Kitchen living room without wall cabinets. Kitchens without upper cabinets (41 photos): original single-level design. Design of a single-tier kitchen combined with a living room or dining room

Extraordinary design solutions help to transform your home into something special and unique. An individual approach to a room can solve a number of problems that arose when trying to copy a familiar design. For example, abandoning the top tier can give you a fresh, clean kitchen interior without top cabinets. Features of such a factor as the design of a kitchen without upper cabinets will be discussed in this article.

Kitchen without upper cabinets - stylish and modern solution

A single-level kitchen for many is not just a fresh look at the design of this room, but a necessity associated with several factors. Low ceilings, flimsy or curvature of walls are all fairly common problems that can be encountered when renovating and planning a kitchen interior without top cabinets. Perhaps the only way to get around all these difficulties is to abandon wall cabinets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The decision to completely exclude the top cabinets is risky and has a number of features, having familiarized yourself with which you can make the final decision in favor of one of the design options. It is worth remembering that almost all the advantages and disadvantages are individual, and therefore can be interchanged depending on a specific room or person, so always make a decision based on your desires and needs.

The lack of hanging cabinets is associated with some inconvenience, but the appearance of the room changes for the better.

Practice has shown that a single-tier kitchen is quite functional.

The advantages of a single-tier kitchen are enough.

  • Space. Sometimes additional space is vital, especially this problem is acutely felt by the owners of dark kitchens. The rejection of half of the kitchen set frees up a significant part of the space. In addition, visually, the room seems to be much more spacious.
  • Illumination. Often, hanging cabinets do not allow enough light into the room. When freed from wall cabinets, the work area does not require additional lighting and is bypassed naturally in the daytime. The kitchen becomes much lighter, the oppressive atmosphere disappears.
  • Profitability. Many single-tier kitchen sets can be purchased for less than wall-mounted units. This can be a significant plus in the absence of a large amount of free cash.
  • Additional design possibilities. The walls freed from the "headset burden" can be used as a place for design experiments. Anything your heart desires is now possible to embody on a previously cluttered territory.
  • Security. Although situations "out of the ordinary" are rare enough, no one is immune from their occurrence. Falling objects from the upper shelves can end badly, both for the objects themselves and for the person nearby. Insufficiently secured cabinets can also fall, and the fall of a heavy cabinet filled with kitchen utensils will definitely have consequences.
  • Convenience. Hanging cabinets, and especially their upper shelves, are extremely inconvenient for people of short stature. This problem becomes more global if a woman is in charge of the kitchen, because most of the fair sex cannot boast of growth. Using only the lower tier in such situations is much more convenient than permanent "acrobatic numbers" with chairs.

One of the advantages of a kitchen without top cabinets is the lower cost of the kitchen set.

Without hanging modules, the kitchen becomes larger and brighter

Work surfaces are better illuminated as they are not shadowed by the upper drawers

But not without a couple of significant drawbacks:

  1. Space. Unfortunately, the main plus has a downside - all the free space
    must be kept clean. If earlier some flaws in finishing were hidden
    hanging cabinets, now you will have to deal with their elimination, perhaps even make cosmetic repairs.
  2. Storage locations. Probably the only drawback that can make you think about abandoning a single-tier kitchen is limited storage space. Shelf space will be significantly reduced - by more than half, if you take into account the sink, oven, refrigerator, dishwasher. Household appliances occupy a significant part of the lower tier, and therefore there may not be enough space for everything you need. For pots, pans, plates, cups and small kitchen appliances
    have to find a new place.

There will be more dust on open shelves and they will have to be cleaned more often.

Organization of the storage system

As a result, if, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still decide to abandon the upper tier completely and irrevocably, then the first step is to solve the problem of storing numerous kitchen utensils. In this case, there are two options for the development of events. The first is to start moving along the path of least resistance, just add more drawers, cabinets and shelves, but already on the first tier. However, this solution can threaten the same clutter of furniture in your kitchen as when using bunk headsets. Not to mention the fact that not every kitchen is capable of accommodating additional sideboards and other furniture modules. In this case, you will have to discard some of the items previously stored in the kitchen - this is the second option. It is most suitable for small spaces.

Every housewife's dream is a separate pantry for groceries and kitchen utensils

Let's consider the second option in more detail. Where, after all, should be placed all those kitchen utensils that could previously lie quietly on the upper shelves.

  • Pantry. The best option is an additional room. A small pantry in one of the corners or a niche of the kitchen could help accommodate all the necessary utensils, and the pantry can also be arranged on an insulated balcony adjacent to the kitchen. Rarely used bulky items can be placed in such pantries.
  • Kitchen to order. If you have a certain amount of funds, then turn your attention to individual kitchen design. Typical headsets with standard drawers and shelves cannot accommodate everything you need and use space very wastefully. A custom-made kitchen set, using special devices for storing one or another utensil, contains much more than necessary, in addition, the entire storage system will be tailored to the customer - that is, for you. This approach will not only help with the organization of the workspace, but in general will make working in the kitchen more enjoyable and faster.
  • Shelves and roof rails. Another option is to reuse free walls. Instead of wall cabinets, which occupy a significant proportion of the kitchen, you can use lighter shelves and roof rails. Such a solution will help to preserve all the advantages of the absence of the upper tier, while adding enough space. However, it should be remembered that not every style allows for the presence of such accessories, and some design options without wall cabinets will look ridiculous and unfortunate.

Conveniently store kitchenware in deep, fully extendable drawers

The use of roof rails, of course, will not be able to fully compensate for the lack of wall cabinets, but it will solve the problem of storing the most necessary and frequently used things.

The combination of these measures will surely help redistribute kitchen utensils and establish a convenient storage system. Under certain circumstances, in this way, you can even slightly increase the storage space for various utensils.

What should be a single-tier kitchen

Despite all the advantages set out above, a single-tier kitchen is not a panacea and the implementation of such a project is not possible in every kitchen. On the other hand, where such a solution is appropriate, this design can become the most comfortable, modern and pleasing to the eye. In what cases is it worth considering a single-tier kitchen as a completely feasible option.

Kitchen layout without wall cabinets

It is worth taking care of the layout of the future kitchen, since here the owners are given a lot of freedom and several different options to choose from.


One of the most popular and most straightforward options. All modules and cabinets are located along one wall in a kind of line. The option is suitable for narrow rooms, since they are conveniently close to the main working areas: hob or stove, oven, sink, refrigerator, etc.


This option is similar to the linear one, with the only difference that there is more than one “line”. Two parallel work areas, consisting of kitchen units or cabinets, are the basis of this layout. It is quite appropriate to use it both in rather narrow and in large rooms. In the first case, the "lines" are located at two opposite walls, and in the second, an island of two parallel headsets is located in the middle of the room.


Such a kitchen is a room with a not too large rectangular suite in the center. This layout is typical for large rooms and is usually complemented by another set near one of the walls or cabinets for storing kitchen utensils and food.


The layout involves placing the headset next to two adjacent walls. The corner set is most convenient for small kitchens, where you need to place as much working area as possible in a small square. Also, this type of layout is characterized by the close location of the sink, stove and refrigerator, which makes the work most comfortable.


The headsets are located along three walls and represent the letter "P", this layout is most similar to the corner and combines its advantage and additional work areas and storage space near the third wall.

What style to choose for a single-tier kitchen

Free, rather minimalistic walls do not fit into the interior in far from every style. It is difficult to imagine a pompous Baroque suite, columns and a chic wrought-iron chandelier combined with a bare wall. Baroque always does not go well with work surfaces due to its richness in patterns and light, often snow-white, shades, especially in the case of such an extensive and open work surface.

Open metal shelves, hooks and rails look great in a loft, and beautiful dishes serve as a bright decor

An eclectic kitchen with an abundance of open shelves

Light wooden kitchen in Scandinavian style

Any of the rustic styles looks great without wall cabinets

Urban and some minimalistic styles are more suitable for such a kitchen concept; a bias towards a rustic or Scandinavian style is possible. Single-tier kitchens in the loft and industrial style look great. Do not forget about items on the second level that cannot be excluded from the project, such as a cooker hood. Since she is no longer hidden behind one of the wall cabinets, she will have to devote much more time and money.

The cooker hood must harmoniously fit into the general atmosphere of the room.

In the end, with the right approach, a more detailed study of the features of different styles and the help of a professional designer, almost any style can look great even with such a whimsical layout.

Partial rejection of wall cabinets

A complete rejection of the second tier is often simply impossible due to some circumstances. However, the desire to unload the space and not feel the pressure of the environment while in the kitchen does not disappear anywhere. In this case, a partial rejection of the second tier would be ideal. Let's say you have a corner kitchen set and two adjacent walls are crammed with bulky wall cabinets. The obvious solution immediately comes to mind - get rid of half of them. Such a measure will indeed significantly free up the kitchen space, but will not require
a complete overhaul of the storage system.

A good option would be to organize a storage system in cabinets from floor to ceiling along one wall, while the other sides remain free.

Completely free the wall, the "islands" from the wall cabinets, the solution will expand the design possibilities, certain styles of kitchens, realized with wall cabinets.


The construction of a kitchen without hanging drawers must be approached thoughtfully and seriously: study and choose a layout, decide on a style. The new design can refresh the kitchen, make it comfortable, beautiful and technological.

Nowadays, more and more owners are choosing a kitchen without hanging cabinets, because it is convenient and practical.

With the right approach, a kitchen without hanging cabinets turns out to be comfortable, stylish and attractive.

The choice of kitchens is now so wide that it will not be difficult to make something unique. Moreover, the workshops themselves offer to make custom-made headsets with individual characteristics. But even with such a variety of designs, the hostesses want to stand out and add uniqueness, so the designers came up with a new stylish move - a kitchen without upper cabinets, a headset on one side or without them at all.

At first glance, this idea seems strange and inconvenient, but in reality everything is different. Convenience and beauty will be proved by photos of kitchen design without upper cabinets.


Of course, any decision regarding the design or functionality of the kitchen has advantages and disadvantages: the absence of the upper row of the headset is no exception. But such a move is becoming more and more popular, despite the persistent stereotype that the headset should be two-tiered.


Space is freed up and the room looks more spacious. This will play into the hands of the hostesses of small kitchens (up to 9 sq. M, for example, in the Khrushchev), who want to expand the room.

In addition to physical space, there is also room for imagination: a single-tier headset can be positioned as you like - even under a window, and it will not look strange or cut off.


The light from the chandelier and ceiling will go directly down to the work area, and no additional lighting is required. The more light, the more spacious the room seems. This is another reason to abandon the upper cabinets or make them narrow if the kitchen is small.


A standard headset is large enough and hangs high. To reach the very top, you need to take a stepladder or at least a stool. And, frankly, dust often forms at the top: if that area is wiped once a year, this can already be called a success.

If there is no headset, there will be no "dust collector", which means that the air will become cleaner. This is exactly what is needed in a room where food is first prepared and then consumed.


This follows from the previous paragraph. If you don't have to take a stepladder to get something from the top shelf, life will be much easier for miniature housewives.

But here we mean not only physical accessibility, but also economic: a layout with only lower cabinets will cost two times cheaper. And for a classic kitchen, this is most often a significant amount.


The cabinet may fall if not properly secured. Or something could fall if you reach for the sugar pack or other item on the top shelf. Sometimes there are embarrassments with the doors, when one person touches another without noticing him.

Tall housewives, while cooking, can touch the edge of the headset with their heads, which is also unpleasant. Usually, such adaptation to a new headset takes about a year, but even after the "punctures" happen.

The principle applies here: no headset - no problem.


Although there are so many advantages to abandoning top cabinets, there are also disadvantages to this idea.

The most important question- where to put all the good that is usually stored in the upper drawers. If the cereals / service can still be shifted somewhere, then the situation with a dish dryer is more complicated - it is usually located above the sink.

We'll have to adhere to minimalism, not only as an interior, but also as the meaning of life.

Another question- how to decorate an "empty" wall. This usually baffles people who decide to ditch the top headset. Below we will look at how you can use the new space using examples of real photos.


It is not difficult to stylishly design a kitchen with a single-level set if you know the types and principles of planning. There are five options:

  • linear- the entire set is located along one wall. A table and, if necessary, a refrigerator are placed against the opposite wall. This is the simplest type of layout while still providing convenience for food preparation. Suitable for a narrow kitchen;

  • angular- the set is located on two adjacent walls of the kitchen. This layout option can provide a very convenient working triangle consisting of refrigerator, sink and stove. The smaller this triangle is, the more convenient it will be for the hostess in the kitchen. With this layout, the sink is placed in a corner, thus creating a lot of storage space under it;

  • parallel- the headset is placed on two parallel walls. This layout is perfect for square rooms where you plan to install a headset without a top. There is enough space for storing and preparing food, but the room will look spacious;
  • u-shaped- wardrobes occupy three walls. A wall with a doorway usually remains free. Also perfect for the kitchen when deciding to abandon the upper cabinets. The problem is that there may not be room left for the dining table, so one of the sides of the headset is designed in the form or the dining area is transferred to another room. A more logical solution would be to use such a layout in a studio or a combined kitchen-living room;

  • insular- is distinguished by the presence of an island in the kitchen. The headset can be located according to any type of layout disclosed earlier. A good option even for a small kitchen, since the island can be used in different ways - first for cooking, then for lunch behind it. Apart from this, the island provides a lot of additional storage space.

It is worth choosing one or another type of layout based on the available premises.

For example, if the room is small, then you should not make a U-shaped arrangement of furniture, since the kitchen will seem tighter.

The second factor to be guided by is the estimated cooking frequency. If you plan to cook a couple of times a week and you need few items, then a linear layout will do. If more - angular or even more massive.

Interior decoration

If the layout does not imply upper cabinets, then you should think about decorating the wall near the working area, since it will attract attention. The decoration should be made of special high-quality materials, since ordinary wallpaper (even washable) may not cope with dirt, splashes of juice and grease flying from a frying pan or from under a knife. That's why the material has the following requirements:

  • resistance to heat and high temperatures;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • ease of cleaning.

There are many that fit these requirements.


Ceramic is the most popular option for an apron. There is a huge selection of tiles, both in size and design, which allows you to decorate the wall near the working area as uniquely as possible.

This is a very durable material that can survive even several kitchen sets: the tiles are not afraid of any external influences, in addition to direct hammer blows.

But the weak point of the tile is the seams. They quickly lose their presentable appearance, and in themselves serve as an excellent home for bacteria, since grouting is a porous material.

In this regard, it is advisable to choose a large tile, and refuse the mosaic altogether. In addition, this option will require additional monetary investments, since the wall must be leveled in front of the tiles, which is what the master does together with the laying of the tiles - it is difficult to do this with his own hands.


Glass can be either transparent or with photo printing. The bonuses of standard transparent glass are that you can remove it and change the picture under it, making adjustments to the design at low cost. Absolutely everything can be “hidden” under the glass - beautiful fabric, photo wallpaper or drawings of growing children.

The glass apron is in trend now and looks very stylish. But there are also disadvantages: for example, such an apron will have to be wiped more often, since all drops and stains are visible on the glass. But such a finish has no seams, which means that bacteria simply have nowhere to settle.

The best option is a glossy glass sheet 6 mm thick, because matte is difficult to clean. In addition to natural material, you can trim the apron with acrylic glass. It is stronger, more durable and cheaper.

It is fashionable to hang a mirror instead of a standard apron, but this is a very impractical solution, since it will constantly seem dirty. You will have to wipe the mirror with glass cleaning solution several times a day, and these are not the best smells for the kitchen.

Laminated chipboard and MDF panels

Another popular option for wall decoration in the kitchen. Differs in its simplicity and low cost. Even a beginner can handle the installation of such a panel with his own hands - you only need glue or a few screws. It will also be easy to replace it. The panels are made of wood shavings, which are pressed and glued, and covered with a thin layer of plastic film on top.

This is the most short-lived option presented. will live for about 15 years, and then gradually the appearance will deteriorate: in some places it will swell from moisture, the film will be erased, and so on.

Laminate is considered as an option for wall decoration panels. If after laying the floors there are lamellas left, then you can lay out an apron or even the entire wall with them - it will look very stylish.

There is nothing complicated in this installation: it is necessary to put the first lamella on the glue, just do it according to the level. The next lamella is first inserted into the groove of the previous one, then glued to the wall.

It is advisable to choose a 32 or 33 class waterproof laminate. Seams in the work area can be sealed with a transparent sealant.


A bare wall and lack of storage space can be somewhat intimidating for the hostess. In this case, replacements can be found for the upper cabinets. There are some interesting options:

  • column cabinet, or pencil case- such a solution will be able to overcome one of the main problems - where to put things that were left “without a home” after giving up the upper drawers. Such pencil cases are most often narrow, but high. They are located near the refrigerator, on the sides of the floor cabinets or opposite them. It is convenient that household appliances from a microwave oven to an oven and even a washing machine can be built into the pencil case. Such a solution will look very stylish, and besides, it will free up space for the rest of the kitchen;

  • open shelves- will facilitate the urgent task of storing things and balance the existing hood. But the disadvantage is that the shelves will become dusty, and you will have to regularly wipe dust from them. It is undesirable to store frequently used dishes there, as dust will also settle on it. Another disadvantage is that a thing can fall off the shelf with small jolts - for example, if a child is actively jumping in the kitchen, and the object has a rounded shape;

  • roof rails- they are struggling with the problem of falling things, since they are a barbell on which the necessary objects are suspended. But this does not get rid of dust and carbon deposits that arise with a gas stove or boiler. It is worth hanging on the railing only those items that are often used and washed.

Thus, it is obvious that you can find an alternative storage system for dishes and other household items. The main thing is to beautifully fit it into the interior.


After we have found a replacement for wall cabinets in the interior, it is worth thinking about how to decorate the vacant wall.

Usually, the apron area is different from the rest of the wall, but if there is no top, the headset can be decorated as well. For example, you can run a laminate or brick all over the wall from the countertop to the ceiling, but it is advisable to add glass in the apron area, which protects the finish from dirt, dust and grease.

You can, on the contrary, emphasize the absence of the top and decorate the vacated wall with a different finish. Here are some options:

  • brickwork- a fashionable move for a modern kitchen. Suitable for loft, minimalism, hi-tech and even Provence, if you paint the brick in light colors;

  • ceramic tile or a mosaic is a very effective solution. You can play in contrast and decorate the apron, for example, with dark tiles, and the area above with light ones. The mosaic will look beautiful, but its seams are difficult to clean from dust;

  • panels made of wood that match in color with the headset, but contrast with the apron, will make Scandinavian cuisine very stylish and eye-catching;
  • masonry will look great in loft or high-tech style and will be combined with glossy surfaces.

When choosing a finishing option, it should be borne in mind that later there may be a need for wall cabinets or shelves, and hanging them on a gypsum brick is quite problematic.

Style selection

Many still have a strong belief that a design without top cabinets will not work in a modern style kitchen or, conversely, in a provence. It is best to deal with this visually, so let's look at kitchens in different styles, which have one thing in common - the absence of a "top".


A cute rustic style that will give a feel of nature even to the inhabitants of the metropolis. Provence is characterized by:

  • natural materials;
  • faked rudeness and simplicity in decoration;
  • calm colors.

In the country style, it is easy to abandon the upper headset, replacing it with shelves made of thick wooden boards.


Provence is a subspecies of country music, but with a French bias. He's more romantic and sophisticated. His color palette is delicate, as if diluted with milk: olive, lilac, mustard, lavender.

Since this is a subspecies of country music, wooden shelves will also look good here instead of wall cabinets on which you can put a beautiful service.


A room decorated in this style is a real work of art. It is characterized by gloss, correct and strict geometry, the use of metal, glass and even plastic.

Lighting plays an important role: it is necessarily a large chandelier and several single lamps, sometimes LEDs. But there are no requirements for the color scheme - you can even use black.


An unusual design direction, created for young and active people. It is based on white and metal surfaces, unusual furniture and bright accents.

Any design decisions are possible here, even the most daring ones, so the rejection of the top of the headset in this case will not surprise anyone.

Art Deco

Luxurious style for those who love classics. Most often used in large apartments and country houses, where the kitchen is combined with the dining area.

Only the most expensive materials are used: mahogany, silk, leather, crystal. There must be stucco molding, patterns on the walls.

If you remove the upper set, then only pictures should be in its place - this style does not like open shelves.

A kitchen without hanging cabinets is an excellent solution that will add originality and lightness to the room. It can fit into absolutely any interior. Experiment - this is the only way you will get exactly the kitchen that will delight you for many years!

A kitchen without wall cabinets looks more spacious and light. Is it always convenient for the hostess, and is it possible to use such a layout with a compact area of ​​6-9 square meters?

Advantages and disadvantages

Hanging cabinets eat up the kitchen space at eye level. Therefore, without them, the room seems much more spacious. This opens up more design possibilities. What other benefits does a kitchen have without top cabinets?

  • You optimize the space in the base cabinets.
  • All those little things that usually accumulate on the upper shelves will leave the kitchen and will no longer take up the useful volume.
  • If you are forced to cook in a very confined space of less than 6m2, then an open floor plan can help you avoid feeling cramped.
  • In place of heavy clumsy cabinets, graceful shelves and roof rails will appear.
  • It is possible that you do not want to fill the kitchen apron and leave it free. This will give the interior a premium touch.

At the same time, this layout also has serious drawbacks.

  • If you are tall, then bending down each time to get the item you want from the bottom drawers will be tedious. But it will play into the hands of short housewives, tk. it is often uncomfortable for them to reach the upper shelves.
  • We'll have to invest heavily in optimizing the space in the lower tier.
  • Perhaps some of the large things will move to the pantry, to the loggia or balcony. But the kitchen will only store what is really needed every day.

How to replace the upper tier

Open shelves and rails will replace the usual wardrobes. They will suit most styles except pompous classics and strict minimalism. Country, Provence, Loft love interesting designs of shelves and shelves. Swedish IKEA with Scandinavian motives actively uses shelves in their collections.

The sideboards are perfect for imitating country-style interiors.


The ideal option for compact rooms would be a tall cabinet where you can fold everything you need. This will free up a lot of space for household appliances and a work surface.

Spacious island-type kitchens provide in the background a wide kitchen wall made of tall tall cabinets. Large household appliances, microwave ovens, and a refrigerator are built into them.

Since tall furniture creates a monolithic block, it is visually perceived as a wall. And the mirrored facades create the illusion of additional space.

If you have a room of 9 m2 or more, then a large cabinet will look cumbersome. In this case, a wide chest of drawers with a height of one and a half meters and a depth of 30-40 cm will help out. Usually it is built in the side of the headset, forming an angular layout. This technique allows you to visually relieve the composition and provide enough space for storing kitchen utensils.


Depending on the area of ​​the kitchen and the height of the ceilings, the number of shelves may vary up or down.

If the ceiling is low, less than 2.2 m, then you do not need to occupy the kitchen apron with a large number of shelves. It will be enough to install one, but long or a couple of short ones.

Keep in mind that with high ceilings and a large area of ​​the room, the lower tier will be lost against the background of a spacious wall. In this case, either an island layout with tall cabinets in the background is used, or the kitchen apron is filled with shelves in a harmonious manner.

Remember that dust easily collects on open surfaces. To keep your dishes clean, you will need to clean them frequently. You can make your life easier with a reasonable combination of closed and open areas.

Country and Provence allow you to use textile curtains, and for urban areas you can use sliding glass, like in a sideboard. They will reduce the amount of dust, and festive sets will be perfectly visible through the transparent glass curtain. Especially if you provide them with beautiful lighting.

In addition, shelves solve another pressing problem. They can be built in spots to provide high-quality illumination of the work surface.

Roof rails

Roof rails help to relieve the work surface from small items. A lot of accessories will move to the skin.

  • Drainer.
  • Containers for storing cutlery.
  • Dishwasher bottle, soap dish and washcloth holder.
  • Holders for parchment, rolls of napkins and foil.
  • Hooks for Turks, ladles, ladles, shovels and other little things.
  • Greenery and fruit baskets.
  • Spice sets.
  • Knives.
  • Additional lights.

Roof rails are perfect for urban styles as well as for Scandinavian interiors.


Antique buffets are good in rustic and country style. They go well with logs, beams and wooden clapboard.

The buffet has three areas:

  • upper tier for storing plates and decorative utensils;
  • working surface;
  • lower tier for storing heavy and bulky items.

At the same time, this furniture looks like a single unit without a clear distinction between the upper and lower cabinet.

Nowadays, buffets are made in different styles and fit modern styles.

As you can see, the kitchen looks much more festive and spacious without hanging cabinets. The style is easy to read in it. At the same time, it is more difficult to maintain order on it than with a conventional layout. However, all the efforts are worth it and pay off handsomely.

Aug 7, 2017 Werri

The choice of kitchen sets in modern furniture stores is very large, so it is very easy to create your own unique kitchen design. Relatively recently, designers have come up with a new "trick" in the design of the cooking area - a kitchen without upper cabinets. At first glance, it seems that such a "defective" design is not very appropriate and functional, but in practice everything looks different.

Advantages and disadvantages

A kitchen without hanging cabinets is an interesting and unusual solution in creating an apartment's design. Despite the well-established stereotypes in terms of bunk headsets, such models are quite popular.

Pros of headsets without hanging cabinets:

  • Additional space and visual spaciousness of the room. Looks great if the kitchen is small enough.
  • Maximum placement options (without lockers at the top, the headsets can even be placed under the window).
  • Maximum light in the kitchen. Without hanging cabinets, the light from the chandelier will even reach the cooking area and additional lighting may not be useful.
  • Lack of "dust collectors". Since classic headsets are so tall, it can be very difficult to get to the very top, so dust accumulates there. The modern topless model won't make you constantly climb and check for dust.
  • Availability. The kitchen set has a standard height, which is why miniature housewives often have to stand on their toes or substitute a chair to get the next cup.
  • Saving finance. A single-tier headset has a lower cost.
  • Security. If you fix the top cabinet poorly or exceed the permissible weight of its filling, then it may fall.

In addition, one can note the possibility of an original decor of a free wall above the working area: paintings, shelves, photographs, etc.

Layout types

You can decorate the kitchen using a single-level headset yourself, knowing the rules and types of layout. There are 4 options:

  • Linear. The classic option for a spacious or narrow kitchen. As you can see in the photo, the headset is located along the longest wall.

  • In the form of the letter "G" or angular. One of the most common kitchen design options, as it takes up a minimum of space.

  • Parallel placement. A small white kitchen in a classic style, on one side of which there are standard floor cabinets, and on the other - column cabinets, which practically dissolve into space.

  • Ostrovnoy. An interesting design option for a small kitchen area, in which the working area is in the center, and shelves or column cabinets are located along the walls

  • U-shaped. An option that can be implemented both in a spacious kitchen and in a "Khrushchev"

Interior decoration

In order for a single-level kitchen to be not only practical, but also beautiful, it must be properly decorated. It is especially worth paying attention to the apron without upper cabinets, as it will be very eye-catching if left untouched.

The wall decoration above the work area should be made of properly selected and quality materials such as ceramics, natural stone or heat-resistant glass. This point is very important, since ordinary wallpaper in this place is impractical.

Apron design options:

  • Glass surface with photo printing;

  • Glass panel or mosaic;

  • Laminated board made of MDF or chipboard.

When decorating a kitchen area, it is very important to think over the lighting in the cooking area. The ideal option is movable wall luminaires.

How can you replace wall cabinets

If you prefer a single-level kitchen, but do not want to have a completely empty wall, then you can try to replace the standard wall cabinets with something. Several interesting options for replacement:

  • Column cabinet. A very convenient, albeit dimensional piece. The main plus is the ability to integrate a variety of kitchen appliances into it. Column cabinets are usually located opposite the headset or on both sides of the floor cabinets

  • Open shelves. A light and airy alternative to bulky hanging cabinets, most often used in Provence style. Shelves can be used to store beautiful dishes or jars of free-flowing spices.

  • Sideboard, sideboard, rack, cabinet-case. Whatever you choose from this list, observe the style and color scheme of the kitchen area.

  • Roof rails. Almost the same as open shelves, only this design is lighter and is made of metal On the rails, you can not only place, but also hang objects (scoops, potholders, shovels, towels).

As you can see from the above, there are plenty of alternatives to wall cabinets, so do not be afraid of single-tier kitchens, thinking that you will have very little space to store kitchen appliances.

How to decorate walls

We have disassembled how to replace the cabinets, now you can delve into this issue a little more and make out examples of how you can decorate empty walls. The finishing of the vertical surface above the working area should not merge with the space, so it can and should be decorated in a special way.

Several interesting options for wall decoration in a variety of styles:

  • Brickwork. An original loft-style kitchen. Despite the fact that all the walls are decorated in the same way, the space above the lower tier does not look empty.

  • Ceramic mosaic. In black, this apron design looks very impressive. In this example, the kitchen is made in the style of "minimalism". Other walls blend in perfectly with the work area as they are painted in a similar silver gray color.

  • Laminated chipboard panel. The wood apron looks very beautiful, moreover, due to the contrasting color, it helps to zone the space, highlighting the work area against the white background of the rest of the walls and ceiling.

  • Wood panels made of the same material and the same color as the kitchen unit. above the storage and eating area. The contrasting stone wall above the cooking area is identical to the hob and dining table. This design looks gorgeous and quite practical.

  • Rough masonry in the "loft" style looks original and very cozy; goes well with wood paneling and metallic modern kitchen furniture.

  • Orange mood in Provence style. The brick wall and functional crockery racks are in perfect harmony and look rustic and cute.

One-level headset in the interior

Many people believe that a headset without lower cabinets does not fit into the interior of a modern apartment and looks out of place. We dispel these myths and present you with a selection of photographs of a single-level kitchen decorated in the most common styles.

Country style kitchen

Live in a noisy city, but want to have a rustic, cozy kitchen? Feel free to choose a country style. It combines rustic charm with modern functionality.

The main features inherent in the "rural" design:

  • Natural materials: furniture, decoration, decor;
  • Simplicity, artificial antiquity and ostentatious rudeness in the design;
  • The color palette is calm.

An interesting version of country cuisine in a modern apartment. As it should be, natural materials of calm natural shades are used in the decoration. The gray stone floor is in harmony with the natural wood ceiling. The table top of the working area perfectly coexists with a modern single-level kitchen set. A slightly rough finish is diluted by the walls, painted in light and dark gray shades.


Cozy and delicate French "Provence" conquers with its romance and naivety. Do you want to build an island of gentle village life in your apartment? Then design your kitchen in Provence style.

The favorite colors of designers who create a piece of France in a modern kitchen are saturated colors, as if diluted with milk: olive, wheat, mustard, turquoise, lavender, etc.

It is better to use natural material for furniture, since elements of antiquity are characteristic of "Provence". A set without wall cabinets will ideally fit into such a kitchen, because the numerous shelves made of wood are one of the wonderful features of Provence.

A striking example of a Provencal interior: milk walls, a chimney hood, carved wooden shelves, flowers in vases, a pale pink set, a wood-colored floor.


The kitchen, decorated in this modern style, is a real piece of art. The uniqueness of this design lies in such features as:

  • Variety of design solutions;
  • Practicality;
  • Restraint;
  • Laconicism.

The Art Nouveau design is characterized by geometrically correct furniture with glossy surfaces made of metal, glass and plastic. Lighting should be presented in the classic version: a large chandelier and single lamps. It is also possible to use LEDs for illumination.

An example of classic Art Nouveau with bright accents (Fig. 19). The design of this kitchen looks smart and stylish. Rectangular white furniture with black countertops, a classic chandelier and floor, bright spots in the form of gilded chairs and original mosaics above the work area are the key to a successful Art Nouveau design.

It is difficult to imagine a functional kitchen without overhead wall cabinets: where to store dishes and other ugly and necessary accessories for daily cooking? However, practice shows that a single-level kitchen is absolutely functional and, in addition, has a number of positive features: it is lighter, more spacious, aesthetic and original. How to create a kitchen without bulky hanging structures and at the same time keep its main quality - functionality?

Like any other kitchen, a kitchen without hanging cabinets has its own advantages and disadvantages, each of which is conditional. Let's talk about the features of the modern kitchen format: why is it chosen by the townspeople even for a small apartment and why are those who seek a laconic interior avoiding it?

  • To begin with, a kitchen without wall cabinets is unusual at first glance; the question is brewing: where to store the dishes and how to occupy the free upper space of the room? Taking a look at current trends, it can be noted that more and more people are choosing a kitchen of this format - without bulky structures at the top - it is convenient, practical and functional.
  • The appearance of more space: visually, the kitchen becomes larger and brighter due to the lack of hanging modules.


  • The work surface is better illuminated due to the fact that it does not fall on the shadow from the upper drawers.
  • Less furniture in the kitchen means less cleaning time. It is known that wall cabinets collect dust and all those fumes that are formed in the kitchen during cooking (even a hood does not always "save" from such a scourge). The lack of top filling of the headset - an opportunity to facilitate cleaning: you do not have to wipe the surface of the kitchen cabinet that cannot be washed.

  • At the same time, hinged structures are often replaced by open shelves, and dust accumulates on them even more intensively; the most important thing is that open shelves will have to get rid of dust much more often - once a week for sure.
  • One of the advantages of not having wall cabinets is the more budgetary cost of the kitchen set.
  • Safety is a reason to purchase a kitchen kit without upper cabinets: the likelihood of their falling due to weak walls or poorly fixed structures decreases (cases of falling cabinets, although rare, do happen in life).

Among the disadvantages of a kitchen without hinged structures in the form of a cabinet may be:

  • Inability to use in small apartments; for those who took the risk and assembled the kitchen of their dreams of a single-level format, its lack of functionality may be taken by surprise.
  • Hanging cabinets sometimes hide the defects of the room itself: curvature of walls, flaws in decorative finishes and other nuances.

When choosing a kitchen set without "unnecessary" hanging structures, appreciate the room: is it spacious enough for this format? Will you lose the functionality of your kitchen in exchange for its modern and fashionable design?

Do not skimp on a single-level headset and its filling: let its shelves be as convenient and practical as possible, spacious and used so as not to overload the upper open shelves of the room.

If you want to have a single-level kitchen set, you need to know that such a layout is suitable for spacious rooms, then you will be able to keep the maximum return on the kitchen and get the desired result. What if the kitchen is small? A set without upper cabinets will harmoniously look in a too narrow kitchen or, on the contrary, wide; in both cases, a single-level design will visually expand or increase the space, in a word, present it in a favorable light.

Tableware storage options

The first thing that future owners of a kitchen without hanging cabinets face is the question: where to store the dishes? The main "storage" of kitchen attributes will be the lower drawers and cabinets, so you should take care of their maximum spaciousness and functionality: the internal arrangement of the shelves should correspond to the amount of your dishes, and with a large set of kitchen accessories, make sure that there are more shelves (even if they are will be lower).

The design of a kitchen without upper wall cabinets implies the presence of open shelves (instead of bulky cabinets) and roof rails - simple structures in the form of a pipe that runs parallel to the kitchen countertop. Surely there is a rail in every kitchen: look at what kitchen accessories like spice jars and towels, large cookers and cooking items hang on.

Railing in a spacious kitchen without hanging cabinets will be a real salvation for housewives, because on the cornice with hooks-holders, you can place small hanging shelves for storing improvised kitchen cleaning tools or spices, products (oils, for example) and other important items. It's amazing how functional the railing is and how original its design and color can be: black, white, metallic, matte or glossy.

  • Buffet- an excellent alternative to wall cabinets in the kitchen. The sideboards differ in their functionality and design: the classic sideboard is a tall and massive cabinet with wooden or glass shelves and doors, thanks to which you can appreciate its content. Traditionally, it is in the buffet that dishes are stored, and modern models of such furniture for the kitchen allow installing a dishwasher, microwave and other equipment inside the structure, which sometimes you want to hide from prying eyes.
  • Curbstone on wheels will become a "lifesaver" for the kitchen of a small square, when there is not enough space for important little things. A traditional cabinet is suitable for placement in a more spacious kitchen, and on top of it you can install equipment like a TV: combine business with pleasure.


  • Column cabinets- massive products for a spacious kitchen; in a small room, these giants will look out of place, although when choosing a more elegant and slender model - why not? Column cabinets are convenient because they are tall and roomy; they are usually installed in the far corner and are combined with a convenient door - it is also functional and endowed with small shelves.
  • Pencil cases resemble a column cabinet, but traditionally serve to decorate a refrigerator or oven, dishwasher or washing machine. Pencil cases are installed in different parts of the kitchen, depending on its layout and size, but more often in the corner space of the room.

Kitchen set layout

Depending on the layout of the kitchen, it is determined whether it is filled with single-level cabinets, those that are located on the floor.

  • Linear type implies horizontal arrangement of kitchen furniture along one wall; work surface, sink, hob - everything is on the same level, or on the same line - practical and convenient. To make the rest of the space functional, place open shelves parallel to the worktop, avoiding the hob area (there will probably be a hood installed there).

Give important attention to the decor of the kitchen: install additional lighting above the cooking area, let the kitchen apron become original, post a few family photos and a couple of pots of flowers.

Linear placement of a kitchen unit is a good choice for a small room up to 9 sq. m, where it is important to leave additional space for the dining area.

  • Corner kitchen set placed with the letter "G" and resembles a linear type; however, this design is even more functional than the previous one: in the corner of the kitchen, you can install a pencil case or a sideboard, it is important that massive furniture does not interfere when moving around the kitchen. A corner model of a kitchen set without hanging cabinets requires additional decorations to fill the resulting space: posters and paintings on the walls, photographs, flowers, decorative elements such as candles and figurines are used art.

  • Island type kitchen is suitable exclusively for a spacious room with an area of ​​20 sq. m because it involves placing a functional island in the middle of the room. It is important to note that access to the "island" in the kitchen should be provided from 4 sides, then the kitchen can be called island and enjoy its aesthetics and functionality.

Examples of modern interiors

It is easy to create a modern kitchen interior without hanging cabinets in a room of any format - from absolutely modest to spacious spaces, it is important to take into account the concept of the room and maintain its style or design in every piece of furniture and decor.