How to treat an apple tree for aphids. Aphids on an apple tree. What to do? Preparation of tobacco infusion

Aphids cause enormous damage to the apple tree. It not only destroys young shoots, which leads to weakening of the tree and reduced yield, but also spreads various diseases, some of which lead to the death of the apple tree.

An increase in the number of aphids on apple trees occurs in dry, hot weather. In rainy, cool summers, aphid development stops.

In May-June, the apple tree grows new shoots and accumulates in the leaves. maximum amount nutrients. This process, coupled with air temperatures above 25 degrees and the absence of heavy rains, contributes to the massive reproduction of aphids on the apple tree. Young succulent apple tree leaves serve as food for aphids. A sign of an apple tree being infested with aphids is the curling of the leaves.

Despite the fact that several generations of aphids appear during the summer, it is in June that they cause the greatest harm to the apple tree.

In June, fruits have already formed on the apple tree, so during this period you can use both chemical and traditional methods to destroy aphid colonies.

Folk and chemical remedies to combat aphids on apple trees

The symbiosis of aphids and ants will require gardeners to use comprehensive measures to combat these insects.

Ants in the garden are malicious pests that cause enormous damage to the area, primarily by breeding aphids. Ants feed on sweet milk produced by aphids. Without this milk, ants do not die (like people without sweets!), but these smart insects are designed in such a way that they are not ready to give up such pleasure. Therefore, they breed aphids, protect them, and transfer wingless aphids from one place to another when the supply of nutrients in the leaves is depleted. The destruction of aphids must begin with the destruction of ants.

Ant control agents

  1. There are many folk remedies for killing ants: pour boiling water, vinegar into their passages, pour hot ash, tobacco ash, mustard, pour out vegetable oil, treat with infusion of garlic and hot pepper. Destruction of the above-ground part of an anthill or their individual tunnels is not effective, since ants are known hard workers, and when exterminated, their population increases, and destroyed tunnels are quickly restored. To get rid of ants, you need to find and destroy the queen, which can be located at a depth of 0.5 to 1 meter.
  2. A good remedy against ants is to lay out baits. Baits can be purchased at gardening stores or made yourself using boric acid. The ants eat these baits themselves and take them to the anthill; after 3-5 days, the anthill with the larvae and the queen dies.
  3. To repel ants from the garden, you need to dig up and take the anthill away from the site.
  4. Another way is to “incite” a war between garden ants and those brought from the forest. Only if there are a large number of ants in the garden, five to ten forest ants may not be able to defeat them.

These methods give results for several years, after which the ants return to the site.

To prevent ants from spreading aphids to the apple tree, it is recommended to place hunting belts on the trunk and stem branches. There are many ways to create trapping belts on trees; foil, sticky fly tape, newspaper, velvet or foam rubber are used to make them. Ready-made hunting belts are available for sale. The principle of arranging such belts is the same: a tree trunk or branch is wrapped, tied with rope or tape, the ends are raised so that the ants cannot climb up and down from the tree.

Whether or not to treat such belts with insecticides depends on the degree of aphid infestation of the apple tree.

There is no need to wait for ants and aphids to appear on the trees; you can arrange such belts for the purpose of prevention, remembering to change them from time to time.

Ways to combat aphids

  1. Mechanical method. For small clusters of aphids, they can be removed manually. It is better to collect aphids in a wide, shallow pan with warm water.
  2. Traditional methods. After mechanical removal aphid leaves can be treated with a solution of water with the addition of ammonia, tar soap, and garlic infusion. Several similar treatments will be required during the summer. The main thing is to prevent large cluster aphids on one apple tree.
  3. Chemicals. If there is a high number of aphids on the tree, treat the apple trees with chemicals such as actara, karbofos, fitoverm. Repeat the treatment of apple trees after one to two weeks.

It is better not to wash away aphids with a strong hose jet on apple trees, as this is ineffective and can cause the spread of fungal diseases and harm young shoots.

It is necessary to alternate chemical and folk remedies treatments against aphids with mechanical ones - collecting aphids by hand, placing trapping belts for ants on the apple tree.

Preventive measures

A mandatory preventive measure to combat aphids on an apple tree is treatment with insecticides in October and April, before the buds open. This will help reduce the number of aphids, which settled under the bark for the winter in the fall, but have not yet woken up in the spring.

Plants that they and ants dislike will help reduce the aphid population: plant marigolds, basil, mustard, cilantro, parsley, dill, and garlic next to the apple trees.

When forming an apple tree, try to limit its height growth, this will make it easier to care for, including destroying pests.

A garden treated with pesticides and insecticides will not attract insects and birds. Under no circumstances should chemical treatments be carried out while apple trees are blooming; this will scare away the bees. It is necessary to attract ladybugs, lacewings, tits, linnets, and sparrows to your site, which will help in the fight against aphids.

To prevent aphids from infecting apple trees, be sure to control their numbers in your area. Carry out preventive measures, get rid of ants, and if apple trees are damaged, treat the trees with insecticidal preparations and folk remedies.


There are many ways to fight aphids on an apple tree. Gardeners use folk remedies, biological products, and chemical insecticides. Each of these control methods has advantages and disadvantages; before choosing the best one, it is necessary to study information about all of them.

Who do you have to deal with?

Aphids are the most common pest of vegetable gardens and orchards. The apple aphid is a small bug with a body length of no more than 7 mm. The color varies, since several species of similar insects of the same species live on a tree.

On a note!

Aphids on an apple tree pass short life cycle, but manages to produce huge offspring. The female lays up to 40 eggs at one time. From May to June, only females are born. Individuals do not need fertilization to reproduce offspring.

Closer to September, a generation of winged aphids appears. After the mating season, young females scatter across different trees. Eggs are laid on apple trees under the bark closer to the buds. In early spring, larvae emerge from them and immediately begin to wreck.

The insect sucks the juice from the leaves, damages young shoots, and leaves behind a sticky sweet substance that attracts ants, flies, wasps, and other insects. After the life of the aphids, the leaves turn yellow, curl, and die. The tree becomes vulnerable to diseases, and productivity is significantly reduced.

The branches on the apple tree seedlings dry out and stop developing and growing. In this state, young shoots are unable to survive. Dark spots, plaque, and mold appear on the leaves of the apple tree.

When to fight

It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the apple tree. Some species of apple aphids are able to migrate. Ants also help them move throughout the garden. It is necessary to take emergency action immediately after detecting pests, but it is better to do this in advance.

You can still destroy aphids in early spring when the leaves are just beginning to bloom. However, treatment in the spring is carried out only with folk remedies. The aphid poison lasts almost 20 days; its presence on the tree poses a danger to insects that must pollinate the flowers.

Aphids should be actively combated in June. At this time, their winter eggs will hatch and the adults will have time to set fruit. After flowering, it can be treated with any suitable means - folk, biological, etc.

It is not recommended to spray apple trees with chemicals 20 days before harvest. The break between treatments should be about a month. Otherwise, toxins penetrate into the human body along with apples.

The fight against aphids on apple trees during the period of active fruit ripening is carried out with biological products and folk remedies.

Biological methods

In nature, everything is interconnected; each insect is a link in a single nutritional chain. Many bugs prey on aphids but do no harm garden crops, ladybugs. To attract these insects to the garden, it is enough to plant dill near the apple tree.

You can get rid of aphids on an apple tree. In early spring, when the snow in the garden has just melted, a thick layer of ash is poured under the tree and the ground is dug up. Watered from above hot water. Ash penetrates the juice of the apple tree, it becomes bitter, which repels aphids.

It is possible to remove aphids and their eggs in the fall. They inspect the trees and break off damaged branches. This is what they do throughout the growing season of the apple tree. Leaves and shoots affected by larvae and eggs are torn off and burned.


Flowerbeds of calendula and peppermint are planted in the garden. Plant parsley. The smells of these plants repel aphids and help save the apple tree.

Biological products

If the question arises of how to treat an apple tree against aphids, you should pay attention to a safe drug. The active components of the product are waste products of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. A prominent representative of this category of funds is.


An effective remedy for aphids on apple trees is a new generation insecticide. Helps destroy aphids in a few days; most of the pests die during treatment.

Each gardener chooses methods of control individually for himself. The most reasonable solution is combination.

Folk remedies

If your garden is attacked by aphids, do not immediately run to the store for insecticide. They can cope with pests, which are prepared independently according to folk recipes. They can be used to treat apple trees during flowering, fruit ripening, and during any growing season.


On a young apple tree, aphids are especially dangerous. Action must be taken immediately. In this case it will help ammonia. against aphids is one of the most common remedies.

On a note!

The preparation is more suitable for short young apple trees, since it is recommended to apply it using a watering can. This is explained by the fact that in small sprays, ammonia quickly breaks down before reaching the leaves.

To prepare the solution you need 10 liters cold water dilute 50 ml of ammonia, add 40 g of any soap.

Insects, despite their small stature, can, having settled in the garden, cause a lot of harm to the trees planted in it. Aphids often settle on apple trees; if this happened before fruit set, then you can quickly get rid of it, and if after flowering, you should carefully choose a means to remove it.

Damage from aphids

Aphids reproduce by larvae, which the female lays in the fall. They can be brought into your garden with new seedlings, or the insects themselves will fly over from a neighbor’s plot.

Aphids on an apple tree

At first, they settle on young leaves and it can be very difficult to notice them, but then as their colony grows, they master new branches and trees, leaving behind a sticky mass - honeydew, which ants are so greedy for. All this leads to the suspension of photosynthesis of the tree’s foliage and the death of its shoots. But this will help you figure out how to get rid of aphids in the garden forever.

Types and characteristics of aphids

This insect belongs to the family of phytophages; they have a proboscis, with which they suck juice from plants and also violate the integrity of their surfaces. Aphids are small insects whose body does not exceed 7 mm. Their color can be different, it depends on the plant that the insect has occupied. In nature, there are black, light and dark green, pink, gray and orange aphids. Its gray and red-headed varieties live on apple trees.

In the video - aphids on an apple tree:

Aphid eggs tolerate frost well when they are on the bark of a tree, and in the spring the females that emerge from them establish a colony, which is so harmful to the apple tree.

At one time, a female can bring up to 40 larvae, the first hatched insects go without wings and colonize the lower part of the tree, and the females that appear in June already have wings, and they fly all over the crown of the tree. The most massive reproduction of these insects is observed in September.

Signs of defeat

The first signs of the appearance of aphids on an apple tree can be detected visually: its young leaves curl and gradually turn black. Red swellings are observed on mature foliage, which are precursors to curling. As the plant becomes infested with aphids, its foliage becomes sticky.

Harmful insects live on the inside of leaves and in buds; they not only cause damage themselves, but also transmit viral diseases.


Aphids appear on apple trees quite often, so taking this into account, you can try to prevent their settlement. It would be nice to build birdhouses on the tree; when you populate them with birds such as sparrows, linnets, robins and tits, you can be calm about the condition of the trees, they feed on aphids and they do not stay on them for long.

It would also be good if there were a lot of lacewings and ladybugs in the area with apple trees, which also feed on aphids, but anthills, on the contrary, need to be destroyed, since these insects protect the aphids that supply them with food.

Plants planted around it that will repel aphids will help save the apple tree from pests: garlic, calendula, onions, tansy, tomatoes and Dalmatian chamomile. But bird cherry and viburnum should, on the contrary, be transplanted outside the site; these trees attract aphids.

How to get rid of it?


They cannot be used when trees are in flower. Effective insecticides The following means are used to remove aphids from apple trees:

It is better to re-treat the apple tree with another product, preferably taken from folk recipes Otherwise, frequent use of chemicals may cause burns to the tree foliage.

Traditional methods

You can resort to manual collection of pests by wiping the foliage with a swab soaked in soapy water, or cut off all damaged leaves and branches and burn them. The following are recognized as proven methods for eliminating aphids among summer residents.

Soap infusion

This product envelops the insect’s body and prevents it from breathing, as a result of which the aphid dies. Such a solution is prepared from solid laundry soap, which is diluted with water, after being ground on a grater.

Soap infusion against aphids

You will need 300 grams of soap per bucket of water. If there is a liquid analogue, then given its high concentration, only 125 ml of soap is needed for the same amount of water. To enhance the effect of the given recipe, you need to add 1 cup vegetable oil. Here's how to divorce laundry soap from aphids, and what results can be achieved, is outlined

Ash infusion

This product has a double effect: it kills aphids and fertilizes the apple tree, as it is excellent fertilizer. After spraying with ash, the foliage on the tree becomes tough and unsuitable as food for insects.

Ash infusion

To prepare this remedy, you need to take 1 kg of wood ash and pour 8 liters of boiling water over it. It should sit in this consistency for two days, and then it should be strained. Bring the resulting volume to 10 liters, diluting with water and spray the crowns of apple trees in this form. For a better understanding, it is worth paying attention to:

Tomato infusion

It is prepared from its tops. The paradox is that aphids thrive on tomato bushes in the garden, but after consuming a solution based on their leaves they die. The product is completely environmentally friendly and demonstrates a high percentage of insect death after the first time of its use.

Tomato infusion

Onion infusion

Chop several small onions, take 40 g of the mixture and dilute it with water; you can also add onion peels to it to enhance the effect of the product. In the morning, after filtering the composition, add 5 g of soap into it.

Onion infusion

This prepared aphid repellent can be used several times a season; it is absolutely harmless. It may also be useful for you to learn about how an infusion of tobacco dust is used against pests, and what results can be achieved from

Garlic infusion

In a special garlic press, chop 5 cloves and fill them with 100 grams of water. Leave to infuse for a day, and then add 2 tsp. vegetable oil and half as much liquid laundry soap. Then add 2 liters of water and apply it to the trees.

Garlic infusion

A creative, but very effective way is to use vodka or Coca-Cola; you can put a spray bottle directly on their bottle and treat the affected areas on the apple tree.

To prevent aphids in the garden, you need to take preventive measures, but if the insect has already settled on the tree, then it is urgent to choose one of the given remedies. Even if aphids are detected once during the season, this will still serve as a signal for systematic treatment of apple trees.

Aphids are a rather unpleasant small insect that causes significant harm plants. Currently, there are more than 4,000 varieties, with the size of an individual not exceeding 4-6 mm. Large black clusters on the back sides of apple tree leaves and the trunk are aphids, one of the most dangerous pests in farming. Thanks to migration to air currents and rapid reproduction, the insect poses a serious threat to the entire apple orchard and nearby fruit and berry plantings. In the absence of proper treatment, aphids lead to the death of apple trees. Below we talk about the most accessible and popular ways to combat it.


Apple orchards are usually infested by red-headed aphids. It has characteristic external signs:

  • larva length up to 3 mm;
  • red head;
  • back and tail are black.

Eggs can be transferred low temperatures and overwinter directly on the trunk of the apple tree. The peak of breeding occurs in September. During this period, one female can give birth to up to 40 new individuals at a time.

The appearance of aphids cannot be missed, as the leaves begin to turn brown, curl and subsequently die. A sticky coating appears on the entire affected crown, which ants love.

Aphids not only eat leaves, but also carry serious viral diseases, so at the first sign you should immediately start fighting insects.

How to treat

Aphids are a serious problem for apple trees of all varieties, such as , and others, so the chemical industry is releasing several new chemical options to combat them. Those who are not a fan of treating with pesticides use traditional methods of control or natural biological ones. These solutions are more gentle for apple trees, but at the same time less effective and are possible at the earliest stage of the disease.

Each specific case uses its own method of control; gardeners often combine several methods, thereby achieving the most lasting result.

Aphids spread diseases that are almost impossible to get rid of. For example, gall formation and mutation of branches and fruits.


The most optimal time to treat apple trees with chemicals is early spring. Thus, you cause minimal harm to the development of the fruit and its composition. Otherwise, apples may absorb harmful substances and provide Negative influence on the body. Read about planting apple trees in spring.

Also in spring, the leaves just bloom and the active components cannot cause burns to them. But the larvae overwintering on the tree bark will be destroyed in their embryonic state.

Gardeners identify several of the most popular and easy-to-use products:

In addition to these, there is also Karate, Inta-Vir, which are distinguished by their economical use and high efficiency. All chemical compositions have a wide spectrum of action and destroy not only apple aphids, but also other types of insects. The above drugs, even in diluted form, have a high degree of toxicity, so they are used only at the budding stage. Next, more gentle materials are used, for example, Iskra or Cypermethrin.


Spark is available in tablet form, which is convenient for storing chemicals and diluting. 1 unit is applied per 10 liters of water, while for the highest effect, apple trees are sprayed every 3 weeks. At the same time, spraying of other varieties begins for preventive purposes immediately after flowering.

Over the entire period, apple trees are treated from 8 to 16 times. In this case, the most frequent spraying is necessary in southern latitudes.


Cypermethrin - causes complete paralysis of aphids, leading to death. This is a powerful drug that can kill larvae in one application. The substance is diluted in water according to the instructions, avoiding an increase in concentration. The latter is regulated depending on the stage of the disease. That is, in the presence of living individuals, the concentration of the active substance is increased.

All processing is carried out with rubber gloves and a respirator, as vapors can adversely affect the respiratory system. Watering cans and sprayers are used exclusively for chemicals. solutions.


Decis is the oldest drug and has been tested by gardeners. It has gained popularity due to its efficiency of use and wide range. They spray not only apple trees, but also pears, fruit bushes, apricots, plums. Find out about planting and caring for the Talgar beauty pear.

It is diluted according to the instructions, and the result is noticeable on the 3rd day after treatment. An analogue of Decis is the drug Aktara.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods good in the initial stage of the disease or as a complement to chemical treatment during flowering and fruit set. Gardeners prepare such preparations themselves from products growing on the site, or that are easily obtained in nature. He will tell you about treating currants against aphids.


Ash is the most popular and available for processing. It is added to the root system, sprinkled on apple trees, and also diluted in water at the rate of 400 ml of dry matter per 10 liters of water. In addition, for a more sticky effect, rub tar or laundry soap.

The ash is allowed to brew for about a day, then it is processed, trying to disinfect it reverse side leaf.

Sometimes they mix it with the ashes and onion skins or celandine. In this case, they insist for two days.


Ammonia or ammonia is diluted at the rate of one bottle per 15 liters of water. In this case, they spray either in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. This way you will protect the leaves from overheating and prevent them from burning.

Ammonia has a pungent odor, so you should wear a respirator or protective bandage before diluting. To increase the viscosity, laundry soap is added to the mixture.

Small, low apple trees and exclusively from watering cans are treated with ammonia. Because with fine spraying, ammonia evaporates from the solution and does not have a healing effect.


Tobacco is processed at any stage of the vegetative period. In this case, 2 methods are used:

Cunning gardeners initially plant tobacco between the rows of apple trees, strong smell which repels insects from the garden.


As can be seen from the previous methods, the soap base is present as a binder in all options. In this case, either laundry or tar soap is used. Grate a piece or use a natural version of liquid soap.

Soap is rarely used as an independent product; most often it is mixed with tobacco, ash or kerosene. Sometimes the components are combined in one product. Read about growing and caring for Ferruginous cherries in.


Aphids are afraid of strong-smelling spices: pepper, cinnamon. They are diluted in 10 liters of water along with soap and the apple tree is treated every 5 days.

Hot pepper in pods, in the amount of 100 grams, crushed and boiled in 1.5 liters. Then leave for 2-3 days, filter and dilute in cool water at a rate of 1 to 10. Immediately before spraying, add 40 g of soap.


Baking soda fights aphids and at the same time enriches the tree with calcium, has a disinfecting effect and promotes the regeneration of the green part of the apple tree.

The composition is usually made as follows:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 g soda;
  • 1 spoon of calcium chloride.

All ingredients are slightly heated to dissolve the soda and at the end 30 grams of soap are added.

It should be understood that traditional methods are not a panacea in the fight against aphids, and may not be effective in advanced stages.

Biological methods

Biological methods- Creation natural conditions, which contribute to the elimination of aphids. For example, there are plants that repel insects with their scent or ladybugs that happily eat aphids. Farmers also eliminate anthills in apple orchards, since ants love to breed aphids for their juice.

It is known that birds eat aphids, so gardeners build birdhouses near the garden, plant fragrant herbs and nettles, which attract birds to apple trees.

Birds that eat aphids: sparrows, robins, tits. Insects - ladybugs, flies, lacewings, wasps.


Biological preparations are made from extracts and essential oils natural plants and are more loyal in action compared to chemicals. These include: Aktarin, Aktofit and others.

The peculiarity of natural preparations is that they are used without reservations at all stages of the growing season, including during the ripening of buds.

What to plant under an apple tree

Experienced gardeners plant plants next to the apple tree that repel aphids. Thanks to this, you can avoid its appearance on trees in principle. These specialized plants include:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • marigolds or calendula;
  • tomatoes (suitable only for southern latitudes);
  • garlic;
  • tansy.

There is also a list of plants whose smell, on the contrary, attracts aphids:


The fight against aphids is long and exhausting, so it is best to prevent the disease than to treat it. In addition to planting plants that attract birds and insects, aphids, and repels pests with a spicy smell, there are a number of other preventive measures.

  1. The planting material is inspected carefully so as not to bring aphids into your garden from the outside with the new plant. Very often it hides in the root zone.
  2. Water and fertilize the plants more often and abundantly. Strong, elastic leaves are a sign of a healthy apple tree. It is almost impossible for aphids to settle on them.
  3. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers, including chicken droppings.
  4. Treat against aphids before wintering, this way you will protect the garden from new wave next season. To do this, the aphids are removed from the trunk with a scraper, the apple tree is disinfected, and the aphids are burned.


Video about ways to get rid of aphids on an apple tree.

Exhibition will tell you about the cultivation and description of the onion variety.

Although aphids are small and fragile, they are like weapons of mass destruction on garden plots. It appears in small quantities and then affects the entire plant. The devouring begins with small young leaves, and then goes on to the entire shoot. Aphid, together with ants, which protect them and carry them around the garden, becomes an invasion of a horde that can suck the juices out of all kinds of plants. Aphids can also appear on an apple tree, damaging the entire plant, including the fruits. Therefore you should know How fight aphids on an apple tree.

Causes of aphids

Most often the apple tree is attacked red-headed or gray aphid. Its length is 2-3 mm, its head is red, and its tail and back are black. Aphid eggs overwinter in the bark of an apple tree. Females appear in the spring, and later entire colonies may appear there. The females of these insects are very fertile, they can produce up to 40 larvae at once. In September, aphids reproduce most actively. Aphids prefer those plants whose leaves have a high content of amino acids. This often happens due to a lack of potassium and phosphorus, or excess nitrogen.

Signs of aphids on an apple tree

On a tree infected with hordes of aphids:

  • leaves begin to curl;
  • honeydew appears (sticky liquid on the leaves);
  • Many ants appear near the trees.

The tops of the shoots are the first to be attacked by aphids, because the leaves here are the most tender.

How to properly process trees

If found aphids on apple tree leaves, you should know how and when to properly treat plants against pests:


The main thing in the fight against aphids is to choose the right treatment time. This should be done in early spring, when the buds are just beginning to bloom. At this time, the leaves will not suffer from treatment with chemicals (they will not get burned), and the larvae will definitely suffer significant damage.

"Nitrophen" is the most effective and widespread remedy. It is used:

  • 200 grams;
  • diluted in 10 liters of water.

Important! Trees should be treated with the product before the buds begin to bloom.

The drug "Oleocuprit" is also considered highly effective. Infected trees are treated with a 4% solution to destroy aphid eggs.

"Kinmiks" is used before the apple tree begins to bloom. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for preparing the solution. After treatment, the drug immediately begins to act and works for 21 days. The solution destroys all harmful insects that feed on the sap of young leaves.

The drug "Karate" is quite economical; one bucket of solution can be used per hundred square meters of land.

"Inta-Vir" is very effective remedy. It destroys more than 50 types of harmful insects, including aphids.

Watch the video! How to fight aphids + aphid repellent

Most often, to completely destroy aphids, it is necessary to treat the trees several times. But then it’s worth using products that will not harm young leaves. These include:

  • "Spark";
  • "Decis";
  • "Cypermethrin."

“Iskra” is a product that destroys aphid larvae:

  • 1 tablet of the drug;
  • dissolve in a bucket of water;
  • spray trees during the growing season;
  • You can repeat the treatment after 3 weeks.

Interesting! According to statistics, apple trees are treated with pesticides in southern latitudes up to 16 times during the growing season, and in middle latitudes up to 10 times.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods differ in that they are effective and safe. Chemical substances, for all their effectiveness, enter the plant and soil, and, accordingly, the human body. Most often, solutions from folk ways made on the basis of laundry soap, which will add stickiness to the composition and will stick better to the plant.

Tobacco infusion

Prepare it this way:

  • 500 grams of tobacco;
  • dissolve in a bucket of warm water;
  • leave for a couple of days;
  • after this period, the solution is filtered and another 10 liters of water are added;
  • add 30-40 g of crushed laundry soap.



  • In 10 liters of water;
  • dissolve 3 cups of ash;
  • 40 grams of grated laundry soap;
  • The mixture is mixed well and left for 2 days.

This product will also be a good foliar feeding.

Tomato tops

  • 5 kg of green tomato leaves;
  • you need to fill it with 10 liters of hot water;
  • boil for half an hour.
  • 1 liter of prepared broth;
  • mix with 3 liters of water;
  • add 30 g laundry soap.

Hot peppers

To prepare a concentrated solution you need:

  • 100 grams of fresh hot pepper pods;
  • boil in 1 liter of water;
  • leave to infuse for 2 days;
  • then the solution is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • add laundry soap before spraying (40 grams per bucket of water).


If aphids appear on young tree apple trees, you should act immediately. Ammonia will help deal with this scourge quickly and effectively. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • for 10 liters of cold water;
  • using 50 ml of ammonia;
  • Be sure to add 40 grams of soap (liquid soap or laundry soap).

Watch the video! How to get rid of aphids on an apple tree. Super remedy

Soda Ash

Soda will help destroy pests, as well as disinfect, restore damaged leaves and shoots, and saturate the plant with calcium. This will also be useful for fruit ovaries:

  • for 1 liter of water;
  • 10 tbsp. spoons of regular baking soda or 2 tbsp. calcined spoons;
  • Add 40 g of laundry soap to the solution.

This product can also be used for preventive purposes once every 30 days.


It can be easily found in many areas; it also comes out of celandine good remedy to kill aphids:

  • 1 kg of plant;
  • pour 3 liters of boiling water;
  • add another 7 liters of hot water;
  • the mixture should be infused for 2 days.

The resulting mixture is sprayed onto trees.

Garlic solution

To prepare garlic concentrate you need:

Effective recipe

This method is the most effective:

  • on a bucket of hot water;
  • take 200 grams of laundry soap;
  • 0.5 cups of ash, which is pre-sifted;
  • 1 glass of strong decoction of shag;
  • 0.25 cups of kerosene.

You need to mix the ash with kerosene and pour it into the rest of the liquid. This decoction even helps in the fight against hordes of aphids that have infested the apple tree en masse.

Important! Sometimes a dark coating appears on the leaves and they become deformed. These are symptoms of sooty fungus. It can be destroyed only by first getting rid of the aphids

Biological methods of control and prevention

The biological method is the use of plants and animals in the fight against aphids. Let's look at it in order:

  1. Destroy the anthills nearby. Ants feed on aphid secretions and carry them on themselves.
  2. There are certain plants that emit a scent that repels aphids. These are lavender, tansy, calendula and. They also repel other garden pests.
  3. Some plants, on the contrary, attract many pests, including aphids. They should not be planted next to a tree. These are viburnum, linden, mallow, nasturtium and begonia;
  4. Attracting birds that destroy aphids. These are sparrows, tits, linnets and robins. They can “move” to the site if conditions are created for them, feeders and drinking bowls are made.
  5. Breeding insects that eat aphids. These are ladybugs and lacewings, some wasps. Sometimes, to increase the population, they can be bought at special agricultural markets.
  6. Birds and insects that fight aphids (I find fragrant herbs and nettles attractive) will happily turn their attention to such baits.


Fighting aphids is a complex and quite painstaking task. But it is important to maintain a healthy harvest. It is especially important to destroy aphids on a young apple tree, so that the whole tree is not damaged. The choice of fighting methods is huge, everyone can choose to their liking. The best thing is to combine preventive measures and folk remedies. Speak to chemicals costs when the process is already very advanced.

Watch the video! Aphids on an apple tree. How to deal with it