Impeccable cleanliness: the best way to wash an acrylic bathtub at home. How to clean an acrylic bathtub How to clean an acrylic bathtub from plaque

Acrylic bathtubs are in great demand due to their hygiene and lack of corrosion on their surface. But acrylic has its drawbacks, primarily the requirement for careful care. How to clean acrylic bath at home, worries many housewives. Caring for it can be called a whole science. If you take care of your bathroom correctly, it will delight you with its snow-white color long term.

Cleaning products for acrylic bathtubs

Detergents for cast iron will not work here. You should not choose a cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs that contains:

  • acetone;
  • chlorine;
  • ammonia;
  • formic acid or any other.

Acrylic tanks cannot be washed with boiling water or products containing ammonia, formaldehyde and other corrosive elements. This will damage the surface, and restoring it is quite expensive. You need to choose high-quality products that will be completely safe for the surface, while cleaning it quickly and easily.

Let's consider which reliable detergent you can choose and why:

Now you know how to clean an acrylic surface, but how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is also worth finding out.

Using detergents

They must be used strictly following the instructions. With abrasives, everything is simple - apply and wash until the bathtub finally shines. But gentle gels are usually used as follows::

  • apply the gel to the entire surface with a sponge or use a spray bottle;
  • time for ten minutes - usually this is enough to have an impact, but look at the instructions first;
  • wash off the dirt along with the gel with jets warm water and a sponge;
  • To be safe, rinse the bathtub again and wipe it dry.

Features of care

Such baths require careful treatment. For example, you should not wash them more than twice a week with acrylic bathtub cleaner. After each use, you need to rinse the walls with water and wipe with a sponge. Several times a week you need to wipe with soapy water and then wipe dry with a dry soft cloth.

Not even a drop of water should remain, then the washing tank will not become covered with a yellow coating. But this material is not subject to corrosion - this is a definite plus. If plaque does form, it should be washed off with other cleaning agents.

Folk remedies

They will cost you less, and besides, you will not doubt their composition. Therefore, many housewives resort to this type of care for their acrylic bathtub at home.

Cleaning the bathtub is very simple using regular wine vinegar, diluting it with water. The mixture is safe, but its effect is no worse than that of expensive drugs. But this composition only copes with soap stains; if the surface has already turned yellow, then try another option:

  • fill the bath warm water;
  • pour in one and a half liters of vinegar and leave overnight;
  • rinse with water, wash the surface with a sponge.

Often, rusty stains from flowing water remain on the side of the bathtub. Acrylic does not rust; plaque remains from the running faucet, so its condition must be monitored and changed in a timely manner. It's easier than getting rid of rust. But if it was not possible to prevent its occurrence in time, then you can also resort to traditional methods. For example, the following rust remover will help::

  • Dilute citric acid in a glass of water and pour into a filled container;
  • after ten minutes, drain the water;
  • Rinse the surface with a sponge and wipe.

City water contains rust and various salts, because of this, the bath often turns yellow. Another effective method To combat yellowness, use table vinegar paired with oxalic acid. Warm the water slightly and add these two components to it. Wipe with this mixture yellow spots, wash them off after ten to twenty minutes.

Prevention and disinfection

If the acrylic is high quality, it can last thirty years while remaining looking like new. But this effect will only occur with careful use. It is not allowed in an acrylic container.:

If you follow a weekly washing schedule and avoid damage, she will be fine. Before installation new bath plumbers advise changing and water pipes to avoid the appearance of yellow is worn. And although the smooth surface is not susceptible to corrosion and attacks of fungal diseases, disinfection must be carried out once a year.

How is disinfection carried out?

For disinfection, you can use the Czech product Ravak Disinfectant, which is distinguished by its quality and safety. This way you will have no doubt that the container is disinfected and you can bathe in it yourself or bathe small children there. The product is very easy to use:

  • fill the reservoir with water;
  • dilute part of the product in ten parts of water and pour into the collected water;
  • leave for ten minutes, remembering to stir;
  • wash away clean water, helping yourself with a soft sponge.

The product is economical in consumption, because frequent disinfection of the acrylic surface is not required. But with its help you can treat the entire bathroom. The main rule is to dilute it generously with water!

Of course, you will have to use trial and error to find the only cleaning product that will completely suit you in terms of quality and safety, and will not repel you with an unpleasant pungent odor. But if it is not possible to buy expensive bottles of chemicals, you can always resort to traditional methods, which are also famous for their effectiveness.

Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, directly related to its composition. Optimal composition it is simply impossible to name. The main thing is not to forget to make sure that the composition does not contain acids, ammonia and chlorine, which are contraindicated for acrylic surfaces.

If you regularly keep your bathroom clean, then no plaque or rust will form there. After all, bathing in a snow-white container is much more pleasant than in a yellow and unkempt bath. Therefore, twice a week, always pay attention to the surface of the acrylic, rinsing it with jets of water and a sponge, and then wiping off any remaining droplets.

Attention, TODAY only!

Acrylic bathtubs are more common on sale today than products made of cast iron or steel. Light weight and relatively low cost make them popular among buyers. But at the same time, acrylic is a rather capricious material that requires careful and careful care.

Standard contaminants

Modern acrylic has dirt-repellent properties. But in the process of active use by household members, sooner or later, the bathroom “overgrows” with stains, it appearance and hygiene are significantly deteriorated. Therefore, many housewives are thinking about the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home?

The most common contaminations for such products are the following:

  • yellowness. In principle, it is not scary for acrylic and is not its enemy, as, for example, for a bathtub made of cast iron or steel. However, acrylic is not immune from its appearance. The most common cause of yellowness is poor quality water from the tap;
  • limescale and deposits. Salts various metals contained in tap water, over time settle on the surface of the bathroom, forming limescale;
  • other spots that may appear during the operation of the product. This is contamination from hair dye or other dyes. Protective upper layer and the smooth surface of acrylic practically does not deeply absorb such contaminants. Therefore, it is possible to wash an acrylic bathtub from such troubles with any special means.

Prohibited tricks

Before you start cleaning such products, it is important to understand what should not be used in such work. The following tools and available materials are considered undesirable:

  • Abrasive detergents are powders containing crystals. They can scratch the sensitive surface, which will not only ruin the appearance of the product, but will become a breeding ground for bacteria that can easily penetrate microcracks. In addition, the shine will leave the surface of the acrylic, it will become dull and unsightly. Abrasives include not only purchased products, but also improvised ones. For example, baking soda or citric acid undiluted in water, tooth powder, etc.;
  • chlorine or products containing it. Under its influence, the acrylic surface may darken and swell, and pores will appear on it due to the destruction of the polymer structure. The same applies to substances such as ammonia, acetone and various formaldehydes;
  • hard brushes, sponges, washcloths. An ideal alternative to such items is a soft cloth;
  • very hot water. It is no less dangerous for the acrylic surface than acetone or solvent. Under influence high temperature The surface of the bath may become deformed.

Methods for certain types of pollution

Before using any removal product various kinds contamination (purchased or popular), it is necessary to test it in an area hidden from prying eyes. This way it will be possible to preserve the appearance of the product, in case the cleaning composition is too aggressive.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub if it is not possible to purchase commercial cleaners? The most common and universal remedy– regular menthol toothpaste. The composition is applied to dirty areas using a soft toothbrush and gently rubbed into the surface. After this, wash off with clean water.


Rust stains from the surface of acrylic can be removed in several traditional ways. For example:

  • soap solution and baking soda. Dissolve one teaspoon of liquid soap or two teaspoons of laundry soap shavings in 0.5 cups of water. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to the resulting mixture and mix well. Treat dirty areas with a cloth soaked in the product and leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm clean water;
  • A paste of water and baking soda will quickly clean fresh rust stains on an acrylic bathtub. Mix soda with water and wait until the grains swell, becoming a little softer. Apply the mixture to a sponge and gently rub the dirty areas. Rinse with water;
  • Finely ground table salt will remove old rust stains. Sprinkle salt on the stain and gently rub it with a sponge dipped in turpentine. Then wash with warm water and liquid soap.

Important! Any abrasive should be applied to the acrylic surface with extreme caution. Otherwise, you will have to solve another problem: how to remove scratches from the surface of the bathtub.


You can remove yellow stains from an acrylic bath using products that are sold in household chemical stores. They are designed specifically for acrylic coatings. For example, “Akrilan” or “Tim-Profi”. These compounds may lead to original appearance even too neglected plumbing products. Among other things, such products will disinfect the surface. However, you should not abuse them. Too much high efficiency is associated with the high content of various chemical compounds and substances in these products that harm not only the acrylic surface, but also the health of family members. Therefore, it is enough to use them for general cleaning of the bathtub (1-2 times a month).

An acrylic bathtub can be removed from yellowness using folk ways and available components that are used by many housewives. These include:

1. Table salt and wine vinegar. You need to proceed as follows:

  • In a glass container, mix wine vinegar and salt in a ratio of 2:1;
  • heat the resulting solution in the microwave to a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • soak in liquid soft cloth and wipe dirty places;
  • leave for 30 minutes.

Important! Do not overexpose the solution, otherwise it will damage the surface.

2. Citric acid. Dissolve 20 grams of lemon in one glass of water. Spread the resulting composition evenly over the surface of the product with a cloth and leave for 30-40 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water. After this procedure, the bath will acquire its original snow-white color.


Limescale deposits on an acrylic bathtub can be removed with citric acid or vinegar. The bathtub needs to be filled to the top with warm water (35-40 degrees). Pour in 0.5 liters of table vinegar or add 50 grams of lemon. Leave for 12 hours, then drain the water and rinse the bath with clean water. It is better not to use these two remedies at the same time. Vinegar can react with baking soda and corrode the surface.

How to properly care for an acrylic bathtub?

Acrylic can withstand shock loads. However, it will not be difficult to scratch it if handled carelessly. Small cracks are favorite places for dust, bacteria, dirt, as well as metal impurities contained in tap water. Therefore, you should avoid the appearance of such scratches and do not place metal buckets, basins, or pans in an acrylic bathtub. Also, you should not bathe your pets in such a bath. They can scratch the surface with their claws.

The more often acrylic is cleaned, the better for the material itself. Regular care and quick removal of stains will simplify further cleaning of the product and there will be no question of how to wash off stubborn dirt.

After each bath or other use, the bathtub should be rinsed thoroughly with clean water and a mild detergent. This could be liquid soap or dishwashing gel. After such a procedure excess moisture must be wiped with a dry cloth or towel. General cleaning of acrylic surface sanitary product should be carried out at least once a month. To do this, you can use substances that are more aggressive than liquid soap and dish soap. Cleaning gel is applied to inner covering bath, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

To prevent troubles such as lime deposits and yellowing, it is necessary to regularly check the functionality of the taps. Constantly dripping water leaves rusty yellow marks on the surface of the bathroom.

If stubborn stains or microcracks suddenly form on the bathtub, they can be cleaned with sandpaper, then rubbed with liquid acrylic and polished. But without skills, this procedure will not be successful. Therefore, it is better to entrust such a task to specialists.

Acrylic is difficult to clean at first glance. By following the above recommendations, you will be able to keep your bath snow-white and clean for a long time.

In addition to dirt and soap scum, plaque often forms on the bathroom. Its intensity and color depends on the quality tap water. White limescale is caused by an increased concentration of hardness salts, rust is caused by excess iron, and yellowness is caused by the content of chlorine in tap water. The problem of plaque can be solved by proper and regular care with traditional methods or special household chemicals.

Traditional methods of removing dirt and plaque are popular everywhere - many home remedies can actually cope with the problem quickly and without additional financial costs. But it is worth noting that it is easy to remove limescale and yellow deposits using home methods. Rust is much more difficult to remove, and if it is old, you cannot do without household chemicals.

Homemade recipes for limescale

Liquid soap

A common option for everyday product care. Using a soft sponge, treat the bath with the product and rinse with water. This is enough to remove daily dirt and keep the surface clean. You can also wash your acrylic bathtub with washing gel or dish soap.


Table vinegar dissolves lime deposits well. Used alone or in combination with citric acid, salt or soda. The main thing is that in the case of acrylic, do not use it in pure form. 0.5 - 1 liter of 9% vinegar is diluted in a bathtub filled with warm water. Leave for several hours (but no more than 12), after which the solution is drained, and the bath is wiped with a sponge, rinsed with water and wiped dry.

Lemon acid

Powder citric acid It is used in a similar way to vinegar, but it must first be dissolved in warm water. For light whitening you will need 50 g of powder (this is 2 packs of 25 g each), for plaque removal - 100 - 200 g.

It is necessary to dissolve all the crystals so that they do not settle on the bottom of the bathtub. Freshly squeezed lemon juice applied to a sponge can be used to wipe off small yellowed areas.


Washing an acrylic bathtub with soda often causes controversy among professionals and on thematic forums. Baking soda effectively whitens and removes limescale, but as an abrasive substance it is of concern. In order not to harm the acrylic surface, you should soften the abrasive effect of soda: to do this, dissolve it in a bath of warm water and leave for 30 - 60 minutes. Then the solution is drained and the bath is rinsed with water. Another option: dilute baking soda with water to a paste-like consistency, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

Folk remedies for yellowness

Laundry soap

A universal cleaner for all surfaces. Using laundry soap, you can prepare a cleaning gel that effectively removes stubborn dirt and whitens yellowed areas. To do this, grate the soap and dilute it with warm water to a thick, uniform consistency. Add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. soda and mix well until it dissolves, apply with a sponge. The exposure time of the product is from 15 to 60 minutes.

Soda and mustard

Combine soda and mustard powder in equal parts, add warm water and stir until the soda dissolves. The resulting slurry is used to treat rusty and yellow areas and leave for 30 to 60 minutes.

Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Vinegar and peroxide are mixed in a 3:1 ratio and applied with a sponge or spray bottle. After 15 minutes, wipe the treated area with a napkin and rinse with water.


Whitening toothpaste can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub from yellow plaque and fresh traces of dyes (for example, such stains may remain after hair dyeing). Rub the paste into problem areas with your fingers or a sponge, leave to act for several minutes and rinse with water.

Recipes for rust

Salt and lemon juice (vinegar)

Finely ground salt is mixed with the juice of half a lemon or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar until you get a paste. The composition is applied to rusty spots and left for a period of 15 to 60 minutes. You cannot rub the surface with this composition - it is washed off, and the remaining rusty deposits are removed with a sponge.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Solution from equal parts peroxide and ammonia can remove limescale and fresh rust. The action time should not exceed 10 minutes: ammonia in ammonia can harm the acrylic surface.

Special means

Industrial products for acrylic are presented in the form of liquid sprays, creams or gels.

Compositions suitable for acrylic can be found among consumer household chemical products and from manufacturers of branded sanitary ware. Professional products can not only remove stains and old plaque, but also return the bathroom to its original color.

Industrial products active against plaque and dirt of various origins:

Note: It is advisable to test any new product on a small area before use.

How not to handle acrylic

Acrylic - durable polymer material and a bathtub made from it will last a long time if mechanical and chemical damage to the surface is avoided, namely:

  1. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents based on chlorine, concentrated acids and strong alkalis (Domestos, Belizna, Pemolux). Due to chlorine, the bathtub may turn yellow, and caustic substances can destroy the acrylic layer and cause cracks.
  2. Do not use hard brushes or metal scrapers for cleaning - they easily scratch acrylic. Polymers are characterized by a non-porous surface, so when proper care There is nowhere for dirt to accumulate and there is no need for rough cleaning. But when defects appear, dirt easily gets into the damaged areas.

How to remove scratches

If scratches do appear on the bathroom, they can and should be eliminated to avoid further damage to the material. Cracks, chips and defects that form when the surface is corroded by aggressive substances also require restoration.

Acrylic bathtubs are easy to restore, so minor defects can be removed at home. Scratches can be removed fairly quickly:

  • the damaged areas are carefully sanded with sandpaper of different grain sizes (from coarse to fine);
  • A special polishing compound is applied to the cleaned area and treated with a fleece or special cloth in accordance with the instructions.

    Note: Small scratches can be removed with a special polishing pencil for acrylic surfaces.

Serious defects can be eliminated using putty, liquid acrylic and polish. Often such work is entrusted to professionals, but if you wish, you can do it yourself in several stages:

  • Use masking tape to separate defects from undamaged areas;
  • cracks and chips are sealed with starting putty;
  • after the putty layer has dried, the damaged areas are rubbed first with coarse-grained sandpaper, then with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • if small unevenness remains, add a layer of finishing putty and, after it has dried, sand the surface again with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • remove the masking tape and degrease the surface with alcohol;
  • after completely dry After all layers of putty, a special paint is applied to the treated areas (its color is selected in accordance with the shade of the bath);
  • Finally, polish is applied to the dried layer of paint.

For convenience, you can purchase a repair kit for acrylic bathtubs. The standard kit includes polish, a set of sandpaper of different grits and polishing cloth.

Step by step how to remove scratches is described in the video below:

Cleaning your hot tub

If hydromassage equipment is installed in the bathroom, weekly cleaning of the nozzles and regular disinfection of the system will be required. If it gets into the hoses lather, the remaining dirt and organic compounds begin to decompose and cause an unpleasant odor. When water circulates in the system, this dirt ends up in a common tank, which makes the bathing procedure unhygienic.

To fix the problem yourself, you can purchase special disinfectants for hot tubs. The bath is filled with warm water, an antiseptic is added and the hydromassage is started for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the water is drained and the bath is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining disinfectant.

Antibacterial solution Ravak Disinfectant for plumbing and hydromassage systems.

Note: Chrome whirlpool jets can only be cleaned with products designed for chrome surfaces. This should be taken into account when choosing a bath detergent. Otherwise, the chrome elements may darken or become stained.

At least once a year, it is advisable to contact specialists who will professionally disinfect and clean the hydromassage unit - including the filter and water supply system.

Bathroom care

Caring for an acrylic bathtub comes down to preventing persistent contamination and, as in the case of cleaning, not damaging the surface layer. To do this, it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

  • Monitor the serviceability of taps, shower hoses and mixers: leaking plumbing is the main cause of rusty streams.
  • Pay attention to the composition of cleaning products for faucets and shower heads that are mounted above the bathtub container or fixed above its surface. Drops of detergent will certainly fall on the surface of the bathtub and leave stains on it or cause damage to the acrylic layer if the active substance is aggressive.
  • Do not exceed the exposure time of cleaning agents: after a long time, even acrylic-safe compositions can form undesirable reactions. Their most harmless consequences can be stains and discolored areas on the surface of the bathroom.
  • Do not wash or soak laundry in acrylic bathtubs, especially in bleach solutions. Colored clothes may stain the container when washed.
  • Avoid hitting the surface of the bathtub or dropping heavy objects on it.
  • Do not place basins or other containers with hard bottoms or sharp edges in the bathtub.
  • Do not burn the acrylic surface with curling irons or curling irons.
  • Be careful when bathing animals: their claws can scratch the acrylic layer. Therefore, it is better to organize another place for this procedure or lay a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathroom.
  • Do not pour into the bath bowl hot water, especially boiling water - it destroys acrylic, and the thin coating of a low-quality product can even melt. Safe water temperature for cast acrylic bathtubs is up to 80°C, for sandwich structures – from 50 to 70°C (depending on the thickness of the acrylic layer).
  • To restore antibacterial properties acrylic coating periodically disinfect the bathtub with special solutions.

Ideally, it is recommended to wash your acrylic bathtub daily with liquid soap and be sure to wipe the surface dry after each use. But with the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to implement this in practice. Therefore, it is advisable to wipe the bathtub at least once at night and clean it with a suitable product once or twice a week. Additional use of polishes will reduce the frequency of washing the acrylic bath and prolong the effect of the shiny surface.

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Owners of an acrylic bathtub should note that it is very different from its steel or cast iron counterparts and requires compliance with certain rules of care. Before cleaning an acrylic bathtub at home, you need to choose the right product. Otherwise, you can damage the inner coating and say goodbye to the plumbing product forever.

To clean an acrylic bathtub at home, you can use household chemicals. Specialized stores have big choice effective cleaners for acrylic from well-known manufacturers.

Cleaning products that can be used to clean acrylic bathtubs:

  • Acrilan. It helps to quickly get rid of rust spots, mold and limescale. Using this liquid, you can thoroughly wash the product and add shine to the surface of the bathing tank.
  • Rawak. The brand produces products for cleaning, disinfecting and restoring the protective layer of acrylic bathtubs.
  • Chister - composition for quick removal any types of contaminants, consisting of a polymer that protects the product from fungi.
  • Acrylic Polish. Cleaning gels from this company are available for sale, as well as products for restoring and polishing bathtubs.
  • Tim Pro. A safe cleaning product that disinfects surfaces and also removes unpleasant odors, salt deposits and greasy stains.
  • Cif. Available in the form of a spray or cream, suitable for all types of coatings. Since the products do not contain abrasive substances, they can be used to safely wash an acrylic bathtub at home from yellowness, rust, grease and lime.
  • Bon Professional. Good remedy for cleaning acrylic products. During washing, a film is formed that protects the coating from contamination.
  • Bass- liquid composition, which is suitable for daily care of acrylic surfaces.
  • L.O.S. - an expensive but very effective remedy from Amway.
  • Cinderella. Inexpensive and effective spray. However, when using it, you need to wear a respirator, since the product has a characteristic pungent odor.

Having decided which cleaning agent is best to use, you should read the instructions for use.

As a rule, household chemicals are used like this: the liquid is applied to a dirty surface with a sponge, and then left on the surface for 5-20 minutes to act. After this, the product is washed off with water. When using a spray, the product is sprayed, and then left for the time specified in the instructions and washed off. Finally, the clean bath is wiped dry.

Home cleaners

If you wish, you can clean your acrylic bathtub using home remedies. To wash acrylic, only soft sponges or cloth napkins, which are pre-moistened in solutions, can be used. After washing, the surface should be wiped with a dry cloth and treated with polish.

Most effective home remedies:

  • lemon acid;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • toilet or baby soap;
  • non-abrasive toothpaste.

Lemon acid It cleans plaque, grease and other contaminants well, but it cannot be used in its pure form. To clean an acrylic bathtub, you need to fill it ⅔ full with warm water, then pour in 50 g of acid, mix the solution thoroughly and leave overnight. After 12 hours, drain the water, rinse the tank with a stream of water from the shower and wipe the surface with a soft cloth.

For mild stains, you can use apple cider vinegar, but you need to work with it quickly and carefully. It is recommended to generously moisten a rag in the solution, apply it to the stain and pour water on it. You can also do it differently. To do this, you need to fill the bath hot water two-thirds, and then pour 1 liter of vinegar into it and leave the solution overnight. In the morning, drain the water and wipe the surface dry. This cleaning method is effective for heavily soiled areas.

Suitable for removing plaque and breaking down fats baking soda. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. l. baking soda into a plate, fill it with 250 ml of water, and then moisten the soft side of the sponge in the resulting solution and apply the composition to dirty places. After a quarter of an hour, you need to rinse the bath with water and wipe with a cloth. It is prohibited to use undiluted baking soda as it can scratch the acrylic coating.

For effective cleaning Toilet or baby soap can also be used. A small piece of soap (about 15 g) should be grated, dilute the resulting shavings in 500 ml of boiling water and stir until completely dissolved. After this, you need to add 1 tbsp to the soap solution. l. baking soda. Treat the dirty surface with the prepared mixture and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

In addition, acrylic products can be cleaned using toothpaste, which does not contain abrasive particles. Initially, the product is applied to a sponge or napkin, and then the contaminated surface is wiped. Next, the paste is washed off with water and the bath is rubbed until shiny.

Removing rust and limescale

If you regularly rinse and thoroughly clean your bathing tank, it will always have a well-groomed appearance. If care is not taken thoroughly, rust, salt deposits and other stains appear on the surface. You can use home remedies to remove them. The choice of cleaner depends on the type of contamination.

It is recommended to remove limescale deposits using lemon juice . To do this, rub the acrylic surface with a slice of lemon, and rinse off after 10-20 minutes. running water. A thick layer of plaque should be removed by sequential treatment with soda and vinegar solutions. Initially, the surface is treated with a soda solution (100 g per 1 liter of water), and vinegar is applied on top of it (9% table vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio). After 10 minutes, when the chemical reaction stops, the bath is washed with warm water.

A mixture of mustard and regular soda will help remove yellow stains and rust. Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, and then a small amount of warm water is added to the composition to obtain a slurry. After that home remedy Apply liberally to stains and leave overnight.

The next morning, the dried composition is moistened and the surface is wiped with a sponge. Next, all that remains is to thoroughly wash the product with water.

In addition, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used to get rid of yellowness and rust stains. These components are mixed and then sprayed onto problem areas from a spray bottle. The structure is washed after 15 minutes.

Rubbing alcohol is suitable for removing traces of paint and glue. It should be applied to contaminated areas using a soft sponge, and after 2 minutes, rinse off.

Prohibited means

Although acrylic products have many advantages, they still have poor mechanical strength.

Therefore, in order to give the bathtub an ideal look and protect its surface from damage, you should not use cleaning powders with abrasives or aggressive chemical solutions to wash plumbing fixtures.

  • Products with abrasive particles, as they contribute to the formation of micro-scratches.
  • Preparations containing chlorine. After their use, the coating becomes dull, i.e., it loses its gloss.
  • Acetone and other organic solvents. They destroy the structure of the polymer. With prolonged contact, acrylic enters into chemical reaction with funds and begins to deform.
  • Products containing formaldehyde. These substances negatively affect the material, destroying it.

To keep an acrylic bathtub clean, you must adhere to certain rules for caring for such products. First of all, if minor dirt is detected, there is no need to immediately treat the surface with cleaning agents. To do this, washing the tank with warm water using a soft sponge may be sufficient. After completing the procedure, the product is wiped dry and treated with wax polish to add shine.

It is recommended to clean the bathing area once a day. For this purpose, you need to soap the sponge laundry soap, wipe the surface of the bathtub, rinse with running water and blot dry. Treatment of the tank with chemicals detergents It is advisable to do it no more than once every 2 weeks.

Besides, Every 6-12 months it is recommended to disinfect the bathtub. The container should be filled with water at room temperature, a disinfectant solution should be added to it and mixed thoroughly. After 10-20 minutes, the water must be drained, and then the remaining chemicals must be washed off from the surface of the acrylic bath.

Before using any product, it is recommended to test it. This is done like this: initially apply the selected liquid to small area, preferably on the lower part of the bath. Next, the product is left for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the treated area is washed with warm water and carefully examined to see how the coating reacted to the selected cleaning agent.

Thus, there are many products that can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub. For this purpose, the use of household chemicals or household cleaners is allowed. They effectively cope with any type of pollution.