If the Kalanchoe tree of life leaves curl. Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Leaves fall: causes and care

It is considered one of the most unpretentious plants. It is easy to grow at home. Therefore, this representative of the flora can be seen in almost every home. The beneficial properties of Kalanchoe have long been used in medicine. It is for this reason that most flower lovers grow this flower at home.

Kalanchoe care and possible diseases

Any plant requires daily care, even such a picky one. If you neglect simple rules, then in most cases Kalanchoe may get sick or die. Need to know that bright light not suitable for this indoor flower, as well as abundant watering. Only if such moments are observed, a flower can bloom and delight for a long time.

The main diseases and pests are as follows:

In fact, the occurrence of such a phenomenon in a plant can be explained by several reasons that are easy to eliminate. First of all, you should pay attention to the soil in which Kalanchoe grows. High nitrogen content in the soil can contribute to unpleasant phenomena such as leaf curling and yellowing. The ideal option for the plant is soil containing a large amount of sand.

Next reason There may be a lack of moisture. To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor the regular watering of the plant, or additionally spray it with a spray bottle.

However, the most common factor influencing appearance and the condition of the plant is the presence of insects. So, for example, aphids can cause enormous harm to Kalanchoe. By sucking the juice from the plant, these harmful microorganisms provoke the death of Kalanchoe. Its leaves begin to turn yellow and curl, and then fall off. If areas damaged by aphids are found, they should be cut off and disposed of immediately. It's best to burn it. And treat the plant itself with special disinfecting solutions. Aphids most often appear in the spring, when trees are flowering. The task is to detect it in time and promptly stop the process of plant death.

Kalanchoe is a favorite indoor plant of gardeners all over the world. After all, the flower is almost all year round can please its owners with a beautiful decorative flowering. Another advantage of this culture is that it reproduces quite easily and does not require special manipulations when planting. However, despite all the unpretentiousness, without proper care, getting an attractive specimen will not be so easy. In addition, improper care can lead to more serious problems.

Most actual question, which appears quite often on various gardening forums - why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Let's take a closer look at the main options.

The appearance of completely yellow or dry leaves on Kalanchoe, as well as curling of the tips of the leaf blade, may indicate the onset of the development of a disease or the proliferation of pests. However, sometimes the source of trouble lies in improper care of the plant. It is quite possible to determine what “misfortune” befell a particular representative of the flora at home. To do this, you need to understand what the possible reasons for such phenomena may be. First of all, experts associate yellowing of foliage with the following factors:
  • non-compliance with planting technology;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • incorrect choice of location;
  • failure to maintain proper temperature conditions;
  • improper organization of watering;
  • insufficient or excessive amounts of minerals and trace elements.

Of course, you should definitely consider the possibility of the appearance of various pests, as well as the fact that leaves may turn yellow and fall off for natural reasons, that is, when they are life cycle comes to the end. If the root of the problem is improper care, then in order to avoid such troubles, you should figure out how to correctly perform each of the indicated points.

Planting and replanting Kalanchoe

A new specimen of a flower culture can appear in our homes through purchase in specialized stores or in the case of donation of a small shoot. In principle, it does not matter at all how the Kalanchoe was acquired; perhaps it is simply time to replant the long-growing flower; it is only important to plant it correctly. The favorable period for planting is, of course, spring. First of all, you need to prepare the soil mixture and container for placing the plant.

The pot should not be too spacious, or you can place several layers at once in one container. As for the filling, the soil for Kalanchoe should be loose; you can prepare the following composition: mix humus, sand, leaf and turf soil in equal parts. You can also find ready-made mixtures designed specifically for succulents. The plant should be handled carefully, as it has rather fragile leaves and stems. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot, and soil is poured on top to approximately half the volume. Next, the shoot is placed and the remaining soil is added. The pot should be shaken a little to fill the voids and pour plenty of water at room temperature. If the soil has settled significantly, then it is necessary to make another addition.

When buying a flower in a store, you should definitely replant it as soon as possible. After all, on display windows the plants are in pots filled with transport soil, which does not contain nutrients, and there are only flowering stimulants. If you keep the plant in such soil for a long time, this can lead to its death.

Home care

The transplanted flower should be placed in a bright and warm place, because Kalanchoe is a light-loving crop. The ideal location is a southwest or southeast window. On the south side or when exposed to direct sunlight, the tips of the leaves may begin to turn yellow. As for the temperature, it should be no higher than 30 and no lower than 20 degrees from spring to autumn, and in winter time It is advisable to give the flower a rest by reducing the temperature to an average of 15 degrees.

Kalanchoe is a plant that prefers 10 hours of daylight. This allows you to achieve abundant flowering and the full development of flower culture. That is why in summer the day should be artificially shortened, and in winter, on the contrary, it should be slightly extended by illuminating the plant.

Next moment- this is watering Kalanchoe. Yellowing of leaves can occur either with insufficient water or with too much water. The specific cause can be determined by external examination. If the leaves have darkened and curled, then the volume of moisture should be increased, but if the leaves are pale yellow and soft, then the amount of water should be reduced. Experts recommend watering the plant more abundantly in summer and moderately in winter. For this purpose, you should use only warm and settled water. If the room where the flower is located is hot, you can organize spraying on the leaf. However, this procedure should be carried out quite rarely, because with increased moisture the flower may begin to rot.

The cause of Kalanchoe leaf disease is often overwatering, in which case it may develop powdery mildew or low temperature, in which gray mold often appears. Also, the appearance of the flower can be spoiled due to a lack of minerals or their excess. Experts recommend feeding the plant 2 times a month during the growth period (that is, from spring to autumn). For this purpose you can already use ready mixture, for example, for cacti.

Florists advise taking a closer look at the plant; sometimes by the condition of the leaves you can understand which elements are missing. In particular:

  • browning of the edges of the leaves is caused by a lack of boron;
  • slow plant development and small leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen;
  • spots on the leaves and death of shoots are the cause of a lack of molybdenum;
  • Yellowing, wrinkling, or dying of lower foliage indicates excess phosphorus.

To summarize, we can say that the appearance of a plant depends on how its contents will be organized. In general, caring for the Kalanchoe flower at home, the photo of which can be seen below, is not particularly difficult and is quite feasible even for novice gardeners.

Kalanchoe relatively unpretentious plant. It feels great at home. This flower is often used in medical purposes. Today we will talk about why Kalanchoe leaves curl and how to deal with it.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question why the leaves of your medicinal plant curl. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, but all of them can be easily eliminated. First of all, you need to carefully examine the soil where the Kalanchoe is. If there is too much nitrogen in the soil, then most likely this fact contributed to the curling of the leaves.

Lack of moisture is another probable cause. Not only the soil, but also the leaves should be moistened. It is advisable to maintain normal humidity in the room where the flower is located.

But the most common factor why Kalanchoe leaves curl is the presence of harmful insects. Aphids cause enormous damage to flowers. It sucks the juice from the leaf, causing the death of the plant. At first the leaves curl and then fall off. It is noteworthy that aphids most often appear in spring time when Kalanchoe begins to bloom.

How to save a flower

Once you have found out the reason that the Kalanchoe leaves are curling, you should take measures to save it. Of course, if irreversible processes have not begun. If the twisting occurs because you overdid it, then the plant should be carefully removed from the pot and the roots inspected.

All rotten areas should be removed, and a healthy root should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate. Treat the areas where the cut was made with charcoal. After all these simple procedures, place the plant in a pot, replacing the soil with fresh one. Now don’t repeat your previous mistakes and don’t be too zealous with watering.
If the leaves noticeably change color and the reason is bright lighting, then move the plant to a more shaded place and spray it with a spray bottle. A few days are enough for the plant to recover. If this does not happen, then, alas, irreparable damage has been caused to the plant, and despite treatment it is not possible to save it.
We have already found out that insects cause great harm to Kalanchoe, which leads to the fact that the leaves begin to curl. If you find areas on the plant damaged by aphids, immediately cut them off and burn them. The remaining plant must be treated with an insecticide to indoor plants. It should be processed once a week for 30 days. Another first aid technique is to wash the flower with a solution of green potassium soap or you can use laundry soap. A nuance: during processing, to prevent the product from getting on the ground, it is wrapped in polyethylene.

Scale insects also cause damage to the plant. The condition of Kalanchoe worsens because sooty fungus multiplies in the sticky secretion secreted by the scale insect. To save the plant from troubles, you need to collect harmful insects from the leaves and wash the plant with soapy water. You can make it easier to remove insects by pre-treating the plant with alcohol. Since there are no separate preparations to combat scale insects, you can treat Kalanchoe with any insecticide for house plants.

Keep the plants clean, remove fallen leaves, and you will not give unnecessary reasons for pests to appear.

One more preventative measure is compliance with the light regime and watering schedule.
Inspect the flower regularly for pests. If detected, immediately begin to fight them. Remove the insects and spray the Kalanchoe with a fungicide or insecticide.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow? What to do? This query is often entered into search engines by people who are too actively caring for their indoor flowers. Let's look at why this happens.

Improper watering

Most gardeners do not realize that Kalanchoe is a succulent. Water is poured with a generous hand, from the heart and often. They don’t even allow the soil in the pot to dry thoroughly. But the plant is quite capable of doing without watering for quite a long time. And overwatering leads to severe rotting of the roots. And while it is very easy to save a Kalanchoe that has withered due to drought, one that has turned yellow from overwatering is almost never restored.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, soft, watery. The Kalanchoe itself looks depressed; often the shoots bend under the weight of water inside the leaf blades.

What to do. Urgent rescue! Simply stopping watering, as some sources recommend, will do nothing. The root system has already begun to rot. This process must be stopped immediately, otherwise the plant will die.

To do this, the Kalanchoe is pulled out of the pot, then the roots are thoroughly washed under running water. warm water. Now you need to carefully cut off everything rotten, bad-smelling and dark in color. The sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, leave to dry outdoors at least an hour.

After this, the Kalanchoe is transplanted into another soil and new pot. The old one may contain many pathogenic bacteria.

In the future, the moderation of watering is strictly monitored. Recommended pattern: dried upper layer soil in a pot plus another 5 days. By the way, they are not particularly zealous. The soil is only slightly moistened. There is no need to wait for water to flow out of the drainage holes. Kalanchoe doesn't like this. Otherwise root system, like a pump, will absorb absolutely all the moisture. And the unknowing owners will start watering the plant again when they see dry soil in the pot. The circle will close and the leaves will begin to turn yellow again.

Incorrect lighting

Signs of lack of light. The leaves turn yellow and become smaller. The shoots become thin and long, like matches.

Signs of too much light. The leaves turn yellow, curl, and dry out. The plant does not bloom.

What to do. Kalanchoe loves bright light. But no more than 10 hours a day. Therefore, there are only 2 outputs:

  1. Artificially create short daylight hours by covering the Kalanchoe with light-proof material.
  2. Choose a place of detention where the duration of lighting will be normal. For example, the eastern window sill.

By the way, if the Kalanchoe has already stretched out and turned yellow, then it will not be possible to save the shoots. They will no longer become magnificent compact bush. They will have to be cut off. Just don't throw it away. Such shoots take root well, so why not get a few new plants? These can then be easily formed into a beautiful crown with proper care.

Dry air

The second most common cause of yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves, especially during heating season. Rarely does anyone think about how hot heating radiators affect a plant.

Signs. The tips of the leaves throughout the plant turn yellow and then begin to dry out entirely.

What to do. Humidify the air around the Kalanchoe as often as possible. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Spray warm clean water from a spray bottle.
  2. Place several additional containers with plain water around.
  3. Cover radiators with wet towels or blankets.
  4. Place a tray with expanded clay, peat or sphagnum next to it. Water them constantly.

If you do not have the opportunity to provide the Kalanchoe with normal moist air, then it is better to artificially put it into a state of rest. Place in a cool place (+14-16°C), reduce watering. The plant can remain in this position for no more than 2 months, but then you will have to come up with something to increase the humidity. Otherwise, the tips of the leaves will turn yellow.


Signs. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, look cooked, wrinkled, but not dry. The plant overall looks healthy.

What to do. Stop frying Kalanchoe. It loves bright light, so many gardeners place it on a south or west window. This is quite acceptable, but only in last years summer middle zone brings incredible surprises. In the sun, the thermometer creeps much higher than +40°C. As a result, the plant is simply fried.

It is imperative to shade the Kalanchoe in the hottest sun. This can be done with white paper or thick light cloth. As a result, the plant will receive enough light, but will not get sunburned. Or better yet, move the pot behind the curtain. For example, on a table or bedside table near the window. Then you won’t have to fence the shading every day.

Natural wilting

Signs. The leaves sometimes turn yellow at the bottom of the stem, gradually dry out and fall off. The plant looks vigorous, grows and blooms well.

What to do. Don't change anything! Your pet is happy with absolutely everything. And the loss of a certain number of lower leaves is normal natural process aging. You should not interfere with the usual microclimate. Kalanchoe feels great.

Wrong fertilizer

An excess of nutrients is just as destructive as a deficiency. Immediately after transplantation, some comrades begin to zealously pour handfuls of fertilizer into the pot. What about Kalanchoe? The root system absorbs everything without complaint. But the leaves refuse to accept such gluttony.

Signs. The leaf blades first turn yellow, then turn brown. A red border and brown weeping spots may appear. The plant looks unhealthy and does not bloom. Appears a large number of loose shoots, the tops may begin to rot.

What to do. Stop eating yourself and stop stuffing the innocent flower. This is a succulent, it is used to living in very harsh conditions. And you give him fertilizer!

Normally, you need to reduce the dose of microelements recommended by the manufacturer by 2 times. Then all this goodness will be useful. Too much is always harmful. Have you ever seen fat people bursting with health? There are no such things. So why should it be any different with Kalanchoe? Always think before you pour mineral water into your irrigation water.

Advice. To avoid mistakes, use long-lasting fertilizers. Simply place the tablet or granule in the pot. Kalanchoe itself will take as much food as it needs during the next watering.


Signs. Leaf blades change pigmentation throughout the plant, sticky spots and small dots appear. Then they grow.

What to do. Open eyes. After all, it is very difficult not to notice uninvited guests on the leaves of Kalanchoe. Insects are very clearly visible to the naked eye, especially on the underside of the leaves.

Immediately treat the victim with any systemic insecticide. Just be sure to look for the phrase “approved for indoor plants” on the packaging. And strictly follow the dosage.

It is advisable to quarantine the Kalanchoe for a while so that other flowers do not become infected. If necessary, the treatment is repeated again after about 7-10 days.


Overwatering or too cold air often lead to various diseases. As a rule, owners realize this too late.

Signs. The leaves turn yellow very quickly, then become covered with a bluish coating. Or whitish fluff. The plant withers and then dies.

What to do. Of course, you can try to save the Kalanchoe by spraying it with a fungicide. But even if it recovers, it will look very unpresentable. What beauty is there in a long, bald stem with a bunch of crooked, misshapen leaves at the top? Still not a palm tree.

There is only one way out of this situation. You will have to cut as many healthy cuttings as possible to try to root them and grow a new Kalanchoe. As a rule, there are no problems with this; the shoots very quickly gain strength, build up the root system and begin to grow.

And there is no need to grieve over the loss. In any situation you need to be able to see your advantages. But you will have a lot of young people healthy plants instead of one sick and shabby poor guy.

Now you know why Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow. What to do? - also aware. Therefore, you can provide your pet with decent living conditions at home and without yellowing. And he will thank you with lush green foliage and fabulous flowering.

Video: secrets of caring and growing Kalanchoe

Why do Kalanchoe leaves curl? Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off? The problem lies in the conditions under which the plant is kept. In addition, Kalanchoe can be affected by pests such as powdery mildew, spider mite, scale insect. Rot is often found on the roots of Kalanchoe. So, how to recognize Kalanchoe diseases and treat them effectively? What to do if there is Kalanchoe on the leaves white coating And brown spots? What are the soft ones talking about? Kalanchoe leaves? Recommendations from specialists, photos of diseases and effective treatment plants.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, dry and wither?

Why and what to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither and fall off? How to treat Kalanchoe if the plant's leaves dry out and turn yellow? Kalanchoe leaves often indicate improper care of the plant. Below you can consider common diseases of this flower. Experts will tell you how to treat Kalanchoe.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither? Reasons: abundant watering combined with low temperature. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant has been replanted with a complete replacement of the soil. Kalanchoe leaves wither if the volume of the pot, and therefore the soil, was significantly increased during replanting. In all of the above cases, the root system of the flower suffers.

Kalanchoe leaves wither if the soil in the pot does not have time to dry between waterings, plus the temperature is low. Optimal temperature regime for the plant +18...+25 degrees. In such cases, watering is carried out after the soil has dried to half the pot. Some “drying” of the plant will benefit it. If the temperature drops to +17 degrees or lower, the plant enters a period of rest. The life processes of the flower slow down, including the amount of moisture consumed. Now between waterings the soil in the pot should dry halfway. At low temperatures, excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. Damaged roots can no longer absorb moisture, and therefore Kalanchoe leaves wither even in moist soil.

What to do? First you need to let the soil in the pot dry. The next watering is carried out when the soil dries to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to add 1 drop of cycron per 1 liter of water to water for irrigation. Be sure to provide the plant with artificial lighting (phytolamp, Fluorescent Lamp cold light). Summer Kalanchoe is best placed on windows on the east or west side of the house with shading from direct sunlight.

To be sure, you can remove the plant from the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball and inspect the roots for rot. Rotten roots are flabby and Brown. Healthy roots are elastic and light. Rotten roots are removed and the plant is returned to the ground. In this case, you need to reduce the volume of the pot. The size of the latter must correspond to the size of the root system. In a large pot, the roots may rot back. After replanting, the air humidity around the Kalanchoe is increased (spraying, placing a container of water near the pot). Watering is poor, bright, diffused light.

Limp leaves of Kalanchoe after transplantation indicate a violation of the root system. Like any plant, Kalanchoe does not like it when the integrity of the earthen coma is violated during transplantation. In such cases, the smallest roots, which participate in the process of nutrition and moisture absorption of the plant, suffer. When completely replacing the soil, it is very easy to tear off these small roots, but they are not restored immediately. That is why replanting with a complete replacement of the soil is also called a rough replanting and is resorted to only in the most extreme cases, for example, when the roots of a Kalanchoe rot. In all other cases, replanting is carried out by careful transshipment or is limited to replacing the top layer of old soil with a new substrate.

Very often, during transplantation, the volume of the pot is significantly increased. After which the Kalanchoe leaves wither. The explanation is simple: there is soil in a large pot that is not occupied by the roots of the flower. An excess of moisture accumulates in this soil and between waterings the excess soil does not have time to dry out, which leads to waterlogging of the plant and rotting of its root system.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither after a rough transplant or a significant increase in the volume of the pot? It is necessary to normalize watering. The lower the temperature, the less often the plant is watered. Zykron is added to the water for irrigation (every two waterings on the third). Increase air humidity around the flower. Provide bright but diffused light. In winter - artificial lighting, in summer - windows on the east or west side with shading from direct sunlight.

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Kalanchoe lays buds for flowering only in conditions favorable for this. Firstly, the plant needs winter rest. To do this, it is placed in that part of the room where there is a lot of light in winter. This is the main condition. Without lighting, Kalanchoe does not set buds and does not bloom. The second condition is a low temperature of +16 degrees, no higher. The third condition is very infrequent watering, in which the lump of earth is kept dry without the plant drying out. The fourth condition is regular feeding during the period of intensive growth and development of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe leaves have black spots. They look like small warts and protrude slightly above the surface of the leaf blade. Similar black spots on Kalanchoe leaves are the result of waterlogging of the soil and the simultaneous action of cold air currents. Ways to eliminate the problem - it is necessary to prevent cold air flows from entering the flower and moderate watering.

Silvery spots on Kalanchoe leaves in the form of streaks. What to do with Kalanchoe leaves? The leaves of Kalanchoe were affected by a disease - thrips. They appear on the plant in dry air, lay eggs in the leaf tissue, which gives rise to a characteristic pattern. Plant larvae also live in the thickness of the leaf. That is why the spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe gradually increase in size.

How to treat Kalanchoe leaf disease? In this case, contact medications will not help. Systemic treatment with Aktara or Confidor is required. It is necessary to spray and shed the soil with preparations not only on the affected plant, but also on all the flowers in the apartment or house, since thrips easily move through the air and easily infect other plants. For spraying, you need to dissolve 4 g of Aktara in 5 liters of water. For irrigation, the concentration of the solution is reduced, 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of liquid. The treatment is carried out 4 times. Treatment interval is 7-10 days. The higher the temperature of the plants, the more often they are sprayed and watered with Aktara solution.

Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow and dry. If these lower leaves and the plant have not been rejuvenated for a long time (the plant is more than three years old and it has not been re-rooted with apical cuttings), there is nothing to worry about. Kalanchoe's lower leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off due to their aging. Recommendations from experts - in the spring it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant by re-rooting it with apical cuttings.

If the young leaves of Kalanchoe turn yellow and dry out. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of keeping the flower. Thus, Kalanchoe leaves dry and fall off in the middle of the crown in winter if the flower is placed near heating devices. Hot air currents from the battery dry out the plant, its leaves turn yellow along the edges. The problem can be solved by increasing air humidity. Next to the pot with Kalanchoe, place a container filled with water or wet expanded clay. As water evaporates, it will increase the humidity of the air.

Kalanchoe leaves wither if the plant is overcooled or if it is periodically exposed to cold air. In some cases, spots appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe dark brown. Such leaves of Kalanchoe fall off over time. Dark brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe are dropsy, which appear when the soil in the pot is excessively moistened and parallel to the currents of cold air acting on the plant. These spots also appear if Kalanchoe leaves come into contact with cold glass or the plant is frostbitten during transportation.

What to do if Kalanchoe leaves wither and are covered with raised, dark brown spots called dropsy? Normalize the conditions of detention, namely, the temperature in winter should be within +16...+18 degrees. Do not allow cold air to reach the plants. For example. from an open window. Watering is carried out very sparingly. The soil in the pot should dry completely between waterings. This can be easily determined by the weight of the pot. Dry soil is light. It is necessary to water rarely, but abundantly. so that the soil in the pot is completely wet. Excess moisture from the pan after watering is immediately removed. It is recommended to water Kalanchoe with settled water heated to +35 degrees.

Brown spots have appeared on the stem of the Kalanchoe, and in some places the stem is covered with a gray coating. At the same time, the flower continues to grow. Reason: waterlogging of the soil. As a result, the stem became corked due to unfavorable conditions. Ways to eliminate the problem: moderate watering, do not spray for a while.