Is it possible to lay tiles on plywood: choice of material, preparation, waterproofing and laying. Is it possible to lay tiles on a plywood floor? Glue gypsum tiles to plywood

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Many novice craftsmen are interested in how to glue ceramic tiles to plywood when finishing is carried out kitchen area or bathroom in wooden house. Choosing a suitable composition is quite difficult, since the materials are poorly compatible with each other.

This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

The main thing

The base composition is usually a two-component polyurethane adhesive made using synthetic substances. The drying process can last from several hours to two days.

The product has a number of advantages that should be mentioned without fail:

  • affordable price of the adhesive composition has a positive effect on budget funds consumer;
  • a high level of elasticity makes it possible to use products for problematic bases;
  • the operating temperature range ranges from -55 to +125 degrees, thereby expanding the scope of application;
  • good adhesion allows you to reliably connect almost any materials to each other.

Acquainted with additional information you can if you watch the special video in this article. As for questions that arise during the study process, you can ask them directly in the comments.

  • Date: 08/23/2015
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The modern wide range of tiles allows them to be used not only in the decoration of bathrooms and kitchens, but also in other rooms. Those who are planning to renovate their apartment are often interested in whether it is possible to lay tiles on plywood, because sometimes it is not possible to make a different base for a tiled floor for a variety of reasons. Despite the apparent incompatibility of these materials, it is possible to lay tiles on plywood. Following the recommendations will help you create a smooth, durable floor that will last for many years.

Plywood quickly absorbs moisture, so before laying the tiles it must be impregnated with sealant.

Alternative to screed

Plywood can be an excellent replacement for a leveling screed when it is not possible to fill it. For example, veneer material will definitely come in handy if you do not want to dismantle a wooden floor and decide to lay tiles on it. In this case, the plywood will serve as a kind of screed. You can also lay the tiles on plywood, which will be laid directly on the joists, but in this case it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions so that the coating lies on the veneer, almost like on concrete. You understand perfectly well that ceramics is quite heavy material, and therefore a durable surface must withstand it.

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The strength characteristics of plywood directly depend on the number of veneer layers, and the more layers there are, the thicker the sheet. The building material for the tiles must have the following data:

  1. The thickness of the plywood sheet cannot be less than 22 mm.
  2. The veneer must be High Quality. This condition does not require the plywood to be free of knots, but the sheets must be firmly glued together. Layering is unacceptable.
  3. Plywood boards must be moisture resistant. It is worth adding to this that material of the FBA and BV brands is not suitable for the base under tiles, since it is absolutely incapable of resisting dampness. In any case, plywood of any brand must be treated with coating compounds before installation. This is especially true for FSF brand products, which can become a source of formaldehyde release into the atmosphere.

Perhaps some clarification needs to be made regarding the thickness of the base for the tiles. Perhaps some will decide that instead of a thick sheet, several thinner ones can be used, but this is not recommended, because a stack of plywood panels will not provide sufficient rigidity for the base, since in nature there are no 2 absolutely identical sheets. This means that there will definitely be gaps between them in one place or another, due to which the floor will unnoticeably, but will definitely spring back, which will lead to cracking of the tile covering.

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Additional measures

Even a large sheet can spring, since there is absolutely no smooth surfaces. In addition, this may be facilitated by various deformations plywood or layer underneath during operation. Therefore, sheets of plywood must be cut into smaller pieces. Naturally, their dimensions must correspond to the lag pitch.

The thickness of the plywood should also depend on the space between the sheathing beams.

To avoid distortions, the surface of the plywood must be leveled - especially at the joints.

There is no point in taking a step less than 30 cm, but it should not exceed 50 cm. 30 mm sheets are laid on the beams spaced at such a distance.

Now about how to prepare the hard plywood base. To make the tiles on plywood “comfortable” (they don’t peel off or crack), you need to:

  • treat the veneer with moisture-repellent compounds;
  • fasten the veneer sheets with as many self-tapping screws as possible, which should be screwed into wooden base not only along the perimeter and in the center, but also, if possible, along the sheet area;
  • make joints not on the same line (it is better if the plywood is staggered);
  • clean and sand the surface of the base;
  • coat it twice with primer.

After this, the tiles on plywood will stick much better, because the double primer layer will ensure good adhesion for the glue. It remains to be advised not to rush to apply the next layer of primer. They can only be processed after completely dry previous coverage. Typically, this drying process for each layer lasts 5-6 hours.

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Tools and materials

This time is enough to check how prepared the equipment, tools and equipment are for laying tiles on plywood. Consumables. To work you will need:

  • 2-component polyurethane-based adhesive (it provides strength and elasticity of the connection, as well as additional waterproofing);
  • grout for final processing of seams;
  • crosses so that the gap between the tiles on the plywood is the same:
  • starting rail on which the 1st row will be laid out;
  • notched spatula for applying glue;
  • soft spatula for grouting;
  • tile cutter;
  • level.

It would seem that it can no longer be used, but it is impossible to guarantee uniform application of glue over the entire surface of the base. Using a level, you can check the horizontal laying of a whole row or one tile and correct its position relative to others.

They begin laying tiles on plywood from the corner farthest from the entrance to the room. It is theoretically possible that a room can have ideal proportions and only whole tiles, but in practice, geometric flaws are inherent in the vast majority of rooms. In addition, it is impossible to ensure that the floors are covered with only whole products, so installation is carried out from a row in which there will be no fragments. It should be noted that laying fragments against the walls should be carried out only after finishing work with uncut slabs.

Date of publication: 02-08-2015

Quite often during repairs flooring laid on the base. The surface can be leveled with plywood sheets of various thicknesses. Such a floor is more economical, all work does not take much time, and the cost of a plywood base is much lower than a concrete screed.

Laying tiles on plywood

Another advantage is the absence of dirty construction processes. It is worth noting that laying tiles on plywood is more convenient and profitable than installing other types of bases.

This type of installation is especially suitable for corridors and kitchens, when it is necessary to complete all the work as quickly as possible and, if possible, without unnecessary dirt.

Pros and cons of the process

Laying ceramic tiles on plywood sheets, like other methods of installing flooring, has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • the load on the floor with this method is minimal, which is important for wooden frame houses;
  • the cladding is strong, strong, durable;
  • adhesive compositions play the role of an additional waterproofing layer, and this makes this method acceptable even for bathrooms, kitchens, and corridors.
  • with this option, it is necessary to ensure that the thickness of the base, that is, the plywood sheet, is at least 22 millimeters;
  • for very wet rooms it is necessary to provide an additional layer of waterproofing, and this is an additional cost;
  • With such installation, it is impossible to use “warm floor” systems.

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Features of installing floor tiles on plywood

When asked if it is possible to install floor tiles for plywood sheets, experts answer firmly: “Yes.” Although there are pitfalls here: this process will not be easy - it is very responsible and labor-intensive. It is impossible to do without thorough surface preparation.

Unlike other types of flooring, ceramic tiles are heavy, so the plywood base should not be fragile and fragile, minimum thickness the sheet should be twenty-two millimeters.

All sheets must be securely fastened. If even the slightest vibrations or deflections are observed, additional fasteners should be provided using self-tapping screws.

If plywood is laid on joists, it should be ensured that the step is not large; if necessary, the structure is redone, reducing the step to 30 centimeters.

When laying on joists, thickness plywood sheets must be at least 30 millimeters. If this condition is not met, the load on individual tiles will be distributed unevenly, the tiles will begin to peel off and may crack.

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Preparatory work

Before you begin installation work, you need to prepare the tools and materials that may be needed for this.

When determining the number of tiles, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the area of ​​the room, the dimensions of one product, laying methods, and the presence of a pattern. In addition, ten percent is added for cutting.

The amount of adhesive composition is calculated in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package.

Waterproofing film

It is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • machine for sanding plywood sheets,
  • special elastic glue (if necessary),
  • waterproofing film,
  • soil composition,
  • self-tapping screws for woodworking,
  • tape measure, ruler and pencil,
  • special crosses for seams,
  • grout of the selected shade.

Now you should check the thickness of the plywood layer, which should not be less than twenty-two millimeters. Optimal value is a thickness of twenty-eight millimeters, and for a floor on joists - thirty. The surface of the plywood is sanded and cleaned of dust and debris.

If the sheets do not fit tightly, this will have to be corrected and ensured additional fastening to the base. The plywood should not sag or have gaps between in separate parts. After this, you can start priming. The primer is applied in two layers, and each one must dry for at least five hours, after which a new one can be applied.

For bathrooms, after priming, the surface of the plywood is covered with a special waterproofing film, laid overlapping.

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Process of laying on plywood

It is best to fix the tiles using special adhesives that are elastic. This product is the most optimal, since plywood is subject to various linear transformations and reacts poorly to humidity and temperature changes.

It is better to use two-component polyurethane glue, which is also used during installation parquet boards. Such glue, in addition to its direct purpose, can also perform the function of effective waterproofing. In addition, parquet adhesive sets quickly, so you can safely walk on such a coating in just thirty minutes.

You can also use adhesive compositions based on modified silane. They harden even upon contact with moisture, and completely remove it from the base of the floor. A seam with such glue will be flexible and elastic, which is important for hard floor coverings mounted on a wooden base.

After preparing the base, you can begin laying the ceramic tiles themselves on the floor. The first solid tile is laid in the corner, applying adhesive in an even layer to the surface of the floor and the tile itself.

Maximum coverage square adhesive composition on the base should be equal to one square meter.

The glue is applied with a metal notched trowel. After applying the glue, the tile is pressed to the surface with your hand; you need to hold it for several minutes so that the solution has time to set. To check whether the thickness of the adhesive layer is the same and whether one tile will protrude above the other, you must use a level.

When installing adjacent tiles, special crosses are used that help control the width of the seam. Such crosses can have a thickness of one to three millimeters. After installation, all seams are treated with grout, the excess of which is removed from the surface of the tile with a damp cloth.

It is mandatory that the tiles are laid on a prepared base. Its role is played by a floor or wall, which must first be leveled. It should be noted that today there are quite a few methods of leveling, and one of them is laying plywood. Thus topical issue laying tiles on plywood, and to be honest, the technology of this process.

Let's start with the advantages:

  1. The first is the low cost of such coverage.
  2. You can also note the speed of installation. Which requires less effort and time.
  3. The next advantage is the absence of construction waste.
  4. The plywood cladding itself is quite durable and strong.

But do not forget about the disadvantages:

  1. First of all, you need to select correct view material, which is sometimes quite difficult. Thus, for work you will need sheets of plywood of at least 2.2 centimeters.
  2. For rooms with very high level humidity will need to be provided additionally; accordingly, this increases the cost of the coating.
  3. And the last is a strict ban on

That is why this technology is used quite rarely. Although it may be quite suitable for arranging floors in the kitchen or hallway. In general, in those rooms where it is necessary to carry out repairs as quickly as possible, and preferably, litter as little as possible.

Features of laying tiles

The first question that often arises is whether it is possible to lay tiles on plywood. And all experts answer only yes. Of course, as with any other installation, in this case there are a number of difficulties. Therefore, we can immediately note that the process of laying tiles on plywood in this way is quite labor-intensive and must be approached responsibly.

It should be taken into account that plywood is divided into moisture-resistant and ordinary plywood, which is not suitable for wet work.

First of all, you will need careful preparation surfaces. This is largely due to the characteristics of the tile, and in particular the fact that its weight is much greater than that of other types of coating. That is why you should check the surface for strength. In no case can plywood itself have low strength.

Ideal option Of course there will be ones that have moisture-resistant properties and less mobility

In addition, as mentioned earlier, the thickness of the sheets must be at least 22 millimeters.

Each sheet must be securely fastened and pressed to the base. Otherwise, if any deflections or distortions are observed, the coating will last quite a short time.

When laying plywood on joists, it is necessary to ensure a step of no more than 30 centimeters. At higher value redesign the design.

And regarding the logs, it should be noted that in this situation the thickness of the sheets should not be less than three centimeters.

Preparing for work

Before starting work, you must carefully prepare, check the presence of all necessary materials and tool.

Also calculate the adhesive mixture and the number of tiles. In the case of tiles, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​​​the room, the size of the joints and the size of the tile itself. In addition, the presence of a pattern and method of installation. You can use our website for calculations.

Speaking of the adhesive mixture, its quantity should be calculated based on the consumption indicated on the packaging; you can find out how to select the adhesive mixture and calculate its quantity in a separate article.

Directly for the work you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Sanding machine for working with plywood.
  2. Waterproofing material (mostly film).
  3. Primer.
  4. Special glue if necessary.
  5. Also, for marking, a ruler, pencil and tape measure.
  6. Self-tapping screws.
  7. Tile.
  8. Adhesive mixture for tiles.
  9. Grout and crosses.

Next, the surface is sanded and cleaned. The tightness of the fit is checked. If necessary, additional fastening with self-tapping screws is provided. There must be strictly no gaps or deflections in the sheets.

Upon completion of the test, the surface must be primed. Typically the primer is applied in several layers (2-3). Each of them must dry completely, which, depending on the type of primer, takes from 5 to 12 hours.

Laying tiles on plywood with your own hands

In this case, it is recommended to use adhesive mixtures, which are characterized by an increased level of elasticity since wood is a movable material. It is in this situation that such a mixture is most optimal, since plywood can be somewhat transformed under the load from the tiles. Moreover, this material does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes well.

The best option would be polyurethane glue, which is often used when laying parquet. This is the mixture that will be most effective.

Another advantage is that within an hour you can walk on such a surface. This is due to the short setting time.

One more good option become silane-based mixtures. This glue is recommended for use in damp rooms, as it sets easily even when exposed to moisture. At the same time, the same moisture is completely removed from the surface.

Thanks to the use of this type of mixture, the tiles will lie perfectly, and the seams will be flexible and elastic, which is very important.

The working process

Having finished with the preparation, you can move directly to the question of how to lay tiles on plywood on the floor. Performed this process using the following technology:

At this point, the installation is completed, and you can admire the results of your labors.

What you need to know about laying tiles on plywood

  1. In order to be able to lay the tiles on plywood, its thickness must be at least 2.2 cm; it is possible to use several layers, otherwise the coating will not support the weight of the tiles.
  2. It is recommended to provide additional fixation using self-tapping screws for a better fit of the coating.
  3. Before laying the tiles on the base, be sure to use a strong primer, which will help ensure the stability of the plywood.
  4. When working, be sure to use a building level. In addition, it is recommended to start the installation itself from the farthest corner from the door.
  5. It is necessary to strictly ensure that all seams are made the same size. For this, special ones are used.
  6. At the end of the work, an important factor is the selection of grout and its implementation, since it is this that has the greatest influence on appearance coverings.

This concludes the question of how to put floor tiles on plywood can be considered closed. By strictly following the instructions and recommendations, you can complete the installation yourself. And for a better understanding of the topic, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video materials presented below.


During renovations, the flooring is often replaced with tiles. It is practical and meets all operating requirements. The tiles are attractive, durable, and resistant to numerous negative operational influences, including abrasion and mechanical stress.

But its installation requires a strong, rigid and smooth base. Suitable for this concrete pouring and even plywood. How to lay tiles on plywood, is this possible? This issue is not as difficult to solve as it might seem, but there are features that need to be taken into account.

Installation of tile covering on a plywood base

How to lay tiles on a plywood base? A number of conditions must be met to perform such work:

  1. When fastening sheets, it is important to ensure maximum rigidity, since deflections and other movements simply cause the floor to creak and crack the coating during use.
  2. Large solid slabs cannot be laid on the surface, as this will damage the coating. It is necessary to cut a large slab into several separate fragments. This ensures maximum rigidity. The sheets are laid on the base in such a way that there are no cross connections; each fragment is fastened with 9 self-tapping screws to ensure proper distribution of loads.
  3. If plywood boards are attached to joists, then the thickness of the sheathing increases to 30 mm, otherwise the tiles simply cannot be laid. The step is taken to be 40 cm. If the base does not correspond to this parameter, then you will have to choose a different floor covering.

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How to lay tiles on a plywood base?

To lay tiles on a plywood base in an apartment, you need to fulfill several simple conditions that will ensure quality and reliability:

  1. To lay the base, you need to take moisture-resistant plywood; the thickness of the sheet should be from 20 mm, since the floor must withstand not the smallest weight relative to the weight of the tile. Some experts argue that you can take several sheets of smaller thickness instead of one, but in reality this practice is not entirely justified. There is no particular benefit from laying a multi-layer base, but financial costs increase several times.
  2. When laying, you need to check that all sheets of sheathing fit tightly against one another and there are no gaps. The plywood is additionally secured with self-tapping screws, the heads of which are recessed into the material. This ensures that there is no squeaking during use, the tile itself is laid as correctly as possible, and does not crack during use. Plywood is also checked during installation; it should not have cracks or defects; you cannot use ordinary plywood for such work; only a moisture-resistant type of coating is suitable.
  3. Before starting installation, top part the sheets must be sanded, otherwise there will be differences in height, which usually happens due to delamination. The tile covering will turn out uneven, and this should not be allowed.
  4. If you lay tiles on moisture-resistant plywood, it is necessary to additionally provide treatment with a primer and waterproofing mixtures. This is especially important for bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, and corridors. After treatment, you must wait until the coating is completely dry, only then can you begin further installation work.
  5. Tiles for work can be taken in various formats. The main thing is to choose the right glue and prepare the floor for laying the covering.

To get the job done quickly, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • tile;
  • polyurethane-based tile adhesive;
  • metal notched tile trowel;
  • rubber spatula for grouting;
  • grout of the selected color;
  • tile cutter;
  • building level;
  • ruler, simple pencil for marking the surface.

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Step-by-step instructions for laying ceramic tiles

Laying ceramic tiles is not that difficult, especially if the base is pre-leveled. For this, a two-component polyurethane-based adhesive is used, which provides maximum suitable conditions for work. The problem is that when laid on a smooth plywood base, the tile covering can move horizontally until the glue dries.

And polyurethane mixtures make it possible to reduce this disadvantage to a minimum; There will be no deformation of the coating or damage during operation.

How to lay tiles on plywood? It is enough to follow the sequence of work:

  1. First, you need to apply markings to the surface; this is done in accordance with the selected scheme. This can be a regular straight laying, checkerboard, diagonal. For simple installation, you should immediately note the position of the first and second rows, but gluing the tiles itself begins only from the corner of the second row. This is necessary so that after finishing the work you can carefully trim the remains and lay rows that will adjoin directly to the walls. It is necessary to advance the installation towards the entrance to the room, this allows you to avoid walking on already laid tiles.
  2. The glue is mixed in a small amount, sufficient to cover square meter surfaces. The composition is applied to the plywood base with a notched metal spatula; the layer should not be thick, since the strength of the future coating depends on this. The tile is pressed against the base with the back surface and held for a couple of seconds. After that rubber mallet you can carefully adjust its position if necessary. Each row must be checked building level. This is required to ensure that the coating is neat and even; individual tiles should not protrude above the surface until the glue has dried.
  3. The tiles are laid using special cross-separators, which allow you to conveniently adjust the thickness of the seams. In this case, the surface turns out beautiful, and after installation the seams are simply filled with a special grout of the selected color. The width of such joints can be different, it all depends on what format of tiles is used. Usually 3 mm is recommended for standard tiles to ensure an attractive and aesthetically pleasing finish.