Dismantling of the old wiring of the open running. The correct approach to dismantling the wiring. Dismantling tools and equipment

When renovating an apartment, it may be necessary to replace the electrics. The preparatory stage is the dismantling of wires, sockets in the kitchen and rooms. Study the wiring diagram to easily locate the wire in the wall and disassemble the electrical panel.

Electrical wiring in residential premises gradually deteriorates. Some problems may indicate the need to replace the wiring:

  • non-working sockets, and they can fail in turn;
  • increased fragility of aluminum wires, which can be noticed when replacing lamps or switches;
  • the presence of sparks when turning on and using various electrical appliances;
  • unpleasant smell of burnt plastic.

It is worth replacing the electrical wiring in an apartment after 10–20 years of its operation.

In all cases, replacement means removing the old wiring.

Dismantling tools

A set for dismantling electrical wiring terminals and other elements of the electrical system consists of:

  • screwdrivers of different sizes: flat and cross-shaped;
  • pliers;
  • electrical tape;
  • indicator screwdriver (multimeter);
  • grinders and hammer drill;
  • flashlight;
  • rubberized gloves;
  • hidden wiring detector.

Dismantling procedure

Before work, be sure to turn off the power in the house or apartment.

Lighting wires

It is not necessary to dismantle the old wiring in the first step. First, you can install new wires. They can be pulled through the cavity of the plates. To do this, find a junction box, which can be near the door or in the corner of the room.

Open it, unfold all the twists and determine which wires go to the lights. If they run along the ceiling, new wiring can be attached to them.

If this is not possible, then the junction boxes are dismantled, and all hidden wires are insulated and left in the wall. The places where these boxes were located are covered with plaster. You can remove the old cable in the wall later.

If the wires are in the kitchen, the separation can go to the hallway or bathroom, depending on the location of the rooms.

Dismantling the electrical panel

Before starting work, you need to prepare a kit for dismantling the wiring terminals and check if the electricity in the apartment has been cut off. After that, you can proceed directly to the actions:

  • after a power outage in the bathroom, kitchen, the voltage on the dashboard is separately checked. To do this, you can take an indicator screwdriver. If you attach it to the upper terminals, then for any arrangement of the machines, it should light up in the phase, but not at zero. On the lower terminals, the indicator should not light up when the machines are off;
  • you need to unscrew the clamps on the lower terminals, and then remove the wire cores from them. Similar work must be done on traffic jams, that is, protection devices;
  • after that, remove the fasteners that held the electrical panel, and the shield itself;
  • carefully inspect the insulation of the wires behind the shield and, if necessary, restore it.

Sockets and switches

Dismantling of sockets and switches is carried out in the following sequence:

  • remove the device;
  • remove the installation box;
  • cover the resulting hole with mortar. You can use plaster or plaster;
  • in a day you can glue the wallpaper.

If such electrical work is carried out on a plasterboard wall, then a piece slightly larger than the hole itself must be cut out of a similar material. It must be glued to the wall and additionally screwed with self-tapping screws.

After that, you can also remove the hidden electrical wiring, since it will be much easier to find it in this case.

Chandeliers and lamps

The process of dismantling chandeliers and lamps is as follows:

  • de-energize the device - turn off the machines and RCDs;
  • remove the chandelier from the mounting strip or hook. Before that, you need to check again with an indicator screwdriver if there is voltage. Disconnect the wires from the chandelier;
  • after removing the luminaire, the wires must be insulated to avoid electric shock.

Dismantling the electricity meter

Before dismantling the electricity meter, you need to obtain permits. The equipment is disassembled in the following sequence:

  • de-energize the meter by turning off the breaker. Check the presence of voltage;
  • disconnect the wires from the clamps, having previously memorized their location. For convenience, you can mark them with a marker;
  • pull the counter down and then forward to remove it from the bar.

Important nuances

If the dismantling of electrical wiring is carried out in a residential apartment or in a house, it is impossible to leave the premises completely without electricity. You can get out of this situation as follows:

  • do not dismantle one or two outlet circuits and corresponding bags;
  • complete dismantling of electrical wiring, but make temporary huts - temporary wires coming from old or already installed machines. They are made in an open way, while all cables are protected. There are safety requirements for temporary huts: it is allowed to use a step-down transformer from 36 V. The location of power outlets is possible only in power panels, and it is better to use extension cords to power tools.

Not all electrical work can be done independently.

Instructions for using the calculator

We have developed a convenient calculator for the cost of work and materials for you. With its help, you can independently estimate how much you will spend on the work you have chosen and the materials necessary for this.

  1. First you need to choose the material from which the walls of your apartment are made. Move the mouse cursor over the corresponding window and click on it.
  2. Then decide on the total area of ​​the premises in which the work is supposed to be done. In the "Room square" form, press the + or - buttons to enter the total area of ​​the premises in which the work is to be performed. Input can also be made manually from the keyboard.
  3. Select in the appropriate fields the required number of different sockets that you want to install. Think about the kitchen. How many electrical appliances do you have in your household (refrigerator, microwave oven, dishwasher, etc.).
  4. In the same way, enter the number of lighting fixtures to be mounted. Enter the number of switches that they will turn on.
  5. Check or uncheck the "Call", "Entrance door", "Indoor security" boxes in accordance with your choice.
  6. If you hover your mouse over the question mark next to each form field, you will see a tooltip.
  7. When you have finished entering, click on the "Calculate cost" button. By clicking this button, you will receive the "List of works", "List of materials" and their cost. The amount of the discount provided will also be reflected.

Calculator of the cost of work and materials

For your convenience, we have developed the most accurate wiring calculator.

List of materials

  • LEGRAND sockets (France).
  • Decorative frames LEGRAND (France).
  • LEGRAND switches (France).
  • HOGEL sockets and junction boxes.
  • Modern, high-quality, meeting all standards, copper non-combustible wire VVG NG Ls or NYM required, depending on the load section.
  • Corrugated PVC pipe complete with fittings as required.
  • Modern high-quality cable for satellite television from CAVEL (Italy) SAT 703.
  • TV sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Modern cable channels in a color coordinated with the customer, or a metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or metal pipes.
  • Internet sockets LEGRAND (France).
  • Splitter (crab) for satellite TV.
  • Modern high quality shielded FTP 5e cable (twisted pair).
  • Modern automation with multilevel protection from ABB (Germany). Circuit breakers, RCD (residual current device), differential circuit breakers.
  • A modern compact electrical panel that suits the design of the room.
  • Consumables: diamond discs, discs for metal, drills, drills, terminal blocks, electrical tape, dowel-nails, tires, bulbs and sockets.
  • Alabaster and Rotband.

List of works

  • Slitting and cutting of walls using modern technologies for wires, socket outlets and junction boxes.
  • Installation of cable channels in compliance with the aesthetic appearance, or installation of open RETRO-wires with an external method of wiring. Installation of wires in a modern high-quality metal hose with additional internal HDPE insulation, or installation in metal pipes with an internal method of wiring.
    Casing wall passages.
  • Slitting and cutting of walls using modern technologies for wires, socket outlets and junction boxes.
  • Slitting and cutting of walls using modern technologies for wires, socket outlets and junction boxes.
  • Laying of wires in a groove and, if necessary, in a corrugated pvc pipe with fastening on clips.
  • Installation of socket boxes.
  • Installation of sockets.
  • System health check.
  • Installation of tv sockets.
  • Installation of internet or telephone sockets.
  • Installation of switches.
  • Installation of sockets with bulbs.
  • Installation of modern reliable multi-level automation (RCD, Differential automatic machines, Automatic protection devices).
  • Slitting and cutting a niche for an electrical panel. Installation of an internal electrical panel.
  • Installation of a specialized grounding kit from leading modern manufacturers.

As a result of the inventory, your firm has identified a fixed asset that is damaged, obsolete or physically worn out. As a rule, it is impossible to sell such an object. Then it is dismantled and written off from the register. We will figure out how to conduct and document this operation, draw up transactions, reflect in the income statement, calculate taxes, including choosing a position that is acceptable for you with VAT recovery.

Fixed assets involved in the production process gradually lose their original characteristics. Physical wear and tear is understood as the deterioration
the technical, economic and social characteristics of the object under the influence of the labor process (intensity, features of the technology of use, the quantity and quality of repairs, the level of aggressiveness of the external environment, etc.). Obsolescence (depreciation) is manifested in the fact that a fixed asset in its design, productivity, and efficiency ceases to meet the requirements for the production of products of the required quality.

Due to physical or moral deterioration of the fixed asset,
its inability to bring economic benefits, and this is already the basis
to write it off.

Drawing up documentation upon disposal of objects

To establish the physical and moral deterioration and whether the restoration of the object is possible, whether it will be effective and how expedient its further use, a commission is created by order of the head of the organization. In the future, she gives her opinion and draws up documentation for the disposal of objects.

The commission includes the relevant officials, including the chief accountant (accountant) and persons who are responsible for the safety of fixed assets. You can invite third-party specialists to participate in the work of the commission.
(Clause 77 of the Methodological Instructions for the Accounting of Fixed Assets, approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 13.10.2003, No. 91n, hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Instructions).

The Commission must (clause 78 of the Methodological Guidelines):

  • inspect the item of fixed assets to be written off using the necessary technical documentation and accounting data;
  • identify the persons who are to blame for the premature disposal of the object of fixed assets, make proposals to bring these persons to justice;
  • draw up conclusions on the write-off of an item of fixed assets.

The order to create a commission may look like this.

The commission also decides whether it is possible to further use individual units, parts, materials obtained during the dismantling of a retiring facility (for example, for the current repair of working equipment or for sale), assesses by quantity and value, based on market prices, and also ensures safety.

After making a decision to write off the object, the commission draws up a conclusion. There is no standard form for it. Therefore, you can develop a document template yourself. The main thing is that the form contains all the necessary details of the primary document. The form is approved by the head by order to the accounting policy (Article 9 of the Federal Law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ, clause 4 of PBU 1/2008).

An example of the conclusion of the liquidation commission.

The next step: the head of the organization issues an order to liquidate the fixed asset. There is no standard document form, you can use the sample.

After the conclusion of the commission and the order of the head, it is necessary to draw up an act on the write-off of the property. You can use the act according to the standard form No. OS-4 (for cars - No. OS-4a)
or a self-designed form. In the second case, it is necessary that in the document
had all the necessary details.

Like any other primary documents that are used in the organization, the selected form is approved by the order of the head.

Based on the acts of write-off, make notes on the disposal of fixed assets in inventory cards, books that you use to record the storage and movement of fixed assets. This is provided for in paragraph 80 of the Methodological Instructions. As a rule, standard forms are used: an inventory card in the form of OS-6 (when accounting for property separately) or a card in the form of OS-6a (when fixed assets are accounted for as part of groups of objects). Small businesses use an inventory book according to the form OS-6b.

When dismantling a fixed asset, you can get separate materials, components and assemblies suitable for use. Such property must be capitalized (clause 57 of the Methodological Instructions). To formalize the receipt of objects received during the dismantling of fixed assets, you can use the standard form No. M-35.

How to reflect dismantling in accounting

When a fixed asset is liquidated as a result of dismantling, both income and expenses arise. Let's consider how to reflect them in accounting.

Write-off of an object

Write off the object itself from account 01. Reflect also all costs associated with the liquidation of property. Stop depreciation from the month following the liquidation
(Clause 22 PBU 6/01).

If the useful life has not yet expired, when the asset is liquidated, its residual value is written off to other expenses. Do this in the period when the liquidation act was drawn up and all the necessary formalities were observed. This follows from clause 29 of PBU 6/01 and clause 11 of PBU 10/99.

When writing off the residual value of the transaction, the following are:

- reflects the amount of depreciation accrued over the period of operation of the facility;

- reflects the initial cost of the liquidated fixed asset;

- the residual value of the fixed asset was written off (based on the write-off certificate).

If the residual value is written off optionally, then without the costs of disassembly and dismantling
not enough.

Reflect the indicated expenses as part of other expenses of the period to which they relate (clause 31 of PBU 6/01, clause 11 of PBU 10/99).

The posting of the costs of these works also depends on who carries out the liquidation of the fixed asset. There are three options.

Option 1. Liquidation is carried out by a special unit of the organization. For example, a repair service. Then the postings are as follows:

DEBIT 23 CREDIT 70 (68, 69 ...)
- Reflected expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets;

- expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets have been written off.

Option 2. The organization does not have a special unit, carry out the liquidation without the involvement of third-party contractors. Therefore, when writing off the costs of liquidating a fixed asset in accounting, make the posting:

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 70 (69, 68, 10 ...)
- expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets are taken into account.

Option 3. The contractor involved will liquidate the fixed asset. The costs associated with paying for his services, reflect the posting:

- expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets carried out by a contract method are taken into account;

- VAT charged by the contractor who carried out the liquidation of the fixed asset is taken into account.

Accounting for materials received during dismantling

And what to do with the leftover materials, for example, perfectly serviceable spare parts and scrap metal? All of these things come at market prices. In the future, the materials can be used in production or sold.

For the receipt of materials during the dismantling of the OS, the wiring is as follows:

- the materials received during the liquidation of the fixed asset are capitalized.

The sale of materials (scrap) in accounting is reflected as other income. The cost of the sold inventories is written off to other expenses. The postings are as follows:

- reflected the proceeds from the sale of materials (scrap);

- the cost of materials (scrap) has been written off.

Statement of financial results and explanations

In the statement of financial results, the written-off residual value of the dismantled fixed asset is indicated in line 2350 "Other expenses".

In addition, it is reflected in the notes to the balance sheet and the statement of financial results in the section "Fixed assets" in column 6 "Disposed of objects".

Other costs associated with the liquidation of a fixed asset (for example, for its dismantling, disassembly, etc.) are also indicated in line 2350 "Other expenses" of the Statement of Financial Results.

After disassembling or dismantling the equipment, values ​​(parts, assemblies, assemblies) may remain that can be used in production. The accountant must capitalize them at market value (the price of possible implementation). This rule is applied in both accounting and tax accounting.

The amount of such income is indicated in line 2340 "Other income" of the statement of financial results.


JSC "Tender" dismantled and decommissioned the machine due to its obsolescence. The initial cost of the machine is 130,000 rubles, the accrued depreciation is 40,000 rubles.

After dismantling, materials and spare parts were obtained, which the company plans to use in the future.

Their market value is 50,000 rubles.

The costs of dismantling the machine amounted to 10,000 rubles. Dismantling was carried out by the "Tender" repair shop.

The Tender accountant must make the following entries:

DEBIT 01 subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets" CREDIT 01
- 130,000 rubles. - the initial cost of the machine has been written off;

DEBIT 02 CREDIT 01 subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets"
- 40,000 rubles. - the accrued depreciation has been written off;

DEBIT 91-2 CREDIT 01 subaccount "Disposal of fixed assets"
- 90,000 rubles. (130,000 - 40,000) - the residual value of the machine was written off;

- 10,000 rubles. - the costs of dismantling the machine have been written off;

- 50,000 rubles. - the parts left after dismantling were capitalized;

- 50,000 rubles. (90,000 + 10,000 - 50,000) - the loss from the write-off of the machine is reflected.

The amount of expenses for the liquidation of the machine was 100,000 rubles. (90,000 + 10,000). This amount will be indicated on line 2350 of the statement of financial results. Income from liquidation in the amount of 50,000 rubles. you need to reflect on line 2340 of the statement of financial results.

How to take dismantling into account when calculating taxes

If you dismantled the OS, this has its tax implications.

Income tax

When calculating income tax, the costs of the liquidation of fixed assets should be included in non-operating expenses. This applies to both the residual value of the dismantled fixed asset and the costs associated with the liquidation of property. The basis is subparagraph 8 of paragraph 1 of Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When using the accrual method, take into account the expenses in the period in which the act on the performance of work on the liquidation of the fixed asset was signed. This follows from subparagraph 3 of paragraph 7 of Article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

With the cash method, reflect the liquidation costs as they are paid if there is an act on the performance of liquidation work (clause 3 of article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Both with the accrual method and with the cash method, the unaccounted depreciation is written off at the date of issuing the act of writing off the fixed asset.

If, after dismantling, the remaining parts or materials are capitalized, then reflect their cost as part of non-operating income on the basis of paragraph 13 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to show income regardless of whether the received property will be used in the future in activities aimed at generating income or not (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 05.19.2008 No. 03-03-06 / 2/58).

With the accrual method, the date of receipt of income will be the date of signing the act on liquidation of the fixed asset (subparagraph 8, clause 4 of article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If you use the cash method, reflect income in the form of the cost of raw materials or materials received after the liquidation of the fixed asset, as of the date of their posting in accounting (clause 2 of article 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The cost at which raw materials, materials, etc. are reflected in tax accounting, should be determined taking into account market prices. In tax accounting, this will be non-operating income.

When releasing materials for production or subsequent sale, reflect their cost, respectively, as part of material costs or costs from sale. In this case, the value that can be taken into account when calculating income tax, define as the amount that was previously accounted for as income (paragraph 2, clause 2, article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Special modes

For firms and entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system with the object of "income", the dismantling of fixed assets does not in any way affect the amount of the single tax (clause 3.1 of article 346.21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Simplifiers with the object "income minus expenses" can write off the costs of dismantling fixed assets during taxation both on their own and with the participation of a contractor (clause 1 of article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The dismantling of fixed assets does not affect the amount of UTII, because the basis for the single tax is imputed income (Article 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Should you recover VAT?

If the contractor who carried out the dismantling is the payer of the UMTS, then the amount of the tax charged by him can be taken for deduction according to the general rules by virtue of the direct norm - paragraph 6 of Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

However, officials believe that in connection with the "early" decommissioning of fixed assets, the company has a VAT obligation: if the useful life of the facility has not expired, the payer must recover the amount of input VAT attributable to the residual value of fixed assets. This was indicated by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in a relatively fresh letter dated 17.02.2016
No. 03-07-11 / 8736. Since fixed assets are no longer used in VAT-taxable transactions -
there is no right to deduction.

If the accountant decides to follow this instruction, he will make transactions:

DEBIT 91 subaccount "Other expenses" CREDIT 19
- included in other expenses the amount of input VAT on the contractor's services;

DEBIT 91 subaccount "Other expenses" CREDIT 68 subaccount "Calculations for VAT"
- the amount of VAT was restored on the under-depreciated part of the cost of the fixed asset that was dismantled.

It is possible to disagree with the requirement to recover VAT on the residual value of fixed assets. Closed list of grounds on which it is necessary to restore VAT (clause 3 of article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
does not provide for such a basis as the decommissioning of the OS.

This conclusion is in last year's letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 17, 2015 No. GD-4-3 / 10451
and dated May 21, 2015 No. GD-4-3 / 8627. In both documents, the tax service relies on the position
decision of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of 23.10.2006 No. 10652/06 and to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07.11.2013
№ 03-01-13/01/47571.

Tax consultantTamara Petrukhina

Engineering communications in old apartment buildings are increasingly failing today after 20–40 years of operation. And if it is not so difficult to change pipes, then everything is much more complicated with the intra-apartment electricity network. In such a situation, replacing electrical wiring in an apartment often turns into a problem. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to do this during a major overhaul of a home, since it will not be possible to repair something and patch it quickly here. Electrical wiring often has to be completely relocated.

Statement of a question

If the house is old and more than 30 years old, then the electrical wiring in the apartment must be changed without fail and as soon as possible. In the Soviet years, all of it was made of aluminum wires and according to the TN-C scheme (with a dead-grounded neutral). This option was the cheapest and easiest to implement, and it was used everywhere.

But over time, it turned out that aluminum conductors under a constant voltage of ~ 220 V gradually degrade and become brittle. As an inevitable consequence - short circuits and fires.

Plus, the TN-C grounding scheme itself is not very practical in terms of safety. When the PEN conductor breaks, the protection against electric shock in such a network actually ceases to exist. Therefore, at the first opportunity or during a major overhaul in the apartment, such wiring should be completely changed. Moreover, not only electrical wires are subject to replacement, but also the switchboard and switches with sockets.

Wiring options

What needs to be done to replace

To replace the electrical wiring in an apartment, you must:

  1. Develop a project and a wiring diagram.
  2. Dismantle the old network.
  3. Lay new electrical wires (open or closed).
  4. Install and connect wiring accessories and lighting devices with switches.
  5. Install a protected switchboard.
  6. Check the created power grid as a whole and each individual line for short circuits.

There is nothing fundamentally complicated here. With minimal wiring skills, everything can be done by hand. However, such a replacement must necessarily be done step by step, step by step and with strict adherence to the rules of the PUE.

Scheme development

Drawing up a wiring diagram for the apartment allows you to clearly determine the required amount of consumables and the amount of work. It indicates all consumers of electricity and the location of sockets, switches, etc.
The highlight here is total power consumption.

When a plan is being prepared for a new electrical wiring in a private house outside the city, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications from the power engineers in advance for the kilowatts supplied to the site. Usually it is about 5-15 kW.

The apartment electricity network already exists and is already connected to the common house network. And most often the value of the allowed power for it fluctuates between 1.3-5 kW. Only in modern high-rise buildings without gas stoves this parameter can reach up to 10 kW.
When replacing electrical wiring, it is impossible to go beyond the set maximum. This will lead to an accident and the operation of protection on the common network, and then ZhEKovskie electricians will instantly calculate the problem apartment and make a claim. The existing permitted capacity must first be found out in the housing office, and only then start from these figures and divide the intra-apartment consumers into groups.

Wiring diagram in the apartment


Formally, everything that is in the apartment is the property of the landlord. Therefore, in principle, the internal wiring can be changed as desired. However, if this is done with errors and after an accident occurs with the victims, then all responsibility will fall on such a homemade owner.

Strict requirements for approval by the Housing Inspection apply only to redevelopment. Normal replacement of wiring does not apply to this category of work. But with global changes in the intra-apartment network and its complete alteration with the connection of an electric boiler or an electric stove with high power, you will still have to order a plan and agree on it at the housing office (or with power engineers, depending on the region). But it is possible to simply shift the wires with the replacement of old aluminum ones to new copper ones without going through the authorities.

Laying of electrical wiring

Self-installation of electrical wiring in an apartment will be cheaper than the alternative with a call of professional electricians. However, if there are no skills for such work, and "kilowatts", "RCD", "grounding" and "amperes" are some completely incomprehensible terms, then it is better to turn to professionals. Otherwise, you can take on the replacement of the wiring in the apartment yourself.

Layout of sockets for kitchen appliances

Preparation of materials

When choosing copper wires in cross-section for intra-apartment wiring, it is recommended to focus on the following standards:

  1. For an electric stove and other similar powerful consumers, cores of 6 mm2 are needed (an automatic machine on the line - 32-40 A).
  2. For sockets and for a household air conditioner, 2.5 mm2 is required (automatic machine 16–20 A).
  3. For lighting groups, 1.5 mm2 is enough (automatic machine 10-16 A).

It is recommended to install sockets at the rate of one per 6 squares of living space in the room. If an RCD is also installed after the circuit breaker, then it must exceed the circuit breaker in amperes by 10–20%. It is best to take the cable VVG, PVS or NYM.

Types of cable for wiring

If you run a separate wire from the panel to each outlet, then their total footage in the created electrical network will be huge. Usually, junction boxes for electrical wiring are installed in the apartment and the wiring is done in groups. This option is cheaper and the trunking requires a smaller size.

Layout of electrical appliances in the hall

Stages of work

Self-replacement of electrical wiring in your apartment is a lot of work with a puncher and construction dirt. Usually, intra-apartment wires are laid in a hidden way into grooves in the walls, which you will have to do yourself. It will be necessary to gouge even in a panel house; it is not always possible to run new cables in the existing cavities in the panels. Often these channels are filled with concrete in some places.

How to hide cables without chipping walls

Dismantling old wiring

Before starting to dismantle the old wiring in the apartment, it must be completely de-energized by turning off the general apartment switch in the dashboard on the floor. After that, you should check the presence of voltage in the sockets using a screwdriver indicator or a voltmeter. Only after checking can you proceed to further work on replacing the cables.

Layout and preparation of walls in the apartment

To simplify the installation of wiring around the apartment, first, all wiring lines and places for mounting sockets, junction (wiring) boxes and switches should be marked on the walls. Then you can start chipping and cutting holes for socket boxes.

Wall markings for wiring

Laying of electrical wiring

It is recommended to do internal wiring in a wooden house in an open way with laying wires in cable channels. And in apartments it is customary to mount it on the contrary, hidden. It is then easier to close such a layout with decor, and the risk of its damage subsequently is minimal. Fixation of electrical wires in the grooves is done with dowel clamps or plaster mortar.

Placing electrical appliances in the corridor

Installation of protective systems

In many old high-rise buildings, in principle, it is impossible to lay a three-core wire with a grounding core from the shield into the apartment. This is not provided for by the project. But in some apartment wiring is two-core, but it is possible to change it without problems to a modern three-core. You just need to correctly connect everything in the dashboard on the floor.

The possibility of converting the Soviet electrical wiring TN-C to a more reliable version of TN-S or TN-C-S should be checked with the electricians of the housing office. It is strictly forbidden to change anything in the floor panel on your own. This grounding in a private house can be done by yourself, in an apartment building everything is much more complicated.

The calculation of the parameters of RCDs and difavtomats should be entrusted to a specialist in this field without fail. Mistakes here are fraught with serious problems.

What if the wiring in the house is out of order or needs to be replaced to be able to use powerful technology? Dismantling will be required, which is performed by "biting off" all cables coming from the junction box and current-sensing elements. A home craftsman can also cope with this task with a small list of tools and the necessary knowledge. If the work turns out to be more difficult than it seemed at first glance, it is better to call the electricians.

Features of dismantling electrical wiring in the house In modern buildings, open wiring is increasingly preferred, which simplifies access to the cable. It can be replaced very quickly, but with closed wiring, everything is more difficult. To get the old wires embedded in the wall, the master will have to use a chasing cutter or puncher. You can, of course, leave them under the plaster, but where is the guarantee that they will not interfere with the installation of new wiring? Another disadvantage is possible oxidation of the cable, which will lead to stains on the repaired surfaces of the walls and ceiling. Not every house has a diagram on which it is clearly marked where the wires pass. Dismantling is performed by cutting them off in advance from the de-energized electrical panel. You can learn more about the features of dismantling work in the section http://elektrodoka.ru/demont... You can also call the master there if you cannot cope on your own.

What tool is needed for dismantling work All types of electrical work require the use of almost the same tool. Such a universal set for dismantling electrical wiring includes: - wire cutters for cutting wires;
- pliers;
- indicator screwdriver;
- cable knife;
- voltammeter;
- screwdrivers (flat and Phillips). You will also need more expensive equipment - a hammer drill or a wall chaser. With these devices, you can quickly get to the wires passing through the walls. Some craftsmen try to pull out the cable without using a puncher, but this is fraught with severe damage to the plaster and breakage of the current-collecting elements. Eliminating the consequences of such actions can be more expensive than buying or at least renting an electrical tool.

Remember about safety: a memo to the home craftsman If a person decides to independently dismantle the electrical wiring, and does not turn to specialists, he must know the basic safety rules:

Before starting dismantling work with wiring, it must be disconnected from the mains and make sure that the wires are no longer energized (this can be done using an indicator or voltammeter);
- it is forbidden to use insulating materials that have not been specially developed for working with electricity;
- the presence of a special tool and protective clothing is required;
- when replacing the wiring later, use cables that are suitable in terms of their parameters for the planned load.

Compliance with the rules is the key to the safe and correct performance of work on dismantling old wiring.