A message on the topic of spring has arrived. Essay on the topic: "The Coming of Spring." Spring! It's a great time! Short mini essay

Ufa is a city of republican significance in Russian Federation, which is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the administrative center of the Ufa region, and is not part of it. It is the largest economic, cultural and scientific center of Russia, ranking 31st among all European cities in terms of population. Its area is 707.9 km 2 (one of the top five largest cities in the Russian Federation by area), located at the confluence of the Ufa and Dema rivers with the Belaya River, within the Pribelskaya ridge-undulating plain, 100 km west of the southern slope Ural mountains. One of the features of this city- its spaciousness, here there is almost 700 m 2 of urban area per inhabitant.

Origin of the name, history

The medieval city, known since the beginning of the 16th century, according to one version, was named after the Ufa River, which flows into the Belaya River, its name comes either from the Bashkir “kara-idel” - “ dark water", or from the Iranian "ap" - water. According to other versions, the name of the city may come from the Tatar word “upe” - a hill, the Bashkir word “uba”, translated meaning “hill”, “mound”, or the ancient Turkic word “ope” - a place where a ritual sacrifice is carried out.

Until the moment when the Russians came to this land, according to the legends of the Bashkir people, on the site of the city of Ufa there used to be a large city, stretching more than 10 miles along the banks of the Belaya and Ufa rivers, here was the residence of the Bashkir governor of the ruler of the Nogai Horde. After the annexation of the European part of Bashkortostan to the Muscovite kingdom in 1557, the Bashkirs asked the tsar to build a city on their territory in order to transport tribute closer, as well as for the protection and convenience of their residence. In 1574, the archers, led by voivode Ivan Nagim, built the Ufa fortress or fort, which by 1586 became the city and administrative center of the Ufa district, headed by the voivode. By the middle of the 17th century, the population of the city, including the soldiers of the garrison (200-300 people), numbered about one and a half thousand people. The history of Ufa of that era is closely connected with the events of the Peasant War (1773-1750) and in particular the Pugachev uprising of 1773, when in the fall the city was besieged by rebels and practically cut off from the outside world and was liberated only in next year in the spring by regular troops under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Mikhelson.

In the 18th century, the fortified city of Ufa became a major administrative and economic center of all of Bashkiria; in 1708 it became part of the Kazan province; in 1728, Ufa became the center of the Ufa province, headed by a governor who reported directly to the Senate in St. Petersburg. From 1744 to 1796, Ufa belonged to the Orenburg province; since the beginning of the 19th century, it has been the center of the Ufa province.

During civil war 1918-1920, Ufa was occupied by anti-Bolshevik forces, the Provisional All-Russian Government, the so-called Ufa Directory, was created here, which later moved to Omsk. After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1922, the Autonomous Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic was created with its capital in Ufa. During the Second World War 1941-1945. was evacuated here a large number of industrial enterprises, government institutions and research institutes, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, many writers, artists and Comintern members. In 1974, Ufa was awarded the Order October revolution, now it is a beautiful, modern city, which is among the top ten Russian cities according to the rating of the quality of the urban environment.

Population of Ufa

As of 2017, the population of Ufa was 1,115,560 people, this is 11th place among 1,112 cities of the Russian Federation in terms of population, the number of residents of the Ufa agglomeration is 1,454,053 people (2017). The dynamics of population growth and natural growth have been observed since 2009; the population has increased by 90.7 thousand people or 8% over 8 years.

The number of working-age population of the city is 65.2%, children under 15 years old - 15.4%, people of disabled age - 19.4%. 54.5% of women and 45.5% of men live here; for every thousand females there are 835 males. The majority of the population consists of representatives of Russian nationality - 48.9%, Tatar - 28.3%, Bashkir - 17.1%, Ukrainian - 1.2%, other nationalities - 4.5%.

Industry of Ufa

The leading industrial sectors of the city are oil refining, mechanical engineering and the chemical industry. The city's economy is based on the fuel, energy and machine-building complex. More than 200 enterprises of medium and large industrial scale are located here; in 2013, Ufa was in 7th place among 250 industrial centers throughout Russia, it occupies a leading position in terms of volume industrial production and providing paid services, volume of trade turnover, level of average monthly salary.

Oil production and refining (Ishimbay oil field, where the depth of oil production is higher than throughout Russia and amounts to 84.9%) is carried out at PJSC ANK Bashneft, Bashneft-UNPZ, Bashneft-Novoil, Bashneft- Ufaneftekhim", "Bashneft - Oil Refinery Service". The chemical and petrochemical industries are represented by such enterprises as Ufaorgsintez (production of polyethylene, phenol, acetone, ethyl alcohol and other chemical products), OJSC "Ufa Paint and Varnish Plant" (varnishes, oil paints, synthetic mastics), JSC Ufa Plant of Elastomeric Materials, Products and Structures (production rubber products technical purpose).

The largest enterprises in the instrument-making and mechanical engineering industry: OJSC Ufa Instrument-Making Production Association (UPPO), Ufa Motor-Building Production Association (UMPO), OJSC Ufimkabel, Ufa Microelectronics Plant Magnetron, OJSC Ufa Plant Promsvyaz, NPP Polygon, "Ufa Non-Ferrous Metals Plant", BPO "Progress", Bashkir Trolleybus Plant, JSC "Gidravlika" and others.

Culture of the city of Ufa

Ufa is famous for its outstanding fellow countrymen, who began the rise of their dizzying stellar career on Bashkir soil. Here, at the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater at the end of the 19th century, the future famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin was listed as a chorister, and the outstanding choreographer and dancer Rudolf Nureyev performed. Ufa is the birthplace of Yuri Shevchuk (leader of the DDT group), Zemfira, talented violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov, writer Sergei Dovlatov and other famous personalities.

There are 15 museums in the city (Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, Bashkir State Museum visual arts them. M.V. Nesterov, National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, etc.), 7 art galleries, 6 state theaters (Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater, Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after Mazhit Gafuri, Russian Academic Drama Theater of Bashkortostan.

Let's continue: National Youth Theater named after Mustai Karim, Ufa State Tatar Theater "Nur", Bashkir State Puppet Theater), more than 25 general and 20 children's libraries, the largest: Scientific Library of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Central City Library, National Library. Akhmet-Zaki Validi.

Ufa is a modern, dynamically developing city, which harmoniously combines the desire for the latest trends art and culture with a reverent attitude towards long-standing traditions and customs.

Essays on the theme “Spring”

A selection of essays about Spring on a free topic / all essay texts are divided into classes

Essays “Spring” 2nd grade

In spring, the buds swell on the trees and the first leaves bloom. Do you like to watch how in the spring nature wakes up from its winter sleep and comes to life? Spring is the most wonderful time of the year! How beautiful nature is in spring!

Essay “Spring” 3rd grade

Spring came. The sun is warming. The snow has almost all melted. Birds chirp happily on the branches. They are happy about spring. Through wet ground spring grass breaks through. The buds on the trees have swelled. Soon they will turn into green leaves.

Essay “Spring” 4th grade

Spring is a wonderful time of year that it is simply impossible not to love. For example, I really love spring and enjoy it! We recognize the approach of spring by many changes in nature. It’s still frosty at night, but during the day it’s so warm that you just want to take off the hats and scarves you’ve gotten tired of over the long winter. The day gets longer, and in the morning we wake up to the sun peeking through the window. The revival is noticeable in everything: there are more and more sunny days, the sky is bluer and brighter, the birds are singing louder and louder.

Essay “Spring” 5th grade

Spring is the time of year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called the long-awaited one. The first signs of spring sometimes appear in winter, in February: the sun shines a little stronger - and the icicles begin to melt, cheerful drops ring, reminding us of the approach of spring. After this, frosts may still strike, it may snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come, if you please

Essay “Spring” 6th grade

Spring has finally arrived! After a long and snowy winter, it’s nice to go out into the yard and breathe in the smell of the warm wind and see the first spring birds. The last snow has barely melted, and young greenery is breaking through last year’s grass. Thin sprouts stubbornly reach for the sun. Soon everything will be covered with a green carpet. The buds on the poplars and birches are swollen, and there is a subtle smell of sticky leaves in the air. Another day or two, and the trees will be covered with delicate greenery. At first it is a barely noticeable bloom, and then the leaves begin to grow bolder and bolder, increasing almost before our eyes. Another moment - and the trees will be dressed in lush crowns. Green color will replace the pallor of winter.

Essay “Spring” 7th grade

For all of nature, spring is the time of renewal. You just need to find yourself in spring forest to see how nature awakens around you. Lightness and joy are felt in everything here. The first gentle rays of the sun illuminate the land freed from snow and ice. Sunny bunnies joyfully jump between the trees waking up from their winter sleep. And the first ones are already appearing in the thawed patches spring flowers. These are snowdrops. In some places the ground is covered with melted dark snow, and these small and delicate blue flowers are already making their way to the light and warmth, pleasing the eye bright colors. They stubbornly reach for the sun even through last year's snow.

Essay “Spring” 8th grade

The severe frosts have ended, and the breath of spring can be felt everywhere. Everything awakens to new life, breathes freshness and youth. There are still islands of snow, but the sun is hot, and the first heralds of spring appear - streams. Streams run and sing their song, cheerfully informing everyone about the arrival of spring: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward!”

I really love spring mornings. You go outside, and the air is fresh and clean, the warm wind blows in your face. The birds whistle their beautiful songs. The wind sways the trees, the streams bubble. Spring morning is wonderful. Most artists paint their paintings specifically about spring, early spring mornings. I love walking on spring mornings; the street is very calm and beautiful at this time.

Spring break is a time of sunshine and cheerful mood. Nature begins to slowly come to life and the air begins to smell like spring. What could be more wonderful than a fresh spring breeze in a quiet forest?

With the onset of spring, nature comes to life. The snow is melting migratory birds return, the ground is covered with green grass. In spring, all sorts of flowers bloom - first woodlands, then dandelions and lilies of the valley, daffodils, tulips, and in May luxurious roses and lush peonies bloom. Moreover, trees and bushes are blooming in the gardens, which in summer and autumn will delight us with their ripe and tasty fruits.

With the arrival of spring in kindergartens and schools, the time comes when children listen to stories from teachers on the topic “Spring” and observe changes in nature outside. It is best to present a story about spring to children by going to the park or going to nature in the countryside, where spring appears in all its glory. Unfortunately, in the spring the city is not very cozy, and it is difficult for children to understand the full significance

  • melting snow
  • return of migratory birds,
  • the appearance of the first leaves on the trees,
  • the first snowdrops.

Therefore, it is better if a teacher or parent conducts his story on the topic “Spring has come” in a forest or forest plantation. All great teachers did this.

What to tell children about with the onset of spring?

For preschoolers, such a story about spring can be quite simple and short. For children who go to grades 2-3, you can create a more extensive and detailed story on the theme "Spring has come."
Stories can be used as a basis famous writers:

  1. Chekhov,
  2. Prishvina,
  3. Ushinsky and others.

What should children know?

What should children in grades 2-3 know about spring? Why is the story about spring so important for them?

What happens in nature?

In spring, the days become much longer.
The sun heats up more, the snow begins to melt, and the first thawed patches appear on the ground. On the river you can see how the ice cracks, individual ice floes float with a crashing sound, sometimes rivers overflow and cover the banks with water. A story about spring will help children imagine a holistic picture of the arrival of this time of year.
The sky takes on a blue tint and becomes warmer. The snow melts most lately in those places where the sun does not shine: in ravines, dense thickets, in the forest. As the snow melts, the first grass breaks through the ground, followed by snowdrops and violets, which can be found in large numbers in the forest, then dandelions show their yellow caps. Linden and birch begin to bloom, followed by linden, alder, oak, and maple. If you cut the bark of a birch tree in the forest at this time, bitter sap will flow out of it. By May, the fragrant lily of the valley blooms, and the trees include apricot, cherry, apple, and pear. A story about spring will allow children to pay more attention to such changes.

Which birds arrive first?

The first birds to arrive are the rooks: they herald the arrival of spring. You can look at beautiful pictures and posters about birds.
They fly after the rooks:

  1. larks,
  2. blackbirds,
  3. cuckoos,
  4. wild pigeons,
  5. cranes.

For the little ones, you can use the book from the Karapuz publishing house “Freckle-Spring”:

Information for children about each month

A Tale of Spring:

Short works of classics, as well as excerpts and excerpts on the topic

Riddles and poems

Thematic lesson with stories, riddles, poems and questions:

So that the essay does not coincide with what is on the Internet. Click 2 times on any word in the text.

On this page we have collected several of our essays. In an essay on the topic of spring, you can use a description of a painting by some artist, you can describe in your own words the nature and beauty of the spring forest, various natural phenomena.

1. Essay about spring

I love spring more than other seasons. And this is not surprising. Spring gives me a feeling of joy, impending changes, a special spring mood.

The first rays of the spring sun say that a long and difficult winter has passed, there will be no more bitter frosts, blizzards and snow drifts, a new amazing and joyful time has come. The breath of spring is felt in everything. She awakens the still sleeping nature to new life. The sun is warming, the snow is melting, the drops are ringing, they are running fast streams. Everything around rejoices and sings, rejoicing at the arrival of spring. I especially love listening to the spring drop choir. This is amazing and incomparable music, created by nature, tired of the long winter.

It's cold and frosty at night, winter doesn't go away and doesn't give up without a fight. But during the day, spring comes into its own more and more. The snow is becoming less and less, the birds are singing and chirping loudly, welcoming spring. The trees are already waking up from their winter sleep. The buds have swelled on their branches and the first leaves are ready to appear. Even the spring wind is not like the winter one. Although it is still cold, it is gentle and smells like spring.

For all of nature, spring is the time of renewal. You only need to find yourself in a spring forest to see how nature awakens around you. Lightness and joy are felt in everything here. The first gentle rays of the sun illuminate the land freed from snow and ice. Sunny bunnies joyfully jump between the trees waking up from their winter sleep. And the first spring flowers are already appearing in the thawed patches. These are snowdrops. In some places the ground is still covered with melted dark snow, and these small and delicate blue flowers are already making their way to the light and warmth, pleasing the eye with bright colors. They stubbornly reach for the sun even through last year's snow.

Snowdrops appear in the clearings so unitedly that it seems as if there is a piece of blue spring sky lying on the ground. You don’t want to pick such flowers, you can only admire them.

Truly, spring is the most long-awaited time. And it certainly comes after a rainy autumn and a cold, frosty, endless winter.

2. Season of the year: spring

Spring came. There will be no more low hanging clouds and snowfalls. The bright sun is shining in the clear blue sky. The days have become noticeably longer. In the mornings there is still a slight frost, but the higher the sun rises, the warmer it becomes and the faster the snow melts. During the day, the spring sun warms more and more, streams flow everywhere. Spring ringing drops and streams are the first harbingers of spring and approaching warmth. And with it comes joy and new life.

With the arrival of spring, the whole world is filled with music. It replaces winter silence and the howling of the wind. The sound of drops, the murmuring of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds - everything speaks of the onset of warmth and joyful changes. There is less and less snow every day. He disappears under the warm rays of the sun. The smell of spring appears in the air.

All people rejoice in spring. They are already tired of snowfalls and cold, they want sun and warmth. Now you can take off your heavy winter clothes without fear of frost and blizzards. But children are especially happy about spring. How happily they play in the warm sunshine, run through puddles and launch boats! Here and there you can hear cheerful children's laughter.

With the onset of spring, the whole world becomes bright and colorful. The white silence has ended. Now everything in the world will become bright green, sky blue and shining. The first leaves appear on the trees, the first grass emerges, and the blue sky is reflected in the river. This is real spring!

3. Description of spring - essay

Many people believe that spring is the most amazing time of the year. It comes so quickly that changes in nature occur literally before our eyes. Every spring day brings the warmest and favorite time of the year closer - summer. The onset of spring creates a feeling of the arrival of something new, surprising and joyful, which is why all people are so happy about spring.

Spring is coming, and the world around becomes bright and radiant. The days are becoming noticeably longer. The number of cloudy days is decreasing. Almost every spring day is bright and sunny. The snow melts, becomes dark and dirty, settles, and streams flow everywhere. Every day the snow melts intensifies and there are more and more streams. There is a thick fog over the field, where there is still snow, on a warm spring day. This snow melts and evaporates, rising upward.

In spring you can observe a unique natural phenomenon – ice drift. The ice on the rivers gradually melts and loosens, then swells. Finally, it cracks with a deafening sound and crumbles into separate ice floes, which are picked up by the current. Many large and small ice floes float along the river, colliding and breaking, forming jams, carrying branches and logs with them.

The snow melts, flowing into the river, and there is more and more water in the river. She can no longer stay within her shores. The river overflows its banks and overflows, flooding all the surrounding fields and meadows. During a flood, water covers a huge area. This is truly an amazing and majestic sight. Every year, a large number of wild and domestic animals die from river floods, and villages suffer. However, this phenomenon also has benefits for nature. The water washes silt from the river bottom, throwing it onto the surrounding fields. The land becomes more fertile after the flood. When the water subsides, plants grow wildly on the renewed land and crops turn green.

In spring, everything around quickly turns green. The first grass emerges from the ground as soon as the snow melts. It grows quickly, catching every warm ray of sun.

4. Miniature essay - spring (mini, 3rd grade)

So winter has passed. Spring has come. Nature is tired of snow and frost. She changed with the first rays of the sun. Everything around became cheerful and joyful, shining with bright colors. The sun is getting warmer and hotter. There is less snow, and thawed patches appear on the ground. The sky became bluer and brighter, and the air smelled of spring. Birds also feel the beginning of spring. They fuss and make noise, rejoicing in the long-awaited spring warmth. The trees have shed their snow coats and are basking in the first spring sun. But most of all, children are happy about spring. They poured out into the street, frolicking and playing, without fear of freezing. Soon the first leaves will appear on the trees, the grass will turn green and real spring will come.

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Stories about spring, stories about spring nature. Cognitive spring stories about spring for elementary school children.

Stories for elementary school children

Spring is red

In the garden, the willow blossomed white puffs. The sun is shining hotter and hotter. During the day, drops drip from the roofs, long icicles melt in the sun. The roads have become dark and crumbling.

The ice on the river turned blue.

The snow has melted on the roofs. The ground was exposed on the hills and near trees and walls.

Sparrows are jumping merrily in the yard, spending the winter, happy and happy.

- Alive! Alive! Alive!

White-nosed rooks have arrived. Important, black, they walk on the roads.

It’s as if someone has woken up in the forest, looking with blue eyes. The spruce trees smell like resin, and the multitude of smells makes you dizzy. The first snowdrops spread last year's leaves with their green petals.

These days, the body of the birch trees is filled with sweet juice, the branches turn brown and the buds swell, and clear tears ooze from every scratch.

The very hour of awakening comes elusively. The first willow, and behind it - you accidentally look away - the whole forest became green and tender.

It’s so dark at night that no matter how hard you try, you can’t even see your own fingers. On these nights, the whistling of countless wings can be heard in the starless sky.

The beetle buzzed, hit a birch tree and fell silent. A mosquito blows over the swamp.

And in the forest, a ferret hits a dry leaf - rustle! whoosh! And the first snipe ram began to play in the sky.

The cranes were racing in the swamp.

The gray wolf, hiding in the bushes, walked into the swamp.

The first frozen woodcock stretched across the brightening sky, swirled over the forest and disappeared.

The capercaillie plays louder and louder on the bitch. He plays and listens for a long time, stretching his neck. And the cunning hunter stands motionless, waiting for a new song - then a wood grouse would be shot from a cannon.

The first to meet the sun, the lark rose from the boundary like a column, higher and higher, and his golden song poured onto the ground. He will be the first to see the sun today.

And behind him, in the clearings, with their tails outstretched, the black grouse began to dance in a round dance. Their booming voice can be heard far away at dawn.

The sun has risen - you won’t have time to gasp. The smallest star windows closed first. Only one big star remained burning above the forest.

Then the sky turned golden. The breeze blew and smelled like forest violets.

A shot rang out at dawn and rolled for a long time through fields, forests, and copses. For a minute everything fell silent, and then it poured out even more loudly.

A flowing white fog hung over the river and meadow.

The tops of their heads turned golden - a strong and cheerful someone screamed in the forest! — the dazzling sun rose above the earth.

The sun laughs and plays with its rays. And I don’t have the strength, looking at the sun, to restrain myself.

- Sun! Sun! Sun! - birds are singing.

- Sun! Sun! Sun! - flowers open.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


The sun is shining brighter and brighter over the fields and forest.

The roads in the fields darkened, the ice on the river turned blue. White-nosed rooks have arrived and are in a hurry to straighten out their old, disheveled nests.

Streams rang down the slopes. Resinous, fragrant buds swelled on the trees.

The guys saw the first starlings at the birdhouses. They shouted merrily and joyfully:

- Starlings! The starlings have arrived!

A white hare ran out to the edge of the forest; sat down on a tree stump and looked around. Ears on the top of a timid hare's head. The white hare looks: a huge elk with a beard has come out to the edge of the forest. He stopped and listened to the elk... And in the deep forest the bear took the little bear cubs born in the den for their first walk. The cubs have not yet seen spring, they do not know the big dark forest. They don’t know what the awakened earth smells like.

In a clearing, near a forest stream, funny, clumsy bear cubs are playing merrily. With fear they look into the cold running water, climb onto stumps and old driftwood thawed in the sun...

Geese are flying in slender schools, reaching from the south; The first cranes appeared.

- Geese! Geese! Cranes! - the guys shout, raising their heads.

The geese circled over the wide river and went down to rest on the water-filled wormwood.

Other flying geese saw the geese resting on the ice and began to approach them. The other geese were happy to see their comrades. A joyful cry rolled far over the river...

Spring is getting warmer, noisier and more beautiful.

While warming up in the forest, silky soft puffs blossomed on willow branches. Busy ants ran over the hummocks.

And over the clearing where the snowdrops had opened, the first butterfly fluttered.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Arrival of finches

From the arrival of the finches to the cuckoo, all the beauty of our spring passes through, subtle and complex, like a bizarre interweaving of branches of an undressed birch tree.

During this time, the snow will melt, the waters will rush away, the earth will turn green and be covered with the first, dearest flowers to us, the resinous buds on the poplars will crack, the fragrant sticky green leaves will open, and then the cuckoo will fly. Only then, after all the wonderful things, will everyone say: “Spring has begun, how lovely!”

(M. Prishvin)

Birch trees are blooming

When the old birch trees are blooming and the golden catkins hide from us the already open small leaves above, below on the young ones everywhere you see bright green leaves the size of a raindrop, but still the whole forest is still gray or chocolate - that’s when you come across bird cherry and it amazes you how its leaves on the gray seem large and bright. The bird cherry buds are already ready. The cuckoo sings in the most luscious voice. The nightingale is studying and adjusting. The damn mother-in-law is charming at this time, because she has not yet risen with her thorns, but is lying large on the ground, beautiful star. Poisonous yellow flowers emerge from under the black forest water and immediately open above the water.

(M. Prishvin)


It was now impossible to look at the sun - it poured down from above in shaggy, dazzling streams. Clouds floated across the blue, blue sky like heaps of snow. Spring breezes smelled of fresh grass and birds' nests.

In front of the house, large buds burst on the fragrant poplars, and chickens moaned in the baking sun. In the garden, grass climbed out of the heated earth, piercing the rotting leaves with green stalks, and the entire meadow was covered with white and yellow stars. Every day there were more birds in the garden. Blackbirds ran between the trunks - dodgers walked. An oriole, a large bird, green, with yellow, gold-like down on its wings, fluttered about in the linden trees, fussing and whistling in a honeyed voice.

As the sun rose, on all the roofs and birdhouses the starlings woke up, began to sing in different voices, wheezed, whistled, now with a nightingale, now with a lark, now with some African birds, which they had heard enough of over the winter overseas, mockingbirds, and out of tune terribly. A woodpecker flew like a gray handkerchief through the transparent birches; sitting on the trunk, he turned around, raising his red crest on end.

And so on Sunday, on a sunny morning, in the trees that had not yet dried out from the dew, a cuckoo crowed by the pond: with a sad, lonely, gentle voice she blessed everyone who lived in the garden, starting with the worms.