Alpha amylase designation in tests. Alpha amylase in a biochemical blood test: what does normal mean? Reasons for decreased amylase

Human body- this is an integral and smoothly functioning system, where the failure of one organ most often entails failures in the functioning of all the others components. Since digestion is one of the main processes ensuring human survival, then correct work such an important part of it as the basis of normal life. This organ quickly reacts to any processes dangerous to it, releasing a special substance into the blood - amylase.

Description and significance of the enzyme pancreatic amylase

Reasons and signs of indicator deviation

There are many conditions in which pancreatic amylase is elevated to varying degrees.

In most cases, this means the following problems exist:

  • Acute pancreatitis. This is the most common cause of a sharp increase in amylase levels in the blood. However, its high indicators are usually recorded in that case. If you manage to “catch” the disease at the very beginning. Then, if the acute process progresses, amylase levels may begin to decrease due to the death of those parts of the pancreas that produce this enzyme.
  • Chronic form of pancreatitis. With it, as in the acute stage, an increase in amylase levels is also often first recorded, followed by a decrease, which is caused by the death of pancreatic cells due to a progressive disease.
  • Oncological lesions of the pancreas (cancer and/or metastases).
  • Organ injury due to impact or accident.
  • Obstruction of the pancreatic duct.
  • Pancreatic cyst.
  • Mumps (mumps).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Decompensated.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.
  • Perforation of stomach ulcer.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Perforation of an aortic aneurysm.
  • Macroamylasemia is the process of amylase combining with serum proteins, as a result of which it is not processed by the kidneys and accumulates in the large quantities in blood.
  • Alcoholism.

The main signs of amylase growth are processes associated with inflammation of the pancreas: pain in the left hypochondrium and epigastric region, digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation, aversion to smells, especially fatty foods, possible skin rashes, enlargement of the pancreas area.

Treatment and proper nutrition

Any lesions of the pancreas are dangerous and serious pathologies, so only a doctor in specialized medical institutions can treat them.

He will prescribe the necessary studies and, based on the results of the tests obtained, will be able to determine the severity and prescribe the necessary medications, prescribe the necessary treatment.

At home, for the patient, the following is of paramount importance:

  • It is urgent to exclude fried, fatty and spicy dishes, remove smoked meats, red meat, fermentations, rich soups and broths, fatty and hot sauces, spices and seasonings.
  • Not allowed: alcoholic drinks, tobacco, strong black coffee and tea, artificial drinks and highly carbonated waters.
  • The patient needs to be provided with rest and proper dietary nutrition at short intervals and in limited portions.

In case of damage to the pancreas, any amateur activity in the field of treatment of the disease can cause extremely dangerous health consequences, since this organ is very sensitive and can react negatively to incorrectly chosen treatment. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and strictly follow his recommendations.

Possible complications

If pancreatic amylase is elevated, this is an indicator of the dysfunction of the pancreas and, as a result, in the absence of timely and well-chosen treatment, can lead to the development of the following diseases and conditions:

  • In women, pancreatitis is very often accompanied by disruption of the gallbladder and the development of cholelithiasis.
  • A progressive disease can cause metabolic disorders and the development of vitamin deficiency, which is manifested by low body weight, increased dryness skin, brittle nails and hair.
  • Problems of this organ lead to the development of diabetes.
  • Due to indigestion, food is poorly digested and not absorbed, which can cause severe flatulence, intestinal pain, diarrhea and frequent visits to the toilet.

Such serious problems force us to pay more attention to our health and, if a disease is detected as a result of a test, immediately begin the necessary treatment and switch to a strict diet.

More information about pancreatitis can be found in the video.

Amylase is one of the essential enzymes in the human body. It operates in digestive system and ensures the processing of carbohydrates. Amylase breaks down starch into polysaccharides.

The enzyme is mainly produced in the pancreas. Therefore, an increase in amylase in the blood can signal disease processes originating in this organ. Prompt identification of pathology will help to carry out timely therapy and successfully cope with the disease.

Amylase is elevated: possible causes

Exceeding the norm by several units of amylase may be temporary and not affect your well-being in any way.

But when the level of the enzyme doubles or more, then painful processes undoubtedly occur in the body. They signal themselves with the following symptoms:

  • pain in the right side of the abdomen, especially after eating;
  • stool disorder: mainly diarrhea appears;
  • general malaise and lethargy.

An increase in the amount of amylase occurs due to increased work of the pancreas. It secretes an enzyme in excess, which immediately enters the bloodstream. This becomes possible because:

  • There is an excess production of pancreatic juice - a digestive fluid that is secreted by the pancreas directly into the duodenum.
  • There are obstacles to its movement along the ducts.
  • In stock inflammatory processes in the pancreas or in neighboring organs. Their result can be tissue destruction, necrotic and traumatic.

Such conditions of the body are caused by the following pathologies:

  • Acute pancreatitis– rapidly developing inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas. The organ is damaged by its own enzymes. They enter the bloodstream in significant quantities and create a real danger to life. The disease can develop into pancreatic necrosis - a severe condition that is accompanied by the death of part of the pancreas or the organ as a whole, the development of infections and peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum).

    Adults suffer from the disease, especially those who abuse strong drinks. Amylase levels increase eightfold. Mortality despite modern techniques treatment, high - from seven to fifteen percent.

  • Chronic pancreatitis– gradual disruption of the pancreas. Its dysfunction leads to an increase in amylase - from three to five times.
  • Neoplasms anywhere in the pancreas. Cancer may primarily involve the head of the organ. The concentration of amylase in the blood increases fourfold.
  • Cholelithiasis– formation of stones (calculi) in the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Diabetes– a disease leading to systemic metabolic disorders. Carbohydrate metabolism is no exception. There are disruptions in the consumption of amylase. It is used irrationally, which increases its content in the blood.
  • Peritonitis– inflammation of the layers of the peritoneum, plunging the body into a severe condition. The pancreas is irritated, which increases the activity of its cells and the production of amylase.
  • Mumps– a childhood disease known as mumps (mumps). The disease is acute and is caused by a paramyxovirus. Mumps is characterized by inflammation of the salivary glands, which are involved in the secretion of amylase. The process of enzyme production is activated and returns to normal only after recovery.
  • Kidney failure- painful condition of the kidneys. They cannot form and excrete urine in a timely manner. Kidney dysfunction leads to amylase retention in the body, namely in the blood.

Recipe for the occasion::

Exceeding the enzyme norm can also occur in the presence of:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • macroamylasemia;
  • injuries in the abdominal area;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • herpes virus type four;
  • complications after abdominal surgery.

Disordered eating and poisoning alcoholic drinks are also able to significantly increase amylase levels. The enzyme content is affected by taking certain medications, in particular diuretics and oral contraceptives.

Sometimes certain genetic factors may manifest themselves that prevent amylase from entering the urine and contribute to its accumulation in the blood.

Even moderate-level stress can interfere with all metabolic processes in the body and cause enzyme growth.

Amylase in the blood is elevated: what to do?

Data on amylase exceeding the norm is not enough to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. It is necessary to conduct additional tests, which will be prescribed by the doctor. By comparing the results of several tests and studying the symptoms, the specialist will decide on therapy depending on the disease and its severity.

Acute diseases require immediate medical intervention and subsequent hospital treatment.

Since amylase is a digestive enzyme, it is impossible to regulate its content in the blood without an appropriate diet. Eating the right foods will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

The basic requirements of the diet are:

  • Refusal of fried, spicy, fatty and smoked foods.
  • No pastries, coffee or alcohol.
  • Food needs to be cooked in a steamer and in the oven.
  • The portions are small, and there should be four or five meals.
  • It is advisable to switch to not only fractional meals, but also separate meals. In this case, your health will improve much faster. If such nutrition is maintained in the future, then the likelihood of diseases that are accompanied by an increase in amylase will drop several times.

Diet and medication intake are normalized general state body, including enzyme levels.

A slight increase in amylase is acceptable provided that your health remains normal. If the enzyme level exceeds the norm by several units, this does not indicate pathology.
The fact that painful processes are occurring in the body is signaled by amylase levels exceeding it optimal content two or more times.

It is highly likely that the cause should be sought among diseases of the pancreas. But only a doctor can confirm or refute the guess.

The biological active element that takes part in the metabolic carbohydrate process is usually called alpha-amylase. In the body, a significant proportion of it is formed by the pancreas, and a smaller part with the help of glands in oral cavity that secrete saliva. Patients often learn about this serum enzyme after visiting a doctor, complaining of pain in the stomach area. It is in this situation that the doctor will order a biochemical blood test, which will subsequently make a preliminary diagnosis.

Diastase is secreted by the pancreas and, in a small amount, by the glands that are responsible for salivary production. The enzyme is a major participant in the digestion of food, carbohydrate breakdown, and is also one of the elements of digestive juice.

In organism best indicator Diastasis is considered minimal. There may be a slight change in its level due to the formation of new cells of the salivary glands and pancreas.

It has been proven that a small fraction of the substance is concentrated:

  • in the large and small intestine;
  • in the bronchi;
  • muscles.

Blood amylase consists of 3 types.

  1. Alpha
  2. Gamma

In the body, only the alpha indicator is generalized, since it is a digestive diastasis.

When considering a biochemical study, doctors are always interested in the amylase coefficient, since it has an important value in digestion. This enzyme is responsible for the absorption of food within the small intestine.

What is amylase

Amylase is an enzyme that assists in catalyzing the development of carbohydrate breakdown. Thanks to the enzyme, starch and glycogen also break down into maltose and glucose.

In addition to the formation of amylase and lipase in the digestive system and the salivary gland, the production of diastase can rarely occur:

  • in the ovaries;
  • liver;
  • in the fallopian tubes;
  • mammary glands.

The main value of alpha-amylase in the blood, the division of starch into simplified types, classes of polysaccharides. The transformation begins in the mouth under the influence of saliva, including diastase. The whole procedure is necessary, because starch has a very complex structure and is unable to be fully absorbed in the intestinal tubes. Therefore, the speed and quality of digestibility of complex carbohydrates will depend on the correct functioning of the enzyme.

It generates diastase in the circulatory system with the help of exocrine cells, then penetrating into the intestine, where biological decay often occurs. Partially, the enzyme that reaches the intestines passes into the bloodstream.

Diastasis is divided into 2 subtypes.

  1. P-type – present in urine 65%.
  2. S-type – present in the blood 60%.

Normally P-type less S-type 2 times. The enzyme is excreted in the urine through the kidneys.

When is the study ordered?

The blood diastasis coefficient reflects the position of most metabolic processes in the body. In this case, the designation of activity is often used to identify inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

The main indicator for prescribing blood donation is the assumption of the formation of the disease pancreatitis, which occurs in chronic and inflammatory conditions.

A pancreatic blood amylase test is performed when a person exhibits the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • fatigue;
  • pain on the right side of the abdominal cavity.

In addition, in case of pancreatitis, it is needed as a checking element that can negatively affect the functionality of the pancreas. And also for monitoring the patient after stone removal, where analysis of pancreatic alpha amylase will confirm or rule out worsening of the situation after manipulation.

To determine the level of pancreatitis alpha-amylase, blood taken from a vein is used. They take the test in the morning, and you can’t eat before it. A day or two before the test, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, follow dietary nutrition by removing fried, spicy and fatty foods from your diet. Violation of the recommendations exposes the glands to a negative reaction, and then pancreatic alpha-amylase in the blood will be elevated.

To exclude a false outcome, if you are taking medications, inform your doctor, since some of them affect its indicator.

Normal indicators

Since the pancreas is an organ of mixed secretion and releases hormones into the blood and intestinal space, the isolated diastase is divided into coefficients.

  1. General.
  2. Pancreatic amylase.

The enzyme in the circulatory system is a generalizing coefficient, and the pancreatic one is private sign diastase in pancreatic juice.

In the circulatory system, the amylase level is quite large, so an insignificant deviation does not lead to suspicion. Over the years, the amount of alpha-amylase in the blood can increase, which is not due to gender.

For the value of alpha-amylase, the norm is assumed to be:

  • the norm for children under 2 years of age is 5-65 U/l;
  • up to 70 years of age, the level of amylase in the blood is normal -25-125 U/l;
  • over 70 years – 20-160 U/l.

A blood test is also performed for pancreatic amylase, measured in the same units. The normal level of pancreatic alpha amylase is:

  • up to 6 months -<8 Ед./л;
  • up to 12 months -<23 Ед./л;
  • the norm in adults is<50 Ед./л.

The level of amylase in the blood of women and men is identical. The coefficient will depend in part on age. Some materials indicate that the norm for men is considered to be a standard with an estimated difference of 10 units. This is not a disease, everything is interconnected with the physiology of the man’s body.

If the study reveals that amylase is elevated, then this is considered a pathology.

It is important to take into account that a biochemical blood test can be inaccurate due to situations such as:

  • previous stress;
  • consumption of alcohol, medications;
  • non-compliance with dietary nutrition.

Therefore, in order for the result of the study to show a normal amount of alpha-diastase, it is important to adhere to the instructions before taking the test.

Why is amylase higher than normal?

If the analysis reveals that amylase in the blood is significantly increased, this is the initial symptom of the formation of inflammation in the gland or organs present near it that can affect the activity of cells.

A deviation from the standard is considered when the alpha-amylase coefficient is increased by 2 times or more (increased index< 105 Ед./л).

If amylase in the blood increases by a couple of units, it is too early to talk about illness.

When amylase is elevated, this indicates signs of many diseases:

  1. Acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis. During the period of inflammation in the gland, there is an increase in the secretion of diastase cells. The disease is dangerous because iron is affected by its own enzymes. With acute development, diastasis standards may not change, therefore this study is not always able to indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the chronic form of pancreatitis, a moderate increase in the serum component occurs.
  2. Peritonitis is manifested by the fact that all abdominal organs and glands undergo irritation and changes in the inflammatory course. With such transformations, the activity of organ cells increases, which leads to an increase in the diastasis coefficient in the circulatory system.
  3. – a disease that promotes systemic changes in metabolic processes and carbohydrates. Therefore, not all of the enzyme produced by the body will be expediently spent on converting starch into polysaccharides, which will become a factor in the growth of its volume.
  4. The focal form of pancreatic necrosis is a complication of pancreatitis, accompanied by incomplete absorption of the gland itself, as a result of which the tissues become necrosis.
  5. Kidney failure leads to retention and increase in the amount of enzyme as it leaves the body through the kidneys.
  6. Alcohol poisoning. If you drink a small dose of alcohol, the diastase indicator begins to actively produce. Therefore, you should not drink before a blood test.

In addition to this, the reasons for the increase in the amount of diastasis also affect other organs:

  • Perforation of the ulcer.
  • Inflammation of the appendix.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Ketoacidosis.

Use of narcotic drugs, antibacterial and.
A high level of these enzymes in the circulatory system is the result of irrational food intake and constant drinking of alcohol. Therefore, a balanced diet is necessary, a diet for high amylase.

Is it possible to reduce the level

To understand whether it is possible to reduce the level of amylase in the blood, determine the cause of the disease and begin to eliminate it.

  1. . They take food in several stages. This will reduce pressure on the digestive system.
  2. Follow a rest and wake routine. sleep at least 8 hours.
  3. Avoid heavy physical work.

If a pancreatic infection is detected, self-therapy is unacceptable.

Decrease in level-cause

If amylase is low (index less than 100 U/l), this does not always indicate pathology, but is not considered a symptom of a healthy body if the pancreas functions well and the kidneys exclude the enzyme.

There is a deviation from the norm, indicating incomplete activity of the gland, its sharp decline.

Reduced alpha diastase is characterized by the following factors:

  • hepatitis, which has a severe form of inflammation - with pathology, the metabolism of carbohydrates changes, which leads to an increase in the load on enzymes, the gland ceases to cope with its function, and the production of diastase decreases;
  • oncological diseases - cancerous formations in the last phase lead to degeneration of tissues and glands. They are replaced by tumor material, reducing enzyme production;
  • - when the gland is completely affected, gradual tissue death is observed, and diastase is no longer released. Since the pancreas is an important organ, complete damage to it can lead to a poor prognosis;
  • trauma - mechanical damage to the stomach and intestines of various kinds causes deviations from the norm, both less and more than the required indicator;
  • Cystic fibrosis is a serious hereditary disease that damages the glands and causes breathing problems. Patients often encounter secretory inferiority of the gastrointestinal tract. The death rate of the patient due to the disease is 60%;
  • a surgical solution to the problem - performing an operation on an organ and removing parts of it can reduce amylase in the blood.

To ensure that the diastasis indicator is normal, the doctor prescribes a starch-free diet, due to which the load on the pancreas is reduced.

Amylase during pregnancy

Deviation of a blood test from the norm in women during pregnancy to a greater or lesser extent is often unjustified. This mainly happens due to the new environment to which the body gets used.

Sometimes a decrease or increase in levels indicates serious illness. Therefore, pregnant women are constantly monitored, but it is required to undergo more than 1 time.

To be healthy, monitor changes in your body. If you suffer from sleepless nights, a constant headache, or sometimes pain behind the ears, it is recommended to undergo an enzyme level test. The disease, identified at the development stage, is treatable in all cases

Amylase blood test

Normal values

Total amylase by age

  • 0-30 days (newborn): 0-6 units/l;
  • 31-182 days: 1-17 units/l;
  • 183-365 days: 6-44 units/l;
  • 1-3 years: 8-79 units/l;
  • 4-17 years: 21-110 units/l;
  • after 18 years (adults): 26-102 units/l.

Pancreatic amylase by age

  • 0-24 months: 0-20 units/l;
  • 2-18 years: 9-35 units/l;
  • after 18 years: 11-54 units/l.

(Please note that reference intervals may vary between laboratories, so in the case of urine, please pay attention to the intervals indicated in the report).

What is amylase?

Amylases (alpha-amylase) - are a group of enzymes that serve to break down complex carbohydrates; Inside the pancreas, which is an exocrine gland, the enzyme is synthesized by acinar cells and then passes through the pancreatic ducts and reaches the digestive tract.

Amylases are also produced by the salivary glands, small intestinal mucosa, ovaries, placenta and liver. Pancreatic and salivary isoenzymes are detected in the blood at high concentrations by examination.

Under normal conditions, amylase is present in small quantities in the blood and urine, however when the pancreatic cells have some problem, such as when the pancreas is blocked by a stone, or in rare cases by a tumor, the enzymes enter the blood circulation more easily, so their concentration increases as in the blood , and in urine (amylase leaves the body through urine).

Amylase testing is often used by doctors to diagnose pancreatitis. Pancreatic amylase testing (amylase P isoenzyme) is most useful for laboratory diagnosis acute pancreatitis.

Total serum (blood) is still the most widely used method for diagnosing acute pancreatitis and is accurate to 95% (accuracy of a diagnostic test refers to its ability to provide true values).

The problem with this test, however, is the relatively low specificity, which is between 70 and 80% (the specificity of a diagnostic test is defined as the ability to correctly identify healthy people, i.e. those who are not affected by the disease or condition that is to be detected).

Interpretation of deviations

Total amylase

During episodes of acute pancreatitis, serum amylase levels rise transiently, between 2 and 12 hours after the onset of the attack. Concentrations return to normal within the third or fourth day. The peak obtained between 12 and 72 hours is usually 4-6 times the maximum normal value, but in a significant number of patients the value increases less and often does not increase at all. However, it should be noted that the increase in enzyme activity is not proportional to the severity of the disorder.

In acute pancreatitis associated with hyperlipidemia, serum amylase may be masked and appear normal, possibly due to the influence of high lipid levels on the calorimetric readings of the test.

An increase in total serum alpha-amylase is not a specific indicator, since this enzyme is also produced by the salivary glands, the mucous membrane of the small intestine, ovaries, placenta, and liver. There are two isoenzymes in serum, pancreatic and salivary. Pancreatic amylase is more useful than total amylase in the diagnosis and control of acute pancreatitis.

Enzyme values ​​may also be significantly increased in people with obstruction and.

Low values ​​in patients with pancreatitis instead lead to the idea of ​​irreversible damage to pancreatic cells.

Pancreatic amylase

In the case of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic amylase usually remains elevated during the first 12 hours after the onset of the attack and continues to remain for 3-4 days, usually reaching 4-6 times the maximum normal value.

Examination of the shape of the pancreas does not help in diagnosis.

Finally, a slight increase (up to 78 U/L) may have little clinical significance.

Low amylase values:

  • hepatitis;
  • burns.

High amylase levels:

  • alcohol abuse (alcoholism);
  • stones in;
  • pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • hyperlipidemia;
  • piggy;
  • obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal perforation;
  • ulcerative perforation.

Please note, this is a non-exhaustive list. It should also be noted that often small deviations from reference ranges may not be clinically significant.

Factors influencing analyzes

A number of medications can affect test results, including some anti-inflammatory drugs, birth control pills, cortisone, ... and drinking alcohol shortly before tests.


The total value may be higher than normal in patients with macrohemasemia.

Macroamylase is a form of amylase that is found in blood serum and has a high molecular weight. Several causes of macroamylasemia have been hypothesized, for example, amylase is thought to form a complex with immunoglobulin. Macroamylase cannot be excreted in urine due to its larger than normal size and therefore usually increases serum amylase. In this case, a high value is not used to diagnose pancreatitis.

Simultaneous testing of serum and urinary amylase allows us to determine whether the patient suffers from macrohemasemia.

Many other conditions and diseases may also increase the values, such as:

  • gallbladder calculations
  • lungs' cancer;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • spicy ;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • parotitis;
  • perforated ulcer.

In these cases, the analysis loses its diagnostic usefulness.


Pancreatic shape examination results may be high in patients with macrohemasemia.

The study of pancreatic amylase during attacks of acute pancreatitis is the only way to diagnose chronic pancreatitis.

When and why is an amylase test required?

In most cases, an increase in serum amylase is caused by an increase in the amount of enzyme that enters the circulation and/or a decrease in its excretion. The test is mainly used for the diagnosis and monitoring of acute pancreatitis and other pancreatic disorders and is performed simultaneously with lipase.

The level may also be elevated in the case of pancreatic cancer, but usually the increase occurs too late to be of any diagnostic usefulness, however the results can be used to test whether cancer therapy is effective in the case of cancer.

Finally, it is prescribed by doctors in case of symptoms that are still unexplained, for example:

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor.

Different diseases may have the same symptoms, but a correct diagnosis is only possible with a comprehensive examination of the body. Blood and urine analysis is a mandatory procedure. Amylase is a digestive enzyme produced mainly by the pancreas, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of any person. In other organs its production is minimal. This substance is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, which is so necessary for everyone to obtain a sufficient amount of energy, but within normal limits.

The optimal values ​​of the indicator in the blood do not differ significantly between the female and male bodies. But there is a difference depending on the age of the person.

Let's consider what amylase should be in the blood, which is considered as the age norm for females.
  1. From the moment of birth until the age of one year, the baby should have indicators from 2 to 8 units per liter.
  2. From one year to 10 years, the normal level in a girl rises to 30 units per liter.
  3. From ten years of age until adulthood - 25 to 40 units. per liter
  4. From 18 years of age to 70, the norm is considered to be a maximum of 25 to 125 units. per liter
  5. For those ladies who have crossed the seventy-year mark - from 20 to 160 units. per liter

Particular attention is paid to the level of amylase in the blood of women over 50 years of age, since it is at this age that active restructuring of the body begins, menopause occurs, and hormonal levels are disrupted.

Pregnant women also experience some deviations from the norm, but they should not be significant. An error of a couple of divisions does not indicate any violations.

When testing urine for amylase, the values ​​can be 10 times higher, since when the substance passes through the kidneys it becomes most concentrated.

How the analysis is done and how to prepare for it

To find out the values ​​of amylase, research is carried out in a medical laboratory. For the right result, you must adhere to a number of recommendations.

  1. You must come for the test on an empty stomach. You can eat no later than 12 hours before your visit to the laboratory. The best time is morning.
  2. It is not recommended to eat spicy, fatty, heavily spiced foods a few days before the proposed test.
  3. Alcohol taken must leave the body at least 24 hours in advance. A drunk or hungover person will not get an objective result.
  4. If the patient is prescribed any medications or takes them on his own, this also applies to vitamins, then it is advisable to stop taking them a day before the test. In cases where this is not possible, the laboratory assistant must be notified of this. In addition, he is told what medications are being taken, in what dosages, and when they were last taken.
  5. The psycho-emotional state of a person before the study is also important. Therefore, we must avoid stressful situations, try to be calm and in a good mood.
  6. The day before, a sound and healthy sleep of at least 8 hours is recommended.
  7. Smoking stops within an hour, since nicotine affects the result of the analysis.
  8. About 15 minutes before entering the office, you need to sit quietly, relax, avoid sudden movements, and do not talk on the phone or with your interlocutor.

If the patient has serious diseases or their presence is suspected, then amylase is additionally tested in the urine. Before taking it, you must follow the same recommendations as for a blood test. Additionally, we can only say that the container for collecting material must be clean and sterile.

Most often, this study is prescribed to people with cancer, pancreatitis and kidney diseases, if there are symptoms such as rejection of food by the body, vomiting, constant pain in the abdomen and lower back, and long-lasting elevated body temperature.

When conducting both types of studies on amylase, the most accurate picture emerges. Viral or inflammatory processes that were not even suspected may be revealed. Diseases detected at an early stage are easier to treat and leave few complications.

When obtaining results for amylase, one must take into account this point - a recent exacerbation of the disease will affect the indicators.

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct the study twice, a week or two apart.

During pregnancy

Naturally, when carrying a child, a lot of changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. To monitor the condition of the woman and her fetus, constant control studies are carried out. Amylase testing is a mandatory procedure. Deviations from the norm identified in time will help to quickly resolve the current situation and avoid the negative impact of diseases on the unborn baby and his mother.

A change in alpha amylase may be a consequence of a special condition of the pregnant woman, for example, toxicosis.

But in some cases, this is a signal about the development of severe pathologies and genetic problems.

When should amylase be tested?

Basically, this test is prescribed for suspected pancreatitis or to monitor the course of the disease. But the following symptoms may be cause for concern:

  1. pain in the gastrointestinal tract, lower back;
  2. regular or constant heartburn, nausea, vomiting;
  3. inability to eat normally due to the fact that the body rejects it;
  4. elevated temperature and poor health.