Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto paint (45 photos). Determining the type of paint. Features of gluing on oil and acrylic coatings. Pasting concrete walls. How to glue wallpaper onto painted walls You can glue wallpaper onto paint

Modern man lives in a fast and tireless rhythm and often the thought of repairs simply scares him. This is precisely the reason why the decision to start repairs, even cosmetic ones, is made already when old finish It's pretty worn out, and in some places it's even peeling off. And the owners still don’t know in advance whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto paint and how to glue wallpaper without preparation?

In order to refresh the interior, many today choose such an inexpensive and effective finishing material as wallpaper. And if the walls have already been painted, many questions arise as to whether it is necessary to remove the paintwork before pasting, or to apply a new one on top of it. It is these questions that we will try to highlight in this article.

What are the walls painted with?

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to hang wallpaper over paint, you first need to understand what type of paint is on the walls:

  • Acrylic paints and varnishes– this is a mass that does not have a characteristic pungent aroma. The finish created by this composition is distinguished by excellent water-repellent characteristics, perfectly covers the surface, absorbing into it upper layer, thereby forming a durable, wear-resistant coating. In order to identify such a coating, try to remove part of the paint with a spatula on one section. It is very difficult to remove an acrylic helmet in this way; it can only be scraped off;
  • Oil paint is a finishing mass with a bright and pungent odor.. This coating perfectly resists moisture, and after hardening it turns into a fairly dense protective layer. In order to identify such a finish, it is also enough to try to remove the material on the surface with a spatula. small area. The oil finish will then fall off in chunks.

Preparatory work

Old paintwork can be fraught with a huge number of problems. This includes the boring faded color in places, cracks, partial peeling of the material, various irregularities from brush strokes, and if we're talking about oh, then there is also an unpleasant odor that the coating managed to absorb during operation.

So, if you have decided to renovate and are wondering what kind of paint you can use to glue wallpaper, first of all you should understand that under no circumstances should you stick wallpaper onto a damp or moldy surface.

If there are such areas on the walls, it is imperative to get rid of such problems and simple treatment with antifungal primers will not be enough. Required before starting repair work solve all such problems by eliminating the cause of dampness and fungus.

The simplest and most acceptable way to solve such problems is:

  1. Wall installation insulation material roll type;
  2. Covering the insulator with plastic mesh;
  3. Plastering the area with a dry mixture or sealing it with plasterboard.

Gluing wallpaper onto paint

The answer to the question whether it is possible to stick wallpaper on paint and how to do it, first of all depends on what type paint coating there is a speech.

On the walls today you can find three main types of such finishing:

  1. Water emulsion;
  2. Oil paint;
  3. Enamel;
  4. Whitewash.

Whitewashing does not imply the possibility of gluing wallpaper directly on top of it.
This finish must be completely washed off the wall.

But enamel, on the contrary, does not require any preparatory measures. The instructions for gluing walls treated with enamel only provide for the need to check the strength of the paint and varnish coating.

Gluing new wallpaper onto old water-based wallpaper

The answer to the question whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on water-dispersion paint is positive.

But with the caveat that such a process is possible only if proper preparation surfaces:

  • Prepare a solution of primer and solvent in a 1:1 ratio;
  • We apply this composition to a wall painted with dispersion material;
  • Let the surface dry;

The solvent included in the composition preparatory solution, will partially dissolve the existing coating, allowing the primer to be absorbed, providing a decent level of adhesion to the new finish.

  • Apply a layer of clean primer;
  • Let the coating dry;
  • We glue the wallpaper onto the prepared wall.

This processing method allows you to get a slightly rough wall. This roughness ensures excellent adhesion to the wallpaper.

Advice. For gluing wallpaper on water-based emulsion, use wallpaper glue, mixed with PVA glue 1:1.
Both the wallpaper and the wall should be treated with a similar adhesive composition.

Pasting oil finish

The oil-based material is strong and durable; it can remain on the surface for many years without peeling or chipping. However, the impossibility of pasting without preparation is that such paint creates a very smooth surface.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to glue non-woven wallpaper onto oil-based paint is positive only if the preparation was carried out in accordance with one of the following two methods:

  1. To obtain a base suitable for further pasting, it should be carefully processed with your own hands using sandpaper. A composition consisting of a primer and PVA 1:1 is applied to the sanded wall;

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls? Conditions for gluing. How to glue canvases to a painted wall? Choice of glue.

How to properly hang wallpaper on a painted wall?

Every person dreams of living in a comfortable and beautiful apartment. Plays a big role in this interior decoration premises. Typically, various wallpapers are used for this. If repairs are not carried out in new apartment, then it is important to properly prepare the painted walls before starting the pasting process.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper to painted walls?

Depending on the paint that covers the walls, the further sequence of actions will be chosen. Wallpaper can be safely glued to some types. These include:

  • water-based;
  • water-dispersed;
  • adhesive.

If there are areas of paint on the wall that are peeling or flaking, then before you begin the pasting process, they must be properly filled with primer.

Canvases cannot be glued to walls that have previously been treated with paints that create a smooth surface or a moisture-proof film. Among them are such types of paints as:

  • latex;
  • moisture resistant;
  • oil;
  • alkyd and pentaphthalic enamels.

To ensure reliable adhesion between the material and the wall, these types of paints must be completely removed. If this process is too labor-intensive and time-consuming, you can try sanding the surface and then applying a primer to it.

Conditions for gluing

Before you start wallpapering your walls, there are several factors to consider. The reliability and durability of the new coating depends on them.

  1. When the walls were painted. If this happened a very long time ago, then there is a high probability that the canvases will come off the wall along with the paint.
  2. Is the plaster holding up well? If it is old, then there is also a risk of collapse.
  3. Clean walls. Before you start gluing the walls, you need to wash them well to remove dirt and dust.

To achieve maximum adhesion between the wallpaper and the paint, you need to sand it with sandpaper. After which it is washed and dried thoroughly. Only after this can you start wallpapering. You don't need to use a lot adhesive composition. This may cause yellow spots on the wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper to a painted wall?

When the wall is not prepared enough or there are imperfections on it, then all this will then appear on the canvases. In some cases, they may even move away from the wall.

The main stages of preparation include:

  1. Washing the wall. To do this, it is better to use a soap solution or simply add it to water detergent for dishes. Once all dirt has been removed, the wall can be washed off with clean water.
  2. Padding. Thanks to this procedure, reliable adhesion of paint and wallpaper is guaranteed.

For interior work It is better to buy a primer for concrete. The color should be light tones. It can be found in any hardware store.

What kind of wallpaper can you glue?

Today in stores there is a huge amount of various wallpapers. But not all types are suitable for painted walls. It is recommended to immediately exclude simple paper and vinyl sheets. It is better to pay attention to wallpapers such as:

  1. Non-woven. They absorb glue well, so the risk of paint getting wet is almost completely eliminated, as a result of which it can simply come off the wall.
  2. Fabric or vinyl. It is desirable that they be on a non-woven basis. They will not only look luxurious in any interior, but also have all the positive properties ordinary non-woven fabrics.
  3. Liquid. Distinctive feature the coating dries quickly. Therefore, the composition does not have time to penetrate deep into the paint and dissolve it. Such fabrics can be applied even to uneven surfaces.

All types of finishes are presented in a wide range. Every person can choose perfect option for your apartment.

Which glue to choose?

The quality and strength of the adhesion will depend on the quality of the glue. If the wallpaper will be glued to a painted wall, then it is better to choose a polyvinyl acetate emulsion for this.

How is pasting done?

The method by which the walls are covered depends on what kind of paint covers them. Each of them has its own characteristics, but is not anything complicated or time-consuming.

  1. Acrylic or water-based paint. The top layer of the surface is removed with a solution of solvent and primer in a 1:1 ratio. After which you need to give it time to dry. Next, a primer is applied to create a rough appearance on the wall. This will ensure reliable adhesion between the wall and wallpaper. The gluing of the canvases begins only after construction material will dry well.
  2. Oil paint. Before you start wallpapering, you need to remove old layer paints. This is done using a spatula. When the paint is removed, the wall must be carefully primed. After all the composition has dried, the surface of the wall is treated with sandpaper. Then another layer of primer.

If the paint applied to the walls has bright and catchy colors, then even the thickest wallpaper will not be able to cover it up. Therefore, in this case the only the right decision will be - completely remove the old coating.

If there is any doubt that the paint on the wall will withstand new finishing, it is recommended to conduct a small experiment. To do this, take adhesive tape, apply the adhesive side to the wall, and then sharply tear it off. If the paint does not begin to peel or crack, then new wallpaper is glued on top of it.

How long does it take to dry?

Depending on the type of wallpaper and the quality of the glue, the drying time of the surface varies.

  • vinyl sheets with a non-woven backing dry from 24 to 48 hours;
  • the rest dry within 18-24 hours.

During the first 1-2 days, only moisture is released. Only after this time does further polymerization of the adhesive composition begin.

Caring for pasted surfaces will directly depend on the type of wallpaper.

  1. Vinyl sheets. They differ in quality, which determines density, wear resistance, and moisture resistance. You can maintain cleanliness using wet cleaning. The wallpaper does not need to be rubbed or used much optional equipment so as not to damage the wall. It is recommended to carry out cleaning from time to time.
  2. Paper wallpaper. Do not use water or soap solutions for cleaning. Cleaning is done using a vacuum cleaner and dry rags.

If the wallpaper was glued in rooms with high humidity, then mold or mildew should not be allowed to form on it. In this case, you will have to remove the finish and treat the contaminated surface.

Useful video

How to hang wallpaper over oil paint? This issue is especially important for owners of apartments from an old building, where the walls are often painted with oil or enamel paints. Despite the strong and high-quality coating renovation of the premises becomes inevitable over time, which raises a natural question - is it possible to glue wallpaper on oil paint without removing it to the very base? This article offers the answer to this question.

Features of oil paint

This material is made on the basis of ordinary drying oil, which can be:

  1. Natural.
  2. Artificial.

First, the pigment that is most present in the color scheme is mixed, and then the rest of the ingredients are added. The paint is diluted to the required thickness.

The advantages of these coatings include:

  1. High strength.
  2. Durability.

If you want to stick wallpaper onto paint with your own hands, you need to determine its category:

  • If the wall surface is not shiny, it cannot be wiped off with a wet cloth; most likely, water-dispersion paint was used to apply the coating. It will not be possible to soak it, but removing it with a spatula is possible and not too difficult.
  • The situation is easier with whitewashing. To determine it, you just need to rub it with the hand on which it should remain. white coating. There is no point in covering a whitewashed wall with chalk or lime; the coating will not stick to such a surface. But if you remove everything unnecessary with a wet sponge or brush, the panels will hold quite securely.
  • Enamel and oil paints do not react to water at all, they have a smooth, shiny surface.

Tip: Do not glue wallpaper onto an existing layer of oil paint. But if you follow certain surface preparation technologies, this can be done.

How to prepare a surface for wallpapering by applying oil paint to it

Before wallpapering with oil paint, all surfaces must be carefully inspected.


  • The locations of cracks and loose layers are determined, which are often removed along with putty (see How to remove putty from walls and how long it takes) or plaster. Such defects cannot be left.
  • Be sure to remove all nails and protruding elements, and dismantle the baseboards.

Tip: If after rough preparation half or more of the existing coating has been removed, the surface should be cleaned completely. If the main part of the walls inspires confidence, you can use special preparatory techniques.

  • Before sticking wallpaper on oil paint, the wall needs to be sanded, as shown in the photo. It is known that the adhesion of oil paint to other coatings is very poor.

To enhance adhesion, a smooth plane must be made rough.

For this:

  • Use coarse sandpaper to go over all the walls.
  • The walls are treated with primer deep penetration(see Types of construction primers and their scope of application).
  • The solution is left to dry for 24 hours.
  • The cleaned areas are compared with gypsum-based putty (see Gypsum putty: its advantages and problems of use).
  • Surfaces are washed with soap warm water. This solution will wash away the grease, which will allow the paper to stick better.
  • To enhance the properties of the composition, you need to add a small part of PVA glue to the wallpaper glue.

Tip: Before gluing the wallpaper, you need to coat the wall with a small layer of PVA glue diluted with water, give it time to “grab” a little, but without waiting completely dry, start pasting.

How to choose the right glue

Before gluing the wallpaper, the correct glue is selected.

It is better to purchase it for wallpaper with a large mass:

  • Even for thin, single-layer material, a mixture is taken that is intended for vinyl wallpaper. It can be:
  1. Bustilat;
  2. Moment;
  3. Methylane.
  • If you are satisfied with the price, it is better to purchase PVA glue. The composition is used:
  1. in its pure form;
  2. diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

How to prime surfaces

The main actions in surface preparation should be aimed at improving adhesion paper wallpaper on the wall, which consists in eliminating the property of oil paint to poorly absorb substances.

Work instructions:

  • Purchase Concrete Contact soil or quartzite.
  • The walls are washed and dried.
  • The composition is applied with a layer thickness of approximately 4 millimeters.
  • After drying, the surfaces are puttied with ordinary putty.
  • The dried layer is again covered with a primer.
  • Selected wallpaper is glued to the dried walls.
  • You can make the primer yourself from available and inexpensive materials, which can be: PVA glue and
  • alabaster.

For this:

  • water is poured into the container;
  • alabaster is added little by little, while constantly stirring the mixture;
  • after the composition reaches the consistency of sour cream, PVA glue is added, and the ratio of the compositions is taken: for one part of glue - three waters.
  • Well-washed walls are coated with a homemade emulsion and left to dry.
  • To increase the adhesion strength of the wallpaper, you need to cover the canvases and walls with glue.
  • Drafts should not be allowed during work and after it is completed. Windows and doors are tightly closed until the walls are completely dry.
  • You should not stick wallpaper in hot or cold weather or in the presence of high humidity.

After preparing the surface, purchasing or preparing glue, the walls are glued.

For this:

  • The height of the surface from floor to ceiling is measured.
  • The length of the wall is measured and the number of required strips is calculated.
  • The required number of strips is cut, the length of each is taken one centimeter longer.
  • According to the instructions, glue is applied to the wallpaper. For different wallpapers applies different method applying glue.
  • The first sheet is glued correctly. Before gluing it, draw a line with a pencil using a level, departing from the nearest corner the distance along the width of the wallpaper. This line will allow you to position the wallpaper correctly and evenly on the wall.
  • You need to cover the room from the corner.
  • The sheet should be glued from the ceiling, the upper joint is leveled and the sheet is pressed tightly against the wall with a rubber roller or a plastic spatula.
  • The canvas is smoothed from the center of the sheet to its edges.
  • Existing wrinkles are smoothed out and air bubbles under the sheet are removed.

Professionals do not recommend gluing wallpaper onto painted walls without removing the paint. But if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to properly prepare the surfaces.

After watching the video, you can find answers to many questions.

  • Preparatory work

Wallpaper is one of the most popular and practical types finishing materials. But to glue them you need to prepare the surface. Sometimes you may find that the walls are covered old paint. How to glue wallpaper over paint? There is a way out of this situation.

Rules for wallpapering a room.

First, figure out what kind of paint the walls are painted with.

Option for wallpapering walls for painting.

There are several types of them. For example, oil has a characteristic odor and has water-repellent properties.

In acrylic water-based paint There is no odor, it also repels water well and is absorbed into the surface structure.

If you try to remove paint with a spatula, oil paint will fall off easily, and acrylic paint will fall off only in small pieces. Therefore, the gluing technology in different cases will be different.

Folding wallpaper for better glue impregnation.

Tools and materials:

  • wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • foam roller;
  • capacity;
  • hot water;
  • scraper or spatula;
  • priming;
  • construction tape;
  • putty mixture;
  • sandpaper.

Preparatory work

Often, in addition to a cracked surface, stains and unevenness, the painting material on the walls also absorbs foreign substances. unpleasant odors(especially in the kitchen). Please note that you cannot glue wallpaper onto a damp surface or one infected with fungus or mold. Process them by special means won't be enough. Be sure to find out and eliminate the cause of their appearance. You can do the following: attach a piece of rolled thermal insulation to the surface of the wall, then glue a plastic mesh, plaster it or cover it with plasterboard.

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Wallpapering with acrylic paint

First, be sure to tidy up the surface. Otherwise, the wallpaper sheet will soon come off. It is necessary to neutralize the old coating. To do this, you can make a solution of solvent and primer, mixed in equal proportions, and treat the walls with it. These manipulations will ensure good adhesion of future wallpaper to the wall surface. Wait until everything is thoroughly dry and then coat the walls with primer.

Leave the wall to dry and only then proceed with wallpapering. To do this, mix PVA glue and wallpaper glue in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the resulting composition to the sheet and the prepared wall surface.

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How to stick wallpaper on oil paint

Self-pasting walls with wallpaper - stage 1.

You can glue wallpaper using oil paint. It has good tenacity and is very smooth coating. This is what creates difficulties for the necessary adhesion of the canvas to the wall. Therefore, before gluing wallpaper with oil paint, treat the surface thoroughly. In this case, you can resort to one of two possible options. The first is that the wall needs to be treated with coarse sandpaper, then mixed in equal parts primer and PVA glue.

The second way is as follows. Using a spatula, remove the paint in horizontal strips 5 cm wide every 20 cm, and then apply putty to these places to level them with the entire surface. Stripes are necessary for better adhesion of wallpaper to walls. This method is less effective, but is sometimes used.

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Pasting on paint without surface treatment

Self-pasting walls with wallpaper - stage 2.

In this case, you first need to check the walls for strength. To do this, take construction tape, stick it to the painted surface, then sharply tear it off the wall. If you see that the paint remains unchanged on the wall, then it has passed the strength test. But if you find particles of coating on the tape, it will need to be cleaned off.

This takes time, so be patient. To clean the surface you will need a spatula, you can use a special wire brush mounted on a drill. It is undesirable to use solvents due to their toxic effects on the body.

In the first case, you can glue the wallpaper without preparing the surface, since the coating has formed a smooth and durable surface. To roughen the surface, it is recommended to sand the wall. Note: thin wallpaper light shades You cannot glue it to a dark coating, as it will show through the new finish, and this looks very unsightly.

Self-pasting walls with wallpaper - stage 3.

General wallpapering technique

  1. When choosing wallpaper, keep in mind that if there is a pattern on the rolls, it will need to be joined. Buy with a reserve of 1 roll. Before gluing wallpaper onto paint, carefully study the manufacturer's instructions for diluting the glue and strictly adhere to them. Do not use glue that is not suitable for the specific wallpaper.
  2. Wallpaper needs to be glued from the window. It is advisable to work with an assistant. After cutting the strip, place it on the floor with the wrong side up. Spread the glue evenly over the strip, then lift it up by folding the edges of the sheet together. Wallpaper is glued on top. Align the canvas with the ceiling and apply it to the surface. Press the sheet well from the middle to the edges and down. It is advisable to use a rag or roller. You can use a rag to remove any remaining glue.
  3. Switches and sockets are sealed on top, but immediately cut through.

Under the windows and above the door, wallpaper is pasted after the whole sheets have been pasted. Never use hot glue. It acquires a liquid consistency and extends beyond the edges, staining front side canvases.

If you have a good understanding of how to glue wallpaper onto paint, you can safely apply your knowledge in practice. By completing all the work with maximum responsibility and accuracy, you can get a result that will please you and your family for many years.

are wallpaper.

True, before you start gluing them, you need to prepare the surface.

Often the walls you intend to cover are covered with paint.

In this case, a reasonable question arises: how to apply wallpaper to paint and is it even possible to do this? There is a way out, we will figure it out.

So, if you are planning to do renovations in the apartment yourself, first study carefully.

An inexperienced painter will classify any durable paint as oil paint.

Although it's enough controversial fact for an accurate determination.

There are several valid arguments:

  • A surface that lacks shine and cannot be wiped off with a wet cloth most likely indicates that the walls are painted. water-dispersion paint. You won’t be able to touch it with water, but you can easily remove it with a spatula.
  • But whitewash is very easy to recognize: run your hand along the wall, white marks will remain on your fingers. If you paste wallpaper onto such a surface, the next morning you will be greeted with an unpleasant surprise in the form of strips of paper lying on the floor. If there is whitewashing, preliminary work is necessary: ​​with a brush or sponge dipped in water, you can wipe off the “dangerous” coating for the wallpaper.
  • Oil and enamel paints They make the surface shiny and smooth, but they do not react at all to water. Most often, these types of coatings were used to forget about repeated repairs for a long time.

Please note: although the instructions say that it is not recommended to glue wallpaper to the latter type of paint, there is still no strict prohibition and technologies for preparing such walls are known. So nothing is impossible. The main thing is to stock up on instructions on how to hang wallpaper on an oil floor.

We glue wallpaper with oil paint

An important stage is preparation.

In the first and main stage Preparing the premises includes several important points:

  • Carefully and thoroughly inspect all walls for cracks, broken pieces of plaster or putty.
  • Remove all nails or other protruding elements, remove the baseboards.
  • If more than half of the old coating has been removed, it should be removed entirely.

Sanding process

If the walls are acceptable for pasting even without the mentioned preparatory materials, there are still some techniques that cannot be avoided. One of these is sanding.

Why is this process necessary? The thing is that oil paint has the property of poor adhesion.

You can increase adhesion by simply turning a smooth surface into a rough one. That is, perform a few simple manipulations:

  • Prepare sandpaper with large grains.
  • Rub it all over the walls without exception.
  • Apply primer to the treated surfaces.
  • Dry it overnight.
  • Putty the walls with a gypsum-based mixture, thereby making them even and smooth.
  • Wet the surfaces with warm soapy water. It will remove all unnecessary fats and the paper will stick to the walls without any problems.

For better adhesion, you can use another trick - add PVA to the wallpaper glue in a ratio of 1/1. There is another way: polyvinyl acetate, diluted with a small amount of water, is applied thin layer on the wall and, without waiting for it to dry completely, they begin to glue the wallpaper.

Glue matters

The right choice plays an important role in performing home renovations.

If you don't feel confident in accepting independent decision, contact a specialist for help; any hardware store has a consultant who can easily answer all your questions.

Ask him to show him glue for heavy ones, and even if the material prepared for gluing is thin, purchase a mixture for vinyl paper covering.

The following types of glue are best suited:

  • "Moment"
  • "Methylane"
  • Bustilat

If price is not of fundamental importance, you can also buy PVA. About its influence on the quality of adhesion with oil paint has already been said above.

Surface priming

All procedures that should be carried out with the surface at the preparation stage are aimed at improving the adhesion of oil-painted surfaces to paper finishes.

The following process serves the same purpose. Priming the walls will increase the ability to absorb substances. And the risk of wallpaper falling from the walls will be minimized by doing the following:

  • Purchase soil from a specialized store.
  • Wash the walls.
  • Leave them until completely dry.
  • Then apply a 3-4 mm layer of primer.
  • Dry the applied layer.
  • Putty the surface.
  • Apply a coat of primer again.
  • Wait until the walls are completely dry.
  • Finish the prepared surface with wallpaper.

Please note: you can prepare the primer yourself. This option will be even more economical. You only need two ingredients:

  • Alabaster

The cooking process consists of several simple steps:

  • Pour 300 grams of water into a deep container.
  • Add alabaster into it, stirring constantly. The consistency of this composition should resemble sour cream.
  • Add PVA to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1/3.

Lubricate the pre-washed walls with the prepared solution and leave until completely dry.

You won’t have to talk long about how to apply wallpaper to enamel, since in the case of such an old coating, you will need to follow all the procedures described above. These two paints have few differences, therefore the methods of exposure are identical.

Wallpaper for whitewash? Let's glue it!

A few high-quality manipulations with a surface treated with oil paint or enamel, and you can safely glue wallpaper. As for the water-based coating, it’s even easier - rinse with warm water.

But with whitewashing the situation is much more complicated. Remember, if you decide to glue wallpaper on whitewashed walls, you will have to completely remove the old coating, since it cannot withstand loads at all. None!

The step-by-step procedure for cleaning walls can be presented as follows:

  • Soak the whitewash with warm soapy water.
  • Remove with a spatula.
  • Wash off the residue with a sponge.

Important: whitewash should be removed completely and in all areas where wallpaper will subsequently be painted.

Checking the quality of the product is not difficult: just run your hand along the wall. Chalk remaining on the palm is an indication that not all of the coating has been removed and will have to be washed again.

Please note: checking is very important, otherwise the canvas will come off exactly in those places where the paint remains, and in case of high humidity, bubbles may also appear.

A second method of preparing whitewashed walls is also known; it involves the following manipulations:

  • Treat the surface with a primer.
  • Dry thoroughly.
  • Apply a coat of primer a second time.
  • Dry again.
  • Dissolve the glue.
  • Dilute it with water.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the walls.
  • Let dry thoroughly.
  • Glue wallpaper.

How to paste wallpaper on whitewash is presented in the video:

Pasting concrete walls

The bases that were discussed are traditional, but what to do if the base for wallpapering is a concrete wall? What to do in such a situation?

Carrying out preparatory measures, as in the case of oil paint, enamel and whitewash, will be unnecessary; there is no old coating and, accordingly, there is no need to get rid of it.

True, there is a subtlety that should not be forgotten: concrete walls are covered with tubercles and pits, and expensive wallpaper coverings“They don’t like this”; they demand evenness.

But in order to make it so, it is still worth carrying out a set of measures:

  • Smooth out unevenness.
  • Remove dirt and dust.
  • Clean the base with sandpaper.
  • Plaster.
  • Prime high-quality composition, which will protect against the formation of mold and mildew, will be resistant to moisture and will firmly bond the wallpaper to the concrete surface.

Anyone who has ever done home renovation knows how to glue paper sheets on the walls. And this technology is general outline looks like that:

  • Apply glue to the wallpaper strip.
  • Attach it to the wall.
  • Align vertically.
  • Smooth out wrinkles, bumps and bubbles.

At the moment, it cannot be argued that this is the only true one; it should be disseminated with some general advice:

  • Apply glue not only to wallpaper, but also to walls. This precaution will enhance the adhesion of the material and the surface. Such measures can be eliminated only when covering the room with non-woven wallpaper.
  • Do not open windows and doors during work and until the wallpaper is completely dry. Drafts can play a cruel joke; reduce the possibility of their occurrence to a minimum.
  • Heat, as well as cold, are not the best helpers in work. High humidity in the room where Finishing work, should also be avoided.
  • When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to the pattern; it will need to be joined.
  • Count it up required amount rolls, but still take extra.
  • Select glue only in accordance with the purchased wallpaper. And under no circumstances use one that is not suitable for the type you have chosen. It must be diluted strictly following the instructions written on the package.
  • Wallpaper must be glued on top and aligned with the ceiling. It is recommended to start pasting from the window opening. It is better to allow canvases not according to precisely measured dimensions, but by leaving a small margin at the top and bottom.
  • You can use either a rag or a rag. Prepare an unnecessary rag to remove excess glue.
  • It is best to seal switches and sockets first and then cut them. This must be done before the wallpaper has dried, then all the cuts will be smooth and neat.

The glue should only be at room temperature and under no circumstances hot.

Otherwise, the front side of the wallpaper can become very dirty.

First we glue the solid strips and only after that above the doorway and under the window.

If you have received a detailed and understandable answer to the question of how to apply wallpaper to paint, you can safely get to work and apply the knowledge you have gained in practice.

High-quality and accurate work will delight you and your loved ones with its appearance for many years.