Sauerkraut in an oak barrel recipe. Salting cabbage in barrels. Sauerkraut in a barrel: recipe and preparation process

Sauerkraut in a tub Dima Afanasyev shared the recipe. Sauerkraut is the most common pickle in ancient times in Rus'. “Shchi and porridge” - they said in Rus'. The cabbage soup, naturally, was made from sauerkraut, rich vitamins A, B and C. Do not forget to pre-prepare an oak tub before the first salting (see instructions). For pickling, medium and late varieties white cabbage, which lay for a while after harvesting. The cabbage must be mature and disease-free. At the beginning of cooking, use a regular knife to peel the cabbage from the top leaves and cut out the stalk. It is most often recommended to shred cabbage on a special chopping board or a long kitchen knife. Shredded cabbage should have the same length (at least 60 mm), 3-5 mm wide. Carrots are washed thoroughly, soaked in cold water and cleanse. You also need to chop carrots into shavings of uniform size (about 30 mm), no more than 5 mm wide. All spices must also be fresh and clean. We suggest using the following spices for pickling (pickling) cabbage in an oak tub: salt, apples (preferably Antonovka), caraway seeds, Bay leaf, allspice. For 50 kg of peeled cabbage you need: - 1300 grams of table salt - 1.5 - 2 kg of carrots - 2.5-3 kg of apples (can be whole, can be chopped) - 9-10 grams of caraway seeds - 4-5 grams of allspice Before How to put cabbage in a tub It needs to be thoroughly and long rubbed with salt. We do this on a large, clean table or in a large container until the table salt is completely dissolved in the cabbage juice. Place a layer on the bottom of the oak tub large leaves cabbage Then place shredded cabbage mixed with carrots and spices on the leaves. The cabbage must be thoroughly compacted so that it releases the juice. When no more than 10 cm remains to the top of the tub, cover the shredded cabbage with whole cabbage leaves. In 30,50,100 liter oak tubs you can ferment cabbage with whole heads (half heads, half shredded). It is recommended to take small heads of cabbage, cut the stalk with a cross and pour salt into it. The space between whole heads of cabbage must be compacted very tightly with shredded cabbage. We put gauze on top of the cabbage leaves in several layers and cover it with the one included with our oak tubs. wooden oppression. It is necessary to place a load on top of the oppression so that the wooden oppression is necessarily covered with brine. If there is not enough brine and the cabbage comes into contact with air, it will darken and begin to deteriorate. For 50 kg of cabbage, you need to adjust the pressure to 8-10 kg. It is forbidden to use any metal things as pressure, in this case your cabbage will simply spoil. We recommend using hard, washed stones as pressure. Leave the filled oak tub in a room at room temperature. The fermentation process begins, during which the volume in the tub will increase as gases are released in the cabbage. If the cabbage is laid out to the very top of the tub, the cabbage juice will spill out. To allow excess gas to escape, we recommend piercing the cabbage with oak pins. At the beginning of fermentation, foam will certainly form on the cabbage, and sometimes mold will form on the wooden oppression and the top of the tub. Wipe the tub with a rag soaked in 20% saline solution, remove the pressure and weight and rinse with boiling water. The cabbage begins to ferment the very next day, and the brine becomes cloudy. The entire fermentation process lasts 7-10 days. If the temperature is high (more than 25 degrees), fermentation will end earlier, but the taste and quality of such sauerkraut will be worse. At low temperatures (less than 10 degrees), fermentation slows down and does not form required quantity lactic acid. When the cabbage fermentation process ends, the foam goes away, the brine becomes light - the cabbage acquires a pleasant color and a refreshing sour-salty taste, and slightly crunches on the teeth. After the fermentation process is completed, an oak tub with sauerkraut put away in the cold, dark room. Bon appetit!

ABOUT healing properties Everyone has known about cabbage for a long time. During the fermentation process, it acquires even more useful substances that help improve the functioning of the entire body. How to salt cabbage for the winter to get a tasty and life-giving product? This question is asked by wonderful housewives and even representatives of the stronger sex. Many people have heard that wooden containers are used for fermentation. Let’s try to figure it out together in which barrels cabbage is salted and what ingredients need to be put in.

Even in the distant past, sailors loaded wooden barrels with sauerkraut onto the ship and saved themselves from scurvy. Then it was the most common vegetable, containing a huge amount of vitamin C. They placed whole heads of cabbage in an oak product and consumed them during sea trips.

The special properties of wood have always been valued when storing various products. An oak barrel can be considered an ideal vessel for pickling cabbage. Before starting fermentation, it is necessary to properly prepare the wooden container.

Barrel processing

If the product is new, then it is soaked cold water for two weeks. In this case, it is advisable to change the water once every two days. After the wood swells, all leaks are eliminated. The barrel is scalded with boiling water and washed with a soda solution. Then rinse everything again. The barrel for pickling cabbage is ready for use.

In the case of storing empty containers previously used for pickling, it is enough to wash with soda and scald hot water. When cabbage is salted in an oak barrel, a pleasant and rich taste of the fermented product is obtained. But at the same time, they do not forget about the secrets of proper salting.

Subtleties of cooking

Before you figure out how to pickle cabbage in a barrel for the winter, you need to know details about the vegetable itself and which variety is best suited for pickling. It is advisable to use cabbage heads cut before the first frost. Ideal option there will be late varieties of the product. You need vegetables that are light, almost white, in color. Then you get delicious crispy sauerkraut.

It is necessary to pay attention to the upper leaves. If they are cut off, it means the head of cabbage is frozen and is not suitable for pickling.

You can shred cabbage in different ways. Some people even like to cut it into squares or divide it into large pieces. Not very fine and not very coarse, a medium degree of shredding is quite suitable. The stalk of self-grown cabbage is also used for pickling. If you bought the product from an unfamiliar merchant, it is better not to use it, as it may contain nitrates. So, the cabbage is ready for pickling. Let's move on to last stage direct fermentation.

Salting secrets

Very simple salting of cabbage old recipes. If you prepare brine, you need to take rock salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. When dry fermenting, add a little more salt, about 20 g per 1 kg of chopped product. As you can see, it’s easy and simple, and the cabbage turns out tasty and crispy.

Modern housewives add various ingredients to improve taste:

  • carrot;
  • cranberries;
  • apples;
  • beets.

Grated carrots add a special flavor and increase the crispiness of cabbage. Beetroot changes the color of the product. Cloves, allspice, black pepper, and cumin are also added.

After being placed in a barrel, the product is kept for about two weeks at room temperature, and then lowered into the cellar - the best place for storage. We almost forgot to mention the correct filling of the wooden container.

Features of laying in a barrel

To preserve the taste of cabbage, the bottom of the oak product is sprinkled with flour, preferably rye. Then the components of the future fermented product are laid out in layers:

  • shredded cabbage;
  • salt;
  • grated carrots.

Slightly compacting the vegetable layers, fill wooden barrel, but not to the very top, otherwise the juice that appears will spill out. Cover the cabbage with a cotton cloth and press down with a wooden lid. It is recommended to periodically pierce the contents in an oak container with an ordinary long twig. This releases gas from the product and saturates it with a new portion of oxygen.

Unfortunately, I had to briefly outline how to salt cabbage in a barrel. But we hope helpful information will help you properly pickle ordinary cabbage and get a rather tasty, healthy and healing product.

During the period of vitamin deficiency (especially in winter and spring), a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is very important. [Sauerkraut] is such a source of nutrients – if it is properly prepared, stored and used. It contains vitamin C, potassium salts, phosphorus, and calcium.

Pickled cabbage in a tub

Different parts of the cabbage head contain different amounts of vitamin C. For example, in white cabbage its concentration is maximum in the stalk (up to 75 mg/100 grams of product). The inner leaves can contain up to 52 mg, and the outer leaves are least fortified (30-31 mg/100 g). That’s why it’s so important to use the stalk, along with cabbage leaves, for pickling.

Dense heads of late and mid-late cabbage varieties are best suited for pickling. They need to be cleaned, the stalks removed, the top leaves cut off and washed, and the water allowed to drain. Then cut the heads of cabbage into four parts and chop finely, mix with chopped carrots.

Spicy taste, a number of additional useful properties will provide sauerkraut with various additives - such as cranberries, Antonov apples, lingonberries, sweet red pepper, cumin.

Whole or halved heads of cabbage are sometimes mixed in with chopped cabbage.

Before [sauerkraut], you need to get a wooden tub - using it will significantly increase the storage time. For short-term storage, enamel dishes are also suitable.

The wooden tub must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Line the bottom with a layer of cabbage leaves. Then, in an enamel bowl, grind the chopped cabbage with salt, and then place it in a tub. Compact the mass in layers, approximately every 5 centimeters, without being too zealous so that the cabbage does not soften. This can be done with your hands or using a board. After the tub is filled almost to the top (you need to leave about ten centimeters on top), you need to lay down whole cabbage leaves, cover the top with linen cloth and press down with a tightly fitted wooden circle, placing a clean stone on it. The circle must be covered with brine on top so that the cabbage does not darken and spoil.

Fermentation of cabbage best occurs at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, and the whole process lasts one to two weeks. If the recommended room temperature is exceeded, fermentation proceeds faster, but the taste of the cabbage will deteriorate. With more low temperatures Fermentation processes slow down, in this case little lactic acid is released, as a result of which the cabbage may taste bitter. Since gases are released during fermentation, they must be removed daily by piercing the cabbage with a long stick in several places. Surface foam must be removed to prevent the development of harmful bacteria. During the first few days of fermentation, the cabbage increases in volume. To prevent the juice from overflowing, you need to scoop it out into a clean container, then, at the end of the fermentation process, pour it back into the tub.

Fermentation is considered complete when the formation of bubbles on the surface of the cabbage stops and the brine becomes clear. At this time, you need to rinse and scald the pressure stone, circle, rag, and wipe the edges of the tub with a cloth soaked in a strong salt solution. This procedure must be repeated periodically during long-term storage of cabbage, not forgetting to remove traces of mold that appear on the surface.

Cabbage has an excellent taste and color when fermented with sugar along with salt (in a ratio of 4:1). Sugar promotes accelerated fermentation.

Sauerkraut is stored in a cold room where the temperature does not exceed zero; it must be covered with brine - otherwise the vitamin C content decreases sharply. That is why you need to eat cabbage immediately after removing it from the tub.

Sauerkraut also loses valuable substances when washed.

Similarly, cabbage is fermented in glass jars– after it has “ripened”, you need to seal it hermetically and put it in a cold place.

For every 10 kilograms of peeled cabbage you will need 8-10 carrots, the same or a little more apples, one glass of lingonberries or cranberries, no more than 250 grams of salt, 2 grams of caraway seeds.

Cabbage in a jar

You need to know exactly [how to salt cabbage] - without understanding the intricacies and professional secrets of this procedure, the cabbage will not turn out tasty, truly hearty and crispy. For a three-liter jar, one large head of cabbage is enough. Dense, mature cabbage with white leaves is best suited for this purpose. In addition, you will need 3-4 medium-sized carrots, as well as a pinch of anise or dill seeds. The head of cabbage is chopped with a knife, in two or three steps. First, cut off a smaller part of the head of cabbage without touching the core (stalk) and chop it. Place the resulting mass in a bowl or leave it on the table. We also chop the carrots on a grater. Its quantity is selected by eye, at your discretion. The amount of carrots does not greatly affect the taste of the resulting product, but carrots can significantly decorate appearance product. Then all this is sprinkled with salt and dill. It is better to take coarse salt so as not to over-salt your “masterpiece”. After which we actively knead the entire mass with our hands - so that the juice comes out faster and in larger quantities, we fill the jar. As you fill it, be sure to compact the cabbage, preventing the appearance of air bubbles - using your fingers or fist.

In the same way, the second and possibly third portion of the mixture is prepared and stuffed into the jar. The jar is considered full when the distance to its top edge is approximately 6 centimeters. In this case, you can use a glass cup that fits freely in the neck of the jar, or an apple of similar size (after lying in cabbage brine for a week, it will become even tastier). After all this, the jar needs to be placed in a pan or cup and left to “ripen” in the kitchen. After this, fermentation processes will begin to occur in the jar - carbon dioxide will form, which will slowly push out the cabbage juice. This is why we place the jar in some container. Removing carbon dioxide from a can requires attention. Special attention– because the quality of the final product depends on this. A long stick, a fork from a standard culinary set, etc. will do for these purposes. – you just need to remove the pressure for a while and pierce the cabbage, and then compact it again. The duration of the salting process is 2-3 days. After the last removal of accumulated gases from the jar, close it with a plastic lid and place it in the refrigerator, where it will remain for the next 24 hours. Under the influence of cold temperature, fermentation processes will stop, the cabbage will be saturated with brine and acquire an excellent taste. Subsequently, when removing the cabbage, do not forget to compact the remaining part covered with brine - this is the only way to preserve it. best qualities to end.

Cabbage must be fermented for the winter. It contains more vitamin C than lemons. She is also rich in others useful substances and bacteria that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Many housewives prepare vegetables in jars, buckets or pans. But initially, sauerkraut was prepared in barrels. It is recommended to use oak containers, but if you do not have such an opportunity, then prepare plastic barrels of the required volume.

Late varieties of vegetables are better suited for pickling. The head of cabbage should be dense without visible defects or signs of rotting. The taste and shelf life of the snack depend on the quality of the product.

How to ferment cabbage in a barrel in a cold way

This is a fairly simple recipe. We will not use any extra ingredients. For cooking at home, we prepare oak containers of 5 or 10 liters. The barrel must first be thoroughly washed and dried.


  • 10 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 15 g black peppercorns;
  • 50 g rye bread.


Cut the cabbage and carrots into strips. if you have food processor, the process is greatly simplified and shortened. Don't cut it too thin, otherwise you won't get a crispy snack.

To prevent vegetables from wilting, prepare them in parts.

In a saucepan or basin, mix the ingredients, add salt and spices.

We will serve as a starter Rye bread. We send one piece to the bottom of the barrel, and then the chopped vegetables. We crush them with our hands so that the juice completely covers the snack.

Then we prepare the next batch and fill the oak barrel. Cover the top with gauze, place a lid of a smaller diameter, and then any weight.

Cover with a suitable sized lid and leave at room temperature for a couple of days. Every day we pierce the cabbage to release gases.

After this, we transfer the barrel to a cooler place, where it should be about +8 degrees and leave it for another three days. After this time, the appetizer will be ready. It should be stored in a room where the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees.

Sauerkraut for the winter with apples

You can prepare cabbage with fruit in an oak tub. The snack is not only tasty, but also crispy. Be sure to try this recipe, you won't regret it.


  • 20 kg cabbage;
  • 1.5 kg carrots;
  • 2 kg apples;
  • Salt according to preference (about 25 g per 1 kg of cabbage).


Cut the cabbage in half and cut out the stalk. We peel the carrots from the top layer and wash them. Then cut the vegetables into strips.

We send cabbage to large capacity, add salt and knead thoroughly with your hands so that it releases the juice. On next stage add carrots and apple slices to the pan. Mix everything carefully.

Now we transfer the snack into a wooden barrel, cover it with a shield and place a load on it. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 days.

During this time, it is necessary to release gases, otherwise the taste and smell of the workpiece will deteriorate. To do this, we pierce the cabbage daily with a thin stick.

After this, we place the container on the covered balcony. A suitable temperature is around zero degrees. After a couple of weeks you can try the snack.

How to properly ferment cabbage in a barrel with horseradish and garlic

If you prefer savory snacks, you'll love this recipe. For example, we will prepare vegetables in a small barrel; if you have a large container, then increase the amount of products proportionally.


  • 6 kg cabbage;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 200 g horseradish root;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 140 g table salt;
  • 150 g ginger.


  1. Cut the cabbage into strips or pieces, as you prefer;
  2. Grind the carrots on a medium grater;
  3. Peel the garlic, divide it into cloves and cut into thin slices;
  4. Grate horseradish root and ginger;

  1. We place all products in a large basin or pan. Add salt and mix with light pressure so that the vegetables release their juice;

  1. We transfer the appetizer into a barrel, cover it with cabbage leaves on top and put on some kind of press. Leave for several days at room temperature;
  2. We pierce the workpiece daily to release gases, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear;
  3. After three days, remove the sauerkraut to a cooler place.

Thanks to garlic and horseradish, the appetizer retains its taste and freshness for a long time. Bon appetit!

By the way, if you like spicy seasoning, you can.

How to ferment cabbage in a barrel at home so that it is crispy

Now let's consider classic recipe snacks with berries. The vegetables turn out tasty and crispy. We will need a small oak barrel. You can use a plastic container.


  • 1 fork medium sized cabbage;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 60 g cranberries;
  • Salt according to preference.


We remove the top leaves from the head of cabbage, but do not throw them away, they will still be useful to us. We divide the forks into several parts and cut out the stalk. Shred the cabbage, add salt and knead thoroughly with your hands.

The next step is to add grated carrots and mix, but do not knead with your hands.

Place cabbage leaves on the bottom of the barrel, and then tightly pack the prepared vegetables. Add cranberries periodically. The last layer there must be cabbage.

Now we cover the tub with a lid and a heavy load on top. Leave for 8-10 days in a dark place.

Every day we pierce the cabbage with a wooden skewer, since in the presence of gases, the appetizer will not ferment, but simply rot.

We prepare whole cabbage for the winter

The vegetable can be fermented with whole heads of cabbage. Suitable as a container plastic barrel. At first glance, it may seem that the cooking process is complicated, but any housewife can handle it.

For detailed instructions, see the following video:

These are the ways you can use to stock up on tasty and healthy snacks for the winter. Today, buying a wooden barrel is not difficult. It is sold in specialized stores. But plastic containers are also suitable for pickling vegetables.

Sauerkraut is the most common pickle in ancient times in Rus'. “Shchi and porridge” - they said in Rus'... Shchi, naturally, was made from sauerkraut, rich in vitamins A, B and C.
Before the first salting, do not forget to pre-prepare an oak tub (see).
Suitable for pickling are medium and late varieties of white cabbage, which have been left to sit for a while after harvesting. The cabbage must be mature and disease-free. At the beginning of cooking, use a regular knife to peel the cabbage from the top leaves and cut out the stalk. It is most often recommended to shred cabbage on a special chopping board or with a long kitchen knife. Shredded cabbage should have the same length (at least 60 mm), 3-5 mm wide.
The carrots are thoroughly washed, soaked in cold water and peeled. You also need to chop carrots into shavings of uniform size (about 30 mm), no more than 5 mm wide.
All spices must also be fresh and clean. We suggest using the following spices for pickling (fermenting) cabbage in an oak tub: salt, apples (preferably Antonovka), caraway seeds, bay leaf, allspice.
For 50 kg of peeled cabbage you need:
- 1300 grams of table salt
- 1.5 – 2 kg carrots
- 2.5-3 kg of apples (can be whole, can be sliced)
- 9-10 grams of cumin
- 4-5 grams of allspice
Before placing the cabbage in the tub, it must be thoroughly and long rubbed with salt. We do this on a large, clean table or in a large container until the table salt is completely dissolved in the cabbage juice.
Place a layer of large cabbage leaves on the bottom of the oak tub. Then place shredded cabbage mixed with carrots and spices on the leaves. The cabbage must be thoroughly compacted so that it releases the juice. When no more than 10 cm remains to the top of the tub, cover the shredded cabbage with whole cabbage leaves.
In 30,50,100 liter oak tubs you can ferment cabbage with whole heads (half heads, half shredded). It is recommended to take small heads of cabbage, cut the stalk with a cross and pour salt into it. The space between whole heads of cabbage must be compacted very tightly with shredded cabbage.
We put gauze on top of the cabbage leaves in several layers and cover it with the wooden oppression that comes with our oak tubs. It is necessary to place a load on top of the oppression so that the wooden oppression is necessarily covered with brine. If there is not enough brine and the cabbage comes into contact with air, it will darken and begin to deteriorate. For 50 kg of cabbage, you need to adjust the pressure to 8-10 kg. It is forbidden to use any metal things as pressure, in this case your cabbage will simply spoil. We recommend using hard, washed stones as pressure.
Leave the filled oak tub in a room at room temperature. The fermentation process begins, during which the volume in the tub will increase as gases are released in the cabbage. If the cabbage is laid out to the very top of the tub, the cabbage juice will spill out. To allow excess gas to escape, we recommend piercing the cabbage with oak pins.
At the beginning of fermentation, foam will certainly form on the cabbage, and sometimes mold will form on the wooden oppression and the top of the tub. Wipe the tub with a rag soaked in 20% saline solution, remove the pressure and weight and rinse with boiling water.
The cabbage begins to ferment the very next day, and the brine becomes cloudy. The entire fermentation process lasts 7-10 days. If the temperature is high (more than 25 degrees), fermentation will end earlier, but the taste and quality of such sauerkraut will be worse. At low temperatures (less than 10 degrees), fermentation slows down and the required amount of lactic acid is not formed.
When the fermentation process of cabbage ends, the foam goes away, the brine becomes light, the cabbage acquires a pleasant color and a refreshing sour-salty taste, with a slight crunch on the teeth.

After the fermentation process is completed, the oak tub with sauerkraut is removed to a cold, dark room. Bon appetit!