Ways to beautifully pack bouquets. How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers - advice from experienced florists How to make a lush bouquet of a few roses

Floristry is one of the types applied arts. It allows you to create masterpieces from natural materials. The result is collages, bouquets, panels, compositions. This art direction allows you to express your creativity and learn technical techniques. Only flowers and leaves are used in this work.

Beginning florists should try making simple arrangements in the form of bouquets. For creative person such a hobby can become a real passion. Create unusual works from natural materials it is very easy to follow the lessons and advice of experienced florists. There are no identical flowers or leaves in nature, so the work always turns out to be unique.

Getting started with flowers

After watching the lesson on making bouquets, you immediately need to think about what to make it from.

Choose the right material

You can use both live and dry ingredients. Materials are divided into categories: exotic, field and others. There are plants that will universally fit into any bouquet. For example, Irises or Sunflowers.

I mainly use the following materials:

Some plants don't go well together. They tend to release substances into the water that poison other plants. It is customary to keep roses, carnations and lilies separately from others.

Gift bouquets have their own characteristics. Flowers have always had their own meaning. The colors also convey a certain message. Even the packaging matters.

Using too large quantity different flowers (more than 4 types) makes the composition heavy, cluttered or too rustic. A bouquet from a novice florist should be different from a selection of wildflowers.

Etiquette in floristry is increasingly developing. More and more attention is being paid to it. If flowers can convey the feelings of the giver, then the composition can have the meaning of a full-fledged postcard.

According to the canons of design in any field perfect combination- these are three primary colors. With regard to arranging bouquets, this rule also applies. A beginner will demonstrate good taste if he sticks to a modest color palette.

The quality of flowers, especially fresh ones, is a very important factor. The arranged bouquet will look careless if there are spots on the leaves or the stem is limp. There are tricks to keep fresh flowers in good condition: store at a suitable temperature, cut the stems at an angle, clear them of leaves and shoots to the water level. The cut needs to be renewed sometimes - the flowers will last longer.

Bouquets of dried flowers have a number of advantages:

  • Durable.
  • Simple composition design.
  • No additional care required.
  • They stand without water in a vase or even in wooden blanks.
  • Additional coloring adds brightness and uniqueness to the bouquet.
  • Dark corners of the house are suitable so that the bouquet does not fade.

Select song

There are several basic compositions that will help beginners assemble bouquets of fresh and dried flowers very quickly and efficiently.

  1. Using Similar Colors. This technique of making bouquets is the most popular among non-professionals. Peonies, irises, Dutch roses, Dutch roses, lilacs, violets are easy to arrange.
  2. The struggle and unity of opposites in contrasting compositions. They turn out to be one of the most spectacular and brightest. Using basic colors makes bouquets interesting. Making bouquets from fresh flowers will be especially simple and interesting for beginners. Contrast can be achieved through light and dark shades.
  3. Combination various colors one saturation. For this I use a tint circle. There are special computer programs, allowing you to see the colors combined with a particular shade. This helps artists and web designers work. A novice florist can train his sense of color thanks to them.
  4. Combination of colors of the same color, but in different shades. The bouquet looks like a gradient.

Composition is also affected by the shape and size of objects. They must be proportional to each other.

Tools for beginner florists

All these items are needed to get started. With experience, you can choose other devices.

Styles in the art of floristry

Formolinear style, characterized by a restrained amount of materials and shapes. The bouquet consists of only one flowers.

Massive style is an arrangement characterized by large shapes and soft lines. First, the main part of the bouquet is composed, and then all the voids are filled in to achieve smooth lines.

Creative floristry - applied non-standard forms and priority is given to the uniqueness of the product.

Mixed style is the combination of several styles into unusual compositions.

Bouquets for women are more streamlined and round, while bouquets for men are more elongated.

Spring bouquet: step-by-step instructions

Floristry master class for beginners from several simple steps. Even a child can repeat the lesson on making this bouquet.

  1. Prepare your tools. Trim pale pink peonies so that the stem is 45 cm long. Remove any leaves from the stem that will be in the water.
  2. Choose the most big flower, add others of smaller size to it. They should be placed just below the main flower. Point the bouquet with the buds towards you to see how they are arranged.
  3. The stems of the flowers should be at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to each other.
  4. We fill the bouquet until it is the desired volume. Now you can secure it with floral tape. Close the fixation with a satin ribbon.
  5. Align the stems so that the buds are at the same level. Wrap them in transparent packaging.

The bouquet is ready. Buds of pink peonies can be diluted with white ones.

Video master class

Floristry will allow you to make a unique gift for loved ones or decorate a celebration. Even a beginner can make a bouquet of flowers step by step by following the steps in the master class.

Making creative products from plants will be easy if you follow the techniques from the master class. It describes in detail the composition, creation of shape and selection of color shades.

You will need

  • - flowers;
  • - tape or cord;
  • - decorative greenery;
  • - additional accessories (frame, packaging material).


Before you start compiling, select one for it. In this matter, it is very important to take into account age, gender, appearance and, of course, the personal taste of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. To avoid annoying mistakes, follow the basic rules of floral etiquette. For this, choose large, tall flowers. For example, gladioli, hippeastrum. For women, more delicate plants are suitable - roses, lilies, tulips. Carnations are presented to mature and elderly people. The most universal colors are gerberas, they can be given to almost everyone.

Composing a bouquet is a creative activity that requires preparation and understanding of the future creation. Think about the form in advance and appearance future flower arrangement. Be sure to pay attention to the outlines of flowers and leaves, this will help you maintain harmony between all the elements of the bouquet. It is also important to correctly place accents and choose materials, but in this matter each master relies only on his personal taste.

To make a bouquet, in addition to flowers, you will need a ribbon for the bunch, decorative greenery and any additional accessories you wish. The simplest option for making a bouquet is parallel. Take the largest flowers and place them in the center of the future bouquet. Add smaller flowers around. The resulting composition will be framed by decorative greenery. Tie the bouquet with a ribbon. Trim flower stems to uniform lengths.

A spiral bouquet is more complex, but at the same time more original. This option will look lush even with a small amount of flowers. To make a spiral bouquet, prepare the flowers and place them on the table in front of you. Collect the bouquet in your left hand, and add flowers one by one with your right. Make sure that the stems of the flowers touch each other only where they are held by the fingers of your left hand.

Take large flower, which will be in the center of the composition, and set it vertically. Lay the subsequent elements of the bouquet slightly diagonally, as if in a spiral. If you are adding flowers to the front, angle them from left to right. Increase the angle of inclination as the bouquet fills. At the same time, arrange the flowers so that the internal and external elements are almost the same in length. Then your bouquet will be beautiful round shape. Plants with small flowers and thin foliage can be slightly raised above the surface of the bouquet.

When the composition is ready, place it along its edge decorative leaves. They need to be pushed out a little beyond the edges of the bouquet to create a neat cuff. Then twist the bouquet tightly with ribbon or cord. Carefully trim the flower stems to create an even base.

Flowers are an amazing gift from nature. They attract the eye and exude a wonderful aroma. Flowers are used as decoration and presented to people in honor of significant events in their lives.

You can create a composition from living plants. Products from artificial flowers. You can surprise your family and friends by creating a bouquet of sweets with your own hands.

Such original gift Sweet tooths and small children will love it.

When starting work, you should adhere to certain rules. The style of the bouquet should correspond to the event, age and gender of the person for whom it is intended.

The composition should look natural. To learn how to make a bouquet with your own hands, use step-by-step instructions.

Each flower in the composition should be visible at first glance. The created structure may include plants different types, the same color, but different shades.

White color goes well with other tones. Pay attention to the stability and size of the composition.

Bouquet of fresh flowers

The range of modern stores is simply huge. All year round you can buy almost any flower that opens unlimited possibilities in front of florists. Bouquet in one color scheme looks tender. It's easy to make yourself.

Garden flowers are suitable for bouquets, which are often used as gifts. Field plants allow you to create a romantic composition. Exotic plants will make the bouquet bright and unusual.

Mono compositions also look beautiful. In them, flowers of one type occupy about 80% of the bouquet, the remaining plants are used as a background, complement or contrast. Properly selected packaging plays an important role in design.

Bridal bouquet

First of all, they are determined by the type of plant and color. To do this, the style of the celebration and the time of year are taken into account. It is better to stick to delicate colors: pink, white. You can use several shades in the bride's bouquet.

The most persistent plants are roses, callas, orchids, and daisies. To ensure that the composition remains in perfect condition all day, use a porta-bouquet holder.

Amazing compositions from ribbons

A bouquet of satin flowers looks stylish and fashionable. In a wedding salon you can purchase a composition of artificial flowers that looks no worse than the standard options.

You can create it yourself original bouquet from ribbons. To do this, you need to make flowers and then assemble them into a delicate composition.

To get the base, you need to squeeze out construction foam to CD. Then trim off any excess after it dries. Using a glue gun, glue a tube that will serve as a handle.

If gaps remain, they can be filled with hairpins with rhinestones or flowers. The handle is wrapped with bias tape and then a bow is placed on it. The base can be made from crumpled newspapers, and a wooden stick can be used as a handle.

Men's bouquets

Flowers are usually given to women. If a man needs to put together a bouquet, then you should pay attention to carnations. This flower symbolizes success, honor and loyalty.

Irises are suitable for loved one. You can choose callas and gerberas. To prepare a pleasant surprise loved one or colleague, you need to know how to make a men's bouquet with your own hands.

Such a gift does not have to be issued in a standard way. But it should be taken into account that the bouquet should be elongated and laconic. A man who loves sweets will love a composition of sweets.

You can give a gift in the form of a ship or a car. The flower arrangement is complemented with a bottle of alcohol and fruit.

A bouquet of beer and fish will appeal to the stronger sex. A man will definitely appreciate originality and care.

Fruit bouquet

The edible composition evokes delight and a smile. It is made using fruits, berries and leaves. Citrus fruits, bananas, grapes and other fruits are suitable for such a bouquet.

All fruits are washed, peeled and dried. To give the components beautiful view, they are left for some time in the gelatin solution.

Find yours interesting idea Photos of fruit bouquets will help. Do not use overripe fruits. It is better to choose copies without visible defects.

Place such bouquets in a basket or low vase. In the selected container at the bottom there should be special material, where skewers with fruit are stuck.


You don't need to spend a lot of money to make an original gift. You can make a beautiful bouquet yourself that will please the hero of the occasion.

Compositions are made from flowers, sweets and other items. They are complemented with different decor.

Bouquets are part of the holiday; they are given for special occasions. Unusual compositions of toys, money, fruits and sweets are popular today.

If you want to surprise your loved ones, create an original gift yourself.

Photos of DIY bouquets

Rida Khasanova

A wedding is an important day in a girl’s life, and the main accessory for her wedding dress is a bouquet. You can order its production from a professional florist, but a composition created by yourself looks much more interesting.

How to assemble a wedding bouquet of fresh flowers with your own hands?

How to make a bridal bouquet from fresh flowers with your own hands: first of all, you need to get acquainted with the basic composition techniques. For each bouquet it is selected individually.

Advantages and disadvantages different options making wedding bouquets:

  1. Bouquet composed from its own stems flowers without auxiliary options can be placed in a vase with water so that the flowers are saturated with moisture and retain their freshness longer. The difficulty is that it is impossible to create a complex composition in this way, since the stems do not bend, and the stem of the bouquet will turn out to be quite voluminous.
  2. A bouquet of flowers, wholly or partially secured with wire: It is inserted into the stem or placed on top of it. This technique allows you to bend the stems as you like and create an original bouquet shape. But the composition itself will be heavy in weight.
  3. Taped bouquet– the stems are trimmed to the length required by the bouquet design and secured on a wire, which is wrapped with green floral ribbon. The advantage is that you can arrange a bouquet of any complexity, but the main disadvantage is the lack of nutrition for the flowers. Therefore, they will retain their fresh appearance for a short time.
  4. The stems are completely cut off, and the inflorescences are attached to a thin wire, which is attached to a thicker one. Thus, inflorescences and branches are formed. Such a bouquet will be very elegant and beautiful, but short-lived, as in the previous version.
  5. Bouquet with a port bouquet, where the stems are strengthened in a special moistened sponge. This bouquet is made quickly, it can be given a round or flowing shape, and flowers will not fade for a long time. If the flowers are large, the composition will be heavy.
  6. Glue technology: petals and flowers, leaves are attached to the surface of the base with glue. This bouquet is assembled very quickly, but is distinguished by its fragility.
  7. In a frame bouquet a small flask of water is used, which is attached to the stem or inflorescence. Flowers take moisture well, and you can create an interesting composition. But such bouquets are usually very bulky and inconvenient.

A glass or plastic flask can be filled with tinted water and give plants unusual shades and an additional color effect

Various workshops for making bouquets will help you decide on the choice of composition and choose a convenient way to create a wedding bouquet for the bride.

The process of creating a bridal bouquet

DIY wedding bouquet of peony roses with their own stems

DIY bridal bouquet of roses and lilies with wire

Bride's bouquet of tulips using glue technique

Master class on making a bridal bouquet from live spray roses

Shrub rose is the most popular plant among florists. Bouquet of small buds suitable for any bridal look, and will give it fragility and femininity.

To make a stylish bouquet, you need to prepare:

  • bush roses;
  • twigs for decoration;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • pins;
  • satin ribbon matching the color of the flowers.

How to do:

  1. Remove leaves and thorns from flowers. Trim the stems so that their length is about 30 cm.
  2. Choose 2-4 flowers that will form the basis of the composition. Fold into a bouquet and tie with floral tape at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom of the stems.
  3. Add one rose at a time, securing it with ribbon each time. Flowers that are located around the base should attach a little lower to give the bouquet round shape . If desired, you can add some twigs for decoration.
  4. Wrap the finished bouquet with floral tape along the stem and trim the bottom.
  5. Wrap a satin ribbon around the stem in a spiral and secure with pins. Then make a second layer and attach with a small pin to the bottom of the stem.

A bouquet of spray roses is ready!

Bouquet of cream-colored spray roses

DIY bouquet of red spray roses

Bright bridal bouquet of multi-colored spray roses

How to assemble a bride's wedding bouquet with a porta bouquet step by step with your own hands

Many brides like a spherical bouquet, as they look unusual and fabulous. Forming a porta bouquet has several secrets, thanks to which you can significantly prolong the fresh appearance of flowers.

What you will need:

  • porta bouquet holder;
  • satin ribbon;
  • foam sponge;
  • double sided tape;
  • tape for taping;
  • scissors or pruning shears;
  • glue gun;
  • water;
  • any flowers.

How to do it:

  1. Open the portaquet holder and insert a sponge in the shape of a ball. She needs nourish evenly cold water : It is very convenient to do this using an ordinary syringe. To prevent moisture from the sponge from wetting the handle of the bouquet, you need to place a small oblong piece of sponge under it, which will absorb excess liquid and protect the handle from getting wet.
  2. Attach leaves in a circle to the expanding part of the portbouquet with double-sided tape.
  3. You need to glue the end to the end of the handle satin ribbon. Then cover the entire surface of the handle with double-sided tape and wrap the tape in a spiral. Secure the tip using a hot glue gun.
  4. Cut the leaves diagonally and insert sponges into the cuff. An oblique cut will increase the area of ​​the leaves, which will absorb moisture and the greens will remain fresh for a long time.
  5. It is recommended to choose small roses from flowers. Cut the stems to 6 cm and insert evenly into the sponge so that it is completely hidden under the buds.

From the same color of roses you can make boutonnieres for witnesses and the groom, as well as decorate the microphone of the wedding host - it will look beautiful and organic.

What does a porta bouquet look like?

Wedding bouquet of roses and eustoma with porta bouquet

DIY bouquet of white freesias with a porta bouquet

How to make your own bouquet of wildflowers

A delicate bouquet of daisies will perfectly complement the bride’s image without distracting everyone’s attention from her. Daisies hold up well for a long time without water and are suitable for an eco-style wedding. Such a bouquet can be made very quickly with your own hands, and it will save the situation when there is very little time left to create a flower arrangement.

What is needed for the bouquet:

  • 15-20 daisies;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • gardening scissors;
  • ribbon or fabric for decoration.

How to do:

  1. Fold three chamomile stems crosswise. Apply the remaining flowers in a spiral. To get the correct spiral, daisies should be placed exactly diagonally, adding a few flowers inside so that there are no voids left and the volume of the bouquet increases.
  2. When creating the shape of the bouquet, evaluate its appearance in the mirror so that you can correct it in time. The inflorescences should be located approximately at the same level.
  3. In the middle of the stems, tie them with green ribbon.
  4. Trim the bottom of the stems with scissors so that it becomes smooth and neat.
  5. Wrap satin ribbon or overlapping fabric around the stems, leaving the lower part uncovered.
  6. Tie a bow from a small piece of ribbon or fabric.

Daisies can be folded at an angle of 90 degrees, then the shape of the bouquet will be spherical. And to make it lighter, you can cut off the length of the stems.

Wedding bouquet of daisies

Bouquet for the bride of daisies and other wildflowers

Original bouquet for the bride of wild flowers

How to make the base of a bouquet yourself: step-by-step instructions

To create an unusual spherical bouquet, no need to contact specialists. The base can be created from simple scrap materials and polystyrene foam with your own hands, following the detailed instructions.

What you will need for the base of the bouquet:

  • cardboard tube from under food foil or films;
  • regular foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • cotton threads;
  • bank erasers (stationery);
  • glue gun

To make a ball with a diameter of approximately 18-20 cm, you will need 5-6 squares of polystyrene foam 5-6 cm thick in a square shape. How to do:

  1. Make a hole for the handle: attach the cardboard tube to the foam and trace it with a pencil. Using a knife, cut out a recess according to the design. When exactly half of the tube fits into it, do the same steps on another foam plastic.
  2. Glue all the parts of the foam, covering the entire surface of the joined parts with glue. Pieces with a prepared hole should be located at the bottom of the composition. Secure the resulting square with rubber bands and leave until the glue dries. To make the base, it is undesirable to use “moment” glue, as it corrodes the foam. The best option- This is PVA glue.
  3. Acute small knife cut pieces of foam to form a circle from the square.
  4. Roll the ball on the table to remove any unevenness.
  5. Shorten the cardboard reel to 14-16 cm. Coat the part that will be hidden in the ball with hot glue and insert it into the spherical base.
  6. Wrap the ball randomly with threads. Dilute glue with water in a ratio of 1*1. Dip the pieces into the solution toilet paper and glue to the ball, completely covering its surface. Leave until dry.

Basis for a wedding bouquet ready! Then you can decorate it with fresh or artificial flowers, and wrap the handle with a ribbon of a suitable color.

Photo of a hand-made bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums

Wedding bouquet of orchids

The wedding can be magnificent or modest, in classic or original style, but always with flowers. The bride's bouquet is the most home flower composition , which emphasizes the tenderness and charm of the girl. You can arrange it yourself and make a bouquet to your liking.

To see everything clearly, watch the video of a DIY wedding bouquet:

May 8, 2018, 11:39 pm

Roses are one of the most popular flowers for creating bouquets. They are beautiful and attractive in themselves, so putting them together into a great composition will not be difficult. The main thing is to tune in to a creative note and show a little imagination.

To create a bouquet of roses, you must first purchase them. The flower warehouse offers a wide range of fresh roses at wholesale and retail prices. General recommendations for making a beautiful bouquet of roses:

    Proportion and contrasting spots. Roses different sizes should stand out. However, do not make the contrast too bright.

    Sustainability. The composition must have balance. If it leans down, it's not aligned correctly.

    Durability. Roses should be stored properly in a cool place. It is important to change the water on time, adding disinfectants, and trim the stems.

    Naturalness and naturalness of packaging. Foil and artificial cellophane will make a bouquet of roses tasteless. The color of the packaging should also not distract from the content of the composition.

    Moderate decor. It is better to avoid too voluminous decorative elements and dried flowers. A variety of bows and toys are also not the best choice.

    Harmony. It is worth observing moderation when choosing decorations and greenery. A few single roses without packaging are better than a lush, tasteless bouquet decorated with incompatible decor.

Bouquet shapes

Roses can be laid out in a spiral, then the bouquet will be round and voluminous. But this type of compilation will require a fairly large number of them. A simpler and more modest way is parallel display. Flowers with stems of equal length are arranged parallel to each other. Next, fix it with tape, tape or a garter.

Asymmetric variations are also possible at the request of the customer or florist. Alternative way- use of a boutonniere. With its help, you can make a composition from just one rose, decorating it with additional details.

How to make a wedding bouquet of roses

Typically, a porta bouquet holder is used for a wedding bouquet with roses. She represents plastic tube, expanded at the top. The base consists of a sponge soaked in liquid. Thanks to it, the freshness of the bouquet is maintained throughout the wedding ceremony and for a long time after it.

For a small wedding bouquet of roses you will need:

    7-9 roses, different colors possible;

    green salal leaves;

    red berries, such as viburnum or currants;

    satin ribbon;

    porta bouquet holder;

  • single-sided and double-sided tape;

    green tape;

    scissors, knife and pliers.

First you need to cover the lattice with greenery using double sided tape. To disguise its stripes, you can glue green tape over it. A sponge, pre-soaked with water, needs to be placed on the top of the portaquet holder and covered with a grill. Then you have to lay the roses on the sponge, starting with the leaves at the edges. Empty places Between the roses you need to fill with greens and berries.

Simple but attractive bouquet of roses

To compose it you will need 9-11 single roses, 15-20 spray roses, greenery for decoration and ribbon. Color solution depends only on the preferences of the donor.

First you need to divide the bush roses into inflorescences. Next, lay out 5 single roses parallel to each other and align the stems. Then place 2 more roses face to face at an angle. And when filling the bouquet in a spiral, you need to turn it to the side.

Single and separated bush roses should be evenly distributed throughout the bouquet. To complete the composition, you need to trim the stems, secure them with ribbon and decorate the bottom and edges with greenery.