DIY barrel stove: instructions and recommendations for making. DIY homemade CD for any occasion Make a stove out of a barrel with your own hands

Hello to all craft lovers, summer has come to an end, you need to think about how to heat yourself and the room in winter. As one of simple options I propose to consider a simple stove design made from a metal barrel. Despite the fact that the barrel is made of thin metal, it does not burn out, since the firebox is located separately and it is in it that combustion occurs at a high temperature. It is interesting that the furnace of the stove has vertical loading, and you can even light the stove fuel pellets. If you are interested in a homemade product, I suggest you study the project in more detail!

Materials and tools used

List of materials:
- barrel with a lid;
- Sheet steel;
- piece square pipe for the firebox;
- chimney (from a hardware store);
- heat-resistant paint.

List of tools:
- rivet gun;
- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- drill;
- tape measure, marker.

Furnace manufacturing process:

Step one. Top part
The whole essence of making a stove comes down to one single part, which is installed in the lid. This part contains a pipe for installation chimney, and there is also a firebox here.

We cut out the base for the part from sheet steel, cut out holes in it for the firebox and smoke pipe.

The firebox is made from a piece of square pipe large diameter, the edge of the pipe is cut, bent and welded to form a grid that will hold firewood, pellets or other fuel. The firebox is then welded into the sheet steel base.

As for the smoke pipe, to obtain required diameter The pipe can be made from a steel plate. We simply make a series of cuts, bend the plate into a ring and weld. We also make holes in the barrel lid in the appropriate places.

Step two. Painting and assembly
To paint a barrel, you need to remove old paint, the author decided to light his stove, it works great, but the body of the stove did not heat up to such a temperature that the paint could burn. As a result, the author put firewood directly into the barrel and calcined it well. After firing, the paint can be easily removed using an angle grinder and a wire brush. Well, then we paint the barrel with heat-resistant paint.

The stove can be assembled; we attach the part with the firebox and smoke pipe to the lid using rivets or screws with nuts. We install the lid itself on the barrel. After this, the oven will be almost ready.

Step three. Finalization
As a modification, a dividing partition needs to be installed inside the barrel so that the hot gases reach the base and heat the entire body of the furnace. The partition is made of sheet steel and is removable.

Also, as a decoration, you can drill out a symbol or inscription that will glow in the dark when the stove is burning.

The stove, called a potbelly stove, is installed in various rooms. Its main advantage is its heating speed. The stove quickly heats the air in the room in which it is installed, and the stove cools just as quickly due to the properties of the metal. Oven models vary.

It all depends on the wishes of the customer or manufacturer. The most popular option is potbelly stove from a barrel. It's easy to do it yourself. You will need a regular one, most often available practical man a tool, a sheet of iron, several pieces of bricks. From complex equipment, which is not always available on the farm - a welding machine. You can rent it or find it from friends.

The essence of a classic potbelly stove

Classic model The furnace consists of a cast iron hopper (container). The monolithic container has a firebox and a smoke outlet. Such stoves were popular throughout the 20th century. To date, it has not lost its relevance. The main advantages are appreciated by many developers.

What attracts you to a stove?

  • Work for: firewood, sawdust, coal, wood chips.
  • The fuel burns quickly, heats the metal, which transfers heat to the room.
  • Cools quickly, requiring no additional force or device to stop burning.
  • The oven is small in size, does not occupy a significant area.
  • Easy control over heating.

Components of a potbelly stove:

  • frame;
  • firebox;
  • grate;
  • blower;
  • a 200 liter barrel, which will serve as the furnace casing.

Types of stoves

Most often, you can make 2 simple models from a barrel with your own hands.

Vertical model

The barrel is installed vertically on legs.

  • It is recommended to use a cut out part of the barrel for the door. It is installed on hinges that are attached to the barrel and to the door. The hinges are riveted as follows: one part on the barrel, the other on the door. Moreover, the loops are located outside. Door latch is prepared from two parts: a handle is welded onto the door, a valve is welded onto the barrel, made from a corner.
  • Then comes the installation of grates: a metal plate with holes. Ordinary corners are suitable for securing them. The blower should be made of a dense pipe into which a damper is inserted. She must move, but do not remove it completely. The damper is adjustable with bolts, with quarter turn turnover. The blower opens to maximum when igniting. The shutter is closed at night almost to a minimum, then the stove simply heats up, but does not go out and does not increase the strength of the fire.
  • The top of the barrel is cut round hole, there chimney pipe is welded. It is better to cut the hole in the form of triangles, running at angles from the center to the beginning of the cutout. When they are bent, a hole will appear, and metal remains for riveting.
  • Installed inside the barrel. It is needed to maintain the integrity of the bottom. The grate will prevent it from burning out and will help retain heat for a long time.

Read also: Step-by-step instruction brick oven lining

Additionally, steel wire is welded on top of the barrel. She will play the role hob . You can boil a kettle, heat or cook food. The vertical model is quite simple to manufacture and has many options for use: at the dacha, in a private residential building, summer kitchen, in a hunting or fishing lodge.

The size of the firewood is selected according to the size of the firebox. The entire manufacturing process is shown in the video. The wizard shows all the stages and reveals possible nuances that arise during the work. The video shows how a barrel that had color loses it. It will burn out quite quickly, almost immediately after the first fire. The stove will have . To strengthen the front part, you can weld metal on top, and make the door from a dense piece of metal.

Horizontal model

200 liter barrel installed horizontally on the surface, in a lying position. It is recommended to immediately install the future stove on legs or other support. The height of the racks at which the barrel will be installed is chosen by the manufacturer. It is guided by the size of the room where it will be used. How to make this model with your own hands, told and shown on video. Almost most of the stages are similar to the vertical method.

  • They drill into the bottom of the future furnace ash holes.
  • From metal sheet a container for ash is bent - an ash pan - and welded to the bottom of the barrel. The size of the ash pan is approximately 1/3 of the height of the barrel.
  • The ash container should there must be a door to clean the ash, it will affect the strength of the fire in the stove.
  • The doors for the furnace firebox are made from cut barrel bottom.
  • The chimney pipe is installed on the back wall of the barrel or on the top. If for pipe insertion chimney chose top of the barrel, it is better to place it closer to the back wall.

All difficult moments or issues of installing a horizontal model can also be viewed in the video. People often try to make it with their own hands for installation in. In addition, the stove can be easily heated in a car with an open awning, on the street. This potbelly stove will heat the area approximately 30 sq. m. A good model for a camp bath, for a long stay in the forest.

Read also: How to increase the efficiency of a potbelly stove

Other stove options

It is possible to make a potbelly stove with your own hands from a barrel more complex design, these include the hexagonal potbelly stove. For its basis it is taken the same barrel of 200 liters. A hexagon is inserted into it from components future potbelly stove.

If we describe the structure of the furnace from bottom to top, then the order the location will be as follows:

  1. Felt padding for softness and stability of the structure.
  2. Asbestos, or other non-flammable material that protects against fire.
  3. A metal sheet. It protects the floor from possible fire and heating.
  4. Support bricks. They are the legs of a potbelly stove.
  5. Blower compartment. This is a place where ash accumulates.
  6. Firebox. A place to fire wood, coal and other selected fuels.
  7. Damper.
  8. Oven. Place for cooking, heating air.
  9. Lining compartment.
  10. Exit pipe for chimney.

All parts of the hexagon are inserted into the barrel. Doors for the make-up compartment are welded or riveted onto the front panel (part) of the barrel, oven, lining compartment.

Furnace assembly procedure

From the video of the film you can understand how to properly assemble a potbelly stove.

  1. Prepare a template for a cardboard product in life size. Sample is a hexagon.
  2. Collect all the details in according to the drawing.
  3. Weld the furnace components. There are 3 of them in the design: oven, lining and blower compartments.

The lining compartment consists of a rear wall, two sidewalls, a bottom and diagonal inserts connecting back wall with sides. The oven has a box and 4 supports.

The blower compartment is a more complex part of the furnace. It consists of the following parts:

  • 2 side walls;

Old metal barrel 200 liters - this is an excellent material for making a simple potbelly stove. The resulting stove is suitable for heating any non-residential premises, ranging from garages to outbuildings. A stove made from a 200 liter barrel has simplest design and does not cause difficulties even for novice masters. Let's look at the features of this simple heater and discuss the assembly instructions.

Advantages of a barrel stove

While assembling homemade stoves, handicraftsmen often use old gas cylinders or sheet iron. Getting both, and almost free of charge, is problematic. This applies to the greatest extent to sheet metal, which is most often simply purchased. 200 liter barrels are a more affordable raw material for the construction of heating equipment.

200 liters is quite a decent volume. The firebox organized in a barrel will fit a large number of firewood, which is necessary for implementation long burning. There will also be room for a spacious ash pan. In other words, an old metal barrel will still serve for the benefit of a person, providing him with warmth and comfort.

Stove from a barrel - perfect solution for heating non-residential premises of any type. It will fit in the garage, provide heat to a small workshop, and allow you to heat the basement. Its assembly does not take much time, but you need to pay attention to the choice source material. The selected barrel should not be rusted through - the thicker the metal, the longer the stove itself will last. Therefore, there is no need to save on assembly materials.

Other advantages of a barrel stove:

  • A volume of 200 liters is enough for normal combustion of the flame in the firebox.
  • Possibility to organize a spacious and easy-to-clean ash pan.
  • Unpretentiousness to fuel - the stove can work on anything that burns.
  • Easy to use.

A potbelly stove made from a 200-liter barrel is in definite demand among those who need inexpensive and easy-to-use self-assembly heating equipment.

There are also disadvantages:

  • High case temperature.
  • Low efficiency - part of the heat simply flies into the chimney.
  • Thin walls - durable stoves require metal 3-4 mm thick.

Don't try to light a stove from a barrel. coal– he has high temperature combustion and can thin the metal.

Assembly sequence

The barrel stove is easy to assemble and requires at least complex instrument. We will need:

  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • welding machine;
  • a hacksaw for working with small parts (this is more convenient);
  • Grinder.

You will also need auxiliary materials:

  • segments sheet metal– for scalding doors;
  • hinges for doors;
  • chimney metal;
  • metal for legs;
  • brick and cement for organizing the base for the stove;
  • fittings for creating a grate.

Prepare cutting wheels for the grinder and electrodes for welding machine(if electric welding is used).

Making a potbelly stove from a barrel is not the best difficult task, the main thing is to strictly follow our instructions and observe safety precautions.

Initial preparation of the barrel

Making a stove out of a barrel with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. The first step is preparing our “source code”. A 200 liter barrel must be cleared of paint (if it has been painted). Those who neglect this step will have to inhale the aromas from burning paint. Our task is to make the barrel shiny, and at the same time get rid of rust spots.Use a grinder to sand the metal.

In the next step, arm yourself with a grinder and carefully cut out two rectangular windows in the barrel. Work with the tool carefully, as the sawn rectangles will be useful to us as doors. We process the edges with the same grinder or file so that they are not so sharp. The door under the firebox should be larger than the door under the ash pan. In addition, the ash pan door will serve as an ash pit.

For now, we cut off the top part of the barrel completely. We will need to assemble and place a grate inside a 200-liter barrel. Therefore, the absence of a top cover will ensure ease of installation.

Assembling the grate

To make a grate, use reinforcement. The diameter of a standard 200 liter barrel is 571.5 mm. Therefore, the grate must be smaller in diameter in order to pass through the internal volume. At the level between the firebox door and the ash pan door we make arbitrary projections - the grate itself will rest on them. For example, you can make them from sheet iron and weld them to the inner walls.

A potbelly stove from a barrel will generate quite a lot of ash, falling into the ash pan. Therefore, it must be large - the recommended height is 100-130 mm. Do not make the door too narrow, otherwise there will be problems with ease of cleaning.

Preparing the doors

The doors of our stove will be clearly smaller than the loading and ash windows. Therefore, they need to be scalded around the perimeter with pieces of sheet iron about 20 mm wide. We also cut out handles from sheet iron and rivet or screw them to the doors. On next stage We carefully weld the hinges, after which we weld the doors to the stove itself - now our 200-liter barrel is almost ready to serve a second life.

Making the base

For our 200 liter barrel, it is advisable to make legs. Use pieces of thick reinforcement for this purpose or make them from metal corners 2-3 mm thick. The optimal distance from the bottom of the barrel to the base is 100 mm.

If you intend to make a potbelly stove from a barrel, think about where it will be installed. You will need a reliable non-flammable base. It is best to make it from brick or pour concrete screed. The space in front of the stove is made of non-combustible material - for example, from sheet iron laid here. If the floor in the heated room is concrete, simply lay a sheet of iron on it and place the barrel on it.

Preparing the chimney

The design of a 200-liter barrel stove requires the presence of a chimney. It would be nice if it was removable - a “pipe-in-pipe” system would be suitable for this. That is, we weld a smaller diameter pipe with a height of 100-150 mm to the stove, and then put a larger diameter main chimney pipe on it. You can also use ready-made factory dismountable chimneys. The point is that the stove can be quickly cleaned by removing it from the base - a volume of 200 liters does not mean that it will never become clogged with fumes and soot.

Final assembly of the furnace

We take our 200 liter barrel with legs welded to it and install it on a pre-prepared base. We lower the grate inside. At the next stage we weld top cover with a short chimney. Next, we put the main chimney on it and go for firewood.

Place some paper and small wood chips on the grate, light the fire, until a steady flame appears. Now start laying the main firewood - it is best if it is dry. Wet logs burn worse, and they also smoke, clogging the chimney. Close the firebox door and use the blower to adjust the combustion intensity. Do not forget to periodically add new portions of fuel until the set temperature is reached.

Modernization of the design

A barrel with an internal volume of 200 liters can provide a decent amount of heat. But the heat transfer efficiency will be small. Some of the thermal energy will completely fly away into the pipe. Therefore, the stove needs to be slightly modified. This is done in the following ways:

The steps we have given will help you make your barrel stove more efficient. If you don’t find a sample for 200 liters, you can take one for 150 liters - there will be a little less space in it, so you will have to add firewood more often.

  • Brick walls are built to the right, left and behind the barrel - they will work as a kind of heat accumulators.
  • The stove is scalding round pipes small diameter (for example, ¾ inch) - a convector is formed, which will cause air circulation in the room and effectively remove heat from the stove.
  • By lengthening the horizontal part of the chimney - pass it through the entire room in order to take away maximum thermal energy from combustion products.

We will offer you a few more ideas for upgrading a stove made from a 200-liter barrel. For example, you can line its interior with fire bricks. For organization hob use the cast iron insert in the top cover. Try to make a stove with increased heat transfer - weld two barrels together in height. There are also modifications with horizontal barrels.

Interesting potbelly stove with stonework

A 200-liter barrel can serve as the basis for another interesting stove - with masonry inside. To assemble it you will need:

  • the barrel itself;
  • thick metal wire or fittings;
  • large round river stones;
  • chimney pipes.

There is no ash pan in such a stove, so cleaning will be some difficulties. We immediately recommend making the firebox door level with the bottom of the barrel - this makes it more convenient to remove the ash. We make a kind of grate from reinforcement or thick metal wire. Only here it will fulfill a different role - it will support the masonry.

To assemble the stove, it is necessary to cut off the top cover from a 200-liter barrel and equip it with a pipe for connecting the chimney. In the lower part we cut out a door for storing firewood with a height of 150-200 mm. We fix a grate at a height of 250 mm, on which we pile stones to the top. Please note that large stones are needed so that combustion products can easily pass through the space between them.

Stoves – practically free or very cheap material, and at the same time they can make large stoves, including long-burning ones.

Manufacturing progress.

First we delete top part barrels, then cut through the side for the door.

We take welding and attach the door of the future stove. We measure 200 mm from the bottom and install grate bars.

It is advisable to install another door under the ash pan to control the draft.

You will need fire bricks to protect the walls. We lay them out from the inside.

For the chimney bricks, we install the structure as in the figure below.

The bricks are laid out on the kiln mortar. The composition of the oven mortar is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is mixed with a minimum amount of water until it reaches a very thick consistency.

The thickness of masonry joints should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the stove, you can install another barrel on top. You need to make a hole in the barrel for the chimney and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

Two barrel oven

One of the highest quality barrel stoves made with my own hands, based on those available to us large containers. The stove for kindling wood consists of two barrels: one for 200 liters, the second for 100 liters. A certain novelty, which not everyone will think of, is the increase in heat transfer due to an additional container, the walls of which are heated by hot air rising up to the pipe. The fuel also burns out in the second barrel.

Pipe from of stainless steel made from truck exhaust. The pipe is specially made curved to increase heat transfer into the room.

Looking at the previous video, the thought arises: what if you use the second additional barrel as an oven? The next model implements just such an opportunity!

Three-barrel cooking oven

The oven for outdoor cooking is made up of three barrels. In the video you will see how bread is baked in one of these barrels.

We made a stove for burning garbage at the dacha

Another stove for burning leaves and firewood in the country, and at the same time you can cook food on it. This oven is much simpler than those described above, but ease of manufacture in some cases is simply necessary, and this is its advantage.
Eat big advantage burning garbage in a barrel. It's convenient and safe. A domestic 200 liter barrel was used for the stove. Its top is cut off by 16 cm. Firewood is placed and lit in the ash pit, and then leaves are thrown over the top. The author made a special bottom for the firebox from reinforcement and a hoop from a barrel. The bottom is placed on protrusions-corners in order to bring the fire from the wood closer to the top of the stove. A lid with a pipe is placed on top. You can cook food.