The higher powers of the universe: how to communicate with them. Hints from Higher Powers. How do They send us signs? Friends you can trust

It is not at all necessary if you do not ignore and correctly interpret the signs of fate, the signs that are sent to us by the Higher Powers or the Universe.

The dialogue between us occurs without stopping, until, however, almost always in unilaterally . This is because people, due to objective reasons, have degraded by more than 90%. Proficient in communication techniques By Higher Powers less than 2%.

Unfortunately, he is completely stuck in the everyday swamp, and he has no time or is too lazy to remember himself, not to mention some kind of awareness of his cosmic nature!

But the transcendental cosmic Forces tell a person about the way to develop, how to literally turn him into paradise.

The Universe sends its favorable warnings about danger, filling the information field of the planet with the most advanced knowledge. And the people stubbornly refuse to hear her. Or maybe he just doesn’t understand? What does it take to understand?

Hints from Higher Powers or how the Universe sends us signs

  1. Intuition. This is the language of feelings and emotions. This is something that is practically not realized by a person. But a person can dream and travel in dreams only in the astral body. Through the heart channel, intuition tells a person through sensory sensations what is good for him and what is bad.

The feeling of lightness and spiritual comfort indicates the right path. Unexplained heaviness in the heart or anxiety makes it clear that something has gone wrong somewhere.

How to test yourself for extrasensory and intuitive sensitivity, read

2. Whip method. After intuition failed to reach the poor fellow, the Universe fills the human field with an abundance of different signals and signs. For example, when you go everywhere by green light- This good sign, that is, a person moves in the right direction.

And the minor troubles that began in the morning indicate the opposite. These signs are everywhere, you just need to take your shoes off. Again, this option will not work forever. If the signs go unnoticed, Cosmos uses the following method.

3. Situation method. The level of impact on a person takes on a large scale and affects events that affect career, family, success, health, etc., for example, when spouses begin to cheat on each other or a person is fired from work.

Passing by these lessons without understanding them, the world moves on to a more difficult method of influence.

4. Failure method. Here there is a global impact, when a person literally drowns in successive failures, illnesses, and is deprived of material wealth, family, and friends.

It is simply impossible not to see or not pay attention to this. Thus, the Higher Powers show that a person has radically lost his way and has deviated greatly from his own.

In parallel with all these signs, the Universe constantly gives hints to a person in the form of accidentally heard fragments of phrases, inscriptions that catch the eye, a randomly included fragment of a TV show or film, and unusual situations.

A person who does not understand the signs usually ends his life tragically. He gets addicted to alcohol or starts using drugs, falls under the influence gambling or sect.

As a result, if educational measures do not have an impact, then the method of communication becomes very harsh, the “punishment” is tightened to extreme measures - incurable diseases appear out of nowhere, fatal accidents occur.

Maybe it's time sensible people pay attention to your life, to the prompts of the Higher Powers, stop chasing illusory phantoms of happiness?

! Perhaps it's time to turn your attention inward and ask yourself a couple of questions about who I am and why I came into this world?

After all, the search for answers will certainly affect all facets of the human being, will force you to completely reconsider your priorities and will provide an excellent opportunity to transform a limited earthly personality into a limitless cosmic being comparable to the Creator.

The Higher Self is your personal God. People often pray to different gods and call upon different Teachers asking for help and guidance. But for some reason they forget that each of us has our own personal God - our Higher Self. The Higher Self is you yourself in the fullness of your capabilities. This driving force all your actions.

Your Higher Potential is your Higher Self, which exists here and now. We reveal our potential throughout our lives, while we grow, while we develop, gaining experience, we can establish a connection with our Higher Self.

Sometimes we already have all the necessary information for a breakthrough in life Here and Now, we just need to feel ourselves.

How often we do not understand what is happening in our lives, we do not see our unconscious desires, we may do what we don’t want to do, or we don’t know what to do, how to act in a given situation. It is at this moment that the Higher Self helps us find the path to ourselves, to our best life.

Our Higher Self is the Supreme Essence that exists outside of this world, an Entity of a very high level that has information about everything. And not only possessing information, but also possessing enormous capabilities.

First, it awakens feelings and desires in us, then we begin to build goals on the path to achieving what we want, and we see specific actions that will subsequently lead us to the best for which we unconsciously strive. This is the thread through which we draw vitality.

The Higher Self cannot be perceived as something separate from us. It is also us, it is also our Self, but more high level, in another dimension, with another, higher consciousness. The Higher Self pays little attention to a person until he awakens spiritually.

And even when a person is awakened, but he is driven by the ego, the Higher Self most often simply observes and allows mistakes to be made. If such a person is faced with the task of spiritual development, the Higher Self will create difficult situations in his life, pushing him to development.
And if this does not help, then the Higher Self can lead him to life's dead end when all areas of life begin to fall apart.

It is in such situations that you need to rethink your life. And if a person no longer holds on to his ego, if he understands that the Higher Self knows better how to build his life, then life gets better very quickly.

Many people are confident that they have contact with the Higher Self, that they hear it. But often this is not the case; they hear, at best, their own thoughts, and in the worst case, astral entities.

The Higher Self helps only those who work on themselves, who learn awareness, who develop.
If a person does not learn anything, constantly steps on the same rake and only demands help from the Higher Self, it will not help. We must definitely go through our part of the path so that the Higher Self is interested in us and helps us.

People who work with the Higher Self begin to experience real miracles, insights that they experience, help that they begin to receive in different situations from your highest aspect, and about simply wonderful, magical gifts from the Higher Self, which can truly be called real miracles.

It is with the help of the Higher Self that we can unite the material and the spiritual. The Higher Self can manifest through us in the material world, and it will do this if we build a relationship with it correctly.

What do you need to do to feel your Higher Self?

To feel your Higher Self, you need to be a conscious person, you need to understand yourself, perceive yourself as a Soul, be in harmony with yourself and the world. The Higher Self cannot be seen with earthly vision; it can only be felt, let into oneself. You need to look into yourself, feel yourself on all levels, at the deepest levels of consciousness and subconscious.

It will not be difficult for every person with a sufficiently developed soul to establish contact with the Higher Self. Like now, the most favorable time for this is when the curtain between the real world and the spiritual world is slightly open for everyone. Feel the Divine flow. The moment you meet your Higher Self will be one of the most spiritual moments in your life. You will feel an unimaginable flow of love energy passing through you.

When can you turn to your Higher Self?

You can turn to your Higher Self at any time, when you are happy and when you are sad, when you need to find an answer to life situation. The Higher Self can tell you the path through life, help you get through all the hardships and barriers. To gain connection with the Higher Self, you need to tune in to the desired frequency, as in many activations, you need to start with meditation.


Take a meditation pose in a comfortable place. Start breathing, concentrating on your breath, feel how the air passes through your nostrils, how the walls of your abdomen stretch and accept reverse position. Stop your internal monologue and concentrate only on your breathing.

When you enter your usual meditative state of silence, begin to imagine the meadow along which you are walking. Be sure that you will meet your Higher Self and so it will be. Imagine cozy house, and go into it, it is there that you will meet the Higher Self. It can be a light, an image, a symbol of something familiar to you. Greet your Self and feel the immense flow of love from it.

If you are ready for more specific contact and want to know something specific, ask your Higher Self for a message. Most likely it will be a stream of thoughts that will pour into your head. At first you will think that these are other people's thoughts, not yours, but then awareness will come to you and you will find the answer to your question. The main thing is to trust this process at this moment and not be distracted.

Try to return to this as often as possible during meditation. sacred place to know ourselves. This can be a ritual for you, communicating with your Higher Self, who knows everything about you and guides you hand in hand through life.

If you again find yourself in the whirlpool of everyday affairs, try to find time to return to your meadow, to reach the house where your Higher Self will always be waiting for you. It will remind you of how true and complete you are. Feel the flow of energy, love, support for your Self.

After your contact with the Higher Self has become stable and permanent, you will be able to hear its voice without meditation, but at any time of your being. Your Higher Self knows everything about you, about every talent that can be revealed, about every action that has ever been performed, about all your lives. The Higher Self also knows your future, which means you know it too, it will be happy to hold a conversation with you and answer any of your questions that suggest your Path.

How can you discern who you can contact and who you shouldn’t?

Here you need to know several rules or regulations that should be followed until you learn to independently distinguish who you are in contact with, namely:

  1. The Essences of Light and in that your number The Higher Self never gives negative information, does not name dates or timing of upcoming bad events, or instills fear or anxiety.
  2. Entities of Light do not predict your future, because in this case you are deprived of the opportunity to choose.
  3. The Entities of Light do not give guidelines - what exactly and how you should do, since this deprives you of the opportunity to gain your experience.
  4. The best way to practice question-and-answer dialogue is to ask questions. In this case, the question should be asked in such a way that it can only be answered “yes” or “no”.
  5. Don’t ask questions like: “What is the right thing to do in such and such a case, like this or like that?” No one will decide or make a choice for you. If they answer you such a question, then these are not the “comrades” who should be trusted.
  6. It is more correct to ask this way: “If I act in this situation in this way, will this correspond to the fulfillment of my individual plan for evolutionary development?” Any answer to such a question leaves you with the right to decide and, accordingly, your karmic responsibility for the decision made.

It will be addressed mainly to those who have already reached the level of communication with the Higher Powers of the Universe.

This communication can happen differently for everyone, depending on what the person is more sensitive to.

This can be visual communication, that is, a person sees pictures or images. As a rule, this happens in sleep or during meditation. This is the so-called inner vision. For some, such pictures are very bright and clear, for others they are barely visible, rather tangible. Anyone who has experienced this at least once will understand what we are talking about.

Very often it seems to you that this is just a figment of your imagination. And there really is a very fine line between them. I will try to teach you to distinguish between messages from above and images inspired by your imagination.

Such visions can arise either on their own during your meditations, in a dream or in a state bordering on sleep, or at your request.

Most often this happens when the Higher Powers want to convey to you something very important and urgent - something that can radically affect your life. In this case, everything is done to ensure that you remember your dream or your vision and think about what it means.

And if a person takes such a hint seriously and accepts it with gratitude, then he can avoid many troubles in his life.

But, unfortunately, people often do not attach importance to this, and all the efforts made by your Spiritual Guides and your Guardian Angels are in vain.

Believe me, my dears, help and support are provided to every person on Earth, but not everyone knows how to hear it and accept it.

Information from the Higher Powers can also come to you in the form of messages and dictations. This can be automatic writing, where someone “writes” with your hand, or dictations, which are most often picked up by the inner ear.

And in this case, my dear ones, a very great danger may await you, since a person who has the ability to “hear” can very easily be connected to the entities of the lower and higher astral plane, which “feed” on the energy of people.

How can you avoid this?

First of all, ask yourself the question: “What motivates me when I take these dictations?” and answer it very honestly.

Truly pure information can only come to someone who is completely devoid of pride and any selfish interest, since in this case the energy that you emit simply will not be able to attract to you entities whose vibrations are lower than yours and who “feed” energies of the human Ego. Like attracts like - always remember this.

And the last thing I would like to tell you today.

Never set yourself the goal of mastering these skills at any cost. Everything should happen completely naturally. As your vibrations rise and your consciousness changes, everything will begin to come to you naturally, without any effort on your part.

The only thing that is required of you is to keep your soul pure, radiate Light and Love, live in such a way that, no matter what, you yourself are happy and bring joy to everyone who meets on your way - be it your family and friends or a random passer-by whom you gave a gentle and sincere smile, thereby lifting his spirits.

And I see that many of you are already living like this and, looking back, cannot believe what they were like just recently.

I bless you, my dears, for wisdom and patience, for finding true happiness and harmony in your life!

Loving you immensely

The term “Higher Powers” ​​unites many beings. They are different. You can contact any of them.

But really, how?

You know that everyone has their own Guardian Angels and Mentors. There are Teachers. There are Archangels. There are Higher Powers that manifest themselves in our lives through channelings.

The term “Higher Powers” ​​unites many beings. They are different. With different intentions. Not all of them are 100% loving beings, although they can serve you for your benefit. The choice of whom to communicate with and why is up to you. You just need to realize what you want to receive from the Higher Powers, and roughly imagine what the result of their help could be.

So let's look at the technology.

Technology of communication with Higher Powers

  1. If you have turned to them for help consciously, then be kind enough to trust them. After all, when you go to treat a tooth, you don’t advise the doctor what to do and how to hold his instruments? You set him a task, and his job is to cure. Trust in the Highest follows the same principle.
  2. If you go to the Akashic Chronicles, then accept everything they tell you. And then reflect and realize.
  3. If you want to communicate with other Higher Powers (not their Akashic Chronicles, where you get through the Prayer of the Path, for example), then you simply relax or go into a trance and call either a specific being or someone who is ready to help. Or the Higher Self.
  4. Greetings, introduce yourself. And ask for what you need.

How to know that the Higher Powers have “descended” to you

When I turn to my Higher Self, I know that it is nearby by the gentle and loving energy that envelops me. This is also true for the higher Akashic Chronicles. Their energy is slightly different, but the essence is the same.

You can imagine the Higher Self as any image that sits down next to you.

You can ask the Supreme One or the Supreme Ones to appear before you in any image that will be pleasant and comfortable for you. Or simply in any image, without specifying anything.

How to ask the Higher Powers

They are always there for you. Higher Self, mentors, etc.

You can simply unilaterally politely ask for something you need. And from this moment, except to trust and not fuss, not to fuss, nothing else is required of you.

And here one nuance appears.

Simple requests that are not very important to us, and on which we are not emotionally focused, go through with a bang.

But as soon as a request touches on a fateful topic, at least shout the guard. Because it may happen that in order to bring you to the desired milestone, bring you to a certain place, create necessary conditions, it will take time.

What did you think? With your unresolved blocks, fears and all sorts of feelings of guilt or shame... Do you think it’s so easy to give you money or an amazing job if you recoil from this money like the plague?

No. First, they will take you to trainings or coaches, where they will clear your brain, help you work out karma, guide you through your past lives to remove all sorts of misfortunes, and put in your hands a list of the laws of money so that it becomes solidified like the Lord’s Prayer.

You'll be as new as a cucumber, with correct thinking regarding money. But only then will the flow of money turn on you, take you away from the right people, stick your nose into a business you like or don’t really like (depending on the request), put the tools in your hands and earn as much as you want.

Is the principle of executing a complex query clear?

An example of a simple request to the Higher Powers

I'll tell you how I make a simple request and how I get the result.

Shopping for shoes always borders on mental anguish for me. Especially if I get something into my head. Just like last season. I was looking for moccasins. I ran around all the nearby stores in my area without any results. Sometimes the size doesn’t fit, sometimes they’re narrow, sometimes they’re wide, sometimes they’re ugly.

As a result, the task smoothly flowed into the current season.

And when I went out hunting for moccasins again, the beginning of the story was painfully similar to last year.

And then, walking into our huge shopping center, I, mentally turning upward, said: Hello, dears. I need beautiful, good quality shoes that are comfortable for my feet. Organizing?

As always, I walked around the shops, trying on moccasins. But somewhere deep down I understood that I didn’t really need moccasins. It's actually hot in them.

Convinced once again that the moccasins were either too small or too big for me, I sighed and headed home. And then I turn my head, look around the rack of shoes and see cute little sandals. I twirled them in my hands and decided to try them on.

And what do you think? Beautiful, solid and COMFORTABLE for your feet. I haven't felt this way in sandals for a long time. Mmmmmmmmmm... Cool!

There was one nuance in this whole story.

My head was empty. I didn't bother her with thoughts about anything. I didn’t think that I was unlucky again. There was silence and slight indifference inside me. I didn't remember the request. In fact, when I found myself in front of a traffic light, I immediately forgot about it. And I was ready to play.

This willingness to play... It is difficult to describe or explain. This is ease, acceptance, shrugging the shoulders, if it doesn’t work out, letting go of the request. Together.

So keep it simple. You will capture the feeling of ease in the game and anchor it in your life.

Want to know more interesting things? Read also:

Do you want to ask something?

Readers often ask about how to strengthen their connection to higher powers, the Divine - connection to the Higher Self, spiritual guides and their spiritual family.

These are not answers to all questions, but just thoughts on how stay in touch with your senior management, which can significantly help us in our travels.

With an ever-increasing number of souls beginning to awaken, it seems that this could be very beneficial.

You are always in touch, but...

The first thing you need to understand is that you are never alone: ​​you may not feel it, but you are always connected to your Higher Self, spiritual guides and spiritual family.

They always listen and always respond to you and send messages. The only question is whether you accept these messages or not, whether you hear the information being transmitted to you.

The communication mode may vary. Some people can literally HEAR messages - they hear the sounds of words (this is called clairaudience).

But most of us don't have that kind of clairaudience, at least not yet.

For the majority of people, communication and guidance coming from their Higher Self and guides come in the form of intuition: unexpected thoughts that come to mind as if by chance; ideas that suddenly pop into your head and the feelings associated with them.

Keep in mind that a spirit usually communicates with us in a whisper - a gentle whisper in our head and our heart, it will almost never scream.

His messages are so subtle that it is very easy to not hear them or to dismiss them as just our imagination.

Many people are so busy and their analytical minds chattering so loudly that they don't notice or hear the subtle messages coming from the spirit.

Even if they detect them, their rational minds are likely to reject or ignore these messages.

So it seems like we have no connection! And indeed, there is no active connection, but only because you were unable to receive the messages.

Another way the spirit communicates with you is through signs and symbols transmitted to you by the outside world.

Often this method of communication is more specific and unambiguous than messages coming through your intuition, and spirit uses it as an auxiliary channel of communication when appropriate.

As always, you must pay attention and trust what you see and feel for such a channel to be effective.

Let's first explore the reasons why you are not receiving your intuitive messages and what you can do to correct the situation.

Top 3 Reasons Why You're Not Receiving Messages

The first three reasons why you are not receiving messages sent to you are:

1.You don't notice them because you are too busy and distracted.
2.You don't hear them because they are drowning in too much large quantities mental noise.
3.You don't trust them and simply ignore or reject them.

Let's look at each reason in more detail and discuss the findings.

Busy and distracted

People often do not notice intuitive messages coming from spirit because they are too busy and their attention is distracted by hectic daily life.

They are immersed in affairs, problems and events; interaction with friends, family, colleagues; into any other type of concern, and they simply do not pay attention to messages from the spirit.

These messages are usually very subtle, so you really have to pay attention to recognize them.

We are all busy people to one degree or another, and we can be very busy at times - this is not unusual.

But if you want to have a good connection with spirit, you still need to try to set aside some quiet and secluded time, preferably every day.

A short period of time where you slow down, relax, and have the opportunity to hear and feel the connection and messages that come through it.

This could be some form of daily meditation if that type of activity resonates with you. Any quiet time will work: solo walks in nature, running, gardening, whatever.

Anything you enjoy doing that relaxes you, leads you to relative thoughtlessness, will allow the relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard.

If you can't find time for solitude every day, then don't worry - every other day is also good.

In my personal case, sitting quietly and still is not for me, so meditation is not for me. I prefer secluded walks in nature and in the mountains. I don't do this every day, but quite often.

Exercise and staying outdoors fresh air seem to revive me and some of my best ideas, inspiration and explicit messages come to me during and after them.

What works best for you? Please share in the comments below because you may be able to help other people with your ideas.

2. Mental noise

People often don't hear messages from spirit because their minds are busy solving the problems of everyday life.

The constant chatter of our analytical and egoistic mind is psychic noise that can drown out incoming messages delivered through our intuition.

Messages from spirit are as quiet as a whisper and can easily be further weakened by our thoughts, fears and worries.

You need to regularly set aside time to quiet your mind so that you can hear the guidance and information coming from your Higher Self and guides.

Any quiet time will work, but the less physical sensory stimulation, the better.

Of course, meditation serves this purpose very well if it resonates with you.

It turns down the volume of our mind and reduces worry, stress and anxiety, which are the main sources of noise and prevent us from hearing divine messages.

In meditation, you turn off the external world and immerse yourself in the inner world, which is your portal into the field of consciousness and facilitates listening to messages from spirit.

The immortal essence of all beings is pure consciousness, and we are all parts of a single field of consciousness, which is why immersion within ourselves is important for getting in touch.

If meditation doesn't work for you, then do whatever it takes to relax and calm your mind. Absolute Zen, such as complete detachment, is not required.

Often, any repetitive, relatively easy, low-brain task that you enjoy can serve this purpose.

Calming your mind in any way on on a regular basis is the best first step. This will allow you to hear relatively subtle thoughts and feelings from your intuition.

3. Not trusting your intuition

Perhaps the most a big problem when receiving messages from Spirit, what you notice is incoming messages, but your rational mind rejects or ignores them.

You don't have a sense of trust that they are meant for you and that they matter to you. This is one of the main reasons why people don't feel like they have a connection with spirit.

They notice messages, but immediately ignore or dismiss them because their rational mind doesn't understand or trust intuitive communication or views those thoughts and feelings as impractical, unrealistic, stupid, or whatever.

Developing Trust in Your Intuition

To create a functional channel of communication with spirit, you must learn to trust your intuition.

This is very difficult for many because of the rational approach that our culture instills in us.

You cannot expect the process of communicating with a spirit to follow rational rules: the rational model of the world was developed by studying material world, and in this case we are not dealing with the material world.

Try to keep an open mind and pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as the things you see and hear around you.

Firstly, it is really helpful to know that your Higher Self and guides are always in touch with you and their main way of communicating with you is through your intuition.

You must trust that you are being listened to and responded to. And you must believe that you are capable of getting the answers.

Don't expect this trust to be developed overnight. This happens, but more often it may take some time.

If you set the intention to achieve better connection, this will certainly happen.

Take action and tell your Higher Self, guides, and spiritual family (out loud or in your mind) that you want to establish ongoing contact with them.

Then all you have to do is start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and what is happening around you.

Most likely, the beginning will be small coincidences and synchronicities. Make it a habit to observe them and write them down.

Also get into the habit of asking questions about what worries you. Start with some small thing that you want to happen that day.

The goal is to make small successes that will increase your confidence that your channel of communication with spirit is open and working.

After asking for help with something, pay attention to what appears.

Sometimes the answer comes in the form of what you desired. Will appear another time useful person or you may stumble across some useful information.

Often the answer will be as an inspiring idea or thoughts in your head.

Sometimes it will be obvious that an idea comes from spirit because there was absolutely no precedent for the idea in your previous thinking - it just came out of the blue.

Trust that these are truly messages from spirit meant for you, and allow yourself to gain confidence and experience in how communication with spirit occurs.

Ask them to send you a sign of their presence

One way to build your conviction and trust is to simply ask them send you a sign of their presence.

They will give you the sign that they know will be the best to convince you. This could be something very personal since they know you better than you know yourself.

Some traditional signs that may be offered by your angelic guides are as simple as they come: they place a coin or feathers in your path, perhaps repeating this several times.

But honestly, it could be anything, so keep an open mind and pay attention to everything.

Another way they can show their presence around you is through repeating numbers.

If you see numbers such as: 11:11, 444 or any other number that appears repeatedly and often or in rapid succession in a way that seems incredible, then it very much looks like it is a high-five greeting from the other side.

The repeating numbers are how my mentors initially got my attention.

After they realized that I noticed their frequent and incredible repeating numbers, they helped me stumble upon the book Angel Numbers 101, which explains what they mean.

As the book points out, not only do your guides receive your attention with repeating numbers, but they can be used as code messages and are an alternative communication channel that complements and backs up your intuition.

Ask for a presence sign you can not only when you initially try to establish a connection. You can do this whenever you feel that the connection is weakening or if doubts come to you, and you need to be sure of their presence.

They will be very happy to give you a sign of their presence any time you need confirmation.

They want you to trust their messages, and they know how important it is for you to believe in their presence.

I've done this myself many times. Sometimes I get busy or stressed and get distracted by my work and the world and start to feel like I'm disconnected.

When I'm in this state, I just say out loud, “You know, guys (that's how I address my mentors - “you guys”), I'm feeling really disconnected, and it would be very reassuring to have a sign of your presence.”

The sign always comes, and sometimes in the most surprising and delightful way!

Here in general outline, how to manage your main channel of communication with spirit through your intuitive channel. But there is an alternative communication channel that you should be aware of.

Alternative communication channel - external signs and symbols

Another way of delivering messages is through the use of signs and symbols in the outside world.

Your guides often use this mechanism by presenting you with an image or symbol, a word or phrase, a song, significant figures or anything else that serves as a symbolic message.

They may appear on license plates, road signs , music plays on the radio and the like.

Unfortunately, most of the time people don't even pay attention to such things. If they happen to notice something, they usually chalk it up to a meaningless coincidence.

Start paying more attention to symbols in the world around you and your first impressions of what they might mean. With practice, you can recognize them perfectly and begin to trust this symbolic communication channel.

Start asking questions and pay attention to the form in which the answer comes: it may come through your intuition, as a hunch or an inspired idea, but it can also come as a sign or symbol.

For example, you may see a license plate with some corresponding and meaningful words on it, what you will feel as an answer - trust your feelings and the message.

Strengthening the connection

With trust, patience and practice, using the methods described above, you will firmly strengthen your channel of communication with the Divine, as many thousands upon thousands have already done.

Plus those many others who come online every day, and one of them will be you.

The spirit rejoices when each of us recognizes and then establishes a strong connection with the divine.

This allows them to begin to guide us more effectively, and this is what they signed up for and agreed to do for us when we decided to dive into embodiment in the Earth game.

In this way, they can finally fulfill their goal to the fullest - this is very useful and satisfying for them!

If you have anything you'd like to add to this, I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure other readers would too.