tree. On one element there will be front side, where the applique decorating the rug is laid out. Perhaps the drawing will be prepared by a child, or perhaps found in a book or on the Internet. But, undoubtedly, it will be something New Year's. You can buy ready-made appliques, or you can cut out parts from felt or thick fabric. All elements are carefully sewn on and decorated with beads, sequins, sparkles, rhinestones, and buttons. Then the two circles are connected and stitched.

After this, the edge is treated with braid. The cut area for fastening can be decorated with ties, or simply sew on adhesive tape. The Christmas tree rug is ready.


The feeling of celebration comes when the whole family decorates the New Year's interior with their own hands. Various ideas come. Perhaps grandma will remember something from her childhood - for example, how to do paper lanterns. This simple, unpretentious decoration looks very beautiful. To do this, colored paper is folded in half, cuts are made from the fold side, but not all the way - there should be a centimeter of uncut paper left to the edge. When the entire strip is ready, the folded sheet is opened and the narrow edges are glued together. Such lanterns can be hung anywhere - in the kitchen and in the rooms, on cornices and chandeliers.

By creating a New Year's apartment interior with your own hands, you can come up with a fairy tale for your baby and prepare a New Year's calendar for him. Such products were previously used to brighten up a child’s strict religious fast before Christmas. Each day of the calendar is a window with a surprise, which most often includes sweets, but it can also be riddles, fun New Year's tasks, and small toys. There are many options for making such a calendar. They are made from paper and cardboard, from felt and wood, they are sewn, knitted, glued - the main thing is to figure out how to please your child.

Decorating the table

We have already figured out what the decoration of the New Year's interior should be like with our own hands. But we forgot about one more important object.

To receive guests or celebrate a holiday in a close family circle, you need to decorate the table. Tablecloths and napkins look beautiful on You can prepare tableware decoration for each guest - a small spruce branch entwined with a ribbon is placed on a plate, a toy snowman sits down, and just a bunch of small balls already gives a New Year's mood. Napkins can also be folded into snowflakes.

Christmas trees made from cookies will be an original table decoration. How to make them? Cookies in the shape of stars of different sizes are placed in the shape of a Christmas tree and decorated with sugar figures. And, of course, New Year's champagne also requires decoration. Craftswomen sew various costumes on bottles - Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Snowman and the symbol of the year. Such a bottle can become both a gift and interior decoration.


So, here’s your DIY New Year’s interior ready. It is imperative to take a photo in the apartment so that years later you can remember how together the family prepared to celebrate this fabulous holiday.

The phrase “There is nothing left until the New Year... nothing has been done, nothing has been prepared, nothing has been bought!!!” It becomes more and more relevant every day. And the closer to the holiday, the faster time flies. We bring to your attention a selection of interesting photos, the New Year's interior in which can serve as one of the best ideas on how to quickly decorate your house for the upcoming celebrations, so that the high spirits and feeling of the New Year do not leave you, your cozy home and the guests visiting it for as long as possible.

Most of us associate the New Year primarily with a lush Christmas tree, sparkling lights, silvery rain and Christmas tree decorations. Festive attributes also include candles, the aroma of tangerines and the feeling of a fairy tale. Let's look at the photos presented on this topic together: a New Year's interior cannot be created without a general design idea. Perhaps it will be in the Art Nouveau style, while others will prefer retro, or maybe you will be the person who wants to create a themed interior for every family’s favorite holiday.

The aphorism known to each of us since childhood is that How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it , has taken on a new meaning today. In anticipation of this amazing holiday, it is not enough to make delicious menu, think over gifts for family and friends! Celebrating the New Year requires the most careful preparation and your home.

The tradition of decorating a house for the New Year and Christmas holidays has deep historical roots. When decorating a Christmas tree, the ancient Germanic tribes were sure that omnipotent spirits lived in the shaggy branches of the evergreen tree, and rich offerings were made to appease them. Later, Christians added their own canonical rules to this ritual: Christmas tree crowned with the “star of Bethlehem”, balls representing the forbidden fruit, and figured pastries reminiscent of unleavened communion bread.

Time has simplified everything: colorful decorations, lanterns, and toys came to Europe from the Asian hinterland. Then a fashion appeared for Christmas tree decorations made of porcelain, papier-mâché, embossed cardboard, garlands of glass beads and beads, transparent and matte glass balls.


Today there is hardly a more touching activity than creating Christmas tree jewelry in a close family circle, from grandparents to its youngest members - limitless fantasy anyone can do real miracles!

New Year's decor and interior (see photo): what's fashionable now?
Returning to the conversation about toys for the green beauty, modern New Year's fashion gives preference to everything extraordinary. It could even be glass balls covered thin layer coatings of precious metals, or simple “hand made” glass icicles, stars and snowflakes with an “icy coating”. New Year's decorations may be the most traditional, but that's where their beauty lies. A fashionable trend is to decorate the New Year tree in one color scheme. The designer’s invention did not spare the “culprit” herself. New Year's holidays. The traditional green beauty has been replaced by trees, cut in relief, painted with graffiti sprays in the most unimaginable colors, trees in the guise of one of the fairy-tale characters, or high-tech Christmas trees, hung with CDs and cleverly woven wires. But before buying such an exotic, think about whether it will be appropriate in your interior. At the same time, an overly avant-garde Christmas tree can be “balanced” with an ordinary one, which will become a decoration for another room. But you don’t have to limit yourself to just one New Year’s tree: metal, crystal or made of flowers and leaves, they will look great in every room of your home.

Western “Christmas” is gaining more and more popularity in our country. potted plant poinsettia, otherwise known as “Christmas flower”. In America and Europe they buy it for the home or give it as a New Year's gift. This plant is a small bushy tree with green-red-white foliage, designed in the colors of traditional Catholic Christmas.


However, creating a festive outfit for the Christmas tree is only one of the stages of preparation for the upcoming transformation of your home. A kind of “standard package” consists of numerous garlands, snowflakes, wreaths, and decorations for the fireplace. Concerning color range New Year's interior, then winter colors are traditionally dominant here: green, gold and silver, but in Lately They are increasingly “diluted” not by the usual red and blue, but by the newfangled black and white.

New Year's interiors (photo below) in country style (or their elements in the form of separate compositions and decorations) do not lose their relevance: natural pine needles, cinnamon sticks, dried fruits, feathers, fir cones. They will help you create a New Year’s interior with your own hands in the best possible way, because the original festive atmosphere individual design- another important component of a successful New Year's Eve. Simple objects that can easily be turned into New Year's accents with the help of your skillful hands can serve as home decoration. For example, place on a large flat platter christmas balls different sizes and different color and tie to them beautiful ribbons. Add oranges here - so warm juicy shades of orange and red plus sunny fruits will skillfully drive away the blues of winter cold and create a pleasant feeling of celebration.

Decorate your home with fresh flowers! Yes Yes! Bulbs - in pots, hyacinths and hippeastrums - in baskets, decorated with ribbons with the addition of cones and moss. For almost a whole month of the New Year holidays, they will bloom and pleasantly please the eye. And don’t be afraid of quantity - there should be a lot of flowers in all corners of the apartment.

Take the time to decorate the kitchen and dining room for the holiday. As an option (see photo) - New Year's interior and table setting in strawberry-red and white tones. For extra sparkle, you can add a little silver and crystal, hang large paper snowflakes and stars above the table. Setting a festive table also has its own subtleties and rules. Thanks to the soft glow of silver, the shine of crystal edges and the nobility and subtlety of porcelain, they are able to turn any home into a real old family castle for at least one “magical” night.

By decorating the windows in your house with snowflakes and hanging garlands around its perimeter, you will understand the mood not only of yourself and everyone at home, but also of your neighbors, and even random passers-by. Known fact: New Year's lights bring each of us back to childhood and make us happy at least for a moment.

But even in the New Year’s interior, the main thing is not to overdo it! Determine one style for yourself and follow it, be it decorating a Christmas tree, setting a table, or decorating an apartment. And don’t forget to do during the holidays big photo: the New Year's interior in the pictures can be an amazing idea that can be used by next year your friends and family, and in their eyes you will look like a real designer! And may limitless imagination and invention be your constant companions in the coming New Year!

New Year is the most fabulous holiday of the year, and with it approaching, we all want to experience its magic as much as possible. You can fill your home with a magical atmosphere by paying Special attention creating a New Year's interior. A sparkling, elegant Christmas tree and various decorative elements will help turn any room into a holiday home. At the same time, to achieve such an effect you need very little - imagination, desire and a good mood.

The symbol of the coming year is the Fire Rooster, therefore New Year's interior 2017 should fit its patron - bright, sparkling and colorful. The interior should be dominated by natural materials, and as for the color scheme, the most relevant will be warm colors, shades of red, orange, yellow.

New Year tree 2017

The greatest attention in creating a festive interior should be given to decorating the New Year tree. The green beauty is always the first to attract the eye and is the main attribute of the New Year. Today, the main trend in decorating the Christmas tree is individuality, creativity and originality.

Decorators advise giving free rein to your imagination and not holding back your desire to hang as many toys as possible on green branches. The main thing is that the decorations are interesting and consistent in the same style. Very relevant in last years are, which can be made from wood, textiles, felt, wool, straw, paper and even edible materials.

So, in addition to the usual decorations, the New Year tree can be decorated:

  • sweets in a beautiful wrapper;
  • figured gingerbread;
  • miniature family photographs;
  • snowflakes, stars and felt animals;
  • ribbons and bows.

Don't forget about toys in the form of the symbol of the New Year 2017 and bright garlands. If there is no room in the house for a Christmas tree, then beautifully decorated spruce or pine branches in a vase can play its role.

Interior decor

The New Year's interior of 2017 should be bright and joyful, so give preference juicy flowers warm shades. To “appease” the decor, use candles in original candlesticks, textiles with ethnic prints and various natural materials, and don’t forget about New Year’s illumination. Compositions of dry ears, nuts, fruits and flowers will look very beautiful.

If you have children, you can delight them by making a gingerbread house, which will become a wonderful (and very tasty) interior decoration. It is very easy to prepare, and looks incredibly festive and cute. By placing it in a prominent place in the room, you will create a real New Year's mood.

The doors of the house can be decorated with wreaths of fir branches, decorated with ribbons, artificial fruits and Christmas tree decorations. To create such a composition, you can also use bunches of rowan or viburnum; they look very beautiful and go well with the New Year's theme, but it is better to harvest them in the fall.

If the house has a staircase, then be sure to decorate its railings with lush bows, complemented by Christmas tree decorations, cut out of paper or foil, snowflakes or New Year's garlands. At the same time, decorations should be secured in such a way that they do not interfere with movement on the stairs.

To decorate windows, you can use ready-made stencils to create patterns on glass, which are sold at every turn during the holiday season, and artificial snow, sprayed from a can.

You can also remember your childhood - cut out a lot of snowflakes of different sizes from paper and glue them to the window panes using a soap solution. If you didn’t have time to make snowflakes or forgot to buy a can of “snow,” then there is another option - various patterns and designs on window glass can be quickly and easily drawn using regular white toothpaste.

New Year's table

An original festive table setting always causes real delight among guests and creates great mood. In addition, most of New Year's Eve, as a rule, is spent at the table, so special attention should be paid to its decoration. For serving, tablecloths and napkins made from natural fabrics in warm colors will be most appropriate.

To prevent the table from looking too colorful, you can use a white or beige tablecloth, complemented by bright red napkins. The latter can also be placed in special rings decorated with small spruce branches.

If in your home the chandelier is placed just above the center of the table, then it can be turned into a beautiful New Year's mobile. To do this, attach various small Christmas tree decorations on long ribbons to the lamp so that they hang on different heights. This decoration looks very festive and unusual.

As a decoration, you can mark a beautiful composition in the center of the table. For example, a wicker basket filled with fruits, flowers, ears of corn, bunches of rowan. An excellent addition to the decoration will be tall candles in candlesticks made in New Year's style. At the same time, you need to be careful with candles - they should be placed in such a way that the flame does not touch decorative elements that could catch fire.

If in New Year's Eve If you are hosting guests, then you can put a little New Year’s surprise on everyone’s plate. Such small gifts can be gingerbread and candies in the shape of the symbol of the New Year 2017, miniature jars of honey, small amulets, toys self made. This is a great idea to create a festive mood.

In a festive interior, it is especially important that all decorative elements are harmoniously combined with each other. You should select decorations in the same style, but you need to make sure that there are not too many of them.

Of course, on New Year’s Day you want to bring the best design ideas to life, but if you “overdo it” with decorative elements, then instead New Year's mood they will make the room feel cluttered. When creating a New Year's interior 2017, remember that the main things are not fashion trends, but comfort, home warmth and anticipation of the holiday.

Do you want to bring the new year closer and switch from work problems to the anticipation of the main holiday? This means it’s time to take care of the New Year’s interior in your apartment. These pleasant chores will bring you closer to your family and allow you to plunge into a magical atmosphere today.

New Year's apartment interior 2017. Photo

Festive lighting of the apartment for the New Year

Modern garlands are distinguished by a variety of colors and the power of light bulbs and are available in the form of flexible ribbons or bright neon cords. With such a variety, the main criterion for choosing them should be safety, so before purchasing, be sure to check the integrity of the cord and the functionality of all lamps.

From an aesthetic point of view, it is important that the garland looks attractive not only when it is turned on, because it usually lights up only in the evening.

You can diversify the lighting in the New Year's apartment interior 2017 with the help of decorative candles and small electric flashlights, sparklers and festive themed lamps.

Decorative candlestick on New Year. Photo

Where and how to hang a garland for the New Year

Use the garland not only to illuminate the Christmas tree: you can use it to decorate doorways and window frames, creating a magical atmosphere, or lay out fancy figures on the ceiling and walls from a flexible neon cord.

New Year's apartment decor 2017. Photo

With the advent of waterproof models on the market LED lamps It has become possible to organize holiday lighting and New Year's 2017 interior even in the bathroom!

Use any electrical equipment requires compliance with safety rules. In the New Year, special attention should be paid to this, since small children are present at such holidays, and because large quantity guests and loud music may cause adults to lose their vigilance.

To securely fix the garland, several methods and materials are used: glue and special hooks, double-sided tape and fishing line, loops of thread and wire attached to nails. Traces of glue and other substances after the holiday can be easily removed with wet wipes or glass cleaning products and will not spoil the New Year's interior of the apartment, but you will not have to worry about how firmly your holiday illumination is attached, and guests and small children will not get burned on hot lamps.

How to create a New Year's interior

Want the memories after main night years were not limited to a lush Christmas tree and the smell of tangerines? Long before the holiday, think about how you can diversify the New Year's interior of your apartment and make it original and attractive.

DIY New Year 2017 symbol. Photo

The symbol of the coming year is the monkey, so the more shiny and bright jewelry you use, the better! It is believed that you can appease this restless animal by placing small candles around the apartment and attaching festive garlands to the walls. Among Christmas tree decorations, preference should be given to large, classic balls in golden shades.

Also, monkey figures must be present in the New Year's interior of apartments 2016. These could be figurines or Stuffed Toys, decorative candlesticks or homemade compositions from sweets, branches, tinsel.

DIY decorations for the New Year's interior 2017

An important part of preparing for the main holiday of the year is the decor of an apartment or house. This process is equally entertaining and enjoyable for both adults and children, helping them feel the atmosphere of the approaching magical night.

Ideas for the New Year's interior of an apartment can be drawn from design magazines and master classes on the Internet, or you can come up with and make decorations yourself.

With the help of accessories, you can make your usual home environment magical and romantic. And for this it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive designer jewelry and figurines. soften bright light Candles placed on the table, mantelpiece, and window sills will help you with lamps. Instead of candlesticks, you can use transparent containers filled with multi-colored sand or crystals sea ​​salt or glasses of water (for floating candles).

Classic New Year's decoration At home, snowflakes are considered to be snowflakes, which you can purchase in a store or make yourself using foil or cardboard. bright colors or corrugated paper. They can not only be glued to glass, but also hung on a Christmas tree, attached to chandeliers and lamps, or used to decorate a holiday table.

In addition to a large natural Christmas tree, you can create several small trees with your own hands. To do this, you can use multi-colored threads, corrugated paper or tinsel wrapped around a cone-shaped frame, lay out candies in the shape of a Christmas tree, or make fabric models that will look great decorating champagne bottles or become cute souvenirs for your guests. Original compositions can be created from fir branches and cones, placing them on the table. A special silver spray, which can be easily applied to any surface from a spray can, will give such “Christmas trees” a pleasant festive shine.

It is known that the very process of imagining a New Year’s interior significantly improves your mood and seems to bring the long-awaited holiday closer! By making home decorations yourself, you get the opportunity to be creative and magical with your children, without wasting time shopping and buying standard accessories.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2107

No matter how fashion trends change, most holiday traditions remain unshakable, which is why the Christmas tree is still the main New Year's symbol.

Adherents of the classics can decorate it with light snowflakes and hang candies and fruits, use shiny tinsel and multi-colored glass balls.

Among the new trends in the decoration of Christmas trees and interiors for the New Year 2016, one can note the abandonment of brightly decorated trees, which, however, does not mean that there should be little decorations. Rather, more attention should be paid to the harmony of the entire composition and the combination of shades of all accessories that are used on the tree. However, adherents of Eastern astrology can deviate from this rule, because the monkey, as you know, loves shiny and bright things.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2017. Photo

To decorate the top of the tree, you can buy porcelain figurines of angels or a symbol of the coming year, abandoning the traditional red star.

Considering the growing interest in handmade products, on the eve of the New Year, you can make Christmas tree decorations together with your children and adult relatives: paint glass or plastic balls, sew animal figures from multi-colored fabrics or make cones from scrap materials. Family photos in such a New Year's interior, the apartments will turn out to be truly magical and will take a central place in your album.

How the Christmas tree was decorated in previous years