Pink children's room: a fairy tale for princesses. Pink room: nursery design for girls Pink room design

All parents try to arrange their child’s room as best as possible. After all, not only the baby’s mood and his psychosis often depend on the interior emotional condition, but even development. That’s why it’s very important to decorate a children’s room correctly. If a girl grows up in the house, very often her room is turned into a princess’s kingdom, choosing a design in pink tones.

Psychologists say that this color has a positive effect on development, but designers love it very much because it is very close to the feminine nature and, by decorating a room with it, you can make many girlish dreams come true.

Psychology of pink

For most people pink color is associated with tenderness, romance, dreaminess, friendliness, tranquility and special comfort. And psychologists agree with this; it was not for nothing that in ancient times many hospital wards and sanatorium rooms were decorated in pink: patients here recovered faster.

Children's room in pink

And also pink color significantly reduces feelings of anxiety and fear, lifts the mood and promotes good sleep. On a subconscious level, in such a room the child will feel very protected, will not react to extraneous noises and will be able to endure conflict situations more easily.

Therefore, decorating a children's room in pink tones is very justified. But here it’s worth making a reservation: due to its delicacy, this color should not be chosen for a boy’s room. It is suitable only for a little princess, both for a baby and a teenage girl.

Children's room in pink tones

When decorating a room in pink tones, you should be very careful. In front of everyone positive characteristics oh this shade, it is considered quite strong energetically. And in large quantities may have a negative impact.

Ideally, pink color should be correctly combined with more neutral tones - white, milky, gray, beige. Especially if a bright pink tone is chosen to decorate the room (sometimes it can seem poisonous).

To make the child comfortable and not irritate him, it is better to give preference to soft and delicate shades.

How does a child's age influence the choice of color?

The classic pink color is the one obtained by mixing white and red. Therefore, most shades are quite warm. But pink can also have notes of purple or blue, which are cold.

Which one to give preference to when decorating the interior depends on two factors: the age of the child and the location of the room in the apartment. If the windows face north, it is better to decorate the room in a warmer color scheme, and if to the south, it is quite possible to use cold tones.

With age it becomes a little more difficult. For a newborn girl, psychologists and designers advise choosing very soft pastel colors: nothing should distract or irritate the baby.

For an older girl - from about 3 to 11 years old - they are more suitable bright shades pink in the interior.

They can be perfectly combined with cheerful colors such as green, blue or yellow. And there is a justification for this: at this age, a child learns to explore the world, and the environment in his room can contribute to this.

Pink children's room for a girl

But for a teenage girl you can choose bolder shades Pink colour, even the most saturated shade of fuchsia. Moreover, you can no longer be afraid of “brightness”, and if you wish, you can combine pink color not only with pastel colors, but also with dark ones, including black. A teenager's room will look very stylish in pink and black tones.

Pink interior for growth

It is not always possible to renovate a room and change the interior every two or three years. Most families try to make the child’s room universal so that he can feel comfortable here for at least 6-7 years. In this case, you should not overload the room with one color.

Pink should only be used to create accents, and take a white, beige, grayish or milky shade as a basis.

But pink can be used for furniture - it is good for desk and a chair, for a bean bag, for a small bedside table. It can also be partially used in cabinet design, for example, making one door or a couple of drawers pink.

Textiles can also be used as an accent color. Pink curtains, as well as a small rug or decorative pillows, will look great in a children's room. And this color scheme is well suited for decorative items: a child’s room can be decorated with a pink lamp or photographs framed in the same color.

Style selection

Pink color will immediately determine the style of the room. Provence, classic, Shabby chic or Country are the styles that are ideal for this color scheme. And here Scandinavian style,

Pink room in Provence style

Modern or high-tech are not associated with the color pink. True, you can try the Scandinavian style. Having decorated the room in light milky tones, pink can be used in the form of accents - pillows, a rug or a small chair.

Pink room in Shabby chic style

Depending on the chosen style, pink tones must be correctly combined with others. In the Provence style, an interior in pink, violet and lavender tones will look good.

Pink children's room classic style

For classics, a combination of pink and white is more appropriate, and for Country - pink, beige, terracotta, coffee and even olive shades.

Shabby chic involves a combination of pink with shades of green. And for a modern style, it can be safely combined with yellow, blue, mint green, turquoise, cream, gray or white. The choice depends entirely on the child’s taste preferences and character.

The interior of a calm girl’s room can be diluted with yellow (it will make her active), and if the owner of the room is an energetic and cheerful person, it is better to combine pink with white or gray.

Furniture selection

Pink color - good decision not only for walls and textiles, but also for furniture. But here it is important not to overdo it and follow two principles.

It would be unnecessary to choose all pieces of furniture only in pink. Such an interior will be oppressive and depressing; it is quite enough to limit yourself to just a table, chest of drawers or armchair.

But it is better to make large pieces of furniture (for example, a wardrobe) in a different color scheme and use pink only for finishing.

But if the walls in the room are decorated in light colors, then pink tones It is quite possible to make all the furniture - a bed, shelves, a table, cabinets for storing things and toys. The main thing is to observe the principle of contrast with finishing materials.

First of all, we're talking about about wallpaper or wall paint, since pink floors are usually not decorated. But it is suitable for the ceiling, but in this case it is better to make the walls light. And it is desirable that their height be at least 3 meters, otherwise pink ceiling will visually make the room smaller.

And when decorating a room, you should definitely consult with your child, especially if he is already three years old. After all, the baby will live in this room, and therefore he has the right to decide how comfortable he will be. And the interior of the room is that childhood dream that is usually the easiest to fulfill.

Decorating a children's bedroom for a newborn is one of the most difficult and enjoyable tasks. I want to create perfect interior, especially when it comes to a girl. Everything is important here: the model of the crib, the color scheme of the room, and numerous bows with ruffles. We suggest sticking to the traditional color for girls – pink.

Each nursery decorated in pink still turns out unique and special. It all depends on its size, chosen shade and decor. The result can be both classic and extravagant, but in any case they will be unusually cute and cozy.

world of pink

Experts say that the color scheme significantly affects a child’s mood, which is why it is so important to choose correct color. Pink is ideal for a nursery because it combines energy and tenderness. This is the color of beauty and femininity. Although it makes rooms look light and elegant, it is still worth adding a scattering of other bright colors, To obtain harmonious interior. Wallpaper with a pattern or interesting accessories are simply a must to appear in the room.

Pink can be introduced into a girl's room decorated in any style and theme. Beautiful butterflies on the walls, a bright rainbow or natural motifs - everything will help to create a luxurious nursery. In this case, no less attention is paid to the ceiling; we must not forget about proper lighting.

Modernity and adaptability

Everyone loves the interiors of children's rooms, which “grow” with their residents and their ever-increasing needs. Modern bedroom for a newborn, too, can follow this trend. This will eliminate the need to change the design every two years, incurring serious financial expenses.

However, we must not forget that children quickly get tired of their surroundings. The girl will quickly grow up and demand a change in the interior. Therefore, if you really want to make the room pink, then for the background it is still better to choose as calm and neutral tones. It is worth paying attention to carpets, drapes, decor and bedding. You can safely make them pink.

Pink looks great in both large and small rooms. It goes harmoniously with almost any color. However, in small bedrooms it is better to opt for delicate shades. Pastel shades are all the rage right now and look incredibly luxurious when paired with deep blues, corals, reds and golds. In addition, light pink will help create an open, pleasant atmosphere, without the slightest shadow of despondency.

IN Lately designers use pink palette more often. This is quite surprising to some people, because many people associate color with a certain shockingness.

However, according to research data, the color pink can have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Therefore, it is very often used when decorating rooms for small children.

And although, according to designers, the color belongs to the category of universal ones and has amazing decorative possibilities, choosing the right shade is very difficult.

How does color affect the human body?

Pink, like any other color, can have an effect on a person. It can help restore healthy sleep, lift your spirits, relieve feelings of fear and anxiety, and also help maintain your emotional state at the proper level.

In a room painted pink, any child will not only feel comfortable and cozy, but will also have a feeling of security.

This is especially important if your child has a sleep disorder or often has nightmares.

However, despite the fact that the color pink has a positive effect on the child’s body, it is still worth taking a responsible approach to choosing the appropriate shade.

It is worth noting that a bright pink room will be too distracting and relaxing for the child. And this will lead to the fact that it will not be easy to study in such a nursery.

In addition, the bright pink color can eventually begin to irritate a growing child. This is due to the fact that many teenagers associate the color pink with childishness.

Still, this doesn't mean that you have to give up the idea of ​​using pink to decorate your children's room.

In this case, you need to carefully consider what shades will suit your chosen style, as well as how much pink you want to add.

If you do not plan to renovate when your child reaches adolescence, we strongly recommend that you refrain from turning your room into a pink cloud.

Let's choose shades together

We remind you that the reference pink color is obtained after diluting red with white. And that is why pink and almost all its shades are usually classified as a warm color palette.

Those shades that contain an admixture of colors such as purple, lilac or blue should be classified as a cold palette.

Thus, before you give preference to any particular shade, you need to find out what type it is. After all, it’s cold and warm shades suitable for different rooms.

Warm shades of pink are suitable for those children's rooms with windows facing north. Often in such rooms there is a noticeable lack of sunlight.

To compensate a little for this, designers recommend always giving preference to colors and shades from a warm palette.

In addition, such a solution is suitable for those people whose apartments were decorated in the classical style or its variations.

It is highly undesirable to use such a color palette to design styles that require a certain severity of the interior.

If the windows of the children's room face south and, therefore, the room is well lit, it is recommended to use those shades of pink that belong to the cold palette.

Shades such as raspberry, lavender or fuchsia look very good. They are suitable for interiors decorated in modern styles.

This is due to the fact that almost everything modern styles eliminate excessive “warmth” in the design.

When choosing shades, be sure to consider the age of your child. After all, what is ideal for very young children is guaranteed not to suit a teenager.

For example, a nursery for an infant should be decorated in pastel colors, which have a calming effect, and a room for a child from 3 to 11 years old should be decorated in a more saturated color palette.

Of course, you shouldn’t use too bright shades. However, pastel colors will also be inappropriate.

It is better to decorate a room for a teenage child in bright colors. It is even acceptable to use such a bold combination as pink and black.

Photo of a pink children's room

One of the most important tasks that all parents face is the design of a children's room. Not only the emotional state of the child, but also the development of the baby as a whole will depend on its interior. Therefore, the arrangement of a nursery should be taken very seriously. It is clear that furniture, textiles and other accessories should be used in the children's room highest quality, if possible, made from natural raw materials. However, not the least role in the interior of the nursery is played by color design. Today we will talk about a pink children's room and its design options.

What psychologists say about pink interiors

First of all, let's look a little at the psychology of this color. Many people associate pink with tenderness, dreaminess and romance, and there is some truth in this, because among many positive characteristics, this color symbolizes friendliness, comfort and tranquility. It is believed that pink shades have a positive effect on a person’s well-being, and in ancient times, walls in hospitals were painted with it so that patients would get better faster. It turns out that although a pink children’s room is stereotypical, such a solution would be simply ideal for decorating a girl’s room. Moreover, this color will be appreciated by both very young children and teenage ladies.

The main thing is to use the color pink correctly, combining it with various neutral shades. It is worth remembering that this color itself is very strong, and therefore you should not burden the space by adding too bright contrasts to the interior, which may well irritate the child’s eyes. At the same time, pink should not be poisonous! In order for the room to have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child, it is better to give preference to soft and delicate shades.

How to decorate a pink nursery

There can be a lot of options for decorating the interior of a pink children's room, but they are all based on simple rules that have long been known and quite successfully applied by specialists in the field of interior design development.

First of all, you should decide what exactly will become the pink base of the room. These can be walls, furniture or textiles, either individually or mixed with each other.

Take, for example, a room with walls painted a rich pink color with even more bright curtains and decorative elements. Fits into this picture just perfectly white furniture. To create a cozy, enveloping space in such a room, you can paint the ceiling the same color as the walls, but then the floor or carpet on the floor is best decorated either in color Ivory or leave it completely white, like the furniture. To visually mix all these colors, you can choose an original bedspread with flowers or plant patterns, which will depict elements of all the shades used in the room.

Quite often in interior design, bright and rich shades of pink are used exclusively as accents, while soft pink, beige or White color. Such an accent can be one of the walls of the room or some pieces of furniture or textile elements.

A carpet on the floor can become such a bright accent, and even such a seemingly small detail will set the tone for the entire room.

If you don’t like such bright experiments and you have a delicate and stylish children’s room in mind, then it is better to give preference to a soft pink color in combination with white. In such a room, floral and plant motifs, as well as carved wooden furniture, which will add solemnity and some mystery. As a rule, many people associate such interiors with the finest lace, which suits little ladies so well.

A cozy pink children's room is the dream of almost every little princess or romantic teenage girl. Why not fulfill your wish one hundred percent? Using various shades of pink in combination with white, beige, yellow, green, light lilac and other colors you can create a beautiful comfortable interior, promoting the development of tenderness, sophistication and good manners in the daughter.

The influence of color on a child

For a girl, a pink room will become a place of relaxation, quiet games, creativity and thoughtful study. Color is a symbol of calm, maternal love and optimism; its influence gives the child a feeling of absolute comfort and security.

In many kindergartens, teachers hang soft coral curtains in bedrooms and playrooms to help children calm down and feel at home.

Design options for little ones

There are three approaches to decorating girls' rooms in pink:

Morning dreams

At a young age, girls have the opportunity to feel what it means to be a fairy or princess, so the nursery should be as gentle as possible.

The basis is a combination of pastel colors: cream, light pink, lilac, beige. As contrasting colors take: coral, muted burgundy, light lilac. The room is decorated with dazzling white, almost weightless organza fabrics, a canopy over the bed, as well as many exquisite decorative elements: white photo frames, coral pillows, lots of fluffy toys. the main objective- create an atmosphere.

Combining colors makes the room visually more spacious

Little lady

Pink, brought up according to strict rules, should be a little conservative. More saturated colors than in the first option are acceptable. The intensity of the palette is compensated by the strict, but quality furniture light wood.

If pink is the main color when painting the walls, choose the most delicate shades. Do bright accents You can use various interior items (furniture, curtains, paintings, vases with flowers, toys, books), colorful wall designs, and patterned windows. And, on the contrary, if you want to use rich pink elements, choose muted or neutral tones as the basis of the design - white, cream, light lilac.

Bright shades can only be used spot-on

Light Vanguard

It is recommended to do repairs in such a way that bright, enlivening elements can be easily introduced as the child grows. The baby is tired of the pink nursery, but there is no opportunity to make radical updates in the near future? Modernize in an informal style.

Was the original design distinguished by tenderness and calmness? Add bright pink curtains, dark lilac or deep purple pillows, and bedspreads to your interior.

Children love changes, especially those that take place under their leadership - invite your daughter to choose a few bright ones decorative items(vases, mirrors, picture frames, flower pots, bookshelves, ottomans). So with early age you will teach your baby to create home comfort.

Pink in a teenage girl's room

A bedroom in light pink tones will visually expand the space and make it more spacious. Decorating the walls in the color of tea rose or choosing wallpaper with white and pink stripes, a multi-tiered ceiling with smooth outlines, a beige rug - this is one of the options beautiful interior children's room

A room for a teenage girl should not be decorated in a sweet vanilla color; it is best to dilute it with additional shades of cream, brown, light green or even gray. It is these combinations that will help create a modern and stylish design for my growing daughter.