Nekrasov N - There are women in Russian villages (from the poem Frost red nose) V. Enyutin. "There are women in Russian villages ...". Poems Always patiently equal

There are women in Russian villages
With the calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movement,
With a gait, with the gaze of queens, -

Wouldn't a blind man notice them,
And the sighted one says about them:
“It will pass - like the sun will shine!
He will look - he will give him a ruble! "

They go the same way
What all our people are walking,
But the dirt of the environment is wretched
It doesn't seem to stick to them. Blooms

Beauty, wonder to the world,
Blush, slim, high,
She is beautiful in all clothes,
Dexterous in any work.

And it endures hunger and cold,
Always patient, even ...
I've seen her mow:
What a wave - the shock is ready!

The handkerchief in her ear has strayed,
Look, the scythes will fall.
Some guy contrived
And tossed them up, fool!

Heavy brown braids
Fell on a dark chest,
They covered her bare feet,
They prevent the peasant woman from taking a look.

She took them away with her hands
She glares at the guy.
The face is majestic, as in a frame,
It burns with embarrassment and anger ...

On weekdays he does not like idleness.
But you will not recognize her,
How a smile of fun will drive away
From the face of the labor seal.

Such a hearty laugh
Both songs and dances are like that
Money can't buy. "Joy!"
The peasants assert among themselves.

In the game, the horse will not catch her,
In trouble - it will not shrink, - it will save;
He will stop a galloping horse,
It will enter the burning hut!

Beautiful, even teeth
That she has large pearls,
But strictly ruddy lips
They keep their beauty from people -

She rarely smiles ...
She has no time to sharpen her fringes,
Her neighbor will not dare
Grab, ask for a pot;

She is not sorry for the poor poor -
Feel free to walk without work!
Lies on her strictness
And the inner strength of the seal.

She has a clear and strong consciousness,
That all their salvation is in labor,
And work brings her reward:
The family does not fight in need,

They always have a warm hut,
The bread is baked, the kvass is delicious,
The guys are healthy and well fed,
There is an extra piece for the holiday.

This woman is going to mass
Before the whole family in front:
Sits like on a chair, two years old
The baby is on her chest

A row of six year old son
The smart womb leads ...
And to heart this picture
To all who love the Russian people!

Analysis of the poem "There are women in Russian villages" by Nekrasov

In his works, N.A.Nekrasov repeatedly refers to the description of the image of a Russian woman, beautiful and strong. he also expresses his admiration, citing in the passage "There are women in Russian villages ..." a vivid description of a simple peasant woman, Daria.

Like many of Nikolai Alekseevich's poems, "There are women in Russian villages ..." is imbued with deep sympathy for the hard life and fate of a woman from the village. The author describes her many sufferings from hard work and moral humiliation. Taking care of the family, raising children, taking care of the house and working in the field - after the death of her husband, only Daria does all this.

According to Nekrasov, such a woman is able to endure "both hunger and cold." The poet admires how, in such a difficult life, a Russian woman also has a rich soul. High moral qualities remained with her, she does not lose faith and does not break under the weight of life's trials. Hardworking and selfless, a good housewife, she was and remains the support on which the whole family rests. She has time for everything, at the same time, she finds the strength to have fun and laugh, as if forgetting for a while about all the hardships that have fallen on her shoulders.

A feature of the Russian female character, the poet calls compassionate love, even being in an extremely difficult situation, a person least of all thinks about himself, about his personal grief.

Nekrasov is both admired and overwhelmed with empathy for their difficult fates. Each quatrain is saturated with great tenderness and warmth. And he is indignant at their powerless existence, their bitter fate. According to the author, a Russian woman deserves a happy and carefree life.

To create a brighter portrait, Nekrasov uses in the poem:

  1. Comparisons - "like the sun will illuminate", "will give a ruble", "with the gaze of queens."
  2. Epithets - "the world marvels", "beautiful in all clothes", "clever at all work."
  3. Metaphors - "hearty laughter", "ruddy lips", "seal of inner strength", "a wave is ready for a shock."

And one cannot fail to highlight the entrenched typical image of a Russian peasant woman:

"He will stop the galloping horse,
He will enter the burning hut! "

The poet in every line described the real, truthful fate of the Russian peasant woman. He deeply felt her pain and suffering, all the hardships that she had to endure. And he emphasized that despite all this, she remained beautiful externally and internally, was able to combine courage with high moral qualities.

Childhood years of the poet N.A.Nekrasov passed on the Volga in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province. His father, a man of tough disposition and despotic character, did not spare his subjects. Serf tyranny was widespread in those years, but since childhood it deeply wounded Nekrasov's soul, because not only he himself, not only serfs, but also the poet's beloved “fair-haired,” “blue-eyed” mother, was a victim. She was a woman of a kind soul and sensitive heart, intelligent and educated. For the happiness and peace of mind of children

She resignedly endured the arbitrariness that reigned in the house. "It was a heart wounded at the very beginning of his life," wrote F. M. Dostoevsky about Nekrasov, "and this never healing wound of him was the beginning and source of all passionate, suffering poetry." From his childhood, the poet brought out an exceptional sensitivity to the suffering of others.
Many of his poems are imbued with deep compassion for the plight of the peasant woman. He could not be left indifferent by the daily suffering of a woman from backbreaking work, from moral humiliation.
But at the same time, a simple woman appears before us as a real beauty, ruddy, lively, hardworking. Nekrasov admires the Russian peasant woman - a pure heart, strong spirit, admires her inner beauty and spiritual wealth.
There are women in Russian villages
With the calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movement,
With a gait, with the gaze of queens.
She is accustomed to any work, skillful, dexterous, hardworking. In addition, she is an intelligent, selfless, strong-willed, decisive woman. If necessary, "he will stop the galloping horse and enter the burning hut."
Life, "which is hardly more difficult to find", fell to the lot of Daria - the heroine of the poem "Frost, Red Nose":
Fate had three hard parts,
And the first share: to marry a slave,
The second is to be the mother of a slave's son,
And the third - to obey the slave to the grave.
The entire work breathes with the author's sympathy for her difficult female fate: “here only stones do not cry.”. Daria, who recognized both the severity of serfdom and the sorrows of the life of a Russian woman, but not bending over and defeated, but retaining her human dignity, spiritual beauty and resilience, evokes a feeling of deep respect in the author.
The poet sees the greatness of the Russian national female character in compassionate love, when in a difficult situation a person thinks least of all about himself, about his own grief.
Daria is not worried about herself, “full of the thought of her husband, she calls him, speaks to him”. Even in the future, she cannot imagine herself alone. Dreaming about the wedding of her son, she thinks not about her own happiness, but about the happiness of her beloved Proclus, turns to her deceased husband, rejoices in his joy. The same warm, kindred love extends with her to the “distant ones,” for example, to the deceased schema, whom she accidentally met in the monastery:
I looked into my face for a long time:
All of you are younger, more elegant, sweeter,
You are like a white dove among sisters
Between gray, simple pigeons.
And Daria overcomes her own death with the power of love, extending to children, to Proclus, to all nature, to the land-nurse, to the grain field.
Before Nekrasov, there was no such truthful, deeply felt depiction of the fate of a simple Russian peasant woman in literature, who had to endure the unthinkable hardships of life, but who always retained her moral strength and beauty.

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The image of a Russian woman in an excerpt from N. A. Nekrasov's poem "Frost, Red Nose" ("There are women in Russian villages ...")

It is not clothes that paint a person, but good deeds.

Russian proverb

In this excerpt from the poem "Frost, Red Nose" Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov admires the Russian woman. The poet was able to create her image so vividly and vividly that this admiration is transmitted to the reader.

At the beginning of the passage, Nekrasov says: "There are women in Russian villages ...", and then he describes one such woman. To show us her image, the poet uses epithets and comparisons. He compares the look of a Russian woman "with the look of tsaritsa", her teeth "like large pearls", and her face "majestic, like in a frame." Words and expressions "beautiful power", "heavy light brown braids", "dark chest", "hearty laughter", "beautiful, even teeth", "ruddy lips" help to create the image of a Russian beauty. The poet admires a Russian woman. But the author admires not only her external beauty:

Beauty, wonder to the world,

Blush, slim, high,

She is beautiful in all clothes,

Dexterous in any work.

Nekrasov writes that the Russian woman is unusually hardworking, she "does not like idleness", "she has no time to sharpen her fringes":

She has a clear and strong consciousness,

That all their salvation is in labor,

And labor brings her reward:

The family is not struggling in need.

The poet emphasizes that such a woman is a good housewife, she manages everything:

They always have a warm hut,

The bread is baked, the kvass is delicious,

The guys are healthy and well fed,

There is an extra piece for the holiday.

It is just as hard for such peasant women as for the entire Russian people:

They go the same way

What all our people are walking ...

But a Russian woman knows how not only to work, but also to have fun. On holidays, "... how the smile of fun will drive away // From the face of the labor seal", - it is transformed:

Such a hearty laugh

And such songs and dances cannot be bought for money ...

Creating the image of a Russian woman, Nekrasov even uses exaggerations: "What a wave, a shock is ready!"

Calling his heroine a "beauty", and a "woman", and a "womb", Nekrasov sings her in every line of this passage.

Showing, on the one hand, the diligence, economy, courage, strength of a Russian woman, and on the other, her natural beauty, self-esteem, ability to have fun, the poet creates a very accurate, lively image of a Russian peasant woman. After all, if there were no such women in Russia, our country would hardly have been able to pass so many tests and gain great victories!

Searched here:

  • the image of a Russian woman in the poem Nekrasov frost red nose
  • what comparison epithets help to create a portrait of a Russian woman examples
  • There are women in Russian villages analysis

Many writers created images of Russian women in their works. Often these were heroines from the life of the nobility, but writers and ordinary women who were born peasant women did not pass by. was one of the first to introduce a new type of peasant heroines into his works, which is shown by an excerpt from his poem "Frost, Red Nose" There are women in Russian villages. The poem itself tells readers about the fate of Daria, that she became a widow, but a small deviation from the story, the writer's monologue showed the fate of all Russian women - peasant women. The writer, using the example of one heroine, creates a generalized image that the author admires, conveying his admiration to the readers.

The image of a Russian woman in Nekrasov's poem

What is this image of a Russian woman in Nekrasov's poem and his monologue Are there women in Russian villages? And we immediately see how beautiful they are. Their gazes are similar to those of queens, and she will pass like the sun illuminates the area. Despite the fact that Russian women find themselves in a difficult life situation, dirt does not stick to them. Russian women are also slender, blush, and most importantly, they are hardy and can endure everything, endure everything. As Nekrasov writes, women endure both cold and hunger, endure hard work, where a shock is ready with one wave of the scythe.

These are women who do not like idleness. They are economic and hard-working. They also know how to have fun in an infrequently available free minute, but still, work is in the foreground. After all, only work will bring reward and the family will not need it, so there is nothing to sharpen the fringes. The salvation of a simple peasant woman in labor, which provides comfort, a warm home and a hearty meal for the children. And the image of a Russian woman in the passage There are women in Russian villages appears before us as a hardworking, beautiful woman, a wonderful mother and a wonderful hostess.

In his poems and poems, Nekrasov showed the wonderful characters of Russian women. He compared their fate with their future life, depicted the hard work of peasant women in corvee. A whole era of social development was reflected in his poetry. Nekrasov was the poetic leader of the generation of the 60-70s of the 19th century. The poet brought poetry closer to the people, introduced new themes and images to literature. His works remain relevant in our time.
In the works of the poet, the image of a peasant woman, warmed by the author's love, arises, with a pure heart, a bright mind, a strong spirit. This is exactly what Daria, the heroine of the poem "Frost, Red Nose", is, in spirit - the sister of the Nekrasov Decembrists.

N. A. Nekrasov "There are women in Russian villages ..."

There are women in Russian villages
With the calm importance of faces,
With beautiful strength in movement,
With a gait, with the gaze of queens, -

Wouldn't a blind man notice them,
And the sighted one says about them:
“It will pass - like the sun will shine!
He will look - he will give him a ruble! "

They go the same way
What all our people are walking,
But the dirt of the environment is wretched
It doesn't seem to stick to them. Blooms

Beauty, wonder to the world,
Blush, slim, high,
She is beautiful in all clothes,
Dexterous in any work.

And it endures hunger and cold,
Always patient, even ...
I've seen her mow:
What a wave - the shock is ready!

The handkerchief in her ear has strayed,
Look, the scythes will fall.
Some guy contrived
And tossed them up, fool!

Heavy brown braids
Fell on a dark chest,
They covered her bare feet,
They prevent the peasant woman from taking a look.

She took them away with her hands
She glares at the guy.
The face is majestic, as in a frame,
It burns with embarrassment and anger ...

On weekdays he does not like idleness.
But you will not recognize her,
How a smile of fun will drive away
From the face of the labor seal.

Such a hearty laugh
Both songs and dances are like that
Money can't buy. "Joy!"
The peasants assert among themselves.

In the game, the horse will not catch her,
In trouble - it will not shrink, - it will save;
He will stop a galloping horse,
It will enter the burning hut!

Beautiful, even teeth
That she has large pearls,
But strictly ruddy lips
They keep their beauty from people -

She rarely smiles ...
She has no time to sharpen her fringes,
Her neighbor will not dare
Grab, ask for a pot;

She is not sorry for the poor poor -
Feel free to walk without work!
Lies on her strictness
And the inner strength of the seal.

She has a clear and strong consciousness,
That all their salvation is in labor,
And work brings her reward:
The family does not fight in need,

They always have a warm hut,
The bread is baked, the kvass is delicious,
The guys are healthy and well fed,
There is an extra piece for the holiday.

This woman is going to mass
Before the whole family in front:
Sits like on a chair, two years old
The baby is on her chest

A row of six year old son
The smart womb leads ...
And to heart this picture
To all who love the Russian people!

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (November 28 (December 10) 1821, Nemirov, Russian Empire - December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878), St. Petersburg) - Russian poet, writer and publicist. Recognized classic of world literature.
Contemporaries said that he was "a gentle, kind, unenviable man, generous, hospitable and completely simple ... a man with a real ... Russian nature - ingenuous, cheerful and sad, capable of being carried away by joy and grief to the point of excessiveness."