Entertaining tricks and their secrets. Simple tricks at home Learn magic tricks

Everyone loves holidays. But, unfortunately, in most cases, family celebrations are banal feasts with watching TV and listening to music. And while adults can somehow entertain themselves, kids get very bored at such events. An excellent option would be home magic tricks. You can create a whole performance for children at home.

Water trick

In front of the audience there are four plastic glasses, up to half filled with water. You have a fifth container in your hands, from which you pour liquid into the existing ones. Before the eyes of amazed spectators, the water in the glasses changes color.

The secret of the trick is simple and is as follows:

  • Place four glue dots on the top of the glass you will be working with;
  • sprinkle 4 different food colors on them;
  • Shake off excess powder well and carefully fill the glass with water;
  • Every time you pour out water, the liquid will turn a certain color.

Coin trick

If you want to organize a fun holiday or just have a fun family evening, great solution will become magic tricks for children. At home you can show original and simple tricks. So, having wrapped a coin in a sheet of paper, you need to shake the package, saying magic words. Opening it, you will find that there is nothing inside. By repeating the manipulation again, you will present that same coin to the surprised spectators.

The secret of the trick is that you should actually have 2 identical pieces of paper. They should be equally rolled into small envelopes and glued together. When showing the audience a piece of paper, turn it so that they do not notice the “hidden place”. When you shake the package, turn it over with the empty envelope facing up. Repeating the manipulation, change the position again.

Banana trick

You can demonstrate different magic tricks for children at home. And not only interesting, but also delicious. So, give the kids bananas, and when they start peeling them, they will be surprised to notice that the fruits have already been cut into pieces.

This trick is not difficult to do. Take a pin or long thin needle. Gently pierce the peel so that the point is completely inserted into the banana pulp. Move the needle up and down and then remove it from the banana. This manipulation must be done with the entire length of the fruit.

Ball trick

Interesting tricks for children at home can be shown to any adult; they will help add something new to a family holiday or boring evening. For the next trick you will need a balloon. Also a plate filled oatmeal, small pieces of paper or some other light objects. Take the ball in your hands and start rubbing it on your hair or woolen fabric. Bring the item to the plate without putting it in it. The contents will begin to be attracted to the surface of the ball, like a magnet. These are ordinary laws of physics, which, with the help of imagination, turn into easy tricks for children. At home they will be great entertainment.

Paper trick

Bet the audience that you can fit through a hole cut in a piece of paper. This is, rather, not a trick, but a test of intelligence. Hand out paper and scissors to everyone in the audience. While they are thinking, do the following with your set:

  • fold a sheet of paper lengthwise;
  • make a cut perpendicular to the fold so that it does not reach the edge of the sheet;
  • now cut the sheet from edge to fold in the same way;
  • perform such manipulations until the entire sheet is cut with such a fringe;
  • with the exception of the extreme strips, all the rest must be cut along the fold;
  • unfolding the sheet, you will see that a person can easily pass through the resulting hole.

Cup trick

Show simple magic tricks for children at home. They can really delight them! So, everyone will be extremely surprised when a cup of tea or coffee begins to soar under your control.

The trick is very easy to implement. Glue a piece of double-sided tape to the cup of such a size that it firmly fixes thumb. Grab the cup tightly and go to the guests. Lift the vessel by turning it thumb towards you and open your palm. To make the impression even stronger, move your hands as if you have telekinesis.

Coca-Cola can trick

If you want to perform simple tricks for children at home, try refilling an empty and crumpled tin can. This trick requires preparation and includes the following steps:

  • take a sheet of black construction paper and cut a piece into a shape that resembles the hole of an open can;
  • slightly lift the tongue and tuck the cut-out shape under it (this will create the appearance that the jar is open and empty);
  • Make a barely noticeable hole in the top of the jar (on the side), through which pour half of the contents;
  • go out to the guests and show them the jar;
  • to prove that it is empty, turn it over and shake it, and then crush it (but not too much);
  • now pinch the previously made hole with your finger and start shaking the jar (slowly at first, and then faster);
  • continue to do this until the jar is leveled (this will be achieved due to the gas contained in the drink);
  • Continuing to surprise your guests, move your palm over the top of the jar, quietly removing the black piece of paper;
  • Now all you have to do is show your guests the result, open the container and pour cola into the glass.

Thread trick

This trick can be performed by both adults and children. The main thing is careful preparation. Take a jacket and sew a secret pocket inside. Wrap several meters of thread around a small pencil or pen, the color of which will contrast with the clothing, and place it in it. Using a needle, pull the thread outward so that its small tip is visible. When speaking in front of an audience, you will need to feign sincere surprise when you see a thread on your jacket. Try brushing it off several times. Once you are sure that your attempts are unsuccessful, pull the tip. Viewers will be surprised that the thread does not end.

Fruit trick

The best entertainment for the holidays (including New Year's) is magic tricks. For children, you can prepare a trick at home in which an orange will turn into an apple. To do this trick, you need to do the following:

  • carefully peel the orange so as to preserve the integrity of the peel as much as possible;
  • now take an apple, which is approximately the same size as an orange, and wrap it in skin;
  • now you need to tightly squeeze the fruit in your hand so that all the cuts are in the palm of your hand, and demonstrate it to the public;
  • now put a thick scarf over your hand, and when removing it, try to remove the orange peel;
  • surprised spectators will see an apple in your hand.

Rice trick

If you want to amaze your young guests, you're probably wondering how to learn magic tricks. At home, it is enough for children to show tricks with ordinary objects, showing a little imagination, cunning and artistry. So, the most common rice can be made magical. To do this you need to do the following:

  • prepare 2 identical plastic boxes for mayonnaise, margarine, cream cheese or other products (they must be opaque and also have a lid);
  • Fill one of the containers almost to the top with rice;
  • Glue the cut-out fragment of the lid to the bottom of the second box so that its volume is halved;
  • place the filled box on a wide dish, cover it with a “converted” container on top and turn the structure upside down;
  • walk around the room with this design, casting magic spells;
  • Now remove the top box - the rice will begin to spill out, as if there was more of it.

Demonstrating chemistry tricks for children at home

Chemical experiments can be carried out not only in a scientific laboratory, but also at home. At the same time, this spectacle can be imagined as something magical. So, tricks for children at home can be as follows.

  • In the evening, prepare a decoction of red cabbage to steep overnight. Now you will need 3 glasses, each of which should be filled by a third with water, a powder solution and diluted vinegar. By adding the resulting decoction to each of these vessels, you will obtain a liquid of purple, green and red colors, respectively.
  • Place a layer of paper napkins at the bottom of an opaque glass or mug. Place a few pieces of ice on top. Now you need to pour enough water into the container so that the napkins absorb it. After casting a magic spell, you should turn the glass over and demonstrate how you turned the liquid into ice.
  • There are more effective way turn water into ice. To do this, you need to take the liquid into a bottle and put it in the freezer. After 2 hours, the water will reach its freezing point, but will still be liquid. To perform the trick, place an ice cube in the middle of a large dish. Start pouring water from the freezer onto it in a thin stream. It will freeze before your eyes.
  • Mix milk with lemon juice. You will use this liquid as ink. Using a brush dipped in the lemon-milk mixture, apply text or designs to white sheets of paper and let them dry. Now invite the children to read the message. When you realize that they have no idea about anything, start heating the sheet with a hairdryer or ironing it. After a minute, the text or drawing you applied earlier will begin to appear on it.

Tricks that children perform at home

Of course, kids love watching magic tricks, but showing them on their own will be even more interesting for them. So, young wizards can demonstrate the following tricks:

  • In front of the public, the child places 5 coins between the pages of the book, closes it and casts a spell over the tome using a wand. After that, he shakes out not 5, but already 10 coins. The secret is simple. You need to hide extra coins in the spine in advance, which will fall out later.
  • The magician goes on stage and discovers that he forgot to put on his bow tie. After that, he says the magic word, turns around himself, and finds himself wearing a tie. To do this trick, you need to sew a thin but strong elastic band to the butterfly in advance. The tie is hidden under the armpit. During the turn, the child slightly raises his hand, and the butterfly is in its place.


If you want to make your holiday unforgettable, magic tricks will certainly help you. For young children, you can arrange a real magic show at home. The main thing is to show your imagination and practice well.

Unlike other methods like playing musical instruments, it is easier and cheaper; a deck costs much less than the same guitar. No need to have ear for music, possess the innate ability to sing, sense of rhythm, you just need desire to learn and manual dexterity.

How to start training?

Magician's tools

I think you're wondering - how to learn to do tricks with cards? Video training would be a great option.

There are hundreds of card-themed channels on YouTube. They will help you start from scratch, everything you need buy a deck and play the video. If you don’t want to watch, you can learn from text lessons, it all depends on your preferences.

Today, if only he wishes it. To study simple illusions it may only take a couple of hours , even taking into account the fact that up to this point you knew absolutely nothing in this area. I note that in order to master the initial skills of playing the musical instrument Usually it takes about two months, at least one for sure.

Important: Video lessons with maps, like text ones, have one minus . Your viewers can easily expose you by finding the technique on the Internet. As you can see, the availability of material has its drawbacks. Although it is worth mentioning the existence of unique materials.

Which focus should I start with?

I suggest starting with focus "Maps Through Glass" famous illusionist David Copperfield it is distinguished by its high simplicity and extreme effectiveness.

Since you are completely new, you probably don’t know what it looks like. And it looks like this:

  • Spectators and the illusionist gather near the glass door of a supermarket or car.
  • The magician takes an unpacked deck and offers to choose any card, the one who chooses signs on it, and then returns it.
  • The illusionist dries it from the marker, puts it with everyone, shuffles it and returns them.
  • Disagrees with the audience different sides glass
  • The assistant smears the deck on the glass, and he takes out that same card directly from the glass.

At first glance, it looks like magic, but in reality everything is extremely simple. To perform, you must have mastery of technology "false shuffle" and "palming" .

It won’t be difficult for you to learn it using video lessons with maps. In the process of learning the technique of performing some tricks, you will learn various techniques that will definitely be useful to you for others. The first thing you need to master is, of course, the “false shuffle”; it is used in most tricks.

How to choose lessons?

The easiest way to learn card tricks is through video lessons.

On the Internet a large number of material. There is no big difference in which lessons you study, any videos are almost the same.

  • Choose videos with good quality shooting.
  • If you are going to study on YouTube, then it is better to choose channels of people with a large number of subscribers and recordings. These parameters may indicate the authority of the author, and there is also a possibility that there will be videos on the channel that teach the whole movement, which the author used specifically in this illusion.

If you watch several different videos teaching the same trick, you may notice differences in the authors’ techniques. Here you will have a question: “what is the right way”? Does not exist single correct option, everyone has the right to exist. Learn the option that you like or the one that looks more impressive.

Important: If you have already decided to start learning, then remember right away - you don’t need to perform one trick several times in a row, otherwise you could be exposed.

Bottom line

Card fan

Such tricks are easy to learn, do not require much time compared to other options, any innate abilities are not so important, it is important to bring your technique to automatism.

They can be displayed anywhere, without the need to spend a lot of money on inventory.

To all this you can add everything in common, even from a simple illusion.

There are many tricks that require no other props other than the dexterous hands of an illusionist. They are a great help in cases where there is no opportunity to use complex props or prepare a spectacular trick, and those around you are asking for a miracle.

Despite its apparent simplicity, finger tricks require enormous flexibility and long training. Most of these tricks rely on visual deception, where the audience only sees one side of the hand. For this reason, they are often performed on stage, children's parties or home parties, but never on the street or during a party in a bar. When performed skillfully, such tricks can capture the imagination of the most skeptical viewer.

Trick with rubber bands

Take 2 identical elastic bands. Place one on your thumb and index finger right hand, and pass the second one under it, throw it over the corresponding left one. You will have in your hands a kind of flexible cross that cannot be separated without removing the rubber bands from your fingers. Demonstrate to the audience that rubber bands should never pass through each other, or invite someone in the audience to try it themselves.

However, nothing is impossible for an experienced magician! A few quick movements - and the elastic bands are easily separated, while continuing to be stretched between the thumbs and index fingers of both hands.

You can learn this trick using this video:

Of course, to repeat this trick, you will have to practice a little. Spread your arms wider to stretch the elastic, and with the middle finger of your right hand, press it firmly against your index finger. Then quickly move this hand down, putting your fingers under the loop, and transfer the elastic band from the index to the middle. This way you have freed your index finger. Open your arms again and insert it into the loop between your thumb and the point where both elastic bands intersect. You should succeed complex design, in which the right rubber band is stretched simultaneously over the thumb, index and middle fingers. As soon as you release your middle finger, the elastic band will hang in its original position between the thumb and index finger, but. Already separate from its “neighbor”.

It is important! All movements must be worked out to the point of automatism, so that they can be done very quickly during the performance. Otherwise, your secret will be easily revealed.

Simple tricks involving the disappearance and appearance of fingers, their “passing” through other parts of the body and other metamorphoses are very popular at children's matinees. Ask the audience if they can stick their finger in their own ear? The answer, of course, will be negative - but you can do it with ease.

To do this, place your thumb to your ear and quickly press it with your index finger. top part auricle. At the same time, you need to pull the earlobe towards your finger with your other hand. Your thumb will be almost completely wrapped on both sides by your ear, and your index finger will not allow the flexible cartilage to turn back. Of course, all this needs to be done very quickly, so that the audience does not have time to discern your actions.

Infinity finger

No less unusual is the trick with a finger suddenly lengthening, as if it were made of rubber. You clamp the tip of the large one between your teeth and, holding it with your other hand to be sure, begin to move your head to the side. And - lo and behold! Your finger stretches out, and then just as obediently shrinks back to normal size.

The secret of this trick lies in skillfully replacing the finger of one hand with the finger of the other. Bite it and bring your other hand to your mouth, supposedly wrapping your palm around your thumb. Yours the main task now - quickly change hands, so that the thumb of the other hand is clamped between the teeth, and the first, “lengthening” one, moves freely in the fist. Move your head away while spreading your arms to the side: the finger will stretch. Bring your hands together again and it will return to its original size. All other movements must be repeated in reverse order: change the fingers touching your lips, and you can go and receive applause.

It is important! The most dangerous moment in this trick is changing fingers. An attentive person may well notice it, so at the right second you should turn your head slightly, while simultaneously raising your fist to shield your mouth with it.

Severed finger

Straighten your palm and move your fingers. Place your thumb in the fist of your other hand. Oh, bad luck! The finger came off and remained in the hand, the nail peeks out from the fist... It’s okay, it doesn’t cost a powerful wizard like you anything to grow it back! Another quick movement and he returned to his place.

Like all finger tricks, this one relies on sleight of hand and correct location magician in relation to the audience. Make sure the audience can't see the back of your hand. Move them around a little to distract your attention, and curl the index and middle fingers of your other hand around your thumb.

After this, all movements must be performed as quickly as possible. Turn your hands a little and, opening your fist, press your thumb into your palm. At the same time, insert the thumb of your other hand into its place. If you did everything correctly, the second, “tearing” palm will show an almost real “fig”, only the tip will protrude between the middle and index fingers. Now all you have to do is make a dramatic jerk, as if you were forcefully unscrewing your finger from your hand.

You need to “reattach” the finger back using the same scheme: first, press your hands one against the other and straighten your thumb, then slowly “remove” your fist from it, while straightening the “fig” so that the audience can see the gradually decreasing tip of the nail peeking out between the fingers.

Using the same principle, you can easily do other tricks with tearing off and reattaching your fingers. The main thing is to practice well the moment when one finger disappears behind the palm and is replaced by another.

Do not forget that the artistry of the illusionist plays an important role in such performances. Expressing surprise or fear at the right moment will help convince the viewer of the reality of the metamorphosis happening to your fingers. But words are not required. On the contrary, you can, by experimenting, create own image based solely on unusual tricks and rich expressive facial expressions.

Having learned the simplest movements, you can begin to master more complex tricks with your fingers. You can watch video training of several of the most spectacular tricks in this video:

After reading the article, you will be able to do simple but very funny magic tricks.

You can also download for free books about magic tricks

Where do we start?

It is especially useful for shy, insecure kids to learn a few tricks. After all, in order to show a prepared trick, you need to go, if not on stage, then at least to the center of the room, where the whole family or friends of the child have gathered for the performance. And thunderous applause and surprise from friends will be the best cure for low self-esteem.

First of all, explain to your daughter or son that in order for the trick to work, you need to practice properly. Very often children want everything at once. They get upset if something doesn't work out after several attempts. Remind your child that you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. With your help, a novice magician will cope with inevitable difficulties, and this will help him in the future to bring the work he has begun to completion and develop determination.

Many tricks require making props. This would be a great creative activity for 5-6 year olds. And where the child cannot cope on his own, his mother or grandmother will help him. Here the most ordinary things will be used: strings, coins, cardboard boxes, plastic sour cream jars and of course colored paper, paints, pencils.

Where can I find descriptions of tricks? In children's magazines and books. There is not much such literature, but it is not difficult to find. After all, the door to magic is closed, but not locked. Try to interest the young magician in books on the history of the art of illusions, tell him about the great magicians of the past and present. This will give the child new knowledge and teach him to take a more serious, comprehensive approach to the topic of interest. Tell your child that, for example, David Copperfield since childhood read all the literature about magic that he could find, and this helped him become the greatest illusionist in the world.

Act according to the principle “from simple to complex.” If your child does well in his very first trick in life, he will feel more confident in the future. Choose a simple, well-understood trick, and analyze it with your child. When the child begins to succeed, let him rehearse in front of the mirror. This way he will be able to understand what the audience will see and correct possible mistakes.

Practice together what and how your magician will say while performing the trick. Explain to him that how he behaves on stage is very important for an artist. Even the most amazing “magic” will be boring if the “wizard” silently waves his wand. It’s a completely different matter when an artist smiles and jokes with the audience. So gradually the child will learn not only to speak casually during the performance, this will contribute to the development of a sense of humor. And also tell your child that it is very important never to reveal the secret of the trick, no matter how much his friends ask him to do so. Otherwise the feeling of magic will be destroyed.

The simplest tricks

Here are some simple tricks to get you started.

Spoon glued to nose

A trick spoon glued to your nose is suitable for when you drink sweet coffee or compote, stirring it with a light teaspoon. To demonstrate the trick, remove the spoon from the cup. Turn the spoon handle down and place the concave side towards your nose. Lightly press the outside of the spoon with your fingers. After you remove your hand, the spoon will hang on your nose as if it were glued. The secret of the trick is simple. You really glued the spoon with the help of the sweet drink that remains on it when you stir it. Even with little acting ability, a few seconds are enough to convince the audience of this trick of the extraordinary properties of your spoon.

Coins in a book

We place six coins on the page of a large book. We close the book and say the magic words “crex-pex-fex”. Now we open the book, tilt it so that the coins slide into the hand of one of the spectators. We count them and find that there are ten coins! The secret of the trick is simple. Before the performance begins, you need to put four coins in the spine of an open book and check that they can slip out unnoticed when you tilt the book, but do not fall out with any movement.

The miraculous appearance of a tie

The next simple trick is a trick joke. The little magician comes out to the audience and asks what important detail is missing from his costume. Oops, he forgot to wear a tie! It's okay, because a wizard can do anything. The child waves his magic wand - and the bow tie appears in its right place! Where did he come from? And the whole point, of course, is in special training.

You need to take a thin round elastic band and attach one end to the tie. Then we hold the tie with an elastic band under the arm so that the audience cannot see it. We will thread the free end of the elastic into the loop on the collar of the shirt, lower it under the shirt to the waist and secure it there firmly. Now you need to take it in your hand magic wand. When your baby waves it, the elastic will pull the tie toward the collar.

Three bottle caps

Give three spectators a lemonade cap, two of which are regular white (colorless) and one is yellow. Offer to hide the lids in a box with three compartments so that you can’t see which is which, and try to guess which compartment the lid is in, for example the yellow one.

The box is made from four outer cases and three inner matchbox drawers. When the lids are laid out, turn to the audience, take the box from them and, after a second of reflection, confidently indicate where the hidden lid is hidden.

Secret trick: In the lid yellow color In advance, place a lead circle under the seal, equal in diameter to the lid. Hand out the caps to the audience one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare them. When you receive the box in your hand, discreetly grasp the middle of it with your fingertips. The advantage of one side will immediately indicate to you the desired compartment. If the box remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the center).

Mind Reading

The young magician can surprise viewers with his ability to read minds. The child takes a book from the shelf as if at random and asks the audience to name the number of any page. Then he leaves the room, and an assistant, for example mom, reads aloud the top line on the selected page.

The kid returns to the room and asks the audience to think about the line he heard. Then, pretending to read thoughts, he pronounces it. This trick can be easily done by a child who can read. The whole secret is that the exact same book is hidden behind the door. When the child leaves the room, he simply reads and remembers the top line on the right page.

Balloon and knitting needle

The young magician holds in his hands an inflated balloon. Then he takes a long knitting needle and pierces the ball right through, but magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is an ordinary one, the child lightly pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts.

How is this possible? Help your son or daughter prepare a knitting needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well pointed and carefully polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of tape on both sides of the ball - and the props are ready. Just first you need to practice piercing the ball exactly in the places “reinforced” with tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will immediately burst. And it’s okay that the kid ruins more than a dozen balloons. But then he will be able to surprise guests at a birthday party or friends at kindergarten mysterious trick.

Magic rice

Now let’s show the audience the magic rice. Your magician fills a plastic margarine jar to the brim with dry rice. Then he covers it with exactly the same jar, bottom up, turns the jars on their sides, pressing them tightly against each other, and carries them to all four corners of the room, saying that by magic the rice is transferred to the north, south, west and east. Our rice has traveled around the world.

It may not have become twice as tasty, but there was twice as much of it. We put the jars on a tray, remove the top... The container is full of rice, but the extra one came from somewhere! It scattered all over the tray, it doubled in size! But before, rice easily fit into a jar, everyone saw it. For this trick, we need to work some magic on plastic jars in advance. We will need two completely identical containers.

Take the lid of the jar and carefully cut off the edge. Lubricate the edge of the lid with any universal glue and glue it inside one of the cans approximately in the middle. Now the volume of the can has decreased by half. Let your child decorate both jars so that they look exactly the same.

To do this, they can be covered with colored paper and shiny stars. To get the trick, pour the rice into a regular jar and cover it with the one we specially prepared by gluing the lid inside. Now all that remains is not to forget important detail at the end of the trick: after “traveling the world,” the jar with the lid glued in should be at the bottom.

Hand tying

To successfully perform the next trick, the baby will have to practice a little.

We will need a rope about 1 m long, a thin metal (or plastic) bracelet in the form of a ring, into which a child’s hand can easily fit, and a large scarf. Two assistants tightly tie the ends of the rope around the “wizard’s” hands. The child takes the bracelet in one hand and hides both hands under a scarf, which is held by the ends by assistants. After a few seconds, the assistants remove the scarf, and the artist raises his hands up and shows the bracelet hanging on the rope. Of course, here too the solution is very simple. After all, there is a second, exactly the same bracelet. The child first puts it on his hand and covers it with the sleeve of his shirt or jacket. In the meantime, the assistants hold the handkerchief, quietly hide the bracelet in their pocket, and slide the one hidden under the sleeve down onto the rope. That's the whole secret!

Amazing pencil

Fold banknote in half lengthwise and hold horizontally. Place a pencil under it. Viewers will see how he, having pierced the paper, stuck out on the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, turn the bill vertically. Holding it on top with one hand, sharply lower the pencil down with the other. It will easily pass through the paper, and the paper... will be safe and sound!

The secret of the trick: make a 4 cm long cut in the middle part of the pencil. When demonstrating the trick, move the pencil from the side of the bill opposite to the audience so that half of the bill fits into the cut. Fold over the other half of the bill. When viewers see a tongue-like part of a pencil, they will mistake it for a whole pencil. All that remains is to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Instantly transform an orange into an apple

The young wizard shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright scarf, casts magic spells, and pulls off the scarf. And there’s already an apple on your palm! The secret of focus. Carefully remove the peel from the orange in advance. Then place the apple (it should be slightly smaller than the orange) in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly holding an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what he has in his hand. Then, with a deft movement, he removes the scarf from the apple along with the peel.

Confetti candies

Just imagine: a young magician covers a paper cup with confetti with a handkerchief, takes off the handkerchief, and instead of confetti there is candy in the cup. The most real, sweet and delicious. Help yourself, friends! And no matter how fantastic it may sound, with the necessary props it’s not difficult to perform such a trick. So, we will need a large opaque bowl or a wide vase filled to the middle with confetti (we buy several bags and pour it into the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups(one with a lid), candy in candy wrappers, a scarf. Before we start training, let’s do a little magic with a glass.

Fill the one with the lid with candies, close the lid, thickly grease it with glue and cover it with confetti. It is better to stick the confetti in several layers so that they reliably disguise the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the side of the lid, tape a piece of strong fishing line to it with tape so that it is not conspicuous, but at the same time it is easy to feel and grab with your fingers. Cups with your baby can be decorated with stickers. Just make sure that they look absolutely identical (to do this, use two sheets of identical stickers).

After all this, we bury the glass in the bowl of confetti so that it is not visible. The preparations are complete. Let's move on to the actual focus. The magician shows the audience a bowl of confetti and tells them that he can turn confetti into candy. Don't believe me? Now!

He takes empty glass chick, shows it to the audience, scoops up confetti from the vase and pours it back with enough high altitude, demonstrating to the audience that all these are ordinary things, there is no secret in them. You need to scoop up the confetti carefully so as not to “light up” the hidden glass. Then the young magician scoops up the confetti again, but at the same time quietly leaves an empty glass under a layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a “secret”. This is the first moment that needs to be worked out properly. The audience should not suspect anything.

The “secret” glass is raised above the bowl and shown to the audience, the remains of confetti fall from it, and no one suspects the substitution. The magician shakes off the excess confetti (leaving only the glued one), covers the glass with a handkerchief and “conjures” over it, saying something like: One, two, three, Become a confetti candy!

And he himself feels the prepared loop of fishing line through the scarf and pulls the scarf off the cup along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly grab the loop and remove the scarf so that the cover underneath is not visible. After this, the young magician puts the scarf aside and shows the surprised spectators a glass full of sweets. So, what do magic candies taste like?

Jumping Coin

This is a cute home trick that is simple and effective. Place a small coin on the table and have someone pick it up without touching the table or the coin. Of course, even if someone volunteers to do this, they still won’t be able to.

The secret of the trick: just hold your hand close to the coin and blow strongly on it from a distance of 5 centimeters. The air compressed by your breath will lift the coin and throw it into your hand. This is not possible right away, but after several exercises you can deftly perform this trick: you blow and there is a coin in your hand!

Endless thread

The magician notices a white thread on his jacket, near the lapel, and tries to brush it off several times. But the thread does not “blow away”. The magician takes the end and pulls it down. The thread begins to pull out of the jacket. The more she stretches out, the more surprised the magician is. And the length of the thread is several tens of meters! Focus Mechanics: white thread from the spool it is wound onto a short colored pencil (as much as is wound), placed in the side inner pocket and its tail (1-2 cm) is pulled with a needle through the fabric of the jacket to the outside. The pencil is needed so that “there are no traces left in the pocket” if one of the spectators asks the magician to show his pocket; a pencil is not a reel; it will not help solve this trick.

Trickster water

If you place a transparent glass on a large copper coin, the coin will be clearly visible through its walls. Pour water into a glass - the coin will “disappear” (of course, if you don’t look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take a coin and glue it to the bottom of the glass in advance. The child shows the audience a glass of water. There's nothing in it. Lower the glass down and hold it so that the audience looks at it from above - a coin appears in the glass!

Obedient button

Pour soda into a glass. The young magician takes a small button and drops it into a glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, he moves his hand over the glass and says: “Button, come to me!” The button slowly rises up. He passes his hand over the glass again and says: “Button down!” She will obediently lower herself.
The secret of the trick: when the button is at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles collect around it and when there are a lot of them, they will lift the button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will fall back down. This movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released. But practice first, calculate the time before commanding the button “up” or “down”.

Slipper trick

The magician brings out a paper package. Unties him. He takes out a clean rug from the package. He shows it to the audience from all sides: nothing is hidden in it. Spreads it on the floor. Still holding the rug with his hands by the edge, he pulls the slippers off with one foot and covers them with the rug. Makes “magic passes” in the air with his hands. He lifts the rug and points to the shoes that appeared “from nowhere.” Blows a kiss to the audience. He bows solemnly in all directions. And he doesn’t notice that his slippers “by themselves” (they are pulled by the threads) are quickly “leaving” from the stage. Having finished bowing, the clown looks for his slippers with his eyes. They are nowhere to be found! Covering his feet with a rug, he trotts off the stage in embarrassment. And at the same time he still tries to smile.

Blow out the candle

Blowing out a candle is nothing easier, but try blowing it out through a wide funnel, blowing into it through the narrow end, or through a paper tube folded into a pound. If you have a candle right in front of the middle of the tube, it will be completely impossible to blow out the candle. The flame, despite all the efforts, still stands and does not even waver. Try to place the funnel so that it is at the edge of it, and the flame will immediately go out. This happens because the streams of air coming out of the mouth pass through the narrow part of the funnel and dissipate in its wide part, then they go along the walls of the funnel and bypass the candle flame. If the flame is level with the edge of the funnel, then the same stream of air blows it out. This trick will seem interesting and strange to the audience.

Glass on paper

Place two glasses on the table at some distance from one another (the glasses should not be heavy). Give the audience a piece of paper and ask them to place a third glass on top of the paper placed on the glasses. No one will believe that a thin piece of paper can withstand the weight of a glass placed on it. To do this trick, you need to fold a sheet of paper like an accordion, and the glass will stand.

Guessing the date of birth

The host of the holiday can perform this trick with the audience. He addresses the audience: “Do you want me to find out the date of birth of each of you? Have someone come to me... Please multiply by 2 the number when you were born. Add 5 to the result, and multiply this amount by 50. Now add serial number the month in which you were born and give the resulting number.” Having learned this number, the presenter immediately names the day and month of birth. The secret of the trick: you need to subtract 250 from the number named by the viewer. You will get a three-digit or four-digit number in which one or two first digits are the birthday, and the last two are the month.

Transformation of tea

In one glass - “milk” (potato starch shaken in water). In another glass - “tea” (a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water). Liquid from one glass is poured into another and “ink” is obtained. You can even write on paper with them. Viewers can try their drawing skills by taking a brush and drawing something on a blank sheet of whatman paper or cardboard.

Living water

A child draws on a blank piece of paper with a simple pencil outline of the flower, then waters it with water. And then the plant gradually blooms (becomes colorful).
Secret trick: take white paper, place a cardboard stencil of a flower on it. Fill the entire volume of the flower with bright red aniline powder, temporarily covering the rest of it. Cover the leaf and stem with green aniline powder. Without removing the stencil, carefully blow everything off the paper. In places where there was powder, tiny particles of paint will remain unnoticeable. WITH reverse side sheet of paper where the child will later draw a flower, mark the outline with barely noticeable dots. When showing, water should be poured slowly, from the side of the stem. The water will make the paper wet, and the paint through it will gradually color the flower!

Magic vase

And you've probably seen this trick more than once. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck and lowers the end of a rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “goes in and out” freely. He then turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician grabs the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, lets go, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. What kind of strange force tied the rope and the vase so tightly?

Finally, the magician casts a spell, the “force” releases the rope, and it freely, effortlessly comes out of the neck of the vessel. What? Is there some secret in the vase? Please look for yourself and see for yourself, turn it in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special!

And the secret of this trick is very simple. And the baby can handle it quite well. Only here he cannot do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first be prepared. We, of course, deceived our viewers that there was no secret. It is there, as in any trick. So, it is convenient to use a glass ketchup bottle with a narrow neck or any other suitable container as a magic vessel. The rope needs to be thick and rigid, about half a meter or less long (the child should be able to handle it comfortably).

The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Glass bottle make it opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with magical patterns. Now comes the most important part. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half internal diameter neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. It drops into the bottle and remains there throughout the entire trick. You may need to experiment with different sizes ball so that the focus is perfect.

So what happens during a magic trick? The young magician shows the audience a bottle and a rope, then shows that the rope fits freely into the neck of the bottle and comes out just as easily. After that, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. The ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to properly secure the structure, and then slowly release it.

Akhalay-makhalay! The rope doesn't fall. The magician then grabs the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and lets go. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still prevents the rope from slipping out. To eliminate " magical power", just push the rope deep into the bottle.

The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To enhance the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for “magic” and try to repeat the trick themselves. Have one of the spectators pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, while in the meantime he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. That's it, now the bottle can be given to the audience for scrupulous study. It is clear that no one can repeat the trick.

The show begins! Spectacular appearance

Once your young illusionist has a few tricks well rehearsed, you can think about a real home show. Write a script for the performance together with your child, think about the costume, lighting, and musical design. The costume will depend on the role the child chooses. If he wants to be a wizard, then a long, wide robe embroidered with stars will suit him. Or maybe he will represent a gnome or other fairy-tale character. Then you need to dress accordingly. And of course, don’t forget about the magic wand, which can be made from an ordinary wooden stick, wrapped in foil and decorated.

To impress the audience, arrange a spectacular start to your show: the Great Magician and Wizard appears in the room in the most mysterious way.

For this trick you will need a large cardboard box(for example, from a TV) that a child can fit into.

The mother and the baby will make a house out of it. Cover the box with colored paper or paint it. On one side we will draw or glue windows and doors, and on the other we will carefully cut out a secret “door” through which the artist can crawl. Separately, we will make a removable roof for our house from cardboard. We will place a table in the room, covered with fabric to the floor, and at a short distance from it we will place our house “facing” the audience.

Between the table and the house we will temporarily place a roof from the house, blocking the gap. Your young Copperfield crawls under the table and quietly waits there for the right moment. All is ready. Spectators enter the “hall”. Mom, in the role of entertainer, reports that the famous illusionist will appear any minute, lifts the house, showing that it is empty, and puts it in place. After this, the “artist” very carefully crawls from under the table, under the roof, into the house.

Mom lifts the roof, showing that there is nothing between the house and the table, and puts the roof on the house. Now you need to say the magic words, remove the roof, and your little Magician and Sorcerer effectively appears from the house. Then he demonstrates his art to the audience, making sure to leave some interesting trick in case he gets an encore.

Or maybe you will arrange a whole family performance for your guests? After all, mom or dad can also learn a few amusing tricks and perform together with their little one. Ready? So, eni-beni-raba! An incredible, magical performance begins!

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We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic experiments, or science shows, that you can do with your own hands at home.
Whether it's your child's birthday party, the weekend or the holidays, have a good time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing this post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles that are inherent in this or that focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp with a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. B sunflower oil water is poured and food coloring (red or blue) is added.

3. After this, add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe an amazing effect.

4. During the reaction, the colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the “real magic” will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and they also have the property of not mixing, no matter how much we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.”

Do you want to put on a real science show? More experiences can be found in the book "Professor Nicolas' Experiments".

2 - Soda experience

5. Surely there are several cans of soda at home or in a nearby store for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the kids a question: “What happens if you immerse soda cans in water?”
Will they drown? Will they float? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

6 - Water in a sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with those around you that you can make sure that water does not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Thanks to this property of water, surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and are not so easy to separate (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure the honorary title of Water Mage and Lord of the Elements for you, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bathtub or even basin) without getting it wet.

26. Fold the piece of paper and put it in the glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. We immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. The paper remains dry - water cannot reach it! After you pull out the leaf, let the audience make sure that it is really dry.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “If you take a glass with a piece of paper inside and look at it carefully, it seems that there is nothing but paper, but this is not so, there is air in it.
When we turn the glass upside down and lower it into water, the air prevents the water from getting to the paper, which is why it remains dry.