How to hide a gas pipe under drywall. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen - possible options for masking and decorating How to close gas pipes in the kitchen

Good afternoon, dear reader! Gas is what we use every day in everyday life and that provides us with a comfortable life: fast cooking and heating of food, water heating and heating of the home. Interruptions in its supply are extremely rare, since in our country there are large reserves of resources and a well-executed design of networks, which allows avoiding large-scale accidents.

But gas supply systems also have a drawback - not an aesthetic form of communications. However, there are many ways how, without breaking the rules of operation.

Gas pipes mainly run through the corridor and kitchen of most apartments and private buildings. This makes it possible to get more direct access to the gas used for cooking and heating the room.

However, its not very aesthetic appearance can easily ruin the interior of any room. Therefore, it is necessary in a timely manner, even at the stage of planning the placement of furniture and decorative elements in the kitchen, and also take care of masking gas communications.

Methods for masking pipes

There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • close the gas pipeline with kitchen furniture. Behind the wall cabinets of the kitchen unit, you can completely hide both the pipes and the gas water heater and the meter. To do this, dismantle the rear part or remove the side panel of the cabinet. The meter and gas pipe will not take up the entire volume inside the cabinet, there will still be enough space for storing kitchen utensils or food. For a camouflage option using wall cabinets, see the video:

  • install a box made of plastic, drywall, polycarbonate or chipboard. The box is a lightweight structure that is attached to the profile of the metal frame and guides. Its installation will be cheaper than purchasing a new kitchen set;
  • use a railing system. Railing is used to mask the gas pipe when it runs along the entire width of the wall at the level between the worktop and wall cabinets. This makes it possible to use it as a hanging structure for placing on it not heavy kitchen utensils, hooks, shelves and dryers. In this case, the pipe is cleaned to a shine, and then covered with chrome paint in several layers;
  • ... Disguising in this way does not require the creation of any structures from various materials, inside which the elements of gas communications will be located. To paint the gas pipeline to match the furniture or wallpaper, you can take any waterproof paint, as well as apply decorative painting to the surface of the pipes.

Which way is better

The simplest, most economical and optimal from the point of view of safety for masking gas pipes is the decorating method. In this case, free access to the gas communication remains for preventive inspections and maintenance.

In addition to budget coloring for decorating gas pipes, you can use various improvised means and modern finishing materials:

  • cardboard sleeve;
  • decorative painting;
  • interior mosaic;
  • wallpapering the pipe;
  • decoupage method;
  • twine or twine;
  • bamboo panels.

Do the work yourself or call the wizard

Or decorate with decorative elements without violating safety rules, for a person with taste and little skills in painting work will not be difficult.

For other methods of masking gas communications, you should invite a master. Saving on the costs of providing services by a professional, in cases where there is a potential danger of an explosion and the risk of losing human lives, is absolutely not justified, and in apartment buildings, where not only your family members, but also neighbors may suffer, is even criminal.

Code for masking gas pipelines

Safety rules dictate the following standards to be observed when masking gas communications:

  • it is strictly forbidden to move gas pipes in the kitchen without permission, an exception may be the case when you already have permission from the relevant government services;
  • when installing wall cabinets around the gas pipeline, it is necessary to exclude their pressure on the pipeline, leading to damage to the system. To do this, a gap of at least 1 cm must remain between it and the wall of the kitchen cabinet;
  • the pipes should not come into contact with the walls of the box, the gap between them is at least 5 cm;
  • part of the box must be removable so that there is a possibility of quick access to the pipes;
  • in the casing of the box, there must be a perforated element or a lattice for ventilation of the inner space;
  • gas pipes must be pre-painted to protect them from corrosion and extend their service life;
  • gas pipes cannot be used as a hanger, support or stand for heavy objects, even for a short time.

Prohibited techniques for masking the pipe

There are many ways to mask a gas hose or pipe in the kitchen, but not everyone can be used in a specific situation. Since it is strictly forbidden to cut off or transfer parts of the gas pipeline. Such work should only be performed by a qualified gasman from the service that maintains this house.

According to the requirements of SNiP for the arrangement of gas supply systems, it is prohibited:

  • hide gas pipes under a sealed casing or a non-removable box;
  • embed in walls;
  • fix the cabinets to the gas pipe, and not to the walls using hinged hinges;
  • lead the pipe into the ventilation ducts.

It is necessary to follow this rule, first of all, for safety reasons.

If the area around the pipeline is completely closed, then gas will accumulate in it in the event of a leak.

Requirements for materials for pipe termination

To seal gas communications, you need to use materials that have the following properties:

  • low weight. For light material, the construction of a massive frame is not required; ordinary metal or wooden slats can be used;
  • moisture resistance. High humidity in a kitchen area usually occurs during food preparation and affects the materials used to furnish it. Therefore, preference should be given to those options that are more resistant to moisture and retain their shape when wet;
  • resistance to chemicals. Grease and dirt will settle on the surface of the structures located in the kitchen during the cooking process, which is rather difficult to wash without the use of household "chemicals". Therefore, the materials used to mask pipes must withstand direct contact with detergents.

Diy pipe masking

The installation of a special box allows you to give an aesthetic appearance to the kitchen and does not require significant financial costs. With such a simple method, you can hide not only pipes, but also the chimney and equipment included in the gas supply system: a gas meter and a boiler.

The main advantages of this method include:

  • ease of assembly and installation;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • acceptable cost.

In addition to tangible advantages, there are a number of disadvantages in this version of masking the elements of the gas supply system:

  • the box will take up part of the free space, so it is not advisable to install it in a small kitchen;
  • access to the gas pipeline is difficult, which is a violation of basic safety rules;
  • when repairing the gas system, it will be necessary to completely replace the box.

Required tools and materials

To make a box, you need to prepare a set of tools in advance, consisting of:

  • screwdriver;
  • alignment profiles;
  • a knife or scissors for metal;
  • tape measure and marker.

As the main material, you can use gypsum plasterboard, plastic panels, plywood or chipboard, metal profiles, as well as fasteners - self-tapping screws or screws.

Work progress

The manufacturing process consists of several stages.

  • calculation and layout of the structure. The erected box must completely cover the gas communications and equipment, it must also allow easy access to them. Therefore, the calculation must be performed in such a way that there is enough free space inside the structure to access any component of the system;
  • installation of a metal profile. The profile should be cut into pieces of the required length and fixed to the walls with self-tapping screws;
  • fixing drywall. GKL sheets are cut with metal scissors into the required size of the workpiece, which are attached to the profiled strips with self-tapping screws or screws;
  • elimination of chips and gaps with polyurethane foam;
  • Finishing work. Drywall can be plastered and painted or decorate in the decoupage style, which consists in pasting the surface of the box with special film napkins. For pasting the structure, you can also use any textiles or glossy paper, followed by varnishing.

At construction forums, specialists most often answer the following questions:

  1. Can a gas pipe be covered with plasterboard? Yes, you can. However, you need to choose moisture-resistant brands of drywall with a thickness of 10 - 12 mm.
  2. Can a gas pipe be hidden in a wall? No. The pipe must be freely accessible;
  3. Can a gas pipe be closed with a stretch ceiling? Yes, you can, if you use a stretch ceiling of a more complex configuration, when the passage of gas communications will be closed with a decorative plasterboard box.

Frequent mistakes

Beginners often make mistakes when decorating a gas pipeline, which turn into fines from specialized services or emergencies:

  • do not provide an inspection hatch in the box that opens access to the gas valve and meter;
  • change the location of pipelines without the permission of gas workers;
  • after obtaining permission, they carry out the transfer of the riser with their own hands, without involving an organization that has a license for this type of activity. It will be practically impossible to legalize independent redevelopment in Gorgaz;
  • used for the manufacture of the box drywall low moisture resistance.

Work examples

Examples of different options for masking gas communications are shown in the photo:

Gas riser hidden behind the kitchen cabinet door:

Examples of decorating gas pipeline elements:

It takes ~ 3 minutes to read

In any kitchen where a gas stove is used, supply pipes will be used. Such engineering communications spoil the appearance of the premises, irritate the residents. If the water supply and sewerage system can be easily disguised, then the gas lines will have to tinker with. There are certain rules for handling such communications. Next, we will figure out how to hide the gas pipe in the kitchen without harm to the residents, in accordance with legal acts.


What the regulatory documents say

Before deciding on masking a gas pipeline, you need to understand the requirements for the operation of such pipes in a private house or city apartment. This is what the legal acts say:

  • The user must provide unimpeded access to the lines to eliminate gas leaks and carry out repairs. Failure to comply with such standards can cost human life.
  • It is forbidden to close the pipe tightly, for example with a box. This will tend to build up fuel, ultimately increasing the likelihood of an explosion. It is not recommended to hide engineering communications in the structure of the walls. To do this, you need to use decorative ventilated products.
  • It is forbidden to independently replace pipes and other elements of the gas pipeline. This should be done by a qualified technician.
  • The pipelines must be painted. A layer of paint prevents metal corrosion and prolongs the service life of the pipeline.
  • Do not hang heavy objects on the pipes or try to repair them in the event of a breakdown or gas leak.

When carrying out repair work, be sure to turn off the supply tap. Do not try to make the interior of the kitchen ideal; when choosing a decor, follow the recommendations of a gas specialist.



The cheapest and safest way to camouflage a gas pipeline is painting. With the right approach, interfering parts can be disguised as the overall interior of the kitchen. Anyone can perform such operations, even those who are not associated with the construction industry. During the work, the pipe remains in the same place, the specialist's access to the pipeline is not difficult. You can paint the internal pipeline in any color you choose; yellow paint is used to protect external engineering communications from corrosion.

There are several ways to paint:

  • Use of pigment dyes that match the tone of the walls. If the shades coincide, the interfering part will not stand out against the general background, it will simply merge with the enclosing structure.
  • The use of contrasting colors in relation to the general background. This option is typical for a kitchen rich in pastel colors. It will be good if the engineering communications repeat some piece of furniture, for example, a kitchen set or curtains. Such a non-standard solution can be used in avant-garde or kitsch style. When using the interior, minimalism or high-tech pipes are painted with metallic paint.
  • In some cases, decoupage (painting) is used, especially if an ornament is applied in the room, on any interior items (vegetation, images of dishes, geometric patterns). Similar patterns can be applied to pipes, hand-painted or stencils are used for this. With drawing skills, the pipeline can turn into a beautiful birch or bamboo trunk.

For painting engineering communications, acrylic or oil paint, as well as nitro enamel, is used. Before applying a decorative coating, you must turn off the gas and carefully clean the surface with sandpaper. After that, a layer of primer is applied, when the soil is dry, they begin to paint the product with the selected color. Using a spray paint is ideal, but some users use a regular paint brush for this purpose.


Using the roof rail for camouflage

Regulatory documents prohibit hanging heavy objects on the pipeline, but this element can be successfully disguised as a hanger for kitchen appliances. A railing is a product on which hooks, shelves and holders are fixed.

The essence of the method is to paint the pipe to match the color of the hanger. The railing can have a copper or bronze surface, some products are made with a special chrome coating. A real hanger is mounted slightly below the gas pipeline. All cutlery is placed on the railing, and the communication itself will look like a part of the system. This is especially true for a modern interior style.


The nuances of masking pipes over furniture

Not every user knows how to hide pipes in the kitchen if they are at a height. In this case, a shelf is fixed under the gas pipeline and various kitchen utensils are installed there. Such items will hide engineering communications from prying eyes, but the installation of the shelf must be carried out with special care so as not to accidentally damage the highway. The pipe itself must be hidden against the background of the wall, it is painted in the same color as that of the enclosing structure.

To further mask the gas pipeline, you can place it behind cabinets or other furniture. In this case, the user must comply with all safety requirements, ensure normal ventilation and unhindered access to the pipe. A similar method is used to mask horizontal sections of engineering communications.

How to hide piping behind a kitchen façade

Kitchen furniture allows you to mask horizontal and vertical sections of pipelines, as well as some gas equipment, for example, columns or meters. It is better to install the kitchen facade during the repair work, for this they order a false cabinet of the required size or modernize the existing furniture.

Before closing the pipes in the kitchen, you need to make holes in the facade from the side of its lower and upper parts. The inner space of the cabinet will not only hide the gas main, but will also be used for its intended purpose, for storing cutlery and kitchen utensils.

The main condition for such masking is considered to be sufficient ventilation of the space, which will prevent the accumulation of gas during a leak. For this, several holes are made in inconspicuous places, but they should not be blocked by pots or jars. The ideal way out of the situation would be the installation of the lattice. Vertical pipes are usually hidden in a pencil case, and horizontal ones are placed in a cabinet. The main condition for such camouflage is considered to be unhindered access to utilities.


Is it possible to mask a pipe in a box

The above methods allow you to disguise the pipe, but you cannot hide it from prying eyes. If there is a desire to hide the gas main, then for this you need to make a decorative box. To ensure maximum safety, you must follow these rules:

  • Part of the box must be removable, which will provide access to utilities if necessary.
  • In the protective structure, it is necessary to provide a grill or perforation for ventilation of the space. If this is not done, then a possible gas leak will provoke its accumulation and explosion.

Many users ignore these requirements and build a sealed box. They believe that a thick sealed pipe will not be able to let the gas through. Perhaps this statement is correct, but such a design does not meet safety requirements. The first check of the gas service will reveal inconsistencies. The owner of the apartment will receive a fine and will be obliged to release utilities from such a box. It is better not to create problems for yourself and to make a camouflage element in accordance with all the rules. The decor of the box can be any, it is mandatory to provide a removable grill.

  • We make markings on the wall, determine the places of fixing the metal guides. When designing a structure, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the product must be sufficient for servicing the pipeline.
  • We carry out the installation of the steel frame, while using the building level.
  • Cut out parts of the required size from a drywall sheet.
  • We fix the drywall on the frame, fix the removable decorative grill on the box.

If you only need to hide the pipes, then the box can be made from wood or any other suitable material. After the frame is installed, a metal grate is attached to the guides, the part is fixed with a screwdriver and screws.

Polycarbonate is often used for the box. A part of the required width is cut from a whole sheet. In places in the middle of the stiffness lines, cuts are made and the element is bent, so that the product has the shape of the symbol P. Several holes are drilled in the box for ventilation, then fixed on the wall.

Instead of drywall, wood or polycarbonate, plywood sheets, organic glass, plastic and wooden lining can be used to construct a decorative box. Any available material is suitable for the manufacture of the panel, but it must be removable, provide ventilation and be easy to remove. There are various designs on sale for masking gas pipes, they are quickly installed on the surface of the wall and just as quickly disassembled. The main advantage of the box is the ability to mask the pipeline, but this product occupies a certain area.

The gas pipe cannot be called a decoration of the kitchen. You can ignore it, but the best way out is a successful disguise. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen? There are several great ways you can choose from yourself.

The easiest way to decorate is to paint the pipe to match the color of the wall. To carry out the work, you will need white paint, color tint, a roller and brushes.

Stages of work:

  1. Remove old paint from the wall and prime the surface.
  2. Mix paint and color scheme. If the result suits you, you can paint. If not, achieve the desired result by mixing the coloring components.
  3. You can start staining. First, paint the pipe with a brush.
  4. Now you can proceed to the wall, it is painted with a roller in 2 layers.
  5. The final part is the next painting of the gas pipeline. Only in this way both the pipe and the wall will acquire the same color.

The presented method is suitable only if the pipe lends itself to painting.

Drywall box

If you are familiar with such material as drywall, then you should try to hide the pipe with it. For this, a box is being erected. It will become not only an element of disguise, but also an interior detail.

So, you will need:

  • drywall sheets;
  • dye;
  • metal profiles;
  • putty;
  • self-tapping screws.

Stages of the construction of the box:

  1. Profiles are mounted near the pipes to the wall and in the floor so that they take up the minimum amount of space.
  2. The profiles are sheathed with plasterboard. Don't forget about the windows! Otherwise, it will be impossible to get to the pipe valve.
  3. The box is putty and decorated - with paint, wallpaper or other materials.
  4. The windows are closed with plastic hatches.
  5. Disadvantages of masking the pipe with plasterboard: the box takes up a lot of space, when transferring the pipe, you will have to dismantle the product.

According to safety rules, it is not recommended to close pipes with a box!

Chipboard box

Today, the range of materials is very wide and in addition to drywall, you can decorate the pipe with a box made of MDF or chipboard. The advantages of the method are a minimum of dust and the ability to make the structure collapsible. Metal profiles are also used, but the use of a simply assembled box is not prohibited. The profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws or with bolts.

Stages of work:

  • if you decide to sew up the pipe with a solid structure, it is fastened to the wall and to the floor on metal corners;
  • it is important to install inspection hatches;
  • finishing is done with paint, wallpaper or other materials to match the kitchen;
  • the box is removable, which means that it can be decorated and changed at will.

It is forbidden to tightly close the pipe with a box. During a gas leak, this will play a cruel joke.

Furniture use

You can hide ugly communications with ordinary furniture. So, if the location of the pipe is vertical, it can be covered with a vertical pencil case. With a horizontal arrangement of pipes, wall cabinets are used, although in this case you will have to remove the back wall. But there is another option - you can make special slots for the pipe to enter, then mount the cabinet and its back wall.

The pipe running along the floor can be sewn up with a plastic box or furniture.

It is forbidden to unauthorized transfer of gas pipes! Except in cases where permission has been obtained from government services.

The pipe located in the corner can simply be hidden with a corner pencil box or by smoothing the corner. How to do it? Just cover the gas line with wallpaper. The end result is a rounding that is pleasing to the eye.

Application of roof rails

With the help of roof rails, you can literally "hang" the gas pipe without resorting to more radical solutions

You can close the gas pipe using roof rails. What are they like? These are devices with the help of which various utensils and accessories are placed in the kitchen: hooks, shelves, and so on. Of course, it makes no sense to attach them to the pipe, but you can install roof rails near the gas pipeline. And hang on them various nice looking little things that will hide the pipe. It is preliminarily important to carry out the decor of the gas pipeline. The chrome paint gives it an attractive metallic sheen.

Decoupage pipes

You can close the pipe using decoupage. This is a good option for hi-tech or techno style. Also, the gas pipeline is allowed to be coated with silver.

There is another option: take black and white paint and apply it to the pipe with strokes. As a result, an ugly element will resemble a birch tree.

It is not necessary to close the pipe in this way. You can simply glue napkins with beautiful patterns on it.

How to do it:

  1. Smear the gas pipeline with glue - not all, but only areas.
  2. Wrap napkins around it.
  3. After the glue is dry, apply the varnish directly to the napkins.

Unusual way to disguise

If you are lucky and the gas tap is located 75 cm from the floor, you can close it with a table top! A special hole is made in it. It will be located above the tap. A cut is made from the bottom of the pipe - it is put directly on the valve.

As a result, it turns out that the valve can be easily shut off from the countertop. At the same time, no norms are violated, which means that no complaints from the gas workers are expected.

Let's summarize

If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the designer. He will definitely find the best option for your kitchen. Maybe it will be a mosaic, or maybe new ideas for decoupage. In any case, the pipe will turn into a stylish element of the interior.

A mosaic or napkin pattern should match your kitchen decor!

So, you can decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen in many ways. Which option to choose - everyone decides independently. It all depends on the financial capabilities and what you want to get in the end result. If you do not know how to proceed, contact a specialist for help and choose from ready-made solutions.

In any kitchen where gas is used, there is a must. For many, the fact that these communications are visible causes irritation and a desire to somehow hide them, disguise, close - in general, do everything so that they do not catch the eye. If you can create almost anything you want with gas, then with gas everything is somewhat more complicated. Since gas is explosive, in the desire to make it perfect, it is important not to overstep the boundaries of common sense and not violate existing safety requirements. Let's try to figure out how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen so that it is both beautiful and safe.

# 1. What do the norms say?

Neighborhood experience and online tips may not always be helpful. Very often there are tips to hide the gas pipe in a drywall box or decorate it with an abundance of magnets. If the service sees this, then the entire decor will have to be disassembled, and a fine will also be paid.

When deciding how best to disguise a gas pipe, always remember those requirements that are put forward for the gas pipeline in the apartment:

  • to gas pipes easy access must be provided so that in the event of a leak or other accident, you can always inspect the communications and eliminate the problem. Sometimes non-observance of this rule costs health and life;
  • do not close the pipes tightly- in the event of a leak, gas will accumulate, increasing the risk of explosion. That is why pipes cannot be closed with non-removable one-piece boxes. Moreover, you cannot hide the pipe in the grooves in the walls. Decorative structures that provide sufficient ventilation and are easy to dismantle can be used, but it is better to consult with specialists anyway;
  • you cannot change the location of the pipes yourself- this is done only by specialists and with the permission of the relevant services;
  • gas pipes must be painted to protect them from corrosion and extend their service life. What color and composition to choose is another question, and we will consider it in detail below;
  • when carrying out work, the pipes must be treated with extreme caution, they must not be damaged, on them no additional load should be applied, therefore, it is by no means permitted to hang anything on them.

Important when performing all work on masking gas pipes shut off the gas supply.

When choosing a decor method, think very carefully about safety: life is more expensive than striving to make the kitchen interior perfect. If the chosen solution seems even a little doubtful, it is better to consult with a specialist in the gas service.

No. 2. Gas pipe painting

Painting is the easiest, cheapest and safest way to transform the space and make the pipes less visible. With the right approach, familiar communications can be practically dissolved or even turned into a full-fledged decorative element.

Even a person who had no previous experience in carrying out construction and repair work can cope with it. At the same time, the gas pipe remains freely accessible, and you do not violate any norms and can sleep peacefully. Moreover, the gas pipes must be painted. As for color and composition of paint, there are no restrictions here, in contrast to the painting of external gas lines (they are painted yellow).

There are several painting options:

  • the simplest and most popular - paint to match the walls... If the shades match as closely as possible, then the pipe will certainly not be conspicuous. A white pipe against a background of white walls is a win-win;
  • contrasting color for pipes, some designers advise. This option is suitable for colorful and saturated with various shades of kitchen premises - in an interior made in pastel colors, a bright green or red pipe will look out of place. It's great if the pipe repeats the shade of some element in the kitchen, for example, or decor. Such a solution is well suited for a kitsch or avant-garde interior. In high-tech or minimalist kitchens, pipes can be paint in metallic color;

  • art painting and decoupage... If there is a certain ornament on the walls, on curtains, tablecloths or other elements of the interior (for example, floral, African, geometric motifs or drawings of dishes), then it can be repeated on pipes. You can paint by hand or use stencils - you can repeat any pattern in this way. If you try hard, then the pipe can be turned into a birch or bamboo trunk. The decoupage technique allows you to transfer a drawing from a special film or napkin to the surface of the pipe. Not a bad option for the interior.

For painting, you can use oil, nitro enamels and other compounds.

Before applying paint, you should prepare pipe surface... After the gas is shut off, it is necessary to carefully remove the old coating, sand the surface, putty and cover if necessary. Only in this case can we expect that the new paint composition will fit perfectly. It is most convenient to apply paint from. You can, of course, work with a brush, but this is a little more troublesome, more difficult and longer.

Some go further and start refining the pipes ropes, magnets and glued mosaics. As for the aesthetics of this solution, opinions differ. In addition, in this way more often it turns out only to draw attention to the pipes than to disguise them. Employees of gas services are ambiguous about such a decor.

No. 3. We go to the trick, or Reiling to help

We note right away, nothing can be hung on the gas pipe, but it is possible to create the illusion that it is not a pipe that has set the teeth on edge, but that it is quite necessary and conceived according to the project, is passing along the wall. Hooks, various shelves and holders are usually attached to the railing. Since it is based on horizontal guides, this method is perfect for masking horizontal pipe sections.

The essence of the method is to paint the gas pipe in a color that best matches the color of the selected roof rail. The latter are often chrome-plated, made in bronze or copper. The railing is mounted just below the gas pipe... All objects are hung on the railing pipe, but due to the proximity of the location and the similarity of the surface the gas pipe will look like part of the overall system... The solution is perfect for modern interiors.

No. 4. Another trick, or Hiding pipes over furniture

If the pipe is at a sufficient height, then under it you can install a wide... When it is full of kitchen utensils, the pipe will not be visible at all. Naturally, the installation must be carried out very carefully so as not to snag the gas pipeline. In this case, it is best to paint the pipe in the color of the wall.

The pipe will be even less conspicuous if you install a cabinet system... They are deeper than the shelves, which means that from below the gas pipeline will not be visible at all. At the same time, all the requirements are met: if necessary, access to the pipe is free, and nothing interferes with ventilation. Naturally, this method is suitable for masking horizontal pipe sections.

No. 5. We hide pipes behind furniture facades

This option is suitable for masking both vertical and horizontal sections, and even gas equipment (meters,). If you are renovating the kitchen, you can immediately order a false cabinet of a certain size. However, the existing one can be upgraded.

It is enough to make holes for pipes on the back, bottom and top wall. The space of the cabinet, which will hide the gas pipeline, can be used to accommodate kitchen utensils, but a prerequisite is sufficient ventilation, therefore, in the most inconspicuous places, you can create several holes (most importantly, then do not cover them with cans and pans), or install a lattice screen. The vertical section of pipes can be hidden in a pencil case, horizontal - in a regular cabinet. The main thing is to provide quick access to communications.

No. 6. A pipe in a box - is it possible or not?

The above methods only allow you to beat the gas pipe, but not hide it. If you do not at all want to endure gas pipes in sight, or it is generally impossible to fit them into the interior, you can build decorative box, in which to hide the pipes, but at the same time it is imperative to comply with two conditions:

  • at least part of the box should be removable, if necessary, access to the pipes should be obtained as soon as possible;
  • should be in the box ventilation in the form of perforation or lattice. Otherwise, even with a small leak, the gas will gradually accumulate and eventually provoke an explosion.

Many people ignore these two requirements, simplifying the process of constructing a box. Someone thinks that a steel gas pipe with a thickness of 2-3 mm cannot pass gas at all. Alas, such misconceptions can sometimes be very expensive. In addition, at the very first check, the gas service will detect a violation, write out a fine and oblige to release the pipes from the dead box. It is better not to take risks, not create unnecessary problems for yourself and immediately arrange everything according to the rules. We need to create in a box removable ventilated shield, and its decor can be whatever.

If it is necessary to close both the pipes and the meter, then it makes sense to build a box from. This is easy to do - the principle of working with drywall has long been clear to everyone. Sequence of work:

  • mark up, determine where the metal guides will be. The width of the box must be sufficient for equipment maintenance;
  • installation of the frame using a level;
  • measurements of the resulting structure and cutting drywall of the required size;
  • installation of drywall. It is better to cover part of the structure with a lattice decorative panel, which, if necessary, can be easily dismantled.

If we are talking only about a pipe, then the task is greatly simplified. Parallel to it on both sides from a metal profile or a wooden bar, you can build guides. You can attach to them any material that suits you in appearance, provides ventilation and can be dismantled in a matter of seconds with a screwdriver or screwdriver. You can use polycarbonate... A fragment of the required width is cut from the sheet along the stiffness lines. The segment is bent along the fold lines to form a U-shaped overlay. Holes are drilled in it for future installation. The box is attached to the previously mounted guides with dowels. In the most inconspicuous places, you can drill several holes in the polycarbonate for better ventilation.

Instead of a sheet of polycarbonate, craftsmen also use perforated plywood, cardboard sleeve, bamboo trunk, and other materials. The principle of operation is unchanged. You can use frosted glass, plastic, lining, wood and not only - the main thing is that the decorative panel can be easily removed. In addition, on sale you can find ready-made structures from different materials and different colors. They are easy to assemble and disassemble. Better if chosen the decor will be complemented by other elements in the kitchen.

The main plus of a well-organized box is the ability to hide the pipe from view, but in some cases you will have to say goodbye to a certain amount of useful space.

In conclusion

Even if you are sure of the correctness of your choice of masking gas pipes in the kitchen, it does not hurt to consult with a gas specialist and show him a sketch of the solution. This is a vital question. If you are really worried about your own safety, then you can equip the apartment with a household gas analyzer that will report a gas leak.

During the renovation of any room, the first thing that interests us is ergonomics and aesthetics. But what kind of high style in the kitchen can we talk about if the gas pipeline blocks the designer tiles. How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen without violating safety standards and not overpowering your sense of beauty?

Calmness and only calmness - a banal gas pipe in the kitchen will not spoil your interior, it can be closed in several ways, and you will definitely like one of the ones offered by us. In some cases, unsightly ramifications can even become a legitimate design element. Intrigued? - Let's get started.

How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen according to the rules

Gas pipes in the kitchen can seriously ruin the interior.

Surely, the main question that worries you is the "legality" of the undertaken event, is it possible to hide gas pipes in an apartment? Yes, you can, the main thing is to play by the rules:

  • if your project involves the change or relocation of some fragments of the gas pipeline, even if you are confident in your abilities or you are acquaintance with a third-generation gasman, invite specialists - there is no need for unnecessary risks;
  • the relocation of the gas pipeline must be authorized - coordinate any actions and projects with the gas service, and there will be no problems;
  • no matter how you want to hide an unsightly structure, the main task is to provide ventilation of the system and direct access to the valves (the safety of those who live in your apartment and in the house in general depends on this).

If there are no questions about safety, we will discuss options for decoration and masking. You can cover the gas pipeline with furniture elements (functional or decorative), a hinged plasterboard box. You can decorate a gas pipe in the kitchen, if you cannot close it, whether using decoupage technique, painting, applique - there is something to choose from.

Functional solutions

The easiest option is to close the gas pipes with furniture and roof rails.

Closing with furniture

Plasterboard box - an effective solution for large kitchens

Gas pipes in the kitchen, just like in the corridor and any other room, can be closed with furniture - hidden behind a wall cabinet or shelf. For these purposes, cabinets without back walls, hinged false cabinets with slots or voids for gas pipeline connections are used (you can cut them yourself after delivery or order products of the desired design).

Pros: the structure does not spoil the interior, but there is access to it at any time, the system is hidden safely, the shelves can be used for their intended purpose.

Vertical communications perfectly hide pencil cases, hang shelves above the horizontal ones. The main thing is to guess with the size.

Important: the furniture should only be mounted on the wall, and not on the gas pipeline itself, this will lead to overload, which threatens leaks and can be dangerous.

Using roof rails

Example of an application on a pipe

And what to do if communications run through the entire wall (for example, between countertops and shelves) - how to close a gas pipe in the kitchen in this case, not to hang cabinets with a solid wall? A good solution is the use of roof rails. This is a functional hanging system of fasteners that allows you to neatly place mini-shelves, hooks, dish stands on the wall. What needs to be done?

  1. Strip the pipes thoroughly.
  2. Open it with several coats of colorless varnish or choose chrome paint to match the overall design of the room.
  3. Attach hooks, shelves, and dryers over the structure.

Tip: as in the case of cabinets, you cannot attach hooks and shelves to the gas pipeline itself - place them higher. Keeping the gap small will give the impression that the pipe is a functional element of your curtain wall.

Decorative options

Consider options for decorating communications and modeling the interior in the kitchen.

If the kitchenette is small, and there is no place for additional furniture, there is only one thing left - to try to beat the gas pipeline by including it in the interior. There are several options:


Pipe painting - simple and beautiful

The most budgetary and easiest way. Choose a tone that resonates with the design of the room, this will make the structure less noticeable. Or use painting - fantasy patterns and stylization will look equally interesting.

  1. Mosaic and applique. With the help of volumetric decor, you will create a truly original composition.
  2. Decoupage technique. If you don't want to test your artistic talent, go the simple way - use ready-made images.

Important: before using coloring compositions or decorative accessories, consult with gas workers - the proximity of gas is not safe with all materials, it is better not to risk it.

Hinged screens and boxes

Decoupage is an interesting solution in pipeline decor

The structure is simply installed on the wall, the problem of the integrity of the interior in this case is not worth it at all - the box can be pasted over with wallpaper, painted, etc.

There is often debate about whether it is possible to use drywall boxes to hide gas pipes. It is possible if at least partial access to the gas pipeline communication is provided.

Tip: leave the hatch or make one of the fragments removable.

How and what to cover the pipeline - now you have several answers to choose from. Use your imagination and remember to take precautions. Keep your interior stylish and safe.

Methods can be combined