Installation of door hinges. Stages of installing furniture hinges, marking and fastening How to properly install hinges on interior doors

As a rule, when buying a door, you get it ready-made with hinges already hung. But if you purchased the structure in disassembly, then you will have to embed them yourself. If you insert the hinges incorrectly and allow even a slight distortion, this will lead to unnecessary consequences in operation: the door will not close tightly or the lock pawl will not reach its place.

To carry out the replacement work correctly, you need to know in what sequence the door hinges should be installed with your own hands, in the future this will help you avoid problems in operation.

Hinge selection

Before buying hinges, you need to decide which of them will suit your door, they are conventionally divided into three types.

  1. Brass. Such hinges are widely used, because brass, due to its plasticity, is easily processed: it is chrome-plated or polished.
  2. Brass plated. As a rule, such hinges are made of various alloys, and are coated with brass spraying, as well as other compounds that imitate their similarity: chrome, bronze or gold.
  3. Steel. These are the most reliable and high-quality hinges, because, unlike brass, from which hinges are grinded over time, steel hinges are not subject to such a process, and therefore they can be considered as eternal.

When choosing loops, you need to take into account some factors on which the duration of their work depends.

First, the weight of the door. Usually, two hinges are enough for one door, but if the door is made of solid wood, then, accordingly, it is heavier, and therefore it is better to embed three hinges.

Secondly, the bearings are in the hinges. This hinge design will not creak after long-term use.

Secondly, depending on the side of the door opening, the hinges can be left-sided opening and vice versa.

What you need for self-installation

  1. Hinges.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. A pencil for marking.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

We do the markup and cut out the seats

It is necessary to install the hinges correctly with an indent of 20 or 25 cm from the bottom and top of the door. But at the same time, carefully inspect the surface so that there are no knots or chips in the places of the proposed installation. If you screw a screw into such a place, it can split the box or go awry, which will prevent the hinge from being properly secured. If there are such places, then the mounts need to be moved a few centimeters up or down.

First, we make pencil markings on the door. We apply the loops to the places of the proposed attachment and circle them. Then we apply a chisel to the markings and gently tap with a hammer throughout the markings to cut the loop outline. After that, you need to make several cuts along the length and knock with a chisel from the side to make a depression.

If you make a depression larger than the thickness of the hinge, then when you close the door, the other half will rest against the box, which will subsequently lead to deformation and upholstery of the door.

The same procedure must be done with the second seat. Then, we attach a loop and fix it with self-tapping screws. That's it, the door is ready, now you need to cut the hinges into the box.

How to mark up a box

Here, it will be a little more difficult for you to map out the location. To do this, we install the door into the box and use wedges to fix it in the intended place of closing. If a lock is embedded on the door, then it will greatly facilitate the work, it can be closed and the door adjusted. We substitute the wedges under the bottom and use the level to bring it to the line.

It is necessary to adjust the door in the frame both horizontally and vertically. If it is incorrectly positioned horizontally, then the door will be set up sideways and will not close well. And an incorrectly installed door will open vertically on its own.

Having aligned all the corners, we make notes with a pencil in the places where the hinges are in contact with the box. It will not be possible to completely mark out here and therefore it is better to unscrew the hinges from the door again, outline their outline on the box and screw them into place.

After that, you need to cut grooves for them in the same way as you did on the door. The rules are the same - the main thing is not to overdo it with depth. When you have everything ready, we put the wedges under the bottom again, bring the door to the box and fix it in place with self-tapping screws. Everything is ready, we check it for the quality of opening and are happy with the result.

To prevent the door leaf from cracking during fastening with screws, you need to make holes in the screw-in points with a thin drill.

If you do not have the necessary tools or do not have the skills for such work, then you can purchase butterfly loops. They belong to the class of "harmless" and anyone can install them. The principle of operation lies in the fact that in the closed state the cards (the sides of the loops) enter one another. Due to this, such hinges do not require a tie-in, and the gap in the closed position is small.


Mounting hardware on cabinet doors and sides is not an easy process. The balance of the sashes, their trouble-free operation for a long time, depends on the correct installation of the hinges. How to install hinges on a cabinet with your own hands , you can learn from this material.

Mountings installed on large-sized furniture , Are semi-mechanical the elements , which are responsible for the opening of the flaps. Much depends on the material and thickness of the doors, so what the hinges are made of is also important.

The hinges must be able to withstand the specified loads.

For installation the most commonly used overhead devices with four hinges, the so-called frogs. Such fastenings suitable for any design involving swing doors - wardrobe or kitchen cabinet, other types furniture.

Metal parts are made of durable alloys that are resistant to corrosion and mechanical deformation.

Furniture hinges are divided into several types, depending on how they are attached:

  • N slip;
  • P full bills;
  • In treasure;
  • And inverted;
  • P oyalnye;
  • P hen;
  • Inmates, etc.

Types of furniture hinges.

For cabinet overhead structures with cup bases are often used, which are connected to the panel using self-tapping screws. Mechanical inserts with "shoulder" are inserted into these bases and fixed on the door and side panel.

Such fasteners are quite reliable and durable, since they have a reinforced connection with the planes.

Depending on the type cabinet and its dimensions, as well as the material, choose the appropriate type of connecting parts. Some the elements used exclusively for classic furniture, where all the details must match the style. For conventional wardrobes, select standard invoices and semi-invoices. fastening.

For installation on sashes, it is necessary to use certified industrial products - this is a guarantee of the strength and long service life of the furniture and its individual parts.

Preparing for installation

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials for furniture ... Be sure to have on hand a screwdriver, a drill with the appropriate attachments, a pencil, crayon, ruler or tape measure. You will also need screws that are the right size (usually sold with hinges), and self-tapping screws of a certain size.

    Hinge installation tools.

  2. When installing fasteners, consider the material you are dealing with and its structure. For loose or fibrous wood panels, different types of fasteners and fixing methods are used. Glass surfaces also require a special approach. Two are predominantly used fastenings - above and below. If the sash weighs a lot or exceeds a meter in length, then for reinforcement, you can add one more detail in the center. If 9 kg is exceeded, the door is equipped with additional hinges - added for every 5 kg of weight. For kitchen cabinets, two hinges are usually used, for large items - three or more.

    The maximum number of fasteners that can be placed on the door with a large length and weight of 20 kg is 5 pieces.

  3. Measure at least 10 cm from the upper and lower inner corners of the door, otherwise the sash may "loosen" over time, and the screws will come out of the grooves.

    The hinges must not be placed at the level of the shelves - the door will not close.

  4. Before starting the installation fasteners must be marked. This will help connect the elements much more accurate.

    Use a pencil or fine crayon.

  5. Average length of an indent from the edge of the sash cabinet to the center of the loop is 2.2 cm.

    This is the distance for standard mountings.

  6. Before installing the hinges on the door cabinet wipe the surfaces. Mark the future joints with a sharp nail or awl.

    Preparing furniture for the installation of fasteners does not tolerate fuss. The correct operation of the doors depends on this.

Check all the parameters of the sash carefully cabinet , arrangement of shelves, etc. You can make a preliminary sketch.

Installation of fasteners

Cabinet doors pre-try on the sidewalls to make accurate markings. Initial installation phase hinges - drilling holes for attaching cups.

It is not always convenient to make hinges in the vertical position of the door. This will potentially reduce the accuracy of the join.

Place the sash on a flat surface, securing it. Use a drill and cutter to drill holes for the cup. It is important not to make too large indentations, 1.2 cm is enough. Insert the cups into the holes and screw the screws in the door part of the mount.

It is necessary that they enter the grooves exactly, without skewing, otherwise the door will be fixed incorrectly.

For installation position the drill vertically - any tilt will make the work of poor quality, chips may appear, due to which the mount will not hold securely.The striking plate on the side of the product can also be installed in the vertical position of the panel, having previously marked the joints.

The drill must also be kept very level when drilling.

If overhead parts are used, then they are made "deaf" so that they do not creep out during connection and assembly. Such fasteners should not have gaps and distortions.Use help when connecting the sash and side panel.

Together, the work process will be more convenient, better quality and more accurate.

Installing fittings on glass doors requires special care and attention. For such doors, special fasteners are purchased. On the side of the sidewall, you will need holes that are drilled with a drill.

The glass sheet is fixed with clamps.

Leveling and adjusting

Furniture fixtures need adjustment. For this in the process installations check their fixation in depth and distance. You can do this with the parts horizontally or vertically. cabinet. After assembling the furniture all preliminary calculations will turn into a result, so it is important to devote more time to the markup and connection parameters in advance.

When choosing, you must first of all pay attention to the strength of the product, it should serve throughout the entire life of the furniture.

After installing the fasteners on the cabinet doors it is necessary to carefully try on the flaps to the sidewalls so that they match exactly. Mark the joints with a pencil. Lock the door and do the fastening work on both sides. It is important that the accuracy of all details cabinet was one hundred percent. Finish the assembly and test the work.

When opening and closing for the first time, the sash can move somewhat tightly, if the hinges have not yet been lubricated and developed.

After fixing the hinges to the cabinet finished, it is recommended to drip a little machine oil inside the mechanism. Then wipe the surface with an absorbent cloth.

Check that all elements are working properly.

For cabinet it is better to take wide loops from chipboard, since the base material can crumble.

The higher the quality of all the elements of the assembled furniture, the more reliable their operation will be.

Installing hinges on the door cabinet , do not forget that after a while the sashes can sag under their own weight, especially if they often remain open. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically strengthen the hinges by tightening the screws. In modern mounts, this is easy to do - there is an additional recess in the oval part.

Try to debug the parts carefully so as not to loosen the grooves.

It is also necessary to lubricate the hinges from time to time. cabinet so that they do not rust or squeak. By adjusting the fasteners , it is necessary to fix not only the screws connecting the cup or bar, but also the closer parts. The mechanical part can wear out from operation. Therefore, it is important to have 2-3 spare parts in order to replace the broken part with them. A "drawdown" is indicated by a skew, a loose cover. Work is carried out more often in rooms with uneven floors and high humidity.

If the adjustment does not help, it is worth replacing the old parts with new ones.

When changing fasteners on used furniture, you need to look at how much they fit for it. It may be necessary to change the location of the new hinges due to the loosening of the grooves.

After adjusting, check for gaps, tightness of the doors when closing, general mobility and evenness of the sash along the axis.

When installing several fasteners, you should calculate that their location does not fall on the internal elements of the furniture.

VIDEO: How to quickly and easily install furniture hinges.

VIDEO: How to adjust cabinet doors.

An integral part of the installation of the door block in the opening is the installation of hinges on the interior door. On the one hand, this process is simple, but on the other, it is complicated - it should be understood that the appearance of the doors largely depends on the quality of this work. In this article, together with the site, we will analyze two technologies according to which door canopies can be inserted. In addition, we will look at alternative solutions to this problem.

Installation of hinges on an interior door photo

Installing hinges on an interior door: how professionals do it

If we talk about what method of solving the issue, how to install the hinges on the door, is better, faster and better, then, naturally, it will be a professional approach to business. There is no other way here - in an effort to earn as much money as possible, the master must do his job simultaneously, quickly and efficiently, so that later there are no problems with customers. It is for this reason that professional tools and devices are used to perform work.

By and large, in order to cut out the planting holes at the end of the door leaf for, you only need a couple of things - this is a hand-held milling machine that makes a clean cut and a device for cutting hinges. Many of you are already familiar with the first, but the second will need to be dealt with in a little more detail. In fact, this is a kind of overlay that protects the door leaf or frame from damage during the movement of the hand router over them. There are also devices that completely set the dimensions of the cut hole - in this case, the work is facilitated several times. It should also be noted that there are also such devices for cutting hinges, which in one installation allow you to cut a groove both on the canvas and on the door frame. Such a device connects together two parts of the door block, which in itself removes the issue of aligning the grooves on these two parts of the door. Today, such devices are considered the best and can significantly increase the pace and quality of work on.

Installation of hinges on the door photo

In principle, you can do without a device - one milling machine will be enough to perform one-time work. The disadvantage of the lack of adaptation is the longer insertion of the hinges into the interior door and not too high quality, which can be expressed in the mismatch of the grooves on the canvas and. In addition, the machine itself can scratch the protective and decorative coating of the door - you need to take care of this separately and equip the heel of the hand router with a soft material (for example, felt).

How to insert loops with your own hands, see the video.

Handicraft method for installing loops: sequence of work

Yes, now this technology refers specifically to handicraft production, but a few decades ago, all professionals used this method to make the insert. Sometimes it is used nowadays, but one should not expect high quality from it. You probably already guessed what will be discussed - this is a chisel and a hammer, which can be found in the arsenal of almost any master's person. The main drawback of this method of solving the question of how to embed the hinges into the door is the frayed edges of the groove, which is completely unacceptable for modern and covered ones. And if we talk about the advantages, then it is, of course, the availability of this technology for independent implementation.

Inset of hinges in an interior door photo

In general, this method of inserting door canopies can be represented in the form of the following technological sequence.

  1. Groove marking. As a rule, it is done by attaching an installed canopy to the end of the canvas or box and tracing it with a pencil. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to correctly position the loops.
  2. At the second stage of the work, the groove is edged - this is done with a hammer and chisel. The latter is installed clearly along the marking line and is driven into the door body to a maximum depth of 3 mm. This edging must be made around the entire perimeter of the groove.
  3. Fetching a groove with a chisel. Here you will have to tinker a little - by setting the chisel at an angle, the groove is simply cut down with hammer blows. You need to work carefully so as not to damage the front surfaces.

To be frank, in my opinion, this technology is only suitable for doors that will subsequently be exposed. Only in this case it will be possible to eliminate the chips formed from the chisel. And yet, the most difficult and crucial moment in the process of such insertion of loops with your own hands is not the device of the groove, but their combination - the selection on the canvas and the box must clearly coincide. It is very difficult to do without accurate measurements here, and it should be understood that every millimeter is important.

Alternatives: The Easiest Way to Install Door Hinges

By and large, for a person without experience in carrying out such work, all the two methods of installing door sheds described above will cause a lot of problems - here we can safely say that nothing good will come of such an undertaking. It is better for such people to look for an alternative. It is available, and quite good - there are such awnings that completely allow you to abandon the process of tapping when installing hinges on the door. One could even say more - there are two such options.

There is also a third option for solving the issue of installing door hinges on interior doors - these are the so-called pivot hinges. They cut into the canvas, but due to the very interesting design, the insertion points are not visible - this type of canopy is attributed to the hidden form of these products. In fact, these are two plates that rotate around one center located on the side - they are mounted on the lower and upper ends of the door leaf. They are also installed on the door frame from the bottom and top of one of the pillars. The main problems often arise with the upper canopy of this design - as a rule, it remains visible in the open position. Therefore, for people who do not know how to cut in loops, this option will not be very suitable.

Basically, that's all. As you can see, there are not many options - either you will have to learn a qualified insert of door sheds, or hire specialists, or use alternatives, with which, by and large, things are not so rosy. But you should not despair, as you have already noticed, installing hinges on an interior door is not difficult, and if you practice well on a regular board, then everything will turn out in the best way!

    Photo 4 Design features: left and right hinges.

    In the event that hidden door fittings are installed, it is worth being especially accurate, errors may result in the distortion of the canvas or its malfunctioning.

    Photo 5 The markings for the hinges are easy to carry out by attaching the accessories to the canvas and tracing the contours with a pencil.

    When the door structure is complete and all the necessary markings are applied, it is time to install the hinges. The fittings must be attached to the places marked for fasteners, so you can visually assess the correctness of the actions - how symmetrically their arrangement is.

    Rules for the selection and installation of hardware for wooden doors

    Before purchasing hinged fittings, you need to decide on the type of accessories you need. Removable hinges differ in the option of opening the door block, distinguish between right and left. To correctly determine the required type of hinges, you need to stand in front of the doorway and indicate in which side the door handle will be located, if on the right - left hinges are needed, on the left - right hinges.

    Photo 6 Marking of the "post" door frame for hinges.

    If the material of the door leaf is wood, then it is necessary to "drown" the hinges in the door leaf. This process is done with a sharp knife. To do this, you need to attach the loops to the intended attachment point and make cuts along the contour, going deeper into the thickness of the loop. For convenience, cuts are made both vertically and horizontally of the door leaf. If only one-sided cut is made, this can lead to delamination of other sections of the wooden surface.

    Photo 7 Performing a cut can be carried out using a chisel or a router.

    For the convenience of performing this kind of work with door fittings, you can use special templates for cutting hinges. Due to such blanks, the installation process is significantly accelerated, and the risk of defects is minimized. In essence, the blank completely corresponds to the shape of the part to be installed in the door leaf or frame part, i.e. deepening of the required diameter is done without much difficulty, observing all the specified contours.

    Methods for mounting hinges on interior doors

    For the installation of door fittings, you must prepare the following tools:

    1. A screwdriver or screwdriver.
    2. Self-tapping screws.
    3. Pencil.
    4. A set of wedges are required to align structural elements.
    5. Building level.
    6. Drill with fine drills.
    7. Hammer and chisel.

    [Photo 8 Correct installation of loops assumes their exact position in the made recess, excluding gaps with the canvas.]

    After preparing all the necessary tools, you can get to work. We carry out the installation of door hinges:

    1. The first is the markup. To do this, it is necessary to indent from the upper and lower edges of the canvas by 20 - 25 cm.
    2. We outline the door hinges along the contour with a pencil.
    3. Next, you need to use a chisel and a hammer to knock out the grooves along the outlined contour. It is worth paying special attention to the thickness of the groove; if you make it too deep, the door will rest against the frame. The depth of the pocket should match the thickness of the canopy.
    1. It is necessary to fix the door in the trap with wooden wedges. It is necessary to align the canvas by means of the building level in the position in which it will be in the installed form. The correct process involves leveling both horizontally and vertically. If the first condition is not met, the door will be difficult to close, the second will lead to self-opening.
    2. After the door structure is leveled, it is necessary to mark the places of contact of the door sheds with the frame.
    3. The subsequent actions are similar to the door leaf: a hole is made with a chisel for door hinges.

    It is very important to know that when applying fittings to the inside of the door, it is worth considering the location of the hinges, which should face the front side of the door, i.e. in the direction where the door will open in the future.

    Using fasteners when installing the hinges

    The final stage is fixing the parts with self-tapping screws, which come complete with hinged structures. Before starting screwing, you must use a drill. In the designated places, grooves are drilled. Such actions must be performed to prevent splitting of the tree at the time of screwing in the self-tapping screws. After the work is done, you can start fixing the hinges with self-tapping screws.

    Photo 9 Diagram of the structure of the hinge and its fasteners.

    If you plan to insert hidden hinges, in this case, a more complex installation process will have to be done than when choosing other types. Here you will need to make the pockets a little deeper for planting the loops. For a more precise contour, it is advisable to use a milling machine.

    The marking of the canvas is performed in the same order. Next, you should use the help of a professional, since exceeding the necessary force to press the milling machine contributes to a greater deepening than is required, as a result of which the door leaf will be damaged.

    Fixing the hinges with screws, it is necessary to accurately enter the hole made, at an angle of 90 °. Initially, marks are made with a pencil, then the top of the wood is pierced with an awl, then the beginning of the funnel is drilled, and the fasteners are screwed in last. So much action is necessary so that the canvas is not covered with cracks while screwing in the screws.

    The screw-in hinges can be easily distinguished from the same appearance. Instead of standard inserts, they have female tapered pins. This option is often used for installation on interior doors. One of the advantages of this type of fittings is the admissibility of adjustment using a hexagon. For an aesthetic appearance, the pins are masked with special caps.

    It does not matter which hinges were chosen, the main thing is to correctly install them. Inserting door hinges is not an easy task, but it is possible to do such a process with your own hands, following the indicated recommendations for marking and subsequent installation of any types of door hinges.

It should be noted that inserting door hinges is, in principle, simple work, but requiring precision and accuracy. You will also need a fairly limited set of tools for this. How to do everything right is described in this article.

Usually, assembled doors do not require the installation of locks and hinges - everything has already been done at the enterprise. Even if purchased a disassembled block, it is not difficult to order a similar service in the carpentry shop of a building supermarket.

There the craftsmen use a special machine and will do the work as accurately as possible, moreover, for a relatively low fee. Thus, when there is no self-confidence, we advise you to choose the option named above - inept actions often lead to damage to both the doors and the box.

Loop types

Before buying hinges, you need to understand their features and designs on the market. This will allow you to choose the right model for your particular case.

First of all, it matters which side your wooden doors open to. So, loops are:

  • right-handed;
  • left-handed.

If you have not yet fully clarified this point for yourself, take universal ones.

To determine the type, you need to stand on the side in which the canvas should swing open, and see where its movement will be directed (to the right or to the left) - the loops are selected accordingly.

They also differ in material:

  • brass (they are plastic and therefore not suitable for heavy sashes);
  • floatable (also not very strong);
  • steel (the most reliable and durable).


  • the most popular hinge option is card hinges, with mounting plates on the sides;
  • corner ones are used for pendulum doors;
  • screw-in (screw-in) plates do not have, but are equipped with threaded pins (suitable for light MDF cloths);
  • secret - they are used on entrance doors and are not visible from the outside;
  • Italian ones are very reminiscent of the furniture we are used to.

They are also distinguished by the type of installation:

  • overheads are mounted directly on the surface of the canvas and box;
  • mortise requires flush installation in special recesses;
  • screwed ones only need holes in both the box and the sash itself.

This is a special non-separable type of card hinges, the design of which allows you to do without a tie-in. It is she who is most suitable for inexperienced home craftsmen.

Doors are supplied with a butterfly, which are mounted in an already installed frame.

This option has a number of disadvantages:

  • to remove the canvas, you need to unscrew the screws;
  • sometimes skews can form over time;
  • not suitable for massive wooden doors;
  • the surface on which they are attached must be perfectly flat.

How to install a butterfly with your own hands? You will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill for wood;
  • awl;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

Self-tapping screws come with hinges, so there is no need to buy them separately.

The order of work is as follows:

  • along the edge, indents are made on each side of 200 mm;
  • attach the attachment;
  • mark the places for the screws;
  • holes are drilled (1.5 mm);
  • fix the hinges;
  • the door is applied to the box and marks are put on the last;
  • make holes there for self-tapping screws and complete the installation.

The procedure itself is pretty simple - no template is needed here.


  • ruler (30 cm);
  • pencil.
  • we determine the side of the opening;
  • along the end we measure 200 millimeters from each corner;
  • make notes;
  • we apply loops to them with the upper part to the line;
  • outline the outline;
  • the plate should protrude slightly beyond the end face - this will ensure free opening;
  • in the presence of any natural defect at the attachment point, the hinges move slightly lower.

Loop insertion

No complicated tools required. A hand router, for example, is needed more when installing locks. Prepare:

  • a screwdriver (usually a Phillips type Ph 1 is needed);
  • hammer;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • chisel;
  • cutter;
  • awl.

The installation process looks like this:

  • hinges are temporarily strengthened according to previously made marks;
  • they are circled with a cutter, deepening a couple of millimeters, and removed;
  • with a chisel and a hammer, a recess is carefully cut out, sufficient for the complete immersion of the mounting plate;
  • the box is assembled on self-tapping screws around the door laid on the floor;
  • check the correctness of the markings and cut the groove perimeter;
  • reinforce the awnings with self-tapping screws, raise the block and check the opening.

How to install screw hinges

To work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • ready-made template;
  • pencil.

The canvas is installed vertically on its side. Further:

  • 20 centimeters recede from the edges;
  • fix the template with a clamp;
  • the necessary holes are drilled (their depth corresponds to the length of the guide pin);
  • the same is done on the box;
  • the hinges are disassembled and installed in the prepared holes;
  • the canvas is hung in place;
  • adjustment is carried out if necessary.

Adjustment is done using special screws by loosening or tightening them:

  • if it is required to correct the position of the sash in the horizontal plane, turn the upper one;
  • clearance and fit adjustment is carried out with the lower screw;
  • medium is needed for vertical correction.

This video will allow you to better understand how the installation of the hinges on the door is going on: