Lesson topic: "Indoor plants in the interior of a room." Options for placing plants in the room For dark rooms

To your indoor flowers served as interior decoration, delighted you with their appearance and did not create any trouble, we suggest that you follow some rules for choosing and placing plants in the house.

Most people, when choosing indoor plants, focus on their size, decorativeness and cost. And only after the purchase, having delivered them home, do they ask what the conditions of maintenance and care should be. If it is not possible to create such conditions or the plant turns out to be very capricious, the owners become upset as they watch it die.

In addition, when choosing a green pet, you need to think in advance where in your apartment it will be more comfortable, and where it should not be placed so as not to cause discomfort to you. Do not forget that a beautiful and harmless-looking plant can cause harm to your health, or, even worse, turn out to be poisonous.

The correspondence of the room conditions to the vital needs of the plant and the microclimate is not the only selection criterion. The plant should be pleasing to the eye, so you should think about how it will look in a given interior.

Here are a few rules of “good manners”:

1) In rooms furnished with single-style furniture with strict lines, it is better to place a small number of large single plants: in this case, the furnishings begin to serve as a background for the plants, and they, in turn, soften the impression of the interior.

2) If the furniture in the room is not uniform in style, a large amount of greenery can give the atmosphere internal unity and divert attention to itself. For such premises, a “green corner” (that is, a large number of plants collected together), vines with large leaves, and floraria are ideal.

3) You can combine plants into decorative groups based on a combination of shapes and colors of leaves and flowers, both on special stands and on the windowsill.

4) Pots or flowerpots can be chosen to match the furniture or in contrast to it. In the second case, it is important that bright elements (for example, pots and lampshade) are in harmony with each other.

5) Light flowers and leaves look better on a dark background, bright ones on a light one.

6) Ampelous plants with small leaves will “get lost” against the background of variegated wallpaper or walls with a strong pattern, but plants with large leaves will stand out perfectly.

7) In rooms with low ceilings It is better to place tall plants on the floor or on low stands.

8) Do not overload the window sill with flowers so that small specimens do not have to be placed in front of pots with larger ones: they may not have enough lighting.

In addition to aesthetics, you should also remember that plants bring more than just benefits to humans, and therefore they must be placed taking into account the intended purpose of the rooms.

Everyone knows, for example, that plants produce oxygen. However, at night, in the absence of light, they breathe like any other living creature, so there should not be too many of them in the bedroom.

There is another reason to keep some flowers in another room: there are species that release large quantities of phytoncides and aromatic substances. In small concentrations they are useful, but in excessive concentrations they only cause harm to humans, both in themselves and because they can cause allergic reactions. The bedroom is where you spend long periods of time immobile, and the negative effects can be most acute there.

For a sick person, the proximity of a large number of strong-smelling flowers is undesirable.

For the same reasons, you should not place many plants in the children's room, and it is advisable to completely remove species with thorns from there, as well as poisonous plants: kids may think of not only touching them, but also tasting them.

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  • educational: introduce students to the laws of arranging indoor plants and the profession of florist and decorator;
  • educational: attract children's attention to the aesthetic design of the interior of the room;
  • developing: improve artistic taste.

Methods of conducting the lesson: conversation, story, demonstration, practical work.

Interdisciplinary connections: botany, drawing, drawing.

Material and technical equipment:

1. Equipment for training workshops, universal installations.
2. Computer with a multimedia system.
3. CD player, discs with instrumental music.
4. Training program.
5. Task cards.


I. Organizational part- 3 min.

1. Attendance control.
2. Checking readiness for class.

II. Frontal survey- 10 min.

  • What role do plants play in people's lives?
  • What are the names of the special rooms in which indoor plants are grown? How are they different?
  • What is plant care?
  • What containers are indoor plants planted in?
  • What soil composition is used for planting?
  • How are plants transplanted?

III. Presentation of new material- 20 minutes.

Teacher. Today in our lesson we will get acquainted with the laws of arranging indoor plants and placing them in various rooms, and also learn about the professions of florist-decorator and landscape architect.
Flowers are one of the elements of apartment decoration. Their charm and beauty are perceived in conjunction with the entire interior and are selected according to the laws of arrangement.
Apartments and offices become much more attractive when their owners arrange small green or flowering islands on shelves, tables, floors, and potted plants are a grateful material for such creativity.
When composing compositions, the following rules must be taken into account:

1. Plants should be arranged in picturesque compact groups and should not be randomly scattered around the room.
2. Only those plants that grow naturally in the same climate zone will look organic in the composition.
3. The flower arrangement must match the size of the room where it is located. The larger the room, the correspondingly larger group of plants can be represented in it.

Houseplants must be in harmony with the interior, so when creating it you need to take into account not only the size of the room, but also the color of the walls and the style of the home.
Yes, in the background dark walls and wallpaper with a catchy pattern, flora with an openwork silhouette, variegated and golden forms look good. In a bright room, plants with dark, dense foliage can form the basis.
The straight and elegantly curved shapes of furniture made of steel, glass, marble and lacquered wood are complemented either by plants with clear and distinct forms or, for a sharp contrast, by plants whose appearance attracts lightness and ease.
Orchids, wax ivy, jasmine, etc. go well with wicker furniture. You can add a Japanese touch to the interior by decorating it with bamboo and bonsai plants. English and French furniture styles are in harmony with bushy and lushly flowering plants.
Plants with an extravagant or exotic appearance are more suitable for modern interiors. It is believed that the more elegant the decor, the simpler the plants should be. And vice versa.

When decorating the interior with plants, you should also pay attention to the angle of light. When flowers stand against a sunlit wall, their shadows form an interesting and strange pattern. And if they stand against the light, on the windowsill, then the general contours stand out especially.
A good effect is achieved if the tones of curtains, wallpaper, furniture upholstery repeated in flowers.

If the interior is based on the contrast of black and white, then rich colors plants will add freshness to the overall picture.

There are four main techniques for placing indoor plants:

1. Single plants

A freestanding plant can be evergreen or flowering. Each plant can be presented in the interior as a tapeworm, that is, free-standing. Solitaires must be immaculately formed, placed in a decorative container and placed so that they can be seen from all sides: large plants - on the floor or on low stands, since they are designed to be seen from afar, medium and small ones - on high stands, since they will viewed from close range, shoots of creeping and climbing plants should also reach human eye level.

2. Compositions from potted plants

A pot group is a collection of potted plants placed close together to create a splash of green effect. With this arrangement, you can see that the plants are sitting in separate pots. They can be placed on the floor, shelves, stands.
There are strict compositional laws in the internal structure of a flower group, and you also need to know them in order to give the garden a certain image. Inside the group there must be large plants (from 170 cm) with a dense crown and powerful branches. They form the skeleton of the future composition. Of the large plants, the tallest one is selected, the so-called axial one. He has to become the center of the group, everyone else is placed around him in a tiered order. To create a harmonious picture, medium-sized plants are also needed. This must necessarily include beautifully flowering or decorative foliage plants that will serve as the accent of the group. Smaller plants play a subordinate role and serve as fillers for the composition. This includes ampelous types - curly and hanging, which can be hung freely in flowerpots or fixed on supports. They fill the upper level of the winter garden very well, they can wrap around walls, columns, and give depth and volume to the space.
The completion of the composition will be given by small ground covers that cover the soil in containers and create a green background.
Only when all of the listed elements are included in a flower arrangement will it acquire the layering characteristic of natural plant communities. In addition, staggering plants makes it possible to present them at their best, masking bare stems or damaged leaves.
When imagining with auxiliary elements, do not try to saturate the composition with as many different types of plants as possible. Designers usually use no more than 5–7, and novice flower growers, in order not to fall into bad taste, are advised to generally make do with only three. And this turns out to be quite enough, given that they will differ from each other in size, shape of the leaf blade, color and flowering time. A beautiful and completely completed composition can be obtained even from one species.

3. Indoor garden

A container filled with several plants is called an indoor garden. Pots with this method of placement are not visible: they can be hidden from view inside the container, or the plants can be planted directly in the container, without pots.
Most plants grow better in an indoor garden than in individual containers for several reasons.
Among the most important are higher humidity, protection of roots from sudden temperature fluctuations, and water under each pot. There are also dangers. Crowding means poor ventilation, increasing the risk of disease or pest infestation.

4. Terrarium

This is a vessel made of glass or transparent plastic, inside of which plants are planted. The opening of such a vessel is narrowed or covered with transparent material, so that access to outside air is limited or completely blocked. As a result, the plants do not suffer from drafts, and the air inside the container is always more humid than in the room.
A terrarium can be arranged in a round or square aquarium, a large bottle, a glass salad bowl, even between the panes of a window specially converted for this purpose. Green shop windows can be seen in many homes in Germany, Scandinavia, Holland, and the USA.

Interior landscaping requires a creative approach, understanding the participation of plant decorations in the overall ensemble.

In the hallway, say, where there is no direct light, bunches of dried flowers and intricately curved branches are suitable. In the kitchen, where humidity and temperature are often too high, it is not always possible to grow the desired specimens. Well, then you have to put up with keeping them on the outside windowsill. In the bedroom, nursery, work room, you can afford to freely choose what you like most. According to generally accepted concepts, flowers are especially desirable in the living room, a “representative” room. In dimly lit halls, in corridor niches and in rooms of psychological relief, it is rational to create mini-compositions - place here rare miniature cacti or moisture-loving tropical plants, organized into a “corner of the rainforest” composition or a collection of spectacularly blooming violets.

The architectural layout of old standard buildings has a general shortage of usable space, which makes it necessary to give preference to vertical landscaping with partial use of the horizontal plane. Magnificent flower arrangements can be created in a wall niche or ledge, against a main wall or column, they are placed on decorative grilles, jardinieres (artistically decorated flower tables), glazed partitions and screens. “Floral chandeliers” suspended from the ceiling are very beautiful - flowerpots with plants mounted on metal stands - holders, chains.

Decorative landscaping will give the desired result when three things are combined: skillful choice plant species, favorable location and sufficient culture of care. Creating green interiors is a special area of ​​architecture that requires versatile knowledge and great artistic taste. Therefore, an architect, an artist-designer and a gardener work together to create the most complex modern projects. Only they can take into account the specifics associated with the functional purpose, layout, operating conditions and microclimate of a residential or industrial premises.

– And now we will get acquainted with professions related to growing plants (student messages).

IV. Practical work students– 35 min.

Work on task cards "Greening the premises." Sketching the location of indoor plants in the interior of the room (see. Annex 1).

  • Option 1- children's room;
  • Option 2- bedroom;
  • Option 3- living room;
  • Option 4- kitchen.

For children who successfully complete the task, additionally: dining room, bathroom, stairs, hallway, kitchen.

V. Summing up-10 min.

Demonstration best works students. Grading.

VI. Homework - 2 minutes.

Message next topic lesson/


1. Technology: Textbook for students of the 7th grade of a secondary school (option for girls)/ V.D. Simonenko, O.V. Taburchak, N.V. Sinitsa and others.; Ed. V.D. Simonenko– M.: Ventana-Graf, 2000. – 240 pp.: ill.

2. Modern interior your home / Comp. A. V. Belous.– Mn.: Mirinda, 1999. – 448 p.: ill. – (ABC of everyday life).

3. Hessayon ​​D.G. All about indoor plants / Transl. from English O.I. Romanova. – M.: Kladez-Buks, 2001. – 255 p.: ill.

4. Blacklock J. Flower Arranging / Transl. from English N. Padalko. – M.: FAIR – PRESS, 2000. – 256 p.: ill. – (Grandiose world).

5. Magazines "Salon", "Interior", "Modern House".

No the best way post climbing plant than planting it in a container suspended from the ceiling or on a bracket in the wall. Nothing interferes with the cascading stems, and the sight of living plants hanging in the air is especially eye-catching. We pay attention to the plants in a hanging basket on the wall of the house, while we don’t even look at the same plants in the flowerbed below. A hanging single plant can visually increase the height of a composition of plants standing on the floor or enliven a boring wall or a deep window. Unfortunately, hanging baskets have their drawbacks. They cannot be hung in places where people will walk under them - nothing should interfere with the passage. Carefully choose a container and make sure that it is securely suspended - the mount must withstand the weight of the container with soil after watering. The plant in the hanging basket must be in good condition - a pathetic ivy or a dangling stem of the climbing philodendron can only disfigure the room. Caring for plants in a hanging basket is not easy - it is obvious that watering them is much more difficult than standing on the floor or on a windowsill.

  • Location on the windowsill.
Plants are usually placed on windowsills by people who treat them like pets. This does not mean that a professional decorator would not use window sills to place plants, but a current row of pots placed on the windowsill is not a spectacular sight. From the point of view of external effect, it is better to use a single plant - low and bushy if it is located in the middle of the window, or tall and narrow if placed asymmetrically. Choose a plant in which the beauty of the leaves would be emphasized by the light falling on them or shining through them, for example, hypoestes or irezina. Of course, you should choose a species that would be in harmony with the surrounding environment - a small, inconspicuous plant on large window It's unlikely to look pretty. The south window must be shaded in summer. Check often to see if the ground is dry - the sun in summer and batteries central heating in winter they may force you to endlessly water the plant. If the type of window is not important to you and you don’t need a lot of light, consider hanging a hanging planter above the plant on the windowsill.
  • Location on the floor.
The place to place a large single plant is the floor. A large pot on the table will look bulky. Usually, plants with an attractive crown shape are taken as such, but you can also resort to other types of plants. Look good when placed alone tall flowering plants or tall vines with large leaves (philodendron, monstera). Designers love tall single plants like this. Two identical plants on both sides of the door give spacious room symmetry. Flower pot, standing near the door to the garden, seems to continue the garden in the room. Select your single plant carefully. Tall, narrow plants will visually lift the ceilings, while low, spreading plants will create the opposite effect. Keep in mind that the container with the plant can damage the carpet, so place a piece of wood or cork underneath it.
  • Placement on a stand.
Some houseplants with long arching stems look unattractive when placed on a nightstand or windowsill. Such plants should be installed on a special high stand or place in a hanging basket. If in your home antique furniture, you can purchase an antique or stylized antique stand, but if you modern furniture, very easy to make wooden stand with straight walls. You can buy a metal or bamboo stand and place several pots on it.
  • Placement on the wall.
Decorative flowering plants are usually placed on the walls to add color to a smooth, light wall, and vines to decorate windows. Since the pots are usually small, the plants need to be watered more often, but when they are located so high, it is difficult to determine when they need watering. With this method of placing plants, choose durable, not too colorful containers with a sufficiently large and deep tray.

A familiar picture - flowers on the windowsill - sometimes evokes mixed feelings. I remember geraniums on a lace napkin, and the window sills of Soviet flower growers completely filled with flowers - these impenetrable dusty jungles, pots in stains, windows that cannot be opened because they are barricaded by the “army of greens”. Perhaps because of such associations, many owners these days are in no hurry to acquire plants, preferring to leave the window sills free.

Meanwhile, everything could be different! Green spaces are the most relevant means of decoration. Decorators, designers and just hobbyists are looking for new and interesting forms and ways to introduce greenery into our city apartments. And even a classic of the genre - the aforementioned flowers on the windowsill - in good interiors They now look vibrant and fresh. How to achieve this effect?

Assess your chances
Decorators, of course, have no special rules about flowers on window sills. Unless you have to take into account the peculiarities of growing plants. For example, shade-loving plant species planted on the south side are also likely to have a pale appearance. And you shouldn't count on lush flowering if the windows face north. In this case, designers unanimously advise clearing the window altogether - both from plants and (if possible) from curtains. To let at least a little sun rays into the original dark interior.
Decorate as if you were not dealing with a window sill
In the design of a window sill, all the same techniques work as with any other type of decor. And this is, perhaps, the key point that you need to understand: start decorating a window as you would decorate a shelf or fireplace, and you are guaranteed to achieve noticeable results.

Come up with a plan
The worst thing is the random accumulation of pots and flowers. To make the window sill look decorative and not turn into another burden on the interior, you need a concept.
Go with the plants you like, or build the display through a selection of interesting planters or pots that will rhyme with the interior details. The idea can be anything, but it must be. Here are some examples.

1. Less is more
It is safest to follow the path of limitation: two large, showy plants are preferable to an assortment of ten indistinct plants. The emptiness around the plant on the windowsill will attract more attention to the pot than if it turns out to be part of a single green mass.

2. The path of self-restraint
The simplest identical pots are better than a collection of all types and colors. Do you want the simplest terracotta? Let only her stand on the windowsill. For example, in the interior in the photo, the idea of ​​limiting color worked - all the flowerpots are white, in the same style, but the shapes are different. Moreover, not only on the windowsill, but throughout the entire interior.

3. Combine with a flower girl
Any problems with the number, color and design of pots can be avoided by planting your entire garden in one box, container or planter. The main thing is that all plants in it are satisfied with the same watering and lighting regime.

4. Make a composition not only from flowers
Flowers, by the way, like pots, are completely optional on the windowsill. This could be a still life, say, with only one flower or without it at all. Some pots do not need flowers and can successfully act as a self-sufficient decorative item.

5. Work with the scale of plants
If the windowsill is small, why not populate it with succulents and other miniature species. Mini-gardens are now in fashion, and the choice of suitable flowerpots is fabulously rich - you don’t have to hold back and afford any. The main thing is not to deviate from the general line and support the idea of ​​a single scale.

If you want to get even more conceptual, you can plant mini-plants in glass flasks or, say, in dishes: cups, mugs, milk jugs, sugar bowls. For larger species, pots, watering cans and other utensils are suitable.

6. Plant outside of pots.
The idea is not new, but certainly bright: why not decorate the kitchen interior with a flowerpot with an enameled Soviet-era kitchen kettle? Plant flowers in mugs, jugs, glasses. Let the window sill resemble a shelf on a dining room buffet rather than a good old window.

7. Edible-inedible
Why not organize a mini-garden - it's beautiful, tasty and healthy. The owners of the pots in the photo decided to set up a garden on the windowsill herbs, and the pots were painted with slate paint and signed. It's a good concept.

8. Uniform
It happens that flowers have been decorating the windowsill for a long time, look well-groomed and feel good, but they just don’t make you happy. Tired of assorted pots and the usual landscape. What to do?
Plants can be “dressed up”. They sell all sorts of flowerpots now - be they textile, knitted, or concrete. However, it can be difficult to replace all the old flowerpots with new, identical ones - each flower needs its own size. A simpler option is to wrap the pots in paper. Well, needlewomen can sew or knit clothes according to the season. In addition, rearrangement will help to enliven the exhibition - swap plants for rooms.

9. Rhythm and symmetry
The principle of placing flowers on a windowsill can also form the basis of your concept. For example, rhythm and symmetry are pleasing to the human eye. Try not just to take identical flowerpots - place them at the same distance along the plane of the window sill.
Tip: Don't be too partial. For the beauty of the plant to fully manifest itself, there must be air around each pot.

10. Major and minor
Despite all the advantages, the path of asceticism is not to everyone’s liking. The desire of a city dweller to turn a window sill into green oasis, in general, it’s also completely understandable: yearning for nature, you want everything at once - loaches, cacti, pelargoniums, and ficus.
A collection of plants is not assembled overnight, so it is not always possible to maintain the uniformity of the pots.
In this case, the key to your botanical success is a successful composition. To prevent the eye from drowning in solid greenery, choose one or two large and expressive plants that will attract attention and become the semantic center of the garden. Let the rest serve to fill the space (act as a background).

10. To a new level!
Even if the window sill is wide, it is better not to place pots of the same size one after another. No one will see the second row, unless they are large specimens that are head and shoulders above everyone else. It is better to think about how to organize several levels. For example, you can place a flower table or banquette in front of the window sill, at or just below the window sill itself. If its width allows, you can place a jardiniere or stand on several floors.

11. Horizontal
A shelf for plants is often made across the window - although it eats up a lot of light, it provides additional flower space.
Tip: Think about how you will wash the glass and open the window for ventilation.

12. Vertical
Don't forget that pots can be hung. Traditionally, flowerpots dangle along window frame, but this option is not the only one. Rails and hooks allow you to attach the cowl anywhere.