Indications for oxygen therapy

Dear customers, the Medtechnika Site store delivers throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg using its own courier service; we deliver to other cities in Russia using our partners and courier services.

  • We will not make you wait long for your order (except in cases where it does not depend on us).
  • We will definitely agree with you on a convenient delivery time and our courier will arrive at the appointed time.

ATTENTION! If we are unable to contact the recipient of the order within 2 days from the date of placing the phone number you specified when placing the order, the order will be cancelled! Be careful when placing your order and please indicate the maximum possible number of working phones.

Order formation time:

Delivery time and time:

In Moscow, within one working day from the date of receipt of the order.

Express delivery in 2 hours + 250 rubles.

Courier delivery in Moscow is carried out daily. Delivery intervals in Moscow:

  • from 11:00 to 17:00;
  • from 17:00 to 22:00;

In advance, at least 1 hour before the arrival of the courier, the store manager will call you and coordinate with you the time of arrival of the courier.

ATTENTION! Without prior agreement with the client on the arrival time of the courier and the opportunity to accept the order, WE DO NOT SEND A COURIER! Hope for your understanding. For more confident delivery, please indicate as many telephone numbers as possible to contact you.

Cost of courier delivery in the Moscow region and St. Petersburg

Order priceDelivery locationCost of delivery
up to 3,000 rub. Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road 250 rub.
from 3,000 rub.
Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road For free

Moscow outside the Moscow Ring Road
+25 RUR per 1 km.
up to 6000 rub
St. Petersburg Ring Road
250 rub.
from 6000 rub
St. Petersburg Ring Road
For free

St. Petersburg beyond the Ring Road
+25 RUR per 1 km.

To provide pickup Advance reservation of goods is required. You can book a product on the website or by phone and pick it up at a time convenient for you. You will be informed by the operator about the availability of goods at the order pick-up point.

Delivery across Russia

We sell and deliver our goods in the cities: Volgograd, Voronezh, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Tolyatti, Ufa, Chelyabinsk. And also in many other cities of Russia.

Transport companies:

Delivery costs depend on the weight/volume of the item and the type of delivery. Insurance is included in the order price. A set of documents is delivered along with the order.

Delivery times depend on the type of delivery and destination. The order is transferred for delivery to the transport company within three days after the money is received in our bank account for non-cash payment or within three days after agreeing on the order when paying by cash on delivery.

For non-cash payments when reserving goods in a timely manner, send us copies of payment documents by e-mail. Third party transport companies are: “PEC”, “Business Lines”, “ZheldorAlliance”, “Autotrading”. Delivery of goods to the transport company is paid according to delivery rates in Moscow.

Russian Post:

The order is sent from Moscow within three days if the ordered product is in stock and only after agreement with the operator. If the product you ordered is out of stock, the operator will notify you when this item appears in stock.
Delivery times and costs depend on the dimensions, weight, value of the goods and delivery location.
Delivery of goods to Russian Post is paid separately. Delivery cost will be 250 rubles.
Delivery of small-sized goods Central Russia On average, it is carried out within 3 days, according to the tariff of Russian Post.
The amount is calculated based on the weight of the parcel and the dispatch distance. Working conditions using the Russian Post service are up to 10,000 rubles including postage costs. Over 10,000 rubles, goods are sent by a transport company.

The ordering time is usually from 10 minutes to one business day. The period increases if your order is received on weekends.

Please check with the operator for delivery time.

Delivery of goods throughout the CIS and abroad

Delivery to the CIS countries and foreign countries is carried out by third-party transport companies after 100% payment by the client for services through the Western Union system.


The JAY-5A multi-purpose oxygen concentrator is a mains-powered device that, by filtering environment produces almost pure oxygen, suitable for respiratory therapy and cocktail preparation. It allows you to abandon bottled oxygen in favor of the consistency and reliability of stationary equipment.

How does an oxygen concentrator work?

The operation of JAY-5A is based on PSA (pressure-strain adsorption) technology, which consists of the features of the filtration method. Atmospheric air enters special columns with a molecular sieve (powder adsorbent), which removes almost all nitrogen. Subsequently, the purified mass is “driven” through a bacterial filter and sent to the system.

Where are oxygen concentrators used?

This equipment has found its application in many fields and areas of human activity: medicine, home practice, preparation of oxygen cocktails, veterinary medicine. Such devices are characterized by good performance, mobility, versatility and ease of use.

Oxygen Concentrator CS Medica OxyBreeze CS-051, model JAY-5A, works on the principle of adsorption, which allows you to separate oxygen, nitrogen and other gases from the air. Thus, at a constant temperature and the power is on, oxygen that meets medical standards will be constantly separated from the air. Oxygen is released using only the physical method.

Using the device:

For medical reasons.

The oxygen produced by the concentrator is intended for the treatment of diseases of the heart and circulatory system, chronic diseases of the lungs, brain, chronic tuberculosis and other cases of oxygen deficiency.

To maintain health.

The oxygen produced by the concentrator will be useful for athletes, people with high intellectual load, mental workers, etc. to eliminate fatigue.

The device is suitable for use in medical institutions such as hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, as well as in holiday homes, sanatoriums, hotels and ordinary residential premises. Remember that treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The warranty for the CS Medica OxyBreeze CS-051 oxygen concentrator is 18 months.

You can always buy an oxygen concentrator CS Medica OxyBreeze CS-051 (JAY-5A) at a low price in our online store. You can place your order through the Cart, fill out the 1-Click quick order form, or call our phone numbers.

Oxygen concentrators of the JAY-5 0-5l/min and JAY-5Q 0-5l/min series differ in that the JAY-5Q 0-5l/min series is produced as a model with low level noise. The parameters of both oxygen generator models are identical except for their small size and weight. oxygen concentrator with low noise level. The cost of low noise oxygen equipment is slightly higher than the conventional model. The safe and energy-saving oxygen generator of the JAY-5 series 0-5l/min allows for inhalation by 2 users simultaneously thanks to the dual oxygen flow option.

The scope of application of these oxygen concentrators is wider than other models of oxygen equipment:
1. Medical treatment: oxygen generators of the JAY-5 0-5l/min and JAY-5Q 0-5l/min series can be used as aids in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, cerebral vascular disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, poisoning carbon monoxide, hypoxia and diseases associated with oxygen deficiency. Oxygen concentrators can be used in clinics, public health centers and other medical institutions.
2. Home prevention: With the help of these models of oxygen equipment, you can carry out oxygen therapy right at your home.
3. Preparing an oxygen cocktail: in combination with an oxygen mixer, the oxygen generators of these series can be used as oxygen cocktails.
4. Use in veterinary practice: this product can also be used for oxygen therapy of small animals.

Technical specifications

Model JAY-5 JAY-5Q
Oxygen performance 0-5l/min
Oxygen concentration 93% (±3%)
Outlet pressure 0.04-0.07MPa
Noise level ≤50dB 40 dB
Voltage Alternating current 220V (±10%), 50/60±1Hz; AC 110V (±10%), 50/60Hz (±1Hz)
Input power ≤480W ≤350W
LCD display Start time operating pressure, the present work time, total working time, setting time from 10 minutes to 40 hours
Sensor signals Power failure; low/high pressure
Net weight 25kg 16 kg
Dimensions 365×375×600mm 320×360×360mm

1. Nebulizer (Nebulizer)
2. Low concentration alarm: When the oxygen concentration is less than 82%, the red alarm light will turn on.
3.Working signal: After 3000 hours of working, the warning light will come on.
4. Signal high temperature: When the temperature rises more than 50°C, the high temperature warning light will come on.
5. We also offer finger pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen saturation.
6. Small LCD display shows total time, current working time and set time.
7. Dual flow oxygen option (not available for JAY-5Q series low noise oxygen concentrator).