Whose name is Stepan? Video: the meaning of the name Stepan. Famous people named Stepan

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Stepan.

What does the name Stepan mean?

The name Stepan means crown (Greek)

The meaning of the name Stepan is character and destiny

A man named Stepan is sociable and artistic. He's witty, it's better not to get caught in his tongue. Energetic, temperamental, cannot be at rest for even a minute. Prefers female company, since only women can appreciate it, without envy and jealousy. Stepan needs success, and in the presence of ladies he is unusually cheerful, his mood is always high, his humor is sparkling. He is attentive and helpful, showered with compliments. Stepan marries a pretty, pleasant girl, modest and flexible. It seems that married life with such a person should develop the best way, however, Stepan’s excessive sociability spoils everything. He is bored sitting at home; he needs to be the center of people's attention. If the wife understands this and tries to open the doors of the house to all her husband’s friends, then we can still hope that Stepan will spend time with his family more often. Otherwise, a man named Stepan is a good husband. Very kind, unforgiving. He never interferes in his wife’s affairs, knows how to earn money, and provides for his family decently. However, Stepan is not always able to find such an understanding wife, which is why he has remarriages. In addition, he is also very amorous, divorce often occurs precisely because of this. Stepan himself is very jealous. Loves children, but spoils them more than educates them.

The meaning of the name Stepan for sex

Stepan is sexually excitable, but tries to restrain his indomitable attraction and curbs his temperament with his mind. He is not attracted by accessibility; it is much more interesting to win the woman he likes. A man named Stepan great importance gives an erotic game in which he a real master. Stepan tries to introduce an element of novelty and fantasy into intimate relationships, but he is too carried away by the technical side of sex, forgetting that no art can replace tenderness, a careful and attentive attitude. Stepan's sexual behavior is largely shaped by the influence of erotic literature.

The character and fate of the name Stepan, taking into account the patronymic

First name Stepan and patronymic....

Stepan Alekseevich, Stepan Andreevich, Stepan Artemovich, Stepan Valentinovich, Stepan Vasilievich, Stepan Viktorovich, Stepan Vitalievich, Stepan Vladimirovich, Stepan Evgenievich, Stepan Ivanovich, Stepan Ilyich, Stepan Mikhailovich, Stepan Petrovich, Stepan Sergeevich, Stepan Fedorovich, Stepan Yurievich- a strong-willed and at the same time compliant person. He is condescending and friendly to everyone without exception, and simply does not notice those whom he does not like. However, anyone who hurts the pride of a man named Stepan will not be happy. Stepan does not tolerate quarrels, but loves to make fun of his ill-wishers. He is quick-tempered, but knows how to control himself. He cares very much about his health - he won’t overwork himself physically, he won’t overwork himself mentally. However, this is not necessary: ​​everything comes to him much easier than to others, luck itself floats into his hands. And he himself will never miss his chance. Stepan enjoys success with women, but marries with caution and is in no hurry to choose a wife. He knows that his character is not sugar, not every woman can withstand him. Meanwhile, he is not a supporter of divorce, he tries to choose a wife once and for all. Most often this is what happens to him. He meets with his chosen one for a long time, tries to show her all sides of his character and give her the opportunity to decide how good he is for her. Even after getting married, Stepan pays increased attention to the women around him. His wife, knowing his weakness, should not forbid him to move in female society, especially since all relationships are limited to demonstrating Stepan’s artistic abilities. He cannot live without an audience that will appreciate his sparkling humor and skill as a joke teller. In the house, Stepan is a good owner, nothing can hide from his eyes, he notices everything, so there are never any breakdowns or malfunctions in the apartment. Stepan - loving father, although he does not raise children, reasonably believing that he will only spoil them.

First name Stepan and patronymic....

Stepan Alexandrovich, Stepan Arkadyevich, Stepan Borisovich, Stepan Vadimovich, Stepan Grigorievich, Stepan Kirillovich, Stepan Maksimovich, Stepan Matveevich, Stepan Nikitich, Stepan Pavlovich, Stepan Romanovich, Stepan Tarasovich, Stepan Timofeevich, Stepan Eduardovich, Stepan Yakovlevich reserved, balanced, but very amorous, he cannot miss a single woman, he cannot miss the slightest opportunity to establish his superiority. He is overly sexual and does not hide it; he is unable to contain the flow of feelings. At the same time, such a man named Stepan is drawn to women who are somewhat infantile, perhaps because he wants to try to stir them up. And most often he succeeds. Such women then remember him all their lives as a man of the highest class. Stepan is a lucky man; everything comes to him without much difficulty, including victories on the love front. However, he cannot love one girl for a long time, and therefore it is very difficult for him to get married, it is difficult to choose just one of his many lovers. He usually marries someone who is more stubborn and tolerant of his shortcomings. Such a marriage is quite successful, because the wife knows her husband well and does not even hope for his constancy. But you can be absolutely sure that he will never leave his family.

First name Stepan and patronymic....

Stepan Bogdanovich, Stepan Vilenovich, Stepan Vladislavovich, Stepan Vyacheslavovich, Stepan Gennadievich, Stepan Georgievich, Stepan Danilovich, Stepan Egorovich, Stepan Konstantinovich, Stepan Robertovich, Stepan Svyatoslavovich, Stepan Yanovich, Stepan Yaroslavovich balanced, restrained in expressing feelings. This is strong-willed strong man, full of self-respect, confident in his masculine abilities. A man named Stepan prefers to deal with balanced, sexually experienced girlfriends, but he is not attracted to available women, he is interested in conquering them. Such a Stepan gets married after twenty-six to twenty-seven years, choosing his wife from those whom he has known for a long time. Jealous, otherwise flexible and compliant, not picky about food, not too demanding in everyday life. The main thing for him is peace and stability in the family, so that children grow up in a healthy environment. He is economical, his wife does not have to worry about anything except cooking and maintaining order in the house. Stepan is not stingy, but he knows the value of money and knows how to manage finances prudently.

First name Stepan and patronymic....

Stepan Antonovich, Stepan Arturovich, Stepan Valerievich, Stepan Germanovich, Stepan Glebovich, Stepan Denisovich, Stepan Igorevich, Stepan Leonidovich, Stepan Lvovich, Stepan Mironovich, Stepan Olegovich, Stepan Ruslanovich, Stepan Semenovich, Stepan Filippovich, Stepan Emmanuilovich energetic, emotional, sexy. Being in love, he cannot imagine intimate relationships without love. He gets carried away easily and sincerely loves every next partner. Therefore, all his connections are quite long-lasting. A man named Stepan is in no hurry to start a family and marries when he has already achieved something in life, as a rule, to a young, inexperienced girl, from whom he makes the kind of wife that suits him. His wife is lucky: Stepan is a thrifty man, knows how to provide for his family, loves children very much, and is attached to home. Stepan is a good son, never forgets his parents, gets along with his mother-in-law and father-in-law. He loves entertainment and cannot live without variety. Often happens in public, his wife must always accompany him. Stepan is pleased that all his friends like her. However, she is not allowed to flirt with any of them; her husband is very jealous, hot-tempered, and unrestrained. If the wife is unable to satisfy Stepan’s increased sexual demands, he may start an affair on the side, which often becomes the reason for divorce on the initiative of the wife. Stepan himself will never leave his family.

First name Stepan and patronymic....

Stepan Albertovich, Stepan Veniaminovich, Stepan Vladlenovich, Stepan Dmitrievich, Stepan Nikolaevich, Stepan Rostislavovich, Stepan Stanislavovich, Stepan Stepanovich, Stepan Feliksovich- a creative and enthusiastic person. In life, he is a bit of an artist, cheerful, and has a developed sense of humor. Very hot, easily flammable, can lose control of himself, however, when he comes to his senses he is able to laugh at his incontinence. But he does not tolerate ridicule from others. His cheerful disposition attracts the attention of others and gathers many people who want to make friends with him. Such a Stepan enjoys especially great success among women. But a man named Stepan is easily wounded; perhaps the artist’s mask is his self-defense. He is energetic, cannot do one thing for a long time, monotony depresses him, spoils his mood. Stepan marries late, but successfully, to a woman much younger than him and definitely temperamental. Attached to family and children, he will never leave them. He does not strive for dictatorship, allows his wife to manage the household, rarely interferes in household affairs, but serious issues are always resolved at the family council.

At the name " Stepan"Greek roots. Literally translated, the word “stephanos” means “wreath, diadem, wreath, crown.” This attribute was an integral part of the image greek goddess Gers.

In Orthodoxy the name sounds like Stefan. Other languages ​​also have their own variants: Istvan, Esteban, Stephen, Etienne.

Stepan - character traits

Little Styopa has a cheerful and friendly character. He is so open to the world around him that he seems to have no secrets or secrets. Stepan is interested in communicating with his peers, but contact with his parents, who represent an undoubted authority for the boy, is especially important to him.

For Stepan, a teenager, a place in the team is important. He does not strive for a leading position, but creates the impression of an authoritative member of society. People listen to his opinion, he is considered an intelligent and decent person. Stepan begins to think about choosing a direction of activity early. Since his advantages are thoroughness and conscientiousness, Stepan will make an excellent surgeon, scientist, programmer or adjuster of highly complex equipment. And it’s unlikely that Stepan will choose to work as a courier or public relations manager. He can only concentrate when alone with himself, so noisy actions are not in his nature.

Stepan is capable of protesting, but there must be very good reasons for this. He can be convincing and convincingly convey to his superiors that they are not doing the right thing. And, oddly enough, he will not be fired or transferred to the category of too quick employees. Because Stepan knows how to speak convincingly. He may be seriously upset by disagreement with his position, and then Stepan’s pride may rise to the point of explosion and rebellion.

It is so harmonious that it represents an image almost ideal man. For complete perfection, he lacks only official status. Stepan is simply a conscientious worker, but since he is not an upstart or a “draftsman,” he is unlikely to be able to build a serious career. His path is a stable job in a well-paid, but not bossy, position.

Stepan - name compatibility

Stepan will choose a wife from those women who will conquer him not with beauty or sexuality, but with a gentle soul and wealth. inner world. For Stepan, warmth and spiritual support are important, which will help him cope with any difficulties. Stepan is a romantic in a relationship with his lady love. Therefore, the candy-bouquet period in his execution looks very elegant and lasts quite a long time. For him, his chosen one is a goddess, for whose sake he is ready to do anything.

Best Relationships Stepan will develop with Elena, Elizaveta or Natalya. But with Irina, Raisa or Veronica, marriage will not work or it will be short-lived.

Stepan - famous people who bore this name

Stepan Zhakov is a scientist, Arctic researcher, and author of numerous scientific works.

Stepan Razumov is an actor.

Stepan Menshchikov is a showman, participant in the television project “Dom-2”.

Stepan Razin - leader of the peasant uprising.

Stepan Dzhevetsky is the inventor of the submarine.

Stepan - interesting facts about the name

Stepan Razin did not even plan to become a leader in the Peasant War. His initial goal was a campaign against the oppression of the Cossacks. Besides, he simply wanted to avenge the death of his beloved brother. However, the riot that began quickly grew into general unrest throughout the country. But this is not Stepan’s merit, but the realities of the time.


The name Stepan is of ancient Greek origin. Most likely it comes from the word “stephanos”, which means “wreath”, “crow”, or “diadem”. Despite its Greek origin, this name has never been famous in Europe. But in Soviet times it was at the peak of popularity in the USSR.

The male name Stepan has not enjoyed the great popularity in our country for a long time, which it enjoyed in Soviet years, and that's a fact. But the same fact is that this name has the strongest energy, which is very rare.

Conversational options: Styopa, Stepasha, Stesha

Modern English analogues: Stefanos, Stefan, Stefan

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Stepan promises a boy so named many different qualities, including isolation, secrecy, simultaneous sociability and openness, stability and ease, the ability to adapt to any environment and situations, responsiveness and goodwill.

Well, among other things, all Stepans, without exception, are promised good nature, optimism, goodwill, humor, friendliness and sociability. The majority of bearers of this name are quite popular in society and enjoy good popularity directly with representatives of the opposite sex.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all Stepans, without exception, is their ability to adapt to everything that is happening around them. Stepans are also very hardworking and capable of achieving a lot, which can also be considered an advantage.

Stepan has a bad attitude towards people who are selfish, false, insincere, greedy and secretive. People with this name are always surrounded by only people with similar hobbies and preferences, cheerful and optimistic people, loyal and reliable comrades.

Modified forms of the name Stepan have become widespread in Europe. It's about about such names as Stefan, Esteban, Stephen, Stefan and Istvan.

Character of the name Stepan

The character of a name is one of the most difficult topics, which is not surprising, because it is almost impossible to predict what the character of a person named by this or that name will be, using the characteristics of this name and astrological data. And yet, this did not stop the researchers, and they even devoted a lot of time to studying the character of such a little man as Stepan.

Thus, the researchers were able to find out that, based on the characteristics of the name form Stepan, a boy named in this way, this name should endow him with a very difficult nature. On the one hand, the character of such a guy will be calm and balanced, you should not expect betrayal or self-interest, or deception from such a guy, he is good, but on the other hand, he is always looking for something more in people, demanding something that even he himself cannot give personally. Such is his character.

At the same time, one cannot help but note the simple fact that character largely depends on a bunch of additional factors. Thus, the character of the bearer of the name Stepan may depend on parental upbringing, on the influence of astrological symbols, and even on the time of year under whose auspices he was born.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the name Stepan, proceeds calmly, without problems, without parental worries, without robbery and self-indulgence. The meaning of this name promises him a simple nature, an easy character, calmness, tranquility, planning, prudence, which children in such a age rarely possess. early age, good nature, goodwill, hard work and determination. The main difference between this boy and his peers is that he is not a fan of pampering, tricks and running around, and on the contrary, Stepan likes to spend time quietly, for example, drawing, studying something, or helping his parents with household chores. The lack of communication with peers in his life, naturally, cannot but worry his parents. But still, they should not worry - in the future they will definitely be gifted with other qualities, sociability, and sociability, they just need to wait.

But Stepan is responsible and prudent beyond his years, he will never commit a rash act, he initially thinks through his actions and tries to please his elders in everything. Stepan is also very sensitive and receptive - any disagreements in the family can make him worry and nervous, he does not like aggression, even if it does not apply to him and does not affect his personality, he needs it to be calm around him, for everyone to enjoy life and preferably admired him. Parental abuse and quarrels can traumatize his psyche...


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning of the name Stepan, is endowed with even more qualities, which in turn gradually begin to change him. So, having matured a little, he will change, become more sociable and sociable, but he will never be able to become open - the reason is incredible distrust, fear of betrayal and lies from his comrades, shyness.

In addition, he does not understand people and often makes mistakes, trusting those who should not be - this is the meaning of this name, and this is the kind of nature it promises, but you can fight this, moreover, you must come to the conclusion about the need to fight your own shortcomings Stepan himself will come, without anyone’s help.

As for studying at school and other educational institutions, everything is simple here - he copes well with studying any subject, he has hard work and perseverance that have a positive impact, and in general, the meaning endows the boy with the name Stepan with incredible willpower and a unique mindset , teachers won't complain. Not on his abilities, not on his behavior. But it also gives meaning to one of the strongest drawbacks, which is self-criticism. Stepan constantly criticizes himself and is always dissatisfied with himself...

Grown man

The adult Stepan, who is protected by the meaning of this name form, is a man with a capital M. He has an excellent character, is always in good health and most of the time in good mood, it’s completely unrealistic to make him angry, but he himself can play on the emotions of even the most reserved person. Hard work, determination, justice, good nature, cheerfulness, sociability, eloquence, cheerful disposition, decency, attentiveness and caring - these are the traits that can characterize his nature.

But he also has many disadvantages, and one of these, by the way, even in adult life will be shyness, and the inability to correctly perceive criticism - criticism, by the way, can make him nervous, and can even push him into the abyss of depression, which usually leads to severe mental consequences. But Stepan is distinguished as a comrade and friend, he, of course, has few friends, but he is devoted to them and will never leave a comrade in trouble, he will always come to the rescue and help in any way he can. As for work, everything is simple - he is not a leader, has no organizational skills, and does not try to be in the public eye. His goal is to work for his own pleasure and do what he loves; money and power do not attract him. Although, perhaps something will change - it all depends on how such a boy’s childhood will proceed and what his parents will lay down...

Interaction of Stepan’s character with the seasons

Winter - the meaning of this season is interpreted ambiguously, but in general, here we will be talking about a peaceful person who adores peace and tranquility. This boy is responsible and loves solitude. Stable, especially in his personal life. This bearer of the name Stepan, a monogamous man, chooses his wife for a long time, but forever. He will not betray, will not deceive, will not break his promise.

Summer - such a person will be a kind and sympathetic person. He is not vindictive, calm and non-conflict, he always looks for ways to easily resolve any dispute - he will never start a scandal over an unimportant issue, he strives for mutual understanding and harmony. He will look for a calm wife domestic woman with a good-natured character, for whom harmony in relationships will be the main goal.

Autumn - as for the autumn boy, then such qualities as ambition and prudence already take over the mountain. By origin, his soul is practical, intelligent, reasonable - he slowly moves towards his intended goal. Loves attention, strives for recognition of his own righteousness and leadership. He is selfish, selfish and cunning, but will never admit it, and will pretend to be frivolous and stupid until the last moment.

Spring - here a poet and a romantic are born, a dreamer of all kinds, a fickle and frivolous person, impatient, prone to eternal change. It’s difficult to please someone like that – he only values ​​fun and positivity. A calm and peaceful woman is not for him - he will succumb to seduction in the case of a cheerful and optimistic girl.

The fate of the name Stepan

The fate of the name Stepan in marriage, love, and as such relationships with representatives of the opposite sex is such that it presupposes the presence of a stormy personal life and many relationships with different women. But then fate also suggests something else - all these relationships will collapse through the fault of Styopa himself. The reason lies in his difficult nature - yes, he is calm and simple in appearance, not aggressive and can rarely flare up, but at the same time Styopa often places all the work of building relationships on his soulmate, which may not please every woman.

Plus, Stepan, this is always a man who wants to create a strong couple, and if in a relationship he sees even the slightest hint of impermanence and instability, he immediately breaks it off - such is his fate that he needs a soul mate with whom he can immediately begin to build real, serious, long-lasting relationships.

And fate also suggests Styopa’s complete removal from everyday problems and affairs. He is not created for everyday affairs, for raising children and any worries, he needs a woman with whom he can forget about all this and care only about work and supporting the family. Although, again, fate is one of the most unpredictable parameters, and it is almost impossible to predict what it will be like in each specific case.

Love and marriage

Stepan is charming and damn Attractive man, possessing wit, a sense of humor and the ability to care for women. At the same time, Styopa does not like women hanging around his neck; it is important for him to win the love of his chosen one. She will become an extraordinary, energetic, inventive woman. But in order to become his wife, she will have to show her ability to take care of him, cook deliciously and create comfort in the house. Stepan's wife should also be a gentle, as well as spiritually rich girl, because in family relationships not only order and cleanliness are important to him, but also warmth and support. Sometimes such understanding does not come to Styopa immediately, but only after an unsuccessful marriage that broke up due to misunderstanding, jealousy or mistrust.

Stepan has a tendency to sudden mood swings. At this moment he can act like a gentle and affectionate “kitten”, and after 5 minutes he is already a hot-tempered, demanding and jealous “lion”. Happy marriage Such an unpredictable Styopa is possible only with a patient and conflict-free woman, ready to make concessions to him and forgive his failures, breakdowns and mistakes. Yes, Stepan is a wonderful family man, responsible, caring, economical, but a calm and ordinary life is not for him. You can always expect something new, unexpected and, alas, not always pleasant from him. From time to time Stepan can help his wife take care of household chores and go to the store, but he definitely doesn’t want to do this all the time.

Stepan takes over main responsibility to support his family and works all day long so that his loved ones do not need anything. It is important for him that he and his family live in abundance. However, Styopa, as a self-sufficient man, will not assert himself by suppressing his wife. He will not fight for unquestioning leadership in the family, but he will not “dance to the tune” of his wife either. He is a supporter of equality in family life. The wife must remember that Stepan’s love must be constantly fed with newness, because without love he simply will not be with her any longer.

Stepan as Father

Fatherhood is a very important step in a man’s life, even more important than marriage. With one woman family life didn't work out, you can try with another one. Fatherhood is a lifelong responsibility. No matter how many marriages a man has, he, as a father, is responsible for the children born in each of them. This is his duty, which simply cannot be abandoned. This question may also concern Styopa. He, as a sensual and temperamental person, will not maintain a family with a woman whom he has stopped loving. One can only guess how he will behave towards the children in the event of a divorce. Stepan values ​​family values ​​very much; he treats his wife with care, care and tenderness. These qualities suggest that he will become a father with a capital F.

Stepan perceives children as a gift of fate; for him, children are the most important thing in life. For their sake, he works tirelessly and wants to give his children all the best. However, he has enough time to play with the children and go for walks with them. Time spent with them is best vacation for Styopa. Cheerful, active and caring, he is able to improve everyone’s mood and charge them with positivity.

Stepan loves to have fun with children and pamper them, but he can also show his characteristic severity and exactingness. He is quite actively involved in the process of education and upbringing, demanding from them an independent and serious approach to learning and to the rules of behavior in society. Stepan tries to raise worthy people, strong-willed, well-mannered, educated and successful. By the way, if Styopa’s family life suddenly doesn’t work out, his children will not be left without their father’s attention and support. He will still spend every free minute with his children, he loves them so much.

Compatible with female names

The compatibility of the name Stepan with female names in love, marriage and relationships has long been deciphered. So, it turns out that in terms of feelings and relationships, such variations as Bronislava, Tamila, Frida, Emma, ​​Iya, Larisa and Lyudmila would be ideal.

In marriage, you can achieve happiness and sincerity with Edita, Alexandra, Lydia, Dina and Diana, Lada and Lilia.

And with people like Ninel, Ksenia, Agnia, and Seraphima, serious and lasting relationships will not work out at all.

In general, a man who received given name at birth, must be surrounded by care and attention, and he will love only that one. that can give him all this...

In childhood, the meaning of the name Stepan reveals its owner as a naughty and restless person. However, the boy has no tendency towards aggression, is not pugnacious, and is always funny and fun with the boy. He likes to come up with various games, he is very active, which causes a lot of trouble for parents and educators, who needs an eye and an eye.

He does not have perseverance; sitting for a long time at textbooks tires the boy. At school, all educational material grabs it almost on the fly. Teachers are a little afraid of the child’s inquisitive mind and the child’s tricky questions. The boy’s sharp eye notices all the shortcomings of adults, which he then comically copies.

This is a creatively gifted child, he will be interested in theater clubs, the boy will be happy to participate in school productions and KVNs. Thanks to his original and creative thinking, the boy can come up with funny stories and performances. She places great importance on the opportunity to speak in public.

The boy has a large number of friends and acquaintances, sometimes it seems that everyone knows the child. He likes to be in a female group, which never gets boring for him, unlike male company. Among girls, Styopa is always cheerful and witty, he can amuse the ladies interesting stories and anecdotes, he will give each a pleasant compliment.

The boy urgently needs society and spectators. Gives important its development and appearance. Loves to be the center of attention and is well oriented even in unfamiliar surroundings.

In youth, the meaning of the name Stepan for a child is revealed by such character traits as perseverance and iron willpower. At first glance, it may seem that the guy is not very serious and has a changeable character, but this is absolutely not the case.

This male name characterizes its owner as a person who has his own personal opinion, but is not inclined to change his principles and plans, and will attach great importance to the realization of his goals.

A man quickly forgets insults, tries not to attach importance to people’s barbs and ridicule, responding wittily to any attacks.


The meaning of the name Stepan for a boy in love relationships quite ambiguous. Since the guy loves to be in female company, the man’s chosen one will have to come to terms with this phenomenon. Women in the team often envy Stepan’s beloved girlfriend, believing young man the perfect match for yourself.

However, the young man is not as good in love as his female friends believe. This means that a man’s need to be in a large company creates a lot of inconvenience for his chosen one. He is not jealous, and does not like to be jealous.

Stepan Menshikov

A man is not attracted to approachable women; it is important for a guy to feel like a conqueror. In erotic terms, the interpretation of the name Stepan speaks of a young man’s penchant for intimate games with one or more partners. He does not restrain his sensitivity and high excitability, and pays attention to his pleasure.


Family life with such a man has many pitfalls. This often means unhappy marriages, divorces and repeated relationships are common. A young man rarely gives in to his principles and does not compromise.

She loves her children, but devotes little time to raising and communicating with her children, firmly considering this to be a woman’s business.

Business and career

In business, a man is lucky, has good instincts and intuition. Since the young man has a large number of friends and acquaintances, doors are open for him everywhere. He loves to lead, which means that his subordinates often listen to and respect him.

Thanks to his indefatigable imagination and creativity, he will be a successful fashion designer, designer, architect, painter and performer.

Origin of the name Stepan

The origin of the name Stepan has only one version, thanks to which you can unambiguously determine the meaning and secret of the name.

Church uniform male name Stepan – the name Stefan, whose name in etymological translation from the ancient Greek word “stephanos” means “crown, crown”. Based on the history where this name came from, the crown was a mandatory attribute and accessory of the Greek goddess Hera.

Characteristics of the name Stepan

Thanks to the information provided by the characteristics of the name Stepan, it is very easy for future parents, when choosing a name, to calculate the pros and cons of the character of their future child.

Among the advantages in the boy’s character, it is worth highlighting his kind and cheerful disposition, ease, sociability, ability to find mutual language with everyone. The child has a special charm and charisma, incredible charm and masculine attractiveness.

The big disadvantage in the boy’s character is excessive sociability. It is because of this trait that young people most often do not have good family relationships.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – aventurine, aquamarine, cobalt.
  • Name days - June 6, 20, 25, 28. July 13, 18, 26, 27, 31. 1, 13, 15, 25 August. September 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28. October 7, 11, 15, 17. November 9, 12, 13, 17, 24, 25. December 11, 15, 22, 23, 28, 30. January 9, 17, 24, 27. February 7, 12, 21, 26. March 7, 12. April 6, 8, 10. May 9, 10, 20, 30.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aries, Aquarius.
  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Color – faded yellow, green, red.
  • The animal mascot is the tarpan.
  • Treasured plant - mountain ash, apple tree.

Famous people

  • Stepan Menshikov (1977) – showman, actor, television presenter, former participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2”. The young man opened his own dating site and dreams of releasing the television program “Bride for Alligators.”
  • Stepan Morozov (1977) – theater and film actor. He became famous thanks to the television series “Masha Berezina” and the film “Bodyguard”.
  • Stepan Ryabokon is a Russian football player and defender. He is a member of the main team of the CSKA football team.

Different languages

The translation of the name Stepan has its own characteristics and in various languages ​​is not consistent with its Russian counterpart. On English language Stepan is translated as - Steven (Stephen), Stephen (Stephen), Stephan (Stephan), Steve (Steve), in French - Étienne (Etienne), Stéphane (Stephan), in Italian - Stefano (Stefano), Stefanio (Stephanio), in Spanish - Esteban (Esteban), in German— Stephan, Stefan (Stefan), church. Stephanus (Stefanus), in Portuguese - Estêvão (Estevan), in Romanian - Ştefan (Stefan), in Hungarian - István (Istvan).

On Chinese translated as 斯捷潘 (Sijiepan), in Japanese it sounds like - ステパン (Sutepan).

Name forms

  • Full name: Stepan.
  • Variants of the name are Stefan, the female form is Stepanida, Stefan.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) – Stepka, Stepashka, Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stepasha, Styopa, Stepunya, Stepura, Stepukha, Stepusha, Stesha, Stenya, Stenyusha.
  • The declension of the name is Stepan-Stepanu-Stepan.
  • Orthodox ( church name) – Stefan.

Career, business and money

Many name holders strive to realize themselves in creative professions. You can often find Stepan succeeding in the acting profession. Fashion designer, architect, journalist or artist - all these professions are suitable for a man with a steely character and irrepressible creative potential. Styopa is a jack of all trades, so if luck does not smile on him in his bohemian profession, he can easily find himself in another job, becoming an excellent mechanic, furniture assembler, etc.

This man copes excellently not only with the role of a leader, but also a subordinate. Thanks to his charm and good sense of humor, Stepan achieves success in business and easily establishes relationships with the right partners.

Marriage and family

Stepan chooses beautiful life partners, sexy women with a rich inner world, capable of giving love and affection. Styopa's chosen one must be a sincere, friendly person, a good housewife and mother. Often the first marriage of these men is unsuccessful. A happy family boat is broken by the jealousy of the husband and mistrust of his beautiful, self-confident wife.

But Stepan cannot choose a “gray mouse” as a wife who does not arouse admiration among others - this contradicts his life principles. A man does not strive for leadership in family relationships, but the role of a weak-willed roommate does not suit him either.

Sex and love

In love, Stepan is a witty, helpful and gallant gentleman. These features make him attractive in the eyes of many women. He feels comfortable in the company of representatives of the fair sex, loves to be in the company of several young ladies, and prefers not to have rivals. Stepan likes to woo unapproachable women.

Ladies who do not hide mysteries within themselves, who are ready to throw themselves on his neck, do not stay long in a man’s life. If Styopa meets the girl of his dreams, he will be ready to woo her for years. The man named by this name is temperamental and passionate. He is characterized by high sexual activity. During intimacy with a woman, he tries to give her maximum pleasure and only after that thinks about himself.


As a child, Stepan does not cause his parents any problems related to his health. At an older age, he may develop heart problems, and the risk of injury increases. Often men with this name are plagued by frequent infectious diseases. Stepan belongs to the category of hardy people who endure pain or illness until the last moment and only when there is no more strength left, they go to the doctor.

Stepan has a strong and extraordinary character. He has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. The man is absolutely confident in his outstanding abilities. At the same time it is very a kind person. He is not vindictive, does not seek to completely control his loved ones, and knows how to pay with loyalty for their patience. Stepan's psyche is quite stable. It is very difficult to both piss him off and shake him into any decisive action. Stepan is reluctant to accept new things and does not accept breaking established habits.

Interests and hobbies

Among Stepan’s hobbies, traveling, which involves visiting unusual places, takes a leading place. Boring and monotonous excursions do not attract him. An unexpected hobby for strong men, called by this name, is painting. Some of them in free time They enthusiastically create wonderful paintings. Stepa likes to work on the land, he enjoys setting up his dacha and running a household plot. Stepan likes carpentry and plumbing work.