How to level a plastic balcony door. We adjust the plastic balcony door correctly! Preventative maintenance of the balcony door

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Installing PVC structures with double-glazed windows makes your home more comfortable and warmer. However, often happy owners of balcony groups are faced with the need to regulate them. If problems arise in the mechanism, you can fix them yourself by following the instructions.

When does a balcony door need to be adjusted?

As the PVC structure is used, the following problems may arise, indicating the need for its repair:

  • cracks in the glass unit;
  • opening is difficult and requires excessive effort;
  • the canvas touches the box when closing;
  • the plastic balcony door creaks;
  • the system is not held in the closed position if it is not locked;
  • the penetration of cold air from the street is noticeable when the door fits tightly to the frame.

The problems may not be so obvious. How to check:

  1. To determine for sure whether adjustment is needed, take plain paper and place it on the frame.
  2. Then close the canvas and pull the sheet towards you.
  3. Do this around the entire perimeter, and observe what efforts are made to pull out the paper.
  4. If in some place the sheet is pulled out easily, the canvas does not close tightly and requires adjustment.

What to do if the balcony door does not close

The structure intended for the balcony is less stable compared to entrance group and windows, easily sags under the weight of the canvas. You should not wait until the mechanism completely ceases to perform its function and completely fails. If problems occur, adjustments are required. How to adjust a plastic balcony door? You can use the help of a wizard for free if guarantee period still lasts. Another option is self-tuning, in which savings on repair costs are obvious.

How to adjust plastic balcony doors

Correcting the operation of a PVC structure requires the availability of tools and means. Self-tuning allows you to inexpensively solve problems in the operation of the sash. Before adjusting the plastic balcony door, prepare:

  • a set of L-shaped hex keys (in most cases a size of 4 mm is required);
  • plastic linings:
  • pliers;
  • Phillips and wide blade screwdrivers.

How to adjust plastic doors on the balcony? First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons leading to dysfunction. To do this, you can open the sash wide and carefully inspect the seal. Traces of compression on the cord indicate the nature of the displacement. An additional sign of deformation is a malfunctioning handle that turns with great effort or has limited travel.

Adjusting the plastic balcony door when sagging

The significant weight of the glass unit and frame leads to deformation of their position. How to raise the canvas if it has sagged? Your actions:

  1. Open the sagging canvas wide open.
  2. Unscrew the screw securing decorative overlay.
  3. Close the sash.
  4. Remove the caps.
  5. Adjust the long horizontal screws in the hinges. Raising the bottom corner near the handle requires adjustment at the top and in the middle. If you need to adjust the entire height, tighten three loops.

How to tighten the handle

Often profile elements become loose. If the housing is not damaged, you need to tighten the fastenings. How to adjust a door with a faulty handle? Your steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Disassemble the base of the element by rotating the cover 90 degrees.
  3. Carefully tighten the exposed screws with a screwdriver, being careful not to damage the housing.
  4. Replace the cap.

How to eliminate interference in the middle of the frame

If the sash catches the frame in the center, you need to move it towards the hinges. This is mostly enough to solve the problem. If such actions are not effective, replacement of the fittings is necessary. How to adjust a plastic balcony door yourself and save on the cost of repairs? Your actions:

  1. Tighten the screw on the side with an adjusting wrench to move the blade to the bottom loop. After this, the sash should be attracted.
  2. Repeat the same at the top.

Plastic doors for balconies can be considered in all respects a worthy alternative familiar to everyone wooden doors: if they comply with all the rules, then they provide the rooms with tightness at a sufficiently high level and perfectly isolate them from both drafts and noise.

Made from PVC balcony doors are very popular due to their many inherent positive characteristics, but it is noticed that they, due to heavy weight, after a while they begin to sag and, as a result, lose their hermetic properties. However, sagging doors should not be immediately replaced and thrown away: their design is designed in such a way that it allows you to get rid of all the flaws and successfully use the doors for a long time.

Not everyone knows how to adjust a plastic balcony door with their own hands. Many people prefer to use the services of the company that installed the doors, but calling specialists, especially if the service warranty period door design has already ended, it costs quite a significant amount. In fact, adjusting the doors is not at all difficult and even an inexperienced master can handle it.

Those who are unfamiliar with the design of a plastic door to a balcony need to remember just a few signs that draw the owner’s attention to the fact that the structure urgently needs to be adjusted. These include:

  • crack in the glass unit;
  • incorrect installation of fittings;
  • the appearance of cold things in the room air flow or drafts.

The reason for the appearance of all these phenomena is most likely that the seal has become bent relative to the door leaf, which often occurs due to sagging hinges. The sagging of the hinges causes cracks to form. If plastic windows and doors were installed in a new building that was recently put into operation, then its subsidence is a completely normal phenomenon, which means that plastic structures will invariably need corrective adjustment. If the glass unit cracks on its own, this means that the profile of the door structure is installed incorrectly and is not used as intended. In this case, it is also recommended to adjust the door.

Adjusting a metal-plastic balcony door

Experienced craftsmen advise to start adjusting balcony doors using special adjustment mechanisms in groups door hinges. Horizontal mechanisms such groups regulate the upper and lower corners of the structure, which allows you to move the door leaf to the right or left, and vertical elements designed to move the door down or up.

Instructions for self-adjustment of doors

For those who decide to figure out on their own how to adjust plastic balcony doors, the video posted below on our website will help clarify all the unclear points.

Preparatory work

To diagnose the cause of a malfunction in the operation of a plastic door structure, you need to have:

  • 4 mm hex key in the shape of the letter “L”;
  • plastic linings.

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to open the structure and carefully examine the condition of the sealing element. You can clearly see from the seal which direction the door has moved: in this place it is compressed and sometimes even broken by the leaf.

Adjusting the top hinge PVC doors

Incorrect operation of the handle also indicates that the door leaf is displaced. If it is misaligned, the handle turns with a much smaller amplitude and requires much more effort to turn it than before.

Basic Rules

The basic rules that apply when adjusting a plastic balcony door are extremely simple:

First you need to move the hexagon top corner designs left and right. Then you need to remove the plug from the top loop, and then tighten its screw a little. The same hex key is used for this.

Adjusting a plastic door with your own hands

To correctly align the sash in the horizontal direction, you need to turn it to the right or left around the loop located at the bottom. To do this, you will need to remove the plug installed on it.

If the seal has been deformed from below, then the sash can be slightly lifted by hand or adjusted in the vertical direction. If it is damaged at the top, then you need to try to adjust the hinge so that the sash goes down a little.

It should be remembered that if it is necessary to lift the door, you need to rotate the screw in left side, and if you need to lower it, then in the opposite direction, that is, to the right.

Sometimes it happens that the above adjustment does not lead to the desired result. In this case, experts say that the door needs to be “pulled out.” To do this, it is necessary to remove the glazing beads, and line the upper edge of the door structure and the glass unit with plastic overlays. This work must be done as carefully as possible, especially if the door is still subject to warranty repairs.

Adjusting the locking pin on a PVC door

It often happens that it is necessary to adjust the balcony door structure, since it is characterized by leaky clamping. To do this, you need to install a counter plate on the profile. If the door has a hole for a hex key, then it should be inserted into it and turned halfway. If there is no hole, door hardware pins can be used instead.

The trunnions are turned with pliers, and it is very important to carefully monitor their position. If they are placed parallel to the balcony profile, the trunnions will weakly press it, and if perpendicular, they will provide the maximum possible pressure.

Adjustment screw on PVC door

It happens that the sash does not sag along its entire length, but only on the side where the locking mechanism is located. Professional craftsmen in this case, they call it “lost the corner.” To check whether the cause of sagging has been correctly determined, it is enough to measure the structure crosswise diagonally and check whether the dimensions of the diagonals match. A minor discrepancy can be ignored, but if one of the diagonals is significantly shorter than the other, then the door needs to straighten its geometry.

In this case, you should proceed as follows:

  • remove the double-glazed window and sandwich panel (it is located at the bottom of the door);
  • straighten the sash and tighten the fasteners;
  • insert the double-glazed window into place, wedge the sash and install the glazing beads in place.

To dismantle the glass unit, the glazing beads must be removed. This is easy enough to do by prying them off with a spatula or a regular knife. Experienced craftsmen recommend starting this process from the middle of the longest bead, and it will be more convenient to remove all other beads starting from the corners.

After removing the glass unit, it is necessary to lift and fix in this position with the help of a stop the side of the sash that sags. During the work, it is best to lean the glass unit against the wall and secure it securely so that it does not fall and become damaged. The geometry is checked using the method of comparing diagonals already described above.

After checking the geometry, it’s time to check the fasteners on the millennium (that’s what the connector is called) and, if necessary, tighten all the screws. Having tightened the fasteners, takoz (plastic straightening pads) are placed in the corners of the double-glazed window, and when the double-glazed window is already installed in place, the door frame is wedged against it to give the entire structure greater rigidity. Wedging is not at all difficult: to do this, you need to insert some kind of non-metallic gasket (for example, linoleum or a plastic plate) in the lower corner on the handle side and in the upper corner on the hinge side.

Attaching the seal to a PVC door

Despite the relative simplicity of the work described, it should be performed very carefully, since there is a possibility of damage to the glass unit. In order to temporarily fix a double-glazed window in the frame, you can replace the vertical bead with the one that should have been positioned horizontally. A short horizontal bead will not interfere with the work, but will also prevent the package from falling out. The lower part of the structure is wedged in exactly the same order.

In order for PVC doors to serve their owners for many decades and not suddenly discover that the plastic door to the balcony does not open, the condition of the structure should be constantly monitored and all prescribed care measures should be followed. If any deformations (including sagging) are detected, the doors must be adjusted immediately. It is not necessary to call a specialist for this, but in order to perform the necessary operations yourself, it is recommended to first understand all stages of adjustment.

Much of what is not immediately clear from reading educational texts becomes much clearer after watching videos demonstrating the correct door adjustment process. It is also important to understand that decorating balcony doors and nearby windows should be done only after the doors have been correctly adjusted.

Adjusting a plastic balcony door yourself video

Adjusting a plastic door with your own hands Adjusting clamping screw on the door PVC Mount seal on PVC door

Plastic windows and doors have firmly won their niche in construction market. Today it is becoming increasingly rare to find wooden structures. And this is not surprising: PVC products are practical, durable and do not require special care. However, they also have a specific service life. Even if installed correctly, sooner or later you have to resort to adjustments and repairs. The balcony door is no exception, which develops various problems over time.

Balcony door installation

There are several options for balcony doors made of plastic: sliding, double-leaf, but greatest distribution We received doors with one leaf. In their manufacture, the same profile is used as in plastic windows. The design of the balcony door includes:

  • glass unit;
  • plastic profile;
  • sandwich panel located at the bottom;
  • fittings (handles, hinges) and sealing tape;
  • system rotary mechanism.

Usually a balcony door is connected to a window, so they are made in a single complex and from the same material

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic doors

The advantages of such designs:
  • good sound insulation and tightness - thanks to the use of a multi-chamber profile and high-quality seals;
  • reliability and durability - the service life of a door made of polyvinyl chloride reaches 40 years. This material is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, and high-quality plastic does not even fade;
  • easy installation;
  • ease of care;
  • fire safety.

Despite all the advantages, over time the design has to be adjusted. This is due to natural wear and tear on the internal elements of the balcony door or improper installation.

  • accumulation of static electricity - constantly attracts dust to the surface;
  • low resistance to mechanical stress - scratches remain that cannot be removed;
  • large mass of the structure - must be taken into account during installation: an excessively thick double-glazed window can affect a weak doorway.

Video: pros and cons of plastic structures

When to make adjustments

Is it time to get serious about customizing your door? This can be determined if the following problems are detected:

  • When opening and closing, significant force is required;
  • air passes through the cracks of the closed canvas;
  • the door opens spontaneously;
  • the lock handle turns with force or is too loose (looseness);
  • When closing the door, it feels like it is clinging to the door frame.

These violations indicate that urgent adjustment of structural components is needed, and, possibly, repairs with replacement of failed parts. All this is fraught with financial waste. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to promptly identify emerging problems in the operation of the door mechanism. It's easy to do:

Customization Tools

To solve problems with a PVC balcony door you will need:

Sometimes it becomes necessary to use a liquid sealant that hardens upon contact with air.

How to adjust a PVC balcony door

The adjustment procedure occurs in two directions: horizontal and vertical.

Adjustment of plastic doors is carried out through hinges and eccentrics of the rotating mechanism

Vertical adjustment

Here, temperature changes most often play the role of the “culprit” for the problem. As a result, the door leaf begins to “bump” into the opening mechanism. But if you constantly apply force when opening the door, the situation will only worsen. Settings are made using an H4 hex key in the following sequence:

Some manufacturers complete door fittings with screws designed not for a hexagon, but for an asterisk key. Therefore, determine in advance what type of hardware you have. If necessary, purchase the necessary tool.

Video: how to properly adjust the top hinge of a plastic door/window

Horizontal adjustment

In this case, either the sash touches doorjamb, or is skewed to one side and clings to the threshold with its lower corner. To get rid of this problem, you need to move the door closer to the hinges. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Video: how to independently adjust the lower door hinge in two directions

Pressure density adjustment

It is carried out through the parts of the turning mechanism located at the front end of the sash. These are eccentrics. They are responsible for the tightness of the door.

To find out the optimal clamping force, they need to be carefully rotated in both directions with an adjusting wrench (if the eccentrics have a key hole) or pliers (if there is no key hole). The adjustment is made until the pressure becomes strongest.

Plastic door eccentrics come in several types: round shape with holes for different rotary keys or oval without holes

First you need to familiarize yourself with the diagram of their location from the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website. It is recommended to carry out this operation when the season changes: in the summer, make the pressure weaker, and in the winter, make it stronger.

The door pressure is adjusted by rotating the eccentrics

Setting up the handle

Most often, this element of the fittings of plastic doors and windows fails due to long-term operation: The handle gets loose pretty quickly. As a result, the latch of the mechanism is activated only at the very end of the pressure. There are usually no problems with repairs here. If the handle becomes loose, then you need to do the following:

  1. Without touching the handle, turn the plastic cap underneath it 90 degrees.
  2. The screws that appear must be carefully tightened with a screwdriver.
  3. If the defect cannot be corrected, then the handle will have to be replaced: most likely, a crack has formed in it.

Adjust the handle pressure to plastic profile maybe even a child wielding a screwdriver

Replacing the seal

Any problems with the door leaf that have not been corrected for a long time usually lead to damage sealing tape. She's losing hers quality characteristics, and subsequently it has to be replaced. The replacement process is as follows:

The new elastic band will create a tight seal on the plastic door.

  1. Remove the old cord from the grooves. It's better to start from the corner.
  2. Clean the seat from dirt and dried glue at the junction of the old tape.
  3. Install a new seal: insert the end of the tape into the top hinge of the door, bring it to the middle, then lay it in the groove along the entire contour and glue the ends at the top.

Video: detailed step-by-step instructions for replacing the seal yourself

Lubricating door mechanisms

It is important to lubricate all major moving points metal parts balcony door

All structural parts are treated with lubricant in turn:

  1. Clean the fittings from dust with a cloth.
  2. Start lubricating from the top hinge.
  3. Walk along the top of the canvas, lubricating the metal moving elements.
  4. Having gone down to the middle, carefully lubricate the opening mechanism (places where the eccentrics are attached).
  5. Handle bottom loop.
  6. Close the door and let the oil flow over the entire metal surface. Then close/open the door several times.

Not every lubricant is suitable for such a door. Not recommended for use vegetable oils and WD40 car spray (its composition is good only for cleaning accessories. Optimal solution- a special sprayer for PVC windows, as well as machine oil(sold in car dealerships). But you need to remember that some compounds corrode the sealing tape. Therefore, it is processed additionally.

Video: how to properly lubricate fittings and seals of plastic doors and windows

Prevention measures

The ability to correctly adjust a balcony door is very important. But it’s better to avoid problems by following simple preventive measures. They are as follows:

  • When purchasing a door, you need to look at the hardware parameters in the documents. They must correspond to the weight of the sash (usually 130 kg);
  • When buying a heavy structure, it makes sense to install a microlift - a lever on the side of the door or a roller at the bottom. Such “little things” will protect the sash from sagging;
  • the door is installed so that the leaf is pressed against the frame around the entire perimeter.

IN open position the sash should not move on its own: this indicates correct installation structures vertically and horizontally.

All malfunctions of a balcony door or window that occur during the warranty period are eliminated by the installer.

But as soon as this period expires, you will need to invite a specialist, which can be very expensive. However, many problems can be solved on your own, you just need to find out how to do it correctly.

Features of malfunctions of balcony doors

When the installation of a new balcony door is completed, the installers make its initial adjustment, thanks to which the door functions flawlessly for some time. However, this does not last indefinitely; over time, the tightness of the door decreases, and water enters the room. cold air or other malfunctions appear and does not even help prevent it.

They occur much less frequently with windows than with doors. Many problems can be solved by adjusting the pressure of a plastic balcony door, which must be done correctly and in a timely manner. It's up to you to decide minor problems easier than fixing major problems.

Therefore, you should not wait until the balcony door stops closing. If you notice that cold air is entering the room and the canvas is not pressed quite tightly against the frame, call a specialist or do the adjustment yourself.

Ensuring normal pressure on the balcony door with your own hands

How to check the tightness of a door

  1. In order to determine whether adjustment of the pressure of a plastic balcony door is required, you need to take a sheet of paper and place it on the frame open door, close the gate and try to pull the sheet towards you.
    This action should be carried out around the perimeter of the door.

At the same time, it is important to note the strength of the efforts that have to be made. If this becomes easy to do, it means that the door leaf has lost its former tightness.

  1. If you suspect that the door leaf is not quite level relative to the frame, you can do the following manipulation: close the door, circle the door with a simple pencil, open the door and evaluate the evenness of the line.
    It is not forbidden to use a level.

With these simple methods You can always identify problems in a timely manner and respond to them.

How to adjust a balcony door yourself

A plastic balcony door differs in many ways from a wooden one. Its main advantage is that it is relatively simple.

In the modern market you can also find various designs plastic doors, however, the principle of their operation is similar, as well as the principle of their adjustment. Therefore, there is a general algorithm for troubleshooting.

In order to do this, you need to have the following set of tools:

  • screwdrivers (phillips and flat);
  • hex keys (better if it is a set);
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • plastic gaskets.

Sequence of work when adjusting the door


The sash lowers when the screws rotate in a clockwise direction, and rises in the opposite direction.

  1. How the pressure of plastic balcony doors should be adjusted is largely determined by the design of the door. If the clamp is adjusted by a special striker plate on the profile, then you need to place the hexagon in the corresponding groove and turn it half a turn.
    If you have a special pin, you will have to use pliers to turn it. The minimum pressure will ensure a parallel arrangement of the trunnion to the profile, the maximum pressure will ensure a perpendicular arrangement.

And one last thing. If the situation cannot be corrected with screws, you can “pull out” the door a little. To do this, remove the beads and insert plastic spacers under the profile.

Thus, if you follow the instructions provided, restore normal pressure balcony door will not be difficult. You just need to correctly identify necessary funds and work with them carefully.

Every day, the door on the balcony is subjected to repeated opening and closing cycles. It is not surprising that over time, even reliable fittings fail. In case of insufficient pressure to the frame, jamming of the sash or incorrect response to the position of the handle, do not rush to contact service department. The listed problems are solved easy adjustment plastic balcony door, for which you don’t have to be a professional. It is enough to have a hex key on hand and the knowledge gained after reading this manual.

Most problems with plastic balcony doors can be fixed on your own.

Before we look at how to adjust plastic balcony doors, let's understand their design and operating principle. The main components here are: double-glazed windows, a metal-plastic frame and tilt-and-turn fittings. The latter is responsible for opening, closing and tilting the sash.

The design of plastic doors and windows is identical. The only difference is their size and location.

Balcony fittings are a belt mechanism located around the perimeter door leaf. Control is carried out by a handle, the rotation of which leads to the movement of cylindrical locks relative to the counter plates installed on the fixed frame. The canvas is attached to the frame with special hinges that can carry the load created by a heavy metal-plastic frame with double-glazed windows.

Tilt and turn fittings are manufactured in such a way as to ensure convenient operation and easy setup. products For this purpose, the mechanism is equipped with several adjusting bolts, which allow:

  • increase or decrease the pressure of the canvas to the frame;
  • lower or raise the sash;
  • adjust the horizontal position of the balcony door.

Location of adjustment elements for the plastic balcony door

Problems with plastic doors and methods for eliminating them

Standard problems are solved by point adjustment. Almost all manufacturers produce plastic balcony doors using the same technology, so the mechanism settings are identical.

Pressure adjustment for insufficient sound and heat insulation

Plastic door and window designs differ high level sound insulation and thermal insulation. If the sound from the street calmly penetrates into the room, and in winter it is also accompanied by a cold air flow around the perimeter of the seal, the owners are sinning on the quality of the design by making claims to the manufacturing company. Usually the manufacturer has nothing to do with it, and the problem arises due to weak pressing of the sash to the frame.

The blade is pressed using special eccentrics (trunnions) cylindrical. They are placed on the vertical ends - 4 on the front (from the handle side) and 2 on the back (from the hinges). Another 1 eccentric is located on top, directly on the scissors, which hold the sash in tilt mode.

Depending on the hardware manufacturer appearance trunnions may vary slightly

Inside the trunnion there is a hole with six edges, which allows you to adjust the plastic balcony door with a hex key. If you turn the eccentric mostly to the side rubber seal, the pressure will be maximum, respectively, if with a smaller part - minimum. The difference between the extreme positions of the trunnion is 2 mm, so the effect is noticeable.

If desired, the eccentrics can be adjusted several times a year. In winter, set the maximum pressure, in summer the minimum, and in spring/autumn set the trunnion to the middle position.

Pressure adjustment depending on the season

The door to the balcony does not close well - it has sagged/sagged

A situation often arises when the door leaf rubs against the frame, which forces you to put more effort into closing the balcony. Adjusting the hinges (top or bottom) will help solve this problem.

The top hinge is equipped with an adjusting bolt, which can be reached by opening the sash 90°. Rotating the bolt clockwise causes the top edge of the blade to be pulled towards the loop. Accordingly, rotating the bolt counterclockwise causes the opposite effect - the upper edge moves away from the hinge.

Adjusting the hinge of a plastic balcony door is carried out with the same tool as adjusting the trunnions

The bottom hinge has the same screw to adjust the horizontal position of the bottom edge. In this case, adjustments can be made both from the outside and from the inside. In both cases, you need to rotate the screw with the door open and check its operation after every 2 turns.

The lower hinge is most often adjusted from the inside, since the slope interferes with the outside

The lower hinge performs another function - it allows you to lower or raise the sash. A vertical screw located at the top of the mechanism is designed for this. To get to it, you must first remove the decorative trim. Rotating the screw clockwise raises the door leaf, and counterclockwise causes it to lower.

Vertical adjustment can be made when the balcony door is in locked position or tilt mode

In the process of adjusting the position of the sash, it is important to maintain balance, since if you eliminate a problem in one place, you can get it in another. It is advisable to immediately determine where exactly the canvas rubs against the frame and, based on this, adjust the upper or lower hinge.

Advice: it is enough to make 2 turns of the adjusting bolt to see the effect and understand in which direction to move next.

Opening the door in two positions at once

Incorrect adjustment of the fittings can lead to the opening of the balcony door in two modes at once - rotary and inclined. This can happen in the following cases.

In tilt mode, the lower corner of the sash is not fixed

If, when you turn the handle up, the door leaf not only reclines to the ventilation mode, but also opens completely, most likely the bottom of the sash has shifted towards the hinge. At the bottom of the end on the handle side there is a special lock that fixes the angle in tilt mode. For it to work correctly, the lock must fit into the mate located on the frame. If the angle is excessively shifted, locking does not occur, and the door opens in any position of the handle.

To fix the problem yourself, adjust the bottom hinge of the balcony door. Following the technology described in previous section, slightly remove the door leaf from the hinge, thereby bringing the “problem” corner closer to the mating part of the lock.

For normal operation of the lock, a couple of millimeters may be missing, so you should check the result after each turn

In the rotation mode, the door tilts at the same time

The problem is the sagging of the door leaf, in which the pressing eccentric located on the scissors does not reach the counterpart and does not fix the upper corner in the rotary mode. Therefore, when the handle is in a horizontal position, the sash not only rotates, but also tilts.

The solution to the problem is simple. It is enough to lift the door slightly when closed so that the upper eccentric fits into the groove of the mating part and fixes the angle. The procedure is performed by adjusting the lower loop.

To eliminate unintentional tilt, just make a few turns clockwise

Adjusting the PVC door handle

How to tighten a loose handle in 1 minute:

Self-service of plastic balcony doors

In order for the plastic balcony door to work properly for a long time, in addition to correct adjustment, periodically lubricate the seal and fittings. Manufacturers recommend lubricating these components at least once a year, before the start of the cold season.

Seal lubrication

The rubber seal can quickly dry out and crack if it is not lubricated in time. In addition, dry rubber often sticks to plastic frame, that leads to unpleasant sound when opening the sash.

Without lubrication, the seal will have to be replaced every 2-3 years. Whereas when regular maintenance its service life can be increased to 10 years.

The procedure is carried out using silicone lubricant, after first cleaning the rubber from dirt and debris. Liquid silicone is applied to a dry surface with a sponge or soft cloth. Some craftsmen use an aerosol for such purposes. However, in this case, the consumption will be an order of magnitude higher, since part of the material will be sprayed in vain, settling on furniture and interior items.

The best option for lubricating the rubber seal is a container with a foam tip.

Lubricating hardware

Sticking of the opening/closing mechanism is often caused by insufficient lubrication of the fittings. For such purposes, it is most convenient to use WD-40 lubricant, which has high penetrating ability. Lubricate all the locks located around the perimeter of the door leaf, including the main mechanism to which the handle is attached. Also pay attention to scissors and loops.

After lubricating, close the door and turn the handle several times to activate the lock mechanism. This will help the lubricant penetrate into remote corners.

The WD-40 container is equipped with a thin nozzle for spot lubrication in hard-to-reach places

Video: detailed instructions from an expert on PVC windows and doors

Self-adjustment and maintenance of a plastic balcony door is easy. To cope with the task, it is enough to understand where the adjustment and lubrication points are, and also have the desire to put the door structure in order.