Decorative plaster in chalet style. The chalet style in the interior is Alpine simplicity and naturalness. Selection of household appliances

Chalet-style bedroom design allows you to achieve amazing results. The result is a cozy and warm room, characterized by functionality and simplicity. Naturalness and graceful nobility are very similar to the chalet with country style in interior design. A similar finish is suitable for a bedroom in country house or a small city apartment. This is a fashionable and stylish choice for a modern home.

Characteristic features of the chalet style

The chalet style is often called Alpine. This is due to its occurrence in the mountain French province approximately in the 16th–17th centuries. In those rooms everything breathed naturalness, unity with nature. IN modern design specialists try to achieve as much as possible the original beauty and naturalness of the finish.

The chalet style is perfect for decorating a bedroom. It calms and relaxes; you want to return to such a room every day.

Among the main features of the direction are the following.

  • Calm colors. Bright colors that irritate the eyes are unacceptable in this style. The best way fit shades of beige, brown, calm yellow, light green and others.
  • Accents from natural wood . The presence of wooden finishing elements is a prerequisite for this direction. Thanks to this design, the bedroom looks luxurious and expensive.
  • Antiques. Even if it is not possible to use truly old interior items, you need to use the option of artificial aging for furniture. The use of antiques will make the interior even more luxurious.
  • A large number of lighting fixtures . Floor lamps, sconces, candles and textile lamp shades will help you place bright accents in the room. There should be enough of them so that the room is filled with soft, cozy light.

  • Simple but functional furniture. To give the style of a real “hut”, designers It is recommended to use simple and concise furniture models. Fashionable modern items can only complicate the situation and make it ridiculous.
  • Equipment that fits ergonomically into space. This style assumes the absence of a large amount of technology. Therefore the supposed gadgets should be disguised using various design tricks . For example, come up with a special cabinet for the TV.

Important! The chalet style is very self-sufficient and is perfect for decorating a bedroom in a spacious city apartment or country house.

Chalet style bedroom design

One of the main accessories of the “cabin” style is the fireplace. If it is impossible to equip a real fireplace, you can pay attention to electric models with imitation of natural fire. It is better to decorate the surface of the wall around the fireplace with large stones.

It is also recommended to decorate the room with paintings, stuffed animals and hunting paraphernalia. It is very important to follow the color scheme, excluding bright and contrasting shades. Choose furniture of appropriate design and suitable textiles.

Choosing suitable furniture

The main item in any bedroom is the bed. It is better to choose it from natural wood, massive, large. It is equipped with two bedside tables and massive armchairs. At the same time, the furniture should not interfere with free movement around the room.

Things can be stored in an artificially aged or rare chest, as well as in a chest of drawers. The main thing is to choose furniture with matte facades. Gloss is inappropriate in this direction.


Textiles in the form of bedspreads, embroidered pillows and blankets will help to significantly enliven the interior. Linens with alpine patterns, knitted blankets and patchwork blankets are the best option to complement the interior.

The pillows on the bed will be an original detail. They can be arranged in a chaotic order or arranged in a pyramid. Pillowcases should be made exclusively from natural fabrics. This way the bedroom will be as close as possible to the rustic image of mountainous France.

Important! Window openings can be left completely open or curtained with thick curtains made of cotton or linen in discreet natural shades.

Interior details

The main goal of decorating a bedroom in a chalet style is to create a unique comfort for family members to relax. To achieve this state, you need to create maximum comfort in the bedroom.

Some decorative elements can help with this.

  • Animal skins and hunting trophies. Skins are most often used to cover the floor or bed, and stuffed animals are hung on the walls. These decorative elements create an unusual atmosphere in the room.
  • Paintings with landscapes. Reproductions or large paintings hung on the walls will look good against the general background.
  • Figurines. You can place interesting figurines on horizontal surfaces. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decor.
  • Braided rugs. Handmade products will add coziness and comfort.
  • Candlesticks. Beautiful candelabra will create an intimate atmosphere.
  • Floral compositions. Fresh or dried flowers, arranged in bouquets, can liven up the atmosphere.

The interior does not require a lot of decoration. You can use handmade products. For example, embroidered pillows and tapestries work well. This will add to the bedroom home comfort and comfort.

Organization of lighting in a chalet-style bedroom

The issue of lighting must be considered very carefully. A bedroom of this type requires a large number of different lighting fixtures that will provide enough light in the room. But at the same time lighting should be subdued, dim, and create an intimate environment for relaxation.

Good fit desktop and floor lamps with textile lampshades, and wall sconces . Very helpful in achieving perfect resultbeautiful candelabra with lit candles. They will give you that relaxed atmosphere in which it is so pleasant to relax.

All elements of furniture and decor should create a certain mood and provide the owners with a place where it is so pleasant to relax. Subdued light and the comfort of numerous rugs, pillows and blankets provide the opportunity to relax as much as possible after a hard day of work.

The chalet-style bedroom interior combines functionality with simplicity and romance. Given style decision has similar features to country design, attracts with its elegant nobility, comfort and naturalness.

In this style you can decorate a bedroom in a spacious country cottage, and in a small apartment. This room is intended primarily for relaxation, so the furnishings must be appropriate.

To create a comfortable environment, a bed equipped with nightstands and a few other pieces of furniture are enough. This design looks very original in a bedroom located in the attic - the beveled beams on the ceiling are of interest.

Beam structures can be customized to suit your needs.

Key Features

Before you start creating a chalet-style bedroom interior, you need to study the main features of this trend.

The chalet style appeared in late XVI- early 17th century in a mountainous French province, on the border with Austria and Switzerland in a picturesque area where people felt close to nature. The first buildings were built from reliable materials of natural origin, protecting them from cold and bad weather. The inside and outside of the building was decorated with stone and wood.

The modern interpretation of the chalet style has absorbed the original meanings that filled the village houses.

In this style you need to pay attention to every element. Such scrupulousness ensures simplicity and at the same time practical arrangement space.

The main features of this style include:

  • use of materials safe for health;
  • dominance of natural shades;
  • massive furniture;
  • presence of a fireplace.

Chalet-style interiors are characterized by warmth, subdued lighting and a predominance of natural colors in the decoration. Naturalness gives them a special charm.

Decoration Materials

Chalet presents own requirements to the choice of finishing materials for decorating surfaces and furniture. Since it appeared in the provinces, it is characterized by simplicity and even roughness in facing surfaces.

If the room is located in the attic or under the roof, there is no need to mask the beams, you just need to apply a varnish coating to them.

Roughly jutting ceilings blend perfectly with the rest of the space.

Important! All materials must be environmentally friendly and contribute to bringing people closer to the natural world.

Surfaces should look natural and natural, therefore the most good choice textured plaster is used for wall cladding. A good solution would be to install a fireplace lined with masonry in a bedroom with a chalet-style interior.

The stone is great for decorating wall surfaces in the fireplace area.

Stone inserts are also welcome in the floor covering in front of the fireplace. To make the room unique, forged parts are used, preferably made in a forge. Such elements may include bars on windows, handles on doors, due to which the interior takes on a rustic feel.

The design should be dominated by soft, muted shades. Among the most successful colors are the following tones:

  • gray with an ash tint;
  • brown;
  • green.

Important! Avoid in color scheme pronounced contrasts, the chalet style attracts with its lightness and naturalness.

To soften the atmosphere, use leather furniture, upholstery with pile, and fur accessories. light color, rugs matched to the color of the floor covering.

Animal skins on a wooden floor look impressive, making the atmosphere more cozy and comfortable.

Natural materials should be used in surface finishing and one of the most good decisions is wood. The walls, decorated with wood, evoke associations with hunting lodges lost in the mountains. In such rooms there is an atmosphere of romance, which is especially important for the bedroom.

Wood is also suitable for decorating the ceiling; wooden flooring. Tree different varieties often aged to make the finish look more stylish and laconic.

Quite often the walls are plastered and then painted white. If the room is small, the design should be dominated by light colors, which contribute to the visual expansion of the boundaries of the room.

On a note! When creating a chalet-style bedroom interior, you can complement it with features of other style solutions, for example, a loft. Original combination styles will give the room a memorable look.

But please note that modern trends It’s better not to combine it with a chalet; pretentious elements are unacceptable in such a design.

In the attic

Initially, the word chalet was used to refer to wooden huts of hunters, lost in the mountains. Such houses most often consisted of two floors and had a protruding pediment. Modern attics, in which bedrooms are often equipped, are reminiscent of mountain houses.

The interior of a chalet-style bedroom located in the attic must include the following attributes:

  • wooden beams on the ceiling;
  • furniture with leather upholstery;
  • hunting trophies on the walls;
  • numerous pillows on the bed;
  • textiles with hand embroidery;
  • fireplace.

Main distinctive feature attic bedroom – ceilings. Wooden beams give the room a special flavor. Complemented with other interior elements, they turn the bedroom into an Alpine chalet, ideal for relaxation.

Color palette

Let's take a closer look at the color scheme in chalet-style interiors.

In this direction, variegated color schemes are not used. Placing bright accents is acceptable, but they also need to be carefully thought through.

In such interiors, shades of gray are welcome, dark colors red, chocolate, milk beige.

For small bedrooms should be used light shades, for example, beige, and for larger ones, darker tones (cherry, walnut) are more suitable, preserving the warmth of the interior.

When choosing colors, do not forget that the finish should look simple and natural, avoid pretentiousness.

Playing with contrasts can be used to zone a room and highlight individual elements.


The main piece of furniture is the bed, equipped with nightstands and two comfortable armchairs. Organize the space so that you feel freedom; furniture should not interfere with movement around the room.

The ideal solution would be a bed made of solid wood. But dimensions are not the main thing; you need to choose the mattress wisely. Make the bed beautiful bedspread or even an animal skin, and arrange pillows.

Suitable for storing clothes and pastel accessories old chest of drawers. Items can also be placed in drawers on the bed podium. A chest of drawers equipped with a folding shelf can be used instead of a table.

Attention! For a bedroom with a chalet-style interior, choose furniture with matte facades; glossy products should be abandoned; they are not appropriate in this direction.

All furniture must be made of natural wood. Don't try to replace wooden furniture plastic, veneered or finished with plasterboard.

If possible, bedroom furniture with a chalet interior can be made to order, as well as other interior components.


Textiles will help revive the interior. Cover your bed with linens decorated with national ornaments or try combining monochrome throws with blankets made from colored rags.

A hand-made patchwork bedspread will add uniqueness to the interior.

But don’t overdo it with bright details; remember that the basis of this style decision is naturalness, which brings it closer to the rustic way of life.

An original detail will be the numerous pillows on the bed, stacked in a pyramid: the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top. A combination of several colors is possible, but no more than three.

Choose pillowcases from natural fabrics.

Window openings are decorated with thick curtains; in the daytime they can be pulled apart to allow the sun's rays to penetrate into the room.

Linen or cotton curtains and raw wool fabrics will fit perfectly into such an interior. It is recommended to avoid tulle curtains.

You can put a small carpet with fluffy pile on the floor next to the bed. As additional accessories, you can use capes on pieces of furniture that are animal skins or cashmere shawls.

It's a good idea to cover the table with a tablecloth with original embroidery or a simple rustic pattern.

The chalet-style bedroom is decorated in colorful colors. Blanket self made makes the interior unique and inimitable.


One of the main attributes in a bedroom interior, decorated in a chalet style, is a fireplace.

It is important that the hearth is made in accordance with the general style, in this case the composition will look holistic. It is preferable that the stone cladding of the fireplace area matches the color scheme with the design of the wall surfaces and the floor.

You can put wood next to the fireplace to start a fire. If you are decorating a chalet-style bedroom in a city apartment, you can use electric model fireplace, since a real hearth is a luxury available only to the owners country houses.

Decorative artificial fireplaces are becoming more and more popular.

Gatherings near hearth and home on cold winter evenings will help you find peace of mind.

See luxurious examples and learn the main nuances and character traits style when arranging a kitchen space.

Read about the features and methods of implementing the shabby chic style in the bedroom interior.


Lighting is given great importance in shaping the image of a bedroom, for the design of which a chalet style solution was chosen. You can use one light source - a chandelier on the ceiling, but it is preferable to create dim lighting.

Table lamps with a classic configuration and floor lamps are perfect for such an environment.

Lighting devices create cozy atmosphere, fill the room with warmth, so their choice must be approached responsibly. A floor lamp emitting soft light is conducive to reading magazines and books.

There is nothing more pleasant than to settle down in comfortable chair, wrap yourself in a blanket and immerse yourself in the twists and turns of the story described in the book, and even sip hot tea. It is also wonderfully relaxing to contemplate the winter landscape opening from the window.

Bright lighting in a chalet-style bedroom is unacceptable, because this room is intended for relaxation.

Avoid fancy lamps with modern design they do not fit into a simple village setting. You can hang it in the center of the ceiling surface classic chandelier, but it is preferable to use Spotlights for dim light.

Try to create intimate lighting in your bedroom so that you can relax comfortably and spend time with your loved one.


Let us dwell in more detail on the choice of accessories for a bedroom with an interior decorated in a chalet style. the main objective When selecting decorative elements, the goal is to create a cozy, relaxing environment.

The most popular accessory in such interiors is animal skins. They cover the bed and floor. Hunting trophies also fit organically into such a setting. You can place figurines on the table, and decorate the walls with paintings depicting natural landscapes.

Tapestries, items decorated with hand embroidery, wicker rugs, candlesticks - these are the most suitable decorative elements for a chalet-style setting.

Since the chalet originated in a picturesque area, such interiors are often decorated with fresh flowers and dried plants - floral compositions enliven the room.

When decorating a bedroom, it is important to be guided by individual wishes so that you feel as comfortable as possible, and do not forget that all components of the interior should be combined with each other, forming a single picture.

Chalet style design is becoming more and more popular. This design is suitable for rooms for various purposes, including the bedroom. This interior design option is characterized by simplicity, restraint and elegance; it is characterized by a special charm and comfort.


The decor of the bedroom, designed in this direction, despite the predominance of rustic motifs, evokes admiration for its elegance and is conducive to relaxation. This design can be used to decorate bedrooms in country mansions and ordinary apartments.

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Fall asleep surrounded by pure wood, where the whole room is saturated with its subtle smell, wake up watching the play of the first sun rays on light walls... This is a pleasure that is available to residents of country houses, as well as owners of modern urban spaces, this is a chalet-style bedroom, which is the subject of this article.

The attic is ideal for it - this is where you can effectively play up the sloping ceilings. But any other room will turn out just as good if you spare no time and money on decoration.


  • Bed

"Features of a chalet bedroom"

In the bedroom it can also be implemented in a small room. If you pay attention to the ones presented, you will see that even in spacious houses, rather modest rooms are allocated for the bedroom. And the point is not about saving space, but about the fact that the bedroom has only one function - a place to sleep. There are no storage systems here - it is better to allocate a separate room for the dressing room, which will be accessible from the bedroom. And since it is not customary to saturate a chalet-style bedroom with decor, it becomes necessary to find a place only for a bed and a couple of additional pieces of furniture.


Usually it combines three materials - wood, stone, plaster. Wood is used almost everywhere here, including the floor, ceiling and walls. You shouldn’t combine different shades and play with tones; choose one tone you like, which will determine the style of the room. Fans of both cold and warm palettes will be able to choose the right one for themselves - the interior can be gray-ash, straw or chocolate.


If you are setting up a real chalet that you will visit only on weekends, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one fireplace in the living room. On vacation, you will want more warmth, so a fireplace, electric or real, can be installed even in the bedroom or. It will take up little space in the interior of a chalet-style bedroom, but will become a noticeable decoration of the room.


The furniture in the bedroom is a large bed, a bedside table and a pair of armchairs. But in conditions limited space the interior will not look empty. Everything is quite organic and comfortable.


  • The shape of the bed rarely differs from a simple classic one, and it is not always immediately recognizable - after all, it is covered with numerous bedspreads and pillows. Typically, models do not have a headboard at all, or it is just a “fence” of the same wooden planks. The key to the right bed is not at all pretentious appearance, but a high-quality mattress on which your body will receive long-awaited rest. And of course, king size – there’s plenty of room for it.


Animal skins or fluffy fabrics with animal prints are often chosen as bedspreads for a chalet-style bedroom design, but muted and unobtrusive - leave the zebra stripes for a colonial style.

  • If your soul asks for color, feel free to purchase textiles with national patterns or mix aristocratic gray blankets with grandma’s patchwork quilts. Just keep a certain line that prevents a minimalist chalet from turning into unbridled country music; after all, the hero of our article is more strict.

  • There should be a lot of pillows on the bed; usually they are laid out in a “ladder” from large to small. The combination is based on two, less often three colors; classic checks or soft patterns are welcome as prints. It is better to combine pillowcases according to the texture of the fabric, trying to match coarse linen, leather, shiny satin or thick fur. It is precisely such textured combinations that will bring the chalet style to mind.

  • Tulle on the windows is used extremely rarely; instead, simple thick curtains are hung, and during the day the room is open to the penetration of sunlight. Still lacking comfort? Buy a fluffy bedside rug and complement it with the same chair cover as in the chalet-style bedroom in the photo below.


In bedrooms you won’t find crystal chandeliers or Swedish lamps in colorful plastic shades. The light should be warm and bright enough, but the devices themselves should not protrude into the foreground. There is no need to chase the latest models that embody the triumph of design thought; the chalet style has a certain old-fashioned quality. The most beautiful thing can show off on the canvas simple chandelier or a lamp, or you can even limit yourself to point light.

A little more attention is paid to all kinds of table lamps and floor lamps. The chalet invites you to sink into an armchair with your favorite book or art album, so the lamps should create the right atmosphere for this. But the forms remain the same, simple. However, as we said earlier, the interior of a chalet-style bedroom does not like accessories - but choosing an original lamp, as in the photo below, in a design close to the classic one, is quite acceptable.

The style of the chalet is striking in its combination of grandeur and simplicity. He is able to surprise any beauty connoisseur, starting from villager and ending with an influential business owner in a metropolis. Some compare the chalet with rustic style due to his somewhat rudeness, but noble and unique design sometimes it’s simply mesmerizing. For this reason, connoisseurs of beauty, when renovating their home, choose this style. Many people choose a chalet-style bedroom

History of origin

The chalet style originates from France, bordering the Italian and Swiss borders. It was from there that for centuries he collected the majestic history of the Alpine mountains and the unique features of those places. The word “chalet” originally meant a rural house, which was built primarily from natural materials. Such a dwelling was built from stone and wood, and therefore was considered reliable enough to protect residents from all weather-related problems.

The foundation and first floor were made from stone, and the attic was created from beams, which acquired special beauty over time. For the climate of that area, this house was necessary because the winds prevailed there. The stone lay well on the uneven surface of the relief and reliably protected the home from any external influences.

In the last few decades, the chalet style has become so popular that this design is used not only in village houses, but also in city apartments. People associate it with the comfort and warmth of village houses, which are imbued with an atmosphere of warmth and fairy tales. Each decorative element is fully thought out so that not a single detail stands out.

The peculiarity of the chalet style is the decoration of the bedroom, for which natural materials are used. There are no unnecessary elements here, the room is simple and functional.

Features of interior decoration

To bring all the chalet style ideas to life, they use natural wood that is specially aged. This results in an appearance that resembles ancient, worn-out buildings. The floor and ceiling are made using wooden boards or panels (there should be convex internal beams). The walls are treated with plaster and whitewashed. Sometimes wood is used to cover all surfaces of the bedroom to create a cozy atmosphere.

Advantages of interior solutions

One of the main attributes in the house is a fireplace, which should complement the main interior and not stand out from other elements. It is best if it is finished with artificial stone, made in the color of natural wood. Decorative elements for kindling, which should be made of metal, will be beautifully located near the fireplace.

The bedroom walls should be decorated with large landscape paintings, stuffed animals and hunting weapons.

It is very important to choose the right pieces of furniture and textiles. It will be better if the furniture is covered with genuine leather, fur or wool. You can use all these materials in one interior - for example, on leather sofa lay a woolen cover. Linen curtains with leather inserts and dark carpet covering. A wicker chair will look original, as well as wooden table, chairs.

The chalet style does not tolerate a lot of light, because village houses did not have an abundance of lighting fixtures. Therefore, to organize lighting you need to choose old-fashioned lamps and lamps; forged candlesticks will also fit perfectly. Floor lamps should be made of natural wood and linen fabric.

Color palette

The character of the chalet style is determined not only by natural materials, but also by certain colors. It can be all shades of brown and green - with the addition of red and burgundy. Only natural natural colors can create a rustic design that can be diluted a little bright accents. But this must be done extremely carefully so as not to spoil the overall atmosphere.

The interior of the bedroom will be created by subdued light, thick plain curtains and lamps in the form of candlesticks on bedside tables. A chalet-style bedroom will appeal not only to older people, but also to modern youth.

Selection of household appliances

Chalet style is the embodiment ancient customs, so it is difficult to imagine it in combination with modernity. But these days, not a single home is complete without household appliances, which have made people’s lives so much easier. When buying household appliances for a chalet-style interior, it is better to choose brown colors. Nowadays, equipment manufacturers produce products in any color. As a last resort, the equipment is built into a bedroom set or hidden in a closet.

Any equipment that is in sight must have vintage look. It is this subtlety that creates the feeling of rural life in the old days.

Chalet style bedroom – perfect solution in the design of this room.
The chalet style originated in Switzerland in late XVIII- the beginning of the 19th century in the era of romanticism. Translated from French, the word “chalet” means “rural house”. This style originated in the Alps. Local hunters, shepherds and gamekeepers were the founders of this trend, which suddenly became popular.

A chalet-style bedroom is an excellent solution for decorating this room.

Hunting lodges and huts had their own distinctive features:

  • wooden roofs with wide eaves;
  • spacious balconies;
  • big windows;
  • decorative carved ornaments;
  • massive longitudinal and transverse wooden beams;
  • picturesque stone decoration of the lower facade.

The modest lifestyle typical of the Swiss Alps shaped the chalet style, which was first popularized in central Europe, and then throughout the world. Chalet fashion has survived to this day because it is practical and versatile. Coziness, warmth, comfort and order - these are the components that reveal the meaning of the design direction of the chalet. The style can be applied in a city apartment or country house. Among the rooms, the sleeping area is ideal for the chalet style.

The bedroom is a place of relaxation, so the atmosphere and interior decor should be calm. In this regard, the chalet bedroom is best choice among other style trends

The bedroom is a place of relaxation, so the atmosphere and interior decor should be calm. In this regard, the chalet bedroom is the best choice among other style trends.

The room does not have to be wide and spacious; the chalet style can be integrated into even the smallest room. For the bedroom furniture, a bed, a wardrobe and several nightstands are enough, the rest is a detailed design of the walls, ceiling and floor in a characteristic manner. In spacious and spacious rooms, you can “play” with various accessories: hang a stuffed head of a wild animal, deer or elk antlers, a fox tail, etc. on the wall, and throw a bear skin rug on the floor. The chalet-style bedroom (photo below) looks especially good in the attic. There are many options for placing furniture and arranging accessories in the attic.

The room does not have to be wide and spacious; the chalet style can be integrated into even the smallest room

Materials for a chalet-style bedroom

Apartments designed in wooden style are required condition handwriting chalet. Bedroom made of solid wood, will create the impression of a real alpine hut. Good wood, expensive natural furs, massive longitudinal and/or transverse beams, natural natural stones and forged products are the main markers for describing style. The natural colors of the chalet with a set of necessary accessories will fill your bedroom with a real alpine atmosphere, in which coziness, comfort and idyll will reign. The interior of the chalet makes you feel like you are somewhere in the mountain wilderness Swiss Alps, where picturesque green nature is combined with river flows and cascading waterfalls.

Important! The design solution for a chalet requires a thorough approach and certain conditions in the choice of materials.

Here everything should be distributed and harmoniously selected both for the ceilings and floors, and for the walls. After the designer’s “refinement”, some accessories should be combined correctly and with quality in order to fully recreate the main stylistic idea.

Apartments designed in a wooden style are a prerequisite for the chalet style

Chalet style wall decoration for bedroom

Walls can be finished textured plaster, natural wood or wooden wallpaper (veneer, thermal panels). It all depends on desire, financial capabilities and taste. In any case, the walls should be wooden or stylized as wood. There may be several options:

  • Textured plaster. It's more economical option compared to a tree. Texture lies in the fact that the walls should have some kind of decorative patterns. As a rule, for this purpose they hire a specialist (artist-plasterer) who will perform this hard work. Based on the proposed sketches, you need to choose the pattern you like, according to which furniture and accessories will be selected in the future. In order to match the style of the chalet, the walls should be made in pastel brown tones.

In order to match the style of the chalet, the walls should be made in pastel brown colors

  • Wood finish. Right choice is done in favor of a real tree. It is very common and popular construction material having many beneficial properties. Besides wood trim– it’s incredibly beautiful and elite. The most economical option is a board, timber or regular lining. The wood species is selected from the standard set: oak, pine, walnut, Karelian birch or cherry.
  • Sometimes even exotic tree species are used, depending on the requirements for the texture and dimensions of the desired panels. Using natural wood, the owner ensures constant moisture exchange in the room, as a result of which the microclimate in the room will be more comfortable. Popular methods of finishing walls with wood are lining, blockhouse and gusvarblok (wooden wallpaper).

Popular methods of finishing walls with wood are lining, blockhouse and gusvarblok (wooden wallpaper)

  • Wooden veneer wallpaper is a fairly popular imitation option. wooden wall. The veneer roll is made from expensive wood species and has a thickness of 0.1 to 0.7 mm. Today, wooden wallpapers have a wide range, because they can be made from more than 100 tree species. One of the advantages is that veneer wallpaper can be glued to radius surfaces, which cannot be done with previous types of materials. However, wooden wallpapers have a number of significant disadvantages: they change color when exposed to sunlight, quickly swell when in contact with moisture, can be susceptible to infection by fungi or attack by insect pests, have low corrosion resistance and a high degree of fire hazard.

  • Panel wallpaper based on thermowood. This option is an alternative to veneer wallpaper. Thanks to heat treatment, wood is able to maintain its appearance longer. Another advantage is that panel wallpaper is moisture-resistant, fireproof and protected from various diseases (fungus, insect pests). However, wooden thermal panels can only be used ideally flat surfaces. In general, panel wallpaper is an excellent solution for a bedroom in a chalet designer style.

In general, panel wallpaper is an excellent solution for a bedroom in a designer chalet style

Floor and ceiling in a chalet bedroom

The main feature of the design of chalet-style floors is ceiling beams. In a country house this should not be a problem, because the ceiling height is enough to accommodate large and massive elements. However, if this is normal city ​​apartment with modest ceiling heights, then certain difficulties arise here. You have to either completely abandon the chosen idea, or use less voluminous parts for beam structures. Is it possible to have a chalet-style bedroom in an apartment?

You can imitate beam structures in a city apartment by using wooden slats or natural board

You can imitate beam structures in a city apartment by using wooden slats or natural boards.

Advice! It is advisable to place the false beam at the joints of the ceiling. In this case, there will be no deviations from the chalet style, and the space in the small bedroom will not be cluttered.

In addition to beams, the ceiling itself is also finished with wood or painted plaster. Patterned ceiling plaster can have both light and dark color. Light colors - pastel, beige and white, and in rare cases, gray. Dark shades - brown, black, for example, ebony or bog oak, and also dark burgundy.

Chalet style floor design is determined by finishing decorative stone or natural wood.

The design of the chalet-style floor is determined by the finishing of decorative stone or natural wood

You can use absolutely all existing flooring materials made of wood - laminate, parquet and massive board. There should be no problems with the choice of material, because the range of each type of material is quite rich:

  • Parquet boards are a fairly economical and practical option. As a rule, parquet is made from natural wood, has good wear resistance and does not attract dust and dirt. One of the disadvantages is that the material may swell upon contact with water.
  • Laminate – cheap material for a floor that is made on the basis of high-strength fiberboard. It is distinguished by its ease and simplicity during installation and assembly. The range of laminate flooring is quite wide, both in the choice of style and in the choice of quality (thickness, number of layers and processing method). Its price also depends on these factors. First-class laminate can sometimes outperform parquet according to some quality criteria.
  • Solid boards are a natural and expensive material. Wood is durable and environmentally friendly, therefore it is considered the best for flooring.

You can use absolutely all existing wood flooring materials - laminate, parquet and solid boards

Bedroom interior in chalet style

The “Alpine” bedroom should be spacious and wide bed- the main attribute of the room. The interior of the furniture in the chalet bedroom should be full of massive and rough units, such as corner cabinets, high large chairs, heavy tables, etc. The main features of the style are naturalness and simplicity, so transforming tables, chair-beds and other high-tech accessories on control panels are not welcome here. They should be left for the high-tech style.

An “alpine” bedroom should have a spacious and wide bed - the main attribute of the room

The design of a chalet-style bedroom (photo below) should be endowed with comfort, coziness and warmth. Natural materials, natural tones and decorative carved ornaments - this is everything that is associated with the rural life of Alpine Switzerland. To achieve the desired effect, you can age some furniture. Worn leather and sun-bleached table will fill home interior warmth and comfort.

Attention! A must-have item on the floor is a nice touch pile carpet or natural animal skin. The room can also be furnished with various antique trinkets, these could be old tin lamps, earthenware sets, wicker baskets and other various attributes of rural life.

natural materials, natural tones and decorative carved ornaments - this is everything connected with the rural life of Alpine Switzerland

Chalet-style bedroom in the attic

A bedroom in the attic or under another roof is perfect for creating a chalet style, because it is in attic spaces Residents of Alpine villages landscaped their bedrooms. Existing beams should not be covered, they should be visible. It is advisable to simply coat them with a protective varnish to give the wood corrosion resistance. The interior of a chalet-style bedroom (photo below) in the attic should be rich in natural tones of natural wood.

A bedroom in the attic or under another roof is perfect for creating a chalet style, because it was in the attic rooms that residents of Alpine villages furnished their bedrooms

There should be a comfortable large bed, a bedside table and several decorative accessories. A bear skin on the floor and deer antlers on the wall will add a special charm. In the old days, many hunters stored these things in the attic.

There should be a comfortable large bed, a bedside table and several decorative accessories. The bear skin on the floor and deer antlers on the wall will add a special charm.

You still need to choose correct lighting. There are no prohibitions or restrictions in this regard, however, it is recommended to choose softer and subdued light. The interior of the attic can be equipped with picturesque floor lamps in the form of forged products or classic table lamps. This place should be intimate, calm and relaxing. Here you can relax, read a book or just think about your business in absolute peace. A chalet-style bedroom is a versatile and rational choice, which has remained practical and popular over the years.