How to make a gun safe with your own hands. Instructions for making a hunting gun safe. Advantages and disadvantages

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, firearms must be stored in specially designated places, without access to them by children and unauthorized persons. In addition, a gun safe (namely, a firearm is stored in it) must meet a number of certain requirements. The same goes for its installation.

Today, resolving the issue of whether or not to purchase weapons or purchase them will not be difficult. In stores special for this, it is easy to buy the most different types safes, both for storage valuable papers, and for ammunition with weapons.

However, many people try to save money by making their own gun safe. It must be said right away that this is a labor-intensive event that requires skills in working with welding equipment, and indeed with plumbing tools in general.

Requirements for gun safes

So, before we start making gun safe with your own hands, you should learn more about the requirements for these structures. The basic requirements for gun safes are as follows:

  1. Availability of durable metal walls, thickness not less than 2 mm;
  2. Separate sections for storing ammunition and weapons in a safe;
  3. Reliable locks, both on the safe itself and on the box for ammunition for weapons;

As for the requirements for placing gun safes, they are as follows:

  1. When installing a safe indoors, the distance from the window must be at least 0.5 m;
  2. From the entrance doors 1.5 m;
  3. From heating batteries and other heat sources - 1 m;

In addition, during installation, the gun safe must be firmly fixed to the surface of the wall or floor with at least three fasteners.

Therefore, when making a gun safe with your own hands, it is better to provide holes for fasteners right away than to weld hinges later or, even worse, drill the walls of the safe.

In addition to the drawing for making a gun safe with your own hands, you need to decide on the materials and tools that will be needed for this work.

Materials to make a gun safe with your own hands you will need:

  1. Steel sheets 3 mm thick;
  2. Metal corners 2.5 mm;
  3. Fastening elements in the form of nuts and bolts;
  4. Loops at least 3 pieces;
  5. Several castles;

Among the tools for assembling a gun safe, you can’t get by:

  1. Without an angle grinder (grinder);
  2. Various metalwork tools;
  3. And, of course, without, although the last option can be replaced with a conventional (transformer) welding machine.

Making a gun safe with your own hands begins with determining its dimensions, which largely depend on the size of the firearm. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the shelf for storing ammunition, so you need to add at least 30 cm to the obtained parameters.

Of the frequently chosen sizes for making a gun safe, you can find designs 130-150 centimeters high and 50 centimeters in width and depth finished product. Of course, it is better to build on your own preferences in this case.

You should start making a gun safe with your own hands by cutting out sheet metal according to the selected dimensions of the side walls of the safe. At this stage, cutting occurs metal corner, which is then fastened together by welding.

The rule is that the weld points or weld bead must be located inside the gun safe when it is assembled. This is important to consider for those who have not previously encountered making safes at home.

The spread of such activities as hunting has led to the fact that the question of storing weapons began to arise much more often. Before you buy any weapon, you definitely need to take care of a safe place to store it, but making this purchase is not so easy. The dimensions may not fit, the size may not suit you, or there may simply be nowhere to buy a safe. It is at such moments that it is quite possible to make a gun safe with your own hands. Also, this will solve the problem with size, design, etc.


The presence of a safe for all gun owners is required by law.

This is stated in Article 22, which was approved in 1996, and then edited in 2014. This article states that any weapon, be it hunting, service or civilian, must be stored in a safe - a metal box locked under The lock must be fireproof.

However, it does not say that you must buy a safe. A homemade safe is also allowed. But when creating it, you will need to familiarize yourself with the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation No. 228, which describes everything necessary requirements to this product.

Requirements for the safe

The most important point from the same decree No. 228 is that the structure must be completely metal and have a wall thickness of at least 3 mm. To this it is necessary to add at least 2 locks and limit unauthorized access to the safe.

However, there is some reservation about the thickness of the walls. If you make a safe with your own hands, then you need to take into account what is stored in it, since when storing only weapons in the safe, a wall thickness of 2 mm is allowed. A safe with ammunition should still have a 3 mm thick wall and also 2 locks.

You can store everything together, but the wall thickness should be 3 mm in this case.

There are structured and clear requirements for a safe, which are set out in Article 166:

  1. The structure must have at least two locks.
  2. The wall thickness of the structure is at least 2 mm.
  3. Design for storing cartridges, gunpowder products, etc. must have a minimum wall thickness of 3 mm.
  4. The safe may have a built-in compartment for storing cartridges and other things, but it must also have its own two locks, and the total thickness of the walls of the safe is 3 mm.

Standard sizes

After or before purchasing your first weapon, you must immediately take care of where it will be stored. Naturally, the determining size for this design will be the length of the weapon. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a DIY gun safe or a purchased model, you need to know the exact total length of the storage so that you don’t have to disassemble the gun for storage each time.

The most popular types of guns have their own standard sizes:

  • IZH-27 with a caliber of 12 mm has a total length of 1165 mm;
  • Izhevsk with caliber 12/76 and 12/89 has a total length of 1280 mm;
  • The Italian Benelli Comfort with a caliber of 12 mm has a total length of 1300 mm;
  • The American Remington 11-87 with a caliber of 12 mm has a total length of 710 mm.

Dimensions and drawing

If it is not possible to buy a storage unit, or there is no suitable size, then it is worth asking the question, how to make a safe with your own hands? When determining the size of a gun safe, you must be guided by the type of weapon purchased. If the type of weapon is prefabricated, then the storage should have a height of 10 cm more, plus about 30 cm for the shelf for cartridges.

However, the fact is that most hunting rifles do not have such a feature, and not everyone wants to assemble them, the most common and standard sizes are as follows: 1300 mm in height is enough for the longest weapon. To this add another 250 to 300 mm of height for the shelf with cartridges.

The depth of the safe is calculated based on the presence or absence of an optical sight. If there is one, then a depth of 500 mm will be sufficient. If it is missing, then 350 mm will be enough. The width for the safe is calculated based on the fact that 300 mm is needed for one weapon, plus about 200 mm for various weapon accessories for cleaning, etc.

Before you start making gun safes with your own hands for cartridges and weapons, you need to draw up drawings of a gun safe according to previously calculated parameters. This will make the work of assembling it easier.

Tools and materials

In order to make a gun safe with your own hands, you will need to have the following tools and materials on hand:

  1. The main material for making storage is iron sheets. The thickness of the material and the requirements for the safe were discussed earlier.
  2. If the safe will also store ammunition in addition to weapons, 2.5 cm corners or a profile with a square section are required.
  3. You will definitely need a welding machine.
  4. 3 secure locks. One will lock the shelf with cartridges, the other two will be for the safe itself as a whole.
  5. Depending on the weight of the door, 2-3 pieces of canopies are needed.
  6. Grinder with metal discs.
  7. Pen.

Stages of work


At this stage you need to buy everything necessary tools, materials, select a suitable and legally compliant place for installation. After this is compiled detailed drawing storage based on the parameter and the number of weapons that will be stored in it. Next, work begins to answer the question of how to make a gun safe.

Beginning of work

You need to start the process of making a safe with your own hands by marking sheets of metal according to the dimensions pre-specified in the drawings. All measurements are taken using a tape measure and the necessary places are marked in any way.

After this, you can start cutting the racks for the safe. The front and rear long posts are the same height as the safe. In addition, it is necessary to cut short racks, the length of which is calculated based on the thickness of the selected profile and multiplied by 2.

In addition, you need to make racks to secure the door. Most often, the doors in the safe are slightly smaller than the height of the safe itself. For example, if the height is selected as 1250 mm, then the height of the door is 1210 mm, which is calculated as the height of the profile (1250), minus two of its widths. Also, to install the doors you will need four more short strips of 410 mm each.

The last element will be the racks that will hold the structure together. For example, if the storage depth is 300 mm, then the racks will be 260 mm. After this, you can start cutting the walls directly for all sides of the storage. They must be made end-to-end, which means their dimensions must be the same as the length and depth of the racks.

After preparing everything you need, you need to check the plan. If everything matches, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Main stage

The main stage is the simplest in terms of its description, but the most difficult in terms of execution, since making a safe for a gun can only be done using electric welding. At this stage, it is necessary to weld all previously obtained elements together.

All the racks are welded first, and after that the resulting frame is sewn up with sheets of metal. When welding, it is very important to ensure that there are clear lines and right angles. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only getting a crooked-looking structure, but also of encountering, for example, the fact that the door will not close due to an uneven angle.

After completing this stage, you will have a steel box almost ready for use.

Completion of work

The last important part of assembling a gun safe is installing the lock. The choice and installation of a lock is up to each individual; there are no strict requirements here. The simplest option would be to install a regular locking lock. To do this, a hinge is installed on the body and on the door.

Inserted into loops the padlock. This is the simplest and most cheap way lock the vault. We must not forget that there should be two locks and another one was taken to lock a separate shelf with cartridges.

Additional events

There are several nuances about how to make a safe.

Keep the following in mind:

  1. The front part of the storage can be reinforced with a special corner.
  2. After welding the structure, the seams should be inside the storage.
  3. You need to weld several corners to the door from the inside. This will have two benefits. Firstly, it will be stronger, secondly, it cannot be removed by ordinary removal from the hinges.
  4. To decrease total weight designs, you can replace the material for the shelves with something lighter than metal. This is allowed.
  5. You can add some soft material inside the vault to avoid scratching the gun when storing it in the safe. There is no point in painting the inside of the safe.


Watch our video on how to make a safe from propane cylinders.

A safe is a special iron box designed for the safe storage of valuable items, documentation and things that must be stored in a protected form, in accordance with the law.

Safes vary in overall dimensions, the properties of the wall material, the design of locks and the fire resistance coefficient. Installed in government agencies, enterprises and private homes. Main purpose: protecting an item placed inside from unauthorized access by a circle of persons who do not have permission.

Advantages and disadvantages

The contents of the safe are protected due to the strength of the material from which it is made, as well as burglary-resistant locking devices. Reliability is also ensured by the factor of fastening the metal box to a fixed surface - the floor or wall.

Factory-produced safes are manufactured according to standards providing maximum strength and burglary resistance. This explains their high market value. The price of such products is the main disadvantage of factory-made safes.

Homemade ones are made from scrap materials: corners, sheets of metal, hinges and locks, which significantly reduces the price.

Such caches are designed taking into account all the needs of the user and the best way fit into the corresponding interior.

A homemade safe, along with its advantages, has several disadvantages. Against the background of these advantages, a low threshold for the safety of storing items appears as a glaring disadvantage. Ordinary properties of metal and other components cannot provide sufficient structural strength. This factor underestimates the likelihood of content being saved.


List of materials needed to make a safe with your own hands.

Made of metal

  • Sheet metal, the thickness of which is not less than 2 mm and complies with the parameters established by law, if applicable. Components that ensure the operation of the door: a lock and internal hinges, which are installed as hidden.
  • Iron corners 30x30 mm. The size varies depending on the characteristics of the safe as a whole. The number of corners required for welding the frame is determined by the dimensions of the cache.

If items of safety fall into the list of items the storage of which is described by law (for example, weapons, medications), the safe is equipped with two different types of locks.

Made of wood

A wooden safe can be made from plywood of sufficient thickness. It is worth choosing the thickest sheets possible. Plywood is the best material for making a wooden safe due to the layered structure that provides cross-strength to the wood fibres.

  • Bars with dimensional parameters of at least 45x45 mm. They are used to assemble the internal frame and provide the ability to fasten plywood walls from the inside.
  • Metal fasteners: corners, plates, hinges, screws. Locking devices.

A wooden safe has the lowest security and burglary resistance. It is used to preserve items of low value.

Fire resistant

This modification of the safe provides for the presence of two-layer walls, between which there is a fireproof protective layer. When making such a cache, you will need sheet asbestos (soft) or a heat-resistant cement-sand mixture.

Dimensions and drawings

The parameters of the safe are determined by the needs of its user. If there is no box with the specified dimensions on sale, you can make it according to your own drawings. When developing them, it is worth considering regulations prescribed by law.

Safes used to store firearms and ammunition must be made of metal 2-3 mm thick. When storing cartridges, the minimum wall thickness is 3 mm. These parameters are reflected in the drawing.

Height, width and length are values ​​determined by the dimensions of the object, which is the largest among those that will be inside. A limited supply is added to them to ensure the convenience of removing or placing the item in the safe.

A common safe used in everyday life is a small cache of compact dimensions. Fewer materials will be used for its production, which will reduce material costs.

It can easily be placed in a closet or other location suitable for installing a security box.

Step-by-step instruction

Drawing of a small safe for documents, money or tools (pictured 2):

  1. side wall;
  2. loop sockets;
  3. top part;
  4. back wall.

Step 1

Using a grinder and a cutting wheel, cut off blanks from the metal corner, the length of which should be equal to the overall dimensions of the future safe. Number of corner strips – 8 pcs.

Step 2

Weld the workpieces together as shown in photo 3. Clean the seams as much as possible to prevent scale from getting between the frame and the outer walls and causing damage geometric shape safe.

To strengthen the structure, longitudinal and transverse strips can be welded parallel planes walls that can be used as seats for the shelf. It will be attached to them using bolted connections, for which holes of the appropriate diameter must be drilled in the jumpers.

If this is not done in advance, drilling holes in the lintels of the assembled safe will be a very difficult process.

Step 3

Weld blanks for the walls, bottom and top part to the frame. All parts must fit tightly to each other at the points of contact - at the corners. The presence of cracks is unacceptable.

The welding seam is applied in several stages. From the inside, along the line of contact between the metal wall sheets and the corners of the frame, point “tacks” are made. The distance between them is from 3 to 5 cm. This is necessary so that the iron does not deform under the influence of the temperature difference that occurs between the areas being welded and other, colder parts metal blank. Welding manipulations performed at all stages are carried out according to a similar pattern of preliminary point fixation. Welding points are also placed outside, along the line of all corners.

All internal connections of the frame to the walls are welded with a continuous seam, with periodic breaks for thermal stabilization (cooling of the metal area). External corners are welded according to the “heap” principle. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of “sinks” during subsequent grinding of the joints. If “shells” are present, they must be boiled.

All available joints are processed. At this stage it is easiest to do.

Step 4

Arrangement of the front part. Along the contour of the front wall of the safe, on which the door will be located, a frame is welded, consisting of metal strips of the same thickness as the walls. Its width is 0.5-1 cm smaller than the width of the corner used to arrange the frame.

Due to the difference in size, a small groove-step is created along the contour of the entrance opening of the drawer, into which the door sits when closed. The connection of the frame to the main body is welded according to the principle described in step 3.

Step 5

A strip with holes is welded to the inside of the frame, which will serve as mounting holes for the extended lock bolts. The number of holes and their centers are determined by the structure locking device and its location on the door plane.

On the opposite side of the frame, external or hidden hinges. Their fastening is shown in photo 4. Secret hinge mechanisms are more reliable than regular ones - they cannot be cut off without opening the safe. Welding of the U-shaped part to the hinges and door is carried out after the latter has been modified and installed.

Step 6

For attaching a regular lock or a push-button lock to door leaf The mounting area is being constructed. It is made from the same corner as the frame. This part is welded with inside doors. The lock placed on it with bolts must coincide with the holes in the side bar. A key hole is cut/drilled.

Step 7

The safe is coated with an anti-corrosion agent and then painted in several layers. Preference is given to “hammer” paint. She is durable paint coating and creates a pleasant texture.


A fireproof safe is different from usual characteristics buildings that prevent the combustion of stored items. Its walls consist of two layers, between which there is a protective material.

To make such a cache, you must follow steps 1 to 3 described above. On next stage weld another cubic box of metal, the parameters of the sides of which will be at least 5 cm less than the parameters of the sides of the main body. The result should be two boxes: one larger, and the second smaller, freely inserted into the first.

The space that is created between the outer and inner boxes is filled with fireproof material. It can be used as concrete mixture or soft sheet asbestos laid in several layers. The inner box is fixed inside the outer box using connecting jumpers, which are welded after installation fire resistant material. The door is also made of two layers. A lock and fireproof material used to insulate the walls are placed inside it.

Glue along the contour of the junction of the door to the body rubber compressor appropriate thickness, you can get a waterproof safe. To provide best waterproofing an additional screw locking mechanism is installed, maximally pressing the door against the rubber seal.

The law regulates the conditions for storing weapons in the house. The requirements are quite strict, but they are necessary for the safety of both the owner and his loved ones. The storage location must be equipped in a special way - a safe is required. Buying this attribute is not difficult, there are a great many offers. However, the price for such luxury is quite steep. Therefore, most hunters try to make a gun safe with their own hands. The price of such a unit will be almost half that of the store version. The manufacturing process does not require large financial and labor costs.

Why do you need a safe in your home?

The requirement to store weapons and ammunition under lock and key is regulated by security. Such an “element” must meet certain requirements:

  • Wall thickness is at least 3mm. This indicator may be reduced to 2mm if ammunition for weapons is stored separately in a box with a wall thickness of 3mm;
  • The presence of two locks. To reduce the likelihood of the safe being opened and a third party taking possession of the weapon;
  • It should be located 0.5 m from the window, one meter from the heating radiators and one and a half meters from front door premises;
  • The box must be attached to the wall or floor of the room. This will prevent attackers from taking it along with the weapon.

What is needed to make a safe?

The weapon storage box must be made from quality materials to reduce the likelihood of theft or damage to property. According to the requirements, the safe must be made of metal. Therefore, the following metal products will be required:

  • Corner for the frame. Suitable with a side width of 2.5 mm.
  • Sheet steel 3 mm thick. Will serve as external walls
  • 3-4 loops. The metal door will have an impressive weight, so that it does not sag under its own weight, it is better to install more hinges
  • Mortise locks
  • Bolts for wall or floor mounting
  • Drawing. The basis of any technical work is a detailed plan

Before you begin, you need to decide what size and type of safe you need to make. These criteria are selected based on what type of weapon will be stored. A correctly drawn up drawing will help realize your plans in metal.

How to make a drawing?

To make a drawing of a gun safe yourself, you do not need to have any special technical skills. It is enough to decide on the dimensions of the future product. They are selected based on the size of the weapon, as well as the personal needs of the owner. The height is calculated from the length of the weapon, to which a minimum of 100mm is added. The width depends on whether ammunition will be stored with the weapon. 300mm is taken for one weapon, 200-300mm can be added to the ammunition shelf. The depth should be sufficient for a convenient location of the weapon. On average this value is 500mm. The dimensions can be increased to create additional shelves inside for storing gun care products.

Once the dimensions have been determined, all that remains is to transfer them to paper. It’s easy to make a gun safe with your own hands according to a drawing with dimensions. But if you can’t draw, you can resort to the help of engineers. A simple drawing will be cheap. You can also find a standard drawing on the Internet and put your dimensions on it. A few examples are presented below.

It is worth knowing that if not all work will be done independently (for example, welding frame elements), then the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the drawing. If the gun safe is made with your own hands according to the dimensions determined by the owner himself, then the drawing plays a secondary role. However, there are several nuances that are worth considering when assembling the product:

  • It is better to make welds from the inside;
  • The door is reinforced with a corner. Serves as a stiffener and additional protection from burglary;
  • It is worth considering interior decoration soft material. This will protect the weapon from scratches;
  • It is better to make blanks with a small margin in size. It's easier to cut a piece of metal than to put a patch on it.

It’s easy to assemble a gun safe to size with your own hands; all you need to do is know how to use a welding machine. You need to be careful when connecting parts by welding; the metal is thin and can easily be burned through. If you are not confident in your abilities, then you can entrust this work to a specialist.

Standard drawing or your own project?

Which drawing for a gun safe to choose with your own hands - individual solution everyone. Standard drawings are good because they have already been time-tested; there will be no problems with them when receiving a certificate from employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Own project requires careful development and thought. However, an individual item always looks better than a stamped copy. And everyone has their own needs. Someone keeps a large number of ammunition, some buy it just before the season or trip. Also, don’t discount the third option – modifying the standard drawing to your taste. This is the best solution if a person does not have technical knowledge.

Making a safe with your own hands is cost-effective even if the drawing and assembly are entrusted to third parties. In terms of reliability and functionality, such products are not inferior to factory ones. The manufacturing process only requires your own time.

There are plenty on sale various models safes for storing weapons. The difficulty is that some hunters are not satisfied with the dimensions, interior layout safe, while others simply do not have the opportunity to buy it at their place of residence. Making a safe for weapons with your own hands, focusing on the requirements of regulations, is not at all difficult. The instructions and standard drawings will tell you how to make it.

Do you even need a safe in your home? Moreover, when the home is just small apartment in a high-rise building, which is already cramped. Are there other legal ways to securely store your gun? These questions are some of the most asked among new hunters. A safe for a gun is not a luxury (a nuisance in the house), as those who themselves have nothing to do with hunting believe.

IN Lately supervisory authorities have tightened the requirements for the procedure for recording, using and storing firearms. And many felt this - both experienced hunters and candidates for this category. The first were faced with the fact of a more thorough (sometimes to the point of pickiness) inspection of the gun safe by the district police officer, assessing the reliability of its fastening in place; the second, in order to obtain a license for a “smooth-bore gun” (the same one), you must present to the authorized person a safe of the established type.

And only after the corresponding report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer is attached to the package of documents, is there a guarantee of obtaining permission. Therefore, whether you like it or not, the problem with the reliability of storing a gun will have to be solved.

Requirements for a hunter's safe

Based on order No. 228 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

  • Material of manufacture – metal. If the frame is wooden, then surface upholstery with iron is required.
  • Minimum thickness sheet (mm) - 3. For the gun itself, a reduction to 2 is allowed if the ammunition for it is stored in a separate metal box (for it - 3).
  • External constipations (locks) – at least 2. Moreover, on each safe, if the gun and ammunition are stored separately.
  • It is necessary to exclude free access to it by any persons, including family members, especially minors and children (on the issue of installation location and dimensions).
  • Allowable distances(minimum, in m) from: heating radiators – 1; entrance door – 1.5; windows – 0.5.

There is one controversial point that is not reflected in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but inspectors quite often pay attention to it and demand strict execution. It's about O high-quality fastening safe to surfaces (wall, floor), and at least at 3 points. The reasoning is that it cannot be easily torn off and taken out of the room along with the gun.

It seems to be true and justified, but what document exactly is this regulated? Therefore, this nuance should be clarified immediately when contacting the LRR (an abbreviation for the department that issues a license for a hunting rifle).

The fact is that there are many models of safes, including those disguised in pieces of furniture. For example, on the sofa.

Comfortable, practical, elegant - no doubt about it. But won’t you then have to redo all this, assembled with your own hands, regretting the lost time and wasted materials?

The procedure for making a safe


Basically it’s clear - 3 mm sheet iron. The corner for the frame will be enough for 2.5. It is worth considering that the door will be heavy, so you need to count on installing at least three hinges.

Drawing up a safe diagram

All dimensions are in mm.

  • Height. The main guideline is the size of the gun. You need to take the length of the gun as the main parameter for the height of the box, depending on how it is stored (folded or assembled) and add about 100. If ammunition is supposed to be placed in the same safe, then for the corresponding compartment - another plus 280 - 300. Total - in the range of 1350 - 1750. Even for the longest-barreled gun (for example, the Tiger carbine) is enough.
  • Depth. It largely depends on whether the hunter uses optics. If the gun is without a scope, then 350, with it - 500.
  • Width. For one hunting rifle, 300 is enough. An additional 200 is for shelves on which various accessories for cleaning, lubricating, and loading cartridges are usually stored. Total - at least 500.

The most common layout of a hunting safe is shown in the drawings below:

Features of making a safe

Step-by-step instructions are hardly needed for a person who is accustomed to doing everything with his own hands. Welding the frame and sheathing it with sheet iron are basic things. The end result should be something like this:

But there are points worth considering:

  • It is advisable to further strengthen the front panel of the frame (with the same corner).
  • Welding should be carried out so that all seams are located inside the safe.
  • Stiffening ribs need to be welded on the back side of the door. Firstly, it will come out stronger. Secondly, it will not be possible to remove it from its hinges by simply lifting it up. A welded corner will interfere.
  • You can reduce the overall weight of the safe by using a material other than metal for the shelves. For example, FSF plywood, chipboard.
  • It is advisable to decorate the inside of the safe with something soft. Felt, foam rubber – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that when storing the gun it cannot be scratched on the metal of the box. But it’s hardly advisable to paint a safe from the inside, although there are such recommendations.

It turns out that there is nothing complicated in assembling a gun safe. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements for it reflected in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By the way, the law does not stipulate that it must be industrially manufactured. Therefore, it makes no difference whether it is bought in a store or made with your own hands. If the safe meets all the requirements, not a single inspector will have any complaints against the owner of the gun. And the specific dimensions of the “storage” are determined by the hunter himself, based on the number of guns, their type, location of the box, and so on.

Good luck to you, gentlemen hunters!