Why dream of a slippery road, icy. The magic of numbers. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Ice, ice, ice, frost

Ice in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Ice-covered - Don't get involved in a desperate venture.
  • Interpretation in Freud's dream book Sleep Ice:

  • The dreamed ice personifies your sexual relationship with your partner - smooth and even. You feel the slightest desires for each other and therefore easily predict the response. Such coordination of actions in bed can only be envied.
  • Why is Ice in a dream Ukrainian dream book?

    Ice - do not engage in risky business, so as not to "slip".

    V Modern dream book if Ice is dreaming:

  • If in a dream you cannot cope with driving and you are carried on ice, then in real life you will be able to achieve your goal. The main thing is that you are not afraid of the obstacles that have arisen and do not retreat. If you dreamed that on ice you were riding on your feet as in childhood, then perhaps it is high time for you to fulfill the promises made to your loved ones.
  • If you dream about Ice? V The newest dream book:

  • You have a rather precarious official (academic) position; get rejected by a person of the opposite sex.
  • Interpretation of sleep Ice in Eastern dream book:

  • If, having lost control of the car, you are spinning on ice, - know: you will be able to achieve your goal, the main thing is not to be afraid of the obstacles that arise and not to retreat. Did you dream that on the ice you, like a little one, ride on your feet? Perhaps it is high time for you to fulfill the promises made to your loved ones.
  • The likelihood of dreams coming true

    Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

    Today is the 26th day of the month... Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, promise pleasure and fun.

    Today is the 30th lunar day... Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, do not mean anything.

    Today is Tuesday... Tuesday is the day of fiery Mars. Mars gives rise to aspirations, gives impetus to action. Mars is the planet of personal power. The dreams you saw on Tuesday are related to your personal aspirations. They will show you how much fire and desires you have. Mars is a male planet, a warrior's planet, so Tuesday's dreams will tell about upcoming or past wars, about scandals. About familiar men.

    If Tuesday's sleep is calm. This means that you have found the use of your energy, you can easily overcome any possible obstacles on the way to success, and in the near future there are no scandals in your life. A vivid dream suggests that there is a lot of vitality inside you now, you have "eight arms" and "three heads". Do not put off anything until later, take on several tasks at once, everything will work out quickly. Sharp objects in a dream will speak of your readiness for action. An unpleasant dream indicates increased self-esteem, the predominance of selfish intentions. A very good sign is your leadership in a dream.

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    HOLOED - Modern Dream Interpretation

    Seeing ice in a dream - you will encounter unexpected ill will of a woman you sympathize with (if a man dreams of a dream). You will needlessly wait for the interest of the man you like (if a woman has a dream).

    You seem to be walking down the street and are afraid to fall because of the ice - a dream suggests that you will achieve your intended goal, but you will have to put in a lot of mental work; it will exhaust you more than physical labor would exhaust you, but through physical activity you cannot achieve the benefits that are achieved by mental activity.

    You slipped and fell - a dream indicates that you are not completely confident in yourself; engaging in introspection and self-criticism, you bring the matter to painful self-examination. You are a conscientious person - sometimes you are inclined to accept someone else's fault. Fearing the burden of responsibility, you are afraid of the future, think about the fact that compared to the infinity of time and space, your problems are nothing.

    It is as if you are hammering the ice with a crowbar or sprinkling sand on the path - in real life you often prefer the path of least resistance, the path of simplifying the tasks, the path of primitive, rough, but correct decisions. In the near future you will be offered to untangle the Gordian knot, but you, like Alexander the Great, will cut it with a sword.

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    Seeing ice on the street in a dream portends that the man with whom you are trying to make friends will, upon closer examination, turn out to be an uncouth bumpkin with a touch of secular manners. The disappointment that befell you will force you to be more picky in people, and even more so in men.

    Walking down the street on ice means that you risk your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys. Falling into ice means in reality to overcome significant difficulties that will only temper your will and character. If, having fallen into the ice, you got a strong dislocation or broke something, you are waiting for losses, perhaps it will affect one of your friends.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

    Dream interpretation - Ice

    If you dreamed about ice, it means that you are in complete harmony with your partner.

    Your sexual desires are completely the same, and you do not need unnecessary explanations to understand each other.

    This kind of understanding is extremely rare, so you need to cherish such a relationship.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    In reality, this is a dangerous phenomenon, leading to traumatic falls and car accidents on the roads. If you look at everything from the perspective of children, then we have just a natural ice rink that can be used for entertainment. Then what definition is true for the sleeper and why is ice dreaming?

    Why is Miller dreaming of ice

    Miller believed that what icy dreams about characterizes you as a weak-willed person. The bottom line is that you do not take responsibility, you are afraid to dare to take a decisive action and change your life. Why? Because you initially have an incredible fear of failure. This is so frightening that you prefer not to do anything at all and only dream of change. Such a position will forever leave you in a dead center, where there are no prospects and hopes for making your dreams come true.

    The dream book advises to talk about your feelings with a specialist. If you feel uncomfortable, then independently analyze your behavior and find the levers that press and force you to react in this way. If you try and overpower yourself, you will be able to cope with this complex and then everyday life will seem much more interesting and richer.

    Why dream about ice on Vanga

    In what ice is dreaming of, Wanga tried to consider various options that affect the interpretation, changing in a positive or negative direction. If you easily make your way on the ice and do not feel the fear of falling, then this is an ambiguous dream. On the one hand, you try to live carefree and enjoy every day. On the other hand, you ignore the problems that tend to accumulate and hit at the most unfortunate moment with double force. Optimism is a great feeling if it doesn't border on wearing rose-colored glasses that don't allow you to see things real.

    If you slide like a small child, then in the past they made a promise to one of the relatives. The dream interpretation hints that the time has come to keep your word, otherwise you will lose your credibility and disappoint your loved one. In a dream, you could stretch out your hand to the fallen one. In this case, you will have to forget about all your work affairs and help someone from the family circle. If you were driving and you were skidded, then don't worry. In reality, you will be able to solve any problem.

    Why does ice dream according to Freud

    Surprisingly, in what icy dreams about, Sigmund Freud was able to consider favorable moments for the dreamer. If you find yourself in a similar situation or were taken by surprise by such weather conditions, then there is a reason to rejoice. Together with a loved one, they managed to create an amazingly harmonious and happy relationship. You understand each other literally without words. It comes to the semblance of telepathic communication, where you know in advance the desires and thoughts of your partner, and also guess the reaction to your actions, which helps not to make mistakes and not create reasons for quarrels.

    The dream also indicates that 100% mutual understanding permeates all aspects of this connection. You easily agree in everyday matters and successfully combine sexually. However, the situation changes if you try to maintain balance on an icy path, but stumble or fall. Then, obstacles or complications may arise in your personal life. What will cause it? Look for clues in the behavior of your significant other. It is the loved one who will begin to behave strangely, which will raise many questions. But you should not despair, because you will be able to find compromises, understand the situation and return the same warmth and understanding.

    Why dream of ice on Nostradamus

    In what icy dreams about, Nostradamus first of all saw an omen of some important event or business for a sleeping event. For example, if you find yourself on the street and notice that the main path is covered with an ice crust, which makes it difficult to maintain balance on the go, then you have to take on a difficult task. The bottom line is that it will require from you not only intellectual, but also emotional return.

    You may dream of a situation where you periodically fall to the ground. This is a demonstration of your inner fear. You still do not know how to make decisions on your own and are afraid to take full responsibility for the consequences. Most likely, the main reason for this behavior is the fear of failure.

    Convenient road - new opportunities and good prospects.

    Wide road - you will have the opportunity to fulfill your old dreams; crossroads - big changes are coming in your life that will become fateful for you.

    Narrow but straight road - they will help you to understand the current situation and make the right choice; the road goes uphill - career opportunities; the road goes downhill - you will choose the path to the intended goal, which will allow you to get ahead of your rivals.

    Seeing the end of the road - soon you will come to the end of the work you have begun.

    Walking along the road - symbolizes the path of life at this stage: on a flat road - on the path of life you will not encounter obstacles; rough, winding road - you will face the disappointment and treachery of people close to you.

    Walking along a deserted road - in the most difficult moment, there will be no one next to you.

    Walking along a dusty road - you are haunted by lies, deceit and slander.

    Paving the way - thanks to your diligence, you will reach heights in your profession.

    Walking the road in the dark is the wrong direction in life.

    It is not known where to go - your steps are wrong, you have gone astray.

    Look at objects at the edge of the road - you are looking for information that can change your future.

    Walking along the edge of the road - you have gone to extremes, which will lead you to despair.

    Sledging is an empty experience.

    Walking on a wet road is a life full of tears.

    Walking the road is a rapid career change.

    Going an unfamiliar rocky road - difficult things await you.

    Walking a bumpy road is a new undertaking that will bring nothing but a waste of time.

    Walking the road with friends is a happy family life.

    Walk along the highway - you will have a significant meeting that can change your life.

    A sharp turn in the road - you will become a participant in an event that will drastically change your life.

    Imagine walking along a wide, bright road lined with magnificent meadows. Or you are driving along the road in a car.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov