Is it possible to sell goods in Odnoklassniki? How to open an online store in Odnoklassniki

The social network has good potential for sellers of any goods and services. And despite numerous myths, the audience here not only loves online games, but is also loyal to product brands. Listen to how to intelligently tell millions of potential buyers about your product, how to get sales using free tools and tactics, and much more.

How solvent, in your opinion, is the Odnoklassniki audience?

I have factual data that cannot be named. A common myth that is not a myth. It has been tested by various cases of large and small companies. Our audience is distinguished by the fact that it is quite solvent. Odnoklassniki has a lot interesting schemes monetization, which are successfully implemented. This is done not only by us, but also by advertisers who highlight their activities on our site and demonstrate this in various cases.

Let's now move on to practical things. For example: I want to create a group and gain subscribers. If I were a big brand, I would launch a promotion: everyone who joins gets a 10% discount on my product. But I have a small business, and I cannot afford such a promotion. Can you share an example of a successful, possibly free campaign?

I would like to immediately draw your attention: SMM should not be something pretentious or artificial. There is no need to offer group subscribers something that you cannot offer in real life. Your example about a discount for community members is somehow unreal. It doesn't happen that way. It is necessary to offer the opportunity to influence the company, receive additional services, answer questions, useful entertainment content, the opportunity to take part in interesting stories. Literally, a group is a community. You need to gather such a community, and a social network is just a toolkit. If we talk about practical example, recently I really liked the community of a travel company that provides tours in Karelia. They have a small community, but a very active one. How do they recruit it? Firstly, they distribute leaflets to their clients who have visited Karelia, informing them that in their community in Odnoklassniki there is a competition for best review. The benefits are written in bullet points in the leaflet: you will learn more about Karelia, you will be able to leave a review and participate in the drawing for a free trip. The company does not incur costs here: the person will not go alone, he will go with someone. The second trip will be paid for, it will be 50/50. Not such a big expense, but almost 80% of customers are converted into subscribers. Secondly, active community members can receive discounts or additional opportunities when visiting Karelia. Friends press the “Cool!” button, it searches their feeds, and new members are added. Good way audience recruitment. Absolutely free, nothing particularly complicated. This is a direct conversion from the number of people in the community, repeat and direct sales.

What are the features of content marketing in Odnoklassniki? What to write? What texts are “catchy”?

I will answer in three points. Firstly, in general about the features of content marketing in Odnoklassniki. They can be divided into tactical and strategic. I'll start with the tactical ones. We have a different social network, which historically developed differently. We have a different slang and functionality. You cannot copy the same content on VKontakte, Facebook or from another site to Odnoklassniki. You can often come across: “If you like it, click like!” We have no likes or posts. Our like is called “Class!”, the post is called “Topic”, the wall is called “Feed”. You need to pay attention to these features.

Second - technical points. We have polls. If you use them in fasting, the effectiveness increases approximately 10 times. We recommend using surveys more often. Some community managers traditionally consider surveys to be an ineffective tool in the market in general. We have unique functionality for the market - photo competitions that are incredibly viral, only subscribers can take part. This soft way convert people into group subscribers. In a strategic sense, Odnoklassniki’s content marketing is different in that we have a simple, straightforward, clumsy, vital audience.

Our people don’t like big politics or foreign fashion. Most The best way convey the value of your product or service - cling to family values, friendship, communication, realism, etc. For example: “Use our product and save time to spend with your family!” Approximately such logical chains.

And third: content marketing in Odnoklassniki is no different from other content marketing. To stimulate repeat sales, it is necessary to offer not the product that a person has already bought, but an additional one. For example: we bought paint and needed a brush. It often happens that they have brought “cold” leads into the group and are trying to directly sell the main product. If a person knows nothing about the company, the community is impersonal, there are no emotions, it does not inspire trust. Sometimes even a good community feels like a montage! We need to be more attentive and humane.

One thing I've come across is: I write about a product or service and provide a link. When someone tries to go to it, a window pops up warning you that you are going to an external site and asking if you agree. This reduces the number of transitions, and it is also difficult to show the product, information about which is on the site. Is it possible to get on the list of trusted sites?

If we are talking about a paid type of promotion - targeted, display advertising, then our employees will check this link and the transition will be without an intermediate screen. It is for the benefit of users, to warn them that they are leaving the social network and there they may stumble upon SMS scams or some kind of exchangers. But now we have changed our position: we have a smart algorithm that checks external sites. The intermediate screen no longer appears on a huge number of sites: top sites, Russian resources, media, sites of large companies. If we talk about small and medium business and a completely new site, then perhaps we haven’t had time to find out about it yet. You can remove the intermediate screen by contacting the administration - [email protected]. Write a letter in free form, indicate the site to add it to the white list.

I recently looked at a Brand Analytics study called “Profile of Active Creators.” social network"Classmates". It is indicated that comments are more active from 10 am to 5 pm, i.e. during the day, and from 0 am to 3 am. The average number of comments per post is 12-15. Is it worth developing a group through comments? When and how many of them should I write?

Not comments - posts, apparently? You should be wary of any research conducted by third-party companies and read everything that is written “under an asterisk.” Brand Analytics - good company, does some good research. The technical problem is that they can only take data from 100 thousand groups, which is very small compared to total mass. The data is based on an incomplete sample and is questionable. Trust the research that was carried out together with us. For example, a study will soon be published jointly with RIA Novosti. This is a very in-depth study of the audience, broken down by gender, age, interests, segmentation, and services. I've been writing for almost a year now.

About the essence of the question: when is the best time to publish? Peaks of activity occur in the morning before work, school, at lunchtime and in the evening, closer to 0-1 am. If we are talking about a federal brand, then we need to take into account the difference in time zones. The whole topic is greatly “blurred”, because the comments on Far East and in Kaliningrad they are different, because they are published in different time. The average lifespan of a post on Odnoklassniki is about a week, and sometimes up to six months. It often happens that the group is managed by a hired manager work time. Posts appear at 10 and maximum at 18 o'clock only on weekdays. High-quality SMM should not happen when it is convenient for the manager, but when it is convenient for people.

Here’s a nuance: in the morning before work and school, people are in a more serious mood, they are looking forward to something more serious. At night, around 0, they rest, play and are not ready to perceive information. Have you researched this?

Of course, we investigated this issue and came to different conclusions. Some are clear: for example, videos are viewed poorly in the morning and during the day, while videos are viewed great in the evening and on weekends. If the task is to publish a video, then it is better in the evening than in the morning. In some segments of the research there are clear results, in others they are blurred.

My advice is A/B testing, split testing, etc. Try writing a serious news story in the morning one day, something fun the other day, and see after the fact. Sometimes, due to the specifics of the business, region, or target audience, the results can be radically opposite.

You can use A/B tests on social networks and transfer this result to any other type of activity: make a brochure, a bright, catchy headline, order targeted advertising for 500 rubles. Test four headlines and see which ones people click on the most. Direct traffic anywhere, even to Yandex. But test which headline works and which slogan attracts more people. A/B testing is great, and social media is a treasure trove of audience insights.

Let's talk about the unique tools of Odnoklassniki. I have identified four: video chat, a video channel with a subscription, the Magisto service for creating videos within the social network, and the “Achievements” service. How can they be used to attract attention to products or services?

Tricky question. There is a misconception: if three sites are called social networks, then they are the same. Their functionality is similar, but these projects develop differently. The Achievements service is a game mechanic. The user uploads photos, shares videos, belongs to groups, actively communicates with friends, often visits the site on desktop and mobile version and gets "achievements". There are clear mechanics and “tricky” achievements that can be obtained for unknown reasons. Some form of game where users guess what they can get a reward for. For us, this is a way to increase statistics and involve the user in interaction with the portal.

Magisto service... Microvideo formats have become popular: Instagram, Vine, Coub. This is a trend at a fairly high stage. We keep up with the planet, we found an interesting start-up and integrated it into Odnoklassniki. Now users can make a presentation video from a video or photo. I would not recommend trying to find a life hack or flaw in a social network in order to deceive everyone and get a quick result. This does not work. You get the first result, and after that the scheme stops working. I saw an interesting case from video chats, when with its help an interactive call was held with users, they were asked questions in live, they answered. A kind of analogue of a television show inside a social network. For the correct answer, a prize was awarded, in my opinion, “plasma”.

The only unique tool, which, however, is about small business, is photo competitions in groups. It is very viral, increasing the motivation of participants, this is a soft form of conversion from a group visitor to a subscriber (only a subscriber can take part in the photo competition). How to use this for sales? First, they brought me to the group, warmed me up there, converted them to the website with a special offer, and “caught up” with an e-mail newsletter before the sale. Social networks are integrated into the general pool of activity that the company conducts for monetization.

Let's talk about the Odnoklassniki currency. OKs are not converted and cannot be withdrawn. Tinkoff Bank held a promotion where OKs were awarded for receiving a credit card. Is there a successful example of working with OKs and who needs them if they cannot be withdrawn?

They are needed by the 45 million audience who use Odnoklassniki! (laughs). This is the internal currency for which you can buy virtual gifts, additional functions on the website, conduct mini-transactions in games. She is very loved and loyal. How can this be used? There are large brands that integrate with us and use OKs as a mechanical element. The mentioned Tinkoff not only gave out a bonus in the form of OKs. We have a joint product - credit card with two logos (“Tinkoff” and “Odnoklassniki”), using which the owner receives cash back in the form of OKs, which are credited inside Odnoklassniki to account. We have integrations with several large brands that allow you to convert points into OKs in their CRM system. Recently they showed figures proving that Svyaznoy users are very fond of OKi and are massively converting the Svyaznoy plus into OKi. But these solutions are widespread and for large companies. They require large organizational and time costs.

How to use for small and medium businesses? This is the most common type of prize that people would like to receive within the social network. For example, give 100 OK to a user for activity once a month. At cost it is 100 rubles, and the user is happy. For him, the value of OKs is greater than that of an ordinary ruble. Entrepreneurs know: rather than promising 1,000 rubles for a repeat purchase, offer an electric kettle.

Its value is greater than the value of 1000 rubles, although in fact the cost is less.

Is there a minimum entry threshold for an online store to enter targeted advertising in Odnoklassniki?

Yes, there is one, something like 4 thousand rubles.

Odnoklassniki has a large pool of advertising tools: from special projects that cost millions of rubles to reach millions of people to the simplest targeted advertising. Targeted advertising is a teaser, a small picture and some text. Most often, its place in Odnoklassniki is on the left next to the ribbon under the menu. Sometimes the target block appears on the right. There are special forms of placing targeted advertising inside applications and other sections of the site. These special places are designed as industry solutions. If you are the owner of a game on Odnoklassniki, there is no point in advertising within other games of the same category.

Targeted advertising is auction-based, so a lot depends on the advertiser and the campaign. If you use an interesting insight, beautiful creative that attracts, the cost per click will be lower because your CTR is higher.

If the goal is to get a lot of traffic en masse and quickly, bid higher and buy at a higher price. Targeted advertising, according to the law, is a way of conveying information to a wide, indefinite number of people. Each time this circle becomes narrower and narrower. Targeting allows you to target not only gender, age and geography, but also use other targeting parameters to reach your specific target audience. target audience. For example, by time - placement at specified hours. Perhaps your audience clicks on an ad during the day to go to the website to view the product, but buys it in the evening. Then you will understand that the clicks in daytime They simply “burn” the budget, but do not bring results. It makes sense to target evening time, because traffic is cheaper there.

There is such a feature: advertising budgets are launched at 0 am, the auction is high. As the day progresses, the money is spent and some advertisers drop out of the auction. In the evening, the auction is lower, the cost per click is lower, and traffic is cheaper. Sometimes 3 times.

We have the ability to target by interests. We have identified, if I'm not mistaken, 227 audience interests. We define them with reference to a certain time (in my opinion, 2 weeks). A person visited the brand’s automotive website, we take it into account and can target it “narrowly.”

We have targeting based on search history. We receive data from the search engine: what the user was looking for. We can also receive through Yandex and Google cookies if the user is not logged in to the systems and the data transfer was not carried out via the HTTPS protocol from browsers. We receive data from a search inside Odnoklassniki. The most important thing is that we receive data from internal searches installed on external thematic sites through the counter, where it is installed. For example, a user went to a car website, typed in the name of the brand that interests him, then closed it and went to Odnoklassniki to look at photos of family and friends. At this moment, we can “catch up” with him through the search history. We know what he was looking for, although it is in no way directly connected with Odnoklassniki.

By choosing a narrow audience, you reach potential clients, which increases the likelihood of a click, CTR. This reduces costs and cost per click.

A curious case: if I am interested in blondes with a second breast size. Is it really possible to carry out such segmentation?

Yes. Quite! There is no such data, of course, there is indirect targeting. I'll give you one example. We joked and had fun about it. We were able to sell carriages through targeted advertising in the b2b segment. For the announcement, they drew pictures of carriages and signed “buy carriages”. We targeted men over 45 years old, graduates of railway universities. For example, Rostov State University communication routes. Targeted those with expensive Cell phones(iPhone and Android latest version), for those who travel frequently and some other parameter. We had a small sample, but most likely we were in the audience. There were few clicks. The user is having fun on the site: looking at photos, videos, he has no time for cars. We changed the advertisement - we wrote: “Get a free dinner!”, and on the landing page where the ad led, the text said that the user was of interest to us, because we want to appease him, he receives a coupon for dinner in a good restaurant. To do this, you need to leave your e-mail. Below it was indicated that during working hours a person will receive our Commercial offer for the sale of wagons. There was one lead that converted into a sale and more than paid for the advertising campaign.

Big brands have success using apps that advertise for them. Applications can be in the form of a game or quiz. Is it profitable for small businesses? Is it worth writing an application for Odnoklassniki and working through it?

Let me name the numbers, and then everyone makes their own decision. Our branded apps are different from other platforms. There is a rule: a branded application is posted free of charge. We ask you to reserve a budget for promotion and promotion in the amount of at least 140 thousand per month. This is not our commercial interest. Each application is showcased on home page. There is a catalog of not recommended, but new products. Any new application gets to the top of the catalog. In about a week it gains a certain number of people. It's absolutely viral and organic. In the tab you can see the numbers: 100-500 thousand installations. This is what the app scored in its first two weeks for free. What influences this? Application avatar and name.

For us, 140 thousand rubles. is a “threshold” that prevents everyone from entering the application directory. The application may have viral mechanisms: “Invite a friend”, “Publish a post”, “Join a group”. They are aimed at involving friends, acquaintances, relatives - everyone in a row - into interaction. This greatly increases the effectiveness of an advertising campaign at the expense of people who do not cost money.

What to do next? Perhaps by the end of the month the application will not be renewed and will be removed from the storefront. You can redirect these people from the application to the group and to the website. You can collect leads inside the application: email, phone numbers, other contacts.

One last thing: not all apps need to be gaming apps. We recently conducted a study and came to the conclusion that the application is a passable option. Any company can make a toy and get away with it. Odnoklassniki has service applications where you can draw an avatar for yourself and write it in your diary. There are very few branded useful applications. This is a unique case when there is a free niche and a small company can gain an audience by offering a product that is not currently available on Odnoklassniki.

140 thousand rubles. - this is not entirely accessible to small businesses...

What is considered a small business? I understand that applications are not rational to use for small businesses on an ongoing basis. It can be used once. Calculate how much a contact from any other type of advertising (contextual, targeted, display) costs you. Then take a successful case and contacts of a branded application. For example, 300 thousand installations and transitions to the site, and the price is 140 thousand rubles. Roughly speaking, one contact is 1 ruble. Is this a lot? Few? From my point of view, a very affordable price.

One gets the impression that social networks in general and Odnoklassniki in particular are not very interested in expanding the e-commerce area within the network. Dropshipping platforms like ApiShops allow you to sell someone else's product without worrying about anything. They don’t need to deal with logistics, defects, complaints, etc. Are there any plans to improve the comfort for merchants in Odnoklassniki?

We do not differentiate between advertiser segments. Our task is to develop a tool for the entire market. We tried to make tools for e-commerce several times. There was an attempt to load online stores inside Odnoklassniki. Now this project is frozen. Merchants are not yet ready for tight integration with social networks. Without online transactions, this idea does not work. It is impossible to provide an online store within Odnoklassniki if it is not integrated via API or other means with the common engine.

The example you gave works according to the CPA scheme, when the merchant pays for the action. We understand this, we are trying to develop new advertising formats or develop old ones so that they are also paid according to the CPA scheme. We are developing post-click statistics. The example you gave is suitable for starting a small business. At the moment when logistics are provided, a legal entity is registered, the need to expand and grow, the question arises of optimizing costs, increasing margins, and people begin to consider the cost of a contact, an order, profit and come to use our advertising tools. They will be able to bring in an end client with more hemorrhoids, but at a lower cost. It's more rational.

I probably won’t name it, because in this sense the audience of Odnoklassniki is no different from the population of Russia. The techniques are exactly the same. The only thing I want to point out is that price and value are two different things. Sometimes you can create value for your audience with something that doesn't cost that much. Let me give you an example: I watched two advertising campaigns, both based on competitive mechanics. In one, the main prize is an iPhone. There was great activity.

People are mercantile, but I would also die for an iPhone. On another occasion, it was a day at the television channel's studio and dinner with one of the VJs. For the TV channel it cost a pittance: a taxi, dinner and the work of a secretary who worked with the winner. The cost is small, but the value for the Odnoklassniki audience is enormous! Second advertising campaign was more successful because it cannot be bought, it is priceless.

TV crews told a funny story. The star came to them for the premiere almost a year ago. It so happened that there was one poster with the autograph of the main character of the film lying around. A year later they found him and decided to play a prank. They didn’t write that he was lying in the dust behind the closet. On the contrary, this is an exclusive, the last copy with an autograph. This is something you can't buy.

It makes sense not just to write “99.9% discount!”, but to offer more meaningful special offers for your target audience.

For example, I have a budget of 10 thousand per month and one person who is ready to help me. Where should I start in Odnoklassniki? How to unwind? Group, video blog, target your website? I don't have time or money for A/B tests. What do you recommend?

There is no time or money for A/B tests - wrap yourself in a sheet and go to the nearest cemetery (laughs)... This does not happen. If you have time for business, then you have time to find effective solutions.

You need to decide on the format for how long you come to the social network. If you need quick short-term results, then this is targeted advertising. You need to tinker with the settings, conduct at least some A/B test for 500 rubles and bring the target audience so that it pays off. It’s clear that we start with this to check whether your store and product are adequate, whether it is sold, how logistics works, etc.

Then you realize that everything is fine with you. The long-term presence format is a group. You need to invest a little effort: design, content, attracting customers. Install a widget on your website, users will leave positive reviews, ask questions, and generate repeat sales.

If the target and group work well, you can take aim at non-standard solutions. Making a video doesn’t cost 10 thousand rubles. The format “take it on an iPhone and post it on Odnoklassniki” will not work.

Gradually and consistently: get results quickly - targeted advertising. A more long-term format is to diversify and try other types of advertising. When you have stable social capital, try non-standard ones: apps, videos, special promotions, etc. If suddenly the experiment fails, you won’t close down.

Advertising of various products and services was widespread in Odnoklassniki before, but now a special tool has appeared for this, offered by the developers. Sales of goods and services will be carried out through groups on the social network. It is enough to prepare an ad in a special tool, and it will be posted in communities in the form of posts.

Current developments and further development

The administration of the social network notes that about 73 million people use Odnoklassniki every month, and everyone has different goals. In particular, there are communities with advertising, and there are pages for small and medium-sized businesses. Now the sales segment on the social network will be systematized and structured, working with it will become much more convenient.

At this stage, Odnoklassniki has launched the sale of goods through a special toolkit, but in the future there may be integration with the Yula online service, owned by Mail.Ru Group. It is planned to introduce some other solutions. The ultimate goal is to separate advertising into a separate direction, while at the same time keeping it within the framework of the social network. It will be possible to place advertising posts for free.

Brief instructions for using the new tool

So, how to properly organize the sale of goods on Odnoklassniki using the classifieds tool? To do this, when creating new topic indicate the “Advertisement” category, then fill in several fields:

  • Title. Short description the item or service being sold.
  • Price. Indication of price and monetary unit.
  • Description. The main field in which the product is described in detail.
  • Photo. Good photo always improves sales. In this field you can add photos by uploading them from your device.
  • Place. The address where you need to pick up the goods. You can specify only a city, or a city and a street.
  • Publication. Before posting an ad on Odnoklassniki, it must be sent to the group administration for review. If the moderators have no comments, the announcement is published.

According to Goldman Sachs, now Russian market classified files (structured advertising services) - about 12 billion rubles per year, and development continues. Analysts predict that by 2020 this market will grow to 47 billion rubles. The social network Odnoklassniki has tens of thousands of communities focused on selling services and various products; their active audience is more than 10 million users. New tool will make advertising even more effective.

Distance business has long ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. Proof of this is the numerous online stores, where anyone can make a purchase without leaving their home. Saving time and money are definitely benefits of online shopping. From this article you will learn how to independently organize a business selling clothes online, find potential buyers and successfully develop your business.

How to start selling clothes online?

Anyone can start their own online. Often this does not even require large investments. Enough to have free time, constant access to the Internet and the desire to earn money.

For example, many housewives who are in maternity leave for child care, is attracted by the sale of children's clothing via the Internet. Potential buyers are fellow mothers who are looking for unusual and inexpensive things for their children. Having organized their business online, women are in no hurry to return to their usual routine work and continue to develop their profitable business even after maternity leave.

In order to start your online business, it is absolutely not necessary to make wholesale purchases and be afraid that the product will not be in demand. Selling clothes online allows you to act as an organizer of joint purchases. In other words, people will order the product they are interested in from you, make an advance payment, and you will buy it from the supplier and earn your percentage for the work done. Today, many individual entrepreneurs work according to this scheme, for whom it is much more comfortable to work at home on a computer than to trade on the market.

Deciding on the assortment

Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the assortment. The main criterion for successful online sales is the demand and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses in your city, or it is completely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to carry out comparative analysis available retail clothing stores, read forums and find out the opinions of friends about what they would be most willing to buy from you.

An important factor is the average per capita income in the region where you are going to organize your online trading. Inflated prices can turn off potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality. Try to focus on those products for which you will have as little competition as possible.

How to find a clothing supplier?

The wide variety of clothing suppliers can be confusing for a new online retailer. Today you can order clothes both in the CIS countries and far beyond the borders of the Commonwealth. The most profitable suppliers are, of course, Chinese clothing manufacturers. The leaders among resources offering online sales are AliExpress and TaoBao. However, if the latter site is aimed at native speakers Chinese language, then users from all over the world can make purchases on AliExpress.

The advantage of Chinese suppliers is high-quality, inexpensive clothing. Through the Internet you can order quite exclusive things from China that cannot be found in any retail store in Russia.

The main rule for wholesale purchases on such a site is the rating of the selected seller. Make a transaction only after making sure of his integrity and the quality of the goods. You can check this by looking at reviews from customers who have already placed orders with this supplier.

The AliExpress resource protects the rights of both parties, as evidenced by a well-thought-out payment system. After selecting the desired product, the customer pays the full amount of its cost, after which the seller sends the product by mail. The money deposited into the system will be transferred to the seller’s account only after the customer receives his product and confirms its quality and safety during shipment. Otherwise, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount or a full refund. The system guarantees that any parcel will arrive safely, including clothes purchased through the store. The Internet in this case greatly simplifies the transaction process.

How to find potential buyers?

Once you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to start searching for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable in your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require financial investments (creating a website, design development, promotion in search engines, finding a hired administrator, etc.) Therefore, the most rational way for a beginner to find buyers is a group or community on social networks.

You can create such a group absolutely free by advertising your services and posting an assortment of custom-made clothes. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers. Gradually, people will start to learn about your online clothing selling community and will tell their friends about it. The principle of so-called “word of mouth marketing” works flawlessly to this day.

However, if financial resources allow, then you can entrust the promotion of the community to professionals who will invite potential buyers based on the principle of targeting. In other words, there will be people in your group who will actually start placing orders. Remember that buying clothes online should be as comfortable as possible for your potential buyers.

Payment methods for orders

For the convenience of transactions, you need to offer customers various ways payment for orders:

  • Transfer to a bank card or remittance to a bank account.
  • Payment with electronic currency (WebMoney, Qiwi, YandexMoney).
  • Postal order or cash on delivery.
  • Payment in cash upon receipt of goods.

In addition, in order to insure yourself against the buyer’s refusal to order, you can introduce a prepayment system, which can range from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods. This item may even include making payment transactions much easier and more convenient, which significantly saves customers time and money.

Delivery of the order to the buyer

Proper organization of order delivery to the buyer will not only have a good impact on the reputation of the online store, but will also significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the transaction. You can arrange delivery in the following ways:

  • Deliver the order to the buyer's home yourself.
  • Deliver the goods at a pre-agreed location on neutral territory.
  • Ask buyers to pick up goods directly from the seller's home.
  • Hire a courier who, for a nominal fee, will deliver the goods to the right place and time.
  • Send goods by mail with cash on delivery.

The advantage of online shopping is that you can buy this or that item without leaving your home. That is why it is better to give preference to delivery to the buyer’s home. It will be convenient if delivery is positioned as free, and you include its actual cost in the total cost of the purchase.

Agreement between seller and buyer

A well-drafted service agreement can protect the seller and buyer from possible misunderstandings during the transaction process. And it doesn’t matter whether it will be legal document or a formal verbal agreement. The main thing is that both parties fulfill their obligations.

For example, a mandatory clause of such an agreement may be an advance payment of 50% of the purchase price or a refund if the product turns out to be defective or does not fit in size. The buyer must be sure that he will not lose his money and will receive a quality order that will meet his expectations.

Taxes - to pay or not to pay?

Any entrepreneurial activity in the territory Russian Federation must be legally formalized and registered in tax authority. Contributions to the state treasury will not only save you from possible problems, but will also help create a confident future. After all, having registered as individual entrepreneur, you will make monthly social and pension payments, from which your pension will be formed in the future.

However, if you are not yet confident in the success of your online business, you can try making a few trial orders for friends or relatives. If you see that selling clothes online is bringing positive results, then it makes sense to continue to develop your business by registering it legally. In the last few years, it has become possible to register online businesses in accordance with the tax code of the Russian Federation.

What else can you sell online?

Selling clothes online is not the only way to organize online trading. You can sell anything. The main thing is that the product is in demand and relevant among the residents of your city or region. Thus, unusual women's jewelry and accessories, various devices for the kitchen and home, car accessories and replica watches of famous brands are very popular. People will always be looking for unusual things that can be easily purchased without traveling abroad.

Online business is responsible and hard work. Selling clothes online or any accessories requires a certain amount of time in the early stages. However, with a properly planned business project, the result in the form of a stable income will not be long in coming.

I have already written about how to create a group on social networks for doing business. Now I want to tell you in more detail how to open an online store in Odnoklassniki.

Surely, you have already encountered the fact that unknown individuals with names similar to “Yulia children’s clothing”, “Natalia Jeans”, “Sergey any instrument”, etc. are “stuffed” into your classmates as friends. Some people ignore such offers, others become interested. And by the way, I must say, not in vain.

Products in such online stores are much cheaper, and their quality is no worse than in stores or markets. But we're talking about not about where to buy a cheaper blouse or more fashionable sneakers. The subject of conversation is making money on the Internet. Namely: how to open an online store in Odnoklassniki.

We recently published an article on how to create an online store on VKontakte, I think it will be useful for you to read it.

The process of creating an online store is simple and consists of several steps:

  • Create an account. Indicate in the name exactly what you offer. Now you too will have to become “Lena Dresses”, or “Dima Phones”.
  • Fill it with product photos. If possible, photographs should be unique and, of course, correspond to the actual product. If a customer receives just blue jeans instead of dark blue ones, the credibility of your store will be undermined. And in online business, this is one of the main criteria for success.
  • Specify characteristics each position. The description of each product must contain detailed information about its qualities, manufacturer, cost, etc. Remember, the more you tell about your product, the more trust your customers will have.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign. Offer friendship to your acquaintances who, in your opinion, may be interested in the products of the online store. First of all, focus on your region geographical location: city, district, region, region. Don't waste your energy on coverage large quantity potential consumers. Organize a mailing list with promotional offers.

Carefully consider forms of payment and delivery of goods. Periodically hold various promotions, such as: “Easy Monday - 7% discounts”, or “5% discount for every second product” and the like.

Where can I get the goods?

As practice shows, opening an online store in Odnoklassniki is not enough. The main problem is suppliers. This is the question that stops most people who want to do business on the Internet. I can offer several options for delivery of goods.

  • Enter into an agreement with stores that specialize in selling the goods that you intend to sell in your online store. Contact stores with an offer to take goods from them for sale. They will give it to you at prices slightly higher than purchase prices, but you will already set your own price.
  • Buy the goods yourself at wholesale markets, bases, or directly from the manufacturer. I know from experience that trade markups now reach 300-400%. Start small, buy a few product items to “test,” and if things work out, invest the proceeds in development. I am one hundred percent sure that after the first income you receive, you will get a taste for it.
  • Partnership programs . Nowadays, most large chain stores offer affiliate programs with a variety of offers that promise benefits to both the seller and his partner. Study such programs carefully; it happens that among them you come across very favorable conditions.

Opening an online store in Odnoklassniki now means taking a step into the future, towards your well-being. There are more than enough opportunities for business development on the Internet. Realize your wildest desires, turn on your imagination, you will definitely succeed!

And finally interesting video“How to make an online store in Odnoklassniki”

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About two years ago, the management of the social network Odnoklassniki came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an online store within its system. And recently this project came into being. The social network Odnoklassniki, together with the Mail.Ru Products system, presented to the public a beta version of a new service, the name of which they did not dare experiment with. The service is named, albeit banally, but simply and clearly - “Shops”.

Online trading within Odnoklassniki

How to create your own store on Odnoklassniki?

The second condition is your own group. An entrepreneur must be an administrator of his own group. In the group account management, he will be able to find the coveted “Create a store” function, and then fill out all the forms necessary to create it.

Third condition: the seller must have the status of a business entity - be a private entrepreneur or represent the interests of a legal entity.

That's essentially all. Next, you need to fill out the store window with goods, information about them, the “Contacts” and “Delivery and Payment” sections. Once the showcase is filled with goods and information, you can safely proceed to opening the store.

Product images and information about them are added manually. If an online store is already registered in the [email protected] online service, its contents can be copied from there to the Odnoklassniki social network store.

Everything is good in theory, but what about in practice?

Unfortunately, today direct sales on social networks cannot yet be called successful. At least something bright and good example cannot be cited either on the Runet or on the Internet at the global level. Many marketers are convinced that an online store within a social network can become an additional channel for selling goods for small businesses, but it is unlikely that such a channel can guarantee any stability or open up prospects.

Why should people buy goods on a social network, and not, for example, in a regular online store? A feature in favor of trading on Odnoklassniki could be the ability for users to communicate publicly or privately with the seller in the format of free communication on social networks - something that is not available in regular online stores. However, the “Shops” service does not yet have such an opportunity. Perhaps, if the administration of Odnoklassniki takes this point into account, sellers will have a good chance of achieving the desired level of sales through communication directly with their clientele.

Payment for services

The services of the “Shops” service are not free - Odnoklassniki claims 3% of sellers’ turnover.

Previously known cases of trading within a social network

For reference: The idea of ​​an online store within a social network was implemented in 2010 by the VKontakte administration. The service was called “Desires”, with its help VKontakte users added certain goods to “Desires” and then paid for them. Since this service did not achieve much popularity, it was closed.

In 2012, Facebook launched the social commerce project f-commerce - an online store within the network itself. The project is still being mastered, so it is too early to speak about definitive conclusions.