Yellow plum jam - a simple step-by-step photo recipe for making seedless plums for the winter. How to make plum jam

When deciding which plum dessert to prepare for the winter, many housewives forget about such a tasty and healthy delicacy as jam. Despite the impressive duration of temperature treatment, with this approach, plums retain a significant portion of vitamins, microelements, fiber and other substances that have a positive effect on the body of adults and children.

There are several options for preparing the product; if desired, you can even use a multicooker or bread maker. Before cooking fruits, you should familiarize yourself with their features, which will help achieve the desired result.

Plums are not a capricious or demanding component. Not even the most skilled person can make delicious jam out of them. experienced housewife. And so that the process does not cause too much trouble, it is recommended to close the preparations for the winter, taking into account the following nuances:

  • The composition should be boiled in copper, aluminum or enamel containers. There should be no chips on it, otherwise something may get into the product during prolonged cooking. It is good if the capacity is low and wide. Delicious jam is also obtained when using cauldrons with thick walls.
  • This type of dessert implies uniform composition. To achieve this you should use immersion blender. You should not cook the mixture for more than 3 hours, trying to achieve maximum softening of the product in this way; it is better to speed up this process.

Tip: If you want to diversify somehow familiar product, it is not necessary to add exotic components to it. You can simply take not one variety of plums, but several. U finished product there will be a completely special consistency, rich taste and lasting aroma.

  • If the recipe does not contain information about what type of fruit to take in a particular case, preference should be given to fruits with small seeds that are easily separated and thin skin (for example, Hungarian).
  • From 1 kg of plums, approximately 1 kg of jam is obtained, so the number of jars for seaming for the winter is very easy to calculate.
  • When using fruits with very thick skin, they can be rubbed through a sieve before cooking, so that later there will be no problems with processing the components.
  • Plum jam to which butter is added has a special taste. This component is introduced at the very end of cooking in an amount of no more than two tablespoons, regardless of the volume of the product. In addition, cocoa (up to a tablespoon of powder per 1 kg of plums) and dark chocolate (up to 2 tablespoons of grated composition per 1 kg of fruit) can be used as flavor enhancers.

Even after prolonged processing, plum jam will retain many useful components. Some of them are responsible for strengthening vascular walls and improving blood composition, others normalize intestinal function, stimulating the cleansing of the body from waste and toxins.

Boil plum jam on the stove

Regardless of the type of exposure, the plums should first be washed, sorted, and pits and spoiled areas removed. Be sure to rinse the product again and dry it in a colander or on a towel. Next, proceed in one of the following ways:

  • Basic option. For 1 kg of plums, take 3 cups of sugar and half a glass of water. Pour water into the pan, immediately add fruit and turn on medium heat. After the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook the mixture for no more than 10 minutes. Place the thick part of the product in a sieve and grind, getting rid of the peel. Place the resulting puree back into the saucepan with the juice, add sugar and cook until tender, stirring regularly. The process usually takes 1-2 hours, the finished jam should have a consistency similar to rich sour cream. Then it can be placed in sterile jars and closed for the winter.

  • Cyclical approach. Place the pre-processed plums in a cooking container, cover with a lid and turn on low heat. Keep the mixture on the stove for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then plum puree sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Stir the mixture and cook again for 30-40 minutes, taste for sugar and add if necessary. If the skin is reluctant to boil, use an immersion blender. Again we infuse the composition for 6-8 hours, boil and infuse again. After that, all that remains is to boil the mass one last time and you can put it in jars. Before closing the containers for the winter, fill them with melted butter, which will prevent product spoilage.

If, when opening a jar of jam, signs of mold are found on the surface of the composition, they should be removed with a clean spoon. The rest of the product, if its color and smell have not changed, can be safely consumed.

Features of using a bread machine and multicooker

In both cases, for 1 kg of plums we take 800 g of sugar and 150 ml of water. To prepare a delicious dessert for the winter, you need to do the following:

  • Bread maker. First sprinkle the fruits with sugar and leave for 3-4 hours until the juice appears, after which we transfer the entire mass into the bowl of the device. Add water so that the product is not too thick. We select the “Jam” mode, set the timer for 1 hour 20 minutes, if the program time is not set automatically. We turn the finished product into jam using an immersion blender and close it for the winter.

  • Multicooker. Place the plum halves in the bowl of the device, sprinkle with sugar, pour in water and mix everything. It is best to cook the mixture on the “Stew” mode for 2 hours. 10 minutes before the end of the period, you should evaluate the quality and texture of the product. If a lot of juice has been released during fruit processing, you can add a little pectin or gelatin to the jam to give the jam the desired thickness.

Plum jam will only be more aromatic if you use cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, and cloves when boiling it. These components are introduced at the very end of cooking or added to the finished product. Often, sprigs of mint or rosemary are placed directly under the lids of the jars, which are removed before consuming the dessert.

Prunes are a type of plum that is grown specifically for drying. It is also common to call prunes the dried fruits of this shrub. Fresh prunes have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and dried fruits are very aromatic and healthy.

Today we will talk about such a winter preparation as prune jam. This unusual dessert dish will greatly delight your guests, so take the time to prepare it, and be sure to pack at least a couple of jars of this delicacy for the winter.

Fresh plums should be taken ripe, they have a high sucrose content. This will allow you to use less sugar, which means the dessert will be healthier. The fruits are washed and lightly dried on towels or in a colander.

If you plan to use dried fruits, then you must also take care of their purity. The prunes are sorted, removing “suspicious” specimens, and then washed thoroughly in warm running water.

To learn how to choose the right prunes in a store, watch the video from the Morning with Inter channel.

Recipes for making prune jam

From fresh fruits

With cinnamon and lemon zest

A kilogram of prunes is washed, peeled from stalks and drupes. The fruits are passed through a fine grinder, then poured with 150 milliliters of water and put on fire. Boil the plums for 10 minutes, remembering to stir them periodically. To the softened fruits add 800 grams of granulated sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and the zest of one lemon, removed with a fine grater. The prune jam base is boiled until thickened for an hour, skimming off the foam and controlling the heat level of the burner.

The hot jam, which flows from the spoon in a thick stream, is placed in jars and screwed on with lids. To ensure that the workpiece cools slowly, it is covered with a blanket or rug for a day.

The channel “Recipes for a Multicooker” will tell you about the method of preparing jam from plums in a multicooker.

With vanilla

Pour water into the pan for cooking jam so that it covers the bottom by 1 centimeter. Prunes, 1 kilogram, without removing the seeds, are sent to a cooking container. At closed lid The prunes are blanched for a quarter of an hour. The softened berries are transferred to a metal grid and begin to grind. The skins and seeds rolled into a tube remain on the surface of the sieve.

Add half a kilo of sugar to the fruit puree and, stirring, cook the jam for 30-40 minutes, bringing it to the desired consistency. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar or vanillin to the dish. The amount of spices is determined based on your own taste preferences.

From fresh and dried prunes

Dried fruits, half a kilo, are poured with boiling water so that the berries are completely covered with water. Then place the bowl with dry plums on the fire, cover tightly with a lid, and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. The water level in the pan must be constantly monitored and liquid added if necessary. If the fruit is not too dry, the cooking time can be reduced.

While the prunes are cooking, make fresh berries. You will also need 500 grams of it. To ensure that the fruits are thoroughly softened, they are blanched for 10-15 minutes in a small amount of water. After this, the fruits are pureed by passing them through a grid with strong metal rods. When the dried fruits are boiled, the same manipulation is done with them.

As a result, two types of puree are combined in one saucepan: from fresh and dried prunes. 300 grams of sugar are added to the thick aromatic mass. Boil the jam over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then pack it into jars prepared in advance.

From dry prunes without sugar

Prunes are cleaned of dirt and dust by washing them under running water. Then the fruit is poured with boiling water and steamed under the lid. Without draining the infusion, place the bowl on the fire. The prunes should swell well. To do this, cook it on the lowest heat for 1.5 hours. Blend hot fruits with a blender until smooth. To make the jam as homogenized as possible, the prune paste is rubbed through a sieve. Too thick jam can be diluted with the broth that remains after boiling dried fruits.

Oksana Valerievna offers you her own version of making jam from dry fruits

How and how long to store prune jam

Dessert with added sugar is stored longer than jam, in which its content is low or completely absent. Therefore, jam prepared according to the first two recipes can be stored for a year in the cellar, and according to the last two technologies - in the refrigerator for no more than six months.

Plum jam and jam.

Plum jam and jam

Thick plum jam.

Recipe for thick plum jam with cinnamon. It can be spread on bread, added to bagels and pies.


  • plums 1 kg
  • sugar 1/2 kg
  • ground cinnamon 1 tsp.

1. Wash the plums and remove the pits. Grind the pulp using an immersion blender, add sugar and add cinnamon, mix. Let stand until the sugar dissolves.

2. Pour the jam in small portions (about 2 ladles each) into a wide-bottomed saucepan and cook, stirring occasionally, until the jam begins to slightly stick to the walls. After this, boil for another 1-2 minutes and pour into the prepared jar.

3. Repeat with the remaining plum mixture.

Caucasian plum jam.

This is by far my favorite plum jam. I am new to homemade preparations, but the taste, and most importantly the aroma of this jam won me over

What do you need:

  • Plums 2 kg (it is better to take Renklod or Hungarian plums, they have dense and juicy pulp)
  • Dry ginger (I took fresh and grated it on a medium grater) - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Peeled walnuts - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Water 1 l.

1. Wash the plums well, dry them on a cloth towel, cut them in half and remove the pits. Finely chop the walnuts with a knife.

2. Place the plums in a cooking bowl and cover with sugar. Pour in water and cook over low heat until boiling.

3. Then add spices (ginger and cinnamon), stir and cook for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam and stirring. After this, remove the container from the stove and cool the mixture slightly. Add chopped nuts to the prepared jam and mix thoroughly.

4. Place the warm jam into sterilized jars and close the lids tightly. The jam should be stored in a cool, dry place.

Plum jam.

Plum jam is aromatic and tasty, it has a very beautiful colour and a unique aroma. For preparation, an additional component is used - gelfix (gelling agent) so that the jam acquires a jelly consistency. Plum jam also serves as a good addition to various pastries and desserts.


  • plums - 1 kg
  • Zhelfix - sachet 40 gr.
  • sugar - 800-850 gr.
  • cinnamon - 1-2 tsp to taste
  • cognac - 100 ml.


Prepare the plums - wash them under running water, cut them in half along the seam and remove the pits. Place in a cooking container (enamel), add sugar and leave for 30-40 minutes until the juice appears. Place on low heat and cook, stirring gently, for 30-40 minutes until the plums are soft. Add cognac and cinnamon to taste, cook for another 10-15 minutes, remove from heat. After cooling the jam slightly, add the gelfix, mix well and place on low heat again, boil for 10 minutes after boiling and pour into clean, sterilized jars, roll up or seal tightly with lids. Cool and store in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Plum jam with spices.

This jam needs to be cooked for quite a long time, until it thickens and becomes a rich red color.


  • plums 1.5 kg.
  • sugar 225 g.
  • cardamom 3/4 tsp.
  • cinnamon 1/2 tsp.

Divide the plums into halves, remove the seeds, cut into 3-4 cm pieces, no need to remove the skin. Place the plum pieces in a saucepan, add 1 cup of water and sugar.

Cook over low heat until the fruit is soft (about 20 minutes). Remove the saucepan from the heat and blend the fruit in a blender until it becomes a puree consistency. Return the plums to the saucepan, add cardamom and cinnamon, cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens (about 2.5 - 3 hours).

Remove from heat and cool. Store in a tightly closed container or pour into sterilized jars while still hot.

Plum jam with walnuts and spices.

You will need:

  • 500 g plums (weight without seeds)
  • 350 g brown sugar (regular)
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1-2 star anise (to taste)


Cut the plums into thin slices, cover with sugar, set aside until the juice releases. Mix well, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, remove from heat, and set aside until completely cool.

Repeat the process two more times, in the last step add nuts and spices to the jam and leave at a low boil for 10 minutes.

Cool completely, remove spices, and put jam into jars.

Plum jam.

  • Plums – 3 kg;
  • Sugar –2 kg;


Plum jam is prepared from fresh, ripened and pureed fruits. There should be no seeds or peel in it. Place the plums in a bowl, add (per 1 kg of fruit) ½ cup of water and steam over low heat until they become soft. Then cool everything a little and rub through a sieve to remove the skin.

Boil the pureed plums until almost tender. It is advisable to cook the jam in a low, wide bowl to ensure rapid evaporation, which guarantees a rich color and excellent taste. finished product. During the cooking process, the plum jam should be continuously stirred with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.

Add sugar only after the entire fruit mass has thickened sufficiently (boil it almost 2 times), since sugar promotes rapid burning.

When preparing jam main role plays a role in determining the correct thickness. The best way to determine the thickness is by running a wooden spoon or spatula along the bottom; if a path forms at the bottom of the bowl that slowly fills, then the jam is ready.

The finished plum jam is poured hot into washed and sterilized jars and rolled up. Air cooling.

Fruits and berries


Pitted plum jam will be a thick and transparent fruit mass, which will not only provide you with all the necessary winter period vitamins, but will also allow you to enjoy the delicate summer taste of plums even in winter. This preparation is perfect for preparing various homemade pastries with it or simply spreading the sweetness on a piece of bread for tea. If you follow all the instructions from the step-by-step photo recipe presented below, then you will definitely be able to prepare such winter preservation even the first time.

Plums are rich in pectin substances, which in turn are not only responsible for the thickness of the jam, but also for removing heavy metals from the body. Needless to say, any fruits and berries contain a large number of vitamins, and they, in turn, keep the immune system in good shape. If you always have a supply of such plum jam in your pantry, then you definitely won’t be afraid of colds in winter. For some, children will definitely be delighted with the prospects of such treatment. Plums are those fruits that tolerate heat treatment very well, which has a very good effect on the taste and smell of the finished jam. At the same time, you have two options for preparing homemade plum jam according to this simple recipe: make it look like jam or interspersed with pieces of fruit. No need to worry about given choice The taste of the workpiece does not depend in any way.

Let’s quickly start preparing delicious and tender seedless plum jam at home for the winter!



    We will prepare for work surface table with all the ingredients we need to make this jam. Be very careful when choosing plums: we need only the ripest fruits of the blue variety, in which the stone easily separates from the pulp. Only such plums produce amber transparent jam.

    We thoroughly wash the collected or purchased fruits in cold water, remove the stalks, if any, divide them in half and remove the seeds. Place the plum halves in a separate bowl, where they will dry slightly from moisture.

    To create this classic plum jam, the first step is to prepare the sugar syrup separately. It is really simple to prepare: pour cold water into an enamel pan or saucepan, the amount of which is indicated in the ingredients, add all the prepared sugar, mix the ingredients in the pan until smooth and bring to a boil. The syrup is cooked until all the sugar is completely dissolved as shown in the photo, this may take 5 to 10 minutes after boiling.

    Place the prepared plum halves into the pan when all the sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Cook the plum halves until softened and saturated with sweetness for 15-20 minutes. Please note that the cooking time directly depends on how ripe the plums you purchased. When the plums have softened sufficiently, carefully pour the contents of the pan into food processor and grind until puree. You can also turn the mixture into puree using a regular hand masher, although it will take longer. Return the already crushed mass to the pan and cook the jam for 60 minutes over low heat after boiling again.

    As you noticed, we do not remove the skins from plums, because they are rich in vitamins, but you can do this if you wish.

    It is better to choose small jars for storing such preparations and sterilize them in advance along with the lids in the oven or microwave. Pour still hot plum jam into warm jars, then immediately roll up the lids. Preservation should be left in the kitchen under a blanket until it cools completely and only then put into the pantry or cellar.

    Homemade seedless plum jam is ready for the winter!

    Bon appetit!

Gardeners have several dozen varieties of plums, each of which differs in taste and shape. However, regardless of the variety, plum has beneficial properties, which is why housewives use this fruit to prepare: preserves, compotes, jam and marmalade. Plum preparation will delight you in winter and will become especially useful to people who suffer from anemia and constipation. Due to its high potassium content, plum pulp helps eliminate salts from the body. Due to instant cooking jam prepared for the winter from plums, will preserve to the maximum useful substances. By following simple recommendations, you can prepare seedless plum jam in a short period of time.

How to make pitted plum jam

The recipe for making jam is simple, first we need to take and rinse the pre-sorted plum under running water.

We separate the washed plums from the seeds, so it is better to take a variety that is easily amenable to this procedure. Otherwise, you will have to work hard to remove the pits from the plums.

Add to peeled fruits according to recipe cold water, and cook over medium heat until the berries are well cooked. Cooking time will take no more than 20 minutes.

Rub the boiled fruit through a sieve, pour the amount of sugar into the resulting mass. If the mass is not passed through a sieve, the jam will not be so transparent and homogeneous. Cook the jam exclusively over low heat. If you increase the heat, there is a risk of getting burnt jam.

Cook the plum jam until a thick consistency is formed, stirring constantly for at least half an hour. Then, while hot, place the jam into sterile jars and seal with lids. According to the recipe, you can make 2 jars of jam, 0.5 liters each.