Master class on making a gift cake from baby diapers. DIY diaper cake, master class

A diaper cake is a worthy gift for discharge or baptism. The uniqueness of the idea allows you to give necessary elements care and stand out among other gifts. It may immediately seem that not everyone can master such a creation. However, simple and understandable master classes prove the opposite. It’s worth taking a closer look at how to make a diaper cake for a girl.


Diaper cake is original way a gift that allows you to show maximum imagination and creativity. As a rule, its production does not require special skills, so anyone can make it. This does not take a lot of time and available materials. However, in this case, you need to select the components of the product in such a way that they are combined with each other. This is easy to do with the help of satin ribbons, as well as soft toys and even booties. The remarkable thing about the idea is that it is not limited to the use of diapers alone; fabric and paper towels, pacifiers, rattles and any baby care products can be used. In addition, when making such a gift, the master is not limited in choosing a color scheme.

Products for girls can be very diverse. White base diapers goes well with any shades color palette. At the same time, the finished gift will look professional and beautiful. And if it is also packaged properly, it will look premium. Such a gift will not leave your mother indifferent and will be remembered in her memory for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

A diaper cake for a girl has many advantages. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, it is useful because it holds a lot of necessary things. This is its advantage compared to souvenir gifts, which often do not provide any benefit. Not a single component of such a cake will go unnoticed: almost everything in it can be used for its intended purpose. This is a harmless product, but it is always individual, since each creation is always different from the others.

They can go different elements, which allows you to diversify the base of the diaper cake. A gift made with your own hands is always valued more than other signs of attention from family and friends. It can have design elements specific to certain seasons, allowing you to focus attention on the baby’s date of birth. However, with a lot of advantages, this product also has several disadvantages.

Despite the fact that the diapers themselves are inexpensive, ordering such a product can cost much more than all its components. At the same time, there is no way to see under what conditions the master created the cake. In addition, the choice of design must take into account the characteristics of age, which does not allow decorating it small details and similar fittings.

What might you need?

You can make your own diaper cake from a variety of raw materials. Depending on the type of model, the following components are used for this:

  • diapers of a certain size;
  • small towels;
  • standard size rubber bands;
  • a bottle for foundation or a roll of paper towels;
  • ribbons for decoration;
  • thick cardboard;
  • sushi sticks;
  • children's combs;
  • bibs;
  • cloth diapers;
  • caps;
  • booties;
  • scratches;
  • socks;
  • rattles;
  • decorative elements (flowers, bows);
  • heat gun and hot glue.

In addition, ordinary wooden clothespins can be useful in your work. They will act as fixatives at certain stages of cake making. Usually they try not to use non-functional elements in their work, because the main task products are the use of every detail, with the exception of the decor and ribbons tying the tiers of the cake.

Creation Rules

Making a cake from diapers with your own hands is carried out taking into account several mandatory requirements. For example, you should create a craft exclusively in cleanliness, and this applies not only to the location of all the parts, but also to the entire room. You should wash your hands several times during work. You cannot turn diapers inside out. During work, you need to touch them as little as possible, because these are not things that can undergo heat treatment before use.

It is preferable to use small size diapers. Since children are born with different weights, it is advisable to choose diapers No. 2 to create the cake. Anything that can be heat treated should be ironed.

You should not create a huge cake for a newborn large quantity diapers As a rule, such products require skill, and 5 tiers are not very stable.

To prevent the diaper cake from falling apart, it is enough to limit yourself to three rows of diapers. They should be chosen having the slightest idea about the preferences of the parents. This is due to the fact that today baby diapers are variable - they are different for different manufacturers, may have different shapes.

Of course, it may seem that it is not so important which company the products are from. However, in reality it turns out that they can sit differently, as well as differ in the convenience of Velcro. When choosing one option or another, you should pay attention to the pattern of the diapers. This is more relevant for design and allows, for example, to decide on the choice of accessories for diapers. Taking into account the features of the design, you can choose for it, for example, the first comb for combing out the fuzz, as well as a teether for the first teeth or even a pacifier of an approximate shade. The finished product must be wrapped in transparent film for hygiene purposes.

How to do?

Making a diaper cake for a girl step by step with your own hands is not difficult, if you rely on any lesson you like, with which the World Wide Web is replete today. To make the task of making a gift at home easier, you should turn to the most interesting and effective compositions of this craft for a newborn, which are shared by experienced craftsmen.

With diapers and socks

The process can be based on a cake consisting of four tiers. To make this gift, you should prepare following materials and elements:

  • stick for the axle (the base of the roll is suitable for cling film or foil);
  • 8 large rubber bands;
  • 141 diapers;
  • 4 diapers;
  • wooden clothespins;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • educational toys (rattles);
  • packaging film;
  • socks of different colors;
  • decor for decoration.

This master class is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • initially roll 7 diapers into a tight roll, wrapping each one in the direction from the groin to the waist; the blanks are secured with clothespins;
  • the blanks are formed into a circle: 1 element is placed in the center, the rest are arranged around it;
  • diapers are secured with a large elastic band and clothespins are removed;
  • take a diaper, fold it diagonally, and then several times, taking into account that when folded its height is equal to the height of the rolled diapers; the ends of the diaper are wrapped inward;
  • the resulting strip is wrapped around the created tier of the cake and the circle is secured with a large rubber band;
  • according to this principle, they make a second tier, only after assembling 7 diapers into a circle, the size of the circle is increased by another row of diapers, using 12 diapers for this; he is also wrapped in a diaper;

  • for the third tier you will need 7+12+24 pieces of diapers;
  • for the fourth, the number of diapers is 7+12+24+48 pieces;
  • technology, the execution of the base is repeated, but to increase the diameter, the elements are distributed evenly with outside round;
  • To prevent the cake from falling apart, cut out a base from cardboard and connect it to a support or stick left over from the cling film;
  • All tiers of diapers are strung on this base, starting with the largest;
  • decorate the cake as desired, distributing toys among its tiers, inserting socks on cut-out cardboard blanks;
  • then it is packaged in transparent film and decorated with a bow.

With a paper towel

An interesting version of the cake can be created by using a roll of paper towels as the center of the cake. To recreate such a product, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • 90 diapers;
  • a dozen small towels;
  • about a hundred small stationery rubber bands and 3 large ones;
  • roll of paper towels;
  • beautiful satin ribbons of different colors;
  • thick cardboard;
  • sushi sticks;
  • transparent packaging film;
  • decorative elements;
  • small soft toy.

The process of making a paper towel cake includes the following steps:

  • each diaper is rolled into a roll and secured with a small rubber band; after this, the procedure is repeated with all fabric towels;
  • they begin to assemble the structure - take a roll of paper towels and place 3 circles of diapers around it;
  • the entire resulting base is secured with a large elastic band;
  • to maintain the integrity of the structure, a circle cut out of thick cardboard is attached to the bottom of the roll stick;
  • the second tier is collected from the remaining diapers, distributing them evenly around a roll of towels and securing with a second large elastic band;
  • for the third tier, take rolled towels and place them around the main support and also fix them;
  • after this, it is necessary to strengthen the structure using sushi sticks, sticking them between the diapers of adjacent tiers;
  • after that all that remains is to disguise the product with ribbons, place a toy on top of the cake and wrap the gift in transparent film with a bow.

other methods

You can make a diaper cake without rolling each diaper. The shape will be no less interesting if, instead of rolls, elements are placed on top of one another. For convenience and evenness of the circumference, round containers can be used in production. Diapers should be laid out tightly so that they do not fall out after they are secured with an elastic band. It is better to immediately insert a support or something approximate into the middle, so that in the future you will be able to string all the tiers of the cake onto a single base. Using this principle, you can make up to three tiers different diameters with the same hole in the center. Each tier after assembly must be securely secured with an elastic band.

If you are going to visit relatives or friends in whose family a baby was born, then you probably want to give the happy parents an original and, most importantly, the right gift. In this article we will tell you about a wonderful idea that you will certainly not remain indifferent to! It's no secret that a gift created with your own hands will always be unique and most desired. IN last years Gifts for parents of newborns made from diapers are extremely popular. Many online stores offer to purchase already ready-made options such products. Although making them with your own hands is not at all difficult, and in this article you will find master classes and video lessons with which you can easily create any cake from diapers. By clicking on the photo of the product, you can go to the lesson, which describes step by step the process of making a cake from baby diapers.

Such original gift can be presented not only for the baby’s birthday, but also for the christening of a newborn or for a year after the baby’s birth. A homemade diaper cake can be additionally equipped with things necessary to care for a newborn baby (hygiene items, slings, bath toys, disposable diapers, knitted booties, slips, caps, mittens). An excellent addition to such a gift is a bouquet of soft toys with sweets. So, first let's take a look at useful tips And general instructions, and then we’ll move on to master classes with photos and videos, which describe step by step the entire process of making gifts from diapers.


You can make a cake out of cloth diapers. There are very beautiful eco-friendly options - each element of the product when folded is very small, and a gift assembled from them will look very elegant and “expensive”;

It is not necessary to use the number of diapers to form each individual layer that is indicated in step-by-step master class with photo. The cake can be made taller, consisting of many layers;

You can “play” with the sizes of the diapers from which the cake is formed. For example, fold a gift from size 1 diapers. Then parents will disassemble it faster in order to use the “soft construction modules” for their intended purpose. Or you can make a cake from size 3 or 4 diapers. Then parents will enjoy the gift longer until the baby grows up. Some craftsmen collect such a gift from diapers different sizes(by layers): the bottom layer is four, above is three and so on.


At least several packs of diapers (about 80 pieces are needed for three layers);

2-3 wooden sticks;

Cellophane or mesh;

A sheet of cardboard (to cut out a base-stand from it);

Bright bows, satin ribbons, fabric decorations;

Stationery rubber bands for tightening rolled up diapers;

Various small things that can be placed inside the cake (baby creams, lotions, pacifiers, hygiene products, washcloths, rompers and slips).


▪ STEP 1:
We choose beautiful bright diapers with thematic designs (for example, cars for a boy or fairies for a girl);

▪ STEP 2:
We make the central element of the gift - the top of the cake. Prepare several bright (or multi-colored) rubber bands. We begin to twist the diaper (from the open end) and then tighten it with rubber bands;

▪ STEP 3:
Now we will twist another 5-7 diapers and tighten them with rubber bands. Forming upper layer. Let's place them evenly around the central one. We tighten this layer with several large elastic bands so that we get a symmetrical circle;

▪ STEP 4:
Let's start forming the middle layer. Central part You can also make one from a diaper or take a baby bottle (one of the gifts inside the cake). Now you need to twist and tighten 12-15 diapers with rubber bands, which form a circle around the central part. We tighten the middle layer with large elastic bands;

▪ STEP 5:
We make the bottom part of the cake (if it is three-layered). We work according to the same scheme. Only as the central part of the layer can you take a larger item (a twisted children's suit, for example). Now let's take 26-30 pieces of diapers, twist each one and tie it with rubber bands, and then evenly distribute them around the central part and connect the entire bottom with several large elastic bands;

▪ STEP 6:
You need to insert 2-3 wooden sticks into the bottom layer, onto which we will carefully place the middle and then the top layers of the cake, passing the sticks between the rolled up diapers;

▪ STEP 7:
All that remains is to decorate the craft from the outside. There is room for your imagination to run wild here! We use bows, ribbons, soft toys.


OPTION 1 (open the master class with the mouse):


OPTION 3(open master class with mouse):


We form layers of a gift cake from diapers twisted in a spiral. Step by step wizard Class.

13 March 2015

A baby's birthday or christening is the brightest and sweetest holiday. But it’s not so easy to please with gifts at such a tender age - clothes may not fit, “snacks” are completely contraindicated for many children. Perfect solution– give an unusual cake, not made from shortcakes and cream, but from diapers, which will always come in handy. Diaper cake It is decorated in an unusual way using bright ribbons and toys, so it will clearly attract the baby’s attention.

To make a small cake you will need:

At the first stage, each diaper is tightly twisted. You need to start twisting the product from the belt line.

To prevent the diaper from falling apart, you need to fasten it (with an elastic band, clothespin) or ask an assistant to hold the cake blanks. Another option is to place the packages tightly in a small box, then the diapers will not unwind.

For the first layer of the cake, use 14 diapers. One bundle should be in the center, the rest of the diapers are folded around it.

An elastic band, which must be pulled along the outer edge of the circle, will help to fix the products in this position. For strength, use 2-3 elastic bands. Flatten the diapers to create a more rounded shape.

The top “cake” consists of 5 diapers, which are twisted in the same way as in the bottom row, then secured with an elastic band.

The central bundle from the lower tier must be removed halfway.

The top layer of a kind of cake is attached to it so that it is located strictly in the center.

The side parts of the layers, where the elastic bands go, are decorated with a wide satin ribbon. We wrap the bottom layer with a blue ribbon with a 1.5 cm overlap and cut it off.

To keep the braid tightly, secure its ends to each other with tape.

We decorate the top layer according to the scheme of the first.

The toys are attached to the cake using skewers. One edge of the stick is inserted into the hole of the rubber toy.

Then the skewer is placed deep between the diapers.

One toy is placed on top of the cake, while the other decorates the side. You can use cars, animals, dolls, etc.

The places where the edges of the ribbon meet are decorated with bows to match the composition. You can use blank bows different shapes or create them from ribbons. The origami technique produces beautiful bows for decorating gifts.

Fabulous diaper cake for a boy ready!

On last stage The cake is wrapped in large foil. To do this, place the “sweet arrangement” in the center of the gift wrap, lift up its edges and secure it with a ribbon and bow.

If some parts of the foil “fall out,” secure them with tape.

A diaper cake for a boy is the best gift!

An unforgettable gift for the little ones is ready. It will not only surprise the child and parents, but is also used for its intended purpose.

Most detailed master class how to make a diaper cake with your own hands, with tips and ideas. After all, a diaper cake is at the same time a practical and original gift for a discharge or for a child’s first birthday.

This gift for newborn It’s also good because you can determine the budget for the gift yourself. After all, it consists not only of diapers, but also of toys and baby care products. At the beginning of a baby’s life, such a gift comes in very handy. There are never too many diapers, and they are not cheap. I have given such cakes many times and mothers were always happy and thanked me more than once. In addition, such a gift will decorate the discharge photos and give you a festive mood.

Master class on how to make a cake from diapers with your own hands

First question - how many diapers do you need for a cake?

The minimum required is 30 pieces. But usually I need one large package of 78 diapers for a two-tier cake. Exact amount It doesn’t matter, you can completely hide extra diapers inside the cake. Just fold them tightly or, on the contrary, not twist them too much, so that there is enough for all tiers.

It is better to buy diapers a larger size. Many mothers do not want to destroy the gifted beauty and do not take apart the cake for a long time. In addition, the baby is still very small and may require special super small diapers. If you make a cake from diapers yourself small size, then in a month they will already be too small. The baby is growing very quickly. The issue of hygiene also often arises. In the first months, they try to surround the child with sterile conditions, so especially anxious mothers play it safe and are afraid to use diapers right away, and wait until the child grows up a little.

How much will a diaper cake cost if you make it yourself?

A package of diapers costs approximately 700 rubles + decorations. That is, the average cost is one thousand rubles. But you can keep it to 300-400 if you make a small cake with a minimum of decor.

Next, how to make a diaper cake step by step

First of all, you will need diapers. It is better to use high-quality diapers, Japanese ones, for example. I haven’t heard any negative reviews about them, all mothers only praise them. You can buy any others.

The base of the cake is easy to make from thick cardboard. Cut a circle out of cardboard and cover it with wrapping paper.

The cake must have a core. You can use wooden skewers, a cylinder of paper towel, a tall baby shampoo bottle, or any long object as an inner rod to keep the cake layers from spreading. You can even use a bottle of champagne. And if you don’t find anything suitable, just roll the paper into a thick roll and use it as a fastener.

I used a tall bottle of baby bubble bath. Just don’t forget to wash all items, or better yet, pour boiling water over them. After all, this is a gift for a very young child and hygiene is very important.

The rod needs to be glued to the base, in the middle. To do this, use hot glue from a hot gun, transparent moment or Double-sided tape. I tied the book satin ribbon and I already glued a bubble bath to it - the base of the cake.

Now open the package of diapers and roll each diaper into a roll. To prevent diaper tubes from unraveling, use rubber bands for money. You can also use clothespins. If there are no suitable rubber bands, cut them into balloon or nylon stocking. Anyway, rubber bands are only needed as auxiliary material, then you will need to get rid of them. They won't be in the cake itself.

Place the diaper rolls tightly around the cake stem. Secure them with a wide elastic band, thread or satin fly, so that you get one of the round levels of the cake.

Now let's start decorating. We decorate the gift with nipples and feeding spoons. baby thermometers, bottles, bibs and toys. The top of the cake can be decorated with a small soft toy or slippers, or a small handmade card.

Now you need to pack the cake in transparent film so that it does not get dirty during transportation. Tie a bow at the top.

Useful tips on how to give a beautiful gift diapers in the form of a cake .

  • Cake – a gift can be wrapped in such a way as to create the illusion of a real cake covered with fondant. You will need as many diapers as there are layers of the cake. Fold the diaper lengthwise so that the width is the width of the tier. We wrap the diapers with a diaper.
  • In addition to the technology of rolling diapers into rolls, there is another technology - diapers are taken out of the packaging and also placed side by side in a circle. You can see more details of what it looks like in the photo.

Can I use diapers made from cake?

Many young mothers doubt whether they can use diapers from a donated cake. But the diapers do not unfold, they remain stuck together from the factory press and the intimate inner part does not unfold. In addition, in pharmacies they sell diapers individually, just in a plastic bag. Even when you open the package, the sterility of the diapers is lost in any case. The most sterile first diaper. But you must make such a gift with clean hands and wash all items purchased in stores (jars, bottles, toys). Craft on a perfectly clean table or lay down a sheet. Be sure to pack the gift in transparent cellophane. It is sold in rolls and by the meter in flower shops, for example. The gift will only benefit from this, and you and the child’s mother will rest assured that no one will sneeze on the diapers and they will not get dirty during transportation home to the baby.

Cakes made from diapers can be different. In the form of not only a classic two or three-tier cake, but also in the form of a bicycle, stroller, magic castle, steam locomotive, and in general everything is limited only by imagination. Here are examples in the photo.

Diaper cake for a boy

Here are ideas on how to make a beautiful, unusual cake for a boy. The main thing is to use the color blue or give a gift in the form of a typically boyish toy: a steam locomotive or a car.

Diaper cake for a girl

The photo shows examples of a girl's cake. It could be a pink stroller or even a doll (the skirt is made of diapers, and the torso is a doll).

The birth of a baby is always a holiday. I want this day to be special, and gifts given to parents can become a special highlight of the holiday. One of them may be a beautiful diaper cake for small children. It not only looks beautiful, but is also a very useful and necessary gift for the baby’s parents. Here are a few practical advice How to make a diaper cake with your own hands step by step.

The simplest option

To prepare, you will need a box of diapers, ribbons and a base. You can use baby shampoo with an extended bottle or a pack of napkins. You may also need an elongated object, for example, a clamp or a wooden stick.

Step 1. To make the cake you need to fold all the diapers in tiers, as shown in the picture. They will beautifully follow one after another, creating the outline of a circle. It is fixed with tape. By analogy, 2, larger circles are made, and 3, if necessary.

Step 2. After all the tiers are ready, they are placed one on one so that the smaller circle is in the middle and after that everything is fixed with a stick in the middle or any elongated object.

This is the easiest way to make your own diaper cake with my own hands step by step. But there is another way that will take more time. It is best to choose a diaper for making a cake in a special package to make it easier to roll. Here is the next way to make a diaper cake.

Second way

To make a cake with rolled diapers, you will additionally need 3 circles of different sizes and a large ribbon. A baby bottle or shampoo in an elongated package is used as a base. Here's how to make your own cake, step by step, beautifully and quickly.

Step 1. Place a bottle or any other fixative on the largest circle in the middle. Then around it we gradually attach diapers folded into sausages in a circle. Then we tie them with a thin ribbon. After this, we fix the next layer in the same way until the last one reaches the area of ​​the circle. We tie this layer with a wide ribbon with a bow.

Step 2. By analogy, we make layer 2 and layer 3, then connect them.

Step 3. If you wish, you can decorate the diaper cake with various toys, pacifiers, a book on raising and developing children, or a rattle.

This diaper cake looks very beautiful and bright, especially if you decorate it brightly and make it very interesting. Here's what you can do to make it not only useful, but also a fun gift with which you can take various photos.

We collect full set for boy

Whatever option you choose for assembling a diaper cake, to decorate the cake for boys you will need blue and blue ribbons and Additional materials. To make the cake look less boring, you can use various additions for decoration. For example, toys, rattles, bottles and kits baby food. They will look very stylish if you use cosmetics for children of the same brand.

A beautiful and bright cake for the boy blue tones can be decorated with the following additions:

Large blue ribbons with large white peas. The cake itself can be decorated 1-2 soft toys small size and beige colour and several bottles of white or light blue. As an addition to the gift, you can use a transparent bottle with a blue tip, blue roses or light blue rattles;

- denim design. You can choose toys in denim clothes as decoration, make denim slippers for a boy, or even a denim pocket in which you can put a bill for the health and development of the baby. Add blue or blue pacifiers and contrasting rattles as additional decorations. yellow tint, as well as children's cosmetics and care products in white packaging. As an addition, you can use blue ribbons;

Registration in marine theme. A cake made from diapers will look very impressive if you decorate it in colors sea ​​wave. For decoration you can use large bright satin ribbons, soap in the shape of dolphins, fish and additional decorations. For example, toys in the shape of a starfish, a children's apron with a whale and fish, children's soap, bottles, rattles. You can even use a small marine-themed postcard or an envelope with a banknote for the baby’s development;

- cat decoration. Both boys and girls love cats. You can make beautiful and bright, interesting options decorations with cats. For example, various badges, bows, postcards and images of these animals. The design will become very interesting if, between diapers, you make small cards with wishes for the newlyweds or the letters of the Russian alphabet with which your wish begins. They can then be used to play with the baby and his development.

How to decorate a diaper cake for a girl

If you want to give a gift to the family where your daughter was born, you can choose several cake design options.

Here's how to decorate a cake beautifully:

Blue and crimson ribbons. You can decorate the cake with large blue ribbons, and add bright rattles and pacifiers in pink and crimson colors, a book about the development and upbringing of a child, a small soft toy or shaped baby soap to the design of the diaper cake. This is the simplest option for decorating a gift for a newborn girl;

- pink ribbons and dolls. Many young mothers like bright and beautiful designs cake for a baby with elements of cosmetics and various children's accessories. Many people begin to cultivate femininity in a girl from childhood, even choosing children’s jewelry, beads, skirts and even hygienic lipstick. Therefore, in such a set you can add children's soap in the shape of a strawberry or funny toys from Winx in a bright pink girlish design, shampoo with a picture of Barbie, decoration for a girl, for example, a beautiful headband. And, of course, a small wallet for the young lady, in which was hidden a bill for the girl’s development;

- white design. It will appeal to those who love beauty in white colors and purity. The cake can be decorated with any white or light pink decorations and complemented with small bottles, pacifiers, soap, shampoo and a beautiful white card with beautiful wishes. You can also add accessories for mom to the set. For example, some kind of jewelry, hygienic lipstick, or even a special hypoallergenic fabric conditioner, cream or deodorant;

- decoration in peach tones. Ribbons can be made peach color, and to decorate the cake use baby soap or shampoo in peach tones, complemented by stylish straw or soft toys in milk and chocolate tones. You can also add a few children's picture books or a small chocolate bar in a beautiful wrapper for mom for decoration.