Ascetic Japanese-style kitchen design: a formula of simplicity. Japanese-style kitchen: design features and design examples Small Japanese-style kitchen

Japanese style is in many ways reminiscent of minimalism. Everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, there is a limited number of interior items and kitchen utensils on display, and maximum functionality of appliances and furniture. This setting suits owners who like simple solutions, natural colors in decoration, free space and refined Japanese flavor. The nice thing about the design is that it fits indoors different sizes, from small rooms to spacious studios.

This direction has something in common with minimalism and hi-tech, but it is impossible to confuse them. Entering a room decorated in Japanese style, you immediately see its features:

  • natural motifs in decoration, decor depicting bamboo stems, cherry blossoms, birds;
  • natural materials – distinguishing feature classic Japanese style. It is also dominated by natural, light colors: beige, white, cream, pink;
  • bright and dark colors that are often present in modern interiors: red, brown, green, black;
  • in the original village dwellings of the Japanese, the surfaces are matte, in industrial, youth styles - glossy;
  • multifunctional furniture and appliances are an integral part of the kitchen;
  • low tables and chairs;
  • minimum textile products;
  • simplicity and sophistication of the furnishings.

They get along in design Newest technologies and people's desire for nature. No room is complete without wooden furniture, natural colors and motifs. Bamboo stems are not only depicted in paintings, they are used to make rugs, screens, and wall decorations.

Color palette

Japanese style can use a variety of shades and combinations. The interior is most often dominated by bright hues, no more than 2-3 colors are used. The main combinations that can be found:

  • beige, red, black;
  • cream, brown, pink;
  • the color of wood and bamboo combined with pearl;
  • white, gray, red.

Shades of green are often used in kitchen interiors: from natural to classic design to bright catchy - in modern. Also in the room there may be natural greenery in the form of 1-2 indoor plants.

Japanese style kitchen decoration

In a traditional Japanese home they used natural materials, especially great importance played bamboo. They made it out of it flooring, walls and partitions. Various types of wood are also popular materials. In a modern kitchen, only some features of Japanese culture remain; it is already a stylized space, and therefore artificial coverings can also be used.


Perfect option for a Japanese-style kitchen - floorboards or parquet colors natural wood with a glossy finish. Dark shades are often used, which are repeated in the furnishings of the room.

If the budget does not allow the use of wood, then the second most popular material that matches the style is floor tiles. Matching colors: beige, light green, brown. Such floors are environmentally friendly, have high fire safety, easy to clean, long lasting. But if heavy objects fall, the tiles may be damaged. Another disadvantage is the cold surface. If this really becomes a problem, the floors should be insulated, and material should be purchased in reserve in case you have to replace 1-2 damaged slabs. This is generally Golden Rule when working with ceramics, have a reserve. It happens that even during the repair itself, the material breaks and breaks, and tiles from another batch may differ in color, so it is better to immediately take more.

You can lay bamboo mats on the floors if this resonates with the design of the walls or furniture fronts. It’s pleasant to walk on them; they add a feeling of comfort and warmth. In traditional Japanese homes, mats were used for sitting during meals and the tea ceremony, and they were also used for sleeping on.


To decorate the space of a room, various materials and finishing methods can be used. Most Popular:

  • painting with waterproof paint;
  • coating decorative plaster;
  • decoration with wooden panels;
  • pasting with cleanable and washable wallpaper.

The easiest option is painting. It is economical, convenient and durable. Perfect for the laconic design of a small kitchen. Wooden panels look harmonious with an interior decorated in classic colors and traditions, where it is important that all materials are natural. They wash well, and a special protective layer protects the finish from absorbing odors and moisture.

Wallpapering is a more economical approach, but also less environmentally friendly. Normal vinyl covering does not allow air to pass through well, and in the kitchen under it can form fungal plaque. More quality materials are more expensive.

The apron area deserves special attention. It is issued in small or large ceramic tiles, stone and mosaics made from it. May be present here bright combinations, drawings of hieroglyphs.

If the kitchen opens onto the hallway or living room and the opening can be enlarged, then regular doors are replaced by sliding wooden shoji. This emphasizes the overall style of the room.


A popular design option for the upper part of the kitchen is multi-level structures. If the area and height of the room allow, then you can use drywall and wooden beams. For more cramped conditions, suspended ceilings are suitable; they will take only 5-10 cm.

Soffits are built into the covering. In a multi-tiered structure, you can place lamps that create special lighting on several levels. Thematic drawings and photographs are often applied to suspended ceilings.


Most suitable option curtains - bamboo roller blinds. There may also be light translucent curtains on the windows. For modern kitchen Blinds and Roman shades are suitable. Textile color ranges from white to light brown. The material can be plain or with a thematic pattern that matches the style of the entire interior.

Towels and napkins – simple, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern. The design does not provide for any other textiles. The dining table is most often covered with bamboo mats or left as is, without additional decoration.

Furniture and lighting

Interior items should be combined with the overall style of the room. If the design is closer to traditional Japanese culture, then wood predominates in the furniture. A low table is made from this material, most often square or rectangular. Small chairs are selected to match it. According to Japanese customs, you can simply sit on the floor, spreading a bamboo mat.

Furniture in the kitchen should be unpretentious in appearance, but very thoughtful, spacious and functional. All utensils must be carefully placed on shelves. A minimum of items remains in sight.

In modern Japanese style, furniture facades are covered with glossy film or paint. They can be bright colors: red, green, yellow. Black tone and dark brown palette are also used sparingly. The apartments and houses of city residents in Japan are filled with all kinds of technology. The kitchen is no exception. The following must be present here:

  • oven;
  • a refrigerator that can be styled as a built-in wardrobe;
  • microwave;
  • powerful hood.

Also visible in work area a mixer, blender, juicer, electric meat grinder, multi-kitchen can be located.

A multi-tiered ceiling allows for interesting lighting. By adjusting it, you can create an atmosphere from working for cooking to romantic and mysterious for dinner. There should be as much natural light as possible. For lighting in the evening in suspended ceiling modest ones are inserted diode lamps or tapes. One or more lamps descend over the table to match the entire decor of the room. Additional diode strips and lamps may be present in the work area and furniture.

In general, the lighting in the kitchen should be soft, slightly diffused, but so that the eyes do not strain.


If one wall of the room is decorated with paintings or photo wallpapers, then all the others are made monochromatic. The interior should be restrained, laconic and as functional as possible. Small and discreet decorative elements only emphasize this. Kitchen design can be refreshed:

  • watercolor painting in a simple wooden frame;
  • ikebana, which the Japanese reverence as art;
  • interesting, but not pretentious lamps made from natural materials or frosted glass;
  • 1-2 green plants in pots;
  • gadgets and small electrical appliances;
  • vases;
  • clay sets for the tea ceremony.

It is advisable to choose dishes and kitchen utensils in Japanese style. Now this is quite easy to do, since Japanese cuisine is not losing popularity and more and more people are preparing and eating traditional dishes of this country at home: sushi, sashimi, rolls.

Photos of Japanese-style kitchens in the interior


The main features of a Japanese-style kitchen are minimalism combined with a few but elegant decor, functionality and practicality, and the absence of unnecessary details. Everything in the design of the room should be harmonious and thought out. Natural materials, mainly wood, are used in decoration and furnishing. The designs and decor are dominated by plant motifs: bamboo branches, cherry blossoms, orchids.

When starting a kitchen renovation, each of us wants to see it comfortable, ergonomic space, where it is pleasant and convenient not only to cook food, but also to have a meal and gather with friends over a cup of tea. If you are not a supporter of the ordinary, we suggest considering the option of decorating a kitchen in the Japanese style, which will perfectly “fit” into any size of the room and make it a special room that you will not want to leave.

Features of Japanese style

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been able to appreciate beauty and rationalism. Numerous disasters forced the Japanese to arrange their homes with a predominant share of minimalism, where ergonomic functionality takes precedence over lush decoration and cluttering the space with many unnecessary things. An important role in the ascetic arrangement Japanese dwellings The national philosophy also played a role, according to which everything that happens in the environment is just vanity, and you need to take care of the inner world.

The main features of interior design can be identified as: the use of natural materials with a natural color palette (wood, stone, bamboo, silk, rice paper), squat furniture of regular shapes, lack of bright light and decor, as well as replacement interior walls original.

In modern European interiors, of course, some details are a little simplified: natural rice paper is replaced by frosted glass, plastic, and MDF is often used instead of wood. Shoji partitions are also becoming less and less common - their installation is applicable for large spaces; in a small kitchen they are reflected in the decoration of the facades of the sets and decor. Despite this, the Japanese style is recognized as one of the most aesthetic, combining restraint, simplicity and, at the same time, the immutability of the traditions of ancient culture.

Color solutions

On color palette The Japanese-style interior was greatly influenced by the people's desire to live in harmony with nature, so the main tones in the kitchen will be beige, brown, green, gray, cherry and black. There are amber inclusions, comparable to the color of honey, as well as shades of the water element - blue and light blue. The white palette, unacceptable for Japanese interiors, is being replaced by cream and milky shades. The design uses no more than three tones, among which light ones have the prerogative. Thanks to this color scheme Japanese style is perfect for any room, regardless of its size and location relative to the cardinal directions.

Beige kitchen in Japanese style

Beige - basic neutral shade, which can be combined with many colors. He has a calm energy and is considered close to the color of human skin, so he is not able to concentrate attention on himself. In the interior of the kitchen it can be present in large quantities in the form of finishing materials or facades. The best thing beige palette combines with a close one - brown, but the presence of contrasting tones is possible.

Red kitchen in Japanese style

The Japanese associate the color red with strength and masculinity. Even in the Middle Ages, people revered the element of fire, which gives warmth and life, considering it a symbol of peace and family prosperity. In the interior, a red palette can significantly enliven the atmosphere and highlight the most important areas. The red palette will be perfectly combined with wenge and ivory tones.

Brown Japanese style kitchen

Color creates stunning contrasts in calm atmosphere Japanese cuisine. It evokes associations with reliability, the warmth of solid wood, and forces you to concentrate in making the right decisions. However, an excess of it in the interior can cause depression and disappointment, so it is important to choose the right shade and companions, among which the most successful will be golden, sand, and green tones.

Green kitchen in Japanese style

The olive palette in a Japanese interior looks quite organic. Color is associated with nature and has a huge positive impact on emotional condition It calms a person, helps to escape from pressing problems. But you need to use it in the interior in doses so as not to cause a passive state. The olive palette will look even more expressive when surrounded by similar wood textures, and the main background can be milky or light gray.

Black kitchen in Japanese style

The gray palette among the Japanese is considered a symbol of nobility and wisdom. Against its background, any colors will sparkle expressively and elegantly. Since the Japanese are not inclined to decorate walls in dark colors, black will be present in the facades of the set, and its best allies will be red, pearl, olive tones. It is also used for drawing pictures and hieroglyphs.

Finishes and materials

As we said earlier, natural materials are preferred when decorating a Japanese-style kitchen. However, it is worth considering the fact that, unlike the original Japanese buildings with an almost complete absence of partitions, today's interiors are endowed with modest enclosed areas, and not every finishing material can cope with conditions of high humidity and temperature changes. Therefore, we pay attention to the most moisture-resistant, easy-to-clean finishing methods.


The traditional finishing material for a Japanese-style kitchen is a wooden board. Nowadays, this type of finishing is relevant for private houses, and in apartments it is replaced with linoleum, parquet board or laminate. You can choose porcelain floor tiles, including those imitating wood structure or stone. A tatami mat near the work or dining area would be a great addition.


To decorate kitchen walls in Japanese style, you can choose decorative plaster or plain wallpaper in a neutral color. To define accent zones, wooden panels are used, as well as plastic panels imitating wood, bamboo, and themed photo wallpapers. It is quite possible to design one wall as a shoji partition by installing Japanese-made overlay PVC panels.

Particular attention should be paid to the apron, which often becomes the main decorative element - it can be decorated with stone mosaics, artificial stone or skins with images on a Japanese theme.


The simplest option for decorating the ceiling surface is painting or whitewashing. But, if you want to bring the design of your kitchen as close as possible to Japanese originality, and the height of the ceilings allows, you can build a more complex structure. To do this, the entire ceiling area is divided into squares, and wooden beams are attached. The interior can be painted or decorated with matte fabric tension fabric, and the beams must be left in their natural form.

The Armstrong ceiling system looks amazingly beautiful. To build it, you need to attach longitudinal and transverse profiles to the rough ceiling, dividing the area into squares. Subsequently, the planks can be painted with dark paint or pasted over self-adhesive film under the tree. Then lamps are installed in the resulting cells and covered with plastic plates, which can also be decorated with paper, fabric, or selected images in muted colors on a Japanese theme.

Japanese style kitchen furniture

In ancient Japanese houses, it was customary to install low furniture, use rugs and squat tables to equip the dining area. Of course, for a European resident such furniture will cause a lot of inconvenience, and the Japanese themselves no longer adhere to such traditions. Therefore, in order to bring the decor as close as possible to Japanese, we choose furniture made of unpainted wood of the correct, strict shape.

It is better to hide household appliances, including a refrigerator, in the depths of the headset. The dining table is often equipped very thoroughly and has a stone or wooden tabletop. It is better to choose cabinets that are narrower and lighter, with small handles or without them at all. Inserts made of frosted glass with a lathing that imitates shoji will look beautiful.

Lighting and decor

In Japanese interiors, diffused lighting is preferred, so internal ceiling lighting in this case will be a very advantageous solution. In addition to it, you can install central hanging chandeliers, organize furniture lighting, place spots around the perimeter of the kitchen. Lamps with shades made of woven bamboo, rice paper, and straw look beautiful. Because the Japanese respect regular geometric shapes, lighting fixtures are characterized by clear square, rectangular or spherical contours.

Although the Japanese style rejects lush decor, it is still necessary so that the room acquires a thematic design and does not seem boring and deserted. For this, details such as wall scrolls with wise quotes, photo wallpapers with Japanese-themed images, and engravings are used. The decoration will be ceramic and porcelain figurines and vases, which are installed in narrow niches. To do this, it is not necessary to make a recess in the wall - just leave one of the cabinets in the kitchen without a door. Buy authentic tableware: a tea set, a sushi set, dishes for fruits and sweets. Living flowerpots, which the Japanese associate with naturalness, will look harmonious in the interior, especially the traditional bonsai tree.

Small kitchen in Japanese style

Japanese interior design principles are ideal for small spaces. Only light colors are used here. Decoration Materials. You shouldn’t build complex structures on the ceiling that will “steal” part of the vertical space - it’s easier to get by with painting or, if you really want something special, build decorations from plasterboard.

The furniture set should be light - have open shelves or imitation Japanese partitions in the facades, which give a certain weightlessness. The principles of lighting design remain unchanged - there should be a lot of dim light, so you should install both general ceiling lamps and local ones that highlight important areas. The decor for a small Japanese-style kitchen will be flowerpots, wall paintings, photo wallpapers with thematic images, and dishes.

Japanese style kitchen interior design - photo

The unique aesthetics of the style never ceases to amaze with its combination of minimalist notes and the splendor of natural motifs with elements of the originality of the Land of the Rising Sun. Look at the numerous examples of Japanese-style kitchen design posted in the photos in our gallery and feel free to choose the option you like. Enjoy watching!

Oriental motifs in interior design have long and deservedly been popular in modern design. The style of the East is so diverse that it allows you to choose any direction, including exquisite Japanese design.

It is not necessary to meticulously create absolute Japan in your home - you can get by with a few, the most expressive details of the style. To do this, you need to at least in general terms imagine the characteristic features and patterns of this sophisticated manner of decorating a room.

What is characteristic of “Japanese” kitchen design?

The style is distinguished by laconicism and neutral color, due to which the “Japanese” interior is quite acceptable for both spacious premises, and for modest footage.

The restrained laconicism of the Japanese style is very similar to minimalism in the modern sense, so it will not be difficult to achieve. In addition, the style is universal - it is equally good not only in a well-lit southern kitchen, but also in the “dark” northern part of the house.

Refined, with a touch of elegance, design in the style of the Land of the Rising Sun has several characteristic features:

  • calm, restrained color scheme;
  • slender geometry of forms;
  • mandatory naturalness of the materials used;
  • clear functionality of equipment and furniture;
  • good lighting;
  • decor and furnishings are kept to a minimum. Decoration items are selected with characteristic ethnic features.

In Japan, it is customary to create coziness and a pleasant homely atmosphere without pretentiousness and clutter of household items. The main condition is strict asceticism and restraint in everything, nothing superfluous.

Style color combination: characteristic features

If you look at the photos Japanese interior“in the original”, one can easily notice the restraint color design. No multi-color, priority is the selection of 2-3 colors.

The most desirable for this interior are light natural green tones, white, beige colors, pale palette warm colors, subtle play of colors of early autumn or dawn light fog.

Colors corresponding to the natural elements are very popular among the Japanese: Fire (red), Water (turquoise, deep blue), Air (discreet gray, sky blue).

The overall tonal background is designed to create an atmosphere of balanced calm, unobtrusively emphasizing the bright stylistic coloring.

What materials and finishing will be required?

The first and unshakable rule for choosing materials is a maximum of natural materials. This is, first of all, wood, bamboo, textiles.

The walls can be covered with decorative plaster or covered with wooden panels. In terms of color, it is better to give preference to a light, neutral palette. The national flavor will be well emphasized by decorating one of the walls in the form of shoji - a partition made of transparent or translucent fabric stretched over a wooden frame.

The kitchen floor in Japanese motifs is polished dark wood, the ideal option is board or parquet. However, the cost of natural, environmentally friendly coating is quite high, so you can choose a less expensive material - square tiles. A harmoniously selected combination of white and brown tones will emphasize the overall composition of the interior.

For the ceiling choose suspended structure, or arrange a shelf space in a two-level design. You are also welcome to choose from the following options:

The last proposal is the most popular, especially with the image of cherry blossoms. The delicate vibrant color of the flowers will add an additional and elegant charm to the design of a Japanese-style kitchen.

Lighting: how to install the light correctly

In a “Japanese” kitchen, the lighting problem cannot be solved by hanging standard lamps from the nearest store. Correspond overall composition Only certain types of light sources can. An excellent solution would be to choose lamps made from bamboo, straw, and rice paper.

A Japanese-style chandelier for the kitchen is chosen using a similar principle - it should not be bulky or multi-level. The ideal option is a square, spherical or rectangular lampshade, made in an eco-style or minimalist manner.

In order for artificial lighting to closely match the traditional Japanese style, the light must be diffused and uniform. Sources of adjustable lighting - ceiling spots - will cope perfectly with this condition. The devices easily create equal illumination throughout the entire kitchen area.

For window curtains, suitable types of curtains are:

  • rolled (bamboo);
  • Roman;
  • panel (“Japanese”);
  • blinds (necessarily wooden);
  • fabric (pattern - Japanese style).

If curtains made of fabric are chosen, it is important to choose a natural color of the fabric and adhere to a simple, strict style characteristic of this style.

Furniture for Japanese cuisine: what points to pay attention to

Kitchen furniture must meet two conditions:

  1. Material - natural wood;
  2. Set items must have a clear geometric pattern.

The exception is chairs - a streamlined shape is acceptable here. Special requirement for furniture facades- no panels, handles.

The surface of the headset items should be polished or glossy; small inserts made of translucent glass look good.

The main piece of furniture in the kitchen is the table. For a spacious Japanese-style kitchen interior, a large, massive dinner table, framed by a metal or stone frame. The tabletop is installed from a similar material.

However, in a small kitchen, such a duet will make the room heavier and will clutter up the modest square footage as much as possible. Lightweight, wooden or metal fittings in combination with a glass tabletop can successfully fit into a small space.

Features of decor, selection of accessories

The difficult circumstances of the life of the Japanese - climatic, natural, territorial - contributed to the formation of an exceptional sense of space.

There should be nothing superfluous in the room, every item should have its place, every thing must have a certain functional load - these are the main conditions for the interior furnishings of a Japanese home. Therefore, when choosing decoration items or decoration methods, you need to adhere to these rules.

The kitchen space is decorated simply, without pretentiousness and spectacular brilliance - with the help of cozy bonsai, elegant porcelain figurines, sayings of great people made in the stylized manner of an ancient scroll, ancient oriental engravings.

If it is possible to install a niche in the wall (tokonomu in Japanese), the decorative elements will fit perfectly into the decor.

When decorating your kitchen, you must not forget main principle style: an ascetic minimum of decorative items throughout the house. Even spacious kitchen-living room in the Japanese style, it should not become a kind of exhibition hall or a repository for collections of dishes, artistic miniatures, and other smaller accessories. The Japanese believe that the room should have as much space, light, and air as possible, which creates an atmosphere of quiet peace, harmony with the outside world and tranquility.

Kitchen made in Japanese style - great idea for rooms of various sizes and locations relative to cardinal directions. The room, filled with air and light due to the absence of non-functional objects and flashy colors, is conducive to a leisurely ritual of cooking and eating.

A family meal, a private tea party, a reception of guests - every visit to a Japanese-style kitchen will help you take a break from everyday worries and find inner harmony.

Photo of Japanese style kitchen interior ideas

Japanese-style kitchen design is based on the Zen philosophy, in which truth is learned through contemplation and perception of nature. This design maintains a special balance and equilibrium of all interior elements that differ in a certain semantic load.

Features of Japanese style

There are several basic design principles:

  • This style is laconic, implies restraint and a minimal amount of decor.
  • The interior uses natural and natural materials in the form of wood, jute, bamboo or rice paper.
  • Items are as functional as possible and combine harmoniously with each other.
  • Japanese-style kitchens are distinguished by the presence free space, which is formed by dismantling walls or using multi-level color transitions.
  • The decoration uses beige, black, brown, green or red tones.

The photo shows a minimalist Japanese-style kitchen design with natural wood finishes.

Color design

Japanese style assumes a natural palette of brown, beige, green, gray, black and cherry tones. The design is often diluted with amber, honey splashes or blue and light blue tones, representing the water element.

The white color scheme is considered not entirely acceptable for eastern interior, so milk or cream colors are chosen instead.

To decorate a kitchen, only three colors are generally used, preferably from the light spectrum.

The photo shows the interior of a spacious Japanese-style kitchen, decorated in natural brown tones.

Black shades in Japan characterize nobility and wisdom. Dark tones can add expressiveness and elegance to any color. Since in this style contrasting black is not used in decoration, it can be found in the design of kitchen facades or used for drawing hieroglyphs.

Sometimes for the design of Japanese cuisine they choose not bright, extremely dark or muted red and green colors.

The photo shows red and orange accents in the interior of a white and brown kitchen in the Japanese style.

Which finish is suitable?

The unique and aesthetic Japanese style combines notes of minimalism, natural motifs and original elements.

  • Ceiling. The most simple solution will be painted or whitewashed ceiling surface. In order for the decor to be as close as possible to the original Japanese style, the ceiling is divided into squares using wooden beams. The interior is painted or decorated with stretch fabric with a matte or fabric texture.
  • Walls. The plane of the walls is finished with plaster or pasted over plain wallpaper V neutral tones. To create an accent surface, it is appropriate to use photo wallpaper with thematic images, wooden or plastic, which can imitate bamboo.
  • Floor. Traditional cladding is wooden boards. Such flooring material more relevant for the interior of a kitchen in a private house; in an apartment it can be perfectly replaced by linoleum, laminate or parquet. Finishing in the form of porcelain stoneware with imitation stone or wood structure will perfectly complement the surrounding design.
  • Apron. The apron area, which can be the main decorative element premises. The apron is often laid out using mosaics, tiles with ethnic patterns and artificial stone or use skins with photo printing of hieroglyphs or sakura branches to decorate.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with an apron area decorated with a sakura motif.

In a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, you can visually expand the space through the use of mirrors, as well as with the help of excellent daytime and diffused evening lighting.

For the kitchen-living room, it would be appropriate to use Japanese screens as a zoning element. Such designs, due to their mobility, provide the opportunity to change the configuration of the room at any time. An excellent option would be rice paper partitions that do not block the penetration of light.

Natural in the photo wooden parquet on the floor in the interior of a Japanese-style island kitchen.

Selection of furniture and equipment

Japanese style does not accept massive furniture. Kitchen set made from natural wood or other natural material and has strict outlines and at the same time a very elegant appearance. Due to this, the room is filled with air and light.

Refrigerator and other Appliances are built into the set and hidden behind the facades. Lunch group mainly equipped with a table with stone or wooden table top and install simple, non-bulky stools or chairs.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with a laconic set made of wood.

Lightweight and lightweight ones are selected as lockers. narrow designs having small hands. The facades are decorated with frosted glass inserts and grilles.

The work area in the kitchen is located as close to the walls as possible. It takes up little space in the room and is not cramped or uncomfortable.

The photo shows a furniture set in dark brown and red tones in the design of Japanese cuisine.

Lighting and decor

For Japanese interiors, devices that will gently diffuse light are appropriate. For example, an excellent solution would be internal ceiling lighting. In addition, the kitchen can be equipped with a central chandelier and spots located around the perimeter.

For real beautiful view lamps with woven bamboo, straw shades or rice paper lampshades are available.

Since the Japanese style welcomes the presence of regular geometric shapes, light sources are distinguished by square, rectangular or spherical shapes.

The photo shows hanging ceiling lamps and spotlights in the interior of a Japanese-style kitchen-living room.

The decor allows the kitchen to acquire a more expressive thematic design. For this purpose, accessories are used in the form of wall scrolls, vases, ceramic or porcelain figurines, which can be placed in niches. Authentic dishes will be a wonderful decoration. The table can be complemented with a tea set, a sushi set or a platter with fruits and sweets. Also, a working or dining area will benefit from a tatami mat.

Plants traditional to Japanese culture, such as ikebana or bonsai trees, will harmoniously fit into the interior.

On the picture dinner Zone in the Japanese style kitchen, decorated with a large geometric chandelier.

What curtains should I use?

To complete the look of a Japanese-style kitchen, proper window decoration is required. Curtains are an almost obligatory part of an oriental interior. Light textiles and natural materials such as bamboo, rattan or rice paper are used in the manufacture of curtains.

The photo shows a Japanese-style kitchen with a window and balcony door, decorated with bamboo roller blinds.

Basically, Japanese panels, blinds or roller blinds length to the windowsill.

To further emphasize style decision kitchens, curtains made of silk are suitable, harmoniously combined with furniture upholstery in the room.

The photo shows translucent two-color Roman curtains on a window in a Japanese-style kitchen interior.

Japanese Kitchen Design Ideas

A traditional design move is to install a low table covered with pillows that replace chairs. This design not only has an unusual appearance, but also significantly saves space in the kitchen.

Instead of swing doors can be installed sliding structures shoji. They are decorated using translucent paper or frosted glass, which, in combination with wooden crossbars, forms a sophisticated checkered pattern.

The photo shows the design of Japanese cuisine with low wooden table, covered with pillows.

Modern kitchen design features unusual decor in the form of skillfully crafted samurai blades that shine with a perfectly polished surface. Stylized Japanese kitchen knives perform an applied function and enrich the surrounding interior.

The photo shows a spacious Japanese-style kitchen with glass sliding partitions shoji.

Photo gallery

Japanese-style kitchen with a thoughtful interior the smallest details, allows you to endow the atmosphere with an oriental spirit, give the room a unique elegance and create a harmonious environment in which all family members will be pleasant to be.

Any room can have a Japanese-style kitchen. This style does not require much space and is not affected by lighting.

Let's figure out how to create such an interior in our conditions.

A little about Japanese style

To decorate a kitchen interior in Japanese style, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • Natural materials should predominate. This applies not only to furniture, but also to decoration.
  • There are no bright accents in the color scheme. It is best to choose calm shades.
  • Be sure to adhere to minimalism and space organization.
  • The lighting should be good.
  • When decorating, you need to use ethnic elements.


When creating a Japanese interior, special attention should be paid to the ceiling, floor and walls.

Usually walls are painted in light shade, decorated with decorative plaster or covered with wood panels. The so-called shoji look interesting in the interior. sliding doors installed instead of hinged or partitions.

The floor should be wooden. But you can use budget option– white and brown tiles.

There are various design ideas for decorating a Japanese-style kitchen ceiling. For example, you can use wood paneling, special wallpaper for the ceiling or photo printing. If you don’t want to mess around, then just a suspended ceiling will do.

Furniture and decorative elements

The kitchen set is usually made of wood. The facades are simple, without handles or with frosted glass inserts.

The table frame is made of wood, stone or metal. For a small kitchen it is better to choose lightweight designs. The tabletop can be glass.

For lighting it is better to choose special spots Spotlights with evenly diffused light. Bamboo, straw or paper lamps will fit perfectly into the interior.

The shape of the lampshade can be any. The main thing is to achieve good, but dim lighting.

As for curtains, when designing a Japanese-style kitchen, panel or roller curtains made of bamboo are used. It is not forbidden to hang Roman blinds or wooden blinds. You can use ordinary curtains in such an interior, but with Japanese patterns. Their style should be strict, without additional decor.

The interior of a classic Japanese house involves minimal use of decor. Although he personifies the values ​​of families. The room has a tokonoma - a niche in the wall.

It contains a scroll with a quote from the sages, engravings and a vase with bonsai or ikebana. IN modern apartment It is not necessary to use such a niche, but the main decorative conditions must be preserved.

A Japanese interior can be decorated with numerous plants. Numerous bonsai and orchids will help not only transform the interior, but also purify the air.

Vases made of porcelain, ceramics or glass look beautiful when placed on the floor, on a table or shelves if there is no tokonoma.

Paintings, photographs, scrolls depicting samurai, sakura branches or hieroglyphs are hung on the walls. The most important thing is to avoid clutter in the interior.

Kitchen utensils, which include cutting boards, stands, and dishes, should be made in the same style. Things made from bamboo are perfect.

If you look at a photo of a Japanese-style kitchen, you can see small cups and teapots, Japanese knives, sets for preparing and serving sushi and rolls. Kitchen sets may have Japanese-themed images. All this will perfectly complement the interior and transform the kitchen.

If you adhere to the basic rules, you can easily achieve a design that is as close as possible to Japanese.

Japanese style kitchen design photo