ISSN National Center: now in Russia. ISSN. Procedure for assignment and provision

Dear colleagues, we bring to your attention practical instructions on obtaining ISSN for Ukrainian publications. We remind you that since 2018 this procedure has become paid and requires registration of the publisher on the official website of the organization.

Fill out the online form, save it and submit. The status of your request is always displayed on the website. As you review the form, you may receive messages via the website or to the email address that you indicated as the main one for the organization, informational or clarifying letters. They asked us to provide email addresses for all members of the editorial board, to write the existing ISSN on the website not just as 2616-543X, but as 2616-543X (print). They also asked that the site archive display magazines with the contents of at least 1 new number with all articles in pdf format. That is, the International Center for ISSN began to check the status of the scientific journal and its .

If you communicate with center representatives through forms feedback on the official website, the response will take longer. We used two methods at once: a letter to the post office + a form on their website. Also on their website, next to the statistics and status of orders, the option is displayed Contact a cataloguer or the button on the My services panel on the left Messages -> Send message. This is another way to remind yourself. They also respond relatively quickly. Experience shows that without periodic reminders, the process can be delayed.

As a result, it took us about two weeks to receive the eISSN. When the number is already available, you can generate a special Certificate of ISSN assignment.

It is important to note that the registration fee is 25 euros and already includes the possibility of obtaining 1 ISSN number . Those. For the first ISSN, you, accordingly, do not pay anything, and all subsequent ones are paid. By the way, the center has introduced a system of discounts if you need to buy several ISSNs for several magazines at once (more than 20 ISSNs are purchased for 18 euros per issue).

5) And one more important point! If the journal already has an ISSN, then after registration you can, as it were, “recognize it as yours”, confirm it, and link it to the publisher registered under the new rules (option in the panel on the left Claiming). It is free, but the option is not available and the entire toolbar in the Publishers’ area is not available until you have paid for the services for registering an organization in the system - 25 euros.

We hope this material will be useful to all editors of scientific journals!


The article discusses the concept of “ISSN”, its use, design rules and location. The advantages of the system of using the international serial number are given.

ISSN (International Serial Standard Number ) is the international serial number.

In accordance with GOST 7.60-2003 “Publications. Basic types, terms and definitions”, a publication in terms of frequency can be serial, that is, published over a period of time, the duration of which is not established in advance, as a rule, numbered and (or) dated issues (volumes) with the same title.

Serial publications include:

● newspapers;

● magazines;

● yearbooks;

● series (except for unnumbered book series);

● reports, reports, collections published periodically or as material accumulates;

● publications of regularly held congresses, conferences, symposia, etc.;

● serial audio and video publications;

● serial electronic publications;

● serial publications on micro media.

International standard numbering of serial publications does not apply to:

● printed books and brochures;

● books on cassettes;

● software for microcomputers;

● electronic publications;

● publications in microforms;

● publications for the blind in Braille;

● albums;

● photo albums with text;

● cartographic atlases.

Registration and assignment of ISSN

The international serial number is represented by the abbreviation ISSN and an eight-digit code identifying the periodical. The code consists of two four-digit numeric groups separated by a hyphen. The abbreviation ISSN and the first digit are separated by a space ( rice. 1).

Rice. 1.ISSN of the journal “Scientific periodicals: problems and solutions”

In digital groups, numbers from 0 to 9 are used. The last digit of the ISSN (control) is calculated specially; it can be designated by the Roman numeral X (if the result of the calculation is 10). The numeric code itself does not contain any information.

Each number is unique and cannot be assigned to another publication. The ISSN is given to the title of the publication, that is, only if the title or form is changed (if the printed publication becomes electronic), it is necessary to replace the ISSN number; when changing publisher, frequency of publication, place of publication, etc. The ISSN remains the same.

Each individual type of publication (paper, electronic, CD, etc.) requires its own ISSN.

For publications published in Russia, the ISSN International Center in Paris establishes and distributes the international serial number and enters it into the international ISSN register. Russia, unfortunately, does not have its own national center.

It is also important to note that the ISSN is assigned free of charge.

To obtain the code, you must contact the ISSN International Center by filling out a form for publication, attaching the cover and a page with imprint data (layout or scanned version).

You can find many advertisements on the Internet for assistance in assigning an ISSN. The cost of such services can vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. In this case, the commercial company will take care of filling out the questionnaire and further negotiations.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about submitting an ISSN request. To do this, just go to the website (be sure to type from www.) ( rice. 2), select the menu item “ Requesting an ISSN ”, in the menu that appears, select the “Select a country” item, then find the line RUSSIAN FEDERATION and click the “Submit request” button.

Rice. 2. ISSN International Center website

ISSN International Center Center International de l"ISSN

45 rue de Turbigo75003 PARIS FRANCE

Telephone: +33 1 44 88 22 20

Telecopy: +33 1 40 26 32 43

Mail: [email protected]


Here you will need to indicate information about the journal, namely the name in Cyrillic and Latin transcription, periodicity, language of publication and other data. The form may seem a little complicated, but it contains only 14 items. The application will be reviewed by a qualified employee who, if necessary, will clarify the information and help correct errors.

Benefits of using ISSN

The ISSN system was adopted as an international standard by ISO 3297 in 1975, and underwent some changes in 2007.

Today, the ISSN system is used in more than 130 countries, the total number of ISSN issued in the world (as of the end of 2010) is 1,555,307. During 2010, the figure increased by 65,534 numbers ( see table 1).

Table 1

Statistics on issued ISSNs










Total ISSN numbers

1 072 023

1 125 507

1 158 177

1 227 057

1 284 413

1 345 719

1 413 942

1 489 773

1 555 307

Including new ones

34 867

53 484

32 670

68 880

57 356

61 306

68 223

75 831

65 534

Including those issued for Russia

11 347

11 947

12 466

13 108

13 841

14 609

16 125

17 351

18 276

This system makes it possible not to use local codes in different countries, simplifying the search for information about publications in automated systems ah through ISSN at national and international levels.

Using an ISSN is the simplest and most authoritative way to identify periodicals around the world, since the publication will be included in international catalogs under the corresponding ISSN number. There is recognition in international circles, as well as the opening of prospects for new cooperation. Based on the ISSN, you can obtain an EAN-13 format code ( rice. 3), that is, a barcode used in all retail chains.

Rice. 3. Format code EAN-13

ISSN is currently used by researchers, scientists, publishers and librarians for citation and transmission orally and in writing, title identification, sorting, cataloging and other operations.


In accordance with GOST 7.56-2002 (ISO 3297-98) “International standard numbering of serial publications” and GOST 7.0.4-2006 “Publications. Imprint information" ISSN is given on the first page of the cover or the front side of the binding, in the upper right corner, and in their absence - on the title page or on the combined title page. The number is located on each issue of the serial publication. The ISSN of a newspaper is placed at the top of the first page or at the bottom of the last page of each issue of the newspaper. In audio, video publications, electronic publications, publications on micromedia, the ISSN must be indicated on the marking or label on the physical medium.

GOST 7.56-2002. International standard numbering of serial publications. – M., 2002. – (System of standards for information, library and publishing).

GOST 7.60-2003. Editions. Basic types, terms and definitions. – M., 2003. – (System of standards for information, library and publishing).

GOST 7.0.4-2006. Editions. Imprint. – M.: Standartinform, 2006. – (System of standards for information, library and publishing).

ISSN International Center [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

ISBN is an abbreviation for International Standard Book Number , i.e. International Standard Book Number and is a unique, machine-readable identification number that uniquely identifies the book.

This number is determined international standard ISO-2108 And GOST 7.53-2001. The number began to be used in 1966, first as a 9-digit code for books (SBN) published in Britain, and from 1970 it was extended to 10 digits and became international. Identifiers for publications are assigned by national agencies in the field of international standard book numbering.

In Russia (USSR) ISBN has been used since 1987.

ISBN numbers, assigned to books published up to and including 2006, consist of the abbreviation ISBN (regardless of the language of publication) and 10 characters separated by a hyphen or space into four fields of variable length:

  • country of origin or group of countries , united by the language of the publication; assigned by the International ISBN Agency. The number of digits in the group identifier depends on the volume of book production (there may be more than one), for example: 0 and 1 - a group of English-speaking countries, 2 - French-speaking countries, 3 - German, 4 - Japanese, 5 - Russian-speaking countries (some countries former USSR, Russia), 7 - Chinese, 80 - Czech Republic and Slovakia, 600 - Iran, 953 - Croatia, 985 - Belarus, 9956 - Cameroon, 99948 - Eritrea. In general, the groups are assigned numbers 0-7, 80-94, 950-993, 9940-9989, and 99900-99999
  • publisher code ; assigned by the National ISBN Agency, taking into account the number of publications that the publisher intends to publish. Larger publishers are assigned more short number, to make more characters available for publication numbering (the total length of the publisher and publication numbers for an ISBN assigned by a Russian agency is eight digits).
  • unique edition number (in Russia - from 6 to 1 character);
  • check digit (Arabic 0 to 9 or Roman X); serves to check the correctness of the numeric part of the ISBN. The calculation is made by the national ISBN agency.

On January 1, 2007, a new ISBN standard was introduced - 13-digit, matching the barcode. All previously assigned ISBNs are unambiguously converted to new ones (978 or 979 + first 9 digits of the old ISBN + check digit calculated according to EAN-13).

Joining the ISBN system imposes the responsibility on the publisher:

  • for using only those ISBNs provided by the National ISBN Agency;
  • for assignment, placement, form of ISBN reduction in the publication;
  • for unauthorized use of another publisher's ISBN for their publications;
  • for unauthorized transfer of an ISBN to another publisher;
  • for informing the National ISBN Agency about numbers used, about name changes, legal address, stoppage of activities;
  • timely receipt of a new registrant number in the event of a change in the name of the publishing house and in other cases provided for in the ISBN system.

Additional Information
ISBN is mandatory element output data.
According to GOST 7.53-2001, it is placed in the lower left corner of the title page or in the lower left part of the combined title page.
Each new book, each reprint, translation into another language or release in a new design must have its own international standard number.
A publication may have two or more ISBN numbers if it is:

  • multi-volume publication (volume number and edition number);
  • joint publication (numbers of each publisher, indicating their names in parentheses after the corresponding ISBN);
  • a publication published for the first time in translation (translation number and original number, indicating information about the language in parentheses after the corresponding ISBN);
  • complete edition, that is, collected in a folder, case or enclosed in a common cover (own book number and ISBN, common to the entire set)

1. For publications published in small circulations or for “personal” use, it is not necessary to assign an ISBN number.
2. There is also a similar standard for periodicals ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)


ISSN- International Standard Serial Number - a unique number that allows identify any serial publication no matter where it is published, in what language, in what medium.

ISSN is a unique identifier for each serial publication, a mandatory element of the output information of serial publications. A bar code for serial publications is constructed based on the digital ISSN.

The ISSN system is used in more than 130 countries.
Using the digital code reflected on the publication makes it possible to:

  • abandon local codes;
  • reduce the amount of accompanying documentation;
  • simplify the interaction of publishing houses with printing enterprises, distributors and libraries;
  • search for information about publications in automated systems using ISSN at national and international levels, saving money, effort, etc.

The main serial publications are:
1) newspapers;
2) magazines;
3) yearbooks;
4) series;
5) reports, reports, collections of articles published periodically;
6) works, bulletins published periodically;
7) official publications of congresses and conferences held periodically.

ISSN consists of two four-digit numeric groups separated by a hyphen. The abbreviation ISSN and the first digit are separated by a space. For ISSN apply Arabic numerals from 0 to 9. The last digit of the ISSN (check digit) can be the Roman numeral X used to represent the number 10. The check digit is used to check the correct spelling of the numerical portion of the ISSN.

ISSN is in the nature of a registration (serial) number.
Each serial publication is assigned only one ISSN. The same ISSN cannot be assigned twice.
The international standard book number ISBN (International Standard Book Number) can be used together with the ISSN.

The ISO 3297 standard, which defines the rules for assigning ISSNs, was introduced in 1975. The ISSN assignment process is managed from 75 National Centers. They are coordinated by the International Center located in Paris, with the support of UNESCO and the Government of France.
There is no National Center in Russia, but GOST 7.56-89 was introduced, which was later replaced by GOST 7.56-2002(since January 1, 2003)

This standard serial number is widely used throughout the world: it is needed by libraries, subscription agencies, information researchers and scientists, news agencies, etc.
ISSN allows publishers, booksellers, librarians, and researchers to seamlessly distribute serial publications in accordance with demand in an internationally recognized way, improve the search and ordering of publications, and the entire cycle of creating and bringing a serial publication to the consumer.

ISSN - International Serial Standard Number - ISSN - international serial publication number.

ISSN is the abbreviated name for International Standard Serial Numbering, i.e. a magazine, other periodical, as well as a continuing and serial publication.

This number, according to GOST 7.4-95, must be affixed in the upper right corner of the front cover or binding, and in their absence - in the upper right corner of the title. l. or combined tit. l. In audio, video publications, electronic. publications, publications on micromedia ISSN is required to be placed on the markings, physical labels. carrier. If the ISSN is assigned to a general title and separately to a section (series) title, then the ISSN of the general title is given first, and below it - the ISSN of the section (series) title. If the title of a serial publication changes, it must be assigned a new ISSN.

The International Standard Serial Number consists of the abbreviation ISSN (regardless of the language in which the serial is published) and eight digits (two groups of digits containing 4 digits each, separated by a hyphen). Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 are used to designate the digital part of ISSN. The digital part is separated from the ISSN abbreviation by a space. The last digit of the ISSN - the check digit - can be a Roman X, used to represent the number 10. The check digit is used to check the correct spelling of the digital part of the ISSN.

An ISSN number can be assigned to the following serial publications:




series (except for numbered book series);

published periodically or as materials accumulate, reports, reports, collections;

publications of regularly held congresses, conferences, symposia, etc.;

serial audio and video publications;

serial electronic publications;

serial publications on micromedia

Serial publications include publications published over a period of time, the duration of which is not predetermined, published sequentially at certain or indefinite intervals, uniformly designed in numbered and (or) dated issues, having a common title and, as a rule, the same format.

The ISSN is assigned to the key title of the serial publication by international and national ISSN agencies using a unified methodology and is affixed to each subsequent issue of the serial publication. ISSN allows you to identify any serial publication, regardless of where it is published, in what language and in what medium. This standard serial number is widely used throughout the world: it is needed by libraries, subscription agencies, information researchers and scientists, news agencies, etc. to identify serials.

The ISSN is used to produce the EAN13 identification barcode used in commercial distribution worldwide.

  • One serial publication is assigned one ISSN.
  • Supplements that have a different name from the main publication and are published separately from it are assigned a separate ISSN.
  • Publications that have the same title but are published on different media (CD-ROM, floppy disk, online publication) are assigned different ISSNs.
  • Publications that have the same name, but are published in different countries, different ISSNs are assigned.
  • If the title of a serial publication and/or the language in which the publication is published changes, it is assigned a new ISSN.
  • When changing the medium on which a serial publication is published, it is assigned a new ISSN.
  • The ISSN is assigned to the name of the serial publication and does not change if the founder, publisher or periodicity of publication changes.
  • An ISSN once assigned cannot be assigned again.

If you want to publish a magazine, almanac or other periodical, you need to register it as a media outlet and obtain an ISSN.

Registration of media and obtaining licenses is carried out in the Structure of the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage =>

Department of registration and licensing work in the field of mass communications =>

Media registration department at the address: Moscow, st. M. Nikitskaya, 12

For questions about obtaining an ISSN, please contact the National ISSN Center at the Russian Book Chamber.

IN In March, a delegation from the International Center I visited Russia at the invitation of ITAR-TASS. SSN headed by General Director Gael Beke. The visit was organized as part of the program to prepare Russia for joining the ISS International Center N and the creation of the National ISS Center N.

During working meetings and communication with journalists, publishing, book and library specialists, experts from the International Center spoke about their activities, services and services, including free access through a catalog of national and university resources ( ROAD Directory, the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources).

ISSN Register. Worldwide Database of Print and Online Periodicals

ISSN(International Standard Serial Number) - International standard number of periodicals (serials), consisting of eight digits and used to identify any categories of periodicals on any medium, both printed and electronic. The ISSN is “linked” to the title of the publication and to the entire metadata package. All assigned ISSNs are entered into the ISSN Register, which currently contains over 1.8 million bibliographic records.

The assignment of an ISSN number is the responsibility of the national ISSN center of the country where the publisher applying for the number is located. The activities of such centers are coordinated by the ISSN International Center, created in 1975 on the initiative of UNESCO and the French government.

2015 marks the 40th anniversary of the ISSN network, and overall the ISSN system is used in more than 130 countries. In addition to assigning numbers, the responsibilities of national centers include maintaining local ISSN databases and data, as well as promoting the ISSN system. Most often, ISSN centers are run by organizations that play a dominant role in the scientific and technical information system of the respective countries. That is why the initiative to open a national ISSN center in Russia was taken by the Russian Book Chamber, which in October 2014 was transformed into a branch of ITAR-TASS. Let us recall that for many years the RKP has been the national body for international and state standard numbering of printed and electronic publications various types, the chamber successfully operates national numbering centers for book publications (ISBN) and music publications (ISMN). Last year, ITAR-TASS held negotiations with the International Center for Serials and reached agreements in principle on the possibility of Russia joining this organization.

According to the director of the RCPElena Nogina, the opening of such a center in Russia will speed up the procedure for assigning a number, and the use of ISSN will significantly simplify the interaction of publishing houses with printing enterprises, distributors, and libraries, since it will allow one to abandon local codes and reduce the number of accompanying documentation. Users will be able to use automated ISSN systems to search for information at national and international levels, and publishers, booksellers, libraries and researchers will be able to seamlessly and internationally recognized distribute serial publications in accordance with demand, improve search and ordering of publications, optimize the cycle of creating periodicals and bringing them to the consumer.

The head of the RCP noted that detailed information about the technology for obtaining ISSN, documentation and pricing will be communicated to market participants after completion of all formal procedures and the actual opening of the national center on the ITAR-TASS base.

Areas of use ISSN

RThe ISSN register is constantly updated. 60–70 thousand bibliographic records are processed annually, available in MARC 21 and MARC XML formats. In 2014, the register contained 21,969 bibliographic records related to Russian publications. Let us recall that an application for assignment of a new ISSN must be submitted in two cases: when a publication is transferred to another medium (for example, when a printed magazine becomes online) and in the event of a change in the title of the publication.

ISSN is used by:

· publishers who want to identify periodicals and “link” barcodes to their newspapers or magazines for sales;

· libraries as a unique identifier, which simplifies the process of checking and purchasing publications, managing collections;

· subscription agencies and aggregators using ISSN as a control key for registering new subscribers and renewing subscriptions to specific publications;

· university teachers and researchers citing scientific publications and mentioning their titles in abbreviated form;

· retailers who need ISSN barcodes to carry out trade operations for the distribution of publications.

Currently, the ISSN system offers users a number of services:

· an Internet portal, which is a web interface, operating on the basis of an annual subscription that gives access to the entire ISSN registry. The search is carried out manually: by title, keywords or ISSN number;

· access to the registry using the OAI-PMH protocol, which is used for two services: supplying ISSN data to clients and updating bibliographic records;

· access to the registry via protocol Z 39.50;

· ISSN-premium is a service that allows one-time updates of any database based on registry data.

In addition, the ROAD directory of open access scientific resources is being developed, a free service supported by UNESCO that covers different kinds online scientific resources: journals, conference proceedings, university repositories, book series. The service allows for multi-aspect search by map, country, topic, indexing service, journal bibliometric indicator and ISSN number. Bibliographic records based on ISSN are supplemented with data from DOAJ, Scopus, Latindex catalogs, May 2015