Deportations of peoples to the USSR: sad lessons of Stalin’s ethnic policy. Which peoples were deported by Stalin during the Great Patriotic War

On December 27, 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the liquidation of the Kalmyk ASSR and the formation of the Astrakhan region as part of the RSFSR” was issued. And at the end of the same year, Operation Ulus began, during which the entire population of Kalmykia was deported to the eastern regions of the country. What was the reason for this?

Kalmyk "Wehrmacht"

On October 20, 1935, a resolution was passed by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee on the transformation of the Kalmyk Autonomous Region into the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the existence of the autonomy. By 1939, the total population of Kalmykia was 179.4 thousand people.

In the summer of 1942, part of the republic was occupied by German-Romanian troops. In the capital of the autonomy - Elista - a special unit was created to fight partisans and saboteurs, led by Colonel Wolf. Detachments of policemen began to be formed from local residents, and they were also recruited to serve in Wehrmacht units, in particular, the Kalmyk Cavalry Corps, the 1st Cossack Division of the Wehrmacht and the “Turkestan Legion.” In addition, during the period of retreat, some units of the Soviet army, consisting entirely of Kalmyks, deserted from the front in their entirety and, upon returning home, began to spread panic rumors. Many of them went over to the side of the enemy. According to various estimates, from 5 to 7 thousand Kalmyks fought and acted on the side of the Third Reich.

Traitors to the Motherland?

On November 19, 1942, the Soviet offensive began. On January 1, 1943, the strike group of the 28th Army liberated Elista. Groups of former policemen, deserters and saboteurs, consisting of representatives of the indigenous population, continued to operate on the territory of the republic; an active struggle was waged against them.

As a result, Stalin decided to abolish the Kalmyk Autonomous Republic and deport all indigenous Kalmyks to certain regions of Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan on charges of collaboration with the Nazis and betrayal of the interests of the Motherland.

Of course, the opinion that all Kalmyks were accomplices of the German occupiers was not true. Many people of Kalmyk nationality fought in the Red Army, many Kalmyks were part of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. And, of course, they all made a significant contribution to the victory Soviet Union over the fascist invaders.

Operation "Ulus"

Operation under code name"Ulus" began at the end of December 1943. By the end of January 1944, the NKVD had deported about 95,000 people. They were transported in trains - mainly to the Omsk, Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories. Since the resettlement took place in winter time and people often did not have warm things with them, many died along the way. Typhus epidemics broke out several times in resettlement areas, which also claimed the lives of deportees.

Some tried to escape, but in most cases they were detained or escapes were prevented. According to various sources, the consequences of the deportation were losses from a third to half of the entire pre-war population of Kalmykia.

The territory of the former Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was divided between the Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan, Rostov and Stalingrad regions, and its capital Elista was renamed Stepnoy. Many Kalmyk names were replaced by Russian ones, thus erasing the memory of the indigenous culture.

Restoring historical justice

On September 17, 1955, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the amnesty of Soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War” was issued. Patriotic War 1941-1945." On March 17, 1956, a resolution was adopted on the rehabilitation of Kalmyks, they were allowed to return to their native lands.

On January 9, 1957, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the formation of the Kalmyk Autonomous Region within the RSFSR” was issued. True, part of the former Kalmyk territories remained part of the Astrakhan region and Stavropol Territory. The autonomy included ten rural districts with a center in Elista, with a total area of ​​75.9 thousand square kilometers. During 1957-1959, 72,665 people returned there. On July 29, 1958, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to transform the region into the Kalmyk Autonomous Republic.

According to the RSFSR Law of April 26, 1991 No. 1107-1 “On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples,” these acts were recognized as an act of genocide. In 2004, December 28 was declared a memorial day for the victims of the deportation of the Kalmyk people. This day is a non-working day in the republic.

Stalin’s expulsion of entire peoples is a little-studied and painful issue Russian history. What was it? “Tyrant's Revenge”, “Just Retribution”, “Preventive Measure” or “Military Necessity in the Great War”?

Why did Stalin deport some peoples? I present to your attention an article my reader Oleg Kozinkin on this complex topic.

Every year the date comes on February 23rd. And every year, in addition to the “Day of the Soviet Army and Navy” (today it’s kind of like “Defender of the Fatherland Day”), the “debunkers of Stalinism” celebrate their favorite “holiday” - the Day of “Deportation of the Peoples of the Caucasus.”

A lot of various works written on this topic. But even those who seem to be “defending Stalin” when talking about the fairness and legality of those evictions are missing one very important point. Little is said about “why Stalin evicted” these peoples? “Why he was evicted” seems clear - for “cooperation” with the Germans. But what the scale of this cooperation was, what the German intelligence services could actually do in the Caucasus and what they did was little known until our time. This topic has been obscured by researchers arguing about the “legitimacy” or “illegitimateness of punishment” for these specific peoples. But decisions on deportation in those conditions were made by Stalin on the basis of certain information and facts. And the facts are precisely such that only the resettlement and evacuation of these peoples at that particular time, followed by a return after a while to their lands, could save these people from physical extermination.

From the books and articles of the famous researcher I. Pykhalov, it is clear that preparations for deportation began in the autumn of 1943. But the main reason for the “eviction of peoples” is the “punishment” of these peoples (it seems fair), for excessive cooperation with the Nazis, and the “bad” mentality of these peoples, “prone” to betraying Russia and Soviet power.

The same “punishment and revenge” of Stalin against these peoples (for their “unreliability” towards Stalin personally and towards the Soviet Power) is also repeated by “whistleblowers” ​​from “memorials”, they cite “terrible figures of deported peoples” at the same forum “Echo of Moscow” ", in the media, etc.

But literally “the other day,” on December 8, 2009 (and also on December 16, 2008, and also on the eve of May 9, 2009), before the next anniversary of the creation Soviet intelligence, on the Zvezda TV channel they showed a d/f about military counterintelligence during the Second World War - “Special Department” (about that same “Smersh”). This film is posted on the Internet and anyone can watch it on their own.

In this series, in one of the films, there was a conversation about the German reconnaissance and sabotage operations of the Abwehr: “Aryans” and “Roman Numeral II”, carried out in January 1944 in the northern Caucasus. The goal of which was to organize “uprisings” (which Hitler hoped for back in 1941) in the Caucasus, in the rear of the Red Army, and to cut off Russia from the OIL of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. The series itself is called: “Operation Aryans.” He led the Abwehr operation to organize and prepare the reception of sabotage groups in the Kalmyk steppes, in the amount of 36 “squadrons” of terrorist fighters and instructors, Captain von Scheler (the entire interrogation protocol of this von Scheler is given in his book about L.P. Beria by historian A.B. . Martirosyan). Scheler had to prepare a base for receiving militants, and then manage the operations of these “rebel militants.”

The first blow, according to the plan of the Abwehr and the RSHA (SD), by the forces of these militants, as well as by the “Kalmyk Legion” sent to Kalmykia (with a total number of up to several thousand! militants), these groups were supposed to strike on the Makhachkala-Kizlyar-Astrakhan railway line. And cut off in this way Central Russia from the supply of oil and petroleum products to Baku and Grozny. Until 1942, Baku oil went to Central Russia either by barge to Astrakhan and further along the Volga, or through the oil refineries of Grozny, by railway via Rostov-on-Don.
With the exit German troops to Rostov in 1942, a railway line was laid from Kizlyar to Astrakhan and an additional branch beyond the Volga from Astrakhan to Saratov (BAM rails were used) and Baku oil with oil products from Grozny went to Russia through Makhachkala-Kizlyar to Astrakhan. This new branch took on the entire burden of transportation of Baku oil, and most importantly, gasoline and oil products from Grozny.

For the winter-spring-summer of 1944, the “Abwehr” and “SD” were indeed preparing mass dispatches to North Caucasus agent-instructors from both Germans and Caucasian militants - Operation “Aryans”. Total reached several hundred people, agent-instructors and militants to organize mass armed uprisings in the Caucasus and Kalmykia, a strategic oil region. The purpose of these speeches was to organize a large-scale “Caucasian war” in the USSR during the Second World War. To prevent the Red Army from reaching the borders of Europe in 1944 and to organize a turning point in the war in favor of Nazi Germany after the defeat at Kursk.

The oil of this region a large number of deserters from the Red Army from among the local population, and most importantly, the inability of the local “elites” to counteract the impending armed uprisings in these republics led to the decision by the country’s leadership to evict some peoples. For reference, in the fall of 1942, during the German offensive in the Caucasus and Stalingrad in the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, armed uprisings of militants took place under the leadership of German agent-instructors in 5 regions of Chechnya.

In the winter and spring of 1944, part of the German agents were destroyed and captured in the Kalmyk steppes. The leader of these militants, SD agent Captain von Scheller, was arrested and subsequently shot. Some militants broke into the Caucasus and carried out separate sabotage and terrorist attacks in the Caucasus, both during the war and after it. However, with the eviction of the population, these actions came to naught, were no longer supported by the Germans due to their futility, and these individual actions could no longer influence the course of the war.

So the question “Why did Stalin deport peoples?” in fact, of course, it is not true. Not “For what”, but “Why”. The research question should be: “Why did Stalin evict some specific peoples of the Caucasus?”

And the answer will be:

— OIL and transport arteries for its delivery, first of all;

- too many traitors and deserters who were at that time in the area where oil was extracted and processed, secondly;

Which seriously threatened the State Interests of Russia and could seriously complicate the entire course of the war with Germany, which could also lead to huge losses, both at the front and in the rear. The fight against the "rebels" fighting in the rear, the need to quickly eliminate problems with oil supplies could lead to huge losses among Caucasian peoples right up to their destruction, leading to a long and unnecessary war in the Caucasus. After all, other peoples of the Caucasus could have been drawn into this war. Well, Türkiye is also nearby...

- Well, the third reason was the inability of local authorities (“elites”), represented by NKVD officials and heads of administrations, to cope with the threat of armed uprisings in their areas, and especially since this “elite” itself led these gangs, or was in their custody.

I would like to hope that the current government’s patience with speculation around the topic of “Deportation” is also running out.

Today there is a good article that indicates the reasons why forced decisions were made to evict specific peoples and population groups from the front line. This was due, first of all, to the security of the entire country and these peoples in particular. The article is called “Deportation as a way to combat the “fifth column” during the Great Patriotic War.” It was written back in 2007 and posted on the website. Author Pavel SMIRNOV, head of the department of the Military University of Internal Troops of the Military, candidate historical sciences, Colonel:

“The facts of the deportation of the peoples of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War are history, one of its tragic pages. War is not limited only to battles in theaters of military operations, it is incredibly hard work in the rear, numerous casualties among civilians, and all kinds of hardships. During the war, not only soldiers in the trenches suffer hardships, but also civilians. Today, by raising the deportees on the shield, pressing on the sore spot of Caucasian pride, certain political circles are accumulating capital for themselves. And the publications of a number of publications, some scientific works, akin to fascist inflammatory leaflets, play on the grievances of half a century ago, sow enmity between nations and nationalities.”

An objective point of view on the events related to the deportation nevertheless prevailed in the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces in 2003:

“Before any people now living within the borders Russian Federation, Russian society and the state do not bear historical responsibility for any “manifestation” of genocide. As for today's claims against the Russian Federation regarding the events that took place in the 40s related to the overpopulation of the peoples of Chechnya and Ingushetia, they were caused by objective reasons related to the security of the southern borders of the state.

Awareness of this historical fact forms the basis for the formation of state-patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens, representatives of government bodies, military personnel of the Armed Forces, and other troops" (Armed conflict in the North Caucasus. Lessons and conclusions. Moscow, General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2003, p. 66.)

And a new research book by A.B. is also being prepared for publication. Martirosyan “100 myths about L.P. Beria." This book will contain the original documents, previously published in small editions in collections of documents, on the basis of which the government of the USSR and Stalin made decisions on the expulsion and evacuation of individual peoples and groups. These are German documents in which those very mass actions to incite “national riots”, large-scale sabotage and unrest in Kalmykia and the Caucasus are planned for the spring-summer of 1944. Only numbers. Just the facts.

Oleg Kozinkin

As an afterword I would like to note: not a single state, at a time of danger to its existence, stands on ceremony with its actions. In 1941, the United States put about 100 thousand of its own citizens in concentration camps until the end of World War II. What was their fault? They were of Japanese origin. That's all. The US authorities, like the USSR authorities, did not wait for possible terrorist attacks, sabotage and partisan detachments in their rear. Japanese Americans sat and worked in the camps for almost four years. No one offered any apologies. And now they just try not to talk about it.

Conclusion: The behavior of the country’s leadership in difficult situations is dictated by the situation, and not by “democracy” or “authoritarianism.” Even the economic and political system does not matter. During World War II, food cards were introduced in the USSR, Germany, Great Britain and even the USA. By the way, they were canceled in our country before other European countries

On the eve of the anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, debates about how and why this tragedy happened are becoming increasingly intense. What were the reasons for the deportation? What actually happened on the territory of Crimea during the war? There are very few living witnesses of those events left who could tell how everything really happened. But what a few eyewitnesses say, and what is recorded in Soviet and German chronicles, is enough to understand that resettlement was the only and most correct decision. After all, out of the total Crimean Tatar population of 200,000, 20,000 became Wehrmacht fighters, that is, almost all men of military age. How would they get along with the Red Army soldiers returning from the front, what would the war veterans do with them if they learned about what the Tatar punitive forces did in the Crimea during the German occupation? A massacre would begin, and resettlement was the only way out of this situation. But there was something to take revenge on the Red Army soldiers for, and this is not Soviet propaganda; there are plenty of facts about their atrocities from both the Soviet and German sides.

Thus, in the Sudak region in 1942, a group of Tatar self-defenses liquidated a reconnaissance landing of the Red Army, while the self-defenses caught and burned alive 12 Soviet paratroopers.

On February 4, 1943, Crimean Tatar volunteers from the villages of Beshui and Koush captured four partisans from S.A. Mukovnin’s detachment.

Partisans L.S. Chernov, V.F. Gordienko, G.K. Sannikov and Kh.K. Kiyamov were brutally killed: stabbed with bayonets, laid on fires and burned. Particularly disfigured was the corpse of the Kazan Tatar Kh.K. Kiyamov, whom the punishers apparently mistook for their fellow countryman.

The Crimean Tatar detachments dealt equally brutally with the civilian population.

It got to the point that, fleeing massacres, the Russian-speaking population turned to the German authorities for help - and received protection from them!

Beginning in the spring of 1942, a concentration camp operated on the territory of the Krasny state farm, in which at least 8 thousand residents of Crimea were tortured and shot during the occupation.

According to eyewitnesses, the camp was guarded by Crimean Tatars from the 152nd auxiliary police battalion, whom the head of the camp, SS Oberscharführer Speckmann, recruited to perform “the dirtiest work.”

With special pleasure future "innocent victims" Stalin's repressions“They mocked defenseless prisoners.

In their cruelty they resembled the Crimean horde of the distant past.

The local Tatar population of the villages looked at Soviet prisoners of war with contempt, and sometimes threw stones.

In addition, the Crimean Tatars helped the Germans look for Jews and political workers among prisoners of war.

Mass burning was also practiced: of living people tied up barbed wire, stacked in several tiers, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Eyewitnesses claim that “those who lay below were the luckiest” - they were suffocating under the weight of human bodies even before the execution.

For their service to the Germans, many hundreds of Crimean Tatars were awarded special insignia approved by Hitler - “For courage and special merits shown by the population of the liberated regions who participated in the fight against Bolshevism under the leadership of the German command.

Thus, according to the report of the Simferopol Muslim Committee, for 12/01/1943 - 01/31/1944:

“For services to the Tatar people, the German command was awarded: a badge with swords of the 2nd degree, issued for the liberated eastern regions, the Chairman of the Simferopol Tatar Committee, Mr. Dzhemil Abdureshid, a badge of the 2nd degree, the Chairman of the Department of Religion, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Gafar, an employee of the Department of Religion. Mr. Fazil Sadiq and Chairman of the Tatar Table Mr. Tahsin Cemil.

Mr. Cemil Abdureshid took an active part in the creation of the Simferopol Committee at the end of 1941 and, as the first chairman of the committee, was active in attracting volunteers into the ranks of the German army.

Abdul-Aziz Gafar and Fazil Sadyk, despite their advanced years, worked among volunteers and did significant work to establish religious affairs in the Simferopol region.

Mr. Tahsin Cemil organized the Tatar Table in 1942 and, working as its chairman until the end of 1943, provided systematic assistance to needy Tatars and volunteer families.”

In addition, the personnel of the Crimean Tatar formations were provided with all sorts of material benefits and privileges. According to one of the resolutions of the Wehrmacht High Command (OKB), “every person who actively fought or is fighting against the partisans and Bolsheviks” could submit a petition for “the endowment of land or payment to him monetary reward up to 1000 rubles.”

At the same time, his family was supposed to receive from the departments social security city ​​or district administration a monthly subsidy in the amount of 75 to 250 rubles.

After the publication of the “Law on the New Agrarian Order” by the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Regions on February 15, 1942, all Tatars who joined volunteer formations and their families were given full ownership of 2 hectares of land. The Germans provided them with the best plots, taking land from peasants who did not join these formations.

As noted in the already quoted memorandum of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, State Security Major Karanadze, to the NKVD of the USSR “On the political and moral state of the population of Crimea”:

“Persons who are members of volunteer groups are in a particularly privileged position. All of them receive wages, food, are exempt from taxes, received the best plots of fruit and grape gardens, tobacco plantations, taken away from the rest of the non-Tatar population.

Volunteers are given items looted from the Jewish population.

The vineyards that previously belonged to them are returned to the kulaks, orchards, livestock at the expense of the collective farms, and they estimate how many offspring this kulak would have had during the collective farm system, and give them out from the collective farm herd.”

In his response speech, the chairman of the Tatar committee said the following:

“I speak on behalf of the committee and on behalf of all Tatars, confident that I express their thoughts. One conscription of the German army is enough, and every single Tatar will come out to fight against the common enemy. We are honored to have the opportunity to fight under the leadership of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler - the greatest son of the German people. The faith that lies within us gives us the strength to trust the leadership of the German army without hesitation. Our names will later be honored along with the names of those who spoke out for the liberation of oppressed peoples.”

Another 4 thousand to fight the Crimean partisans. In total, with a population of 200 thousand Tatars, 20 thousand volunteers were sent to serve the Germans.

After the approval of the general events, the Tatars asked permission to end this first ceremonial meeting - the beginning of the fight against the atheists - according to their custom, with prayer, and repeated the following three prayers after their mullah:

1st prayer: for the achievement of a quick victory and a common goal, as well as for the health and long life of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler.

2nd prayer: for the German people and their valiant army.

3rd prayer: for the soldiers of the German Wehrmacht who fell in battle.

April 10, 1942. From a message to Adolf Hitler, received at a prayer service by more than 500 Muslims in Karasu Bazar:

"Our liberator! It is only thanks to you, your help and thanks to the courage and dedication of your troops that we were able to open our houses of worship and perform prayer services in them. Now there is not and cannot be such a force that would separate us from the German people and from you. The Tatar people swore and gave their word, having signed up as volunteers in the ranks of the German troops, hand in hand with your troops to fight against the enemy to the last drop of blood. Your victory is a victory for the entire Muslim world. We pray to God for the health of your troops and ask God to give you, the great liberator of nations, long life. You are now a liberator, the leader of the Muslim world - gases Adolf Hitler.

Our ancestors came from the East, and until now we were waiting for liberation from there, but today we are witnesses that liberation is coming to us from the West. Perhaps for the first and only time in history it happened that the sun of freedom rose in the West. This sun is you, our great friend and leader, with your mighty German people, and you, relying on the inviolability of the great German state, on the unity and power of the German people, bring us, the oppressed Muslims, freedom. We swore an oath of allegiance to you to die for you with honor and weapons in our hands and only in the fight against a common enemy.

We are confident that together with you we will achieve the complete liberation of our peoples from the yoke of Bolshevism.

On the day of your glorious anniversary, we send you our heartfelt greetings and wishes, we wish you many years of fruitful life for the joy of your people, us, the Crimean Muslims and the Muslims of the East."

The concentration camp operating on the territory of the Krasny state farm in 1942-1944 was the largest fascist concentration camp during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Crimea, in which about 8 thousand Soviet citizens were tortured during the years of occupation.

The German administration was represented by a commandant and a doctor.

All other functions were carried out by soldiers of the 152nd Tatar SD volunteer battalion.

The camp guards were distinguished by a particularly “creative” approach to the issue of exterminating prisoners. In particular, mothers and children were repeatedly drowned in pits with feces dug under camp toilets.

All these horrors are not the invention of Soviet political instructors, but the bitter truth. There are many more examples of the “innocence of the Crimean Tatars”

2. On the anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Turks in 1944 (2009)

Why Stalin deported the Crimean Tatars

For collaborating with the Nazis, they could even be shot.

May 18 marked the 65th anniversary of the resettlement of the Tatars from the territory of Crimea after they were accused of mass desertion and collaboration with the Nazis. The special operation took two days and ended in the evening of May 20, 1944. 180 thousand people with all their belongings were taken out of Crimea and resettled in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The Crimean Tatars were rehabilitated and allowed to return to their homeland only in 1989. Since then, Crimea has been in a fever again, and the descendants of the traitors are demanding more and more compensation for the damage caused to them by the “bloody Stalinist regime.” We talk about the notorious fact of our history with academician, Doctor of Historical Sciences Andrei GONCHAROV.

Andrey Pavlovich, this year marks the 65th anniversary of the so-called Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars and other peoples. What do you think prompted the leadership of the USSR to take this step in 1944?

Crimean Tatars - brothers-in-arms of the German people

What were the goals of the Tatar population of Crimea? It’s not just that they suddenly became traitors to the Motherland, and even at such a terrible hour for the country.

This is clearly stated in one document from those years.

In May 1943, one of the oldest Crimean Tatar nationalists, Amet Ozenbashly, drew up a memorandum addressed to Hitler, in which he outlined the following program of cooperation between Germany and the Crimean Tatars:

1. Creation of a Tatar state in Crimea under German protectorate.
2. Creation of the “noise” battalions and other police units of the Tatar national army.
3. Return of all Tatars from Turkey, Bulgaria and other states to Crimea; “cleansing” of Crimea from other nationalities.
4. Arming of the entire Tatar population, including very old people, until the final victory over the Bolsheviks.
5. German guardianship over the Tatar state until it can “get back on its feet.”

I hope everything is clear? “Noise” battalions are auxiliary police formations.

Here are some more excerpts from one document to complete the picture - congratulations from members of the Simferopol Muslim Committee to Hitler on his birthday on April 20

“Liberator of oppressed peoples, faithful son of the German people, Adolf Hitler.

We, Muslims, with the arrival of the valiant sons Greater Germany from the very first days, with your blessing and in memory of our long-term friendship, we stood shoulder to shoulder with the German people, took up arms and swore, ready to fight to the last drop of blood for the universal ideas put forward by you - the destruction of the red Jewish-Bolshevik plague without a trace and until the end...

On the day of your glorious anniversary, we send you our heartfelt greetings and wishes, we wish you many years of fruitful life for the joy of your people, we, the Crimean Muslims and the Muslims of the East.”

Similar praises of fascist monsters are repeated in abundance in the national media of that time. For example, “Azat Krym” (“Free Crimea”), published from January 11, 1942 until the very end of the occupation, wrote on March 20, 1943:
“To the Great Hitler - the liberator of all peoples and religions - we, Tatars, give our word to fight the herd of Jews and Bolsheviks together with German soldiers in the same ranks! May God thank you, our great Master Hitler!”

Andrey Pavlovich, but this is clean water treason?

Certainly. And what began after the German occupation of Crimea defies common understanding at all! The Tatar-Crimean traitors, organized by the fascists into numerous detachments, are conducting a real hunt for partisans. They destroy their bases, track down and deal with underground members, hunt for Jews and hand them over to the SS. Here is what Field Marshal Erich von Manstein writes: “The majority of the Tatar population of Crimea was very friendly towards us. We even managed to form armed self-defense companies from the Tatars, whose task was to protect their villages from attacks by partisans hiding in the Yayla mountains. The reason that a powerful partisan movement developed in Crimea from the very beginning, which caused us a lot of trouble, was that among the population of Crimea, in addition to the Tatars and other small national groups, there were still many Russians.”

One can cite thousands of examples of the atrocities of the Crimean Tatars. Moreover, sometimes even the Germans and Italians, who captured Crimea, were forced to slow down their exorbitant, even for the Nazis, cruelty. The Crimeans captured and burned alive Soviet paratroopers and partisans. There are documents confirming these facts. Thus, in the Sudak region in 1942, a Tatar self-defense group liquidated a reconnaissance landing force of the Red Army, while the self-defense forces caught and burned alive 12 Soviet paratroopers.

On February 4, 1943, Crimean Tatar volunteers from the villages of Beshui and Koush captured four partisans from Mukovnin’s detachment. The partisans were stabbed with bayonets, laid on fires and burned. The corpse of the Kazan Tatar Kiyamov, whom the punishers apparently mistook for their fellow countryman, turned out to be especially disfigured. That is, a traitor in their fight against the Red Army.

Here is a quote from a memo by the deputy head of the special department of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement, Popov, dated July 25, 1942:
“Participants in the partisan movement in Crimea were living witnesses to the reprisals of Tatar volunteers and their masters against captured sick and wounded partisans (murder, burning of the sick and wounded). In a number of cases, the Tatars were more merciless and professional than the fascist executioners.”
There is a well-known tactic for clearing mines on roads, when, under Crimean Tatar supervision, a crowd of prisoners was forced to comb through minefields. Can you imagine this horror?!

Did the Crimean Tatars themselves participate in the partisan struggle?

Just don’t laugh: on June 1, 1943, a partisan underground consisting of 262 people, including six Crimean Tatars, was operating in Crimea.

There's not much to add here. Oh yes, here's an amazing fact. After the defeat of the 6th German Army of Paulus at Stalingrad, the Feodosia Muslim Committee collected one million rubles among the Tatars to help the German army. Well, like ordinary Soviet people who gave their last pennies for the construction of tanks and airplanes.

True, it should be said that with the advance of the Soviet Army, the Crimean Tatars realized that inevitable retribution could not be avoided, and in February-March 1944 they began to join the partisan detachments. Moreover, entire detachments of punitive forces and concentration camp guards tried to join our heroes. The other part fled with the Germans and was used for some time in the SS troops in Hungary and France.

Resettlement of peoples was invented in the USA

But still, deporting an entire people is cruel. There were also many innocent people there.

I am by no means a supporter of Stalinism. In my family, like in many families in Russia, there are victims of repression. But then there was a war. Leaving 200 thousand people behind you who are ready to betray at any moment is criminal! Moreover, the deportation of peoples based on nationality is by no means the know-how of the Stalinist regime, as the perestroika “democrats” assured us. During the same World War II, only earlier - in 1941, a couple of months after Pearl Harbor, the Americans quite calmly deported about 200 thousand of their citizens of Japanese, German and Italian origin to the interior of the country and put them in concentration camps. The Japanese were charged with, you know what? The fact that they plant flower beds in California specifically next to military facilities in order to declassify them, and in Hawaii they cut down sugar cane in a special way, in the form of giant arrows directed towards US air bases, as a signal to Japanese pilots! A couple of months ago there were hearings in the US Congress, where children of repressed American citizens of German and Italian origin spoke. So there was one woman who said that her father went to prison for many years just because he said: under Hitler, they built good roads! By the way, in those same years there was a generally insane practice of capturing the Japanese by the Americans. En masse, families all over Latin America. They were placed in concentration camps and held for future possible exchange for American prisoners of war.

There was such a case. Expecting a Japanese attack on the Aleutian Islands,
In 1941, the Americans considered the Eskimos unreliable and immediately took all of the 400-odd innocent aborigines to the Kansas desert. And this despite the fact that the aggressors never set foot on US territory at all! And in our version? When the Crimean Tatars openly sided with the enemy, what do you order to do with them?

As for the repeatedly repeated lie about the incredible cruelty of the Red Army during the deportation itself, look at the documents. It's simple, the archives are open. Just imagine: there is a war going on, part of the country has been captured by the enemy, the food situation is terrible. And at the same time, each deportee was entitled to hot food, 500 grams of bread per day, meat, fish, fats. By order of Stalin, Crimean Tatars were allowed to take with them up to 500 kg of property for each adult! Certificates were issued for other abandoned property, according to which certificates of equivalent value were issued at the place of arrival in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In addition, each family was given a significant interest-free loan for seven years for the arrangement.

Stalin, it turns out, was almost a benefactor for the Crimean Tatars.

Yes, they should pray for him! He saved them from the righteous wrath of the people, from pogroms. Just imagine: during the German occupation, Tatar police units gathered more than 50 thousand Russian residents of Crimea to deport them to Germany! Plus the inhuman atrocities they committed against their neighbors. What would the Crimean front-line soldiers who returned from Berlin - fathers, brothers and sons of Soviet citizens torn apart by them and given into slavery - do to them in 1945?! There would be nothing left of the Crimean Tatars.

By the way, it should be noted that the Crimean Tatars bear their name “Tatars” due to a misunderstanding. In fact, they have nothing in common ethnically with the historical Tatars or Tatar-Mongols.

Hitler wanted to move the Baltic states to Siberia

Andrey Pavlovich, there is one more date this year. In March 1949, Stalin deported hundreds of thousands of Balts to Siberia.

Where do hundreds of thousands come from? You've just heard enough of NATO propaganda. 60 years ago, 20,173 people were deported from Estonia, 31,917 people from Lithuania, and 42,149 people from Latvia. These NKVD-NKGB archives have long been in the public domain. Moreover, during the Khrushchev Thaw in 1959, all Balts, unlike the Crimean Tatars, were allowed to return home.

Now let's find out who these people were and why they were exiled. The so-called forest brothers and members of their families were deported. And they were expelled not because they collaborated with the fascists, this was, as it were, forgiven them, but for participation in bandit formations that remained in the Baltic states after the defeat of the German troops. During the period from 1945 to 1949, these “forest brothers” killed: in Lithuania - 25,108, in Latvia - 4,780, in Estonia - 891 people.

I read that during the war years in the Baltic states, following the example of Germany, almost all Jews were exterminated.

And not by the SS, but by the local police. According to the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Regions, a total of about 120 thousand Jews.

Why did they curry favor with the Germans so much?

They hoped that Hitler would allow them to create their own states. Many rabid nationalists still believe that this would have happened if not for the “Soviet occupation” in 1944. But Germany's plans for the Baltic states were completely different. Many documents on this subject were published in Igor Pykhalov’s just published book “Why did Stalin evict the peoples?” So in Berlin, at a meeting on issues of Germanization in the Baltic countries, it was decided: “The majority of the population is not suitable for Germanization. Racially undesirable sections of the population should be deported to Western Siberia.” In Estonia it was planned to leave 50 percent of the population, in Lithuania and Latvia - 30 percent each. In exchange, it was planned to resettle Wehrmacht veterans in the Baltic states.

Slowly this policy has already begun to be implemented. By November 1, 1943, 35 thousand German colonists already lived in the Baltic states. And instead of Siberia, 300 thousand Balts, mostly women from 17 to 40 years old, were sent to German labor camps.

It turns out that the Baltic republics, following the Crimean Tatars, should be grateful to Stalin. If Hitler had gotten them, they would still be building farms deep in the Siberian ores.

That's it. I hope the truth will someday reach the Baltic states, everything is slowly reaching them. And then people will throw rotten tomatoes at the Estonian SS veterans marching through the center of Tallinn, whom the “bloody tyrant” Stalin, out of his kindness, left alive.

3. How the Crimean Tatars defeated Hitler

They decided to celebrate the current Victory Day in their own way at the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve. On May 9, 2016, the opening of the exhibition “Immortal Regiment of the Crimean Tatars” will take place on the main square of the Khan’s Palace. The exhibition will feature banners with portraits of Crimean Tatars who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

The Khan's Palace is considered the main place of worship of the Tatar community of the peninsula. Exactly two years ago, already under the Russian government, the Majlis group, banned in the Russian Federation, tried to seize it. The team of raiders was led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republican Government Lenur Islyamov, now a fugitive curator of the “blockade” of Crimea.

The current initiative of the management of the Bakhchisarai Nature Reserve to hold an exhibition "Immortal Regiment of Crimean Tatars" caused a completely mixed reaction from the region's public. Many call this a provocation against the all-Russian patriotic action “Immortal Regiment”.

“Here they decided to divide the soldiers of Victory according to nationality and select photographs only of those Crimeans who belong to the Crimean Tatars”- says the comments.

However, the Muslim population received the festive exhibition with full support and obvious enthusiasm. Nobody remembers the collaborationists, but they are happy to tell how “my grandfather liberated Sevastopol” or “our partisans blew up a train.”

Last summer, the Moscow diaspora of Crimean Tatars donated 25 banners with portraits of Crimean Tatar veterans to the Bakhchisarai Museum-Reserve. Now local Tatars bring photographs of their old people to the palace. The photographs show eastern aksakals decorated with military orders and medals.

On the eve of the celebration of the 71st anniversary of the Victory, a “Wall of Memory” was installed in the central square of Simferopol in honor of the Crimean heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

As reported on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Policy, this “art object” consists of photographs of “164 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 20 holders of the Order of Glory of three degrees and 4 front-line soldiers awarded 4 medals “For Courage.”

A place of honor on the Simferopol “Wall of Memory” was taken by twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan and Hero of Russia Alime Abdennanova, whose title was awarded posthumously in 2014. A resident of Soviet intelligence in the occupied Crimea, Alime Abdennanova was brutally tortured in the dungeons of the fascist Gestapo.

During the perestroika hysteria, the “fighters against the totalitarian regime” that destroyed the state actively used the nationalist card.

And today the topic of “repressed peoples” remains a fertile field for anti-Russian speculation.

When making claims against Russia and the Russians, gentlemen accusers prefer not to remember the unseemly acts of their ancestors.

However, historical facts are stubborn things. Therefore, the publication of a new book by Igor Pykhalov looks especially relevant.

Finally, if the Tatars had remained in Crimea after its liberation, this could have caused many acute, including bloody, conflicts between them and the rest of the population. Lyudmila Zhukova writes in “ Literary newspaper: “Out of political correctness, even today it is not customary for us to explain the reason for the deportation of an entire people. I remember the meeting in Alushta in the late 70s with the front-line soldiers who liberated Crimea. They said: “The deportation of the entire people saved them from the retribution of the front-line soldiers, who were not afraid of anything then” (LG. May 21, 14). Yes, deportation saved the Tatars from the wrath of the people.

How and under what conditions did the resettlement take place? According to the resolution State Committee Defense of May 11, 1944, signed by Stalin, each family was allowed to take with them up to 500 kg of things - equipment, dishes, food, etc. Exchange receipts were issued for abandoned livestock, grain, and vegetables in order to return for them everything accepted at the place of settlement in Uzbekistan. To organize the reception, the four named heads of the People's Commissariats were instructed to send the required number of workers to Crimea. And to exchange at the place of settlement everything handed over to Uzbekistan, a special commission of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR was sent from six also named responsible officials from a number of people's commissariats, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR Gritsenko. People's Commissar of Health Miterev was instructed to allocate a doctor and two nurses for each echelon “with an appropriate supply of medicines and provide medical and sanitary services to the special settlers along the way.” And one more thing: “The People's Commissariat of Trade of the USSR (Comrade Lyubimov) should provide all echelons with daily hot meals. For this purpose, the People’s Commissariat of Trade will allocate products.”

The Tatars were not thrown out somewhere in a bare field. “The resettlement of special settlers,” said the GKO resolution, “will be carried out in state farm settlements, collective farms, in subsidiary rural farms of enterprises and factory settlements for use in agriculture and industry.” In addition, local authorities were required to “provide special settlers personal plots and provide assistance in the construction of houses,” for which each family was given a loan of 5,000 rubles for seven years. Other measures to help the Tatars were also provided, and 30 million rubles were allocated for all activities. I wonder how much it cost the Americans to keep the Japanese behind barbed wire...

S. Kara-Murza believes that the deportation of peoples from Crimea and the Caucasus was a punishment based on the principle of mutual responsibility, when one is responsible for everyone, and everyone is responsible for one. But it was a very strange punishment. Kara-Murza himself testifies that in the places of the new settlement party and Komsomol organizations were preserved, people studied in their native language, received an education, a specialty, and later did not know any discrimination when receiving higher education. And in the end, this is also very characteristic. Our other famous researcher Vadim Kozhinov, responding in 1993 to a certain G. Vachnadze, who stated that 50% of Chechens died during the deportation, wrote: “According to reliable census data, in 1944 there were 459 thousand Chechens and Ingush people, and in 1959- m when they returned to native land, - 525 thousand, i.e. 14.2% more. If half the people really died, then their numbers could recover in no less than half a century. So, in 1941-1944, not 50, but “only” 22% of the population of Belarus (2 million out of 9) died, and the pre-war number was able to recover only 25 years later - by 1970” (Fate of Russia. M. 1997 . P. 168). That is, as Kara-Murza writes, “they returned to the Caucasus as a grown and strengthened people” (Cit. cit. p. 609). There is no reason to believe that things were different among the Tatars or Kalmyks.

So was the Rehabilitation Decree necessary? I think that instead of the Decree, it would be necessary, on behalf of the state, to apologize to the Tatars for the fact that in wartime conditions it was not possible to comply with all legal norms and formalities and to gratefully remember all the Tatars, living and dead, who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Let me remind you again: 161 Tatars, including the poet Musa Jalil, received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their exploits during the war. Here they are only fourth after much more numerous peoples...

I have known many Tatars in my life. As a child, I was friends with two Tatar brothers, whose surname and names I forgot due to the passage of time; at the front, in the same company with me were the Tatars Ziyatdinov and Khabibullin; after the war I knew the wonderful poet Mikhail Lvov, who wrote in Russian; I have been friends with playwright Azat Abdullin for many years. Who else? The wife's friends are Chulpan Malysheva, daughter of Musa Jalil, Galiya Alimova. And I can’t say a single unkind word about any of them... This is what we should write a song about for Jamala so that she can sing it in Sweden for all of Europe.

V.S. Bushin
Original taken from pyhalov in War. Crimea. Tatars

The deportation of peoples began long before the war: in 1935, Finns (30,000 people) began to be deported from the border areas with Finland, then 40,000 Germans and Poles were deported from the Vinnitsa and Kyiv regions of Ukraine.

In 1937, they “liberated” the border regions of Transcaucasia from Kurds, Iranians and Armenians, and then began Far East, relocating Koreans, Chinese, Poles, Balts and Germans to Central Asia. When the Red Army entered the Baltic states, the eviction of Poles and those who had recently crossed the border, that is, Jews, began.


With the outbreak of the war, deportation took on a new scale. For this purpose, the Special Settlements Department was created in the NKVD apparatus. Knowing that before the war 406,000 Germans left for Germany, Stalin considered them disloyal and in the summer of 1941 signed the Decree “On the resettlement of Germans living in the Volga region,” according to which the “Republic of Germans” was liquidated, and its inhabitants - 440,200 people per 188 trains were promptly transported to 107 settlements Siberia and northern Kazakhstan; 24 hours were given to get ready.

Then they moved on to the Germans in the European part of the USSR, whose deportation was completed by the summer of 1942; 25,000 Germans were transported from Transcaucasia through the Caspian Sea to Kazakhstan. According to historian Arkady German (“Deportation of Soviet Germans from the European part of the USSR”), 950,000 Russian Germans were deported, 73% were transported to Siberia, 27% to the bare steppes of Kazakhstan.

Ingrian Finns were subject to deportation and were exiled to the Irkutsk region, Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

At the end of January 1942, 438 Italians were evicted from Kerch; they were suspected of sympathizing with the fascists.

Crimean Tatars

The deportation continued in the lands liberated from the Nazis. On May 11, 1944, Stalin signed a decree on the eviction of Crimean Tatars from Crimea; the justification was a note from People's Commissar Beria, which indicated the desertion of 20,000 Tatar fighters and the organization of the hijacking of Russians to Germany. Later we learned about the crimes of the Tatar special forces, operating together with the SS. German Field Marshal Erich Manstein recalled that detachments of Crimean Tatar volunteers were superior to SD units in cruelty.

Two days were allotted for deportation, and half an hour was given to get ready. Clashes were avoided, but many weapons and 49 mortars were confiscated. According to the Department of Special Settlements, 151,136 Tatars were taken to Uzbekistan, 8,597 to the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 4,286 to Kazakhstan, the rest ended up in labor columns. A total of 193,865 Tatars were deported, of which 16,052 people died from hunger, cold and disease in the first six months. The gypsies who during the war years passed themselves off as Tatars in order to survive came under repression.

Bulgarians, Greeks and Armenians

Next, Stalin signed a decree on the eviction of 37,000 “German collaborators from among the Bulgarians, Greeks and Armenians.” The deportation was carried out in one day - June 27, 1944, and after that everyone who had expired foreign passports was deported to Fergana: Greeks, Turks, Iranians, Hungarians, Romanians, Italians and Germans. Beria’s report stated that 12,422 Bulgarians, 15,040 Greeks, 9,621 Armenians, 1,119 Germans and 3,652 foreigners were evicted from the peninsula. “Purges” took place in the Red Army, 559 Greeks, 582 Bulgarians, 574 Armenians and 184 officers of other nationalities were sent to special settlements.

From 1945 to 1950, 16,055 of those deported died.

Chechens and Ingush

The reason for the expulsion of the Vainakhs was desertion from the Red Army, the “anti-Soviet” activities of the muftis and the uprising of 1942. Historian Nikolai Grodnensky in his book “The History of the Armed Conflict in Chechnya” says that in 1943, there were 8,535 Vainakhs on the NKVD operational register, 457 people were suspected of having connections with the fascists. It was known that in 1942 the Chechens established the underground “Party of the Caucasian Brothers”, which provided for the creation of a Federal Republic “under the mandate of the German Empire.”

From 1941 to 1944, the NKVD liquidated 55 gangs, and another 200 roamed the mountains. The decision to liquidate Checheno-Ingushetia was made at a meeting of the Politburo, and Beria personally carried out the operation. 100,000 military personnel were involved in the deportation of the Vainakhs, but it lasted from February 23, 1944 to March 9: the population resisted and fled to the mountains. 780 people were shot, 2,016 people were arrested, and 20,000 machine guns, machine guns and rifles were confiscated. 6,544 mountaineers managed to escape to the mountains. In total, 493,269 Vainakhs were taken to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, then another 28,000 from Dagestan, 2,700 from Georgia.


The Kalmyks angered the leader by collaborating with the invaders: in 1942, the Kalmyk Cavalry Corps was created, which took part in hostilities and punitive campaigns. In 1943, the situation remained difficult: gangs robbed stores, killed communists and officers, 18 clashes with NKVD detachments were registered, taking this into account, the authorities decided to carry out Operation Ulus on December 28-29, 1943. 93,139 Kalmyks were torn from their homes. Russian women who married Kalmyks were subject to deportation, but Kalmyks who married Russians managed to avoid a sad fate. As military historian Mikhail Semiryaga writes (“Collaborationism. Nature, typology and manifestations during the Second World War”), the operation made it possible to identify 750 bandits, policemen and German liaisons. Kalmyks were deported to the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen regions and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In addition, the following were deported: Karachais, Balkars, Azerbaijanis, Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians,Hemshins, Russians and many others - in total about 30 peoples of Russia. Injustice affected many, because thousands of Tatars, Chechens, Kalmyks, Greeks, Armenians and Germans honestly fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War or worked in the rear. But Stalin’s words “The son is not responsible for his father” turned out to be false: hundreds of thousands of other, innocent people paid for the crimes of some people.

For collaborating with the Nazis, they could even be shot.

May 18 marked the 65th anniversary of the resettlement of the Tatars from the territory of Crimea after they were accused of mass desertion and collaboration with the Nazis. Specialist-
the operation took two days and ended by the evening of May 20, 1944. 180 thousand people with all their belongings were taken out of Crimea and resettled in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The Crimean Tatars were rehabilitated and allowed to return to their homeland only in 1989. Since then, Crimea has been in a fever again, and the descendants of the traitors are demanding more and more compensation for the damage caused to them by the “bloody Stalinist regime.” We talk about the notorious fact of our history with academician, Doctor of Historical Sciences Andrei GONCHAROV.

- Andrey Pavlovich, this year marks the 65th anniversary of the so-called Stalinist deportation of the Crimean Tatars and other peoples. What do you think prompted the leadership of the USSR to take this step in 1944?
- I’m already tired of proving that these were completely logical and fair actions in relation to traitors to the Motherland and fascist henchmen. At the same time, it should be noted the humanism of the Soviet government in relation to the bandits who faithfully served the Fuhrer.
According to the laws of war, according to Article 193-22 of the then Criminal Code of the RSFSR, our command had every right to shoot, of course, not the entire people, but the entire male population of the so-called Crimean Tatars for desertion and betrayal!
- Well, this is too much!
- Facts indicate that almost the entire Crimean Tatar population of military age sided with Nazi Germany. As soon as the front approached Crimea, the overwhelming majority of the population began to go over to the side of the enemy.
There is amazing data that vividly comments on those events. Thus, in the purely Crimean Tatar village of Koush, 130 people were drafted into the Red Army, of which 122 returned home after the Germans arrived. In the village of Beshui from
98 conscripts returned 92 people. A great example of “patriotism”, isn’t it? So what do you want to do with them?

Crimean Tatars - brothers-in-arms of the German people

What were the goals of the Tatar population of Crimea? It’s not just that they suddenly became traitors to the Motherland, and even at such a terrible hour for the country.
- This is clearly stated in one document of those years.
In May 1943, one of the oldest Crimean Tatar nationalists Amet Ozenbashly drew up a memorandum addressed to Hitler, in which he outlined the following program of cooperation between Germany and the Crimean Tatars:
1. Creation of a Tatar state in Crimea under German protectorate. 2. Creation of the “noise” battalions and other police units of the Tatar national army. 3. Return of all Tatars from Turkey, Bulgaria and other states to Crimea; “cleansing” of Crimea from other nationalities. 4. Arming of the entire Tatar population, including very old people, until the final victory over the Bolsheviks. 5. German guardianship over the Tatar state until it can “get back on its feet.”
I hope everything is clear? “Noise” battalions are auxiliary police formations.
Here are some more excerpts from one document to complete the picture - congratulations from members of the Simferopol Muslim Committee to Hitler on his birthday on April 20
“Liberator of oppressed peoples, faithful son of the German people, Adolf Hitler.

We, Muslims, with the arrival of the valiant sons of Greater Germany from the very first days, with your blessing and in memory of our long-term friendship, stood shoulder to shoulder with the German people, took up arms and swore, ready to fight to the last drop of blood for the universal human rights put forward by you ideas - the destruction of the red Jewish-Bolshevik plague without a trace and to the end...
...On the day of your glorious anniversary, we send you our heartfelt greetings and wishes, we wish you many years of fruitful life for the joy of your people, we, the Crimean Muslims and the Muslims of the East.”
Similar praises of fascist monsters are repeated in abundance in the national media of that time. For example, “Azat Krym” (“Free Crimea”), published from January 11, 1942 until the very end of the occupation, wrote on March 20, 1943:
“To the Great Hitler - the liberator of all peoples and religions - we, Tatars, give our word to fight the herd of Jews and Bolsheviks together with German soldiers in the same ranks! May God thank you, our great Master Hitler!”
- Andrey Pavlovich, but this is pure treason?
- Certainly. And what began after the German occupation of Crimea defies common understanding at all! The Tatar-Crimean traitors, organized by the fascists into numerous detachments, are conducting a real hunt for partisans. They destroy their bases, track down and deal with underground members, hunt for Jews and hand them over to the SS. This is what the field marshal writes Erich von Manstein: “The majority of the Tatar population of Crimea was very friendly towards us. We even managed to form armed self-defense companies from the Tatars, whose task was to protect their villages from attacks by partisans hiding in the Yayla mountains. The reason that a powerful partisan movement developed in Crimea from the very beginning, which caused us a lot of trouble, was that among the population of Crimea, in addition to the Tatars and other small national groups, there were still many Russians.”
One can cite thousands of examples of the atrocities of the Crimean Tatars. Moreover, sometimes even the Germans and Italians, who captured Crimea, were forced to slow down their exorbitant, even for the Nazis, cruelty. The Crimeans captured and burned alive Soviet paratroopers and partisans. There are documents confirming these facts. Thus, in the Sudak region in 1942, a Tatar self-defense group liquidated a reconnaissance landing force of the Red Army, while the self-defense forces caught and burned alive 12 Soviet paratroopers.

On February 4, 1943, Crimean Tatar volunteers from the villages of Beshui and Koush captured four partisans from the detachment Mukovnina. The partisans were stabbed with bayonets, laid on fires and burned. The corpse of a Kazan Tatar was especially disfigured Kiyamova, whom the punishers apparently mistook for their fellow countryman. That is, a traitor in their fight against the Red Army.
Here is a quote from a memo by the deputy head of the special department of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement Popova dated July 25, 1942:
“Participants in the partisan movement in Crimea were living witnesses to the reprisals of Tatar volunteers and their masters against captured sick and wounded partisans (murder, burning of the sick and wounded). In a number of cases, the Tatars were more merciless and professional than the fascist executioners.”
There is a well-known tactic for clearing mines on roads, when, under Crimean Tatar supervision, a crowd of prisoners was forced to comb through minefields. Can you imagine this horror?!
- Did the Crimean Tatars themselves participate in the partisan struggle?
- Just don’t laugh: on June 1, 1943, a partisan underground consisting of 262 people, including six Crimean Tatars, was operating in Crimea.
There's not much to add here. Oh yes, here's an amazing fact. After the defeat of the 6th German Army Paulus near Stalingrad, the Feodosia Muslim Committee collected one million rubles among the Tatars to help the German army. Well, like ordinary Soviet people who gave their last pennies for the construction of tanks and airplanes.
True, it should be said that with the advance of the Soviet Army, the Crimean Tatars realized that inevitable retribution could not be avoided, and in February-March 1944 they began to join the partisan detachments. Moreover, entire detachments of punitive forces and concentration camp guards tried to join our heroes. The other part fled with the Germans and was used for some time in the SS troops in Hungary and France.

Resettlement of peoples was invented in the USA

- But still, deporting an entire people is cruel. There were also many innocent people there.
- I am by no means a supporter of Stalinism. In my family, like in many families in Russia, there are victims of repression. But then there was a war. Leaving 200 thousand people behind you who are ready to betray at any moment is criminal! Moreover, the deportation of peoples based on nationality is by no means the know-how of the Stalinist regime, as the perestroika “democrats” assured us. During the same World War II, only earlier - in 1941, a couple of months after Pearl Harbor, the Americans quite calmly deported about 200 thousand of their citizens of Japanese, German and Italian origin to the interior of the country and put them in concentration camps. The Japanese were charged with, you know what? The fact that they plant flower beds in California specifically next to military facilities in order to declassify them, and in Hawaii they cut down sugar cane in a special way, in the form of giant arrows directed towards US air bases, as a signal to Japanese pilots! A couple of months ago there were hearings in the US Congress, where children of repressed American citizens of German and Italian origin spoke. So there was one woman who said that her father went to prison for many years just because he said: under Hitler, good roads were built in Germany! By the way, in those same years there was a generally insane practice of capturing the Japanese by the Americans. En masse, families all over Latin America. They were placed in concentration camps and held for future possible exchange for American prisoners of war.

There was such a case. Expecting a Japanese attack on the Aleutian Islands,
In 1941, the Americans considered the Eskimos unreliable and immediately took all of the 400-odd innocent aborigines to the Kansas desert. And this despite the fact that the aggressors never set foot on US territory at all! And in our version? When the Crimean Tatars openly sided with the enemy, what do you order to do with them?
As for the repeatedly repeated lie about the incredible cruelty of the Red Army during the deportation itself, look at the documents. It's simple, the archives are open. Just imagine: there is a war going on, part of the country has been captured by the enemy, the food situation is terrible. And at the same time, every deportee on the road was entitled to hot food,
500 grams of bread per day, meat, fish, fats. By order of Stalin, Crimean Tatars were allowed to take with them up to 500 kg of property for each adult! Certificates were issued for other abandoned property, according to which certificates of equivalent value were issued at the place of arrival in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In addition, each family was given a significant interest-free loan for seven years for the arrangement.
- Stalin, it turns out, was almost a benefactor for the Crimean Tatars.
- Yes, they should pray for him! He saved them from the righteous wrath of the people, from pogroms. Just imagine: during the German occupation, Tatar police units gathered more than 50 thousand Russian residents of Crimea to deport them to Germany! Plus the inhuman atrocities they committed against their neighbors. What would the Crimean front-line soldiers who returned from Berlin - fathers, brothers and sons of Soviet citizens torn apart by them and given into slavery - do to them in 1945?! There would be nothing left of the Crimean Tatars.
By the way, it should be noted that the Crimean Tatars bear their name “Tatars” due to a misunderstanding. In fact, they have nothing in common ethnically with the historical Tatars or Tatar-Mongols.

Hitler wanted to move the Baltic states to Siberia

Andrey Pavlovich, there is one more date this year. In March 1949, Stalin deported hundreds of thousands of Balts to Siberia.
- Where do hundreds of thousands come from? You've just heard enough of NATO propaganda. 60 years ago, 20,173 people were deported from Estonia, 31,917 people from Lithuania, and 42,149 people from Latvia. These NKVD-NKGB archives have long been in the public domain. Moreover, during the Khrushchev Thaw in 1959, all Balts, unlike the Crimean Tatars, were allowed to return home.
Now let's find out who these people were and why they were exiled. The so-called forest brothers and members of their families were deported. And they were expelled not because they collaborated with the fascists, this was, as it were, forgiven them, but for participation in bandit formations that remained in the Baltic states after the defeat of the German troops. During the period from 1945 to 1949, these “forest brothers” killed: in Lithuania - 25,108, in Latvia - 4,780, in Estonia - 891 people.
- I read that during the war years in the Baltic states, following the example of Germany, almost all Jews were exterminated.
- And not with the hands of the SS, but with the local police. According to the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Regions, a total of about 120 thousand Jews.
- Why did they curry favor with the Germans so much?
- They hoped that Hitler would allow them to create their own states. Many rabid nationalists still believe that this would have happened if not for the “Soviet occupation” in 1944. But Germany's plans for the Baltic states were completely different. Many documents on this subject have been published in the just published book Igor Pykhalov“Why did Stalin deport peoples?” Thus, in Berlin, at a meeting on issues of Germanization in the Baltic countries, it was decided: “The majority of the population is not suitable for Germanization. Racially undesirable sections of the population should be deported to Western Siberia.” In Estonia it was planned to leave 50 percent of the population, in Lithuania and Latvia - 30 percent each. In exchange, it was planned to resettle Wehrmacht veterans in the Baltic states.
Slowly this policy has already begun to be implemented. By November 1, 1943, 35 thousand German colonists already lived in the Baltic states. And instead of Siberia, 300 thousand Balts, mostly women from 17 to 40 years old, were sent to German labor camps.
- It turns out that the Baltic republics, like the Crimean Tatars, should be grateful to Stalin. If Hitler had gotten them, they would still be building farms deep in the Siberian ores.
- That's it. I hope the truth will someday reach the Baltic states, everything is slowly reaching them. And then people will throw rotten tomatoes at the Estonian SS veterans marching through the center of Tallinn, whom the “bloody tyrant” Stalin, out of his kindness, left alive.