Drawn black and white fairytale house. Summary of drawing lesson “Fairytale house. How to draw a house for gnomes step by step

No matter how many rooms there are in a house, there is always not enough space. Someone has long dreamed of an office, someone needs another children's or playroom for a child, someone needs a workshop... The owner of this mansion felt sorry for the unused space under the ceiling - so much space wasted.

He did not stop with just thinking about this idea and brought his wonderful project to life. It took time and effort to install the floor and special supporting structures, but the result is stunning! See how you can do it extra room- It seems to me that this is even much easier than renovating an ordinary room.

How to use the space above the stairs

  • How much space under the ceiling is wasted! The person who came up with the idea to build another room on this site is a genius. Of course, it's worth the effort - here's what the room looks like before you start.
  • The first step is to outline where the floor of the new room will be located.

  • Half construction work completed, laying the floor is the hardest part.

  • This is what a cute little room we ended up with. Who would refuse extra space in the house if a child lives there?

  • The conversion is complete. It turned out to be a magical secret room under the ceiling.

  • The idea turned out to be brilliant! IN extra room Children's things are comfortably placed, windows fill the space with light. Such a playroom is every child's dream. However, this place is so advantageous that any room could be arranged here - a reading room, an office or an art workshop.

    Spare guest bedroom- also an idea. If you have unused space in your home, remember that you can adapt it to your needs with just a little effort. Creativity always brings the best results.

    Fairytale houses differ from our houses in that they can be funny and unusual, colorful, crooked, very small and huge, and sometimes even edible, or, on the contrary, poisonous. Let's try it together draw a fairy house, in which gnomes could live, and we also find out how to draw a house in the shape of a Christmas gingerbread. What do you think of the idea? Like? Then let's go!

    I have prepared several options for fairy-tale houses for you. One of them is in the video.

    How to draw a house for gnomes step by step

    You can also lightly mark where the walls end and the roof begins.

    2. Let's draw the walls and roof. The most interesting thing in the process of creating a drawing of a fairy-tale house is that you can draw walls and roofs of any shape, the main thing is to fantasize as much as possible and make the house original.

    3. If the main elements of the house are ready, it’s time to take care of the windows and doors, because a fairy-tale house should not only be funny and original, but also serve as a cozy home for the gnomes. Windows and doors can also be various forms: curves, round, oval, square. In a word, fantasize!

    4. Now you can move on to the details. Let's designate patterns on the roof that will remind us of tiles, and draw brick walls.

    5. Let’s add a few more details to the drawing of the house: a chimney, as well as a flashlight, so that the gnomes will not be afraid to return home at night. Now let’s draw the background elements: bushes, trees, flowers, clouds.

    6. Congratulations! Fairytale house ready! Color it with bright colors using pencils or paints. You can use color to make your house design even more fantastic and original.

    How to draw a house in the form of a Christmas gingerbread

    1. First of all, let's think about placing the house on paper. Let us mark the extreme upper and lower points of the drawing and align them with a central line. It will help us maintain symmetry.

    Also mark on the center line where the walls will end and the roof will begin. For convenience, you can draw a horizontal line through the marks.

    2. This house will be a little more similar to the houses in which people live, so let's try to start by building it from geometric shapes that are familiar to us. A rectangle is for the walls, a triangle is for the roof. Also mark doors and windows. Now this house has become like an ordinary one, but we will add a fabulous touch to it.

    3. Let’s add two caramel columns on the sides to the walls, and make the roof in the form of icing flowing down onto a small window. Also at this stage we will draw the windows and doors in detail.

    4. All the main elements are ready, let's move on to the sweet details? Decorate the drawing of the house as you wish. For example, I decorated my house with garlands with various sweets. And I added caramel stones to the bottom for decoration.

    At this stage, you also need to complete the background elements. Our house is Christmas, so the background should be winter: snow, a festive tree and the like.

    5. Congratulations! Sweet Christmas house is ready! Color it with pencils or paints, as desired. Success in creative work!

    Sagdeeva Guzaliya
    Summary of drawing lesson “Fairytale House”


    Develop the ability to convey images in drawings fairy house, build a plot composition.



    Teach children to create an image fairy house

    Improve the ability to mix paints to obtain shades of color

    Learn to identify components Houses: walls, roof, windows, pipe


    Develop the skill of conveying mood and artistic image using color

    Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition.

    Develop creative imagination and fine motor skills of the fingers.


    To foster creative activity and the ability to show one’s attitude towards the characters through drawings

    Develop the ability to sympathize and empathize.

    Preliminary work:

    Reading Russian folk fairy tales,

    Acquaintance with the work of illustrators Yu. A. Vasnetsov, E. M. Rachev, V. I. Losin.

    Progress of the lesson:

    "Once upon a time we lived in a big fairy-tale forest, different fairy-tale characters. One day a strong hurricane broke out in the forest. Did a lot of trouble Hurricane: felled trees, destroyed all houses fairy-tale heroes. Nowhere to live now fairy-tale heroes. And it’s soon winter outside.”

    Guys, we can help fairy-tale heroes? (Children's answers). Let's draw them new houses, better than the old ones.

    In many fairy tales that we have read are often talked about houses.

    Let's remember what fairy-tale houses we read with you? Name them.

    Children's answers. ( "Teremok", "Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut", "Gingerbread house» , Baba Yaga's hut).

    Let's look at each of them. Looking at illustrations from fairy-tale huts; clarify the shape, structure of houses, parts, their location.

    What are the main parts? houses? (Wall, roof, doors, windows, pipe.)

    Which geometric figures Are the parts of the house similar? (Rectangle, triangle.)

    What means does the artist use to convey the appearance? fairy house? (Pattern, color, shape of the structure.)

    Guys at drawing At home you need to maintain proportions. Which ones do you think? (If children find it difficult to answer, ask leading questions.)

    Now think about what fairy houses you would like to draw?

    2. Main part.

    (In the process of children’s independent activity, the teacher helps, prompts children, directs children's attention to the transfer of shapes, decorations fairy house).

    While our drawings are drying, you and I will take a walk through the forest where our house.

    Physical education minute.

    Children walked through the forest

    Nature was observed.

    There are three shelves in the forest: (Clap our hands.)

    Fir trees - fir trees - fir trees. (Arms up - to the sides - down.)

    The heavens lie on the fir trees. (Hands up.)

    There is dew on the Christmas trees below. (Hands down, crouched.) We had a good walk

    And a little tired. (Sit down).

    Now let's remember what an old, dense forest looks like.

    Artists use only dark shades to show how dark and dense the forest is. We take a simple brush, dip it first in dark blue paint, and then in green. Now we draw a forest thicket on the horizon line using the brushing method.

    And we also need draw a few Christmas trees next to our house.

    3. Final part.


    How beautiful they turned out fairy houses! Do you think ours will like them? fairy-tale heroes? (Children's answers.)

    Which works did you like and why?

    (Children analyze.)

    Whose drawing do you like best? Why?

    What was easy and what was difficult?

    Cleaning the workplace.

    Exhibition of children's works.

    Publications on the topic:

    Our old friend the bear cub wrote us a letter! What is he writing? "Hello, dear guys! I'm in big trouble.

    Topic: "Walk in a fabulous winter forest." Objectives: 1. Continue teaching children to draw straight lines from top to bottom; consolidate children's stamping skills.

    Abstract of OOD on design in the middle group “Fairytale House” Abstract of OOD on the construction of “Fairytale House”. Goal: creating a “Fairytale House” building from building material cubes.

    Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Fairytale House” Summary of a drawing lesson in senior group“Fairytale house” (drawing and fantasy). Goal: - to develop the ability to convey in drawing.

    Summary of a sand drawing lesson for children of the second group of early age “Sand House” Purpose of the lesson: To introduce children to the art of sand drawing. Objectives: 1. Introduce children to the light tablet. 3. Consolidation of properties.

    These houses seem to have been created by real dreamers and fantasy lovers. All these buildings are real, made from real building materials. But it’s simply impossible to pass by such a building without taking out a camera and capturing it in a photo or video. In today’s selection I offer you 50 photos of ideas for country houses like from a fairy tale.

    By choosing the scale of the building, you can build such a fairy-tale castle on your site.

    A country house can be like that - a monastery in a medieval style.

    A house with its entire appearance reminiscent of Vikings and harsh men living behind strong walls.

    One more angle closer. Houses like those in fairy tales really do exist!

    German half-timbered country house in a fairy-tale style - irregular geometry makes the structure cute and graceful.

    Conceptual country house made of cement. Clay can also be used as a building material, but better cement because it is more durable.

    A small house made of cement, suitable for a warehouse for storing household equipment.

    The idea of ​​a house for a summer residence is, of course, one floor, with a residential attic. I was attracted by the shape of the building and the overall concept.

    It may be an ordinary house, but there is something about it! It must feel like a fairy tale!

    Houses with sloping walls and thatched roofs have always given me sincere joy and the feeling of a fairy-tale film.

    Typical english cottage of red brick and the strict neatness of the garden. What a fairy tale!

    A pleasant house with a fireplace made of flagstone. The idea is very good, I think!

    Fairy roof design idea. Everything is sharp, high, and comfortable in winter - the snow will roll off without stopping.

    Another one original idea fairy-tale house - cottage. A thatched roof is like a multi-layered skirt.

    The concept of this house is extremely close to me - floor-length windows overlooking your garden. Sitting in a chair in the morning and contemplating your possessions is a lovely thing!

    A house covered with siding, with its own neat garden, overlooking the water.

    The idea of ​​a fairytale house from Antoni Gaudi from Park Guell in Barcelona.

    A cute shoe house can be made for children's games.

    Delicious, even a marshmallow house!

    Ideas for the design of the roof and attic elements.

    By creating such buildings, you give space to your own creativity, imagination and open the door from a fairy tale to our world.

    Each such country house will be unique, original, will go viral on social networks, and will evoke a lot of positive emotions.

    At the dacha you can challenge stereotypes and uniformity of buildings.

    If not the main one, then at least a guest or children's playhouse You can make it unusual for games.

    I want everything! Each house is good and unusual in its own way. And how to build everything?

    All that remains is to lick your lips and dream!

    So many ideas, so much beauty and inspiration!

    The walls are covered with ivy and wild grapes.

    Another house from Park Guell.

    The hobbit's house is in the hill. I saw a film about how such a house was created, it’s very a complex system, where many factors are taken into account, such as the level groundwater, drainage, antifungal treatment of walls and materials.

    Even simple painting walls of the house in bright colors will make it special and to some extent fabulous.

    Well, if you decide to build a real fairy-tale mansion, then call me with a camera - I won’t miss the opportunity to take bright pictures!

    Originality always attracts attention! Before you is an ordinary residential building, the owners of which decided to stand out among similar buildings in this way.

    Hidden in the silence of the forest is the ice cream maker's house! From here every morning a man drives out in his van, delivering ice cream through the streets and treating children.

    The house is like a fairy tale, the roof is in the shape of mushrooms.

    An ideal thatched roof - it keeps you cool inside in hot weather and reliably protects from precipitation in rainy weather.

    Of course, turrets are not as relevant now as they were in the early 90s, but they look very romantic!

    Idea for a fairytale gnome house. Why not take this into account when building a playhouse?

    A very stylish “fairytale” residential building.

    When building a fairy tale on your site, be prepared for the fact that there will be people who want to take a closer look at your structure. Give them this opportunity - make a small entrance fee and your hobby will begin to generate some income. This is often done in the West.

    Every owner unusual house makes money from his building. And this is either an entrance ticket or the opportunity to live for a day or more in such a house. I think the idea is very good, especially if your site is located in a picturesque location.