How to choose curtains for the interior. Gray curtains in the interior - many ideas and design options in the photo Tulle for gray curtains

Trends recent years when decorating interiors, they suggest more often using colors that until recently seemed boring and uninteresting. IN modern interpretation, for example, gray is a shade that is undeniably elegant, discreet and intelligent. The use of this color in textiles is an effective technique. Gray curtains are one of the classic options for decorating a window opening when used in pure form, and a genuine riot of imagination when combined with prints. Careful selection of fabric and shade allows you to complement the interior of many styles: from shabby chic to techno, minimalism and hi-tech.

Benefits of choosing gray

This color has a rich palette of halftones, which allows it to be used almost everywhere. Among the advantages of gray curtains in the interior is their stylishness. This color of the material looks expensive and impressive, and it won’t get boring quickly.

Important! The versatility of gray makes it suitable for any room.

Fashionable shades include the following tones:

  • gray with a silver tint;
  • lilac-gray;
  • pearl gray;
  • pure ashy shade;
  • slate and others.

Dark shades

The deep dark gray shade is one of the most noble. It will harmonize well with light walls in large rooms. For sunny windows, this is one of the best options: moderately strict and moderately restrained.

Light shades

This option is universal. Light gray is ideal for rooms with an abundance of chrome surfaces and silver fittings. Light the shade will suit not only for sunny premises, but also for those whose windows face north.

Living room in neutral shades

The living room sets the tone for the entire apartment. This is the room in which family members gather, where guests are greeted and celebrations are celebrated. In this status, the room must meet the highest requirements, creating the impression of luxury and restraint at the same time. Gray curtains cope well with this task. They do not attract all the attention, but serve to unite the space into one whole.

For creating elegant interior curtains in a gray living room should differ from the shade of the walls by several tones. Against such a neutral background, decorative items and accessories will look impressive and stand out well. Gray living rooms are modern and beautiful.

The only danger that can lurk when decorating a living room is the creation of a joyless and overly cold atmosphere.

In order for the room to look harmonious, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules when selecting curtains in gray tones for the living room:

  • the best combination is with white and neutral light shades;
  • the color of the curtains should not match the color of the walls or ceiling;
  • at dark walls, curtains are better to choose light shades;
  • silver shades of curtains will draw attention to those interior items that are nearby;
  • The darker the curtain fabric chosen, the brighter the interior lighting of the living room should be to avoid gloominess.

For your information! Complemented with contrasting color details, gray can be adapted to almost any modern living room option.

Bedroom in gray tone

Gray curtains in the bedroom are a fairly common option. Pleasant shades of pearl and gray-pearl look dim and gentle. Calm color promotes relaxation and good sleep.

Gray curtains in the interior will not evoke sadness if there are bright accessories in the room:

  • souvenirs on shelves;
  • decorative pillows;
  • fresh flowers, etc.

The shade smooths out contrasts and unifies disparate objects and gives a feeling of calm. This is important for the bedroom. In combination with pink, gray acquires that softness that should be characteristic of a bedroom.

It is advisable to select gray curtains in the bedroom in the following shades:

  • warm, with a hint of beige;
  • pearl;
  • thick gray, etc.

Children's room and gray color

Light, easy-to-read shades of curtains can also be used in decorating a child’s room. A cool undertone will have a calming effect on overly active children. For a child's room, gray can be combined with blue, pink, beige and white.

Diluted bright accents(books, toys, pillows, etc.), the color of the curtains does not have a depressing effect. It allows you to allocate a place for games, sleeping area, an activity table, creating a backdrop for a light atmosphere in a child's room.

Cabinet selection option

To decorate an office or home library Gray color suits perfectly. Any of the shades will help create a businesslike and formal atmosphere. Depending on the style of the room, the composition and density of the fabric is selected.

In a serious atmosphere neutral shade- exactly what you need. It goes well with office furniture.

Kitchen curtains

A kitchen interior with gray curtains may look too cold if the furniture and walls are made in the same color. In order to add softness to the room, it is advisable to complement the interior with a contrasting bright shade. This will not be difficult to do - gray goes well with other shades. An organically combined combination will make the kitchen both cozy and stylish.

In order to make being in the kitchen a joy, it is important to choose cool shades of gray for sunny southern windows, which can be mixed with white and blue. If the windows face north, then preference can be given to warm colors as companion colors. For example, cherry, strawberry, orange, etc.

To prevent the gray color from overloading the kitchen space, it is best to choose light fabrics, even translucent ones in light shades. Not only traditional curtains, but also Roman blinds will look practical.

Decor of gray curtains and combination with other textiles

Additional decor can be used to decorate the gray canvas. Shades of gold and silver go well with it. It could be:

  • braid;
  • decorative brushes;
  • cords, etc.

When choosing the colors of curtain prints, rely on harmonious combination curtains with other textiles in the room: soft upholstery, bedspreads, decorative pillows, etc. If the pattern on the curtains is repeated on the upholstery, this will give the interior additional chic.

But the combination with cabinet furniture can be based on contrast. If the furniture is light or even white, then gray blinds and curtains can be much darker.

The choice of a specific shade largely depends on the style of the room:

  • techno style gives preference to silver glossy surfaces;
  • Bauhaus is horizontal blinds mouse-colored;
  • Baroque requires luxurious tones, embroidered garters and lambrequins, etc.

Thin fabrics of a translucent grayish hue create a feeling of space, airiness and freshness. Dense and dark fabrics create a sense of depth and emphasize emotionality.

Gray curtains in the interior emphasize the sophistication and intelligence of the decor in modern design apartments Luxury is emphasized by combination with various shades, including warm colors.

Gray is the color of unobtrusive respectable luxury, one of the leading colors in car design, household appliances and clothing and at the same time remains undeservedly underestimated in interior design. This happens because of the established cliches that everything gray is boring and monotonous. We will try to destroy these stereotypes and show how appropriate and harmonious well-chosen gray curtains look in any setting.

What is the color gray

First, let's figure out what the color gray is. It is obtained by mixing red, blue and green in equal proportions, has many shades ranging from white to black and is an achromatic color, which is characterized by the absence of a specific spectral hue. That is, at maximum saturation, gray turns into black, and at minimum it becomes indistinguishable - colorless.

There are not 50 shades of gray, as many believe, thanks to the famous film, but much more. IN color model There are 254 RGB, but it is believed that the human eye can distinguish about 500 shades of gray. And what beautiful names they have: pearl, ash, metallic, but the main ones among them are considered to be izbura and issinya. The first is identified with a gray hare and a wolf, the second with a gray horse, ashes and ash.

And if we talk about interior design, then Lately Against the background of the desire for everything natural and the ever-increasing popularity of rustic and eco styles, the trend is a harsh (raw and fresh) shade of gray: the color of rough cloth, hemp, undyed wool and unbleached linen.

How to choose the right gray curtains

The overall impression of the interior is not last resort depends on how harmoniously the colors of its main components combine with each other: walls, floors, textiles, furniture. The basic rule is that the base shade is first selected, and then all minor color combinations are selected to match it. With their help, an atmosphere is created, for example, calm and peaceful or cheerful and energetic. Gray is an ideal tool and works great both as a base color and as an additional companion color. And choose their shades to suit certain interior designers advise adhering to one of three methods of combining shades in a setting:

  1. Monochrome.
  2. Complementary combination.
  3. A game of contrast.

Let's figure out how these methods work with gray curtains.

Monochrome (monochromatic) gamma

Just one small bright spot - a pillow on the sofa and the gray living room came to life and sparkled with colors

In this case, all the main components of the interior are painted in different shades of the same color, and color accents in the form of small accessories add vitality to the interior: pillows, posters, vases. From the description, it may seem that a room decorated in this way will look monotonous and boring, but this is a misconception that has nothing to do with reality.

Each color in the palette is represented by radically different shades, and such variability allows you to create an expressive and visually complete interior. If we talk about gray, then in a room decorated in this way, the curtains can be dark graphite, the wallpaper can be pearl, and the upholstery on furniture can be ashy.

The use of gray requires a sense of proportion, taste and professional flair. Each shade and color combination needs to be carefully thought through. Otherwise, instead of stylish and elegant, you will get an overly conservative and even dull environment.

Complementary color combinations

The gray color in this living room comes in many shades and is complemented by related color accents.

Interior design using this method involves using shades of different, but not contrasting (related) colors in the setting, located in one quarter of the color wheel. This creates a discreet and calm atmosphere in the environment. The main rule is a sense of proportion. To avoid the impression of an unfinished interior, designers advise not to use more than 5 colors in the decor.

Based on the method of complementary combinations, gray curtains go well with wallpaper painted in pink, yellow, purple, crimson and lilac tones. There is a lot of room for creativity and plenty of opportunities to create a unique, one-of-a-kind interior.

Next to cold shades, the gray color “warmers” and, conversely, when it comes into contact with warmer colors, it becomes colder. Therefore, color combinations are selected based on exactly what notes you want to give to the atmosphere.

A game of contrasts

Furniture facades with turquoise, a turquoise pillow on the sofa and green palm trees in tubs, green glass coffee table on a light gray and graphite background - classic example contrast games

Contrasting colors and shades are located in different quarters of the color wheel. At the same time, diametrically opposite shades are the most contrasting and inconsistent. The interior decorated in this way is characterized by expressiveness and a cheerful, energetic atmosphere. It is not suitable for rooms that require calm and concentration, such as the bedroom and office, but will be appropriate for play area in the nursery or in the kitchen.

Gray curtains in an interior built on contrasts are the ideal backdrop for any color combinations. They do not draw attention to themselves, do not distract from the main design idea and become an element that unites disparate color shades into a single harmonious picture.

Gray curtains in the interiors of different rooms

Gray has many shades and cannot be boring - the main thing is to correctly place the accents

As mentioned above, gray color is very diverse. The appropriate shade or combination can be selected for any room and for each interior style. Designers recommend:

  • Light gray curtains are more versatile than dark ones. They can be combined with all shades and fit harmoniously into any environment, creating an atmosphere of calm and safety.
  • Dark shades of gray are more difficult to combine, but they give more possibilities for combinations with the same rich colors and look good in the living room, hallway and kitchen.
  • If the curtains are silver or pearl, then any nearby matte tones will look more shiny. If this doesn't suit you, choose a fabric with silver stripes or patterns on a matte background.
  • So that the wallpaper does not visually merge with the curtains, and inner space the rooms did not look like a box, their shades should be different. The room will look more cheerful when the curtains are darker than the wallpaper, but more presentable when the wallpaper is darker than the curtains.
  • To prevent a room with dark gray curtains from looking gloomy, choose upholstery on furniture that is several tones lighter. In addition, crystal and chrome accessories smooth out excessive darkness: chandeliers, vases, dishes, fittings.

Now let’s figure out how gray curtains look in interiors with photos of different styles. functional purpose rooms.

Living room

The way this room looks gives a general impression of the entire apartment, because this is where guests are invited and this is where family holidays are celebrated. Gray curtains in the interior of the living room with the same, but different in shade or neutral wallpaper- a win-win solution. They provide a lot of opportunities for creative approach to the design of the environment and they are almost impossible to spoil the interior. At the same time, bright accessories and decorative items that set the tone for the overall atmosphere against a calm gray background look as rich as possible.

All shades of gray-brown combined with related colors of baked milk and Ivory create an atmosphere of unobtrusive luxury and tranquility
Add to monochrome gray interior just one color, for example, olive and it will no longer be too conservative and boring
When the curtains are darker than the wallpaper, the room looks brighter and more cheerful
When the wallpaper is darker than the curtains, the room looks more formal and representative
Patterns on textile accessories and original posters are the easiest way to spice things up
If it weren't for the gray curtains and walls, this red sofa would look too flashy


Numerous studies have confirmed that all shades of the gray palette have a calming effect on emotional condition person and help him relax. Therefore, for the bedroom, the room where we relax after a long day, gray curtains will be a real godsend. When decorating a bedroom in gray tones, do not get carried away with bright accents on accessories or wallpaper in contrasting colors. In this room, it is better to try to fully reveal and use the potential of the gray palette.

The bedroom is intended for good sleep, and monochrome, almost undiluted “grayness” will not harm her
Another monochrome light gray bedroom, where the background for the entire furnishings is graphite-colored flooring
Dark gray curtains in the photo, white tulle, dark plum plaid, blue moon above the headboard: everything together looks quite harmonious
In this bedroom, the potential of the gray palette from its lightest shades to the darkest is revealed to the maximum, and the interior is enlivened by chrome accessories and silver mirrors
Metallic curtains look great against the background gray walls
Leather upholstery, crystal and bronze decor are ideal complements for classic bedroom in noble gray tones
A bedroom designed with a play of contrasts, designed for a cheerful and temperamental owner, also has a right to exist
In a gray bedroom, it is better to give preference to plain curtains designed to complement the overall picture rather than draw attention to themselves
One of the walls can be decorated to match the curtains, but not the one that serves as their background

Gray color is self-sufficient. Such curtains should not be overloaded large drawings and decor. It is best to choose plain, dense, but light fabrics for sewing them: organza, silk, satin, linen, polyester.


Gray window decor is used mainly in the living room and bedroom, but this does not mean that they have no right to exist in other rooms. With the right choice of shade and surroundings, a calm and strict gray color will be quite appropriate even in a children's room, the entire environment of which should be bright, joyful and life-affirming.

Gray curtains with a star pattern create a fabulous Christmas atmosphere in the nursery
Light gray Roman blinds and silver stars on the wallpaper to match the carpet and furniture in the room for a newborn - gentle, sweet, cozy
Satin curtains in black pearl color highlight the beauty of a nursery in shabby chic style Laconic curtain made of unbleached linen in the interior of a children's room in country style
Translucent Roman blinds to match the walls allow you to use the window sill in a teenage nursery as extra space for relax


Earlier kitchen interiors We tried to decorate them as cheerfully as possible, and chose mostly bright, patterned curtains for them. Recently, this room has been intensively filled with all kinds of chrome household appliances. Gray curtains match it perfectly and are more than appropriate in the kitchen. Today, a well-designed kitchen interior in gray shades is considered a sign of good taste.

Gray thick curtains to the floor emphasize the noble beauty of the spacious kitchen, decorated in best traditions modern classics
Gray Roman blinds - perfect option for a high-tech kitchen
Curtains with a metallic sheen complement and emphasize the strict “chrome” beauty kitchen appliances
Gray curtains do not accentuate attention and visually expand the space, which is especially important in cases where the size of the kitchen is small
This design will be a good decision and for a studio apartment. In the photo, the kitchen area is decorated with Roman blinds, and the living room area with curtains
Full shading of the kitchen is most often not necessary and it is often enough to decorate the window and door to the balcony with a curtain made of transparent organza

Gray curtains underneath gray wallpaper create in the room the effect of that very unobtrusiveness, which is sometimes just not enough to complete the overall picture of the interior. Since there is never too much of this color, it cannot spoil the atmosphere. And its monotony is easily compensated by even just one bright detail. Don't know how to decorate a window? Try making it grey. Believe me, it won't be boring.

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To create the perfect interior design It is necessary not only to choose the right furniture, decor, and place accents, but also to be able to combine different color combinations, so to speak, “play with color.”

Today, among designers, they have become increasingly popular. gray shades.

After all, it is the curtains of gray tones that give complete freedom limitless design ideas thanks to its versatility. In addition, they look rich, elegant and sophisticated. This is demonstrated by photographs of gray curtains in the interior.

The main nuances of using gray curtains indoors

Correctly selected gray curtains add a touch of calm and restraint to the interior. But any little thing can ruin it design solution. So when choosing such curtains, you should pay attention to the texture of the material, its shade and consistency in general style premises.

The choice of material from which the curtains are made has great importance. An absolutely losing option would be to use cheap canvas. And the texture of the fabric can make the interior softer, more delicate, or give it depth.

For classic style and baroque, curtains made of thick satin, tapestry or silk are best suited. The use of linen, cambric and mesh will emphasize the uniqueness Scandinavian style, Provence or country.

If the material from which the curtains are made has a silver tint, then for fittings (cornice, tips and eyelets) it is better to use parts with a chrome surface. This will allow you to keep the interior in one tone.

Rules for choosing the required shade of gray

The main rule good design is the contrast between the wallpaper and the window decor. Gray curtains in the interior look much better if their color is richer than the walls, or if they have some kind of bright print on them.

Most easy way To create a pleasant atmosphere and not make a mistake is to use the already known rules for combining gray:

  • it is necessary to add warm colors to cold gray tones, or vice versa, to emphasize the warmth of a gray shade, you need to use cold colors along with it;
  • White, black and brown colors go best with gray;
  • rich reds, oranges and crimsons will beautifully highlight smoky shades of gray;
  • Ash looks very elegant in combination with golden or cream color;
  • if the gray color is diluted with mother-of-pearl, it looks great in a room with a green accent;
  • Light gray curtains are great for blue or turquoise designs.

Hall and living room with gray curtains

Gray curtains made of tapestry or silk will harmoniously complement the design of the hall. The most ideal composition in this case would be ashy textiles against a background of green, beige or lilac walls. This combination of colors will create an incredibly cozy and homely atmosphere.

And for the living room it is better to choose a metallic gray curtain with gray-violet interior tones. Metal and glass accessories can be used as bright accents.

Shades of gray in the interior of the office

The most the best option for the business office there will be pleated pleats made from natural dense materials.

They will be able to create a business atmosphere and emphasize the restraint and tranquility of the interior.

Gray curtains in the bedroom

Gray curtains look great in a bedroom interior. They will give you a feeling of calm, set you up for relaxation and sound sleep.

To avoid boredom in your bedroom design, you can decorate such curtains with lambrequins, tiebacks and lace.

Warm tones of blue, brown or terracotta can be used as bright accents.

Gray curtains in the kitchen

Using curtains in the kitchen you can not only create an interesting interior, but also give the curtains a practical meaning.

For example, for sunny side a perfect combination of standard long dark gray curtains with roller blinds light shades. This set will perfectly protect the kitchen from the scorching sun.

If sunny colors are not enough, then curtains in gray tones with bright yellow, red and orange patterns will add bright colors to the room.

The design of gray curtains for the kitchen may include small lambrequins and lace.

Using gray shades of curtains in the nursery

For a little princess's bedroom, the main interior color will be soft pink. Light gray, mother-of-pearl or smoky curtains are perfect for it.

A boy’s bedroom will look better with green or blue walls in combination with curtains in gray shades.

And most importantly, creating unique interior home, first of all you need to listen to yourself and not be afraid to experiment. This is the only way to find the most suitable solution to create the perfect atmosphere and comfort.

Photo of gray curtains in the interior

When the color gray is mentioned, many people immediately wince. To such people, gray seems boring, inexpressive and generally unnecessary in the interior. But any color is a whole palette of shades. Is it really possible that noble metallic, delicate pearlescent, the color of antique silver or moon rays will not seem beautiful enough to someone? There are hundreds of variations available in fabric stores that will allow you to find color scheme, harmoniously complementing the interior.

Grey - classic version for the background, it can be used to combine other colors, creating a bright but elegant solution. With careful selection of fabrics and materials, a living room, bedroom or kitchen decorated in gray tones will look noble and even luxurious. Contrasting patterns on a calm fabric will create original solution in the style of eclecticism, kitsch or avant-garde. Patterns in tone, sparkling under the rays of the sun, will help create a complete look in shabby chic, Renaissance and Empire style, sometimes even oriental or classic. Plain curtains a suitable shade will complement hi-tech, minimalism, techno.

Gray fabrics do not mean expressionless. Well-chosen curtains will serve as a worthy completion of the renovation and will make the interior elegant and respectable.

Living room in gray tones

The perception of the entire apartment depends on how expensive the living room looks. The bedroom can be cute and the kitchen can be bright. But a room where the whole family gathers and strangers are invited should create an impression of discreet luxury.

Gray color will successfully cope with this task. Elegant curtains in gray tones, differing by several tones from the color of the wallpaper, will create a complete composition. Against the background of neutral curtains, accessories, bright trinkets or paintings will look even more beautiful. Gray tones of textiles will allow you not to worry that the furniture or lamps are too pretentious or original; on the contrary, their unusualness will be gently emphasized.

To avoid falling into the trap of gloom and create an elegant living room, rather than a state room in the Baskerville castle, follow these tips:

  • The color of the curtains should be different from the wallpaper so as not to visually merge with it. It’s better to let the curtains be lighter, then the whole interior will look more cheerful.
  • The ideal combination is gray and white or soft pastel shades. Gray with black or red are suitable for clothing, but not for interior design.
  • Silver and pearl tones will add shine to any nearby surface. If this seems unnecessary to you, limit yourself to patterns made of glossy or metallic thread on a matte canvas.
  • Dark shades make the room gloomy. If you like almost black curtains, take care of bright artificial lighting and choose light furniture, such as milky white. Transparent faceted or shiny metal objects also relieve the impression of excessive gloom: crystal vases and chandeliers, glassware, chrome fittings, metal vases.

Gray suits most interior styles. Don't forget to complement it with contrasting details or sheer and white accents. This way you will achieve the impression of an expensively furnished, elegant and modern living room.

Silver kitchen

Monochromatic rooms always look a little formal, and this primarily applies to the color gray. If in the living room several shades of gray complement each other and look elegant, especially in bright lighting, then for the kitchen try to choose at least one complementary color. Fortunately, gray goes with almost all tones of the color scheme. Bright combinations are the key to a stylish, modern and pleasing kitchen in which the whole family will enjoy dining.

To make eating and cooking a joy, when choosing a color scheme, do not forget about the area of ​​the room and the lighting of the room.

For a sunny kitchen facing west or south, choose calm and cool tones. Combinations of gray with white, blue, blue, grass green or color sea ​​wave will slightly “cool” the room, especially in the hot summer. Complete the interior with a few bright accents or choose furniture with a metallic or glossy surface to make the kitchen more expressive.

Windows facing north or east are a reason to decorate the room in warm colors. Milky white, any berry shades of red (raspberry, strawberry, cherry) or yellow tones(orange, apricot, lemon) will make the kitchen a little lighter and warmer. Remember that everything bright colors improve appetite, so don’t get carried away with colorful furniture and textiles. A few items in rich colors are enough, and it is better to make the rest neutral. Moreover, you are more likely to lose weight if you choose transparent gray plates, but, for example, cherry furniture, than vice versa.

A modern kitchen in gray and brown tones looks elegant and not boring. The key to success is snow-white furniture and bright lighting

Gray curtains are one of the trends this year. Although you should be careful with them in the kitchen, with the right selection of companion flowers, the room will remain just as alluring, acquiring just a touch of elegance.

Cozy pearl bedroom

The bedroom is a place where gray will always be popular. Not everyone likes the snow-white interior, because it sometimes seems like a hospital ward. But pearl, ash or pearlescent shades are as neutral as White color, while they look calm and gentle. This color harmonizes and promotes relaxation. In a bedroom with gray curtains and wallpaper, you will have a restful sleep, you will be able to completely relax and forget about the problems of the day.

Does the sheer grayness around you make you sad? Complete the interior with bright pops of color. Soft sofa cushions and a blanket in brown or blue tones will not interfere with your relaxation. For a matrimonial bedroom, a combination of red and gray would be a rather bold option. Another way to make the interior more pleasant is to dilute a monochromatic room with cute trinkets or place fresh flowers in a vase.

Gray curtains are a compromise between completely gray tones and excessive brightness. They will allow you to mute the colors of furniture or wallpaper and make the room more calm.

Feel free to use gray! The many available shades will make it not only elegant, but even festive and original. Experiment, choose stylish combinations, complement it with other colors or limit yourself to only gray tones. Gray is fashion trend, a stylish solution in modern interior design. Its grace, noble elegance and restrained expression will not leave guests and household members indifferent.

Cool Gray Curtain Ideas For Large Windows Modern Home Office Table

Curtains in a gray living room can be one of the main elements of the interior. In this article we will look at what shades of curtains are best to use, how to choose material for curtains, and whether they should have a pattern.

For a living room in shades of gray, well-chosen curtains can become a bright and central piece of furniture. They will be able to emphasize that this color can be beautifully played out and the room will not look gloomy at all. After all, there is a myth that gray colors are boring and ugly, and generally make you depressing. Therefore, many people have concerns about using this color in the interior.

But modern and elegant design It can even work out in a gray room look. It all depends on how well the interior is decorated and what tones of gray (silver, steel, wet asphalt, etc.) were used in conjunction with other colors.

Let's consider several color solutions

Gray is a rather complex color. Therefore, combining it with other tones must be approached very carefully. In the classic version of using this color in design living rooms A gray and white theme is used. White will add freshness and liven up a sad gray color and help it show off new shades. You just need to take into account a small note - it is better not to use snow white color, and white with yellow or off-white. These shades will not create too much contrast, but rather will be a good additional background for the gray color.

Warm and rich shades of curtains

Among these shades, designers highlight pink, peach, and yellow. These colors will dilute the gray shades of the living room, give the room some delicate and soft colors, and also make the guest room lighter and more comfortable. The design of curtains in such shades is not too deep, but at the same time it is quite not boring and playful.

Blue, lilac, soft green tones

Curtains in lilac and blue tones will fit especially well into the interior of the living room, which is located on the south side. This will help visually reduce the excess sun, as well as make the atmosphere in the room more calm. And pillows matching the color of the curtains will help the living room look perfect!

The soft green shade of the curtains when combined with the gray interior will provide you with an amazingly relaxing atmosphere. After all, green is not a contrasting color at all, but despite this, it perfectly highlights the gray tones in the interior.

Curtains in neutral colors

If you are very afraid of making a mistake with color, then there is the safest and most a win-win- These are curtains of nondescript shades. You definitely won't have any problems with them. Any tones, for example:

  • sand;
  • coffee;
  • cream or beige.

These colors will fit perfectly and diversify a gray interior. With curtains of the listed colors you will get a stylish and calm decor. Another simple option for curtains in the living room is a combination of several tones of gray in the interior.

Gray curtains are an organic addition to gray walls. In this case, you need to use different tones of gray, for example, buy curtains several tones lighter than the walls, or hang curtains with a pattern in the color of the floor or furniture.

For lovers of non-standard solutions

Fans of extraordinary choices should choose black, purple, red, bright yellow, pink, and green textiles. Purple color creates a sophisticated look in the interior. Its combination with gray looks particularly impressive and interesting, and is also a good option for decorating a living room. Yellow and red are perhaps the boldest colors that will not only add a pop of color but also enliven the overall look of the room.

It is very important not to overdo it with the number of bright objects in the interior. If, for example, you hung yellow curtains, then think about whether you need a carpet or lamp of the same color. After all, with a large amount of a bright, interesting effect, you will not achieve it. Black color matches gray perfectly. Such interiors have a stylish look.

So, when creating a living room environment, there are many options for combining gray with other shades. But we recommend using one additional color rather than all of them. To achieve the most sophisticated, perfect interior, you need to use a little trick - a combination of light and dark shades.

Choosing material

The appearance of the curtains depends on the material made, so the choice of fabric is very important point creating an atmospheric composition of the room. To make the right choice, you need to consider several important factors:

  • When choosing fabric density, be sure to consider how intense the sun's light enters the room. IN dark rooms It is worth hanging curtains from light transparent textiles so that they transmit natural light as best as possible;
  • for sunny rooms, gray curtains with heavy material. They will not only protect you from the sun, but will protect the room from overheating;
  • When choosing material for curtains, take into account the style features in the interior of the room;
  • You also need to take a closer look at the texture of the fabric. After all, not everyone prefers shiny curtains that reflect color. And some people won’t like matte curtains, which, on the contrary, absorb light;
  • You also need to consider the practicality of the fabric. How does it wash, is it difficult to remove stains from it, what is its resistance to sunlight and various other factors.

If you like thicker fabrics and are completely sure that they will suit your guest room, then choose from taffeta, tapestry, velvet and velor. For light curtains in the living room with poor lighting use organza, muslin or guipure.

Please note that fabric density has an impact on color perception! The higher the density of the fabric, the darker the gray color appears, even if the curtain of the lightest colors hangs on the window.

Drawing on curtains

In this matter, you can listen to your fantasies and desires. With the right approach, bows, decorations, and non-standard designs have the right to exist. But for wallpaper with one tone, you need to select curtains with a pattern. Natural motifs will fill the living room with romance, abstract patterns will make the room more stylish. A steel pattern on curtains of any color will add modernity to the interior.

The main thing is that the patterns on the curtains look harmonious. After all, an abundance of decor can completely ruin the impression of a room. Also note that in many cases the fabric material or drapery itself is a sufficient decoration.

Plain material without any patterns is much easier to combine with the decor of the room. But if you want to hang curtains with patterns, then you should take into account their appearance with patterns on wallpaper, carpets and furniture. For curtains in the living room, you can use various shades, both bright rich and calm neutral. Gray colors are also suitable, but please note that the tone of the curtains should not match the tone of the room.

When using rich shades for curtains, the main thing is to ensure that there are not too many bright interior elements in the room. When choosing fabric for curtains, you need to take into account the density of the fabric, the features of the furnishings, the texture of the textile and practicality. Whether there should be a pattern or pattern on the curtains is up to you. But to the living room with plain wallpaper We recommend using curtains with a pattern.