Accurate horoscope for February Libra

The life of representatives of the zodiac sign Libra in February 2017 will be like a win-win game. You will be overcome by a feeling of excitement, so it is unlikely that anything will stop you on the way to achieving your goal. Throughout the month, Libra will live by the principle of maximalism; they will not be content with crumbs where there is a chance to hit the big jackpot. In order to satisfy their ambitions, Libra will maneuver with incredible ease between the obstacles in their path that fate will throw at them. Skillfully solving all problems, Libra will persistently pursue success and great achievements. Whatever you decide will lead to positive changes in your life. You will radiate incredible confidence and determination, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to break you. Your decisions will be firm and final, so there will be no place for doubts in your life. All risks will be justified. Listen to your intuition, which during this period will tell you the right direction. During this period, you will be able to look at your life objectively and soberly assess the situation. You will understand that life should be enjoyed, and it, in turn, should bring pleasure. Such conclusions will help you become independent from the opinions of others and act according to the dictates of your heart. Now it is important for you to realize that your happiness depends only on you. No one has the right to make decisions for you. Take the reins of your life into your own hands and move forward! Be bolder!

In the first ten days of February 2017, things will go as well as possible for Libra in the professional field. Even routine work will turn out much better, bringing pleasure. It is likely that most of you will find another regular source of income. Therefore, representatives of your zodiac sign will not have problems with finances. Your diligence and dedication to your favorite business will play a role, and you will be adequately rewarded for your efforts. The beneficial influence of Mercury aspects will help you unlock your potential and give you a second wind. Having noticed your determination, your superiors will assign you to complete more serious tasks and implement serious projects. You will easily take responsibility for completing assignments and do it in the best possible way. The most hardworking will be offered a more prestigious position or vacancy in another company. Don't be modest, you deserve it. Perhaps someone will appreciate your creative works, and will offer a lucrative contract. In any case, your new position will bring you a lot of joy and satisfaction. You will be proud of yourself. Don't neglect small everyday tasks either. They also play a significant role in achieving your goals.

In the second ten days of February 2017, in the personal life of Libra, under the influence of Mars and Venus, incredible coincidences and pleasant events are expected that will radically change life. Perhaps this will be a chance meeting where you will recognize your old love and start a new relationship. The life of representatives of your zodiac sign will be filled bright colors and new interesting acquaintances. You will spend this entire period fun and relaxed, simply enjoying the process itself. Your life will finally be restored. natural balance, which was so lacking before. Yours love relationship will resemble a beautiful film about love, and seem fabulous. At first you yourself will not be able to believe in the reality of what is happening, but soon you will get used to it and begin to be content with the situation. Those of you who have been in a serious relationship for a long time will be able to rekindle the fire of love with incredible new power. Your relationship will be filled with passion so that you will feel like you are on your honeymoon.

In the third ten days of February 2017, Libra will have a very eventful life. Now many of you will experience a slight pleasant fatigue. To restore energy and strength for new achievements, you should pay a little more attention to strengthening the body's defenses. Engage in active activities that do not require much mental effort. This will help you take your mind off work and get a new boost of energy.

Representatives of the Libra sign will have a month full of passion. Sensual Venus and fiery Mars are located in your house of partnership, so it will be a hot time, love can ignite at any moment.

Moreover, unpredictable Uranus has been in the house of Libra’s partner for a long time, which brings novelty, change and surprises. The influence of Jupiter in Libra gives all these manifestations breadth and scale. In addition to everything, Mercury, the planet of communication and contacts, is transiting through your house of love from February 7 to 26, 2017. A lot of communication and flirting is another pleasant feature of the month.

Lonely Libra should pay attention to February 2017 - it is very likely that a fateful meeting will occur, and the topic of loneliness will remain a thing of the past. If you already have a relationship, it will receive a new impetus and will experience a period of flourishing.

Your attractiveness is at its best, you are ready to seduce and conquer. You have a lot to offer your partner. However, be careful, because love desires can overshadow the voice of reason. Perhaps your lover will find you too emotional and impulsive; as a result, conflicts and other excesses are possible. The ability to sensibly assess circumstances will be very useful to you.

The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 illuminates the Libra houses of friendship and love. Friendships and love relationships will be closely intertwined. Maybe through your friends you will meet interesting person, which will fill your being with new content. In addition, friends and acquaintances could take on the role of intermediaries in amorous affairs.

Such planetary influences will certainly bring special events in your personal life. Let's hope that they will be pleasant: passionate love, romantic stories, amazing meetings, exciting episodes. Although it should be remembered that due to excess energy, sometimes undesirable situations can happen.

Career and financial horoscope for Libra for February 2017

Success at work and in your career depends on how you interact with people. The accumulation of planets in the Libra partner sector suggests that now, more than ever, cooperation and the ability to work in a team are important. If necessary, you are able to involve others in achieving your goals. However, the period is not easy, competition, rivalry and disagreements are possible.

The picture of February business life is colored in bright colors. This is a favorable time to show yourself in a team with the best side, show your talents in working for a common cause. There is a good chance of finding new ones business partners, conclude profitable contracts, make successful transactions. Everything will move quickly, you will be required to take active action, as well as timely decision-making. In general, stormy events are expected at work and in business in February 2017.

The solar eclipse on February 26, 2017 affects the Libra house of work. Under its influence, it is possible to change the range of work responsibilities. Changes may occur in the organization where you work. If you don’t see any prospects in your current job, it makes sense to start looking best options. This is a good time to change jobs.

To succeed in financial sector, collaboration is also important. By interacting with other people you will earn good money. However, the month is quite controversial, when both higher than usual income and losses are equally likely. When it comes to money, take your time and stay smart. Don't leave anything to chance!


An active and restless period awaits you, when it is not easy to relax. Try to slow down the pace of life. Find an opportunity to relax from time to time. If there are any health problems that you have been putting off, then it’s time to get back to them. Respiratory organs are vulnerable nervous system, but not only. Don't even ignore the slightest signs diseases. Be especially careful during the holidays.

Libra women will become the darling of fate in February 2018. True, you will have to fight for your happiness, but the result may exceed your expectations!

Work and business sphere

The stars favor representatives of the sign in February. All circumstances will play into the hands of Libra. Most likely, it is during this period that you will be able to acquire allies, as well as turn your ill-wishers into your supporters.

Relations with out-of-town and foreign partners, which did not work out very well in the past, will improve. The prospects for successful negotiations are high, which will lead to positive cooperation in the future.

However, it is too early to celebrate an unconditional victory. It is quite possible that at the end of February old conflicts with some partners will come to light. At the forefront will be the issue of real estate - office space or land plots. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the matter will be resolved peacefully. Nevertheless, the situation for Libra will not be so bad.

Opponents will show unprecedented stubbornness and demandingness, trying to fight for their interests with all their might. There is no point in waiting for a compromise, since the opponents have already acquired supporters. Victory in a case for Libra women can be achieved by mediators who resolve the conflict without unnecessary complications.

Financial situation

The financial situation of the representatives of the sign will be quite stable. However, one should not count on excess profits. We can say that in material terms, Libra can wait golden mean- ordinary income and ordinary expenses.

Love and family

On the love front, Libra in February probably has no equal. Representatives of the sign will be in the center of attention. The second month of the year will spin them into a whirlpool of parties, presentations, anniversaries and other entertainment events. It is quite possible that at one of these parties, Libra women may find their soulmate or, at a minimum, start a whirlwind romance.

For representatives of the sign who have already met their fate, the relationship will probably turn out to be more high level. A joint trip can prompt such a decision. This can be either distant lands or simply a trip to distant relatives in other cities.

Those Libra will have the hardest time family life who were broken from everyday difficulties. Quarrels in such families, alas, will not stop. Children will help defuse the situation, as will the participation of older relatives in family affairs. If the matter begins to “smell” like a divorce, then main problem in such a situation it will, of course, housing problem. The stars say that it is unlikely that this issue will be resolved.

Close-knit families can also have problems with housing. However, in this case, difficulties will only strengthen the marriage of representatives of the sign. And ultimately, this issue will still be resolved to some extent.

Health status

In winter February, representatives of the Libra sign will feel excellent. This will certainly have the most positive impact on their appearance.

Libra horoscope for February 2017.

February 2017 for Libra will be similar to the movie “Now You See Me.” Just like in this movie, there will be a lot of surreal events happening around Libra. And until the end of the film, excuse me, February, it will be unclear - who deceived whom, you all, or you. So don't forget what the movie said: "The more you think you see, the easier it is to deceive you."

And yet, some events in February 2017 may seem completely unrealistic to Libra. And all because, as the horoscope shows, the next month will bring you several surprises and surprises, most often in relationships. Some current events may simply confuse you, they will seem so unreal. Moreover, Libra really does not like illogical actions and judgments of people. Not in the sense that if they answered you without a smiley face, it means that they hate you. Just don’t look for deep meaning in situations that arise or other people’s actions, just perceive situations and people as they are. And don’t judge someone else’s past and present - you yourself don’t know your future... In life, not everything is subject to meaning and logic. And even if you put life into every meaning, then still not a single life can consist of continuous meaning. So try to monitor your logic and actions more than the logic of others’ actions. Well, then you definitely can’t go wrong. That is why the horoscope advises you to rely only on yourself next month, and not so much on others. And since many of your actions are driven by the phrase: “There will be something to remember,” then in February it is better for you to postpone the pursuit of fame and memories. But on the other hand, next month you can afford anything, be it unnecessary. And since Libra can live without what is necessary, but cannot live without what is superfluous, then make yourself or your loved ones some original gift, or an event in cold February 2017.

And yet, Libra, be more careful in February 2017. Yes, in detail, we promised you that in 2017 Libra will be smarter than everyone!!! After all, to be the smartest, it is enough to convince others that they are stupid! And in 2017, Libra will be convincing and still in authority! You will be an opinion leader, a family leader, and a leader in your community. Moreover, a Leader with a capital L, since you will continue to enjoy authority and support. But, in February 2017, there may be people who will be both smarter and more cunning than you. Therefore, in order not to spoil February, which is favorable for you, try to monitor the hands, words and actions of people, so as not to swim in unnecessary illusions. In other words, sell people’s illusions yourself, and don’t buy into others’.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra favorable days- 2, 8, 14, 18, 20, 22, 23 and 24.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra unfavorable days– not following stereotypes has already become a stereotype, but following unfavorable days, This a great opportunity miss the difficult, but Victory.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra Work, career and business. Nothing limits the actions of a subordinate more than the boss’s phrase: “Do as you want, but what would be done!” But the problem is that absolute freedom choices, actions and deeds will be somewhat stressful for you at work in February 2017, and you will sometimes be at a loss. And, for the rest of the next month, it depends only on you whether you can cope with the volumes and tasks proposed to you. In this regard, February will be a very important month for your career. And many Libras will even have to abandon the usual formula - “Okay, it’s time to get to work... it’s time to work... to take on something... work... it’s time... to get to work... cookies... The connection to the server is lost.” Moreover, as we already wrote at the beginning of the horoscope next month, you will have few people to rely on, but on the other hand, few people will restrict your freedom.

As the horoscope shows, in February some Libra will be offered new projects, or new directions, and perhaps even positions. The possible amount of work will of course be overwhelming, but you will definitely cope. Moreover, February can help many Libras with their careers and improve your financial situation.

Horoscope for February 2017 Libra Finance. In February 2017, you simply must be together. You and money. And as often as possible.

The main task for Libra is not to get confused in their own illusions...

Love horoscope for February 2017 Libra. Horoscope for February 2017 Libra Love. Old Freud liked to say that every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he does not even admit to himself. It is with your desires and their implementation in February that there will be some inconsistencies. Your loved ones, who are usually accustomed to not only guessing them, but also fulfilling them, will behave somewhat differently next month. This can affect your mood and affect your relationships. Although in general, relationships will become more trusting in the last month of Winter. And married Libras will even be able to relax somewhere with their partner, and at the same time practically not quarrel. Well, considering that life for Libra makes sense only when you live for someone other than yourself, then February will be filled with deep meaning for you. Or simply put, worries.

For lonely Libras, February 2017 can bring successful and promising acquaintances, which can even turn into relationships. Not in the generally accepted formula that a relationship between a guy and a girl is not considered serious until they rename each other after the names of some animals, but in the sense that perhaps this will be completely new person in your life. The main thing that the horoscope warns about, Libra - do not look for happiness - be its source, next month you will definitely succeed! And then perhaps you will meet new love.

At the end, the horoscope for February 2017 for Libra is reminiscent of another quote from the movie “Now You See Me,” with which we started this horoscope: “The first rule of magic is always be the smartest one in the room.” So Libra, if you want magic to enter your life in February 2017, try to be the smartest, in the room, in relationships, in sex, at work, and even in line for kefir at the store. But don’t confuse arrogance and magic, these are completely different things that Libra, unfortunately, too often confuse...

February 2017 will be a time of big changes for Libra. This month everything will fall on you at once, this is what the horoscope for February 2017 wants to warn Libra about. The main thing is not to rush around looking for shelter and not to be torn between numerous options.

By setting a goal for yourself at the beginning of the month, you will easily achieve your goal by the end of the month. Follow your plan and don't try to cover all aspects. Solutions will be given to you easily, which was not the case before.

If you think about the result in time, imagine what you are striving for, you will immediately understand what exactly you need and what you demand from life and from yourself at the moment.
It will be more difficult in the second half of the month, since, having set high standards for yourself, the responsibility for execution will fall on you, and you will never allow yourself to give up what you have planned halfway.

The end of the month will be the most turning point; by completing your plans and achieving what you want, you will be able to move higher in all areas. Therefore, you will have to become more cautious and less trusting of other people. The main thing is not to make a shamanism out of this by isolating predecisions and searching for enemies.

Health and leisure

In February, Libra needs to remember all of their chronic diseases, especially diseases associated with musculoskeletal system. If you have complaints, it is advisable to contact your doctor as soon as possible. You will likely need to spend some time taking medications and treatments such as massage.

Since this month will become very tense and difficult for you, you definitely need to monitor your mood, because for Libra, people who find it difficult to control themselves the right situation, it is important to learn how to react correctly to situations, and in some situations simply remain silent.

To do this, you need to pour out all the accumulated grievances and misunderstandings in a place distant from relatives. An excellent option would be to play sports; strength training will help you throw out all your energy. negative energy, and cardio training will help you calm down and come to terms with yourself.

You have already been invited to yoga sessions or other spiritual practices where you can learn to achieve balance, but you considered this a frivolous activity, and now you understand that it was in vain. Maybe you still have a chance and you will make a choice?

Love and family

Libra will experience some stagnation in love. Because they will be completely absorbed in work. Overly efficient Libra love horoscope in February 2017 they see some weakness and do not attach much importance to their feelings.

This is a huge plus for single Libras; they will stop worrying about not having that same person next to them, since now their freedom will come in handy more than ever.

And those who have a couple will need faith and support in their endeavors. Not every person will be able to give you so much attention, and if during this period you do not destroy the relationship with this person, then it will become much stronger. This person will survive next to you all your small falls and huge achievements. The main thing for you is not to become selfish and care about your other half as much as she cares about you.

February is best time to restore relationships with family. You need to choose a time from your entire schedule and visit your family, tell them about your plans, listen to their opinion. By showing concern for your parents and listening to their complaints, which they voice only for your benefit, you will brighten up somewhat. They will likely support you and set you up even more for success.

Work and career

Libra needs to understand what they want for themselves in the financial sphere; if you are satisfied with everything or you doubt your attempts to change everything radically, then you are unlikely to change anything in February.

And if you know what you want, it's time to take on what you've accumulated over the past couple of months. All those ideas that came into your head have a place to be present not only in the form of thoughts, they must materialize. After all, when, if not now, in February, luck is on your side. The main thing is to decide in time and understand what you want.

Having managed to grab this luck, it will remain with you for a long time, this is exactly what you all strived for Lately, is not it?

Yours new job it will turn out quite good place, where you can express yourself as a professional, and the end of February is the moment when you will prove to your maximum potential that you belong. Feel free to propose changes, innovations, new ways of working and participate in complex projects. Now, as long as you are interested in this level, you will quickly step beyond it and be ready for growth.

Don't start new business, and ensure that the existing one is in a state of constant development as much as possible.

Finance and deposits

The financial horoscope for Libra for February 2017 warns those who like to “grab stars from the sky” about a more thorough consideration of any financial matter. You should not trust the course of the enterprise that you have succeeded in before.

Difficulties are possible in finances, especially for those who have gone towards their goal, this path will definitely bring success, but now you need to be economical. But those who remain in place will be slightly affected. Or perhaps vice versa, your stable job will bring you a few necessary bills into your pocket.

Don’t rush to take out loans, think about whether you really need what you are planning to purchase. Don't plan large purchases. If February finds you in the stage of finalizing a purchase that was agreed upon and planned earlier, do not be lazy to check and double-check the contract and other documents. Consult services experienced specialist and don’t rely only on your own strength.

Don’t try to find a new place to invest your money; what is most important to you now is the stability that you have achieved through experience and analysis.

Refuse offers that promise quick benefits; do not believe borrowers who come asking for help for someone else’s business, or even for charity. Check all offers and complete documents correctly.

Man - Libra

A man sees absolutely any horoscope for February 2017 Libra in a positive light. He does not plan to fully comply with what the stars say, but he feels the changes that the Rooster has brought into his life, replacing the Monkey in his post. Libra sees that life around is gaining momentum, and they need to keep up, otherwise they may skid on sharp turns.

The most important thing that happened is that you changed your attitude towards life. Most likely, you are in love, but a couple of months ago you considered this a completely harmless game.

Free men choose a mate for themselves, and they want to be the puzzle that will make the life of the woman they love complete; they want to take care of, protect and protect their woman. Most likely, they do not see those who have been letting them know that they are interested in them for a long time.

Family men are calm and happy in the family, but they lack the strength to become more prudent, to fight for the best place at work, which greatly annoys their other half. The wife expects determination and drive from her husband, and their somewhat imposing attitude becomes a stumbling block. Quarrels and disagreements may arise. Think for yourself, and maybe you will recognize yourself in this description. The happiness of your family is in your hands.

Woman – Libra

These ladies look great in February, they are radiant with health and can well afford to enjoy all the gifts of winter. The horoscope for February 2017 can be interpreted by a Libra woman in different ways, but its main purpose is to warn that all her decisions now can affect not only her life, but also the fate of those around her.

Children and parents come to you for advice and support, and you will never refuse them. Just don’t forget about yourself, about the time when you can be yourself. In a series of affairs, do not forget that, first of all, you are a woman and need support no less than the relatives you care for.

Family women literally dissolve in their half and are happy to arrange the hearth; they like this role. But at the same time, they demand a return - an answer from their half, and if they do not receive it, they are seriously offended. Maybe you can try to explain what doesn't suit you, and don't forget that everyone loves in their own way.

Free Libras see that there is a person ready for serious relationship, and he is always there and constantly comes to the rescue, but they are unable to cope with self-doubt and their mental anguish. Maybe you let go of the situation, and in this way it will come to the desired result. You shouldn’t rush things, but overanalyzing and looking for flaws is not the best tactic.