Elena Karavanskaya school teacher. Poems about teachers: gratitude, farewells, congratulations on Teacher's Day. Let the autumn pass golden

What gift should I choose for a 3 year old child? Adults are often left at a loss. This is not surprising, because today customers are provided with the greatest selection of children's products. In this sea of ​​abundance it is quite difficult to stay afloat. So how not to make a mistake when choosing an attractive, interesting and useful gift? What should you pay attention to?

A gift for a 3-year-old child is related to the characteristics of his age

Three-year-old children do not perceive toys as mere entertainment. For them, these are so-called tools that allow them to perfectly perform “the most serious work.” At this age, babies develop imagination and a desire to understand the world around them at a tremendous speed. The children strive for independence, however, while carefully observing the behavior of their parents, they try to “copy the adult world.” A gift for a 3-year-old child must be chosen based on these facts. However, it is worth paying attention to the baby’s special preferences and desires.

Find out what the child wants

Every little one undoubtedly has his own dream. The right gift for a 3-year-old child can make it come true. A beautiful doll or an electronic animal - the baby will be simply happy if his parents bring him such joy.

By the way, if adults don’t know what their beloved child dreams of, you should just ask him about it directly. The baby won’t fuss and make up ideas. The baby will immediately tell you about his deepest desires.

Well, if your child is the happy owner of a whole mountain of toys, and therefore does not know what he wants, you will, of course, have to think carefully about possible options gift, taking into account not only his age, but also his gender.

What girls like

Parents, as a rule, love to pamper their daughters especially. It’s not at all difficult to choose a gift for a 3-year-old girl, and it will be simply gorgeous! Little ones will definitely love hairdressing kits, children's kitchens, dishes, etc.

Girls who prefer creative work, it's worth paying attention Special attention. Modeling kits made from plasticine or plaster, for beadwork, or a “young artist’s suitcase” are ideal for them.

A circus performance or some other show is also suitable as a gift for a baby. The performances of acrobats and clowns will definitely please the kids.

How impressive will the dolphinarium be for a child! Swim with these sea inhabitants, take pictures with them - what else could be better? Even the most restless child will look closely at the dolphins, enjoying their performance. There is no doubt about this.

Three-year-old children are very inquisitive natures. A trip to a zoo or nature reserve will not leave them indifferent. The baby will remember such a gift for a very long time, dreaming of being there again.

Well, if your child was lucky enough to be born in the warm season, you can go to the water park with him. The children will have great pleasure riding on a variety of water slides, splash in children's pools with their peers.

3 years - turning point

Birthday is a holiday that happens only once a year. People are accustomed to celebrating round dates in a particularly magnificent and bright manner. It is believed that the first anniversary is 5 years. However, this is not entirely correct. The first anniversary can rightfully be called the birthday of 3 years. This age is the first and most obvious turning point in the development of a child.

This period is usually called the “crisis” three years" Often parents even have to look for new approaches in raising children. A gift for a 3-year-old son (or daughter) should also meet all the new interests and needs of the matured baby. It is very important to realize that just at this age the baby is already beginning to recognize himself as an individual, he has his own “I”. Accordingly, after talking with your child about a future gift, you should be prepared for very unexpected surprises.

Give your little one a holiday!

3 years is the period when the child’s social circle gradually begins to expand. At this age, his world is no longer limited by the walls of his home. The baby interacts with new people every day and makes new friends. Best gift for 3 years is a holiday organized for the birthday boy and his little comrades. Children will be able to participate in a wide variety of competitions. The most important thing is to carefully think through the program for the upcoming holiday.

Story-based games are a great way to add variety to the fun. Therefore, you can give your child props suitable for this purpose. Any themed game set will come in handy.

For example, girls will be delighted with a personal kitchen. Parents will be able to organize a game of “restaurant” or “bakery”. At the same time, the little ones will learn to help their mothers around the house, cooking " delicious dishes» for doll visitors.

Little craftsmen will love sets of children's tools. As they play with them, they will be just like their dads, hammering nails and sawing boards. The “traveling team” of craftsmen will have a lot of fun with these activities.

All children, both girls and boys, will, of course, also enjoy the game of “hospital”. A doctor's set with everything necessary for a real specialist will diversify children's games not only on their birthday, but also in the days following it.

A plot constructor is also a good gift. The subject matter can be completely different. It is very interesting for children, for example, to build a city with a variety of houses, cars, a zoo, shops and residents. Such a gift, in addition, will keep the kids busy for a long time. Therefore, adults will also be able to relax a little.

In the summer, you can give a play set or wind-up toys designed for water fun. If you are the happy owner of a private house with a children's pool in the yard, such a gift will be just right.

By the age of three, children's sensorimotor skills reach sufficient levels high level. They cope with a variety of tasks that require developed motor skills without any problems. The child will enjoy putting together puzzles, playing with mosaics, and drawing with felt-tip pens, watercolors or gouache. Among the little guests, you can hold, for example, a competition for the best drawing.

Choose interesting gifts - it's so easy!

Today, there are many unusual and colorful gifts on store shelves. Choosing an interesting gift is a fairly simple task. An excellent option for a three-year-old child would be, for example, a special lacing toy. Working with her is not only very interesting, but also useful. Children's fingers become more tenacious and dexterous when playing such games. Many of them can be turned into wonderful crafts. For example, a little fashionista can even make a small handbag for herself.

Has very great importance. This largely affects the baby’s design abilities. At 3 years old, a baby can build the most simple models. At the same time, a sample is not at all necessary, because kids can turn their own ideas into reality. Construction sets with a small number of large parts, rubberized bolts and a children's screwdriver are an excellent option. Or you can give your child a children's electric screwdriver, with which he will learn to assemble and disassemble various cars and other objects.

So, it’s very easy to choose a gift for a three-year-old child. The most important thing is to understand his interests! Loving parents can handle this without difficulty!

In the fall, children do not have as many reasons to be outside as in the summer, when the excuse for a walk could simply be good weather. Now, kids spend more and more time at home, and we, parents, have to show miracles of ingenuity, figuring out what to do for a bored child.

To make the choice a little easier, MIR 24 offers you several ideas that are safe and easy to organize, and invariably delight children of any age - from 3 to 93 years old. You don’t need complex props to implement them - almost everything needed for the experiments is available in any apartment.

Balloon trick

You will need: balloon, soda, vinegar, bottle with a narrow neck. Instead of a ball, you can use a rubber glove - it will be more impressive

What to do: Pour two or three tablespoons of soda into the bottle and keep the ball ready. Carefully add a spoonful of vinegar and quickly pull the ball onto the neck.

What happened: The balloon is inflating! Everyone knows that if vinegar is mixed with regular soda, there will be a lot of bubbles and hissing. This releases carbon dioxide. We “caught” him and saw how he, increasing in volume, inflated the balloon.

Match phone

You will need: two plastic cups(or matchbox), match, thread

What to do: pierce the bottom of the cups and pull a string through them. Attach the halves of matches to its end. Give two children a glass each and separate them at such a distance that the thread stretches. Now let one say something into his glass, and the second one listens at this time. Then it’s the other way around.

What happened: The vibration of the sound of the speaker's voice is transmitted along the thread and reaches the surface of the listener's glass. It must be borne in mind that the thread stretched between two cups should not touch any objects, including the fingers with which they are held. It is necessary to explain that if a thread touches an object, then the vibration is transferred to this object and does not spread further.

Balloon fountain

You will need: regular ball, water

What to do: fill the balloon with tap water and immediately squeeze and twist its neck. Then (preferably over a bathtub) loosen the neck and watch a fountain of water shoot up from the ball.

What happened: Everything is very simple. The water in the ball is under pressure and wants to get rid of it at all costs. Since the neck of the ball is narrow, and the ball is elastic, and its walls press on the water, when it comes out of the ball, the water does not just pour out, but gushes out.

Fireproof ball

You will need: ball, water, lighter

What to do: Fill the balloon about one-third full with water. Then blow it to regular size. Now try to set fire to the ball in the place where the water is. The ball, despite the expected “bang”, does not burn or burst!

What happened: this happens because the water “extinguishes” the flame from the lighter with its temperature and does not allow the ball to heat up until it bursts. If you try to bring a flame to the dry part of the balloon, it will burst. Keep in mind, it will be wet!

Singing glasses

You will need: glass or glass with thin walls, water

What to do: Fill the glass about halfway with water, wet your fingers with water and move it in a circle along the rim of the glass. The better and thinner the glass, the easier it is to extract sound. You need to drive quickly enough, but not push too hard.

What happened: you will hear a sound - the glass will “sing”! And if you fill several glasses different quantities water, you will notice that they will have different pitches. In addition, when a glass sings, you can notice waves on the surface of the water, similar to those that are created if you throw a pebble into the water. If there is a lot of water, there may even be splashes!

Hair Standing or Flying Bunting

You will need: balloon, baby with soft and long hair, oatmeal, plate

What to do: First, rub the ball on the child's head and see how the hair stands on end! Then bring the ball closer to the plate on which dry oatmeal is scattered.

What happened: the oatmeal begins to fly up and stick to the ball. If you rub it on your head again, the magnetization force will increase, and a new portion of oatmeal will fly up. The process is called electrification. A small object (oatmeal or light hair) acquires an electrical charge due to friction, that is, electrification occurs by friction, and the forces acting in this case are called electrical forces. Experience shows that two bodies, electrified by friction against each other, attract.

Flying tea bags

You will need: tea bags, scissors, matches or lighter

What to do: cut off the top of the tea bags, pour out the tea and place the empty bags on a stand and set them on fire. When they burn out, they suddenly fly up.

What happened: what remains of the burnt bags is very light, and warm air carries it upward.

Living Rainbow

You will need: paper towel or napkin, markers different colors, water in container

What to do: cut a strip from a paper towel (a napkin will also do), draw dots on its short part with different felt-tip pens, dip the end into the water and watch.

What happened: water, absorbed into the porous paper, seems to “flow upward”, painting the napkin with the colors that we painted. It turns out a beautiful “rainbow”. Children will learn how water behaves with paints and materials.

Lava lamp

You will need: water, glass tall glass or jar, food coloring (or regular juice, cherry or orange), effervescent aspirin tablet, sunflower oil(or any vegetable)

What to do: fill the jar with water, tint it with dye, then pour a layer of oil on top (it should not be very flat - the more, the better). Now we throw an effervescent aspirin tablet into the jar and observe.

What happened: the tablet dissolves, releasing bubbles that carry colored water with them and mix it with oil, forming fancy colored balls. It's somewhat similar to a lava lamp. Children are usually delighted with this.

Running paper clips

You will need: paper clips, magnets (can be removed from the refrigerator), a piece of cardboard

What to do: put the paper clips on the cardboard, and press the magnets underneath it and move them

What happened: The paper clips “came to life” and started running across the cardboard! We explain to the children that a magnet attracts the iron from which paper clips are made. And, of course, we let each child try to control the magnets themselves.

orange fire

You will need: orange peels, candle

What to do: squeeze orange peel over candle

What happened: there are sparks - that's how they burn essential oils, which are contained in the zest.


You will need: plasticine, cardboard, plate, vinegar, dishwashing detergent, soda, dye, glass jar baby food or any other small glass container, small toys made of rubber or plastic.

What to do: Make a cone out of cardboard (staple the edges or glue them together), cut off the top of it, and put it on the jar. We cover the cone with plasticine, forming a volcano, the “crater” of which coincides with the edges of the jar. We place the volcano on a plate and, if desired, place small toys around (which will become victims of the eruption and will need to be rescued). Pour two tablespoons of soda into a jar, add food coloring and dishwashing detergent. Let's get to the main point: when the children have all gathered near the volcano, we pour a little vinegar into the crater - and the reaction begins!

What happened: Abundant colored foam begins to emerge from the vent and flood all the animals caught in the eruption. They urgently need to be rescued, evacuated and washed. The kids are delighted!

Working as a wizard is easy and pleasant. It is doubly pleasant to evoke children's delight and surprise. Of course, you can give gifts just like that: buy a doll, a kinder surprise or a bottle on the way soap bubbles and hand it over at home with the words: “This is for you.” But how great it is when children's faces light up with delight from an unexpected surprise and non-standard way its presentation. How can you surprise a child and make the presentation of a gift memorable?


On small pieces of paper you need to draw recognizable interior items of your home (about 10-15 cards for one quest). The first, which depicts, for example, a poster with the alphabet, is given to the child.

Having carefully searched and found the corner of the second card behind the alphabet, the child sees the following picture on it: table lamp in the children's room. A third card is revealed under the lamp. And so on: from room to room, from card to card. In the very last place, a hidden gift awaits the baby.


As soon as the leaves bloom on the trees in the spring, children begin to wonder when the apples, plums and cherries will grow enough to eat.

So that the wait for the harvest is not painful, arrange a country surprise. While the kids are sleeping, decorate any tree or shrub with candy on strings or cookies wrapped in transparent packaging on ribbons. The kids will be surprised when, running out into the garden, they notice the treats blooming overnight.


Many parents put new Year gifts under the Christmas tree, and another way to surprise a child is to put a gift under the pillow. It’s such a magical feeling: in the middle of the night or immediately after waking up, you can feel a pleasantly rustling bundle under your pillow.

Such a simple surprise can be done on vacation. The child will be very happy when he checks into a hotel or apartment with you, and under the pillow he will find a gift that you will have time to hide while the baby examines the situation.


Children always look forward to a special cake on their birthday.

What if you celebrate 3.5 years or 5.5 years with a symbolic half of the cake? Such an unusual congratulation, which most often no one expects, will never be forgotten.


This surprise happens a good option birthday entertainment. Or you can, armed with a map prepared in advance and key tasks hidden ahead of time, go on a treasure hunt in the forest, park or your own garden.

The tasks can be intricate or very simple: jump on one leg 10 times, count how much 8+7 is, guess which fairy tale the found striped cap or onion with a face drawn on it is from.


You can play hide and seek with a gift both on a holiday and without a calendar reason, when you invite your child to find a new book or a tray of strawberries that a familiar forest bunny gave him.


Balloons are always a win-win and uplifting option. Decorate a doorway or ceiling with them, throw a lot of balls into the room while the child is sleeping.

Waking up in the morning, the birthday person will immediately feel the presence of the holiday. And a day that begins with joy always promises to be amazing.


If you are leaving your child for several days, leave a set of things prepared in advance for each day of your absence that the child can occupy himself with.

Attach a note with instructions, and so every day you will be virtually present and remind you of yourself. Take advantage of the fact that children love to unwrap gifts and wrap each surprise in bright packaging.


The traditional Catholic calendar with little surprises for every day can be adapted not only for Christmas or New Year, but also for a birthday or the beginning of the summer holidays.

An option for such a calendar could be envelopes on the wall, in which cards with a surprise are prepared for each day of the week preceding the upcoming event: a trip to an amusement park, a trip to a pizzeria, or a note with pleasant, kind words.


Everyone loves to receive letters and parcels. What if we arrange delivery as a surprise? You can negotiate with a friend who, pretending to be a courier, will deliver the box directly into the hands of the little recipient. Or you can send the item by real mail, with a stamp and receipt. What will be inside, you decide for yourself.

One of the options that guarantees the effect of surprise and joy is a bunch balloons, which is well attached with tape to the bottom of a capacious box and, when opened, flies up like a multi-colored cloud, but does not fly away anywhere, but only pleases the little birthday boy. Such a surprise is never forgotten.


Usually this entertainment is carried out in a large group of friends, when the hosts of the party hide a whole nut or pitted prunes in the cake in advance.

When the cake is cut into pieces, it becomes clear who got the nut or dried fruit and which of the guests is the lucky one. You can also prepare several nuts. Let there be more lucky ones!


Of course, this is more of a way to entertain picky eaters who refuse their usual food and are drawn to junk food.

So parents manage to turn bread, tomato, cheese and olives into a bird sandwich from the game “Angry Birds” or fry an egg in a mold shaped like a flower or a star.


While traveling, send a card addressed to the child to your home address.

When you return there will be pleasant surprise a few weeks later, receive a postcard with the view of an unforgettable vacation, and words written on some special carefree day.


We all remember the rare days when our parents managed to leave work early or take a day off, and they suddenly appeared before quiet time and took us home or for a walk. This was one of the highest happinesses.


One such surprise is described in the book “A Happy Girl Is Growing Up” by Nina Shnirman. In one of the episodes, my mother suggested that little Nina accompany her dad to the station on his next business trip to Leningrad. And when in the train compartment the conductor began to announce “seeing off to leave the carriages,” the parents admitted that they had prepared a surprise for their daughter, and that they would go to Leningrad together. What a delight! Of course, for such a large-scale and grandiose surprise in every sense, parents must be confident in the child’s positive reaction and that he has no other plans. In this case, you can turn off your usual road home without warning and go to the river bank to launch sky lanterns. Or instead of a planned trip to the store, go to your favorite ice cream parlor. Or wake up the baby in the morning with ready suitcases and announce that today kindergarten is canceled because you are all going to the seaside together.