Lunar sowing calendar for March of the year. Calendar for March. Work in the garden in March, activities for caring for fruit trees and shrubs

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Moon calendar for the gardener 2017 - Seedlings. Sowing for seedlings

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work related to work in the beds. Garden strawberries is present in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view works related to it in the “garden” section of the calendar.

March - awakening of the earth.

March is the first month of spring. The touching first sprouts of seedlings delight, filling the soul with warmth and hope... Sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings (peppers, tomatoes, etc.) continues. Towards the end of the month, warm beds (using biofuel) begin to be prepared in the garden for sowing cold-resistant vegetable crops and planting seedlings.

In March 2017 lunar phases distributed in such a way that the most favorable days for sowing seedlings of all flower crops (flowers), as well as such vegetable crops as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and cabbage, occur only in the second ten days of the month (from March 10), and ends on the full moon (March 22).

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Moon calendar

Garden work, care for vegetables and other plants

from March 01, 2017 00:00 (Wed)
to 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Aries

Favorable period for sowing seeds parthenocarpic cucumbers grown in a window. Available sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants(the next sign - Taurus is more favorable to this). Sprouting grain crops to obtain vitamin-rich sprouts. Loosening the soil and, if necessary, thinning out the seedlings.
(We still have a blog: , login only from the lunar calendar)
from 02 March 2017 10:42 (Thu)
to 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
Watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Favorable time for soaking and sowing for seedlings of determinate seeds tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis, cabbage(early ripening cauliflower and cabbage, broccoli, Beijing), spicy, aromatic and medicinal crops. Sowing parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing in a window. Transfer to large containers seedlings of indeterminate tomatoes and tall varieties pepper It is possible to lay out potatoes for germination. Spring garlic and onion sets are placed in a warm room to warm up. Sowing lettuce for greens.
March 03, 2017 It is planned to sow tomatoes for seedlings.
from 04 March 2017 13:05 (Sat)
to 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
Do not water the plants these days. Possible only " dry watering" indoor plants- loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries that draw moisture from the depths. Picking seedlings is possible.
from 06 March 2017 15:54 (Mon)
to 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Pruning and pinching plants is strictly prohibited. Watering and application of mineral fertilizers. Favorable period for sowing determinant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis. Favorable time for soaking and planting seeds cabbage(early and mid-ripening cabbage and cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi and Beijing) for seedlings, aromatic and medicinal crops, bush beans, parthenocarpic cucumbers for growing on the window. It is favorable to sow watercress and spring onions in heated greenhouses; sowing seedlings of stalked celery, leeks, and onions.
from 08 March 2017 19:45 (Wed)
to March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for sowing seeds and transplanting. Covering greenhouses and greenhouses with film to quickly melt snow and warm the soil. Convenient time for loosening seedlings and working with soil indoors.

March 9 (21.02 old style) - Midsummer Day (Obretenye)
“If snow (falls) on Obretenye, then trample it until April (spring will drag on)”

from March 11, 2017 01:07 (Sat)
to 11 March 2017 17:02 (Sat)

waxing Moon in Virgo
It's better not to sow anything. Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis into large containers.
There comes a rather long period without auspicious days for sowing on plant seedlings, the purpose of growing which is “tops” - above-ground fruits. If you can’t wait, then this blog post will help you find alternative days:
from March 11, 2017 17:02 (Sat)
to March 13, 2017 19:28 (Mon)


It is not recommended to sow, plant, replant, or prune anything. Preparation of soil and containers for seedlings. It is possible to thin out seedlings and loosen the soil in planting containers. Snow removal from greenhouses and film greenhouses. Purchase of fertilizers, stimulants, plant protection products from pests and diseases, seeds.

March 12, 2017 17:53 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid lunar month, : until March 13, 2017 8:28 Moon in the sign of Virgo, then in the sign of Libra).

March 13 (28.02 senior style) - Vasily Teply (Kapelnik)
“By the thawed patches around the trees they determine: Steep edges mean spring is friendly. If it rains on Vasily, there will be a wet summer.”

from March 13, 2017 19:28 (Mon)
to March 15, 2017 18:10 (Wed)

waning moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for sowing chives and leeks for seedlings. Sowing potatoes from seeds. Laying out potatoes for germination. Picking seedlings tomatoes and peppers.

March 14 (01.03 old style) - Evdokia (Avdotya) Vesnyanka
“Like Avdotya, so is the summer. Rain on Evdokia means a wet summer.”

from March 15, 2017 18:10 (Wed)
to March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Scorpio

Watering and foliar feeding of seedlings with organic fertilizers. Spraying plants with growth stimulants. A favorable time for sowing seedlings of nigella and radish in heated greenhouses. Laying out potatoes for germination.

March 15 (02.03 old style) - Fedot Vetronos
"Fedot is evil - not to be with the grass. (If there is bad weather, wind, then spring will be delayed)"

from March 18, 2017 06:00 (Sat)
to March 20, 2017 18:31 (Mon)

waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius

Loosening the soil, thinning out the seedlings. Possible transplant, picking and feeding seedlings.
In those regions where the snow is already melting, clearing greenhouses and film greenhouses from snow residues and covering them with film. Covering with film ridges of carrots, perennial onions and second-year parsley, sorrel, rhubarb and other perennial vegetable crops.

March 18 (05.03 old style) - Konon Ogorodnik
“From this day on, we began to prepare the garden for future plantings. It was believed that seeds could be soaked for seedlings only after Konon Ogorodnik”

from March 20, 2017 18:31 (Mon)
to March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)

waning moon in the sign of Capricorn

Favorable time for sowing chives and leeks for seedlings. Laying out potatoes for germination. Sowing root celery for seedlings. Picking seedlings into large containers. Spraying seedlings with growth stimulants. Transfer low-growing varieties tomatoes. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

March 22 (09.03 art. style) - Soroki (Sorok Sorokov)
“On this day they bake larks with “secrets””

from March 23, 2017 05:28 (Thu)
to 25 March 2017 13:06 (Sat)

waning moon in the sign of Aquarius

A very unfavorable time for planting and sowing seedlings. Preparing greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Sprinkling the ridges with ash, covering them with a dark film in order to speed up the melting of the snow, and subsequently warming up the soil on them. Thinning seedlings, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
from March 25, 2017 13:06 (Sat)
to March 27, 2017 06:15 (Mon)

waning moon in the sign of Pisces

It is not recommended to prune trees and shrubs. Watering and fertilizing seedlings with organic fertilizers, replanting plants. Sowing possible early radish in heated greenhouses. Favorable time for picks seedlings tomatoes, peppers, eggplant.

March 28, 2017 05:56 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month - until March 27, 2017 17:10 Moon in the sign of Pisces, then in the sign of Aries.

from March 29, 2017 07:03 (Wed)
to March 29, 2017 18:48 (Wed)

Waxing Moon in Aries

A favorable period for soaking and sowing seeds of parthenocarpic cucumbers for heated greenhouses. Picking tomatoes, peppers, eggplants in large containers. Sowing and planting plants with a short growing season (cress), as well as climbing plants.
from March 29, 2017 18:48 (Wed)
to March 31, 2017 19:40 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in Taurus

A favorable time for watering plants and applying mineral fertilizers. Sowing seedlings of determinate and super-determinate varieties of tomato; early ripening varieties of pepper, physalis. Favorable time for sowing melons (zucchini, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers etc.) for seedlings, as well as picking tomatoes and peppers planted earlier.
from March 31, 2017 19:40 (Fri)
to March 31, 2017 23:59 (Fri)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini

This is an unfavorable time for watering seedlings and plants grown for greens. Loosening the soil (“dry watering”), thinning out the seedlings. Picking seedlings is possible.

Work on the gardener's lunar calendar table for March 2017 was completed on 02/09/2017

The gardener's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to take your comments into account. Please contact us with suggestions at To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Work in the garden and on the site in April
April is mid-spring, the time for nature to awaken. During this period, plant buds begin to swell, from which bud buds, leaves, or both, then appear, depending on the type of buds. First on garden plot currants, gooseberries and honeysuckle begin their growing season. If you did not have time to prune these crops in March, then do it in early April before the buds open.

Some gardeners are forced to keep seedlings on windowsills facing north or north-west. Young plants, as a rule, do not have enough light - the main factor for normal height and successful development, and as a result, instead of thickened and stocky seedlings, gardeners sometimes get elongated (too elongated) plants, especially tomato plants, the stems of which become thinner, become brittle and bend. It is known that from such seedlings one should not expect timely and good harvest fruits Therefore, some gardeners are in no hurry to sow seeds in seedling boxes, guided by the principle: let it be short in height by the time it is planted in the ground, but not thin and not a meter high.

April is a responsible month. First of all we need to lower excess water from the site, to do this, dig ditches along its slope so that the water flows into the reclamation ditch. If there is no slope on the site, then simply dig a shallow ditch, gradually deepening it so that the water flows in the direction you need. Stagnation of water is especially dangerous in raspberry and strawberry plantings and in clematis flowerbeds.

With the onset of warm April days, the rapid development of nature begins. No wonder the name of the month comes from the Latin word “aperire” - “to open”. The first flowers bloom in April spring flowers. Therefore, the Slavs gave it the name pollen.

In Rus', April was called “blooming,” but it was not deprived of popular nicknames: “awakening” (sap flow begins in trees and bushes), “birch maker” (preparing birch sap), “snowrunner,” “light up the snow,” “play.” ravines". Month spring primroses, it’s not for nothing that the Latin name “Aprilis” means “to open”: the buds on bushes and trees open. The first greenery appears in the meadows, forest clearings and among the bushes, the first flowers open their buds.

Let's look at the planting calendar for March 2017, taking into account the climatic conditions of the north, the seeds of which crops make sense to sow for seedlings in the first calendar month of spring.

It is quite natural that the timing of planting seedlings depends on many factors: weather conditions, location of the garden, availability of greenhouses. If the greenhouses are heated, then the timing will be completely different than for unheated ones.

The start date for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the timing of planting, since it seems possible to grow the harvest of most vegetable crops in the northern regions only through seedlings.

Practice shows that starting to plant seedlings in open ground or an unheated greenhouse is possible only after the threat of return frosts has passed. The Swedes call them quite poetically “Steel (iron) nights” (Järn nätter). They usually occur in the first ten days of June.

I tried to compile the lunar landing calendar for March 2017 myself, taking into account the following factors:

  • desired age of seedlings at the time of planting
  • Moon phase
  • the sign through which the Moon passes when work begins.

At the beginning of March, it is worth sowing the seeds of only large-fruited indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, which require a longer time to develop. From the very first days of emergence, they should be provided with good lighting.

It should be noted that the duration of illumination for peppers is 8 hours, since they are short-day plants. Eggplants and tomatoes should be illuminated for 12 hours. Typically, seedlings of these crops are grown together, so after eight hours of illumination, the peppers should be shaded.

The lamps are located at a distance of 15 - 20 cm above the seedlings, as they grow, the illumination must be gradually raised, maintaining a given distance.

Although March is significantly ahead of February in terms of the number of sunny days, March seedlings should be supplemented with light. Under such conditions, March seedlings are usually of better quality than February ones.

Let's “walk” through the Lunar calendar for March 2017. Let me remind you that the following zodiac signs are considered fertile: Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

The waxing moon phase occurs in the first ten days of the month. which favors the development of plants that bear fruit with their above-ground part.

  • March 2, 3 are favorable days (the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus) for sowing seeds of petiole celery, lettuce, cabbage, and late-ripening large-fruited varieties of pepper.
  • March 6 (after 12 Moscow time), 7, 8 (before 19.45 Moscow time) - The Moon will pass through the Zodiac sign Cancer. These days are very suitable for planting seeds of strawberries, fennel, and peppers.
  • On March 12, the Full Moon will occur, from now until March 28 (New Moon phase) the Moon will be waning.
  • March 13 - 17, 20 - 22, 25 - 26 are favorable days, the Moon will successively pass through the fertile signs Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Then it will be possible to sow seeds of bulbous crops and root celery.

After passing the New Moon phase, favorable days will come again for planting crops that bear fruit above the surface of the earth.

  • March 29, 30 - you can plant seeds of lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants as the growing Moon will pass through the fertile sign of Taurus.

Those gardeners who do not pay attention to the Lunar sowing calendar can be guided by the approximate dates for the start of sowing seeds:

  • salads, strawberries, celery, large-fruited peppers - first ten days of the month
  • early ripening peppers, tomatoes, eggplants - second, third ten days of the month.

In the northern regions, snow remains on the fields until the beginning of May. It is clear that there is no need to rush into sowing early ripening crops. From the text of the article it is clear that the planting calendar for March 2017 for the northern regions is not “stressful” - there are only so many types of vegetable crops that can be sown.

However, I am sure that most of us will have to solve the problem of placing all the seedlings under additional lighting. So I have already prepared bags with seeds of 8 varieties of peppers and 12 varieties of tomatoes. It's interesting to try them all! All that remains is to wish us all a successful start to the new sowing season.

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Our life is an unchanging cyclical process that affects all areas, including plants. With the arrival of the first warm weather, gardeners and gardeners rush to get to work in order to collect the fruits of their efforts and get the desired benefit from it. However, it is not enough to select good seeds, prepare the land and plant the crop on time; you also need to choose the planting day correctly. The thing is that the phases of the moon have a direct effect on the plant. So, for example, if you plant gifts of nature on a full moon, you risk being left without a harvest, but if you plant on a waxing moon, the result will meet your expectations.

New Moon and Full Moon

Please note that on the fifth of 2018 the Moon will be in the first quarter. This is the ideal time to start work. It is believed that all plants planted on this day will delight you with a generous harvest. As for the full moon, this month it awaits us on the twelfth; fears, worries and depression will intensify. The Moon will enter its last quarter on the twentieth, but on March 28 there will be a new moon.

Choosing favorable days

If you don't know when to start working, use our tips. So:

  • 3rd number. Great time to plant plants. The Moon will be in Taurus.
  • 4th number. The moon is waxing, in Gemini. Feel free to plan any job.
  • 5th number. This is the ideal time to plant plants, regardless of their type. By devoting this day to working in the garden, you will undoubtedly reap a rich harvest.
  • 19th. A good day for earthworks. Pay attention not only to vegetable gardens, but also to indoor plants.

The best day to plant a crop

When choosing a planting day, you also need to take into account the type of crop you want to plant. So, for example, planting squash, eggplant and zucchini is best done from March 13 to 15, and for rutabaga and turnips, the 20-23rd, 25-26th are excellent. It is not recommended to plant beans, beans and peas in March. For planting strawberries and wild strawberries, March 13-15 is suitable, but for cabbage - 3-10.

Many gardeners are interested in the question of when to plant potatoes, because everyone wants to harvest bountiful harvest, which is enough for the whole winter. However, here you need to take into account the climatic conditions of your region. As for favorable days, this is March 20-25. But keep in mind that when planting it, you must be sure that it will not freeze, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. We also stock up on onions for the winter. It is best to plant this crop on the 6th-9th or 21st-26th. For carrots, select the day from the 20th to the 23rd. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers, melon, watermelon and corn in March. Planting should be carried out from April. You can also plant in a greenhouse in March Bell pepper. However, it is best to do this from the 13th to the 15th. But for radishes and parsley, choose a date from the 20th to the 25th. Sow tomatoes for seedlings in special containers from March 13 to March 15.

Have a generous harvest!

Useful tips

You can read more about what awaits all zodiac signs in March 2017 in the article .

Finally, March! Spring is coming, make way for spring! And with spring comes the time to get out hibernation and begin to grow. Although in some areas March is still a continuation of winter, Gardeners have enough work: Now is the time to care for grown seedlings, as well as planting new ones.

March usually sees quite unpredictable weather, especially Lately, during global warming. Many works are highly dependent on the weather, but still, if possible, time them with the lunar calendar, then the result will be much better, and you will spend much less effort.

Works of March include retaining water on the site, protecting trees and shrubs from March frosts, treating cracks and abrasions in trees, spring pruning of trees and shrubs, installing pest protection and many others.

When to plant seedlings according to the lunar calendar?

The most important work in March– planting seedlings and caring for them. Here is a list of planting seedlings in March and best days their days, according to the lunar calendar:

Various greens (lettuce, dill, parsley, spinach, basil): 6 (after 16:00), March 7, 2017

Petunias, begonias, fuchsias, gloxinias, caladiums, primroses: 4 (after 13:00), 6 (from 10:00 to 11:00) March 2017

Lovers of indoor plants should seriously prepare for spring this month. landings and transfers. Many flowers stretch out greatly over the winter or begin to wither in old pots. Therefore, now is the time to “update” or replant them. On what days are the best times to do this, read our lunar calendar for plants for March 2017.


♈ 1 MARTHA, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

In March it is still quite snowy, but the snow can become wet and heavy due to the fact that the temperatures during the day are noticeably higher. Therefore it is worth shake off the snow in time from trees and bushes so that the branches do not break under its weight. However, it is better not to remove all the snow from the site, as frost may still return.

Houseplants : unlucky day for complex work with plants (pruning, bush formation, planting, replanting, etc.). Watch the lighting conditions. The sun begins to get hotter in the spring, more light appears in the rooms, and daylight hours increase. Therefore, in March, additional lighting may no longer be needed. However, this does not apply to northern windows, where it may still be quite dark.

♈♉ 2 MARTHA, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , CALF from 10:43

Moon without course from 05:18 to 10:42

If the snow has not yet begun to melt, we recommend installing feeders and birdhouses to attract birds if you haven't done this in winter. Birds are important assistants in pest control. They will live on your site when insects awaken after winter and look for food. Houseplants : today it is permissible to plant and replant indoor plants (preferably after 11:00). This is also a good day for propagating plants: you can plant cuttings and leaves that have already been prepared and have taken root.

♉ 3 MARTHA, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.CALF

Moon without course from 18:20

Not a bad day for checking seeds for germination for further plantings, if you have not already done this earlier, in February. The fact is that it is better to do a test in advance than to plant low-quality seeds. If the test results do not please you, it is not too late to buy new good seeds. Today you can also do spring grafting of plums and cherries. Houseplants : It is still possible to continue replanting plants, and you can also replace the top layers of soil to renew it if, for example, replanting is not required now. Remember that after transplanting the plants should not be fed for about a month.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017

♊ 4 MARTHA, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.CALF , TWINS from 13:06

Moon without course until 13:05

If you didn't have time in the fall whiten trees and shrubs, now is not too late to do this so that the spring sun does not leave burns on the trunks. Last year's whitewash may also have already crumbled, so it's worth considering re-whitewashing. You can whitewash trees with lime milk or water emulsion. Houseplants : in the afternoon you can start planting petunias and begonias. Also at this time they plant fuchsias, caladiums, gloxinias.

♊ 5 MARTHA, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 14:31

It is better to postpone any complex work on this day, including planting, sowing seedlings, and pruning. You can remove the strapping from the trees that was used in winter against rodents, and it is not too late to whiten the trees. Houseplants : unfavorable day for working with plants. It is not recommended to even water them.

♊♋ 6 MARTHA, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CANCER from 15:54

Moon without course from 11:22 to 15:53

In the first half of the month you should think about water retention on the site and how to direct melt water in the right direction. If the sun is already hot enough, the snow will melt very quickly. Melt water should be drained away from tree roots, for example, using grooves. Also, do not allow paths and row spaces to be flooded. To do this, you need to clear them of snow, leaving it only on the beds.

From 10 to 11 am It's shaping up to be a good time for pos seedlings of perennials and annuals for your flower garden. You don't have to do it in one hour. The main thing is to start work during this period of time.

Houseplants : from 10 to 11 am– a good time for sowing and planting indoor plants. For example, it is good to plant primrose. After noon ( after 16:00) you can plant greens: spinach, dill, salads. It's a good time to water your plants.

♋ 7 MARTHA, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CANCER

Near young trees it is worth removing the layer of ice that has formed after winter trampling. This will allow the roots to awaken in time.

Today you can plant bow on feather, and celery. Onions are planted in containers with water so that only part of the onion is immersed in the liquid. The roots will begin to grow very quickly, and green arrow It will grow in just a week. This great way growing greens at home in the cold season, and indeed in any other season.

Houseplants : a good day for planting greenery on the windowsill, as well as watering plants. You can give the plants a shower. It is better to carry out this procedure once every 1-2 weeks, depending on how dusty your room is. Regularly washing away leaf dust will help your plants feel better and look better too.

♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CANCER, A LIONfrom 19:46

Moon without course from 17:59 to 19:45

Unfavorable day for planting. Today it is better to put aside any difficult work and relax. You can water the seedlings. This day is more suitable for relaxation than for work, so you can go celebrate with peace of mind Women's holiday and postpone all important matters for a more opportune time. Houseplants : watering is allowed. Do not plan complex work with plants on this day.

Lunar calendar for planting seedlings

♌ 9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.A LION

Great day to plant seedlings tomato, peppers early varieties, and eggplant. You already started planting some types of seedlings in the previous month, but now is not too late to plant seedlings of these vegetables. Before planting seeds, they should be check for germination, if, for example, you have stored seeds from previous years and you are not sure that they are good.

Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is worth soaking them. Also, different seedlings will require different soils. For example, for seedlings tomatoes equal parts of turf and humus soils are required. After planting, you should follow lighting and watering modes.

Houseplants : a good time to plant indoor shrubs: lemons, tangerines, avocados etc. Today you can also go shopping for new plants, the necessary equipment for growing them, as well as any small decorations for your home garden.

♌ 10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.A LION

Moon without course from 20:05

Today you can still plant vegetable seedlings. Also today you can plant and replant fruit and evergreen trees and shrubs. Planting should be done when low positive temperatures until the growing season begins. You can also plant flower seedlings into separate pots. Picking (planting) young shoots is an important job for the future garden, since plants planted too closely will interfere with each other and will be weak and small. Houseplants : This is also a good day to plant citrus fruits from seed, as well as to plant dwarf grenade on the windowsill.

♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.A LION , VIRGO from 01:07

Moon without course until 01:06

This day is suitable for sorting seeds, cleaning, repairing greenhouses and preparing them for future plantings. If necessary, you can disinfect greenhouses. After this, you can prepare the soil. Houseplants : Today you can plant ginger on the windowsill. It's worth finding a good one for this. planting material, where there are already eyes - shoot buds. After planting, shoots may appear within a couple of weeks. Remember that ginger loves warmth and humidity, do not allow it to dry out. But do not leave the plant in direct sunlight. You can also plant, replant or move indoor plants.

♍ 12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 17:55

Today is a full moon - a bad day for planting and pruning. It's better to devote it to simple things gardening work. Can be done a little cleaning Location on. Also, to warm up the soil faster, you can cover the beds with black material. This measure will help retain moisture and heat and prepare the beds for future plantings. It is recommended to warm up the soil for planting carrots, broccoli, parsnips, shallots, beets, salads etc. Houseplants


♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

From this day the Moon begins to wane and in the coming 2 weeks you should think about fertilizing. Some perennials already require feeding. For example, roses can be fertilized with mixtures with a high content potassium. Flower seedlings will also require fertilizing. Houseplants : It is better not to water or spray the plants on this day. In general, this day is also not the most suitable for any complex work, and it is also not suitable for shopping. If possible, it is better not to deal with plants today.

♎ 14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

You should not water on this day. You can go to the store to buy the goods you need to work in the garden. Prepare everything you need now to save time on shopping during the height of the season. Houseplants : It’s better not to water the plants today. This is also a good day for shopping and for collecting any useful information.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

Moon without course from 13:05 to 18:10

Good time to fertilize leafy vegetables. It is better to water and feed the plants after 18:00. In the first half of the day it is still good to buy seeds or equipment for future work. Houseplants : in the morning and afternoon it is better to refuse watering, but after 18:00– water, spray or wash the plants well in the shower. Along with watering, you can add fertilizing. Especially good after 18:00 apply fertilizers to plants with beautiful decorative leaves.

♏ MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

Before the buds begin to bloom on the bushes currants or gooseberries, you can water the plants hot water (almost boiling water). This will help get rid of pests that lurk near plants in the soil. Today is a good day for kidney collection medicinal plants. For example, you can collect kidneys pine trees, if the scales are pressed tightly. Decoctions from pine buds are good for treating colds, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Houseplants : You can still fertilize your plants. Before applying fertilizers, the soil should be well moistened. Remember that plants should not be fed immediately after transplanting. It's worth waiting at least a month.

♏ MARCH 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.

You can apply fertilizers for leafy vegetables, herbs, cabbage, combining them with watering. Today, refrain from pruning trees and shrubs to avoid harming them. Cutting down and uprooting old trees is also not worth it today. Feeding seedlings should begin when the cotyledon leaves appear. Then the plants are ready to receive nutrients from fertilizers and have developed a small root system.

Houseplants : You can use a spray bottle to water the seedlings. Larger plants can already be watered using a large stream of water. Today is also a good time to give your plants a shower.

♐ 18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

Moon without course from 00:56 to 05:59

This day is suitable for pruning and crown shaping bushes and trees. It is worth removing all dry and damaged branches during the winter, as well as branches that grow inside the crown and make it too thick. This event must be carried out so that the tree or shrub bears fruit well. In young trees this procedure should be kept to a minimum.

We can start sprout potatoes. This will allow you to get the harvest faster. The timing of planting after the start of germination varies from 4 to 6 weeks. Before germinating, it is better to treat the tubers with solutions of microelements ( potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, urea, boric acid etc.). After processing, the tubers should be dried and left in a bright room. It’s good if the room temperature stays around plus 20-22 degrees Celsius.

Houseplants : pest control for houseplants will be especially effective on this day. First, inspect the plants very carefully; perhaps some pests are hiding under the leaves or on the surface of the soil. Even if you do not find any pests, we still advise you to carry out preventive treatment of the plants.

♐ 19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

Inspect the trees for frostbites and other damage. If the frost has already passed, you can treat the wounds with garden knife. To do this, it is worth cleaning the cracks and wounds to healthy trunk tissue, and then disinfecting them with a solution copper sulfate, after which the wound should be covered garden varnish.

Today is a good time to start feeding the berry bushes. Now it’s good to add minerals and organic fertilizers. This day is also suitable for collecting cones of medicinal plants and birch mushroom.

Houseplants : still good time for pest control. Also today you can harvest cuttings and leaves for plant propagation. Be careful: some plants are still weak after winter, so make sure the plant will tolerate cuttings or leaves being removed. Today you can trim elongated shoots(half or third). This will allow the plant to put out new, healthier shoots and promote good flowering.

♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

Moon without course from 13:37 to 18:30

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

Complex work (planting, pruning) cannot be planned for this day. But you can do pest protection. For example, you can put on the stamps hunting belts, which will not allow wintering insects to climb up the trunks to the leaves. To make the snow melt faster at the foot of the trees, you can sprinkle it with peat or ash. This should be done already when very coldy already behind. After sunset you can dig up the roots angelica. Decoctions from this root are used to treat problems with digestive system, for example, for treatment gastritis. Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today.

♑ 21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

Do not leave crusts of infusion over bulbous crops or strawberries untouched. It is better to break it so that the plants under it do not begin to rot. Today is a good time to prepare greenhouses and soils for growing plants. You can also conduct an inventory audit, get rid of unnecessary things and various garbage.

Houseplants : today is a good time to work with soils: you can prepare soil mixtures for future plantings and transplants (already in late March - April). Can buy ready-made mixtures. If you prepare them yourself, we recommend that you thoroughly disinfect them.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

♑ 22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 16:20

The first half of the day Suitable for treating plants against pests. It is better to spray trees before the buds open. You can spray plants with pesticides if the plants survived the winter well and did not freeze. Today is also a good day to collect medicinal plant bark (oak, willow, black poplar, buckthorn). It is better to collect oak bark before the first leaves appear on the plants and only from young trees. Oak bark is used to treat various diseases and burns.

Houseplants : You can clean and inspect all the plants in your home flower garden. Remove faded flower stalks, dry leaves and stems. Can be replaced upper layer soil. It is better to start transplanting a little later, when the Moon begins to grow.

♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

Moon without course until 05:28

Today you can take care of the plants in your flower garden. For example, it’s time to start ventilating heat-loving rooms covered for the winter. perennial shrubsroses, hydrangeas and others. If root system flowers under cover, it is better to replant the plants and mulch them with peat. If in your area there are still frosts even at the end of the month and the beginning of the next, it is better protect perennials under a layer of snow.

Houseplants : today you can apply fertilizers for any plants that bloom beautifully at this time. Remember that when buds and flowers form, the plant loses a lot of strength; it needs more nutrients and good lighting.

♒ 24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

Today is a good time to fertilize perennials and bulbous flowers. You can feed the plants from above directly onto the layer of snow if it has not yet melted. Fertilizers must contain nitrogen, which will act as an excellent growth stimulator.

Houseplants : good time to ventilate the premises. However, try to ensure that the plants are not left in the cold and draft for a long time. Drafts are the enemies of many indoor plants. If you keep them on cold windowsills and you notice that the plant is withering and its leaves are becoming dull, it may be cold. If you don't have suitable conditions, choose the most unpretentious flowers.

♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:07

Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

You can now remove shelters from the beds strawberries. After removing the covers, the plants should dry out a little, and then you can begin processing: remove dry and diseased leaves. After 13:00– a good time to water any seedlings. Try to refrain from pruning today fruit trees and bushes. Houseplants : It is worth watering the plants on this day in the afternoon.

♓ 26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISH

Today you can fertilize seedlings, especially seedlings cabbage, leafy vegetables and herbs. This is also a good day for collecting buds and earrings birch trees. In swollen buds there is a lot medicinal substances. They are used to treat large quantity various diseases, including kidney and urinary tract diseases. Infusions of birch buds are an excellent diuretic. Besides the kidneys birch trees, buds are collected in March pine and aspen. Houseplants : watering day. Protect plants in your south-facing windows from direct sunlight. In late March The sun can already be quite hot, and this can leave unwanted burns on the plants. By the way, it is recommended to spray and water plants either early in the morning or in the evening.

♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISH , ARIES from 17:11

Moon without course from 13:19 to 17:10

Today is a rather stressful and stressful day, so it is better to postpone any serious work with plants and seedlings. It is unfavorable to plant and trim plants. The first half of the day is suitable for watering. Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today; replanting them is especially dangerous. Landings may also be unsuccessful.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar


♈ 28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

NEW MOON at 05:57

This day is not suitable for complex work, since at the very beginning of the lunar month there is still too little energy. If possible, do not plant today, but you can plan things for the next month. Houseplants : Put off working with plants.

♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , CALF from 18:48

Moon without course from 15:07 to 18:47

Today is another day to start sprouting potatoes. You can also plant seedlings at this time. cucumbers. It's better if you start all the work until 15:00, then the chances of success will be much higher. Houseplants : After 19:00– a good time to plant or replant indoor plants.

♉ 30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.CALF

Today is a good time to prepare greenhouses and soils for greenhouses. If you haven't had time to do this, do it earlier. Houseplants : valid various works with plants. You can replant old ones and plant new ones, you can simply replace the top layers of soil. For example, if you see a formation white mold on the soil surface, it is worth removing the top layer 1-2 cm and replace it with a new one. Be careful not to damage roots close to the surface.

♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.CALF , TWINS from 19:41

Moon without course from 02:12 to 19:40

Today the moon will be in the sky almost all day Idling, so this day is suitable for continuing work started in the past, but not for starting new ones. It is better not to water plants in the evening. From 20:00 to 21:30– a good time for shopping. If brick-and-mortar stores may be closed at this time, you may be able to make purchases at Online stores. It’s good, for example, to buy seeds or gardening Tools. Houseplants : You can continue any work that you started earlier.

Lunar calendar for sowing seeds for seedlings and other work in March 2017

Watering: especially recommended days: 6-8, 15-17, 25-27
Watering: days not recommended: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24
Purchasing seeds, seedlings and indoor plants: 2, 3. 9, 14. 15, 29-31
Checking seeds for germination: 2, 3, 9, 10
Pest Control: 16-22
Weed control: 20-22
Fertilizers for flower seedlings and beautifully flowering indoor plants: 13-15, 23-25
Fertilizers for greens and leaf system: 15-17, 25, 26
Fertilizers for vegetable seedlings: 18-20
Fertilizers for fruit trees: 18-20
Fertilizers for the root system and root crops: 20-22
Planting greens and leafy vegetables: 6, 7
Planting vegetable seedlings: 9-11, 29
Planting flower seedlings: 4, 6
Planting seedlings: 9, 10
Sowing the lawn: 9, 10
Dive: 9, 10
Transplantation and transfer of indoor plants: 2, 3, 11, 29, 30
Propagation of indoor plants by seeds (sowing): 4, 6, 11, 29, 30
Separation of cuttings and leaves of indoor plants: 18, 19
Planting cuttings and leaves of indoor plants: 2, 3, 11, 29, 30
Collection of buds and leaves of medicinal plants: 16, 17
Collection of cones of medicinal plants, birch mushroom: 18-20
Collection of roots and bark of medicinal plants: 20-22
Whitewashing trees and bushes: 4, 5
Hedge trimming: 16, 17
Pruning house plants: 18, 19
Pruning fruit trees and bushes: 18, 19
Trimming decorative and flowering bushes: 14
Spring vaccinations trees: 2, 4, 9, 10
Tree treatment: 18, 19
Soil preparation: 2, 3, 11, 12, 20-22, 29-31
Soil warming: 11, 12
Cleaning and inspection of equipment: 11, 12, 20-22
Bad time for planting, transplanting and pruning: 5, 12, 13, 20, 27, 28