Caring for an acrylic bathtub: how and with what to remove various stains. How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, tips and tricks How to clean an acrylic bathtub

Perfectly clean plumbing is the desire of every housewife. However, when choosing at home, you should choose the right tactics. Otherwise, you can say goodbye not only to an unpleasant coating, but also to the plumbing itself. Therefore, we will consider at home and which products are completely unacceptable for this coating.

Rules of care

For regular preventive cleaning, you should use a soft sponge and a specially designed product (this at home will be discussed below).

The washing process is extremely simple. Initially, the surface must be moistened with water. After this, apply a cleaning agent to a soft cloth or sponge and wipe the bathtub. The surface must be rinsed with water and wiped dry. To make it shine, you can use wax polish.

The more often you resort to regular surface cleaning, the less often you will think about what to clean. acrylic bath from plaque at home. It is recommended to repeat this procedure once a week.

Prohibited means

An acrylic bathtub has many advantages. However, it also has one significant drawback - it is low mechanical strength. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home in order not only to ensure its ideal appearance, but also to protect the surface from damage.

  1. Brushes with a metal or other hard coating.
  2. which contain substances: chlorine, ammonia, acetone, formaldehyde, abrasive components.
  3. Washing powders.

Products intended for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

For cleaning surfaces, it is allowed to use products that do not contain aggressive components. This will allow you to clean your plumbing quickly and easily.

There are also specially designed products for these surfaces. So, how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home?

Let's consider the most popular means:

  1. "Acrilan". The substance acts on the surface very quickly and is quite effective. It removes mold, rust, soap residue, and plaque. Does not leave behind microdamages or scratches. After using this product, the bath is covered with a light protective film.
  2. "Ravac." These are products that are used to remove grease, stains, rust, and scale. They perfectly disinfect surfaces.
  3. "Acrylic Polish". An effective remedy, designed for acrylic surfaces. It is characterized by low cost.
  4. "Tim-Pro." Modern remedy, which does not contain abrasive ingredients. It allows you to achieve crystal purity and does not leave scratches.
  5. "Mr. Cheester." A fairly cheap solution that can effectively remove rust and plaque. In addition, this product has an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

Water Stone Removal

The main problem that arises for people who have installed an acrylic bathtub is plaque on the surface. However, eliminating it is completely easy. So, how can you clean an acrylic bathtub from plaque at home?

For removing water stone the following measures should be taken:

  1. Fill the bath with warm water. Its temperature should not be higher than 30 C.
  2. Add vinegar to the water - 0.5 liters. Instead of this component, you can use citric acid. You will need 1 pack per bath.
  3. Stir the water with your hand. Leave the bath in this state overnight.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, release the water. Be sure to wash the surface. Then dry with a dry towel.

Such measures are quite enough to get rid of plaque. But what if there is too much water stone and it was not possible to completely eliminate it? How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home? The cleaning agents described above will perfectly remove plaque. For example, Acrylan or RAVAK Turbocleane liquids.

Getting rid of yellowness

Such defects are completely unusual for acrylic surfaces. Yellowness often occurs in bathtubs made from inexpensive plastic that has a protective layer.

Initially, it should be said that such spots appear from poor quality water, sudden change in liquid temperature. It is to such situations that plastic reacts by forming stains. In addition, it is very important that acrylic is always dry. It is absolutely unacceptable for water to stagnate in the bathroom. Be sure to check the taps. They should not drip water onto the surface.

We should remind you once again how to wash an acrylic bathtub. At home, cleaning products specially designed for such coatings will perfectly get rid of yellowness. You can use the substance "Acrylan". An excellent liquid is Tim-Profi. This product effectively cleans even very neglected surfaces. In addition, it perfectly disinfects the bath.

Citric acid will perfectly remove yellowness. It is recommended to dissolve 1 sachet in 1 glass of water. Apply the resulting liquid to the acrylic surface. Then rinse it thoroughly. Your bath will become snow-white again.

Checking the tool

If you don’t have the necessary liquid at hand, you can use another one. However, how to choose the right one that will clean perfectly and will not harm the surface?

First, be sure to study the composition of the substance. The product should not contain aggressive components.

Next, to determine how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, it is recommended to resort to a little trick. Apply your chosen liquid to a small area. Choose an inconspicuous area. For example, from the side. It is best to apply the product to the bottom of the bathtub. Leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse the area. Carefully examine how the bathtub reacted to this cleaning product.

If no defects were found, then the liquid is completely suitable and you can begin the washing procedure.

Bath disinfection

Acrylic surfaces generally do not support the growth of mold and microorganisms. However, even they need regular disinfection measures. Therefore, when planning how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home, be sure to think about such cleaning. This is especially true for families with children. Is it necessary to expose the crumbs to additional risk?

Bathtub disinfection is a fairly simple activity that is recommended to be carried out once a year.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. Fill the bath with warm water.
  2. Add a little disinfectant to the liquid. You can use the above-mentioned Tim-Profi liquid. Stir the water.
  3. The bath should remain in this state for 10-15 minutes. Then release the liquid.
  4. Be sure to wash the surface. All remaining solution must be removed. Don't forget to wipe the bathtub dry.

Disinfection with chlorine

There is another method to clean the surface. However, you should be extremely careful with it. Because high consistency may damage the surface.

To disinfect with chlorine, use the instructions:

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. Add chlorine to it. The solution should be 7%. Watch the consistency carefully.
  3. Wait a few minutes. Then open the drain.
  4. Rinse the surface thoroughly and wipe it dry.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe an acrylic bathtub with a pure chlorine solution. Not only will it damage the surface, but it will also leave behind yellow, disgusting stains.

Caring for acrylic bathtubs is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly and use only those products that will not damage the surface.


Acrylic bathtubs have a smooth and non-porous surface. They are distinguished by beautiful appearance, which led to their high popularity among consumers. But in merits acrylic bathtub its main disadvantages also lie.

It is made of a composite material that does not withstand external influences well. And in order to keep the product in its original form for many years, it is important to know how to clean an acrylic bathtub.

Main types of pollution

Before turning to the question of how to wash acrylic bathtubs at home, you should consider the common types of contaminants specific to this material. During operation of the product on the surface polymer coating appear:

  • Yellow plaque. It appears due to poor quality tap water. However, acrylic bathtubs rarely become covered with a yellow coating due to the nature of the polymer coating.

  • Lime. Such a coating on the surface of an acrylic bath appears due to water, which contains many metal salts. Citric acid is usually used to remove lime from acrylic surfaces.

  • Colored spots. They appear due to contact of acrylic with various dyes. Substances that change the color of the bathtub are not deeply absorbed, so they are easy to clean. You can use regular soap for this.

  • Acrylic bathtubs have certain maintenance requirements. To prevent scratches from appearing on its surface, do not place pans or other hardware, and also wash pets in it.

    Important! You need to take care of your bathroom every day. This approach allows you to prevent the appearance of dirt on the surface of the bowl and increase the service life of the product.

    Before cleaning an acrylic bathtub, you should make sure that the detergents you use are suitable for this material. To care for the product, it is not recommended to use the following:

  • Brushes with stiff bristles. After them, they remain on the acrylic surface. small scratches that cannot be removed or painted over. Subsequently, because of them, the bath becomes unusable.
  • Powders, including those containing abrasive particles. Because of them, scratches also form, and the bath loses its original shine and acquires a matte tint. Dry soda is one of these substances.
  • Chlorine-containing substances. Because of their impact glossy surface takes on a matte tint and fades. Chlorine-containing substances have a negative effect on silicone gaskets used in whirlpool baths.
  • Organic solvents (acetone and others). Their impact provokes the destruction of the polymer material. With prolonged contact with solvents, the surface of the bath gradually deforms.
  • Ammonia-containing liquids and ammonia. They have a similar effect as organic solvents.
  • Formaldehyde. They destroy the structure of the polymer material.
  • In addition, do not fill the cup with too hot water. Because of it, the polymer is deformed.

    Household chemicals for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

    In the list, it is desirable for each name to have a picture

    There are many products on the market that can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub. Among the most popular and effective products include the following:

  • Rawak. There are several remedies hidden under this name. household chemicals, which disinfect the surface being treated and remove dirt from it well.

  • Acrilan. It is considered one of the most popular products for cleaning acrylic bathtubs. Acrylan quickly removes residues various substances and removes dirt, rust, salts, mold. After processing on acrylic it is formed protective film, thanks to which the material restores its former shine.

  • Tim Pro. The product contains environmentally friendly ingredients. It is effective against grease stains and salt deposits. Along the way, Tim Pro disinfects the surface and eliminates unpleasant odors.

  • Acrylic Polish. Just like Ravak, it is a line of different products that clean acrylic, restore its damaged parts and polish the surface.

  • Bass. Has a liquid base. The product is recommended for daily processing of polymer material.

  • Cif. The product does not contain abrasives. It is used to clean any materials, including metal and acrylic. He deletes greasy spots, rust and other types of contamination.
  • Chister. Has a universal effect. The cleaner removes traces of rust and grease, and soap particles. The product contains substances that prevent the formation of a fungal colony.

  • Each of these products does a good job of cleaning acrylic bathtubs. The difference between them mainly lies only in the price and brand of the manufacturer.

    Bathtub cleaning procedure

    Before purchasing a product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs, it is recommended to pay attention to its composition in order to avoid purchasing a product that does not meet the requirements described above.

    Before handling the bowl, it should be washed with warm water. The cleaning product is applied to contaminated areas and on soft rags. It is recommended to carry out all manipulations with rubber gloves. Household chemicals dry out the skin.

    After applying the product to contaminated areas, wipe them thoroughly, trying to remove stains. After completing the manipulations, the bathroom should not be used for an hour. In the future, it should also be rinsed with warm water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

    Other ways to clean an acrylic bathtub

    Depending on the type of contamination, you can use other products that are quite easy to prepare at home.

    To remove limescale from an acrylic bathtub, use a weak solution citric acid or table vinegar (1.5 liters required). If the first remedy is used, the cup should be filled hot water. Next, add 50 grams of lemon juice and leave for several hours, during which the limescale will soften. After this, the water is drained, and the remaining salts are removed with a soft cloth.

    You can remove rust from acrylic using apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or acid. The latter must first be diluted in water in a proportion of 20 grams per 1 glass of liquid. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated areas and leave for a few minutes. After the allotted time has passed, the bathtub is rinsed with strong water pressure and wiped with a dry cloth.

    If dirt is deeply embedded in the acrylic, it can be removed with toothpaste. Apply the product to a cloth and wipe the problem areas.

    Rust removal

    Baking soda is usually used to remove rust from the surface of an acrylic bathtub. Old stains can be cleaned with salt.

    To remove rust from the surface of an acrylic bathtub, you need to take a teaspoon of soap and dilute it in water (about half a glass will be required). Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to the resulting solution. The product is applied to the rust and left for 30 minutes. After this, it must be washed off with running water.

    If the stain has just appeared, it can be easily removed with soda slurry. When preparing this product, it is important to ensure that there are no large particles left in it.

    Removing scratches

    If, during the care and operation of an acrylic bathtub, scratches up to one millimeter deep appear on its surface, then a piece of felt is used to remove them. It is enough to rub the problem area for a few minutes to get rid of the defect.

    You can remove deep scratches using liquid acrylic. The material is applied to the damaged area and left until completely dry. Next, the surface of the bath is polished with felt.

    Rules for cleaning an acrylic whirlpool bathtub

    Bathtubs with a hydromassage function are equipped with many nozzles, which often form mold or mildew. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to wash the bowl regularly.

    To do this, the tank is filled with warm water so that it completely covers the nozzles. Hot air is then supplied. 50 ml of the product used for cleaning is poured into the water. dishwashers, and a glass of vinegar to disinfect the bath. At the end, the hydromassage starts for no more than 15 minutes.

    Once the procedure is completed, the reservoir should be refilled clean water and turn on the hydromassage again, thereby removing any remaining cleaning agents and soap from the nozzles.

    Acrylic bathtubs must be rinsed every day. It is recommended to treat it with detergent once every two weeks. And every six months you need to disinfect acrylic surfaces.


    Acrylic bathtubs are in great demand due to their hygiene and lack of corrosion on their surface. But acrylic has its drawbacks, primarily the requirement for careful care. How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home worries many housewives. Caring for it can be called a whole science. If you take care of your bathroom correctly, it will delight you with its snow-white color long term.

    Cleaning products for acrylic bathtubs

    Detergents for cast iron will not work here. You should not choose a cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs that contains:

    • acetone;
    • chlorine;
    • ammonia;
    • formic acid or any other.

    Acrylic tanks cannot be washed with boiling water or products containing ammonia, formaldehyde and other corrosive elements. This will damage the surface, and restoring it is quite expensive. You need to choose high-quality products that will be completely safe for the surface, while cleaning it quickly and easily.

    Let's consider which reliable detergent you can choose and why:

    Now you know how to clean an acrylic surface, but how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is also worth finding out.

    Using detergents

    They must be used strictly following the instructions. With abrasives, everything is simple - apply and wash until the bathtub finally shines. But gentle gels are usually used as follows::

    • apply the gel to the entire surface with a sponge or use a spray bottle;
    • time for ten minutes - usually this is enough to have an impact, but look at the instructions first;
    • wash off the dirt along with the gel with jets of warm water and a sponge;
    • To be safe, rinse the bathtub again and wipe it dry.

    Features of care

    Such baths require careful treatment. For example, you should not wash them more than twice a week with acrylic bathtub cleaner. After each use, you need to rinse the walls with water and wipe with a sponge. Several times a week you need to wipe with soapy water and then wipe dry with a dry soft cloth.

    Not even a drop of water should remain, then the washing tank will not become covered with a yellow coating. But this material is not subject to corrosion - this is a definite plus. If plaque does form, it should be washed off with other cleaning agents.

    Folk remedies

    They will cost you less, and besides, you will not doubt their composition. Therefore, many housewives resort to this type of care for their acrylic bathtub at home.

    Cleaning the bathtub is very simple using regular wine vinegar, diluting it with water. The mixture is safe, but its effect is no worse than that of expensive drugs. But this composition only copes with soap stains; if the surface has already turned yellow, then try another option:

    • fill the bathtub with warm water;
    • pour in one and a half liters of vinegar and leave overnight;
    • rinse with water, wash the surface with a sponge.

    Often, rusty stains from flowing water remain on the side of the bathtub. Acrylic does not rust; plaque remains from the running faucet, so its condition must be monitored and changed in a timely manner. It's easier than getting rid of rust. But if it was not possible to prevent its occurrence in time, then you can also resort to traditional methods. For example, the following rust remover will help::

    • Dilute citric acid in a glass of water and pour into a filled container;
    • after ten minutes, drain the water;
    • Rinse the surface with a sponge and wipe.

    City water contains rust and various salts, because of this, the bath often turns yellow. Another effective method To combat yellowness, use table vinegar paired with oxalic acid. Warm the water slightly and add these two components to it. Wipe with this mixture yellow spots, wash them off after ten to twenty minutes.

    Prevention and disinfection

    If the acrylic is high quality, it can last thirty years while remaining looking like new. But this effect will only occur with careful use. It is not allowed in an acrylic container.:

    If you follow a weekly washing schedule and avoid damage, she will be fine. Before installation new bath plumbers advise changing and water pipes to avoid the appearance of yellow is worn. And although the smooth surface is not susceptible to corrosion and attacks of fungal diseases, disinfection must be carried out once a year.

    How is disinfection carried out?

    For disinfection, you can use the Czech product Ravak Disinfectant, which is distinguished by its quality and safety. This way you will have no doubt that the container is disinfected and you can bathe in it yourself or bathe small children there. The product is very easy to use:

    • fill the reservoir with water;
    • dilute part of the product in ten parts of water and pour into the collected water;
    • leave for ten minutes, remembering to stir;
    • rinse with clean water, helping yourself with a soft sponge.

    The product is economical in consumption, because frequent disinfection of the acrylic surface is not required. But with its help you can treat the entire bathroom. The main rule is to dilute it generously with water!

    Of course, you will have to use trial and error to find the only cleaning product that will completely suit you in terms of quality and safety, and will not repel you with an unpleasant pungent odor. But if it is not possible to buy expensive bottles of chemicals, you can always resort to traditional methods, which are also famous for their effectiveness.

    Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, directly related to its composition. Optimal composition it is simply impossible to name. The main thing is not to forget to make sure that the composition does not contain acids, ammonia and chlorine, which are contraindicated for acrylic surfaces.

    If you regularly keep your bathroom clean, then no plaque or rust will form there. After all, bathing in a snow-white container is much more pleasant than in a yellow and unkempt bath. Therefore, twice a week, always pay attention to the surface of the acrylic, rinsing it with jets of water and a sponge, and then wiping off any remaining droplets.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    How to clean an acrylic bathtub? This question arises among housewives who have wandered sanitary product made of this material, or it was covered with it during restoration. In any case, the products used to clean enamel are not suitable for caring for this polymer; you can easily damage the capricious surface, which means you will have to be careful when choosing.

    Folk remedies

    There are a number of substances that are found in almost every home and are suitable for cleaning acrylic surfaces:

    It is recommended to be used to remove limestone deposits. Just fill the bathtub with hot water, add a packet of acid, stir and leave for a couple of hours. Then, the water is drained, and the surface of the bowl is washed with jets of water; it should be wiped with a cloth so that there are no streaks left.

    If you carry out such cleaning at home once every 10-12 months, then you can do without special means sold in stores.

    In case of significant contamination, the dosage of acid should be increased to 3 sachets. But such a procedure is considered aggressive and is carried out only if there is a special need for it.

    • Toothpaste

    This original product is not suitable for fighting rust and lime, but it can be used to remove minor stains on the bathtub. The paste is applied to a brush, you can use a toothbrush, and scrubbed off required area. Afterwards it is washed off with water.

    • Soda-soap solution

    It is better to clean an acrylic bathtub with baking soda, which is a weak alkali that cannot damage the material. Prepare a mixture of baking soda and soap, apply it to the contaminated areas and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, the solution is washed off; if necessary, you can go over it with a sponge or brush with soft bristles.

    You can also prepare a paste of soda and a small amount of water, which is used to cover the walls of the bathtub. After 20 minutes it is removed with a damp sponge.

    This product is suitable if you need to clean the bathtub from fresh stains and minor deposits.

    • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

    Using this mixture you can get rid of limescale, rust and yellowness. The liquids are mixed 1:1, a cloth or sponge is soaked in them and the surface of the bowl is wiped.

    • Salt

    If there is old rust, you can clean an acrylic bathtub with regular fine salt. It is poured onto the surface of a sponge, moistened with water and the stains are rubbed off. But, it should be remembered that salt is an abrasive, which means it is advisable to act very carefully.

    This substance allows you to clean very strong stains from the surface of an acrylic bowl. You will need 1 liter of vinegar, which is poured into a bathtub filled with warm water. The product is left for 10-12 hours, or overnight, and then drained and rinsed. This method is not recommended unless there is a special need.

    You can also pour baking soda onto a pre-moistened surface, and after 15 minutes, pour in a 9% vinegar solution. Dirt is treated with a brush.

    • Lemon juice

    Allows you to remove rust from the surface. Freshly squeezed liquid is applied to the stain, wait about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Disinfection of an acrylic bathtub

    The bathroom is a room with high humidity, in which fungi and mold often appear, therefore, important point disinfection is mandatory. The bath bowl also needs annual treatment. You can disinfect an acrylic bathtub as follows:

    • the bowl is filled with water at a temperature of 20-25°C;
    • pour out one package detergent, which has a disinfectant effect, for example, Rawak;
    • water with the cleaning composition should be mixed and left for 10 minutes;
    • after the specified time, the water is drained and the bowl is rinsed;
    • The last step is to wipe the walls of the bathtub dry.

    The procedure requires the use of protective gloves. After the event, the bathroom should be thoroughly ventilated.

    Special care products for acrylic

    If the housewife decides to use cleaning products purchased in the store, then it should be taken into account that it is impossible to wash a bathtub covered with acrylic with compounds for ordinary surfaces.

    But modern chemical production offers wide choose special products intended for the care of acrylic surfaces. The compositions have a gentle effect on the material, eliminating stains and smudges without damaging it. Most often, they have a cream or gel consistency. Popular cleaning products include the following:

    • Acrilan - provides comprehensive care - fights even old stains, disinfects, forms on the walls of the bathtub protective layer, preventing bacteria from accumulating;
    • SIF (cream, spray, paste) - universal remedy, characterized by its careful handling of delicate polymers and high efficiency;
    • Mister Chister is an inexpensive cleaning liquid that can be used to remove limescale and rust.
    • Tim-pro is a modern disinfectant that removes plaque and dirt of any complexity, gives shine to the surface being cleaned, and eliminates unpleasant odors;
    • RAVAK Turbocleaner - to dissolve lime deposits, just apply the composition and wait;
    • San Klin is a multifunctional composition that is effective in combating various mineral deposits.
    • Triton is a disinfectant, recommended for use if care and cleaning is required old bath with old contamination.

    The gel or cream is applied to a sponge or napkin, which is used to wipe the bath bowl. It is advisable to leave the product for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water and wipe dry.

    Features of caring for an acrylic product

    Proper care of an acrylic bathtub will increase the life of the product and preserve its aesthetic appearance for a long time. In addition, if you choose the right product and use it regularly, the bowl will shine white, without smudges, deposits, cracks or scratches.

    The bathtub should be rinsed after each use and wiped with a dry cloth. If there are no persistent stains, then you can wash the acrylic bathtub with ordinary laundry or baby soap or dishwashing liquid. You can also add washing gel or a little powder to warm water, dissolve it, apply the resulting foam to the walls of the bowl and rinse with water.

    To restore shine to the polymer surface, you can take soft cloth, saturate it with wax-based polish and rub the walls of the bowl.

    One caveat - although acrylic is durable, it is a thermoplastic that is not resistant to high temperatures.

    At individual system When heating water, do not allow boiling water to get into the bath, otherwise the surface will be deformed.

    What should not be used to clean acrylic surfaces?

    In order for the sanitary product to serve for a long time, it should be borne in mind that there are many products that cannot be used to clean acrylic surfaces. You can ruin your bathtub by using the following substances and compositions:

    • washing powder in dry form, without prior dissolution in water - its granules can leave microscopic scratches on the surface;
    • cleaning powders with abrasive particles;
    • chlorine-containing products - after the first use, the walls of the bowl may become cloudy; subsequently, chlorine begins to corrode the synthetic polymer, it becomes porous, loses its gloss, and becomes rough;
    • solvents containing acetone - an aggressive substance will not only cloud the surface, but will immediately corrode the acrylic;
    • bleaches and others chemicals, which contain ammonia - this substance is less hostile to polymers, however, it is also capable of destroying their structure;
    • products with the toxic component formaldehyde, a gas that was dissolved in water and was previously used in the chemical industry, are incompatible with acrylic.

    Also, concentrated alcohols, acids, and alkalis are not suitable for processing this material.

    In addition to dirt and soap scum, plaque often forms on the bathroom. Its intensity and color depend on the quality of tap water. White limescale is caused by an increased concentration of hardness salts, rust is provoked by excess iron, and yellowness is caused by the content of tap water chlorine The problem of plaque can be solved by proper and regular care with traditional methods or special household chemicals.

    Traditional methods of removing dirt and plaque are popular everywhere - many home remedies can actually cope with the problem quickly and without additional financial costs. But it is worth noting that it is easy to remove limescale and yellow deposits using home methods. Rust is much more difficult to remove, and if it is old, you cannot do without household chemicals.

    Homemade recipes for limescale

    Liquid soap

    A common option for everyday product care. Using a soft sponge, treat the bath with the product and rinse with water. This is enough to remove daily dirt and keep the surface clean. You can also wash your acrylic bathtub with washing gel or dish soap.


    Table vinegar dissolves lime deposits well. Used alone or in combination with citric acid, salt or soda. The main thing is that in the case of acrylic, do not use it in pure form. 0.5 - 1 liter of 9% vinegar is diluted in a bath filled with warm water. Leave for several hours (but no more than 12), after which the solution is drained, and the bath is wiped with a sponge, rinsed with water and wiped dry.

    Lemon acid

    Citric acid powder is used in a similar way to vinegar, but must first be dissolved in warm water. For light whitening you will need 50 g of powder (this is 2 packs of 25 g each), for plaque removal - 100 - 200 g.

    It is necessary to dissolve all the crystals so that they do not settle on the bottom of the bathtub. Freshly squeezed lemon juice applied to a sponge can be used to wipe off small yellowed areas.


    Washing an acrylic bathtub with soda often causes controversy among professionals and on thematic forums. Baking soda effectively whitens and removes limescale, but as an abrasive substance it is of concern. In order not to harm the acrylic surface, you should soften the abrasive effect of soda: to do this, dissolve it in a bath of warm water and leave for 30 - 60 minutes. Then the solution is drained and the bath is rinsed with water. Another option: dilute baking soda with water to a paste-like consistency, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

    Folk remedies for yellowness

    Laundry soap

    A universal cleaner for all surfaces. Based laundry soap You can prepare a cleaning gel that effectively removes stubborn dirt and whitens yellowed areas. To do this, grate the soap and dilute it with warm water to a thick, uniform consistency. Add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. soda and mix well until it dissolves, apply with a sponge. The exposure time of the product is from 15 to 60 minutes.

    Soda and mustard

    Combine soda and mustard powder in equal parts, add warm water and stir until the soda dissolves. The resulting slurry is used to treat rusty and yellow areas and leave for 30 to 60 minutes.

    Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

    Vinegar and peroxide are mixed in a 3:1 ratio and applied with a sponge or spray bottle. After 15 minutes, wipe the treated area with a napkin and rinse with water.


    Whitening toothpaste can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub from yellow plaque and fresh traces of dyes (for example, such stains may remain after hair dyeing). Rub the paste into problem areas with your fingers or a sponge, leave to act for several minutes and rinse with water.

    Recipes for rust

    Salt and lemon juice(vinegar)

    Finely ground salt is mixed with the juice of half a lemon or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar until you get a paste. Cover with the composition rust spots and leave for a period of 15 to 60 minutes. You cannot rub the surface with this composition - it is washed off, and the remaining rusty deposits are removed with a sponge.

    Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

    Solution from equal parts peroxide and ammonia can remove limescale and fresh rust. The action time should not exceed 10 minutes: ammonia in ammonia can harm the acrylic surface.

    Special means

    Industrial products for acrylic are presented in the form of liquid sprays, creams or gels.

    Compositions suitable for acrylic can be found among consumer household chemical products and from manufacturers of branded sanitary ware. Professional products can not only remove stains and old plaque, but also return the bathroom to its original color.

    Industrial products active against plaque and dirt of various origins:

    Note: It is advisable to test any new product on a small area before use.

    How not to handle acrylic

    Acrylic - durable polymer material and a bathtub made from it will last a long time if mechanical and chemical damage to the surface is avoided, namely:

    1. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents based on chlorine, concentrated acids and strong alkalis (Domestos, Belizna, Pemolux). Due to chlorine, the bathtub may turn yellow, and caustic substances can destroy the acrylic layer and cause cracks.
    2. Do not use hard brushes or metal scrapers for cleaning - they easily scratch acrylic. Polymers are characterized by a non-porous surface, so when proper care There is nowhere for dirt to accumulate and there is no need for rough cleaning. But when defects appear, dirt easily gets into the damaged areas.

    How to remove scratches

    If scratches do appear on the bathroom, they can and should be eliminated to avoid further damage to the material. Cracks, chips and defects that form when the surface is corroded by aggressive substances also require restoration.

    Acrylic bathtubs are easy to restore, so minor defects can be removed at home. Scratches can be removed fairly quickly:

    • the damaged areas are carefully sanded with sandpaper of different grain sizes (from coarse to fine);
    • A special polishing compound is applied to the cleaned area and treated with a fleece or special cloth in accordance with the instructions.

      Note: Small scratches can be removed with a special polishing pencil for acrylic surfaces.

    Serious defects can be eliminated using putty, liquid acrylic and polish. Often such work is entrusted to professionals, but if you wish, you can do it yourself in several stages:

    • Use masking tape to separate defects from undamaged areas;
    • cracks and chips are sealed with starting putty;
    • after the putty layer has dried, the damaged areas are rubbed first with coarse-grained sandpaper, then with fine-grained sandpaper;
    • if small unevenness remains, add a layer of finishing putty and, after it has dried, sand the surface again with fine-grained sandpaper;
    • remove the masking tape and degrease the surface with alcohol;
    • after all layers of putty have completely dried, a special paint is applied to the treated areas (its color is selected in accordance with the shade of the bathtub);
    • Finally, polish is applied to the dried layer of paint.

    For convenience, you can purchase a repair kit for acrylic bathtubs. The standard kit includes polish, a set of sandpaper of different grits and polishing cloth.

    Step by step how to remove scratches is described in the video below:

    Cleaning your hot tub

    If hydromassage equipment is installed in the bathroom, weekly cleaning of the nozzles and regular disinfection of the system will be required. If it gets into the hoses lather, the remaining dirt and organic compounds begin to decompose and cause bad smell. When water circulates in the system, this dirt ends up in a common tank, which makes the bathing procedure unhygienic.

    To fix the problem yourself, you can purchase special disinfectants for hot tubs. The bath is filled with warm water, an antiseptic is added and the hydromassage is started for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the water is drained and the bath is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining disinfectant.

    Antibacterial solution Ravak Disinfectant for plumbing and hydromassage systems.

    Note: Chrome whirlpool jets can only be cleaned with products designed for chrome surfaces. This should be taken into account when choosing a bath detergent. Otherwise, the chrome elements may darken or become stained.

    At least once a year, it is advisable to contact specialists who will professionally disinfect and clean the hydromassage unit - including the filter and water supply system.

    Bathroom care

    Caring for an acrylic bathtub comes down to preventing persistent contamination and, as in the case of cleaning, not damaging the surface layer. To do this, it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

    • Monitor the serviceability of taps, shower hoses and mixers: leaking plumbing is the main cause of rusty streams.
    • Pay attention to the composition of cleaning products for faucets and shower heads that are mounted above the bathtub container or fixed above its surface. Drops of detergent will certainly fall on the surface of the bathtub and leave stains on it or cause damage to the acrylic layer if the active substance is aggressive.
    • Do not exceed the exposure time of cleaning agents: after a long time, even acrylic-safe compositions can form undesirable reactions. Their most harmless consequences can be stains and discolored areas on the surface of the bathroom.
    • Do not wash or soak laundry in acrylic bathtubs, especially in bleach solutions. Colored clothes may stain the container when washed.
    • Avoid hitting the surface of the bathtub or dropping heavy objects on it.
    • Do not place basins or other containers with hard bottoms or sharp edges in the bathtub.
    • Do not burn the acrylic surface with curling irons or curling irons.
    • Be careful when bathing animals: their claws can scratch the acrylic layer. Therefore, it is better to organize another place for this procedure or lay a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathroom.
    • Do not pour into the bath bowl hot water, especially boiling water - it destroys acrylic, and the thin coating of a low-quality product can even melt. Safe water temperature for cast acrylic bathtubs is up to 80°C, for sandwich structures – from 50 to 70°C (depending on the thickness of the acrylic layer).
    • To restore antibacterial properties acrylic coating periodically disinfect the bathtub with special solutions.

    Ideally, it is recommended to wash your acrylic bathtub daily with liquid soap and be sure to wipe the surface dry after each use. But with the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to implement this in practice. Therefore, it is advisable to wipe the bathtub at least once at night and clean it with a suitable product once or twice a week. Additional use of polishes will reduce the frequency of washing the acrylic bath and prolong the effect of the shiny surface.

    Advice! If you need bathroom renovation specialists, there is a very convenient service for selecting specialists from. Just fill out the order details, the experts will respond and you can choose who to collaborate with. Each specialist in the system has a rating, reviews and examples of work, which will help with the choice. Looks like a mini tender. Placing an application is FREE and does not oblige you to anything. Works in almost all cities of Russia.

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