Homemade apple wine recipe without yeast. Apple wine at home is not easy, but very simple! Recipes for making delicious apple wine at home

Home winemaking became known many centuries ago. Proverbs and ancient monuments serve as evidence. Previously, wine was available to high society, priests. Nowadays it is a publicly available product. It has an exquisite taste. It is known that homemade wine is prepared from almost any fruit. For example, apple wine can be made at home using simple recipe, like grape. On the pages of my blog I will share with you my easiest favorite recipes.

First, let's collect the “right” apples

Before you start making wine, I want to give you some tips on choosing apples:

  1. Poorly ripened or overripe fruits are tasteless. It is better not to use them for making apple wine, because they do not have enough sweetness, aroma, or acidity.
  2. It’s good if you have your own garden or a couple of apple trees in your yard. If not, and you want to make homemade wine from store-bought apples, you should know that store-bought fruits are often coated with a special wax. They will not give the necessary fermentation, the wine will be spoiled.
  3. It is better to buy this fruit from trusted sellers.

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe with a glove

Many gardeners and summer residents prefer to make homemade apple wine. IN wine drink All vitamins and microelements are preserved. Have you ever made homemade wine? It’s worth deciding to make this drink. I assure you that you will like the wine and you will make it all the time.

There are many ways to make it, but I will share the simplest apple wine recipe that can be easily made at home using a glove.

You will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

A little about raw materials. You can use any apples, but the best taste is wine. homemade from autumn varieties with sweet and sour taste. They can be from one tree or from several, which is much more effective.

The collected fruits of summer varieties are processed immediately. Autumn ones are allowed to rest for about five days. Winter ones should sit for two weeks before processing. Sort the finished fruits, remove rotten and damaged ones. Be sure to remove the core with seeds, otherwise the wine will be bitter.

Important! Do not wash apples to avoid loss of natural yeast.

Grind the prepared fruits. It is better to do this using a juicer. If it is not available, twist through a meat grinder and grate. Place the resulting product in an enamel pan, cover with two-layer gauze, secure in a circle with an elastic band, leave in a warm place for three days, stirring the contents 2-3 times a day.

On the fourth day, remove the pulp from the surface, add water (preferably spring or well), half the sugar. Stir, pour into the bottle, leaving a space of 10 centimeters to the top of the neck. This space is necessary for the foam and carbon dioxide released during fermentation. Put on a rubber medical glove with your finger pierced by a needle. Leave to ferment.

On the fifth day, drain a glass of wort, dissolve two glasses of sugar in it, pour it back into the bottle, put on a glove, and leave to ferment. We carry out the procedure using a rubber tube, which will prevent agitation of the sediment. After 4 days, repeat everything with the remaining sugar. Fermentation continues. Its completion is indicated by a deflated glove.

Advice! If after a month and a half the fermentation has not stopped, pour the wine from the sediment into a clean jar or bottle, put on a glove, and after a few days the fermentation will stop.

Pour the finished wine into clean jars, close, and leave to settle. Two or three times a month, drain the apple wine from the sediment. Pour the fully clarified wine into bottles and store it, drinking as needed.

You have learned the recipe for excellent table wine. To get fortified wine, you need to increase the amount of sugar or add half a liter of vodka. Put on a glove and leave for further fermentation for 10 days. Then send it for ripening. This wine is stored better, but the taste deteriorates and the aroma is reduced.

There are different ways to make wine. I want to offer a simple recipe for apple wine without pressing the juice, prepared at home.

Homemade apple wine without juicing

We will need:

  • 20 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

We take ripe apples and sort them. We cut out the rotten areas, remove the tails; very dirty fruits can be wiped with a dry paper towel.

Important! There is no need to wash apples; their skin contains natural yeast.

Remove the core and cut the fruit into slices. We need to get puree, so we pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting pulp into a large enamel pan and cover with a lid. Stir the drink several times a day, preferably with a wooden spoon. For three days.

During these days, the pulp will form a cap over the juice; it must be removed on the third day. Now we will gradually add sugar at the rate of 300 grams per 1 liter of juice. Immediately add 100 grams of sugar to the resulting wort and mix well.

After five days, add 0.5 cups of sugar and pour the wort into a bottle.

We make a small hole in the nylon cover and insert the tube into it. We close the bottle with the wort with such a lid. The end of the tube must be lowered into a jar of water. This is how the fermentation process will occur. After five days, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, add the last 2 tablespoons after another five days. The wine will ferment for a month, maybe two.

Important! The drink should be kept warm at 22-25 degrees. If there is a temperature change, the wine will stop fermenting and will be spoiled.

If sediment appears after a month, it means the wine can be poured into three liter jars. Pour the wine carefully so that it does not mix with the sediment. Cover the resulting drink with a nylon lid and place it in a cool place. The wine must mature for four months. If sediment appears during this time, pour the wine again into another bottle.

The wine is very tasty, amber in color, with pleasant smell apples In small quantities it is even useful. During production it is not subjected to heat treatment, thus retaining a lot of vitamins.

To make the recipe more clear, you can watch a video on how to make wine from apples at home simply and without any hassle.

I would also like to tell you about one recipe for apple wine, which can be prepared at home without using yeast. We will replace them with raisins.

Apple wine with raisins

For this recipe we will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples of different varieties;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of raisins of different varieties for sourdough.

We use several varieties of apples to ensure that the wine has a richer taste and an unusually pleasant aroma.

Usually, when making wine, apples are not washed, but since we will add raisins, they will play the role of natural yeast. Cut the washed apples into four parts, remove the seeds, and grind in a meat grinder. Add a kilogram of sugar and unwashed raisins to the resulting puree, mix everything well.

To be sure of the quality of the raisins, we will take a small amount of this berry and make a starter. Pour one tablespoon of raisins (unwashed) into 0.5 cups of warm water, add one tablespoon of sugar. Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for three days.

Reference! It is better to take several varieties of raisins and make a starter from each variety. After three days, determine which raisins fermented better and use those to make wine.

Transfer the applesauce and raisins into a glass container. We put a medical glove on the neck, having first pierced it with a needle.

After about a month, pour the wine into a clean jar and discard the sediment. Taste for sweetness; if the wine is too sour for you, add sugar. We close the jar tightly with a lid, lower it into the basement or place it in a cool, dark place. The wine will be ready in five months. We filter the matured wine using gauze and bottle it. The wine is ready to drink.

On a note! If you like fortified wine, you can add 150 grams of vodka to it before storing. But the taste will be harsher.

Now you know that from apples you can make not only juice, jam, jam, but also make excellent wine.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

In our garden there are several apple trees of different ripening periods. One of the apple preparations is juice. After the juicer, apple pulp remains, and we decided to make wine from it. The result was a good, amber-colored, aromatic, light apple wine. I'll tell you how to do it step by step.

Manufacturing homemade wine starts with raw materials. Ripe apples are best. Do not wash fruits before processing. You can wipe it with a dry cloth. Remove damaged, rotten areas.

Important! Be sure to clean out the core. The dishes used for preparing wine must be doused with boiling water. The cake must be used immediately to avoid molding and souring of the wine material.

Let's look at how to place wine:

  1. We take a suitable container (glass, enamel), fill it two-thirds of the volume with the remaining raw materials from the juicer.
  2. Pour half a glass of sugar for each kilogram of cake, pour in unboiled cold water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. During fermentation, foam forms, so the contents of the container should not reach 10 centimeters from the top of the neck.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze in several layers, leave for 4 days to ferment in room conditions. Stir a couple of times a day.
  5. If the wort is in a saucepan or tank, pour it into bottles, install a water seal, or use a rubber glove. Place in a dark place for 10 days, shaking daily. Then strain through a fine sieve.
  6. For ten liters add half a kilo of sugar.
  7. Place for fermentation with a glove or water seal. The total fermentation time takes about one and a half months.
  8. We drain the young wine from the sediment and send it to the cellar to settle for at least three months, ideally half a year.
  9. Three times a month we pour the wine, freeing it from sediment. After the formation of sediment stops, the wine is ready to drink.

I'll tell you the simplest recipe for making apple wine. To make it you will need sliced ​​dried apples. I’m sharing the secret of how to make wine without sugar.

It is better if the apples are autumn varieties with a sweet and sour taste. Leave the harvested crop to rest for a week or two. Then remove damaged, rotten ones and chop them. This will be the raw material for making wine. You can use the pulp after the juicer.

Place a layer of dried apples on the bottom of the barrel. They contain fresh crushed or cake. Fill completely with cold boiled water. Close the container tightly and put it in the basement for a month. Finished product pour into a jar or bottles. The wine turns out sour due to the lack of sugar. If desired, you can sweeten before use.

Advice! The pulp remaining in the barrel can be filled with water a couple more times to repeat the process. The resulting wines can be mixed or consumed separately.

You can always go to the store and buy a bottle of wine for the holiday. But homemade wine, made with your own hands, is still better. You know that there is nothing superfluous, there are no impurities in it. You have learned simple recipes on how to make wine from apples and grapes at home. All that remains is to use them.

Making apple wine at home is quite easy. There are several recipes for homemade apple wine, this pleasant drink reminiscent of summer.


Imagine: there is a blizzard outside your window, frost draws icy patterns on the glass, and you smell of apples. Homemade cider will brighten up your long winter evenings.

Apple juice in a glass

However, you can drink homemade apple wine not only in winter. The main thing is to choose a recipe you like.

IN good year the number of apples in the garden often exceeds the capacity to process them into jam or jam. You can make juice or compote. But apple wine is easier to store than juice. And it will allow you not to lose a bountiful harvest.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


The taste of the future wine depends on the type of apple. If you want the wine not to be sour, you need to choose late varieties, and collect already ripe apples. Some gardeners, on the contrary, prefer sour apple varieties. You can, of course, mix varieties different proportions, achieving the desired taste.

Unwashed fruits are used to prepare the drink. In extreme cases, you can wipe them with a damp towel. Natural yeast found on the skin will be needed for the fermentation process.

Apple pieces without seeds

Apples must be peeled from seeds, internal scales and tails. Then you need to cook applesauce. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or juicer. Leave the puree in an open container for a day, stirring from time to time. Top part The puree will turn into a thick crust that needs to be peeled off. After this, the puree should be left again for a day.

Then you need to squeeze out the soft part of the puree, add 150 g of water for every 1 liter, as well as 250 g of granulated sugar to the resulting juice. With these proportions you will get dry wine. If you want the wine to be stronger and sweeter, the amount of sugar should be increased to 300-400 g per 1 liter. You need to stir the juice thoroughly so that the sugar melts, and then pour it into glass bottle. The cork must have a hole for the release of carbon dioxide, and it is necessary to provide for the release of the gas through the water, since when fermenting juice comes into contact with air, the result will not be wine, but apple cider vinegar.

The bottle should be stored at room temperature in the dark for about a month and a half. When carbon dioxide ceases to be released, this will mean that the wine is ready. If you cover the bottle with a glove, it will stop “voicing” and fall off.

Now comes the most difficult and responsible operation: the wine must be poured into another container to get rid of sediment. This can be done using a hose by placing a second vessel below the one containing the wine. Everything, in principle, you can drink wine. But if you let it sit for a couple more months, and then pour it back into a clean container without sediment, its taste will improve significantly.

Apple juice in cans

The wine this recipe suggests is true cider. This ancient drink comes from France. True, when preparing classic cider, water is not used; it is obtained by fermenting pure apple juice. Cider is very popular not only in France, but also in Spain, Germany and the USA.

In our country, cider appeared in late XIX centuries and immediately on the imperial table. Classic cider has golden color, for its manufacture they connect different varieties apples, of which no more than 1/4 should be sour. The cider ferments in oak barrels, but the result will be good in our glass jar. The taste of wine is very dependent on the varieties of apples, so you can experiment by making wine from different varieties.


You can also try a recipe that does not require added sugar. Then the wine will turn out to be no stronger than 7°, but it will quench your thirst well, especially if you drink it chilled.

To prepare cider using classical technology, you need to squeeze out the apple juice and leave it to settle in the dark at room temperature for a day. Then you should carefully pour the juice into a jar in which it will ferment. The main thing is not to disturb the sediment. Seal the jar hermetically with a medical glove and leave for a month in a dark place at room temperature. After a month, pour the fermented juice into a clean jar again and close tightly. Now it should be left in a cool room with a temperature of 10-12°C, but still in the dark, for 3-4 months. After time, the drink must be filtered and bottled.

Apple cider with cinnamon

Making fruit wines at home is almost the same old tradition how to plant gardens. Delicious cherry, raspberry, blackberry, and grape wines, made with your own hands from your own fruits, are prepared in many families, and recipes are passed down from generation to generation. And of course, homemade apple wine takes pride of place among them. Apple is a very common fruit and has many varieties. Homemade apple wine also has a number of beneficial properties. It contains a lot of iodine and pectin, removes salts from the body and regulates the digestion process.

In addition to cider, there are other varieties of homemade apple wines.


Select 5 kg of good ones ripe apples without wormholes or bruises, wash them, remove the stems and cores and grind through a meat grinder. To the resulting puree you need to add 1 kg of granulated sugar and 50 g of well-washed, dried raisins from green grapes. If necessary, if the apples are not juicy enough, you can add 500 ml of water to the puree. The jar with the mixture should be kept at room temperature, covered with a medical glove, for 3 weeks.

Then the fermented juice must be drained by filtering through 3-4 layers of gauze. Place the remaining grounds on a thick cotton cloth and squeeze out. Add the resulting liquid to the fermented juice, add another half a glass of granulated sugar and close the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in a dark place for a week to ripen. After this, pour 75 ml of vodka into the wine, stir well and bottle the drink.

Apples and a bottle of wine

IN different countries Drinking cider is customary in different ways. In England, the recipe is the same, but it is drunk with ice, poured into tall glasses. In France they drink it like champagne. But not everywhere. At home, in Normandy, ceramic bowls are used for cider.

The Spaniards believe that it should be poured from a height of 60-100 cm in a thin stream. Then the drink is saturated with oxygen and foams, revealing shades of apple flavor.

You can make stronger wine from apples. Here is a simple and quick recipe.

You need to take 2 kg of ripe sweet apples without defects, wash them, peel them and put them through a juicer. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. l. yeast. As in previous cases, let the mixture ferment. When carbon dioxide ceases to be released, the wine must be filtered and bottled. The sweeter the apples were, the stronger the wine. It cannot be stored for a long time, so you will have to drink it without delay.

Sugar in wine can be replaced with honey, and instead of store-bought yeast, use homemade wine yeast.

To obtain such yeast, you can use raisins. 200 g of raisins should be poured with boiled water and left for four days. After this time, the starter can be used.

A good starter can also be made from ripe raspberries. 2 tbsp. unwashed berries should be mashed with 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, pour 1 tbsp. water. Leave the starter at room temperature for 3-4 days and use it within a week. Then it will deteriorate and will be unusable.

You can also make apple champagne from apples. Maybe someone will like this recipe. For 7 liters of water take 2.4 liters of juice and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, as well as 0.75 liters of vodka.

To prepare champagne you will need a deep container. You need to pour the juice into it, mix the water with sugar and cook the syrup. Cook it over low heat for an hour. Then the syrup needs to be cooled and poured warm into a container with juice. Leave the resulting mixture in a cool place for a week. Then add vodka to the container, carefully seal it and put it in a cool place, for example in a cellar, for 3-4 months. You will certainly appreciate the light, slightly sweet taste of fragrant champagne.

When the apples are ripe, have no doubt - you will succeed! Choose a recipe to suit your taste and get to work. Something different will suit every home, every family. It is not customary to drink cider to the bottom. You have to leave a little bit because sediment collects at the bottom. Probably this rule can be extended to other apple wines.

And a little about secrets...

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In a good year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh, aromatic apple wine! This juicy and tasty fruit is good in any form.

Apple jams, preserves, and confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. A variety of compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples have been prepared for several years in advance. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps The best way process valuable vitamin raw materials - make homemade wine from apples. The simplest recipe for wine from apple juice will use the entire ripe harvest and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and healthy fruits to go to waste.

When prepared for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink reveals new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic drink. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripened fruits late varieties, which contain the most sugar. Otherwise, fruits with a pronounced sour taste should predominate. But the most optimal thing is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Making an alcoholic fruit drink cannot be rushed; it requires a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, let's start preparing the future king of parties.

— we take unwashed apples in any quantity. The fruits should not be washed because they contain natural yeast on their surface. If you use fruits collected from the ground for the drink, then wiping them with a damp cloth is enough. The apple core and seeds must be removed.
- chop fruits using any in an accessible way– using a food processor, blender, grater, through a meat grinder.
— leave the resulting applesauce at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- stir every hour.
— remove the thick thick crust from the top of the apple mass and leave it again for a day.
- we repeat the operation.
— squeeze out the remaining softer fraction of the puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in the proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- Stir the liquid vigorously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into glass, enamel or plastic container With
— Place the bottle of wine in a dark place at room temperature.
— the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, its completion is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it sit for about another week.
- after the specified period, the young apple wine is removed from the sediment.
— place the bottle with the drink on the table, and place another dry and clean container under it.
- using a hose, carefully, without stirring the sediment, pour the homemade product into a new container.

Your very own apple wine is ready! But it would still be better to let the drink brew and ripen, having previously clarified it. To do this, it is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then we repeat the procedure for removing the sediment again.

If there are a lot of ripe fruits and the volume of production of homemade alcoholic beverage is also significant, care should be taken to ensure that the apple wine does not spoil. To do this, place a container of alcohol in a tank, jug or large pan of water and heat it to a temperature of 70 degrees. After this, it is slowly cooled and placed for further ripening.

Aromatic and light wine, produced at home, has a fascinating amber color and is distinguished by a wide variety of flavors, which depends on the type of fruit used. Delicate apple wine - a drink for any occasion and celebration!

The annual abundance of the most different apples— “manna from heaven” for winemakers. Collect and do! Despite the lengthy process, which seems very labor-intensive, preparing the “drink of the Gods” at home usually does not take extra effort and does not cause any difficulties. Especially if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Apple juice for wine must contain 20-25% sugar. If the fruit varieties are sweet, you may not need to add artificial sweetener. If they are sour, it is worth introducing 10-15% sugar into the base;
  • The winemaking process begins with the first fermentation: create it the necessary conditions. Ideal temperature regime for apple juice - 22-25C;
  • When the appearance of the fermented liquid begins to please the eye, follow the steps and carry out simple but very important manipulations in a timely manner;
  • In some cases simple technology Preparation of apple wine involves the use of wine yeast, honey, raisins or chokeberry. Therefore, it is worth studying step-by-step recipes with photos and videos in advance and very carefully;
  • The sequence of stages is as follows: first fermentation in jars with regular separation of pulp, adding sugar to the wort, fermentation under a water seal (30-45 days), completion or “quiet” fermentation, filtration and bottling;
  • It is better to store finished homemade apple wine in an upright position in a cool, dark and well-ventilated cellar;
  • The main principle of success in making apple wine is high-quality fruit and careful attitude to the undertaking. In such a process, all errors can be corrected. Except for the fatal ones, of course.

    Apple wine at home: technology and recipe with photos

    To prepare apple wine at home according to our recipe with photo, it is better to collect the fruits from the tree. Everything that lies underneath is only worthy of jam or marmalade. Of course, there is always a temptation to use carrion in winemaking, but this step is fraught with potential risks for cider. For example: unripe fruits that fall prematurely will ruin the entire cooking technology, and foreign microorganisms on the carrion will most likely cause excessive souring or foreign tastes and odors.

    Necessary ingredients for making apple wine at home according to a recipe with photos

    • any apples - 5 kg
    • egg white - 1 pc.

    Step-by-step preparation of apple wine at home using a recipe with photos

  • The process of preparing homemade apple wine begins different ways. You can simply squeeze the juice out of the fruit and wait for fermentation. Of course, it will ferment, but you will have to wait a long time. You can also chop the apples to speed up the process. But first, sort out all the rotten and wormy fruits.
  • You should not wash apples before crushing; it is also not recommended to remove stems, cores, and seeds. Just chop the fruit into medium pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Transfer the resulting apple pulp into a steel or glassware suitable size and leave at 18-22C under a tightly (but not tightly) covered lid. Over the course of a week, stir the floating cap of pulp into the juice every hour to avoid souring. And on the last day, strain the liquid and squeeze out the soft mass.
  • Proceed with the squeezed pulp according to the “curd” traditions - hang it in a gauze bag over a wide bowl. This way it will be possible to remove literally all the remaining juice from the cake. It will drain by itself within one day.
  • Pour all the resulting juice into a large bottle with a water seal. Do not be afraid of the remaining pulp, in ready-made version there won't be any.
  • On a note! Never use a rubber glove as a water seal; it does not allow the future apple wine to fully “breathe.”

  • The first week after pouring into the bottle, the juice will be active: it foams, throws pieces of pulp onto the surface and gurgles with gases from the water seal. To further stimulate the process, pour the liquid from the jar into a clean container and back every two to three days. This kind of ventilation will benefit the drink.
  • On next stage observe the “life” of the cider under the water seal. The activity stage will gradually turn into moderate, and then into quiet. A cloudy sediment will begin to form at the bottom of the jar. Until this moment, approximately 2 weeks will pass from the very beginning of preparing apple wine at home using technology and a recipe with a photo.
  • It's time to do the first filtration. To do this, decant the liquid with a thin silicone hose into a new container without touching the sediment layer. The latter is generally worth throwing out. Carry out such filtration once every 2-3 weeks. Throughout this period, the young wine will continue to bubble and separate sediment. But you can already taste it. And even necessary!
  • If the wine still does not become completely clear after several filtrations, use the good old method with egg white. Beat one white, perfectly separated from the yolk, with a small amount of clean water and dissolve in a ladle of wine. Add the mixture to a bottle of wine and leave it under a seal for 2 weeks.
  • After the agreed 14-16 days, a supernatural miracle will not happen. But the protein is deposited at the bottom of the vessel, carrying impurities with it. Filter the drink one last time, pour into glass bottles, cap tightly and leave upright in a dark and cool place. Before winter, apple wine will finally “clean up.” If it doesn't end sooner.
  • Homemade honey wine from apples - a simple step-by-step recipe

    To make delicious honey wine from apples at home using our step-by-step recipe, any variety of fruit or combination of them will do. But the sweeter the selected fruits are, the faster and better the fermentation process will take place. You should not use apples from the store, since the specific processing of fruit in supermarkets will not add nobleness to the finished drink. The same goes for packaged juices - you can’t make wine from this mash.

    Necessary ingredients for homemade honey apple wine

    • homemade apples – 10 kg
    • wine yeast - 1 tbsp.
    • raisins – 200 g
    • sugar - 500 g
    • honey - 400 g

    Step-by-step preparation of apple wine with honey according to a simple recipe

  • Pick all the ripe apples, collect whole fruits that have fallen from the tree. Make sure there are no rotten, lethargic or wormy specimens in your harvest.
  • On a note! Apples for wine can be collected from different trees in the garden, mixing varieties. This will make the taste of the drink even more interesting.

  • Wash all fruits thoroughly in several waters, cut off the tails. Chop the pulp into pieces of any size. The finer the apples are cut, the easier and faster you can squeeze the juice.
  • In response to the traditional practice of trampling ripe berries underfoot during cooking. grape wine, we offer you an unusual version of chopping apple mass. Place the pieces of fruit in a barrel or bucket and mash them thoroughly into a thick wooden block or any other device available on the farm.
  • The mass will not be homogeneous, but the juice will be released in sufficient quantities. Line a separate bucket with holes in the bottom or sides with a soft cotton bag. Place the apple pulp inside and secure the weight on top. Make sure there is a juice tray under the barrel.
  • Under the force of oppression, the cake will be pressed and push the juice through the holes in the barrel. This old way getting fruit juice especially convenient in the private sector.
  • In tighter conditions, it is easier to use a regular kitchen chopper, a modern food processor, a meat grinder and a juicer. Or this specific chopping device from the arsenal of avid winemakers.
  • Squeeze all the juice out of the existing pulp. Throw away the cake, it is unlikely to be useful again. Collect all batches of juice in one large bottle, this will make it easier to monitor fermentation and carry out the subsequent stages of making homemade wine.
  • Dissolve wine yeast in warm water and mix with prepared apple juice. Add honey there and leave the liquid in glass containers for fermentation under a water seal. Pour water over the raisins and leave at room conditions for 3 days.
  • After 3 days, add raisin water to the “playing” juice, after 7 days - sugar. Store the wine at 18-20C for at least 1.5 months. Pour the liquid from container to container from hour to hour so that the drink is supplied with oxygen.
  • After 50-55 days, remove the wine from the lees and leave to ripen at home. In just a few months, the drink will be available for guests to sample. Or pour it over glass bottles and hide it in the cellar. Honey wine made from apples at home using a simple step-by-step recipe can be stored in the dark and cool for several years.
  • Wine from homemade apples with wine yeast: preparation technology

    The correct technology for preparing apple wine with wine yeast requires mandatory grinding of the fruit. To do this, choose one of the existing methods:

    • chopping apples with wide pestles in a large bowl;
    • twisting in a meat grinder;
    • grating;
    • use of a mechanical hand press;
    • using a juicer.

    The last option is not the best for making homemade wine, but it still has its place. This will be discussed in our next recipe.

    Necessary ingredients for making homemade apple won with wine yeast

    • apple juice without preservatives – 23 l
    • sachet of wine yeast - 10 g
    • filtered drinking water 23C - 100 ml

    Step-by-step preparation of apple wine with wine yeast using simple technology for home use

  • Prepare 23 liters of homemade apple juice without additives. A factory-made drink can only be used if it is 100% natural, without any preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc.
  • Also make sure you have a high-quality, clean water seal and required quantity wine yeast.
  • One packet of dry wine yeast is designed for the volume of apple juice specified in the homemade wine recipe.
  • In a small bowl, mix the powder with 100 ml of warm water (23C - 25C). Beat the liquid until completely dissolved.
  • Pour the apple juice into one huge bottle or several slightly smaller bottles. Add yeast to juice.
  • On a note! The difference in temperature between the juice and the yeast mixture should not exceed 10C. Otherwise, the fermentation process may go too slowly or vice versa.

  • Gently shake the container, cover the potential wine with a water seal and leave it in the cellar or basement for several weeks. Shake the bottles every hour and keep an eye on the water in the water seal.
  • Once the quiet stage of fermentation has begun, remove the wine from the cellar and carefully remove from the sediment. Use a thin silicone tube for this, but do not touch the cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle.
  • Repeat the filtration process several times at intervals of 2-3 weeks. There will, of course, be less liquid, but its quality will improve significantly. Now the drink is ready to drink.
  • In order for wine made from homemade apples with wine yeast to become sparkling like real cider using a simple preparation technology, it is necessary to carry out the carbonization process. But novice winemakers should not rush into such experiments.
  • How to make light and quick wine from three varieties of apples at home - the simplest recipe

    Ideal vessel for cooking at home lung conditions wines from three varieties of apples in the simplest and quick recipeOak barrel. Not a single virtuoso winemaker can argue with this fact. But ordinary “wine” experimenters do not always manage to get such a vessel. Therefore, the choice in most cases falls on barrels made of other types of wood, glass jars and bottles, enamel dishes (which is the worst), etc. In any case, the main thing is that the container is strong, fresh and clean.

    Ingredients needed for a quick and easy homemade apple wine recipe

    • sweet apples – 2 kg
    • sour apples - 1.5 kg
    • bitter or sweet and sour apples - 1.5 kg
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.

    Step-by-step preparation of wine from three varieties of apples using a simple, quick recipe

  • First, rinse the apples. Do not wash the fruit too thoroughly, otherwise it will not ferment.
  • Cut each fruit into 2-4 parts, depending on size. The pieces should easily fit into the neck of the juicer.
  • On a note! Despite the fact that during the winemaking process it is better to extract juice from fruits mechanically, under conditions apartment kitchen You can use modern electrical appliances. Not the best, but still an alternative!

  • Pass the apple slices through a juicer. Make sure that the stems do not get into the device.
  • Leave the resulting slurry for 4-6 hours kitchen table without overfilling the juicer container.
  • Using several layers of gauze, separate the juice from the pulp. Squeeze the bag of raw materials tightly to remove maximum amount liquids.
  • Pour the resulting juice into a clean glass jar of suitable capacity, add sugar. There may be more or less liquid depending on the juiciness of the apples and the quality of the pulp.
  • Seal the jar with a primitive water seal.
  • If you are using homemade device from a plastic cap and a dropper tube, do not forget to lower the other end of the tube into clean water. This way, bacteria will not penetrate the liquid and will not allow the drink to sour faster and earlier than expected.
  • Place the potential drink in a cool, dark place for several weeks. The fermentation process will go on by itself, and small bubbles will come out through the thin tube hour after hour. When there are no bubbles left in the jar and the water seal stops showing “signs of life,” then the yeast has finished its work.
  • Remove the cider from the sediment, pour into glass jars and seal tightly until winter. Knowing how to make light and quick wine from three varieties of apples at home using the simplest recipe, you can treat all your guests to an amazing sparkling drink during the New Year holidays.
  • Sweet apple wine with chokeberries: recipe with video

    The process of making sweet apple wine at home is fun and exciting. But it’s even more interesting and exciting to mix different fruits and berries to get a new type of wine. After all, each individual combination brings its own bouquet of flavors and aromas to the “divine” sparkling drink. Thus, apples are often combined with pears, raisins, grapes, and cranberries. Even with chokeberry, sweet apple wine plays with completely new colors. See for yourself!

    Learn how to make sweet wine from apples with chokeberries in the recipe with video:

    The best way to get tasty and high-quality wine from apples in the quantity you need is to make it yourself with wine yeast or chokeberry at home. The technology for its preparation is quite simple, and the best step-by-step recipes with photos and videos can always be found in our selection.

    Post Views: 67

    Surplus apple harvests are often used for cooking. This is especially practical in areas where it does not grow sufficient quantity grapes Not all varieties of apples can be stored for a long time. Then the recipe for a very healthy drink with a strength of up to 12 degrees will come in handy. Making homemade wine from apples is quite simple - any varieties of fruits that have reached maturity are suitable.

    Making homemade wine from apples is not only practical, but also healthy. Popular fruit processed into drink:

    • helps with fatigue;
    • relieves tension;
    • relaxes muscles;
    • improves digestion;
    • stabilizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
    • normalizes blood pressure;
    • used for cosmetic procedures, improving the condition of hair and skin;
    • favorable for the hormonal background of women;
    • burns fat, improves metabolism;
    • has an anti-carcinogenic effect on the body.

    This is interesting! During the wine making process, fruits are preserved beneficial features, vitamins A, B, C, minerals and trace elements.

    Moderate consumption of the drink is very beneficial for health.

    Types of apple wine

    According to your preferences, you can make wine from apples in the following varieties:

    • low alcohol cider;
    • dining room;
    • dry (low sugar content);
    • semi-sweet;
    • sweet;
    • fortified (with the addition of alcohol or strong alcohol).

    Original recipes are obtained with the addition of spices, berries, and fruits.

    How to make apple wine?

    When preparing apple wine at home, you can mix varieties. The end result is an amber-colored drink with a significant shelf life (up to 3 years) under the following conditions:

    • cool temperatures;
    • lack of light;
    • tightness.

    Apple wine at home is prepared from the following ingredients. Compound:

    • 20 kg apples;
    • from 150 to 400 g of sugar per liter.

    How to make apple wine? The fruit is turned into juice, which best quality then it is not diluted.


    Homemade apple wine is prepared according to the following steps:

    1. Using fruits from the garden, they do not wash to preserve natural yeast on the peel. Remove damaged areas and remove the core.

    2. Get juice juicer or grate the fruits and then squeeze them out.

    3. Juice or liquid with pulp keep for 3 days c, covering the top with gauze. The contents will be divided into pulp (remnants of pulp) located on the surface and juice. In the first two days you need all this mix for the penetration of yeast into the future drink. On the third day, the pulp is removed from the surface, leaving only the juice.

    4. Add sugar to the fermented contents, the less, the sweeter the fruits used. At first it is a small portion (up to 150 grams/l). When the sugar content is more than 20%, it worsens until it stops. Therefore, granulated sugar is added in parts. The quantity depends on the type of final product:

    • dry wine requires from 150 to 200 grams per liter;
    • sweet and dessert - from 300 to 400 grams/l.

    The second portion of sugar (up to 100 grams) is added after 5 days, for which the installed water seal is removed from the container. Part of the liquid is poured (2 times less than the portion of sugar), mixed with sand, poured back, and set again. After 5 days, you can add up to 80 grams/l.

    5. Further preparation of apple wine - fermentation in a hermetically sealed container. Contact of wort with air produces vinegar, but not wine. A water seal with a carbon dioxide removal tube placed in the glass will help prevent this.

    Or a rubber glove with a puncture is put on the throat. The container should be 4/5 filled with wort to leave room for gas and foam, and kept in the dark at a temperature of about 22 degrees C (18 to 25). The process lasts from 1 to 2 months and ends with the absence of bubbles in the glass. In this case, sediment appears at the bottom.

    Important! When fermenting for more than 55 days, you need to pour the wine, separate it from the sediment and leave it again under a water seal, otherwise the taste will become bitter.

    6. Maturation or aging will improve the quality of the drink. The wine must be poured through the water seal tube into a clean glass container without sediment. You can once again add sugar or alcohol 40%, vodka in a ratio of 2 to 15% of the total volume. Fortified wine stores better, although it changes the taste. The container should be filled to the very top and sealed tightly. If sugar is added, it is preferable to keep the wine for another 7 days under a water seal for re-fermentation.

    7. Wine storage produced from 2 months to 120 days in a dark place at 6 - 16 degrees C. At first, every 15 days you need to pour the drink into another container, getting rid of sediment. Then filtration is required less and less. When sediment stops appearing, the wine is considered ready; it is bottled, sealed tightly.

    These are the basic steps of the instructions: how to make wine from apple juice - a simple recipe.

    Original recipes at home

    Based on the described method, you can make other apple wines, including additives. These are spices, citrus, raisins, alcohol, everything that makes the product unique. A recipe for apple wine can differ in strength, aroma and flavor bouquet. Supplements and different quantity sugar makes the recipe original.

    Juice wine with raisins

    Homemade apple juice wine is made from fresh garden fruits, just squeezed in a juicer. For better fermentation without yeast, add raisin. Components needed:

    • 5 liters of juice;
    • 1 kg sugar;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • water for fermenting raisins.

    First we make the starter by chopping the raisins and pouring them warm water. After 3 days of fermentation, squeeze the juice out of the apples, mix it with sugar, add raisin starter. We keep the wort for 5 days, then the mixture ferments under the seal for another 2 weeks. Next, drain the drink from the sediment and distribute it into bottles, letting the wine ripen in a cool place.

    With spices

    Homemade apple wine turns out delicious if you add aromatic spices to it. Ingredients to try:

    • 2 kg apples;
    • 0.5 kg sugar;
    • 2 liters of water;
    • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
    • a little vanilla (or a pinch of vanillin).

    Prepare according to the following steps:

    1. Cut the fruit into pieces, add water in a saucepan and add vanilla and cinnamon.
    2. After softening the fruits, rub them through a sieve.
    3. Place the puree in a fermentation bottle.
    4. At the end of the process, we free the liquid from sediment.
    5. When fermentation is completely over, add sugar, removing the sediment again.
    6. Store in a cool, dark place. Orange juice or lemon zest can be successfully added to this wine.

    Cinnamon Recipe

    Making spiced apple wine uses cinnamon, a popular additive loved by many. Required:

    • 4 kg apple slices;
    • 4 liters of water;
    • 40 grams of ground cinnamon;
    • 1 kg sugar.

    The raw materials need to be boiled with cinnamon and water in a basin over medium heat. After softening the slices, rub them through a sieve and keep them in an enamel pan for 3 days at a temperature of about 22 degrees, covered with a cloth. Further actions the following:

    1. After the pulp has risen, stir it once every 12 hours.
    2. After 3 days, the pulp is removed, except for a thin layer. Sugar is added to the wort and everything is poured into a glass fermentation container, covered with a seal.
    3. The wine ferments for 7 days. The container is rotated to mix, and then the seal is replaced with a lid and left for another week.
    4. The liquid is drained from the sediment and placed in bottles.

    Now you can store the drink, it is ready to drink.


    Making low-alcohol wine from apples, called cider, is simple.

    Light drink requires ingredients:

    • 6 kg apples;
    • water - 2 times more (12 liters);
    • 3.5 kg of sugar.

    The cooking recipe is as follows:

    1. Chop and place fruit in a pan, place a press on top (lid with a stone).
    2. Prepare syrup from 1/2 sugar and 1/2 water and pour over apples. Keep the container cool for 40 days.
    3. Pour the liquid into another bowl, cook and add the remaining syrup, keep the same amount.
    4. We store the cider for 6 months in the dark, then remove the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 1 month.

    The strength will not exceed 7 degrees.


    Making fortified homemade wine from apples requires:

    • 3 kg of sweet and 3 kg of sour apples;
    • 2 kg sugar;
    • up to 7 liters of water;
    • 1 liter .
    1. Squeeze the juice from the apples and place it in a large container.
    2. Cook the syrup from water and sugar for 1 hour, cool to 35 degrees, add it to the juice.
    3. Close the container tightly and keep it cool for 8 days.
    4. Add vodka and keep it cool for 3 months.
    5. Remove sediment and bottle for storage.

    From dried apples

    Wine made from dried apples at home uses aromatic raw materials that enrich the taste of the drink. Compound:

    • 2 kg of dried raw materials;
    • 5 kg sugar;
    • 15 liters of water;
    • 30 grams of yeast.

    The preparation steps are as follows:

    1. Rinse dried fruits, put in a saucepan and add warm water, leaving for 3 hours.
    2. After draining the water, grind the raw materials in a meat grinder or blender.
    3. Add sugar, hot water.
    4. Let cool to 22 degrees C and add pre-diluted yeast.
    5. Place a water seal on the container and leave it in a warm place to ferment for 2 weeks.
    6. Drain off the sediment and pour, sealing.

    After 3 days you can try. The wine is ready.

    Making wine from apples following the recipe is not that difficult. At the same time, its safe preservation includes a cool temperature regime, a horizontal arrangement of sealed bottles, which are not exposed to sunlight. Vibrations also need to be eliminated.

    Important! Under such conditions, the taste of the drink may even improve.