What is better, Roman blinds or roller blinds? The difference between Roman blinds and roller blinds Where are such blinds used?

When replacing old windows with new ones, many people are faced with the problem of decent window decoration. The traditional option with curtains and tulle does not always fit into modern interior, and if you take into account the living area small apartments, then here the expense goes to extra centimeters, which you don’t really want to give up for such a voluminous decor. If there are children or pets in the house, expensive curtains will quickly become unusable, so the solution would be modern blinds or roller blinds.

Before purchasing this or that device, you should understand some important details, helping to make an informed choice, understand what is best and avoid disappointments later.

Types of blinds

Just 5–10 years ago, window blinds seemed like something outlandish and incomprehensible. Now, of course, such a spectacle will not surprise anyone; on the contrary, ordinary aluminum blinds white are becoming an outdated, more “office” option.

Models of “non-boring” blinds will help you avoid monotony: multi-colored, natural wood or bamboo, multi-textured, with a printed pattern or photograph.

Blinds are divided according to the following characteristics.

By location:

According to the material:

  • aluminum;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • fabric.

By mounting method:

  • attic;
  • interframe;
  • protective roller shutters.

Decorative types:

  • Roman curtains;
  • multi-textured;

  • pleated;

Having chosen the main purpose of the blinds and their location, you can narrow the search to two or three models. Here it should be taken into account that the choice of material will be a priority: traditionally metal ones are considered the most durable, but natural wooden blinds are luxury option, ideal for any interior style. Plastic ones do not have any special strength characteristics, but are easy to care for and relatively inexpensive. A new product that confidently occupies a leading position is fabric blinds.

Advantages and disadvantages of blinds

First of all, I would especially like to note that ideal option for all occasions simply does not exist. With proper care and operation, as well as with proper execution and installation, even inexpensive plastic blinds can perform their functions for a long time and correctly.

If handled carelessly, even protective roller blinds will eventually begin to act up and fail.

Positive sides

  • Space saving, which is always and everywhere missing. Blinds on windows practically do not take up space and do not interfere with opening/closing windows or the arrangement of potted flowers and other objects.
  • Light protection- direct “responsibility” window blinds, which they cope with perfectly, regardless of the material made, color and texture. By adjusting the angle of the slats, you can partially darken the room or leave the same lighting, but without bright sunlight.
  • Versatility: They have not yet come up with a window on which installing blinds would be impossible. Dormer windows can be easily equipped with these convenient devices, the ability to install blinds into the window frame will allow you to comfortably use them for inclined windows. Additional equipment with electric drive and remote control will make the daily task of regulating lighting easy and quick.
  • Decorative value blinds are not entirely appreciated, the most attractive in this regard will be photo blinds and the so-called multi-textured ones - a combination of slats of different textures and colors, creating an absolutely unforgettable sight.
  • Durability this design achieves warranty period plastic window services. There have been cases of irreparable damage to blinds, but this requires special “try” and considerable effort.
  • Easy to care for. Caring for the structure does not cause any problems: metal blinds can be washed with a sponge along with the windows, wooden ones just need to be wiped with a damp cloth, and for fabric ones regular dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is ideal.

There are many advantages to such designs, but there are also a number of inconveniences when using them.

Negative sides

  • Metal blinds can heat up in the sun, while wooden blinds can lose their original color, so they are not placed in places that are too lit.
  • Manufacturers plastic blinds sometimes they sin with poor quality PVC material, so always ask for a product certificate.
  • The disadvantages of wooden ones can be considered the relatively high cost, which is not always justified.
  • Usage wooden blinds undesirable in bathrooms and kitchen areas. Despite the stated characteristics, over time appearance will worsen significantly. Plastic varieties are also very susceptible to temperature effects, including deformation and destruction.

IN Lately blinds have a serious competitor - roller blinds. What is it and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using such mechanisms, we will consider further.

What are roller blinds?

Roller blinds by and large, this is a fabric type of blinds, but without separate strips of slats, but as a continuous fabric. With their diversity, these devices have long carved out a separate niche for themselves in the window decoration segment. The lifting/lowering mechanism is slightly similar to the traditional one and assumes the possibility of rigid fastening with the window frame, and can be equipped with automatic equipment “for the lazy”. An exception is that the curtain is wound at the top onto a special shaft, which can be additionally closed with a decorative protective box.

The difference, in addition to the obvious - the material used, will be a greater degree of decoration of the premises, as well as characteristics care and operation.


It’s just like in a fairy tale: not a word to say, and so on. It is best to choose roller blinds visually from the catalogue. One can only envy and be surprised at the variety of colors and textures of the fabric: it seems that they appeared here not so long ago, but they have already come up with so many things.

Problems aside color solutions(everyone has individual preferences anyway), then the easiest way to choose roller blinds is to start with the design itself.

Types of roller blind designs:

It would be useful to learn about the advantages and possible disadvantages of using these types of window curtains.


  • Simplicity of operation and ease of maintenance deservedly make this type of window decoration a modern analogue of all traditional types window decoration, including balcony windows.
  • It has become possible to purchase “mirror” curtains, the surface of which is capable of reflecting the sun’s rays thanks to special impregnations. This way you can significantly save on room air conditioning, not to mention the safety of using this method.
  • Possibility to fix the raising of the curtain at any level.
  • Can be used in combination with traditional tulle and curtains without compromising the stylistic direction.
  • If desired, any drawing or photograph can be applied to the fabric.
  • Special impregnations will give the curtains improved characteristics, up to the possibility wet cleaning.

Of course, nothing is perfect and roller blinds are no exception.


  • There is no way to adjust the lighting, as is the case with conventional blinds. Also, to completely darken the room, it is better to find another option.
  • Not everyone likes the simplicity of this interior design option. It's up to you to decide here, of course, but at least modern design These curtains fit well.
  • The quality of the fittings and the fabric itself does not always inspire confidence in the durability of the structure. Everything will depend on the manufacturer, so before purchasing it is better to find out more about such devices, see them in action, and only then choose the right one.
  • Many are put off by the need to carefully care for the surface of the curtains, the impossibility of wet cleaning and the dubious durability of this option. In this case, one should not forget about the much more painstaking and problematic care of traditional curtains and tulle, the service life of which is in no way comparable to roller options.

It will be a little difficult to choose an unambiguous design project for a window opening, because first of all, everything depends on individual preferences and financial opportunities everyone. If everything with cost can be resolved faster by choosing the best option for the price, then individual preferences are a purely personal matter for everyone.

You can also expand the “search zone” by including another quite worthy “candidate”: the Roman blind:

Roman blinds: pros and cons

The principle of operation of Roman blinds is similar to roller blinds, with the exception that the Roman variety is not rolled up onto a shaft, but is simply draped in aesthetically attractive folds.

The origin of this method of window decoration is lost over the centuries, but in the most commonly found information, they first appeared in Ancient Rome (hence the name). But the Roman blind owes its widespread popularity to Sweden, where they revived the ancient Roman method, making some improvements.

On the video there is a selection of photos of Roman blinds:

The advantages of using Roman blinds are:

  • exceptional simplicity of design, which you can make yourself;
  • light weight and the ability to install on a window of minimal dimensions;
  • the ability to choose fabric colors from a variety of possible ones;
  • special impregnations of the fabric give additional functions and increase durability;
  • ability to wash curtains when heavily soiled.

Disadvantages of Roman blinds:

  • exclusively manual control;
  • it is impossible to move the curtain aside for a quick “peeping out”, you need to raise/lower the entire curtain.

After analyzing the assortment of available stores and familiarizing yourself with the latest interior fashion, you can safely purchase your favorite window decor option!

Roman blinds on plastic windows– a popular solution for window decoration and an ideal alternative to drapes and curtains. The canvases look beautiful in any interior - from classic to minimalist or modern. In our catalog you will find photo Roman blinds that will harmoniously complement the design of the room and create the desired level of illumination in it.

Roman blinds for windows

Roman blinds are the simplest sun protection system, which began to be used in the Roman Empire. Today they are popular for the simplicity of the control mechanism and laconic cut. The canvases are made in different options, but unites them general method management. It assumes that the curtain is raised and gathered into horizontal folds with a chain or cord. The canvas can be fixed at a certain height, and then lowered, straightening it into an even curtain.

In our company you can buy custom-made Roman blinds in the following varieties:

  • Classic: them distinctive feature– in even and smooth fabrics that, when opened, form horizontal folds that overlap each other. This is the simplest design in appearance that will harmonize with any interior;
  • Cascading: such curtains will have folds, even if they are fully open. Folds in the form of a cascade descend along the canvas, thereby creating beautiful draperies. Cascading models are chosen to decorate rooms in unusual styles - art deco or country.

For window decoration non-standard shape, for example, arched or attic, curtains with a figured frame are well suited. The figured bottom is an emphasis on the details of the canvas. Thanks to the unique design of the lower edge, the curtain looks original, especially if decorated with fringe or glass beads.

Mounting features

The peculiarity of Roman blinds is their simple design. In fact, it is a solid fabric that can provide effective protection of the room from light. Roman blinds on plastic windows are attached to the opening, so they do not take up usable area what is important for small premises. Installation is possible on window sashes or on all window opening– the choice depends on whether you need to leave the window sill open.

With the help of Roman blinds you can level out the shortcomings of a window opening. There are several options for mounting them:

  • a special cornice that comes with the canvases;
  • mini cornice, which is suitable for attaching light straight curtains, is attached to the frame;
  • classic cornice is standard option for curtains 1.5 m wide and 1.8 m long;
  • skos cornice is used when decorating windows irregular shape, for example, with a slope.

Small curtains can be attached to the window, but heavy curtains require more serious fixation. Most often it is performed towards the ceiling.

When should you choose Roman blinds for windows?

Roman blinds for plastic windows are practical and functional. They look beautiful in any interior. But some rooms exclude the possibility of using long curtains, and Roman blinds become a win-win option. Most often, you cannot do without such canvases if a window or window sill needs to be left free.

Roman blinds for the kitchen are a good touch to complement the interior, especially if there is a soft corner, sink or stove next to the window. Thanks to special impregnation with dust-moisture repellent agents, the fabrics do not absorb odors, moisture, and are also easy to clean.

Design and control

Our company offers to order Roman blinds in Moscow. Their design is based on a rectangular fabric. To sew them, impregnated fabrics or ordinary curtain fabric are used. Decorative effect The fabric depends on the height of the folds, and rod-bars are responsible for their fixation. The bottom bar is needed to ensure that the curtain looks neat when open.

The canvases are attached to the cornice, raised by a chain or rope mechanism and lowered by the same mechanism. Curtains can be fixed to required height. The opening mode is such that the canvas does not rise to the very top. Approximately 25-40 cm of fabric is always lowered from the cornice. When fully lowered, the canvas will extend all the way to the window sill. A special feature of Roman blinds is that they have slats that are inserted into the fabric every 30-40 cm. Thanks to them, the folds are fixed and look smooth and neat.

Advantages of Roman blinds

Roman blinds look beautiful in the interior of any room - kitchen, bedroom or living room. The following factors speak in favor of choosing curtains of this type:

  • An ideal combination with classic sliding curtains;
  • Harmony with the interior of any style;
  • Compact dimensions thanks to the lifting mechanism;
  • Options for mounting on a window, ceiling, window opening;
  • Convenient and easy to care for (easy to clean or wash).

Equally important is that curtains are available in a variety of designs and sizes. Thanks to this, they can be used in rooms of any functionality. The only drawback of the designs is that the window can only be opened when the curtain is raised.

Roman blinds Moscow

You can order Roman blinds in Moscow from our company. We offer ready-made canvases or custom-made individual orders. Production time – 3 days. When sewing to order, you will receive inexpensive Roman blinds that will match the dimensions of the window and the style of the room. Our specialist will come and take all measurements free of charge, and also familiarize you with fabric catalogs and design samples. Our Roman blinds store provides a five-year guarantee on all products offered.

You can't ignore it. Both types of curtains are practical, functional, and flexible in use. They go well with traditional curtains, are easy to install and require little maintenance. There is usually only one question: what is the difference from roll ones. It is believed that the only difference is in the name. This is wrong. Before us are two independent species blinds type curtains.

Roman curtains

Fabric draperies on windows from the sun appeared in the era Ancient Rome and entered the mid-20th century as . The first samples were a rectangular panel with rings attached to them. A ribbon was pulled through them to regulate the length of the fabric falling onto the window.

IN modern curtains the operating mechanism has been improved and expanded design solutions. The classic Roman blind design includes:

  • Rectangular fabric;
  • Horizontal drawstrings on the wrong side (“pockets”);
  • Semi-rigid/rigid rods - inserted into drawstrings to form even folds;
  • Weighting agents in the form of a metal/plastic strip - inserted into the pocket of the lower edge for even tension of the canvas.

High-quality Roman blinds are made exclusively from natural fabrics. The curtain is attached to lifting mechanism. Control occurs with the help of cords (cords) stretched into the fastenings of the panel. The simple and reliable mechanism rarely breaks down and can be easily repaired if it fails. Not suitable for heavy fabrics.

The chain mechanism could be considered a universal control if not for the width restrictions. It is used for window openings up to 3.5 meters wide. IN public spaces, private houses, apartments with complex installation of Roman blinds is used automatic control. The system is mounted in .

The lineup

"Roman" classics. This is a traditional rod design. When raised, the folds are beautifully stacked on top of each other; when open, the curtain does not form wrinkles. The fabric is completely leveled and reliably protects the room from bright light. Pairs perfectly with regular fabric curtains.

"Sagging" folds. The system is frameless (no rods), which gives free tails with sagging when the curtain is raised. They bring comfort and a sense of regularity to the interior. When opened, it is a straight canvas. Very impressive when half opened.

Cascading curtains. The folds are preserved in the unfolded state, while they form a spectacular cascade of drapery. Are used thick fabrics or several layers of the same material. They look solemn and even pompous.

Roman blinds will transform a window only if they are executed flawlessly. With the strictness and simplicity of the lines of this type of blinds, any mistake in design or sewing will “hurt” the eye.

They are roller blinds, they are blinds, they are leaders in consumer demand. They amaze you with the richness of their assortment in designs, sizes, materials and textures, colors and functionality. The canvas is wound into a roll when closed, hence the name.

The roll is hidden in a box or freely placed at the mounting location (wall above the window, ceiling, window opening). The canvas is soaked protective composition, so roller blinds are not at all burdensome to maintain.


  • a rectangular sheet with a weighting agent along the bottom (inserted into the folded edge);
  • control mechanism - chain, cane, cord;
  • an open shaft for winding fabric or a cassette with a closed type;
  • strings or rigid guides that hold the sides parallel to the glass.

It is in this category that you can find a day/night system, light-absorbing blackout, light-diffusing or reflective curtains. A very wide variety of fabrics, colors and textures. And five price segments, allowing you to bring together aesthetic needs and financial capabilities.


So what is the difference between Roman and roller blinds? In the details of the device and the mechanism of operation.

  1. Climb. Roman blinds have a single system: the cornice works together with shafts, ropes and braid. The system is driven by pulleys and is closely connected by pockets to the fabric.
  2. Rolling up the material. The Roman blind is folded under the cornice, and the roller blinds are rolled up.
  3. Availability of auxiliary parts. In roller blinds these are guides or strings. The construction of Roman blinds is more complicated - rods, cords, and metal/plastic inserts are used.
  4. Material. Roman blinds use textile fabrics (so they can be washed). Sometimes the canvas is treated with dust-repellent compounds. For roller blinds, natural fabrics are rare. Mainly used with good treatment with protective compounds.

And the last thing is prices. Roll systems are more represented budget options. Roman blinds, due to their more complex design and high status, will cost more.

Roman or roll - what to choose

Personal preferences and financial capabilities mean a lot, but you need to have good taste so that the curtains fit into the interior. Both roller blinds and Roman blinds will look stylish only if they are selected taking into account several nuances.

  1. In the kitchen. The room is characterized by high humidity and is filled with culinary “fumes” from cooking. Here it is better to opt for rolled samples with good protective impregnation.
  2. Living room, dining room. Natural textured fabrics and beautiful tails/folds of Roman blinds “ask” here. With this design, the room acquires gloss and a pronounced style accent.
  3. Children bedroom. In addition to the beautiful design of the curtains, what is required here is reliable protection from light and sun. Roller window systems can cope better with this range of tasks.

Many people dream that the windows in their apartments or houses evoke associations with the palaces of great empires. Custom-made Roman blinds will help you realize such dreams. All you need is to choose the palette, width and design of these room decoration elements.

Design features of Roman blinds

Before ordering Roman blinds, you need to study their features and advantages. Such decoration elements look like vertical stripes fabrics that, when unfolded, completely cover the windows and protect the room from sunlight. When lifted, they form beautiful horizontal folds that are secured at the top window frames. Thanks to this, these curtains, when fully folded, take up little space.

On the other hand, there are special rods with rings through which the cords are threaded, and at the bottom of the canvas there is a weighting strip. This design ensures good tension and the formation of equal waves when folded. You can buy Roman blinds with a special chain or remote control, with which you can adjust their lift level. Such curtains are attached to special curtain rods with a lifting mechanism.

Based on the design style, curtains from Rome can be single-strip (a separate fabric for each window) or multi-strip (made from several pieces of fabric). The fabrics from which such curtains are made must have sufficient density and rigidity so that they do not sag, holding the fabric in large folds.

If you want to buy Roman blinds inexpensively, you need to decide on their light transmittance. There are transparent, translucent, opaque and completely opaque curtains.

Varieties of Roman blinds

The price of custom-made Roman blinds depends on their purpose. So, these window curtains are intended:

  • For kitchen. This type curtains are an excellent solution for decorating a kitchen area. Soft horizontal pleats provide an elegant appearance. Curtains are ideal for dining areas various colors, patterns, light transmission. The fabrics from which Roman blinds are made have unique dust- and moisture-repellent properties, which is very important for the kitchen. Thanks to their excellent sun protection, these curtains are not only elegant, but also practical.
  • For the living room. Curtains from Rome are a very popular element for decorating windows in the living room. A huge variety of models will help you choose the best option for a specific interior style. In the living room, these curtains perform a darkening function.
  • For the bedroom. Homeowners always want to create in the bedroom cozy atmosphere so that your holiday can be as relaxing as possible. Textiles play an important role in the design of a bedroom. Bedroom curtains should provide a sense of harmony and also protect the room from light. That's why the best option Roman blinds are used in the bedroom.
  • For children's. The mood and style of rooms for boys and girls have significant differences. Thanks to the huge variety of models, Roman blinds will be an excellent solution for decorating windows in children's rooms.

Buying Roman blinds in Moscow

You can buy Roman blinds inexpensively from the Shtorki Online company. There is a wide range of these textile products that differ in design, style, and materials of manufacture.

What is the difference between Roman blinds and roller blinds?


Roman blinds are very similar to roller blinds, at least for ordinary person. They are distinguished by almost identical mounting and appearance when they are placed on the window. Both options can be fixed both inside and outside the window opening, including on the ceiling. But at the same time they need to indoor installation perfectly flat surface.

But installing it outside the window so that it covers part of the walls can help hide traces of recent renovations and exposed visual defects. Moreover, both types of curtains are practical, easy to maintain and can be quickly dismantled.

Main differences

Roman blinds differ from roller blinds in details, in particular in:

  • Features of the lifting mechanism. For Roman blinds, one-time and correct work all parts so that the curtain rod works well together with the control ropes, braid and lifting shafts. The entire system is connected to the fabric and driven by pulleys.
  • In removing fabric. As a result of the operation of the mechanism described above, the Roman blind, unlike roller blinds, when rising, does not hide in a special box, but folds up like a drapery.
  • Quantity internal parts. There are many additional special inserts inside Roman blinds; they are necessary for correct and equal draping of the fabric.
  • Control method. The curtain can be finely controlled using special ropes. With a slight pull, you can open or completely close the opening, creating the necessary twilight in the room and protecting it from excess light.

Where are these curtains used?

Roman blinds, like roller blinds, have gained great popularity and are often used in designs various interiors. This is how they are installed:

  • In the kitchens. There they are especially convenient if flowers are placed on the windowsill and classic curtains or tulle will get in the way a lot.
  • In the bathrooms. If they have a window, then fabric curtains will be impractical, but roller blinds or Roman blinds will fit optimally and complement the interior.
  • On the balconies. In the case of large open spaces, such products will perfectly protect from excess sun by covering the windows.