What is entrepreneurial spirit and how to develop it. Entrepreneurial spirit

By selling his dubious goods, Dr. Rockefeller, who had a commercial streak, earned quite decent money, which he immediately spent on whiskey, women, and most importantly, in risky speculation. And finally, what had to happen happened. Big Bill was prosecuted and sentenced to pay a large fine. William did not have a cent to his name, and his house in Cleveland and all his property were seized.

In the 1990s high-tech, results-driven era, media relations professionals must have the commercial acumen to be able to compete with other parts of the company for dollars and generate a return on that investment. Because images replace or complement words, more expensive and more effective graphics and visual ways and funds. Media relations professionals must decide whether a company should contract with illustrators or video producers, or whether it can use internal resources.

However, everything was fine. One of the reasons I latched on to the job was that I had already experienced the dark side of the Wall Street job search and had no desire to go there again. In 1981, three years before that lucky night at St. James's Palace, I was in my final year of college applying for jobs to several banks. I have never seen people on Wall Street react to anything with the same amazing unanimity that the HR people showed to my application. Some actually laughed heartily at me. The others were more serious and said that I had no commercial spirit - a roundabout way of informing me that I would spend my whole life in poverty. It has always been difficult for me to make sudden changes, and the one that was coming to me was the most difficult. Firstly, I had a strong aversion to business suits. Plus I'm blond. I have not seen a single fair-haired person who would have a successful business career. All the successful businessmen I have met were either dark-haired or bald. In short, there were enough problems. About a quarter of the people I started working with at Salomon Brothers came straight out of college, which means they passed all the tests that failed me. I still don't understand why.

Impairment due to a decrease in the economic attractiveness of a building or its location Determined by the additional net income that would have been received in the future until the end of its intended use, provided that the building was more attractive than it is today Buildings intended for commercial use are more likely to this species depreciation compared to industrial and residential buildings

Each of us, at least once in our lives, dreamed of opening our own business and never again depending on the boss. The main thing is to earn millions. Better than dollars.

You thought about this too, right? Let's talk about this.

How to understand that you can open your own business and make it at least self-sufficiency.

I have prepared a few simple points for you. Answer each item - “YES” or “NO”. You can memorize the answers, or you can write them down on paper. So, let's go..

1. You are not afraid of work

2. You understand that an entrepreneur does not work from 8:00 to 17:00, he works 24 hours a day, at least in the first year of creating a business, and you are ready for such a regime.

3. You have at least a dozen ideas for your business.

4. You have a financial safety net for at least six months, and this does not take into account investments in business.

5. You understand who will buy your product/services

6. You understand how your activities will benefit people.

7. You understand that it doesn’t matter what you produce or what services you provide. The main thing in business is sales.

8. You constantly monitor in stores, offices, salons - who, how and what is selling.

9. You regularly note interesting promotions of various companies.

10. You understand that even if you work for hire, you work for yourself.

11. Even when employed, you work more than what is required of you and do the job in the best possible way.

12. You have long stopped blaming anyone other than yourself for what is happening in your life.

13. You are 100% sure that all possibilities depend only on you.

14. You are already taking action in the direction of business, and not just having useless conversations.

15. You have faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Well, let's summarize:

  • If you answered “YES” to all 15 questions, then most likely you are already running your own business.))
  • If you answered "YES" to 1,2,5,7, 13, and 14, rest assured that you will succeed. You just need to talk a little with practitioners and get down to business. The main thing is not to procrastinate and not to slip into studying for the sake of studying. Any knowledge must be immediately turned into action.
  • If you answered "YES" to only the remaining questions, you too can start your business, but you need to come down to earth a little, you have your head in the clouds a little.

If you answered no to half of the questions, you definitely shouldn’t open your own business. It will be hard for you.

If you answered “NO” to questions: 1, 12,13,15, then not only should you not open your own business, it makes sense for you to seriously reconsider your life.

That's all for today.

Alexey Churin was with you. Come on everyone!

P.S. Remember the main thing - If you are determined to do something, including opening a business, do not listen to anyone. Do what you think is necessary. No test can replace the real actions that you need to take every day to achieve what you want.

Today, the commercial real estate market is developed, segmented and, most importantly, has a good forecast, but this does not mean that all its sectors are highly profitable and may be of equal interest to investors. However, investing in warehouses and offices is a rather specific activity, requiring not only instinct and money, but also market knowledge.

Traditional participants in the commercial real estate market believe that playing on this field has nothing to do with purchase and sale of apartments, accessible to almost any investor who has the required amount.

Warehouses and offices are in favor

WITH full confidence One thing can be said: for many years now, investments in office real estate, which is considered the most profitable, have remained in first place in popularity. The potential for growth in the cost of renting and selling office space is still high. Successful implementation prestigious properties have a positive effect on the image and reputation of the development company, and in the long term, the latter factor is more important than profitability.

Of course, not every developer can afford to accumulate sufficient funds to invest in large-scale projects class A. However, in any case, it is better to build small but high-quality office centers than to build large low-level facilities.

But for second place in attractiveness there is a constant and a stubborn struggle between retail and warehouse real estate. However, recently warehouses have taken the lead. This was largely due to the sharply increased interest in this segment on the part of Western funds.

Retail real estate lost ground in 2007. Many experts have started talking about the saturation of this segment.

Hotel real estate is an outsider in the commercial market. However, there is hope that in 2008 this situation may radically change: since there are problems with the sale of housing today, developers will have to look for alternative projects.

The main thing is patience
As for the profitability and prospects of investments in the commercial real estate market, then, unlike the housing segment, it is customary to calculate options 5-10 years in advance, taking into account, first of all, such an important aspect as the capitalization of the property.

It should be noted that the assessment of financial return directly depends on the asset itself: unique assets with a favorable location can be valued at a level that far exceeds the average market ratios. Conversely, the presence of any problematic characteristics - legal, technical, operational - will significantly worsen the profitability of the developer/investor from this asset.

Analysts believe that all types of commercial real estate are capable of creating maximum profit at the stage of development, that is, the construction of an object and resale after commissioning with the building being assessed as an income-generating business, and not as a separate property. The time it takes for office real estate to pay for itself is less than that of retail projects, but at the same time the liquidity is higher than that of warehouses.

Risk is a noble cause

Next aspect, which requires careful consideration when assessing the effectiveness of investments in a particular segment of the commercial real estate market, is an assessment of existing risks.

When constructing a retail facility, the overall level of risk is quite high, however, by combining successful location parameters with the use of a professionally developed concept, as well as with correct positioning in the promotion of the facility, these risks can be mitigated.
In the warehouse segment, the main factors that can lead to failure of a project may be an ill-conceived concept, an incorrectly chosen location, insufficient funding, as well as a significant increase in construction costs.

So far, everything is not so bad in terms of risks in the office segment. The main risk is associated with an overestimation of market capacity, which in the future may lead to a high proportion of vacant space in office buildings.

Until now, the axiom of the commercial real estate market has been the statement that demand for it in all sectors significantly exceeds supply. Most likely, these words will be repeated in 2008, although with some reservations. Thus, we can confidently say that a serious deficit will continue in the warehouse and hotel real estate sectors.

But with offices and shopping centers everything is not so simple. There is no shortage here as such; there is an increased demand for premises of certain categories, with a certain price and a specific location.

Trends and Forecasts
Among latest trends in the field of retail real estate, experts note the initial saturation of the retail space market in large cities, while there remains a shortage of high-quality retail space; decentralization of construction of retail facilities; increased competition between objects; entering the market of new formats of retail facilities; enlargement of the scale of constructed facilities; placement of retail facilities as part of multifunctional complexes.

Among the latest trends in the warehouse real estate sector are the increasing activity of foreign investors; active regional expansion of key market players; the beginning of the formation of a competitive environment in the segment.

There are virtually no changes in the office real estate sector. There is still a shortage of quality supplies office premises, further growth in demand, delay in commissioning of facilities, which, in turn, contributes to an increase in rental rates and sales prices for quality space.
It is impossible not to note the significant consolidation of facilities, the inclusion and gradual increase in the share of the office component in multifunctional complexes. Complexes are becoming taller, and there is more office space in them.

Commercial vein

Knowing how passionate Bezos is about high technology, as well as his entrepreneurial abilities, one could easily predict such a reaction. Sam Walton, the founder of the supermarket chain, wrote in his book Made in America that many people thought that the entire Wal-Mart chain of stores was invented by Walton completely by accident when he was already about forty years old. However, this is not quite true. His first store and all the subsequent ones were the result of the fact that he “just couldn’t stop there.” The same applies to Bezos. At the age of 14, he firmly decided to become either an astronaut or a physicist - the main thing was to do something very high-tech. The parents' garage was gradually filled with various devices for the first design experiments. As a high school student, he founded his first company, the DREAM Institute, whose goal was to develop creative thinking in teenagers. Thus, Bezos was able to make money by charging even his brother and sister. After graduating magna cum laude from Princeton University, where he majored in computer programming and engineering, Bezos followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His father worked as an engineer at Exxon, and his grandfather was a manager on the atomic energy. After graduating from university, Bezos began working for FITEL, a development company. technological processes. He then moved to Bankers Trust, where he worked on computer equipment - it played significant role throughout the management system and brought in $150 billion in profit.

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Ecology of consciousness: Life. Enthusiasm, passion, excitement - the process of creation itself is an order of magnitude more important than the goodies that the result will bring.

Why do they say “entrepreneurial spirit” about someone? What kind of vein is this, and what kind of blood is pulsating in it?

What is a GOOD or SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur?

I see the following qualities sitting there:

  • The ability to see “holes” in the world order. As Richard Branson says “ best businesses born out of unpleasant experiences.” Here is this special look that instantly transforms a bad experience, bad service, and frustration of searching into an opportunity. Someone will hang up the phone in a rage and say “stupid assholes!” And someone will think: “what if we create a service that will throw these stupid assholes out of the market.” From here...
  • Fantasy. This is the “what if?” When the phrase “no one does this” fills you with excitement to do just that, and not with the frustration of “I probably said something stupid.” From here...
  • Believe in yourself. You also need to have a certain faith in order to go against standards, try something different, endlessly encounter misunderstandings and twisting your finger to your temple. Why am I so scared that I and my fantasies are right, and not 99% of reality? When, in response to the question “Do you think you are the smartest, and no one has thought of this before you?”, you think inside, “Well, yes, the smartest. I thought of it, I didn’t think of it, but I’ll go and do it.” I can and I will, watch me. From here...
  • Willingness to act. The world is full of brilliant ideas. As said Steve Jobs“Ideas are worthless if they are not implemented.” This is the spirit of debate, the willingness to not just spend hours discussing cool ideas, but to go out and do something that same evening. And then do something else. And then again. The gap between idea and implementation is huge. And 99% will be cut down already at the stage of realizing what is needed to implement the idea. And the one with a vein will not be cut down, but will go to be chopped. From here...


  • Persistence. And even stubbornness. Moreover, this is not so much the goat’s stubbornness of being right, as the stubbornness to get up again and again when you are once again knocked down by a refusal, when once again you are faced with an insoluble problem, when everything is always wrong. Vanka-stand-up. You left me, and I will rise. You hit me in the gut, and I'm back on my feet. As Nelson Mandela said “I'm not losing. I either win or I learn.” From here...


  • Ability to transfer to large quantities stress, refusals, failures. The rules of the game: You give up guaranteed income, a sense of competence, health insurance, paid vacation, career advancement, a personal secretary, and the ability to “come home and forget about work.” Instead, every day you will feel incompetent, inept, you will regularly hear how you are not needed, you will owe everyone in a circle, you will face stone wall refusals, you will always be short of money, you will constantly have to ask and convince them to believe in you, and a dozen more hungry mouths will hang on you, for well-being, career growth, health insurance, a personal secretary and a guaranteed income for which you are responsible, even on weekends. And only this vein will pulsate and say “Yes, yes, give me two!” And from here...
  • A passionate need for freedom comparable to instinct. It is for this reason that people leave the comfort of a calculated career in hiring. Because of it, they agree not to finish their work day at 6 pm, to jeopardize the well-being of themselves and their loved ones, to work in three shifts, to worry in three shifts, to stress in three shifts. It is because of her, freedom. And the most amazing thing is that there is no freedom in the understanding “oh, I don’t care, I do what I want.” There's another one there freedom, internal, which is also called “responsibility”. I am ready for hardships and risks, as long as my success depends on me and not on my boss. If only I could decide for myself and make mistakes myself, and not someone else for me. As long as I build my own, dreamed and nurtured, often ungrateful, but mine. From here...


  • Creation. The need is not to fulfill, but to create. This dedication, passion, excitement - to create something out of nothing. It feels very close to children. Starting a business is like going into childbirth, not because “oh they will be such sweethearts and this is the result of our love,” but because you clearly see that for 20 years you will endlessly worry, endlessly give, invest, pull, help, just so that your brainchild grows up. That is The process of creation itself is an order of magnitude more important than the goodies that the result will bring. As Martin Luther King said, “Even if the world ends tomorrow, I will still plant my apple tree.” But just from the passion for creation, hungry artists, altruists and many other very good, brilliant, talented, amazing people are born and die. And the entrepreneur also hopes to make money. And from here...


  • Good attitude towards money. In general, this is an endless topic, the shame and prejudice that the topic of money causes in many. I know many ascetics, but business is not altruism. And a contemptuous, arrogant “fu” in relation to money is incompatible with business. Wanting earnings, profits, indicators is also in this blood. From here...


  • The vision of business is business. A realistic understanding of what you are doing. You can be passionate about an idea as much as you like, but as long as you don’t see the idea as a profit-making machine, it’s not a business. The work product is the business, not its product. I am building a system that is designed in such a way that with such inputs and with such results and with such processes, it produces profit. And if necessary, I will change inputs, processes or results, because making a profit is the second meaning of business. In addition to the embodiment of hobbies and ideas. One doesn't work without the other, you need both. Yin and Yang.


You can write (and have already written) a million articles about the next step - what is a GOOD or SUCCESSFUL entrepreneur. What qualities allow you to win in this game of unjustified risks. That's another story. But if we talk about what makes you get involved in this game, then I see it as exactly this. Why am I sitting and writing this at two in the morning, with a bunch of obligations and promises to myself to go to bed on time.

Because I can't help but write.

Becausemy brainchild is more important than me. published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project