Work at the dacha in March. Summer cottage work in March – we’re starting a new season! What to do in March on your garden plot

In March, many of the expectations and plans of gardeners begin to come true, since it is in this month that a new summer season. Of course, some seeds begin to germinate in February, but the vast majority of plants are sown as seedlings in March. At this time, the sun is warmer, the days are longer, and the air already smells like spring. And even though there is still a lot of snow, our brother already has enough to do. Right now the foundation is being laid for the future dacha season.

Making a plan

Basically, most of the work is now done at home while there is snow on the site. Now would be a good time to make plans for the coming months. There is always a lot of work, so the better and more detailed the plan, the easier it will be to stick to it.

Of course, it’s easier to calculate the time home-based work, since there is no need to predict the weather in the house. Another thing is that all actions on garden plot are unlikely to be tied to a specific time. The spring seasons are too different every year - the snow will either linger until the beginning of April along with blizzards, or suddenly disappear altogether at the beginning of March, and it will already be possible to plant something in open ground. Here you will have to focus on the weather and, as it changes, shift all the dates to the right time.

Photo gallery of summer cottages in March and seedlings

At the beginning of March, the site often looks the same as in winter. But the first flowers will soon appear. And it’s time to start preparing the site for the new season.

Working with snow

First gardening work carried out when there is a thick layer of snow on the site

Snow melting can and should be used to your advantage. Fill every possible container with snow to get as much melt water as possible. If there are small grooves for water drainage, they need to be cleaned. You can drain water from the root neck of the tree by digging a small groove in the snow on the south side of the crown.

Where you definitely shouldn’t keep snow is on the paths and between rows, so clear them of snow. It will be useful to make grooves around greenhouses, greenhouses, cellars and compost heaps.

Branches of bushes often freeze into ice, so after clearing the snow from above, you need to sprinkle a small layer of humus, ash or peat on the ice to speed up the thawing process. Around young trees it is necessary to destroy the dense layer of compressed snow.

Don’t overwork yourself when removing snow - you don’t need to touch it anywhere else except the above-mentioned places. A layer of snow on the site will serve as a guarantee of protection against possible frosts.

Work in the garden (video)

To protect trees from the sun's rays, which pose a serious threat in March, whitewash them. Unless, of course, you did not have time to do this in the fall. In general, the opinion has now spread that autumn whitewashing makes more sense than spring whitewashing. But here we are more likely referring to the May works, which really do not make any sense.

For whitewashing, water-based emulsion or lime milk is suitable. If you carried out whitewashing work in the fall, you only need to check the integrity of the paint layer and, if necessary, correct it.

A lime solution at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of water is useful for spraying tree crowns - this will help preserve flower buds.

Trees and shrubs should be carefully checked for cracks and frost holes. If there are any, strip with a garden knife to healthy tissue and treat the wound with a solution of iron or copper sulfate, and then cover it with garden varnish.

Spring whitewashing of trees is carried out in March to protect the trees from the harmful effects of sunlight

When the temperature stops dropping below -5 degrees, start trimming dry, broken, diseased and inward-growing branches on trees and shrubs. You also need to cut off excess branches where the crown thickens.

Hunting belts will be needed to protect trees from harmful insects overwintering in the soil. They are placed on tree trunks after the snow cover has melted.

For those who want to see helper birds on their property, the time has come to prepare nesting houses for them, even before the snow melts.

If there are greenhouses and greenhouses on the site, it’s time to disinfect them and at the same time repair them, if necessary. Only then will it be possible to prepare the ground.

Even before buds appear on the currant and gooseberry bushes, it is recommended to water them hot water temperature 80-90 degrees.

A phenomenon called vernalization of potatoes (transferring potatoes in a box to a warm and bright place) should be carried out at the end of the month. Potatoes remain indoors for six weeks.

We work with future flower gardens

Those flowers that are covered from autumn to winter need to begin to be ventilated. A crust must be broken over those crops that have overwintered in the beds so that they do not dry out. This usually applies to strawberries and bulbous crops.

If the root systems of plants have dried out a little after the snow melted, they must be replanted and mulched with peat.

Perennials need to be provided maximum amount light so that in case of frost their roots do not freeze.

Mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen can be applied to bulbous crops and perennials.

We take care of seedlings

And of course, one cannot help but say a few words about seedlings, since they are the key to future dacha success. In March, they take care of the plants planted in February and plant new ones.

The bulk of the work in March is related to seedlings

This is the time for . It's time to plant tomatoes. And this is just the first thing that comes to mind. Many flower crops need to be sown as early as March so that they can be planted in open ground at the end of April. This is where you will need a plan that will describe what to plant and at what time.

The exciting gardening season is about to begin. Don’t miss the time to think everything through carefully and then implement it in the garden beds.

Start in March gardening work. Unless, of course, the snow has melted in your region. But even if your site is still completely covered with snow, there will always be work if you have the desire. In this case your the main task– continue caring for the seedlings.

Planting calendar for March

  • March 3–4 They are starting to plant ordinary (and even early ripening) varieties of eggplants, sweet peppers and tomatoes, various cabbages: broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi (pay attention to kale, this plant is still very rare in our areas), annual flowers.
  • March 7–12 Perennial flowers and not yet planted annuals are planted as seedlings: asters, marigolds, godetias, zinnias, violas, annual dahlias and others. You can plant leeks, stalked and root celery (it’s good to plant them in yogurt cups ¾ filled with soil, on top of which snow is poured), and determinate tomatoes.
  • March 15–20– tomatoes for growing under film.
  • March 28–30 they begin to plant beets (of course, for seedlings).


Greenhouse preparation

Clear greenhouses of ice and snow, repair greenhouses, use a 10% solution of caustic soda or a sulfur bomb for disinfection.

Place biofuel on the beds in the greenhouse. Manure can be replaced with compost from tree leaves and forest litter.

To heat the ridge, it is better to pour hot water, spread quicklime or hot stones, then immediately cover plant residues, straw mats.

After the biofuel has started working, the beds are sprinkled with ash, covered with a layer of old sawdust, and a layer of soil (about 20 centimeters).

Then, after 4–5 days, you can sow the seeds of radishes, green crops, and plant onions on the feather. Ventilate the greenhouse, do not allow it to rise above +18°C.

You can plant plants in a greenhouse or display containers with seedlings. Seedlings will grow faster under polyamide film. On fresh manure Seedlings cannot be exposed - they may burn.

Hello, Dear friends!

In this article I want to tell you about what we will do, what basic work we need to do in the first month of spring.

Spring is here, my dear summer residents! Finally, we have waited for the start of the summer season!

I’m not mistaken, because for a real summer resident, winter is really already over, because with our thoughts and actions we are already at our summer cottages, anticipating and planning things to do.

March was not always the first month of spring. For example, New Year in Rus', until 1492, it was celebrated on the first day of March, and ancient Christians generally believed that our world was created on March 1, 5508 BC.

The word “March” itself came to us from Byzantium. The month was named after the god Mars - Martius, who was originally the god of fields, harvest, cattle breeding, and then the god of war.

Folk signs about this month said: “March has seven weathers - it twists, stirs, bakes, sows, blows, spills, pours generously from the sky”; “March is not spring, but the pre-spring.”

So in March there will also be snow, frost, and other weather surprises, but they are no longer scary. Winter is slowly but surely retreating and the March sun reminds us of this more and more persistently. Therefore, we are going to our own summer cottages, inspect your possessions, because your hands miss work so much.

Yes, to be honest, this is not work at all, but rest for the soul and muscles that have stagnated over the winter.

Work for fresh air will only give us strength and only at the dacha can we truly feel that SPRING has COME!

What are the main tasks in March at the dacha?

In March at the dacha We have more and more troubles and therefore, it would be good to outline a plan of action in order to correctly calculate our strength, because we have a lot of work in the garden, and in the vegetable garden, and in the flower garden.

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time for any particular work to be carried out in March. specific date, since it depends entirely on the weather, which last years completely unpredictable.

But still, let's decide what we have to do this month.

Farewell to the snow

  • March, of course, is already spring, but there is still a lot of snow and, therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the trees and bushes and if there is still wet snow on the branches, then it must be shaken off.
  • In the first ten days of March, the snow begins to melt and we must try to retain the melt water in the area. For example, you can fill all available containers with snow. In low places, clean the drainage grooves, and to drain water from the root necks of trees, you can dig grooves in the settled snow on the south side of the crown.
  • It is also good to clear paths and row spaces of snow so that excess melt water leaves the area quickly. It wouldn’t hurt to make grooves in the snow near greenhouses, greenhouses, compost heaps, cellars.
  • We free the frozen branches of bushes from the ice captivity by sprinkling ice thin layer humus, peat or ash so that it melts faster. It is also necessary to destroy the dense layer of snow compacted during the winter around young trees.

    But still, do not rush to remove all the snow, because in March there can still be severe frosts!

Gardening and vegetable care

What needs to be done in the flower garden?

  • At the end of March, in sunny weather, we begin to ventilate roses, hydrangeas and other perennials that have been covered since autumn, slightly raising the shelter.
  • To avoid damping off, it would be good to break the crust over garden strawberries, bulbous crops.
  • If, after the snow has melted, we find that root system perennials and biennials are still a little sagging, it is necessary to urgently replant them and mulch them with peat.
  • It is necessary to ensure that there is enough snow above the perennials, since frosts are still possible and the roots may freeze.
  • You can already start fertilizing bulbous crops and perennials by scattering complex mineral fertilizer, in which nitrogen predominates.

But the most important concern for a summer resident in March is, of course, seedlings. After all, it is during this month that most of the work associated with growing seedlings occurs.

It is necessary to care for the plants already planted in February, as well as continue sowing those crops whose sowing time for seedlings has come.

You can read all about growing seedlings in previous articles.

As you understand, this month is really hot for us summer residents. The time has come when we need to “prepare the sleigh” for the future harvest.

Therefore, dear friends - “everyone to the garden”!

It just seems that the garden in March is bare and cold, but in fact the processes have begun - everything is waking up, coming to life, preparing for a new active life.

Don’t miss the moment, start doing the necessary dacha work on time.

So go ahead! Let's get down to business, because work on the land is an excellent healer for all diseases and bad moods!

Prune trees and shrubs as warm weather arrives. Fruit tree pruning have time to do it before the kidneys swell. Old trees are pruned first, then young ones, and the apple tree is always pruned first. Burn all removed branches and larger shoots, and bury small ones to rot. Cut old hedges short to rejuvenate them, and make ventilation holes in the shelters.

It's time to sow seeds of leeks, low-growing tomatoes, cauliflower, red, white and Brussels sprouts. Don't forget to feed the seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants that you planted last month.

From mid-March, start growing dahlias, gladioli, begonias, and at the end of March - sowing seedlings of asters, petunias, gillyflower, sweet tobacco, marigolds, nasturtiums and other flowers. As soon as the seedlings appear, transfer the boxes with seedlings to a heated room and place them on the windowsills.

To grow annual seedlings, prepare warm biofuel greenhouses, heated greenhouses. Pre-sow the seeds and sow them in low boxes or boxes with moist soil. In heated greenhouses, continue caring for cucumbers, harvesting forced greens: sorrel, rhubarb, chard. You can start picking cabbage seedlings.

Plant tubers at the end of March early potatoes for germination. In the garden, attach the film, clear the snow, graft and tie the trees.

Spring is always renewal and new life, not only for nature, which wakes up after hibernation, but also for people. To more fully experience this best time of year for the human soul, here is a list of things to do in March.

1. Go to the river, watch the ice drift, look out for Snusmumrik. And feel the winter ice melting.

2. Every Saturday, buy a small sprig of roses or other small flowers and place it in the kitchen to bring joy throughout the coming week. Or add new fresh flowers to your home!

3. Change curtains, bed linen, bedspreads to bright spring ones.

4. Make a martenichka doll.

5. Plan a summer vacation if you haven't already.

6. Go out with friends and launch boats in the nearest stream.

7. Upload a lot of new music to the player. Along with spring, let new melodies into your blood. You can ask a friend whose musical taste you like, but differs from yours, to collect you a flash drive - songs just for you.

8. Choose a spring scent for your home and for yourself.

9. Take care of buying bright spring shoes. For example, rubber boots. Or galoshes!

10. Take a course of vitamins to support your immune system.

11. Hang bells on the balcony to enjoy the spring wind.

12. Dye your hair in fantastic colors, because the time to take off your hats is just around the corner.

13. Throw away the Christmas tree, if not already;) Have a real farewell to winter - with a bonfire, or perhaps with mulled wine and treats.

14. Arrange a photo session: still winter, because there is snow, but already spring, because the sun!

15. Get a bright manicure that seemed out of place in winter.

16. Learn to tie scarves. Both on the neck and on the head. Lots of ways, lots of options on how to wear them!

17. Paint an old umbrella that you no longer use. Now there will be a reason to take him for a walk.

18. Start a new notebook for personal notes. Renewed, blossoming like the coming spring.

19. Bake honey bread. Eat it hot, standing by the slightly open window, burning your fingers, breaking the top and feeling the smell of honey bread and sunny freshness from the window.

20. Make bird feeders. You can hang them - like bird casinaki. Just read first what you can and cannot give to birds.

21. Refresh the list of films that you wanted to watch and didn’t watch over the winter - in April there may be no time for that, life will begin to boil, but in March you may well have time to jump into winter coziness.

22. Have time to ski, snowboard, skate - if you like to skate. Have time to try it if you have never tried it before!

23. Sign up for a three-month course of something. By the end of May, you can already master a new skill: learn how to cook meat, begin to understand architectural styles, become a manicurist or an aspiring stylist.

24. Update the interior: paint the walls, or buy new wallpaper. If you don’t have the money for this, choose one or two favorite colors and add it to the details: pillowcases, window pendants, mugs, napkins, warm socks from home. Cat litter;)

25. Go to a trial dance lesson: tango, flamenco, or salsa - dances that make your blood flow!

26. Buy soap bubbles and go for a walk in the park on the weekend. Blow bubbles, delight passers-by and yourself.

27. Have an evening with friends reading excerpts from your favorite books.

28. Do something reckless. It's spring for you!

29. Sing songs to yourself while walking down the street.

30. Say something important and pleasant to someone you didn’t dare say it to before. The excuse, if anything, is the same: March got me wrong! :)

32. Have time to go to the winter forest while it is still really winter.

33. Get out of the city one weekend - into nature, with a bathhouse, houses and evening comfort. Spring like natural process outside the city it feels completely different: more convex and fuller.

34. By the eighth of March, read more about famous women: scientists, artists, researchers, workers, writers, military men... Read something interesting about the history of the holiday and the struggle for rights. About the most interesting facts and tell events to others.

35. Pick up a broken twig and put it in water at home, watch how the buds bloom on it.

36. Make a wish card from old magazines or favorite photographs.

37. Wash the windows!

38. Find/invent/try many new recipes, definitely green salads.

39. Go to handmade fairs to get inspired.

40. Work in a cafe on the sunny side.

41. Go to gardening shops, choose flowers for the garden, buy seeds, fertilizers, read flower forums.

43. Watch how the sun rises more and more to the left in the morning, and sets more and more to the right.

44. Take some kind of healing course: massage, swimming, a series of medicinal teas, something to feel young and healthy.

45. Meet with friends for spring drinks - tea with berries, for example.

46. ​​Change the desktop on your computer or phone.

47. Go on a trip! For now - small.

48. Choose a paint color for the walls of the cottage.

49. Get or buy a “spring” mug.

50. Photograph signs of spring.

51. Solemnly put away bulky winter sweaters in the closet.

52. Launch airplanes from good wishes from the roof of a high-rise building.

53. Open the windows and let the spring wind into the house.

54. Make a list of inspiring spring books.

55. Make larks from dough.

56. Buy a new – spring – toothbrush.

57. Buy a new spring hat.

58. Wear scarves with the ends blowing in the wind.

59. Start new life! Invent yourself new stage in life and throw yourself into it headlong.

60. Buy a few sprigs of mimosa, smell them, staining your nose with pollen. In general, in March you can get pollen on your nose for any occasion.

61. Look for green grass and flowers in thawed areas; look closely at the buds on the trees.

62. Look at the sun and squint.

63. Come up with some kind of spring gift for mom to make her smile all day.

64. Do some spring cleaning!

65. Come up with new way pamper yourself!