Dynamic meditation Osho pros and cons. Specifics of performing Osho dynamic meditation. Osho Dynamic Meditation Possibilities

I have often been asked what meditation is, whether it is necessary to sit in the lotus position, and what it is - the lotus position, whether it is necessary to hold the fingers in the mudra (and, in the end, what is “mudra”). For many years I answered this question with many different ways. “Meditation is being in the moment.” “If you wash your cup, wash your cup, that’s meditation.” "Watch your thoughts." "Watch your breath." Then Osho and his Dynamic Meditation appeared in my life, after which the understanding of meditation not only expanded, but acquired many facets and dimensions.

I’ll admit right away that I categorically resisted Osho’s Dynamic Meditation. After the first time, I tried to decide which of the five stages upsets me more - the one where you have to breathe chaotically, or the one where you have to freeze with your arms extended to the sky. Then I decided that all meditation was not for me, and Osho slightly miscalculated me somewhere. I wasn’t the only one who thought so, and I shared my “discovery” with others, trying to find like-minded people. Then the inner rebel said: stop complaining, try again. I tried it. The second time, the frustration did not decrease, but more energy appeared. The third time I started crying at the stage where I had to scream and jump. And so on - strange things happened every time.

The story could end with a complete rejection of this wonderful technique, which Osho created in combination with Sufi and other techniques, while relying on knowledge of physiology, anatomy, and science. But my story with Dynamics is just beginning and I want everyone to get involved in it. Because this is the very case when technology works without exception. Well, there are simply no exceptions. You just need to not give up what you started and move forward through “I don’t want” and “Oh God, why do I need this torture.” You must Fedya, you must.

So, why is it necessary?

1. Forget that meditation is only “sitting”. Dynamic meditation was created by Osho specifically for a Western person who cannot sit still and who needs to throw out everything that is in him and accumulates over the years.

2. Having read a huge volume on Dynamic Meditation, where sannyasins asked Osho questions on the topic, and he patiently answered, I can say with confidence that each of the 5 stages is as important as the correct execution. No amateur performances if you want the effect that Osho promises. What are the effects? At a minimum, liberation from blocks, anger, resentment, self-acceptance, love for yourself and your neighbor, and much more.

3. Dynamic Meditation – great way lose weight☺

4. It is enough to do it 21 days in a row and never do it again. The effect achieved during this time may be sufficient. BUT: you shouldn’t think about the result, you should focus solely on the process and become an observer of everything that happens to you.

5. A day started with Osho Dynamic Meditation passes with an energy boost. You are less irritable, more flexible, in tune with yourself and environment. The meditative state lasts throughout the day, or even longer, the internal antenna is tuned to the positive.


Osho's dynamic meditation consists of 5 stages, each of which lasts 15 minutes. You should do meditation early in the morning, on an empty stomach. I advise you to blow your nose very well first. The eyes are closed throughout the hour-long meditation.

The first stage consists of rapid, chaotic breathing through the nose. It is important to pay attention to the word “chaotic” here, because our human brain manages to make a pattern even out of chaos. As soon as you feel that you are breathing according to a certain rhythm, change it immediately. The second stage is self-expression in the form of a scream, dance, song, ballet steps, anything that will help throw out everything that has accumulated and stirred up with the help of the first stage. That is, do EVERYTHING, do not limit yourself in anything (I advise you to warn your neighbors in advance ☺). The third stage is based on the Sufi technique - in it we “hit” the sexual center and from this very center, shouting “Hu”, we jump up with outstretched arms into the sky, while always landing on a full foot. In the fourth stage, we freeze in the position in which we finished the third. And we stand. Let's not moan. We don’t give up, although we really want to. We just stand and turn into an observer who will whisper many different things to us, but we do not enter into dialogue with him, we just observe, as if this is not happening to us. The fifth stage is celebration, simply dancing, expressing gratitude and bliss through body movement.

Next time I’ll tell you about Osho Evening Meetings and the meditation techniques that are used there. And now, when the tip of the iceberg, if not conquered, is at least known, let’s move on to Dynamics together?)

Photo: static.wixstatic.com

Osho's most basic technique Every morning Open yourself up and live to the fullest

Every morning we tear off our energy reserves, literally taking them out of our rubble

Time spending every day - weekdays from 8:00 to 9:00;
weekends and holidays from 9:00 to 10:00;

Venue address: st. Taganskaya, 36 building 3, Tagansky sports and recreation center, 2nd floor. (metro Taganskaya (ring), or better yet Marxistskaya)

Every day for 60 minutes just forget about the world.

Let the world disappear from you, and you disappear from the world. Make a complete turn, a 180 degree turn, and just look inside. At first you will only see clouds. Don't worry about them, these clouds are created by your suppressions. You have gone through anger, hatred, greed and all kinds of black holes. You suppressed them - here they are. You hid them. That's why I insist on catharsis first.

Until you get through great catharsis, you will have to go through many clouds. But catharsis will help. If you are cleansing yourself, if you go through chaotic meditations, you throw all these clouds out, all this darkness out, and then the fullness of the mind comes more easily.

This is the reason why I emphasize chaotic meditations first, then silent ones, active meditations first, and then passive ones. You can come to passivity only when all this abomination is dropped. Anger is dropped, greed is dropped - layer by layer it is all contained there. But once you have dropped them, you can easily enter. Osho

When the dream is over, all nature comes alive, the night is gone, there is no more darkness, the sun has risen and everything has become conscious and alert. This is a meditation in which you have to be constantly alert, conscious and aware, whatever you do. Remain witnesses. Don't get lost. It's so easy to get lost. When you breathe, you can forget about it. You can become one with the breath so much that you can forget about the witness. But then you will lose this point.

Breathe as quickly and deeply as possible, put all your energy into it, but remain a witness. Watch everything that happens as if you are just a spectator, as if it is all happening to someone else, as if everything is happening in the body and the consciousness is just centered and watching. This witnessing must be carried through three stages. And when everything stops and, in the fourth stage, you are completely inactive and frozen, then this alertness will reach its peak.

Instructions for Dynamic Meditation + video

First stage. Breathing - 10 minutes

Breathe chaotically through your nose, concentrating on exhaling. The body will take care of the inhalation. Do this as quickly and completely as possible—and then even more fully, until you literally become the breath itself. Use your body's natural movements to help raise your energy. Feel how it rises, but do not give it free rein during the entire first stage.

Second stage. Catharsis - 10 minutes

Explode! Let everything that needs to spill out. Go completely crazy, scream, scream, jump, shake, dance, sing, laugh, “throw yourself out.” Don't hold anything in reserve, move your whole body. Taking some small action often helps get started. Never let your mind interfere with what is happening. Be total.

Third stage. Hu - 10 minutes

Jump with your arms raised and shout the mantra “Hoo! Hoo! Hu!” as deep as possible. Each time you land on your full foot, let the sound strike deeply into the sexual center. Let everything you have be completely exhausted.

Fourth stage. Meditation - 15 minutes


Freeze where you are and in the position you find yourself in at that moment. Do not manifest yourself in the body in any way. Coughing, moving, whatever, will dissipate the flow of energy and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that happens to you.

Fifth stage. Dance - 15 minutes

Celebrate and rejoice, with music and dance, expressing your gratitude for everything. Carry your happiness throughout the day.

  • Lasts one hour and goes in five stages;
  • It can be done alone, but the energy of dynamic meditation will be higher if done in a group;
  • This - individual experience, so you should not pay attention to your surroundings and keep your eyes closed, preferably with a blindfold. It is best to do this on an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Meditation takes place in a cozy hall on the territory of Tagansky Park

The hall is equipped with separate spacious changing rooms, each of which has three showers. In the showers, after the dynamics, you can experience real relaxation - after all, real “tropical” watering cans are installed there - you simply don’t want to leave there.

If you have never tried what a shower is - tropical rain- don't pass by! This is an unforgettable feeling :-)

What to wear and bring?

All meditations are carried out in light, comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement;
Using blindfolds will help your meditation (they are provided before the meditation or you can bring them with you).
We kindly ask you not to use perfume or strong-smelling products before meditation.(shampoos and soaps, creams with strong odors, deodorants, hair sprays and foams, etc.)
Be understanding!

After festive gatherings with copious amounts of alcohol, meditate for a day or two at home, experiencing the holiday hangover alone, and then you can go to the gym!

Dynamic meditation takes place daily:
on weekdays from 8.00 to 9.00; on weekends and holidays from 9.00 to 10.00;
If this is your first time, please arrive 10-15 minutes before the start.
If you are a member of the Friends of Osho club, come to the dynamics for free!

If you are 60 years old, take your passport with you and come to Dynamics for free!

Address: st. Taganskaya, 36 building 3, Tagansky sports and recreation center, 2nd floor. (Marksistskaya metro station, entrance to the park from the Quiet Dead End)

Our phones:

Charumati: 89250909096
Sadia: 89250909093
Tami: 89250909098
Videya: 89250909097

How to get to the hall from the Marksistskaya metro station (photo instructions):

The Marksistskaya metro station has one exit into the city, follow the sign and go up the escalator.
From glass doors- left, onto Taganskaya Street.

We rise from the underground passage (one exit) and go towards the Tagansky Passage, past the circular diagram of the area.
We walk straight for 6-7 minutes right side streets past Tagansky Passage, until the next traffic light, at which we turn right.
On the left are “Don kebab” and “Products”:

We walk 2-3 minutes to iron gate with the inscription "Tagansky Park". We go through the gate and immediately turn left. We see this door in front of us.
Let's go into it. Men's locker room on the 1st floor. The hall and women's locker room are on the 2nd floor.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; You don't need a reason to be happy. Osho.

Until you can say no, your yes will have no meaning. Osho

Everything that has been experienced can be overcome; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don’t get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

If you don’t know how to say “No,” your “Yes” is also worthless. Osho.

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until you experience it yourself, it is never true. Osho.

If you lie once, you will be forced to lie a thousand and one times to cover up the first lie. Osho.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, all that matters is whether you are a happy person or not? Osho.

No one should follow anyone, everyone should go into his own soul. Osho.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

A woman in love with you can inspire you to heights you never dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

The most inhumane act a person can commit is turning someone into a thing. Osho.

Dying for someone, for something, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the most difficult thing. Osho.

Just watch why you are creating a problem. The solution to a problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don’t create it! You don’t have any problems – it’s enough to understand only this.

Before you knock on the right door, man knocks on thousands of wrong doors. Osho.

Without you, this Universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a missing song, there will be a missing note, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. This is exactly what love is. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

I don't have any biography. And everything that is considered a biography is absolutely meaningless. When I was born, in what country I was born, it doesn’t matter. Osho.

The only person on earth whom we can change is ourselves, Osho.

People believe in the immortality of the soul not because they know it, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

The reasons are within ourselves, outside there are only excuses... Osho

Don't take life as a problem, it is a mystery of stunning beauty. Drink from it, it is pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

Falling is part of Life, rising to your feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people- unusual. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

The only criterion for life is bliss. If you don't feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction. Osho.

At this very moment you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as holy as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses within you. Osho.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar is heard in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life. Osho.

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself. Osho.

When you are sick, call the doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on him; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing you need to understand: a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

If you can wait forever, you don't have to wait at all. Osho.

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels how to give more. Osho.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift. Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is reflected completely. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

The modern world is based on endless movement. Constant bustle, traffic jams, offices and work. The result is poor health and constant depression, which affects our friends and loved ones. Served as my salvation osho meditation(also known as dynamic meditation).

The essence of the process is the dynamic movement of your body and actions. This practice has repeatedly aroused interest in the media and was studied by scientists, who in turn confirmed repeated cases medicinal properties meditation.

Osho meditation - practical side

When I came home from work, I locked myself in a room and turned on specially designed music for dynamic meditation. The very essence of the process is as follows: you can lie down on the bed, or sit comfortably in a chair. For the first ten minutes, breathe quickly through your nose. Try to turn off your internal dialogue, calm down and prepare for next stage. The second ten minutes are devoted to complete madness - “catharsis”. This term, implies the following - you begin to act by giving complete freedom your body and desires. This may include meaningless screams, jumping, running or laughing. You must completely discharge, express and cleanse yourself of stress, negativity and bad emotions that have accumulated in you during your stay in society. After, you need to get up and do several jumps for 4-8 minutes. When your foot hits flooring, you should scream the word “HU!” And so on every time your foot lands on the ground. Further, Osho meditation implies an absolutely peaceful state. You must stop completely, observing everything that is happening. By personal experience I will say, at this stage the feelings are simply incredible! You feel like you have been reborn, everything around you “floats”, you feel lightness and peace. Osho meditation ends at the final stage - celebration through dance. Personally, I just danced as I pleased. Based on the results that I received during intensive training for one month, I gave the practice the following name - meditation for success.

Meditation for success - result

It is important to understand that you should not expect a “miracle” to come after the first two or three lessons. As I said above, my experience in dynamic meditation gave the first results within one month of meditation. Specifically, my circulatory system has improved significantly (previously, the veins were bulging due to high pressure) my hands feel much better now. It’s a strange feature, but I began to ignore all the dissatisfaction of my superiors or other problems at work. Dynamic meditation completely eliminated my anxiety about upcoming difficulties, difficult life and similar problems modern man. It is very important to choose special music for meditation - enter “Deuter’s music” in the search engine - it was specifically written for these practices. As you understand, “meditation for success” does not require special knowledge or equipment. Hurry up and try it yourself!

One of the most powerful meditation techniques today is Osho's dynamic meditations. They belong to the Indian teacher Osho Rajneesh, the creator of the new sannyas system.

Purpose of dynamic meditation

Osho's dynamic meditations are aimed at cleansing the unconscious person of those limiters and suppressed emotions that are hidden in it. This garbage has been accumulating since childhood, and if it is not cleaned out periodically, it comes out in the form of one pathology or another, greatly interfering with life. Therefore, Osho meditations are very good way overcome all internal barriers and start living life to the fullest.

The duration of dynamic meditation is one hour and consists of five consecutive parts. In principle, these Osho meditations can be done at home on your own, but group practice gives a slightly stronger result.

But even if you meditate with someone, it is still only your own experience, so close your eyes and keep them closed throughout the practice so as not to be distracted by anyone. You can use a bandage specifically for this.

As for other conditions, it is advisable to meditate on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement for ease of practice.

Part One: Breathing

The first part of Osho's meditation lasts ten minutes. At this time, you need to breathe through your nose in a chaotic rhythm, concentrating on exhalation. The body will take care of inhalation itself. The air should penetrate as deeply into the lungs as possible. In this case, the breathing rate should be maximum. You need to breathe as quickly as you can, but without neglecting the depth of your breath. Use all your resources to help release energy. You can move if it helps you speed up or deepen your breathing. Finally, you should feel the energy rising within you. At this moment, it is very important to recognize it and bring it under control, not allowing it to come out ahead of time.

Part two: catharsis

The second part of Osho's meditation also lasts ten minutes. At this moment you must “explode” - throw out everything that is so eager to come out. Don't be afraid to seem crazy, don't limit yourself. Do absolutely whatever you want: sing, scream, stomp, dance, squeal, cry, burst into laughter, etc. This is Osho's meditation technique - talking to the body in the language of emotions. It is very important here to be streamlined, not to put internal barriers on yourself and not to constrain yourself. You just need to surrender to the flow of your energy, its flow and do everything that will naturally manifest itself. The most important thing is not to analyze! Critical activity of the mind at this moment is absolutely inappropriate.

Part three: hoo

The third stage, like the first two, lasts ten minutes. During it, you need to continuously jump, continuously shouting the syllable-mantra “Hu”. The hands should be raised up, and the sounds should be as deep as possible.

When jumping, you need to completely lower yourself onto your entire foot each time, while feeling how the sound penetrates the sexual center of the body. Here again, you need to use all the resources of body and soul, all your energy, and give your best. Only then does kundalini awaken. Osho's meditations work according to the principle of direct proportionality. That is, you get an effect equivalent to the effort and energy expended.

Part Four: Stop

The fourth stage takes fifteen minutes. As soon as it starts, you need to stop. Freeze in the place and position in which she caught you. The position of the body should not change, because otherwise the flow of energy will be disrupted. You can't even cough, etc. It’s like the children’s game with the rough sea, in which you had to freeze like a statue after the words “Sea figure, freeze.” All these fifteen minutes you are required to do only one thing - watch yourself. You cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Just become aware of yourself and observe.

Part five: dance

The final stage of meditation involves dancing. But it shouldn't be just a dance. At this moment you should feel boundless joy and happiness and dance, showing this joy in gratitude to the entire universe.

This is how Osho recommended this practice. The meditation techniques described by him are different. There are about a hundred of them in total, but it was dynamic meditation that became the most popular among his followers. Now, having described the technique, below we will explain in a little more detail the inner essence of this powerful transformation system.

What is dynamic meditation?

Firstly, as Osho himself said when conducting evening meditations, dynamic practice is a method of creating a situation in which deep meditation can take place due to the tension shown by a person. The principle of operation is that if you strain your body and psyche as much as possible, then you will have nothing left to do except in normal mode, this is difficult to do, which is why meditation is very often so difficult. But if a person’s whole being is on edge, then he automatically falls into the desired meditative state.

This is what the first three parts of meditation serve. They prepare a person by straining him at the level of the physical, etheric and deep breathing leads to the restructuring of the physical body due to sudden change oxygen supply regime. This, in turn, inevitably leads to a change in the etheric body. This is what the first ten minutes of deep, rapid breathing are for.

About the first part

It must be both fast and deep, because at this pace it plays the role of a hammer that hits etheric body, awakening him and the energies sleeping in him. Therefore, on the first step you need to concentrate totally, surrender to it completely. Nothing but breathing should exist for you. You yourself must become the breath.

About the second part

The second step begins when the energy within you begins to bubble. Usually ten minutes of the first stage is enough for this. Now a powerful energy vortex is spinning inside you, and your task is to release it into freedom along with your body. It should be able to do whatever it wants. Under no circumstances should there be any obstacles to this on your part. No shame or embarrassment is strictly allowed. However, this is not just mindless antics. In fact, at this time you should do important work- communicate with your body. You need to feel it and allow it to express in the symbols of body movements what it wants to convey to you. When surrendering to the will of bodily impulses, it is necessary to be aware of it, to listen to it in its language. This is called dialogue with the body or cooperation with the body.

And don’t forget that everything should happen to the maximum high level recoil. Nothing in dynamic meditation happens half-heartedly. If you do not surrender completely to your body, you will negate the entire effect of the practice. In short, in the second stage you must become the body just as you were the breath in the first stage.

About the third part

The result of the second stage should be an involuntary state of the observer. This is catharsis. It does not need to be achieved; on the contrary, you need to completely identify with your body. But if you give it your all, a moment will inevitably come when you feel that the body is something separate and independent. At this moment, the third stage of practice begins, when you need to start jumping and shouting the syllable “Hu”. Osho borrowed it from Sufism. The essence of the third stage is that the energy now begins to move in a different direction. If before it was directed outward and downward, then at the third stage it begins to flow inward and upward. The shouted mantra provides this redirection, and therefore it must be shouted constantly and with full force, striking oneself inward with the sound. As before, you need to merge with your action, that is, become sound, as before you were body and breath. It is necessary to reach a state of exhaustion, to the extreme point of tension, so that the next, fourth stage can happen, in which you only need to freeze and observe.

About the fourth part

At this time, only your consciousness exists and nothing else. This state occurs involuntarily; you do not need to try to achieve it. The main thing in the third part is not to lose it by a random movement or a thought that suddenly comes to mind. The fourth stage is what dynamic meditation is done in general. The previous three stages serve as preparatory steps for it. When it happens, everything must go away.

Osho had a very high opinion of dynamic meditation. Testimonials from his students and those who continue this practice today also testify to its extreme effectiveness. In large cities, it is carried out regularly in specialized centers with the gathering of many people. But if there is no group of practitioners nearby, it’s not scary: you can practice this technique on your own. As Osho advised, morning meditation is most effective. This fully applies to dynamic meditation. Therefore, for maximum effect, it is better to get up early.