The cheapest type of fence. What is the best and most correct way to make a fence - the choice of materials. Chain-link fencing

Most cheap fence for a summer residence, one that is made from materials left over from construction, or simply lying idle. In this case, their initial cost is no longer important, and the labor costs will pay off in any case. For example, if there is a rocky outcrop in the vicinity, and after the construction of the house there is cement and sand left, then you can build the most expensive type of fence - from natural stone. Or the second option - a fence made from scraps of logs cut down on a tree plot

The fence of the site can be built like this in an unusual way Source

But these are more special cases - usually you have to buy materials or order a “turnkey fence”.

Features of a country fence

There are certain restrictions on the height and nature of the fence between adjacent areas. The fence should not cast a continuous shadow and be higher than 1.5 meters. Although in practice this is not always done. But it is precisely these requirements that make this part of the fence inexpensive in terms of materials. Anyone can build a relatively affordable fence for their dacha, options for materials used for these purposes:

  • Rabitz;
  • wooden fence (picket fence);
  • welded sections made of rolled metal.

For the part that fences off the dacha plot from the “street,” there is a greater choice of materials, including those listed above. But such a “transparent” fence has rather bad protective functions, especially from prying eyes, wind and dust. Therefore, such a fence for a dacha is used in combination with hedges - shrubs or climbing plants.

Translucent mesh fence and climbing plants Source

If a “blind” and cheap fence is needed along the front border of the site, then boards or corrugated sheets are chosen as materials. This way you can build a fence with your own hands cheaply and beautifully.

Wooden fences

You can build the cheapest fence out of wood. At making the right choice and timely care, wooden fences will last at least 10 years. Moreover, this statement mainly applies to pillars, and if they are made from steel pipe with an anti-corrosion coating, then we can talk about at least twenty years of service. And, importantly, there is different types fences for dachas made of this material.

Usually fence, or fence board, is the simplest option wooden fence from edged lumber. But the protective functions of the picket fence are low, as is its cost. Fence from unedged boards only marks the boundary of the site, and its decorative qualities depend solely on the method of cutting the upper part of the slats and the color of the paint.

Although, if desired, a fence made from an ordinary picket fence can also be made attractive Source

there are also “full-fledged” fences made of wooden picket fence, which are characterized by higher reliability and degree of protection against penetration into the site. Moreover, such a fence can even be “deaf” if used double padding of fence boards- from the front and inside.

Blind fence made of slats Source

Traditional look decorative fencing from thin strip Source:

A slatted fence also allows you to make section decoration as decorative panel. And at first glance, a cheap fence will no longer look very cheap.

You can assemble this type of fencing, but this is clearly not a budget option Source

And they look very original "wicker" fences from wooden slats.

And this is what it looks like modern interpretation fence Source

Edged board fence can be either deaf or “holey”. In the first case, the boards on the veins are stuffed end-to-end or on both sides (alternately on the front and inside).

In the second case, the scheme for laying boards on the crossbars of the spans is similar to a picket fence. To some extent they are even similar, but this option is more “solid”.

A fence made from edged boards - reliability and solidity Source

If horizontal direction wooden slats for a picket fence this is rare, but for an edged board this solution is more common. Perhaps this is the cheapest fence for a summer house, but it looks quite nice.

This covering of the span makes it look like the wall of a house Source

And you can put it in a separate category wooden fence blinds. This type of fence resembles a wall lined with plank. The principle of placing the board (or slats) is the same - at an angle to vertical plane with overhang on front side the top panel above the bottom.

This type of fence appeared recently, but is already popular Source

Fence blinds combine positive sides solid and “holey” spans:

  • the territory is protected from prying eyes;
  • direct exposure to wind and penetration of dust and dirt from the street are reduced;
  • the area is ventilated, so excess moisture from the soil will evaporate more quickly;
  • the shadow from the fence is not so “dense” and “short” plants can be planted nearby.

Video description

Example of fences made from other materials in the video:

Another type of wooden horizontal fence is fencing using a block house. This type of cladding panel is thick enough to withstand severe mechanical loads. A decorative properties panels fit perfectly into the rural landscape, especially if the house is built from rounded logs, lined with a block house or siding with a similar profile.

Block house, one of the most unusual finishing materials, also looks great as a fence Source

Of course, this is not the cheapest fence - according to this characteristic, a block house does not lag behind most types of fencing made from planed lumber.

Budget fencing made from scrap materials

First of all, you need to understand that not all available materials can be “legal”. An example that can often be found as a cheap fence is a fence or picket fence made from branches or poles cut from a planting or nearby forest. Nowadays, fences made from pallets left over after construction are often chosen. In short, if you need an affordable fence for your dacha, there are many options.

Such a purely rustic fence can serve as a reason for administrative punishment Source

But in this case, you can wait for the police to visit, since illegal cutting of trees and bushes (even vines) is punishable by both administrative and criminal codes. For individuals the fine is small - 4-5 thousand rubles. But this is if they find no signs of a criminal act. If found, the fine starts from 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if such a fence is purchased, and its wood is obtained illegally, then the buyer will also face a fine.

And if purchasing a ready-made wicker fence can be considered an affordable option, then log palisade into the rank budget fence no longer hits.

A log palisade turns a home into a fortress, but it comes with a significant price tag. Source

The most inexpensive material is slab. It belongs to lumber production waste, but this does not mean that any kind is suitable for a fence. It is divided into two classes: wood and business. And for the construction of a fence, you need to choose only the second option, as it is thicker and more uniform in cross-section geometry. Moreover, selection must be carried out both by the quality of the wood (lack of rot) and by the uniformity of size - it is advisable to select plates of approximately the same width and thickness. If there is a suspicion of infestation with a bark beetle, then the croaker must be sanded and treated with an appropriate solution so as not to infect the trees on the site.

Such a fence will be the cheapest among all, and it is quite appropriate in a rural landscape Source

The second most expensive material is considered Not edged board . It makes affordable yet attractive wooden fences for your dacha. And here there are nuances of choice - it is better to use a wide format.

A vertical fence made from such a board is mounted overlapping, with the “front” and “wrong” sides alternating

And this site fence naturally looks rural areas Source:

For horizontal fences, the arrangement of the plates is more varied. For example, it could be “volumetric” installation of boards around timber in the center of the span.

If you show your imagination, you can make an original fence for your site from an ordinary unedged board. Source

Attaching a herringbone board carried out by analogy with the installation of siding.

Another design of a blind fence made from unedged boards Source

There is one too inexpensive option fencing materials – pallets. More precisely, Euro pallets. For their production, fairly high-quality edged boards are used, from which enterprising people even make furniture. And not only for the garden, but also for residential premises with an interior in a loft or rustic style.

The europallet can be used as a source of “raw materials”. That is, disassemble it into boards and make a regular vertical fence out of them. Or build a horizontal fence, borrowing not only boards from the pallet, but also the very idea of ​​a “two-row” volumetric structure.

Both the fence and the flowerbed Source

There are options when pallet practically unchanged goes into the manufacture of spans low fences.

This type of fence is perfect for a palisade in front of the house Source

Inexpensive metal fences

In this category, the cheapest garden fences are made from chain link mesh. Their apparent unreliability is deceptive - it is impossible to climb over them, and in order to gain unauthorized access to the site you must use at least metal scissors. When choosing what to make a fence from, you should not discard this option.

Chain-link mesh is the leader among metal fences for dachas Source

This also includes fences with spans made of welded construction mesh , which is even stronger due to the greater thickness of the wire.

Fences made of welded mesh are one of the easiest to manufacture Source

There are quite a lot of manufacturers of turnkey sectional fences using welded mesh as a basis. And in the most simple options it is not even attached to the frame from the corner. For fastening, special clamps are used, selected for the cross-section of the profile pipe from which the fence posts are made.

And this is the most affordable option metal sectional fence Source:

And the next stage in the evolution of welded mesh as a material for fencing a site is gabions. IN landscape design Wire baskets filled with natural stone are commonly used as retaining walls. They also found application for the construction of fences with “blind” spans. This design is more affordable than a stone fence, especially since the gabion does not need a foundation, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and moved to another place.

Gabion fence - a union of metal and stone Source

Another inexpensive option is welded fences. made of smooth reinforcement or square rod.

Welded fence made of smooth reinforcement – ​​simple and elegant Source

And if you need to close off an area from the street with a solid fence with high resistance to burglary, then wall profiled sheet in category inexpensive materials there are no competitors.

Profiled sheet - reliability and safety of the site for little money Source

Video description

And a few more options beautiful fences on video:


The final cost of the fence is influenced not only by the materials of the span, but also by its nature. Solid fences are strongly influenced by wind loads, so the supports for them must be more reliable than for through spans. And the calculation of their number and the size of the underground part has the same algorithm as that of a pile or monolithic foundation. Therefore, a cheap, but solid fence may ultimately cost more than its competitor made of more expensive materials that are freely blown by the wind.

It’s not difficult to come up with a fence design; it’s more difficult to realize the idea of ​​how to do exactly what you want. But when you also want to make money from it, you need to evaluate the attractiveness from the very beginning consumables. After all general design often collected from everything that lies idle or is sold for pennies.

From scrap materials

Now, precisely on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, here is what you can choose from:

  • Pallets;
  • Used slate;
  • Plastic (various containers);
  • Production network;
  • Cutting from a sawmill (the most budget-friendly rural option);
  • Shrub branches (collected with your own hands, if available near the construction site);
  • (for a fence or shed, cheaper option No);
  • Disassembled wooden barrels(a rare case, but sometimes in production workshops they are forced to sell already broken barrels made of strong wood for pick-up);
  • Scrap metal (if you have transport, you can visit retail outlets and collect poles, crossbars and even some decor for handmade work by weight);
  • Profiled sheet. The most inexpensive;
  • Concrete, cement and decorative.

How to make a cheap fence out of all this? Let's look at it in detail.

Designer novelties

Beautiful photos with original ideas:

Simple design layout. In the photo - a homemade picket fence made of wire, hazel, willow. For a simple fence made of branches with your own hands, you don’t even need to nail anything, just make turns between the supporting parts, and the low fence will be ready very soon. It's a pity that such designs don't last very long. strong winds and precipitation.

Garden option decorative fence in a private house, assembled on its own. And the more leftover paint is used in this option, the brighter the garden itself will look. Boards can also be selected from pallets to create a simple decorative element.

Worth noticing! Such a garden fence is also an impromptu bird feeder and waterer. Very original and inexpensive.

Brick, cement and glass. American novelty. The materials are not cheap and readily available, but it looks great. Unfortunately, such a design most likely will not last very long due to the intense interest. There will be someone who cannot repeat this.

Copper or other metal at work. Of course, the element is not for everybody. Yes and welding work a lot of. But if you make it, for example, from iron beds from past eras, it will be original, free and forever.

Plastic. Even greenhouses have been made from containers for a long time. And they don’t forget about fences. It is advisable, of course, to make small pieces from empty containers smooth material, which is then sheathed on buildings or fences. But the above method will also work, just prepare a strong frame in advance.

Euro pallet. Suitable for everything: firewood, building a shed and a fence. Interestingly, the technology for creating the pallets themselves has a drying stage. It turns out that pallets from the warehouse are ideal construction material for inexpensive fence. And often unloading pallets are sold simply by weight. There should be no knots or defects on small boards.

There is no need to disassemble the pallets to build the fence. The most correct thing to do is as in the photo above - set and secure each of them in turn.

Branches, tree and croaker

Very inexpensive, example in the photo:

It couldn’t be simpler - they insert or hammer in something for support, and then weave it the way your heart desires. Everything that lies under our feet goes to work. Even dry, crooked and heavy oak branches can be the completion of the composition.

Below is a photo of a fence. From a thin branch Such a design, of course, is not particularly durable. But you can secure a ready-made homemade fence with a mesh over the entire area.

Like this (next photo) it is much stronger, more economical and more beautiful. Livestock, forest pests or abandoned dogs will not disturb your territorial space. Moreover, the mesh can be installed not very finely, and it is enough to be one meter from the ground. Above this, such protection is no longer needed.

Mesh combined with wooden frame, carried out according to the right technology(cone-shaped wood, pillars treated with bitumen). Modest, not particularly expensive and reliable. There is no point in sinning with wood, because a fence made of absolutely any material will not last forever. And even monolithic structures are destroyed by atmospheric changes.

Carved grace. This is a small work of art. Although earlier, when most of the population of our country lived on private lands, there were carved elements in every yard. This had several meanings: wealth, neatness, skill and respect for tradition.

Below - garden fence made from pallets, treated with protective compounds.

fence board goes together very nicely With concrete base and a pillar.

By the way, the “fence board” comes in several grades (grade 1-3). If there is a lot of crooked wood at the sawmill, then grade 3 fence boards will accumulate in cubic meters. Externally, of course, there are differences, but this is the same wood that is used in construction. It’s more of a hassle with her, but for such low price this is forgiven her. And if the 1st grade costs from 3 thousand per 1 cubic meter, the 3rd grade will cost 1.5-1.8.

It’s also interesting that cheap lumber is not bought quickly, so it’s easy to find dried, inexpensive fence boards in warehouses or yards.

Original wood processing

Using Japanese technology now can be burned fence boards , giving a brown tint. Similar processing for natural material only needed once. Moreover thin layer Burnt wood is resistant to dampness, and natural processing can only be replaced with expensive paint, the service life of which leaves much to be desired. Burn several dozen boards with oxygen or blowtorch convenient, practical and original.

Slate, corrugated sheets, concrete and mesh

If you take on new slate, it would be better to order exactly flat version, designed for 1 span. Such material is easy to replace if it breaks, and it looks discreet, thorough, and more solid.

Used slate often with a wave. It is rarely used on the front part, except for visors. However, the back side of the site, closed from the eyes of everyone and everything, also needs fencing. This is where they find a use for the old slate from their grandfather’s house or barn.

Interesting fact! Slate, produced in the 70-80s of the 20th century, is very fragile, but durable. If no cracks are created during transportation and installation, then it will remain in the fence for decades.

Classic rules for working with your own hands on corrugated sheets and metal frames. As shown in the picture, for high fence(above 2 meters) it is more correct to make 3 logs. Well, the span is no more than 2.5 meters.

Patterned grids. Long and painstaking work. Must be carried out according to a project or pattern. Of course, you will have to work hard, but you can sell such works. Or hire a designer if there is interest in your ideas.

Cheap, beautiful and original. You can use everything in decorative elements: from forks to car hubs. And it doesn’t matter how it all will look in the overall picture, because different elements It is impossible to assemble something from iron or any other material into one structure unattractively.

Profiled sheet or corrugated sheet on wooden frame . An option for those who do not have welding skills. It is better to make the frame itself more stable, although sheets located horizontally will add the required stiffness. It is advisable to treat wood with drying oil-based protective agents.

Concrete or brick fences. There are a lot of shades here, decorative elements and, accordingly, expenses. It is more profitable to make only the base from stone, placing it in the center of each span wood, forging, sheets of flooring or even factory plastic.

Estimated cost

Let's look at the example of a standard 6 acres of dacha plot:

Type of fence Materials Quantity of materials Cost per unit, rub. Amounts, rub.
Wooden fence with concrete base Cement (concrete); 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
pillars (logs); From 50 pieces; 450; 22 thousand
logs (timber); 40 pieces; 150; 6 thousand
fence board (grade 2-3). 200-250 pieces. 60. 15 thousand
Result: 76 thousand for building materials.
Mesh with concrete base Concrete; 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
Pipes for the frame; 89Х40; 1500; 78 thousand
Wooden logs; 50 pieces.

200-250 pieces;

108; 3.7 thousand
Net. 170 square meters. 60. 9.4 thousand
Result: material without delivery 124 thousand.

These are the prices for central region. And if we count the turnkey supply of the above materials, then we need to add up to 50 thousand for labor and delivery.


Fences made of stone, brick and decorative components cost twice as much as fences made of mesh or wood.

It’s easy to guess that it’s most profitable to do what you’ve planned with your own hands, using the same Euro pallet or used pallet. After all, with high-quality installation, they look much more original. The price of the work is cheap; the material itself can be ordered from 100 rubles per piece. 1 element is a whole meter of almost assembled fence. Decide for yourself what is best for a regular fence.

Video instructions

About how to do inexpensive fence, says Ivan Galkin.

The first impression is the strongest.

Therefore, neglect the careful arrangement country fencing not worth it. But due to the considerable size of the fence, it seems that the costs will go through the roof.

Don't despair. We are sharing a selection of ideas that will help you make your fence spectacular and original without extra costs.

1. For lovers of noble drinks

Colored glass- a material that always looks noble. After all, when natural light it casts sunbeams that will enliven even an ordinary dacha. To make the fence decor look decent, we recommend choosing unusual bottles of different colors.

2. Stone and wood

Gabions are interesting structures made of wire and metal that are used in construction. At the same time, they are a universal decor for a summer cottage. For example, from gabions in combination with wooden planks you will be able to build a spectacular fence.

3. Funny pictures

An ordinary wooden fence turns into a decor for a summer house if you paint it with simple pictures. Children will also certainly appreciate this activity. To keep the paint on the wood for a long time, do not forget about the protective impregnation for it.

4. Simple and tasteful

Who said that a fence has to be perfectly straight? It’s worth choosing boards for its arrangement different heights, with a rounded top part- and the fence will become original. If this is not enough, then paint the fence in bright shade, in harmony with the color of the greenery behind it.

5. Cozy eco-style

Branches are a material that is more than enough at any dacha. Especially after tree pruning season. Branches of suitable shape can be screwed to the fence using metal wire. This fence decor will help further protect the area from prying eyes.

6. Gatekeeper

Climbing ivy is a common design for a fence. But this does not make the living decor of the fence lose any of its attractive appearance. Especially if you periodically trim the ivy in the shape of a woman’s head of hair, and draw a face underneath it. Such a fence will definitely not go unnoticed by others.

7. Plastic mosaic

This kind of fence decor will require some preparation: you need to assemble sufficient quantity multi-colored lids, having previously decided on the future pattern. If necessary, the covers can be painted desired color. The covers are attached to the wooden fence with screws or nails.

8. Bird's joy

From the side of a restless street, and even at a low altitude, birds are unlikely to dare to build a nest. But you can pour food into such birdhouses, and then the birds will definitely not leave the fence unattended. Another option for lovers of tranquility is to plant living plants in birdhouses.

9. Embroidery on the fence

This trend of embroidering fences with ribbons is gaining popularity in many cities around the world thanks to the work of street artists. Why not bring it to our realities? Such embroidery with multi-colored ribbons does not require any special skills. You just need to decide on the pattern.

10. Mini-exhibition

Perhaps on outside country fence There is no point in organizing an exhibition of different things. But the fence also needs decoration from the inside. The decor of the fence can be very diverse - from birdhouses to mirrors and empty frames.

11. Smooth shapes

An ordinary fence made of boards will look new if you make it up from elements of an unusual shape. For example, boards with rounded edges or holes.

12. Minimalistic geometry

Concrete blocks filled with soil will not only become unusual decor decor for the fence. An additional bonus is that such a decoration can prevent unwanted parking of cars near the country fence.

In addition to purely practical functions, such as protecting your personal space from prying eyes and the entry of unwanted “guests,” the fence performs an equally important aesthetic function. Nice fence should fit into the environment and not look like an alien element against the background of the overall architectural composition of your home.

DIY fence. Photo

A wide range of materials used today for the construction of fences gives complete freedom creative thoughts and flights of fancy. And master classes with step-by-step instructions for making a fence allow even beginners to build their own fence for their home or property. In our article you will find all the information on how to make a fence with your own hands.

DIY stone fence

Stone remains one of the most popular materials for building a fence. In terms of reliability and durability, stone is far superior to other materials for building fences. From the depths of centuries they have been preserved and have come down to us precisely masonry fortified buildings. How to build a stone fence with your own hands?

Construction stages

The entire process of erecting a stone fence consists of the following stages:

  1. Layout and marking
  2. Laying the foundation
  3. Construction of pillars
  4. Masonry


First of all, we create a preliminary drawing, with an exact indication of the height and length of the building, as well as indicating the location of the gate and wicket.


We mark the boundaries of the area that will be enclosed by a fence by driving in its corners pegs. We stretch the cord between them and in places where the drawing provides for the location of the pillars, we drive in additional stakes. Distance between support pillars should not exceed 2.5 m.


Guided by the markings made, we begin digging the foundation trench. Tight threads allow you to get straight lines when digging. Stone fence- a heavy structure that requires solid foundation, to avoid subsidence in the future. The trench is dug to a depth of 60 - 70 cm. However, if the height of the fence exceeds 2 m, then with each additional meter of height the depth of the foundation increases by 10 cm. The width depends on the size of the stone, but on average it does not exceed 40 cm.

Before pouring the foundation, we lay a cushion of sand or crushed stone. We compact it well and begin to strengthen the base with reinforcement of the middle section. Posting waterproofing layer from roofing felt, install the formwork and, finally, start pouring. Depending on the brand of concrete, the foundation will set and acquire the required hardness within 15 to 30 days. In cold weather it takes longer to harden. In hot weather, moisture is lost, which is necessary for the hardening processes. Therefore, in the summer after pouring, you should cover the foundation with a thick tarpaulin and regularly moisten it.

Construction of pillars

After the base has hardened, we begin building the pillars. To build a stone fence with your own hands, you should choose suitable material. If you lack masonry experience, it is recommended to lay the pillars out of hewn stones with smooth edges. Rubble stone is more difficult to lay out, but it allows you to create a unique structure design.

We install the formwork for the bottom layer and place the stones in it with the even side out, trying to place them as closely as possible to each other. Thick cement mixture pour into the gaps between the stones. If the mixture gets on the surface of the stone, remove it wire brush only after completely dry and without the use of water. Lay out all subsequent rows in the same way.

Laying spans

Laying out spans is carried out using the same technology as erecting pillars. To give it an aesthetic appearance, add dry dye to the mixture. At the end of the work, use a narrow spatula to fill out the seams.

DIY stone fence. Photo

DIY brick fence

A brick fence is not just a reliable fence for your home. Thanks to its aesthetic qualities, brick buildings look stylish and laconic. And the correct one geometric shape material allows even a beginner to build a brick fence with his own hands.

Since brick is not a cheap pleasure, an important stage of construction is advance paynemt required materials. The number of bricks is calculated based on the following parameters:

  • wall thickness (one or two bricks);
  • height;
  • fence length.

The following stages of work:

  1. Marking
  2. Foundation structure
  3. Construction brick pillars

DIY brick fence. Photo instructions

After marking and marking the locations of the pillars, we begin digging a trench and drilling recesses for the vertical supports. The depth of the trench is 40 - 45 cm, taking into account the thickness of the buffer layer of sand or crushed stone, the depth of the holes is about 1.5 m. The diameter of the hole must exceed the diameter of the section metal support by 15 - 20 cm. We install the pillars in the prepared recesses.

We fasten the formwork, and then lay it out sand cushion and we reinforce the foundation. We lay out a waterproofing layer that prevents the outflow of moisture from the cement mixture. We fill the resulting base with concrete, not forgetting to fill the holes around the pillars with it, compacting the mixture during the pouring process.

After the concrete has completely dried (20 - 30 days), we begin the construction of brick pillars by laying vertical supports. The simplest type of masonry is laying out 4 elements around a pillar. Bricks of lodges

They are placed on a cement mixture, compact compaction of which is achieved by lightly tapping the brick. There are quite a lot of masonry options: the photo shows some of them. Following step by step instructions making a brick fence, presented in the video materials, you can build a beautiful and reliable fence for your home without resorting to the expensive services of professionals.

Do-it-yourself corrugated fence

If you need to quickly, reliably and without extra costs protect your area from prying eyes, the best solution is a fence made of corrugated board. This material has a number of advantages:

  • fences made of corrugated sheets are durable and strong;
  • are resistant to adverse natural factors;
  • have good sound insulation;
  • do not require special care;
  • fits well into any surroundings;
  • affordable;
  • installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets does not require special preparation.

DIY corrugated fence. Photo

Profiled sheeting is an excellent option for fencing a garden or summer cottage. Using the photo instructions below for building a fence at your dacha, you can easily build such a fence.

Construction stages

  1. Layout and marking
  2. Installation of vertical supports
  3. Installation of horizontal logs
  4. Installation of corrugated sheets

Layout and marking

In order to mount a corrugated fence with your own hands, you can do without a preliminary drawing. It is enough to measure the area around the perimeter, determine the place where the gate will be located and make marking, marking with pegs the corners and places of vertical posts, the distance between which should not exceed 3 m. We leave the location of the gate free.

Installation of racks

In the designated areas there are indentations, the depth of which should be equal to 1/3 of the height of the rack. The diameter should exceed the cross-sectional diameter of the rack by 15 - 20 cm. Pipes of both round and square sections can be used. We install the supports strictly vertically, using a level. Place a layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the hole and fill it with concrete.

Installation of horizontal logs

After 3 - 4 days, after the concrete has completely dried, we weld it to the vertical posts cross beams at the rate of one log for each meter of fence height.

Fence made of corrugated board. Step by step photos

Fastening the corrugated sheet

Finally, we attach corrugated sheets to the finished frame, installing them overlapping, overlapping one another to the depth of one wave. We fasten with self-tapping screws or rivets in increments of 50 cm. Scratches formed during the work are painted over with spray paint or covered with a primer to prevent corrosion.

DIY slab fence

Supporters of eco-style will like a fence made of slab, which is not only an original, but also an economical solution when constructing a fence. Gorbyl- This is residual cheap lumber formed during the longitudinal sawing of logs. One of its surfaces is smooth, and the other is convex with remnants of bark. The higher the surface knotiness, the lower the cost of the material.

Croaker is an excellent material for constructing a fence for a wooden country house. Photo instructions for building a fence at the dacha will help even a person who is far from the intricacies of construction skills to build such a fence.

Construction stages

  1. Layout and marking
  2. Installation of vertical racks
  3. Installation of crossbars
  4. Attaching the slab

Layout and marking

To build a fence from a slab with your own hands, we stretch a thread along the perimeter of the site and along it we mark the places of vertical supports in increments of 2 - 2.5 m.

Installation of supports

We dig holes for vertical supports to the depth of soil freezing (1 - 1.5 m). Can be used as supports metal pipes, and wooden poles. In the latter case, the pillars should be tarred with hot resin or varnished to the height placed in the ground. Using a level, install the posts strictly vertically and fill them with concrete.

Installation of crossbars

Cross bars are not always needed. The need for them appears only if the slab strips are attached vertically. When mounted horizontally, they can be fixed directly to vertical supports.

Attaching the slab

The method of laying the slab depends only on your imagination. The planks can be laid overlapping or with a gap, vertically or horizontally. When laying overlapping, the planks should overlap each other by less than 2 cm, since drying out by 1.5 cm should be expected. When the planks are placed vertically, their upper edge can be made smooth or shaped.

Some useful tips

The following recommendations will help extend the life of a slab fence:

  1. You should not use boards that are too wide: over time they will crack, which will impair the strength and appearance of the fence.
  2. The finished fence should be coated with paint or varnish: in this way you can not only give it more aesthetic appearance, but also create a barrier to rotting.
  3. Install gable roof above the fence: this will emphasize the retro style and protect your fence from moisture.

DIY bamboo fence

Do you want to highlight your site against the general background of dull fences? Then the fence from bamboo- this is what you need. This exotic plant will add a touch of originality to your architectural ensemble. A bamboo fence will look stylish and interesting. How to make such a fence with your own hands? Our photo instructions will help you complete the task easily.

Stages of work

  1. Territory marking
  2. Installation of vertical supports
  3. Making a wooden frame
  4. Assembling a bamboo shield on a wooden base
  5. Attaching bamboo shields to poles


Regardless of what material the fence is built from, work always begins with marking the territory and designating places for vertical supports. To build a bamboo fence with your own hands, wooden posts are used as supports.

Installation of vertical supports

In the marked places, recesses are dug to 1/3 of the height of the pillar. To prevent wood rotting, we tar or coat with bitumen mastic the part of the post that will be in the ground. We install the support strictly vertically, using a level or plumb line. Place a layer of sand or gravel at the bottom of the hole and fill in the cement mixture. Leave for 3 - 4 days until the concrete sets.

Let's prepare wooden frame

We nail metal embedded parts to the pillars, which will hold the wooden frame. Parts on adjacent pillars must be at the same level. To achieve this, we use a board and a level.

Cut off horizontal boards required length and insert them into the embedded parts on the pillars. Then we proceed to install the vertical x boards. We fasten them with self-tapping screws to horizontal boards in increments not exceeding 1 m.

Assembling a bamboo shield

We remove the finished wooden frame from the vertical supports and place it on the trestles. We screw screws into the corners of the frame to prevent the bamboo trunks from rolling off the base. We begin to lay the bamboo on the frame, fitting the trunks tightly to each other. We attach the bamboo to the base with self-tapping screws. Using a wide board, mark the desired height of the bamboo shield and circular saw cut off everything unnecessary. We do the same from the other edge. Our bamboo shield is ready.

Assembling the fence

We install the finished fence element into the holding parts on the posts and fasten it with self-tapping screws. We cover the fastening points with bamboo trunks. To prevent rainwater from getting inside the trunks, we lay boards along the upper edge of the fence, which we attach to the posts with self-tapping screws. To extend the life of the fence, we treat bamboo and all wooden parts with an antiseptic primer and coat it with waterproof varnish.

DIY wicker fence

If you are tired of dull concrete and iron fences that constantly catch your eye, fence your area with a lightweight wicker structure that will give the exterior of your house or cottage an airy and pastoral atmosphere. It’s not at all difficult to build a wicker fence at your dacha with your own hands. All you need is inspiration and a little patience. So, what do we need for this?

In order to make a wicker fence with your own hands, you should carefully consider the choice of wood. The rods should be thin, obedient, but at the same time durable. The following types of trees are considered the best:

  • Alder
  • Hazel
  • Birch

There are many ways to weave a fence. From the schemes presented here, you can choose the option you like best.

The first step in building a wicker fence is to create basics. To do this, wooden or metal posts of the desired height are driven into the ground at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from each other and to a depth of 40 - 45 cm. In this case, the thickness of the racks directly depends on the thickness of the rods.

Before starting work, the weaving material must be softened in a steam room or in a salt bath. This will make the rods more pliable. Then we proceed directly to weaving. We fasten the twig with wire to the first post and begin to move it in a checkerboard pattern between the remaining posts. To avoid rotting processes, the wattle fence should not fit tightly to the ground: leave a gap of 5 - 10 cm.

Wicker fence made of boards

A separate type of wicker fence is a wicker fence made of boards. Such a fence looks solid and impressive and can be used not only for a summer house, but also for a home.

To construct such a fence, only metal vertical posts are used, which must be concreted, since the pressure of the boards on them is high. Planed boards are used, which are attached to the racks with self-tapping screws. Finally, the wood is covered with a layer of protective mastic and painted.

Norms and rules for installing fences

When erecting fences and enclosures, you should be guided not only by your own taste and capabilities, but also by generally accepted norms and rules:

  • The choice of material for the fence facing the main highway should be agreed upon with local authorities: it must comply with the overall architectural plan and not be hazardous.
  • Height such a fence should not exceed 2.2 m.
  • If the fence is located at a distance of less than 1.5 m from a public street section, then gates should open inward so as not to impede movement.

Rules for installing fences between neighboring areas:

  • Maximum permissible height- 2.2 m.
  • At the same time, the height deaf the fence should not exceed 0.75 m, and the rest of the fence should be mesh or lattice. Otherwise, written agreement neighbors.
  • Without the consent of neighbors, you can install a solid fence up to 2.2 m high from light transmitting materials.
  • Thickness fencing increases only at the expense of your site.
  • The construction of a blind fence requires installation drainage, in order to avoid flooding of the neighboring area.
  • Allowed to create hedge, the height of which should not exceed 1.5 m.

If you decide to build a fence at your dacha with your own hands, you should take into account the following fencing planning standards:

  • the height of the fence separating the site from the street can reach 2 m;
  • by decision of the meeting of the gardening association, the fence can be made of solid materials;
  • fences between neighboring areas should not exceed 1.5 m and should be light-transmitting.

Fire regulations

Fire safety standards are regulated by SNiP of the Russian Federation. According to the rules fire safety, the minimum distances between buildings depend on the material from which they are made:

The first question that arises before an owner who decides to fence his plot is what material to choose for the fence. Indeed, there are many options, it is difficult to choose the best one for yourself. We have collected the most popular materials for fencing areas today.

Corrugated sheet

If the task is to make a solid fence and reliably cover the area from prying eyes, then corrugated sheeting has no competitors in terms of popularity. This is explained simply - this material is the cheapest. And it’s easy to install a corrugated fence with your own hands.

This material has some disadvantages, no doubt about it. Corrugated sheeting can be dented upon impact, if it is secured with self-tapping screws, they can become loose over time, there is a risk that the sheets will be unscrewed and stolen, and during windy conditions a metal sheet may make unpleasant sounds.

However big choice colors, the ability to choose corrugated board to match wood or stone, ease of installation and maintenance, durability and reasonable price make this material a leader in the construction of blind fences.


The main competitor of corrugated sheeting, so far completely unsurpassed by it. Tree - available material, allowing you to experiment with fences. You can make a wooden fence any way you want - low and high, solid and with gaps, carved and massive, painted in any color. In addition, if the house on the site is wooden, the same fence will create a harmonious picture.

Of the minuses, it is advisable to treat it with fire retardants, because wood burns well, you will have to regularly care for it, renew the paint, and wood does not last as long as metal. However, repairing a wooden fence is not that difficult.


Concrete fences attract owners of personal plots with their reliability, durability, and variety of shapes. A simple gray fence can be painted, and you can choose a fence to your liking. look after concrete fence It’s not particularly necessary, but installation will require more effort - the fence is heavy.


Inexpensive fencing, which is often used in summer cottages. The main disadvantage is that it does not hide anything, it simply marks the boundaries and prevents neighbors’ animals from entering the site. Chain-link mesh is in demand due to its ease of installation and low cost.


Already more expensive, but popular material for the fence. Brick fences have a number of advantages, including giving the site a well-groomed appearance, looking attractive, one might say, elite, and differing in a variety of colors and shapes.

Building a brick fence is more difficult than installing corrugated board or ready-made sections made of concrete. But the fence will last a long time and can be repaired if necessary.


Wrought iron fences are always beautiful, elegant, and delicate. Yes, they do not hide the area, but they look very elite and attractive. In addition, it is easy to install ready-made factory sections. Minus - forged fences cost a lot, especially if they are different complex shape. But they last a long time.


Polycarbonate fences themselves can look unreliable, too simple and unattractive. But if polycarbonate is combined in a fence with forging or chain-link mesh, it’s a completely different matter! This fencing option is now quite popular due to its excellent results, durability and ease of installation.

Let us repeat - we have selected only the most popular materials for fences today. The choice is actually wider. You can use gabions, hedges, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is just gaining popularity, wickerwork from branches, natural stone, even plastic bottles.